What is hunger and what it happens. How hormones control the food behavior of a person arises hunger

My tummy wants to eat - so we usually sign up to your girlfriend from work, that it is time to go for lunch. Urchit can both in his stomach, but hunger takes its origin in the head - is regulated by a complex system of chemical compounds that transmit signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

The cells of the hypothalamus coordinate the secretion of chemical compounds, which, in turn, regulate the amount and type of food that you consume. Their production also stimulates the smell, view and taste of dishes that turn out to be on your plate.

Amino acids, fatty acids and glucose regulate the work of your hormones, for example, insulin, which stimulates the processes at the cellular level. These substances transmit signals to the brain that you need this food. When the body lacks energy, neurotransmitters are distinguished. One of them is a y (NPY) neuropeptide, it plays an important role in transmitting messages to separate areas of the brain.

Explore hunger hormone

The low level of glycogen and blood sugar causes a sharp increase in Grethin concentration and greater NPY activity in the hypothalamus. And when it comes to stimulation NPY - increases appetite.

For example, during sleep, your body spends glycogen and sugar reserves, and the brain releases NPY. If not to have breakfast, at around noon, the NPY level will increase to the level that will cause a strong carbohydrate hunger. This all-consuming desire to eat something sweet is not associated with the lack of willpower. This is a congenital, natural reaction of the body.

Explore the hormone of satiety

Immediately after receiving food, the level of leptin rises, preventing the NPY secretion. Thanks to this, we feel satisfied. But if for some time already since the last meal, the blood glucose level falls again, together with it, and the level of leptin, and the Glimin falling into the blood again causes hunger.

The high concentration time of Grethin depends on when you have a main meal. People who eat a rich lunch, Grejn reaches a maximum at another time than those who are abundantly eating in the evening.

Meet ... other hormones of your body

Galanine is released when the fat reserves in the body must be supplemented. In the evening, the level of this hormone in the blood is usually rising. Most likely, in this way, the body provides themselves with a sufficient calorie to survive the night.

When you eat, food enters the stomach, and then moves through the gastrointestinal tract. As it is absorbed, the cells of the epithelium highlight the cholecystokinin, which causes a feeling of satiety and quenches the feeling of hunger.

Scientists argue that anorexia and bulimia negatively affect chemical compounds regulating appetite. In people suffering from Bulimia, the CCK functioning mechanism is disturbed or a system that regulates the secretion of chemical compounds, goes into a passivity state, so buleys absorbs huge amounts of food faster than the brain is able to send a signal about satiety.

The inverse situation occurs at anorexics - the CCK secretion mechanism is so sensitive that they feel satisfied after a few pieces. Usually, when the boolels and anorexics begin to eat normally, the functioning of CCK is returned to normal.

As you know, the enemy needs to know in the face. Here he is - in front of you. Hunger and all of his bleits.

Your hunger is a mystery. Equation with all unknowns. The mystery covered with whipped cream and froth potatoes. Hunger can not be understood, and most importantly - it is absolutely impossible to agree with him: sometimes you eat everything quickly and without extra guidance, which lies on your plate, do not remember about the missed dessert, and sometimes (black days of the calendar) can not come out for hours Table. Sometimes it seems that someone replaced you. You and your stomach, which now reminds the bottomless barrel and their hungry urges does not allow you to move away from the refrigerator. Naturally, such American slides cannot not affect your mood (it is no place to be worse) and on your waist (it is now wider than anywhere).

In fact, you are always between two lights - hunger (physical need to eat) and appetite (desire to eat). But problems start only at that moment when confusion arises - you mistakenly accept the desire to eat something delicious for the acute need of your body in food. Missed - and voila, you are trapped. The trap closed - the door of the refrigerator opened. In order not to become a victim of your own stomach, it is important to learn how to properly decipher the messages that your body sends you. And for this you should not only know what kind of hunger in principle exists, but also to be able to distinguish them. Here it is, the tent of the most.

1. True hunger

There is no complaints about the real hunger and can not be - he signals us that the body urgently needs a recharge to continue to work simply and without failures. Such hunger can manifest itself both in the form of an increased sweating and a reduced level of blood sugar, and in the form of a headache, weakness and grated in the abdomen. It would seem that you would have ride everything and run more likely to dine, but no - many prefer to reach the latter and wait for the knees to begin to boom, and the thought would remain the only idea in my head. It is not surprising that he finally gets at the table, a person begins to absorb absolutely everything, to what can only reach. The result can be described in three words :, kilograms, depression. Remember: This hunger can only be quenched - fight him more expensive. In addition, the delay in this business increases the amount of eaten by a lot (very much) times. Conclusion is simple: Eat often, but on a little bit, we carry with you and do not bring the situation to spasms.

