Scientific research works on the ecology of the topic. Research work on the environmental education of fourth-class students "necessary from unnecessary. Creating a plan of improvement and landscaping of a school yard

State budgetary institution of the Samara region Secondary school

pos. Chernovsky Municipal Area Volzhsky Samara Region

Vii-stove school

Scientific and practical conference

Direction: "Naturally scientific"

Subject: "Environmental problem of pure water"

student class 4

GBOU SOSH No. 1 "OC" P.G.T. StroyCeramics

Scientific Director: Zubrilkina Evgeny Sergeevna

primary school teacher

pos. Chernovsky.R. Volzhsky, 2016.


In the report of the WFF "Live Planet" notes that the system of fresh water, including drinking, undergoes a sharp crisis. This problem is relevant in our country. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the current decade to the decade of drinking water.
The need for water to ensure the vital activity of a person is due to the role that it plays in the cycle of nature, as well as to satisfy the physiological, hygienic, recreational, aesthetic and other human needs. Solving the problem of meeting the needs of a person in water for various purposes is closely related to ensuring its necessary quality. The development of industry, transport, the overpopulation of a number of regions of the planet led to significant pollution of the hydrosphere. According to WHO, about 80% of all infectious diseases in the world are associated with unsatisfactory quality of drinking water and violations of sanitary and hygienic standards of water supply. In the world, 2 billion people have chronic diseases due to the use of polluted water.
According to UN experts, up to 80% of chemical compounds entering the external environment, sooner or later fall into the water sources. Every year more than 420 cubic meters of wastewater are reset in the world, which make about 7 thousand cubic meters of water unsuitable. A serious danger to public health is the chemical composition of water. In nature, water is never found in the form of a chemically pure connection. Possessing the properties of the universal solvent, it constantly carries a large number of different elements and compounds, the ratio of which is determined by the conditions for the formation of water, the composition of aquifer.

Water will always remain the most mysterious liquid on Earth. She does not cease to surprise physicists, chemists, biologists ... It would seem that the new one can say about the water? However, each year opens its new properties, and these discoveries expand the possibilities of using water and clean it.

The problem of water pollution and exhaustion of water resources on a global scale is exacerbated every year. About a billion people on Earth suffers from a shortage of pure drinking water, about 25 thousand die daily due to its poor quality.

Purpose of the study: determine what water is not dangerous to eat in food;

Object of study: Ecology, water as a source of life on the planet;

Subject of study: pollution affecting the composition and quality of water;

Participants of the study: family classmates and independent participants;

Hypothesis Research: Perhaps water supply, spring and boiled water is not safe for human health. Let's try to find out what kind of water it is necessary to consume.

Research tasks:

1) analyze scientific and popular literature, identify the nature of the problems of pollution and water use;

2) find out what role the water plays in the life of all living on Earth and what measures does a person take to protect water resources; convey the received information to peers, to adults and make them think about the need to take water;

3) describe how the use of water, spring, boiled water;

4) Suggest your ways to solve the problem on the example of the River Padovka Volzhsky district.

Research methods: Analysis of literary sources, survey, observation, experiments, generalization.

Desert. Sand, sand ... heat. The sun is mad. In the shadow 80 degrees Celsius. Nothing alive for hundreds, thousands of kilometers. Neither bustle, nor epics. Only at night, when the heat falls, some life wakes up in the desert. And in the morning again. ... And, suddenly, among this kingdom of death - the rust of life is an oasis. Trees, shrubs, grass, animals, people. What happened? Yes, just, there were deep wells here, and they were water. And water is life.

There is not a single living organism on Earth, even the most primitive, in which there would be no water in the body, and which could do without it. 80-99% of water consist of plants; by 60-75% - animals; The monthly human embryo consists of 97% of the water, a newborn - by 75-80%; The organism of an adult is contained about 65% of water, in the elderly - 50-60%. The content of water in different organs and tissues of man is different. On average, a person consumes (and highlights) 75 tons of water. According to biologists, it can live without food about 2 months, without water will not live and five days.

Water is not only the most common, but also the most important fluid in nature. It is enough to say that life originated in the water. Without it, the existence of animals and plants is impossible. There is only life where there is water. In fact, water is amazing and extraordinary, it is a true miracle of nature. But not only life is there, where there is water, but, on the contrary, where there is water, it is necessarily a life. "Water without life in the biosphere is unknown" - said Academician V.I. Vernadsky.

Hydrosphere - the birthplace of life.

Speaking about life in general, it is impossible not to mention the effect of water on human health. Thousands of books and articles are devoted to this topic, and trying to retell at least part of the written meaninglessly - anyone will find on bookshelves or on the Internet everything he wants to learn about this issue. However, not to say a word - also not true.

Water is, first of all, what we drink. According to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of all diseases in the world are associated with the unsatisfactory quality of drinking water. What flows from a water tap, drinking water can only be called in exceptionally rare cases. The water we drink can be at the same time the most natural and very effective medicine. Water procedures. Treatment on waters. Rest on the sea. Fountain in the garden. The continuation of the transfer is meaningless. But what I want to say: water, like fire, have an incomprehensible attracting, fascinating force. You can watch and watch these two elements.

First, the most important thing about the situation with the provision of water of the population of the Earth, which takes threatening trends. The UN General Assembly proclaimed the period from 2005 to 2015 by the International Decade of Action "Water for Life". The UN member states emphasized that water is a driving force for sustainable development and liquidation of poverty and hunger.

Water is a necessary source of normal functioning of all Earth ecosystems. Unfortunately, today it lacks it in many parts of the world. According to UN experts, approximately one hundredth of the population of the Earth does not have access to clean drinking water, and one third is to water for household needs. Every eight seconds of water-related diseases, a child dies, and 2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitary conditions. The global climate change may still complicate the situation with water supply. The adopted resolution emphasizes that the goal of the decade is the further development of international cooperation in order to resolve topical problems related to water and facilitating the achievement of agreed and the Millennium Declaration.