2. TV hunger

3. "boring" hunger

You have already disassembled things in the closet, folded them and removed the entire apartment. Well, now it's time to see what we have in the refrigerator - there is nothing to do anyway. Is it worth saying that after such a single revision, you need to go to the store again and gain a huge product cart for a week. Boredom is a cunning and dangerous thing, and it has nothing to do with hunger. Your main goal is not to fill boredom than it fell, but learn to transform it into rest. Read, go on, buy a ticket to the theater or just stroll (by the way, you always wanted to rent and ride the park. So, time has come). Remember, with whom you didn't talk to the souls for a long time - quite possible, the moment came to remind yourself? Thus, you do not just aimlessly shorter the precious free hours, and fill them with new experiences and emotions. And if the usual boredom pulls out, then such a rest, on the contrary - gives strength and charges energy for new achievements.

4. "Angry" hunger

6. "Nervous" hunger

We are becoming completely illegible in food when nervous. So before you reach the chicken breast on the top shelf of the refrigerator, you will decorate everything that you will see on the shelves below. But with this hunger you can also cope: Stop and focus on the benefits of your chosen snack. It can be like a decrease, there and loss of excess weight. Thus, your brain "reformat" your quite natural desire to swallow something harmful and calorie to the desire to eat useful and nutritious food. And try in principle to get away from dinners and dinners. Find for yourself other ways to deal with excitement. For example, sport is the perfect antidote from stress (thanks to endorphins for it!). And if the gym is far away, and the nerves already at the limit, then get up in and stand until it goes.

7. PMS hunger

Your determination to eat right, and play sports every month in the fluff and dust is divided into these three letters. PMS. Delta hormones - and you are another person. The person whose appetite is absolutely impossible to tame, and whose hunger is useless. The harsh truth is that with the PMS is really impossible to fight - it needs to be just survived, wait and, no matter how sad it sounds, move. Listen to the signals of your body, and if you want to eat a little more than usual, then do not deny yourself in this (useless). Just do not forget to turn on more vegetables into your diet, and all the sweets are replaced with fruit. In any case, after a couple of days, the symptoms will disappear, and everything will return to the circles again.

8. Psychological hunger

How to be if you are not hungry and not even tired, but do you want to eat insanely? How to be if you literally have literally lunch, but every five minutes run into the kitchen in search of a snack? And who is looking for, the one is known, always finds. During the next root on the fridge, ask yourself a question: "What do I want to get from this meal?". Asked? Now listen to the answer of your subconscious. It is possible that frequent snacks - the result is not a rapid appetite, but the desire to delay the execution of some unpleasant, but compulsory. Yes, hello! And now you drink the already fourth cup of tea and go down the fifth time to the machine with meals. In this case, you need to fight no longer with hunger, but with you. And the principle of combating procrastination is the same as with boredom: Please accept the fact that you are trying to postpone the unpleasant job, and use this time as an opportunity to relax and gain strength. Now you will see, after 10 minutes you will have a second breathing (and finally closes the door of the refrigerator), and you will figure it away at once with all urgent - and not very things.

For many, the problem of hunger is abstract, something from the history of the early past century. However, the modern world may encounter this problem in the future. This is due to population growth and reducing useful areas: desert and oceans grow, and fertile land decreases. Already at present, the problem of hunger does not get up not only before the countries of the Third World, but also before such developed countries as China. In other words, any country in which the population grows very quickly, can potentially encounter a hunger.

The human body is an ideal balanced system that can cope with many difficulties and survive in difficult situations. It is due to its structure that the human body is able to hold on for a long time in hunger conditions. Due to the impossibility of experiments on people, the exact figures are difficult to call. But it is known that with a minimum amount of nutrition, a person can hold out to the month.

At the same time, it will not lose in a mental physical form. The daily need is twelve - fifteen thousand kilodzhoules. To preserve an adequate state, it is necessary to obtain a minimum of two thousand kilodzhoules.

If the body does not even come to the body, the fatal outcome may occur only in a month. This period largely depends on the conditions and on the state of human health. Due to the fact that the body first begins to burn fat, after that the muscles consumes, A hunger strike for a period of up to a month can pass for the body without strong harm.

There are isolated examples of judging by which it can be said that a person can hold out without food to two months. FROM such cases and when this period reached two hundred days. This category of people includes monks and hermits who can keep without food for several months. Unfortunately, they do not belong to the majority, but rather are exceptional cases.

How does the body behave during fasting

The first feeling is a feeling of hunger. Even when a person ate in the morning and simply missed dinner meals already negatively affects performance and concentration. And in the evening, this missed meal is necessarily refundable.

Over time, the feeling of hunger becomes less noticeable, but other unpleasant symptoms appear. Among them: weakness, dizziness, rapid pulse, suffocation, weakening the sharpness of consciousness, indifference. If the hunger strike continues, fainting, failures in memory, nonsense, hallucinations are possible.