What caused a severity of the situation? It is caused by the joint action of three main reasons:

    Population growth. Every year, the population of the planet increases by 85 million people, and the consumption of water per capita is growing at the same time - in developed countries it doubles every twenty years.

    The pollution of the environment, primarily sewage, which grows in geometric progression, and already the current generation will face a situation where global needs for clean fresh water will exceed its absolute reserves.

    Global warming causes an increasingly intense melting of glaciers, which store about 70% of world stocks of fresh water.

Such, that's a sad picture. How are things in Russia?

Russia accounts for a third of all world stocks of freshwater, accessible to use, which makes it a very tempting object for encroachment.

The total flow of Russian rivers is 4270 cubic kilometers per year (ecologically safe seizure of no more than 15 cubic kilometers per year).

On the territory of Russia is one of the miracles of nature - Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is a unique source of pure fresh water. The volume of water in the lake 23 thousand cubic meters. (as much as in all five great lakes of North America). It is 20% of all freshwater reels on Earth and 30% of Russian reserves, not counting glaciers. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, its average depth of 730 m, the maximum depth is 1637 m. Baikal water, especially at high depths, exceptionally transparent and clean. Baikal is an invaluable diamond, which fate gave Russia. We did not create, did not earn, did not buy it, so we can not imagine its true value. And we have not lost it, in order to reversely understand the unacceptable loss. And there is a real threat to it. Pure drinking water becomes a strategic product. For example, the sale of bottled drinking water is one of the fastest growing in the world. Over one hundred billion liters of water is sold annually, mainly in plastic packaging. The profits in this industry already reaches one trillion dollars a year - this is 40% of the profits of oil companies and more profit pharmaceutical firms. Turn the water will soon be profitable than oil. And where was this industry only 15-20 years ago, when the oil industry has already rolled over world crises? And where will it be in 15-20 years? After all, everyone wants to live no less than riding a car.

Now let's go back to our water, to the water that we drink. Since this question concerns each of us personally, we will focus on it several more.

From January 1, 2002, a regulatory legal act - sanitary rules and norms "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control" - SanPine The basis of hygienic requirements for water quality for drinking and domestic needs is based on the principle of safety in epidemiological terms, chalfactory for chemical composition and favorable in organoleptic properties.

Organoleptic properties are properties defined by our senses: taste, smell, color, turbidity. A complete analysis of water quality is a time-consuming process that requires appropriate equipment. This is engaged in SanEpidemadzor.

Let's start with the fact that "must match" does not mean - "corresponds." In addition, while water goes through the pipes from the place of the fence, where, at least some control is conducted, in the crane, from which we pour it, the "cocktail" is already falling, containing a lot of harmful impurities. We pour this water into a plastic electric kettle, boil and drink. But the water is the strongest universal solvent, while the increase in its temperature for every ten degrees accelerates the process twice and, reaching the boiling point, water increases its chemical aggressiveness 500 times. Open the cover of the plastic kettle with the water boiling in it and smear what it smells like this water - Smerand, there is no other word. Here you have one of the organoleptic water parameters.

Therefore, before use, tap water is preferably cleaned. The most common cleaning means are household filters: the simplest (nozzles and jugs), the filters of the average degree of cleaning (2 and 3-speed filters) and high purification filters (filters with ultra filtration membrane and reverse izothetic filters).

The most optimal modern drinking water filters are usually three levels of purification: the first - removes such impurities as rust, torment, insoluble substances; The second - eliminates residual chlorine, heavy metals and other chemical impurities; The third - destroys bacteria and enriches water with minerals, improving her taste. If there are no filters, a good cleaning of water at home can be provided on their own. For this, first of all, it is necessary to give to the water during the day to remove chlorine and other gas and suspended impurities. After that, you need to freeze water at a temperature of minus one - minus six degrees, until half of all the volume freezes. Some pure fans use distilled water, but it is harmful excess. In biologically complete water, there are many vital substances that are absent in distilled water: salts, free radicals, organic acids, for example, glycolic acid, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes. The absence of these components oppressively acts on the body. The absence or lack of fresh natural water makes it look for alternative sources.

Now a little about my hometown. The SAMARA region is located on the average flow of the Volga River, in an exhaustion, which is known as the Samara Luke. Volga River The largest river of Europe, the national pride of Russia, its length, is 3531 km. Water resources of the Samara region are determined by the following main factors: the amount of precipitation in the area, surface and underground flow. IN last years The environmental situation was extremely aggravated in the world. Emissions of poisoning substances into the atmosphere, chemical and radioactive contamination of underground and surface water. The Samara region is a zone of extreme ecological tension. An analysis of the environmental situation shows that the level of pollution of the environment of the Samara region continues to be high.

It is characterized mainly by emissions and discharges of enterprises of energy, petrochemical, oil refining, oil-producing, chemical engineering industries.

The problem of the quality of drinking water affects very many parties to the life of human society throughout the history of its existence. Currently, drinking water is a problem social, political, medical, geographical, as well as engineering and economic. The concept of "drinking water" was formed relatively recently and it can be found in laws and legal acts dedicated to drinking water supply. From the quality of that water we eat in the food, our health, the quality of our life depends in many ways. Water is worth the fact that we ask what we drink, and have done everything possible so that this water is clean and physiologically complete.