When the lack of nutrients continues, the feeling of hunger can return. But the weakened consciousness can no longer oppose him. The same symptoms have a person under mountain sickness. The story knows the cases when the mother ate their children, while they were in and could not realize what was happening. Apparently, in such tough situations, the instinct of self-preservation is launched and a person does everything to survive, guided by them, not morality.

From long hunger strikes, consciousness suffers irreparable. Many of those who passed the concentration camps and prisons could not return to the past state. Consciousness throws them up not very pleasant surprises since manic joy from food and ending with anxiety at the sight of food that others use. There are stories for which a person to deep old age hid a cruck around the house and could not do anything with him.

Stages of starvation

  1. A sharp feeling of hunger. This stage lasts the first few days. There may be a sense of anxiety, depression. Weight can decrease one kilogram per day.
  2. The second stage begins about the fifth day of the hunger strike. It is characterized by improving the overall state. The feeling of hunger leaves, the mood improves. Consciousness slows down a bit - you can observe some inhibition. In addition, you can observe weakness, dizziness. The language appears a gray raid. The body begins to use its own fabrics to replenish resources. First, fat and unnecessary tissue is consumed. Then muscle. Vital organs are spent last time. In the second stage, the body can lose up to a quarter of its weight. When this stage comes to an end, a feeling of hunger appears again. The body has spent everything that could be spent without consequences and signals the brain on the critical situation.
  3. If, at the end of the second stage of the hunger strike, the body does not receive food - it begins to use important fabrics and organs. At this stage, death is not possible from hunger and because of the heart stop, for example. Because the heart is muscle, namely, the body takes energy after fatty tissues.

Consequences of starvation

Long hunger strike is always stressful for the body. The hunger strikes are conducted with therapeutic purposes, but they can be harmful to no less than good. Already in ten days, the body may begin to lose fabrics that are not restored.

The effects of hunger strike can be critical: weakening immunity, strengthening existing inflammation. To obtain protein, the body can start processing internal organs.

What is during hunger

Many in the modern world practices medical fasting. Its essence is that there is nothing at all. When the body begins to use its own stocks - it is balanced guarantees everything you need. Therefore, even the need for vitamins disappears. During the medical hunger strike, the first few days you can drink water with honey, but then you need to remove honey too. In addition, you can not drink any alcohol and medicines.

Unpleasant, distracting from thoughts and important cases - a feeling of hunger. It can be called a kind of driving force that makes us eat. That is how it contributes to the preparation of nutrient elements by our organism. Such information is mainly and make up all information about hunger. But it turns out that we do not know anything about it, and the hunger is different.

What happens hunger

Hunger species can be defined by several. The causes of different species are different factors.. At the same time, some types of hunger are stronger than others, and they also have to deal with them anyway. Let us consider the most common types of hunger, the reasons for its occurrence and ways to deal with it.

Hunger psychological. It happens that we do not eat for a long time, but no sense of hunger, while not feeling. In this case, our brain feels "trick", as it seems to us that we must be hungry after this time. In these periods, there is such a kind of hunger as a psychological, created at the level of our subconscious. If nothing is done, especially, not to escape immediately at the table and not focus on hunger attention, most likely he will quickly pass.

Hunger cognitive. It is very simple to understand the look of hunger. We often get hunger signals as soon as we see a delicious food or feel pleasant aromas. It is worth noting that such signals can be very strong, even more than ordinary hunger. To eat at the sight of a favorite dish can wage almost immediately after a dense and tasty lunch. And it's very difficult to fight these sensations. Experts recommend carefully to cognitive hunger, especially if it is difficult to abandon your favorite delicacy. This kind of hunger often leads to unpleasant consequences, namely, to obesity.

Hunger acquired- Consequence of a special geography schedule. If a person is used to breakfast for a long time, dining and dinner in a strictly defined time, he will always think about food will always be in this watch. On the one hand, it seems to be anything terrible, feel yourself at a certain time and do not think about anything. But on the other hand, such hunger can be very dangerous if you skip the main meals. In this case, it again threatens the use of extra serving.

Biological hunger- This is the most real hunger, which arises as soon as the stomach is empty. Scientists have long and carefully studied this type of hunger to understand it. For this, numerous studies conducted, invited volunteers. Some studies gave good results, as they allowed us to estimate the relationship between the feeling of hunger and the fillerness of the stomach, which made it possible to think about effective diets. Studies were also held, which connected hunger with blood glucose levels, the relationship of the feeling of hunger and the work of the brain was considered. In general, if you feel the hunger biological, it is better to eat. But it should not be used too much food even if the hunger is too strong.