Water is not only the most common, but also the most important fluid in nature. Suffice it to say that life originated in nature. Without it, the existence of animals and plants is impossible. There is only life where there is water. Without clean fresh water, humanity cannot exist, there will be no industry and agriculture. Water is not only a drink and raw materials, but also energy. Everyday using water, we are so accustomed to her and consider it to be so many ordinary phenomenon that the word "water" began to use as a synonym for an interesting and long known. Water is a genuine miracle of nature.

2.1. Water use

Water is needed in almost all sectors of the national economy. Water is necessary for human household needs. It is found that for the production of daily food rate, at least 6 cube requires at least 6 cubic. m. Water. Before the store will appear a can of vegetables or fruits in the form of canned, it will be spent 40 liters of water. For 70 years of human life through the cloth of his body, 70t water passes. Modern large TPPs consume a huge amount of water. Only one station with a capacity of 300 thousand kW spends up to 120 cu. See per second or more than 300 million cubic meters. m per year.

I conducted surcharge among students of our school in 1, 3 and in grades (50 people in each).

In the process of research, my peers asked questions:

- "Do you consider the tap water clean?"

- "What kind of water are you most often drinking: plumbing, spring or boiled?" The results of the study are shown in the diagram:

Output:the survey among students showed that, in spite of age, most of the respondents consume spring water.

2.2. The problem of pure water

Drinking water from the crane is not the best solution for a person who takes care of his health. The energy of your body should not be consumed to clean it from harmful substances contained in poor water, it should be directed to more important life functions. What is high-quality drinking water? Good water should not contain any foreign substances, chemicals, bacteria and other impurities. Water is called drinking, if it meets all the adopted state drinking water standards, if it is packaged in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and if it is intended for eating. What contaminants may contain low-quality water? Nitrates, Pesticides, Herbicides . Fertilizers and their components used in agriculture and in the gardening areas, washed off by rain, fall into the water of rivers, streams and lakes, and from there - into tap water.

Water - needed to each organism and it can treat. And for this, water should be healthy. What do enterprises of our city do to protect water?

I am a resident of the village ceramics. Our settlement has industrial enterprises. I was interested in the question, but don't they pollute the water with their waste?

In our school, I turned to the club "Ekosha", in which children explore the environmental problems of the native land. The bulk of the rivers of our edge belongs to small. They play an important economic and climatic role. Jewish environmentalists held social survey and survey of residents of P.G. StroyCeramics, which showed that in our village there is an urgent problem - pollution of the local river Padovka. From an interview with a locals:

"Now in the pide no one bathes. I ventured this summer. And that - thundered to the hospital. The whole body swollen, lay with temperature. And doctors even the diagnosis could not put. But on this river, the time of centuries have bathed, the children studied to swim. "

Today, this water is not something to rinse, it is impossible to pour a vegetable garden, so it is toxic.

Another resident of the village told us no less sad story. In the past, a city resident who retired, Evgenia Ivanovna decided to move to the suburbs. I was very happy that I was able to buy a house on the banks of the river. Convenient - to care for earth. But the joy was not long: in the first year of life in the village it was clear that we could not use the water from the river. Moreover, the woman to overcome the diseases that did not suffer from, Asthma was opened.

Water in a paddy has long been unusual - with thick foam flakes.

Causeless with the appearance of the Padovka turned from a friend of the villagers in their enemy. Residents of the village more than once and not two wanted to "throw off" and put the dam in a pide to at least somehow protect it from pollution. But it turned out that for this you need to make so many different papers to get so many signatures that residents retreated (from the interviews of the inhabitants).

Analysis of print publications and publications on the Internet Allows you to conclude a great attention of the scientific community to the problem of the current ecological state of the river of the Padovka. The article and photo about the river are repeatedly published. But unfortunately, practical recommendations for solving the problem are not important.

In the local newspaper "My village" (the newspaper was released in the course of July 2008) was published an article "Do not register our river!". This article is devoted to the Environmental Protection Economic Project. In the project, pupils of kindergarten were involved and they acted as the young defenders of the native land (application). The subject of classes was just dedicated to the "reservoir ecology". The guys have made an excursion on the reservoir. Educator Udalova M.Yu. To the question "Why are you, kindergartens, engaged in this global problem?" replied:

"Yes, because we are not indifferent to the fate of our small homeland. It is necessary that the ecology of the soul awakens. Without her care for nature ecology is impossible. We must start with yourself! " Also, the problems of the infrared wrote in the newspapers "Volzhskaya Commune", "Samara Izvestia" (Appendix).

The organoleptic characteristics of the water were determined using organs of vision (turbidity and chroma) and sense of smell (smell).

Turbiditydefined with a white sheet of paper. In the daylight, behind a glass container with a scored water, a sheet of white paper is placed and carefully look at the transparency and color of the water on a white background.

Smell(We carry out in the class) part of the water ≈ 1 ml. We introduce into the test tube and heated on the alcohol (not up to boiling).

Analysis on sediment (We carry out in the class): A small portion of the brought water shook into the glass flask and scolded, then passed through the filter paper


Having been personally near the riverbed of the river Padovka in P.G.T. Udslyaevka and spending available for analyzing water in place and chemistry office, the coastal zone of the reservoir once again was convinced that the ecological situation on the reservoir is very serious. So the water analysis on the presence of temperature pollution showed its obvious presence. It is worth noting that the air temperature on this day reached – 17 about FROM,and the water in the reservoir is not to frozen she batted. Organoleptic water analysis showed light yellow water and turbidity. The smell resembling the rotting of the organic was felt immediately and intensified when heated.

Water filtering once again proved the presence of suspended particles in water, which give turbidity. But the signs of oil pollution of the river are particularly alarming - on the surface of the water at the point of sample samples No. 4, the flow of oil films was observed. The decomposition of petroleum products go with intense absorption of oxygen and give water a characteristic smell. Unfortunately, the definition of the exact content of petroleum products is impossible in a school laboratory.

2.3 My experiments with water.

Experience number1

To carry out experience, I took two water samples: from the water pipe and water, purified by a household filter.

Water boiled. As a result, both samples did not smell, were colorless. But in the sample with tap water at the bottom we found a white precipitate and white color raised on the walls of the dishes.

Output: After boiling water water, we drink dead water, in which small lime and mechanical particles are present, salts of heavy metals, chlorine and chlororgic, viruses, etc.

Experience number2

Cleaning non-tap water.

Snow melted, water is in liquid state, but when considering this sample of water, we observe dark precipitate on the bottom of the cans, garbage and water has a brownish shade.

Experience number 3.

Water purification with a cotton-gauze filter.

Output: Valito-gauze filter cleaned water only from garbage and water

still dirty. Such water can not drink. It may adversely affect human health. .

As a result of the work carried out, I concluded:

1. In relation to the conditions of the apartment, the most reliable way of disinfection is boiling.

2. The easiest way to purify water is its upset. As a result, chlorine evaporates, and salts of heavy metals settle on the bottom.

3. It is impossible not to drink tap water, it can cause significant damage to human health. Such water can be used only for technical purposes.

4. Water becomes better, if it is cleaned by a household filter.


The health of each person is in his hands. In order to feel well, a person should use only pure high-quality drinking water. Our health directly depends on the quality of that drinking water.

As a result of the study and study of this topic, it can be concluded that the goals and objectives set at the beginning of this work were implemented.

Based on the results obtained, we made a conclusion about the condition of the quality of drinking water in the village of StroyKeramics: the water used by the inhabitants of our settlement is not quite suitable for drinking and cooking and has not very good quality characteristics.

Analyzing the results of this work, I came to the conclusion that you can, not carrying large material costs, supply your body with high-quality water, thereby preserving good health. Since water that flows in our cranes is not high quality. And you need to spend money on cleansing filters, or buy bottled water. We should think about the nature of our region. Nature itself gives us everything you need, but, unfortunately, we do not appreciate it. So let's, we will be grateful to our nature!

List of sources used and literature

    Arabaji.V.V., "Mysteries of simple water", M.: Knowledge, 1973

    Akhmanov M. S. "The water we drink", M.: Eksmo, 2002

    Gorsky V.V., "Water - Miracle of Nature", M.: Publishing House by AssSR, 1962

    Ershov M.E. The most common ways to clean water, 2006, 94

    Rychkalova N.I., Sysoeva L.I. What water we drink. // Chemistry at school.-2004. Number 3.

    Environmental monitoring. Educational and methodical manual. Ed. 3rd / Ed. Eastern. - M: Academic Project, 2006.

    http. :// ru , wikipedia. . org. / wiki. /Water .

    http. :// www . fS. . fed. . uS. / water /.

    http. :// www . vodoobmen. . ru /

Environmental education and education is an extremely relevant issue of modernity. After all, careless and even cruel attitude towards nature always begins with a lack of environmental education and upbringing. Cognitive, research and creative projects presented in this section are designed to fill these gaps, teach to love and understand nature, to form in children the foundations of ecological culture.

The subjects of projects are diverse: from the study of bright representatives of flora and fauna to independent cultivation of plants and systematic observation of their growth. We bring up good feelings in children, curiosity, aesthetic perception associated with the beauty of nature; The ability to realize your experience in labor activity.

Environmental projects are an integrated approach to the education of cultural people in environmental terms.

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All sections | Ecology projects

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Research Ecological Water Project "Ecological condition of water bodies within the village of Molchanova"

Project author:
Persian Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of biology, head of the ecological club of friends of Wildlife WWF "Researcher".
Description of the material.
Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a research ecological water project "The ecological condition of water bodies within the village of Molchanova" with social orientation. This work of schoolchildren of 7-9 classes was carried out in the framework of the III of the regional environmental marathon on water-environmental issues. With this project, the winner guys represented the Tomsk region in Moscow.
The project will be useful to teachers of chemistry and biology, educators to the organizers, heads of children's associations of naturally scientific focus, to class managers.

Purpose: Evaluation of water quality in water bodies located within the village of Molchanova, and comparing with the forest lake of the Sulzate village, located 35 kilometers from the district center.
1. Conduct water fence in summer, autumn and winter periods of six reservoirs for research.
2. To explore bacteriological indicators for bioindicators of these water bodies in summer and autumn periods.
3. To study the chemical composition of the water of the studied reservoirs in the hydrochemical laboratory of Tomskgeomonitoring OJSC.
4. Explore water on organoleptic indicators (smell, transparency, color).
5. Make water fence in the Lake Sulzat village and explore it on organoleptic, bacteriological and chemical properties for comparison.
6. Examine archival materials on water bodies.
7. Conduct meetings with old-timers to draw up historical certificates for creating
8. Find out the sources of pollution of water bodies.
9. Organize shares for cleaning three reservoirs within the village of Molchanova.
10. Make up, print and distribute 120 campaign leaflets for the population.
11. Clean the shores of three reservoirs during the three shares: forest, current, goose.
12. To acquaint the population with research results.
Relevance Studies are due to the importance of water of water bodies for economic and recreational use by its population.