Hunger absolute. It is considered the most dangerous view of hunger for a person. We test it with rigid diets or in case of food shortage. Over time, this kind of hunger does not pass, it is constantly preserved, since the body simply requires nutrients. Do not replenish the nutrient reserves of the body is very dangerous, as this will lead not only to weight loss, but also to a reduction in muscle mass, and additionally, internal organs can noticeably decrease. So tough diets are far from the perfect way to lose weight. With quick results, you can apply irreparable harm to your body.

Hunger, as can be seen, it is not only a physiological need of a person, but also often, only a psychological problem. As soon as you learn how to determine the hunger is real or biological from the famine "false", your figure will not need additional diets. But so far, many people do not understand that it is necessary to saturate first not the stomach, but the head.

It can manifest itself with the feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, characteristic sounds in the stomach, as well as the overall weakness, dizziness, flickering the flies in front of the eyes, trembling in the limbs. If the sensations are true, then such symptoms usually appear, only after a long time long period of time after the last meal. In this case, we can talk about the present strong sense of hunger.

However, in some cases, such symptoms are a sign of a decrease in blood sugar levels or a shortage of nutrients in the body, which can be caused by a long observance of an excessively strict diet or diseases, most often associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. In such a state, a person most likely wants to eat something sweet, and sowing, calm down, its condition stabilizes.

Easy feeling of hunger

It is usually no obsessive and often passes even without additional meals. Sometimes light hunger can be eliminated, having a haunted apple or just drinking a glass of water or a cup of tea.

Some specialists are even inclined to consider a slight feeling of hunger with the normal state of the body, which must be maintained in themselves. Indeed, the recommendation "keep legs warm, head in the cold, and a stomach in hunger" has a certain meaning. However, the main thing in this case is not overdoing.

Easy hunger is exactly the state, when to the stage of saturation you need just a pair of food spoors. No wonder nutritionists advise to get up from the table with a feeling of easy hunger. The fact is that the signals about the satiety entering the brain food centers do it with some delay. For this reason, to avoid overeating, the feeling of light malnutrition should be left in the body. After 20-30 minutes, this feeling will pass, and you will feel quite well.

Frequent feeling of hunger

It is not defined as much as the level of glucose in the blood, how many reasons that we usually do not take seriously:

  • this is a manner of food intake;
  • this is the quality and caloric content of food used;
  • these are those products that are located in our plate.

For the appearance of a feeling of hunger, countless different external factors can be influenced, to which joint lunches and tea drinking in the office, long-lasting idleness or long-lasting TV, the habit of eating outside the kitchen area or dining room, not at the table, and on the run or on the sofa. By the way, our seemingly innocuous habits in nutrition are precisely those annoying reasons that contribute to the emergence of this symptom, overeating and subsequent poor well-being and a set of unnecessary kilograms.

Frequent feeling of hunger is formed gradually, taking its beginning with simple and at first glance view of non-test moments:

  • if you do not imagine tea without cookies, candies or sandwiches;
  • you often allow yourself to overeat;
  • you prefer to eat a hamburger or chew chips than an apple;
  • you are looped on weight loss;
  • you are susceptible to stress, often nervous, subsequently soothing with the help of the use of "delicious";
  • you drink a lot of coffee;
  • you can not watch TV or read a book without taking something to cheer something;
  • you rarely take food at the dinner table, preferring to him a sofa, a computer table, or like to eat on the go.

Of course, these are far from all reasons, however, the above factors are found very, very often, so they should be paid attention to them.

Sucking feeling hunger

Why are the feeling of hunger associate with the feeling of "sucking" under the spoon? What is it connected with?

The sucking feeling of hunger is expressed in the emergence of not very pleasant sensations, which are worried in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the stomach. As a rule, they say about such a sensation as "sucking" under the spoon. If the hunger is strong, then the state can be exacerbated by the addition of nausea, weakness, total decline of forces.

The feeling of "sucking" under the spoon is associated with the void in the stomach. With the stomach filled with such a feeling will not be. Sometimes, with a pathological feeling of hunger, which arises with full stomach, you can observe general manifestations of hunger based on the excitation of the food center in the brain. The characteristic "sucking" is not observed.

Feeling of hunger before month

Famous to all women premenstrual syndrome is the emergence of increased fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen, irritability, headaches. However, most women have the main sign of the PMS is a feeling of hunger.

The feeling of hunger before monthly due to cyclic hormonal changes in the body of a woman. In the II phase of the cycle among female hormones, progesterone is actively synthesized, which is responsible for a possible pregnancy and tries to do everything so that the body is ready for her. In particular, one of the problems of progesterone is the accumulation and retention in the body of nutrients so that the fabrics are not starved, and the embryo developed normally. Under the influence of progesterone, the body and begins to require additional nutrition from us to stock all the necessary substances in case of pregnancy.

If the pregnancy has not come, the level of progesterone gradually decreases, and the 2-3 day of menstruation increased sense of hunger disappears.

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