Physico-geographical characteristics of the study area.
Molchanovsky district is located in the central part of the Tomsk region and occupies a coastal river. Ob
R. Chul. The whole territory is within the average medum. A characteristic feature of the area is high clamsiness and wetlands. Forest and shrub vegetation is covered with 68%, 20% swamps. The length of the area from the west to the East is 160 km., From north to south - 40 km. Remoteness from the regional center is 200 km. The territory of the district is 6.4 thousand km.2
Methods and materials.
For research, the following techniques were used:
1. Methods for assessing the ecological state of water from bioindicators water bioindicators.
This technique is based on the fact that living organisms have different sensitivity to water quality.
First stage- Water sampling, performed on the shore. When the water samples fence, there are several saccmies, describing the eights. If possible, it is recommended to carry out a chick as close as possible to the bottom. Then if a lot of snack fell into the sump, then you need to wash it in the saccus itself, after which the net is removed, and the caught organisms shake out in the bucket. There are 3 - 10 samples in different places on the reservoir. At each point you need to spend at least ten saccmies. It is important that in samples selected on the surveyed areas, there were bottom organisms of various biotopes: or stony, clusters of vegetation, immersed in the water of trunks, branches, etc. The more diverse the site by the number of habitats, the fact of the trial should be more. However, even on a plot with a monotonous number of samples should not be less than three.

The second stage of sample study is carried out in the office.
The methodology of bioindication at the Mayer index does not require the definition of invertebrates with an accuracy of the species. The methodology uses the principle of deritment of various groups of water invertebrates to reservoirs with a certain level of pollution.
Organisms indicators are attributed to one of the three sections:
A - the inhabitants of pure water. B - medium sensitivity organisms. C - the inhabitants of contaminated water bodies. Samplely detected indicator organisms refer to one of the sections. The number of detected groups from the section A must be multiplied by the coefficient 3, the number of groups from the b - on the coefficient 2, from section C - to the coefficient 1. The resulting figures are folded a * 3 + b * 2 + C * 1 \u003d s. The value of the sum s characterizes the degree of contamination of the reservoir.
By the amount of balls, the water quality class is estimated: from 17 or more - 1st qualities (very clean); 11-16 - 3 qualities (moderately contaminated); Less than 11 - 4-7 grades of quality (very dirty).

Evaluation of the ecological state of the reservoir using organoleptic indicators.
Transparency of water.
The transparency of the water we determined the ability to skip light. It is considered to be quite transparent if it can read the usual book text through the thirty-bentimeter layer.
Definition of smell.
In the flask we pour water about 250 ml. Heat to a temperature of 600 s, plug the flask with a plug (this is if the smell is immediately not felt). Then open the cork and inhale. If the smell is not felt, then we repeat the experience.
1 point is very weak, which is difficult to detect;
2 points - also a weak smell that a person feels if paying attention to it;
3 points - already a noticeable smell that causes the consumer disapproval;
4 points - a pronounced smell; 5 points - the smell is very strong.
Types of smells:
Z. Earthy (rotten, hassle). A. Aromatic (cucumber, floral).
C. SERO - hydrogen (smell of rotten eggs). Bol. Swamp. G. Pinged (as in the toilet). R. Fish. J. Irony. N. Uncertain.
Determination of water color.
The color of water usually depends on the content of iron salts in water and humus substances coming from the soil. If water is muddy, it is necessary to profile it. Take two test tubes: in one dial the water taking 10-12 cm., In the second test tube, water from water bodies and compare two test tubes on a white background. The color may be yellow, pale - yellow, yellowish (slightly yellow) or greenish.
Stages of work on the project.

Stage 1. Organizational.
Before conducting research, our group received a package of documents within the regional environmental marathon "Clean Water - for All". Publishers included the methodical material necessary for operation, the determinants of invertebrates, etc.
By this time, an application was written for the primary assessment of the project "Education" in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and it became clear to May, that our Grand approved and money will be allocated, and therefore we will be able to realize conceived shares and conduct water studies with water bodies. Before starting work on the project, identified a circle of like-minded people. This group included the Chairman of the District Water Commission under the administration of the Molchanovsky district, head of the territorial district, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy and Sport, District Ecological Committee, Director of School No. 1, Director 37 Lyceum and Heads of Summer Children's Sports and Labor Camps.
Stage 2. Locked.
In the land committee we took the map of the district and put all the reservoirs on it.
After the tours of the reservoirs, it became clear that some had no economic value because of their small sizes, some were simply littered (they were turned into landfills). So out of ten reservoirs in the village of Molchanov, we left the six, which we had to learn.
According to documents of the land committee, only one of the Colattun was natural, and the remaining five reservoirs were created by residents as the district center settlement.
When visiting the archive it became clear that the material was not necessary for the work on the water bodies there, except for a single document on Lake Colbvtun. Another task is getting up in front of our group - find residents who could tell about the creation of water bodies.
Pavchenko Alexander Frolovich, who lived in Molchanovo since 1935, told that the first reservoir was Lobanovsky. His father took part in creating the dam. Among the working forests, he drove the land with manual trolleys. So in 1940 - 1941 the first reservoir appeared.
Heads Alexey Petrovich, a resident of Molchanova since 1935, lives on the shore of the forest forest. The reservoir was in the forest, then it was the outskirts of the village. At the beginning of the 60s in the log where the reservoir decided to build a bypass road to carry the hay. The road did not build, and the dam began to pour. Modern shores of this reservoir have existed since then.
Chepkasova Nadezhda Fedorovna, a resident of the village since 1937, remembered that before the war and during the war, the water was already, but less, and the water in it was surprisingly clean. Women went to her lingerie.
Khrolenko Peter Dmitrievich - a resident of Molchanova since 1961. From 1965 he worked as a master of road construction to the DRSU and participated in the construction of the road on the street. Grishinsky tract. The road and became a kind of dam. Then oil workers put the plates and then asphalt.
After meetings with 50 residents, the history of only three reservoirs became clear. Conversations with residents restored the picture of the work of enterprises in the village of the village located on the shores of the reservoirs, which made it possible to judge the water pollution.
3 stage. Investigation of the degree of contamination of water bioindication method.
To study the water by the method of bioindication, we took from each reservoir from 3 to 10 samples. The office conducted the calculation of organisms - indicators assigned to one of three classes. In summer water samples, there are more frequent larvae of bulk dragonflies (in all reservoirs). The mosquito larvae and mosquito calls were caught in five reservoirs. The larvae of the streams met in four reservoirs. Falco leeches fell into samples of three reservoirs. The Prudovik ordinary was caught in two reservoirs, and a typical ordinary is in one.

In the autumn samples of water taken in six water bodies, larvae mosquito. In five water bodies, larvae dragonflies and falcons leeches were caught. The crushers were larvae with a breakfast of water in three reservoirs. Tourkeeper ordinary and mosquito larvae was met in two reservoirs. Prudovik ordinary and mollusk The coil was discovered only in one reservoir. In the summer and in the fall in the reservoirs there were the same organisms, but their number was larger in the autumn period (the exception is the Truckeeper ordinary and Prudovik ordinary).

4 stage. Detection of sources of pollution.
Under the pollution of water resources, any changes in physical, chemical, biological properties in water bodies in connection with the dropping of liquid, solid and gaseous substances, which cause or can create inconvenience, making water data of water bodies dangerous for use, damage to national economy and health and Safety of the population.
The main sources of pollution and clogging of water bodies are insufficiently purified wastewater of industrial and utilities. Pollutants, falling into natural reservoirs, lead to high-quality changes in water, which are manifested in the change in the organic properties of water (in particular, the appearance of harmful substances in it), in the presence of floating substances on the surface of the water and cluster them at the bottom of the reservoirs.
Since 1977, Kirzavodskaya has taken wastewater from the SOM plant (dry and low-fat milk). Only rough cleaning was carried out at the factory, chlororatory processing and two sumps worked. Since 1983, strokes with ul are added to these wastewater. Industrial, which was put into operation this year. Household waste boils along with industrial water-contamination. The plant has completed its work in 1999, and wastewater containing fecal mass continues to be discharged in the reservoir.
On the shore of the reservoir there was a fishery from 1978. He worked until 1998. And during this time, wastewater was sent in the reservoir, without cleaning. Then, from Ripov garages and a reclamation enterprise, the estates descended in a reservoir. Until now, at the place of the plant there is ameliorative (irrigating - drainage) enterprise. Streams from the territory of these enterprises flow with thawed waters.
In Lake, Colbantun, which, according to archival documents, refers to nature monuments, long-years sewer water from the collector. In 1979, from August 21, a sewer collector was commissioned with ul. Steppe. For 17 years, household waste has contaminated this lake-only water in our village. Already 32 years old from its launch, and the treatment facilities were built only in 2012.

The remaining reservoirs are contaminated with household waste. There were no industrial enterprises on their shores.
Upon completion of research on the topic of the project, they came to the following conclusions.
Conclusions on the project.
1. Waste water fences from six reservoirs in summer, autumn and winter periods.
2. studied bacteriological indicators for bioindicators.
2.1. Of the six reservoirs, a dirty water in autumn and summer periods were shown within the village of Molchanova. These are forest reservoirs, (on the forest S \u003d 8.4 in the summer, and 8.5 - in the fall, on the current S \u003d 3.3 in the summer, and 6 - in autumn).
2.2. Samples from the ponds of Lobanovsky, Colbvtun and airports in the summer period showed very dirty water (S \u003d 6.4; 3.3; 6), and in the autumn period, pure and very clean water (S \u003d 18.3; 53.3; 18 ).
2.3. Water sample in the reservoir Kirzavodskaya and summer, and in the fall showed very clean water (s \u003d 26; 50.3).
3. The data of the hydrochemical laboratory of Tomskgeomonitoring OJSC testify
On increased chromaticity and high content of substances that give water yellowish shade: iron, humic acids, fulvironment. The pH hydrogen indicator characterizes the active acidity of water. Water in the water bodies of forest and current is 7.2 and 5.6, which corresponds to acid rain. In the reservoir forest, probably not technogenic pollution, since there are no production enterprises nearby, and the high content of the organic matter is due to humus substances. In the water reservoir, there is a chance of contamination of a man-made character. On the shore are garages and a landlocative enterprise. Here is the high meaning of such an indicator as permanganate oxidability, which characterizes the presence of easily oxidized organic substances. The ammonium content exceeds the PDC of 82.3 times in the forest reservoir, 104 times in the Lake Colzqtun, 134 times in the water reservoir. The presence of ammonium nitrogen is easy to explain to the rotting of substances wearing a protein nature that come with household wastewater. The presence of sulfates and chlorides meets the standards.

We defined the organoleptic indicators themselves, as the smell, transparency and color of water.
The color of all samples was yellowish. The smell of water from all reservoirs, besides Kirzavodsky, was the earthy, and we defined the fish smell on Kirzavod. Transparency is higher than the norm, since the printed text over the thirty-bentimeter layer of water was well visible.
4. After studying water from the forest lake, a bioindication data was obtained. Summer S \u003d 21, which corresponds to very clean water, and in the fall, this index was even higher (S \u003d 56.2). Organoleptic data. The smell is earthy (determined after heating to T \u003d 600). Transparency high. Color barely yellowish.
5. According to the studied archival materials, they found out that Lake Colzqtun by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Molchanovsky District Council of People's Deputies of October 24, 1986 declared a monument of nature of local importance. Other reservoir documents in the village of Molchanova in the archive are missing.
6. Founded after meetings with old-timers, sources of reservoir pollution (50 inhabitants were surveyed).
6.1. Pipe Kirzavodskaya since 1977 she took wastewater from the Som plant. The plant was liquidated in 1999, and wastewater with ul. Industrial, continue to reset.
These drains and served as the cause of organic pollution of water bodies.
6.2. Reservoir current. The water was contaminated with the main hydrocarbons (CN Hm) - characteristic of modern conditions. Personal fractions in a dissolved and suspended state are settled onto the bottom, oil products float. This reduces the amount of oxygen in water, harmful organic substances appear.
6.3. Lake Colatub. The domestic drains contains clean synthetic substances, they are called SPAV - synthetic (means) surface - active substances. Oil hydrocarbons in the reservoir are processed by bacteria slowly. Toxic substances appear.
These substances, entering the lake, have a significant impact on the biological and temperature regime of the reservoir. As a result, the ability of water to saturated with oxygen is reduced, the activity of bacteria, mineralizing organic substances, is oppressed.
7. Amenities were printed and 120 leaflets were exposed to attract water purification.
8. held conversations and meetings with heads of sports summer sites, school students and lyceum. With the chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy and Sports, we agreed to grant the packaging for cleaning garbage, and with the deputy head of the district agreed on a list of water bodies for cleaning. Received a guarantee for the selection of the car from the head of our district (and now settlement).
9. Provided prizes for three shares and gloves. They conducted a quantitative accounting of the collected by the garbage participants, purchased prizes and awarded the winners.
10. Removed and taken out during the three shares of 9 tons of garbage from the shores of forest, goose and current reservoirs (the shares took place on May 30, June 2, June 15).

In which schoolchildren of 7-11 classes and their German teachers and teachers and subject teachers (biology, geography, chemistry, physics and ecology) can take part.

The competition is designed to draw the attention of students to the problems of the environment with which they are confronted daily in their city or settlement. Schoolchildren investigate the ecological situation in their city (village), on their street, at their own school, for example: water and air quality, soil condition, energy consumption, vegetable and animal, waste, health / nutrition. Based on the results of the study, schoolchildren offer specific ideas and carry out shares aimed at improving the environmental situation and attracting the attention of the general public.

Projects that chose the jury on the results of the competition 2015:

Project: About plastic bottles and toilet paper: Emersavism in Goethe Gymnasium №23 Bishkek (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

Active road traffic in close proximity to school leads to an increased level of contamination with harmful substances, which are equally dangerous for people and plants.

Project Contents: To estimate the effect of transport on a dipping environment, we took air samples to the content of dust particles, as well as land samples next to the school. We recorded a significant air pollution on the nearby streets, and land samples had very low pH. To improve the environmental situation and help nature, we planted new plants in the school yard, and also contacted the processing enterprise. In addition, we launched a separate garbage collection in our school and tried to attract the public attention to our environmental promotions.

Goethe Gymnasium №23

Project team: Diana Igalnikova, Ilyar Isupjanova, Anastasia Suchukov, Chinar Baptisova (German teacher), Svetlana Parereska (chemistry teacher).

Project: Pure and Green Environment (Chambarak, Armenia)

The lack of an environmental consciousness led to the fact that the school territory looked abandoned.

Project content: Within the framework of the project, we cleared the school courtyard, cleared the river from the old auto strokes and broke the fruit garden. Together with other schoolchildren, teachers, parents and residents of the village we treated the soil of the school yard and planted a total of 27 fruit trees. Additionally, we made our contribution and decorated school.
Chambarakaya senior school

Project team: Karen Aramyan, Rosa Aramyan, Sbat Gabrielyan, Alina Samsonyan (German teacher), Hakob Tizyan (teacher geography)

Project: Fast Food \u003d almost food? (Gavrilov-Yam, Russia)

Fast food increasingly becomes one of the main food habits of people, and the effects for health are completely not taken into account.

Project Contents: Within the framework of the project, we were studying the effects of unhealthy nutrition, conducted a survey in our school about food habits and organized educational work, telling about healthy products. In addition, we have prepared interactive classes for schoolchildren, wrote an article for a regional newspaper and removed a variety of educational videos about healthy diet.

School № 1
Project team: Polina Mathechy, Daria Zakamarnova, Nadezhda Charkova, Irina Sorokina (German teacher), Evgenia Melkova (biology teacher)

In the photo, a schoolgirl conducts experiments with Fast Food Food

Project: Cars and soil on the sidelines: plants in danger (Grodno, Belarus)

The growing number of cars increases the already critical content of harmful substances and contributes to environmental pollution.

Project content: On the basis of various soil samples, we analyzed the results of the traffic intensity for the environment. At the same time, we made a phytotest and compared the seeds of the seeds of white mustard among themselves. In order to have a positive impact on the environment, we conducted eco-schools at school, told about the problem of passersby, and also planted shrubs and trees in their yards.

High School №28.

Project team: Alaxiy Karpaychuk, Ilona Minco, Alena Ttsyalyak, Tatsjan Smallka (German teacher), Alena Kostacawa (biology teacher)

In the photo: Schoolchildren study the condition of plants on the roadside territory.

Project: Is Magnitogorsk really clean and green? (Magnitogorsk, Russia)

Household and industrial waste and massive air pollution pose a threat to the environment.

Project Contents: Environmental Pollution is a very multifaceted topic, so we analyzed two topical problems - the absence of a separate collection of garbage and air pollution by industry, thanks to visits to waste disposal enterprises, we were able to make sure the great potential for processing garbage. Conducting experiments, we have established damage to the ecology from the burning of garbage. Also, within the framework of the project, we conducted a large campaign on separate garbage collection, as well as an action to collect old things, and planted ate in the school yard.

Secondary school number 6.

Project team: Vasilina Varyuha, Dmitry Babushkin, Regina Galimova, Svetlana Shamcurina (German teacher), Tatyana Emets (biology teacher)

Project: Preventing the desertification process, reconstruction of degrading landscapes and the creation of a "green oasis" on our school territory (Shashubai, Kazakhstan)

The adverse climatic and environmental conditions of the North Balkhash region lead to the erosion of the soil and the formation of the desert.

Project content: We were studying the influence of a harsh climate on the vegetation world of our region and were looking for ways to prevent the desertification process. Together with the school and all the village we conducted project classes and conversations to convey the importance of the problem to all residents. In cooperation with various sponsors, residents of the village and numerous representatives of local authorities, we have developed a large project on the improvement of the "green oasis" and successfully jointly implemented it. We have planted 550 seedlings for local climates of trees.

Children's School Complex

Project team: Christina Delgin, Valeria Bourdman, Yana Delgin, Damemetkin Tasbulatova (German teacher), Julia Kogai (ecology teacher)

In the photo, schoolchildren study the composition of the soil with a school area.

Project: So starts the Curonian Spit (Zelenogradsk / Kaliningrad region, Russia)

The inhabitants of the city lack an understanding of the exceptional value of the Natural Reserve "Curonian Spit", so there is no defense necessary; And pollution of natural territory threatens extinction of many species.

The content of the project: First of all, we were engaged in the study of the environmental significance of a wet habitat of plants and animals in the territory of the "Curonian Spit". And also determined the possibility of a threat to a given natural reserve from the next rapidly developing city of Zelenogradsk. We proceeded from the fact that all residents are ready to protect the environment, but they lack information about the importance and uniqueness of the environmental territory. Therefore, we have developed a thematic natural path, and materials about our plans and results were published in local newspapers. We believe that the ecological trail can no interference in nature to introduce local residents with a unique natural territory.

Progmentation "Vector"

Project team: Vlad Karelina, Daria Interray, Nazar Lukashev, Valeria Vall (German teacher), Maxim Narenko (biology teacher)

Project: Water and Synthetic Cleaners (Chelyabinsk, Russia)

Water is subjected to a significant threat due to chemicals contained in synthetic cleaning products.

Project content: At first we conducted a survey among schoolchildren and found out what cleaners they most often use. Then, on the basis of the frequency of their use, all cleaners in categories were distributed. With the help of two different experiments, we set out how harmful to the environment synthetic cleaning products and natural soap - and told about it in the school newspaper. In addition, we were engaged in the production of natural soap and discovered an environmentally friendly alternative to the usual chemical cleaning agents. In the future, we want to carry out master classes on this topic, as well as inform schoolchildren about the dangers of synthetic cleaning products with posters.

Gymnasium №96.

Project team: Irina Zhukova, Marina Belozerova, Anastasia Dron, Olga Bannikova (German teacher), Ekaterina Gorvat (chemistry teacher)

Project: Eco-Cleaning Products (Tula, Russia)

Chemicals contained in cleaning and detergents fall into waste water, can not be fully filtered and pose a risk to our health.

Project content: To reduce environmental pollution, in our project we consider alternative to the usual cleaning and detergent for the house. After we analyzed the substances included in the cleaning agents, and came to the conclusion about their environmental hazard, we concentrated on the production of enzyme harmless to ecology, which can replace traditional cleaning products. After receiving positive results of the use of eco-cleaners, we talked about this idea.

Project team: Egor Turks, Daria Anufriev, Arina Lifanova, Svetlana Lifanova (German teacher), Marina Starina (chemistry teacher)

Project: New Water Source Life (Zugdidi, Georgia)

The village of Ahalsopeli suffers from lack of water, as water from a single source constantly disappears.

Project Contents: We set yourself a task to stop the massive disappearance of spring water in our village, as well as to hold an action in support of the re-launch of the single outdoor pool. Due to the economical water treatment, the outdoor pool could fill with spring water. Therefore, for the beginning, we cleaned the source itself and the territory around it, installed a protective structure from bamboo, and then conducted educational work with the population of the village.
Secondary school Ahalsopeli

Team: Mariam Georza, Tama of Georza, Mariam Sherosia, Kobalya Tcitzino (German teacher), Kitia Ketevan (Ecology Teacher)

Project: When trees were green ... (Moscow, Russia)

The growing number of parking spaces threatens those few trees that still decorate the city.

Project content: The purpose of our project was to establish a causal connection between the emergence of new parking spaces and extinct trees. We conducted an interdisciplinary study: not only took the soil samples and collected information about trees, but also learned about the rules of treatment of plants during road works. The following problem was revealed: there is no necessary irrigation system in the city. We have developed numerous recommendations, and also talked about our project at school and on the Internet.

School №1179
Project team: Alina Anosov, Alina Pogosyan, Daniel Sidorov, Anna Tsukanova (German teacher), Natalia Kislyak (biology teacher)

In the photo, schoolchildren are examined using a microscope the condition of the leaves.

Project: The consequences of feeding birds in water. Research work of schoolchildren on the Miosa River
(Pskov, Russia)

Environmental pollution and mass feeding of birds threaten the quality of water and the diversity of the animal world of the Miosa River.

Project content: The project of our initiative group is devoted to the study of the influence of bird feeding in water bodies. Interested in our local ecosystem, we were able to establish the relationship between feeding birds and worsening water quality. To attract the attention of Pskov's residents to the consequences of their actions, we set the information shield in the park "feed birds is prohibited" and told about it on the Internet.

School №11
Project team: Olga Stepanova, Sergey Soloviev, Elizabeth Terentieva, Yulia Mikhailova (German teacher), Anastasia Frolova (Geography Teacher)

Project: start saving energy yourself! (Rivne, Ukraine)

Growing worldwide need for energy causes a number of environmental problems - an increase in the emission of harmful substances and environmental pollution.

Project content: Although we are aware that we will not be able to introduce eco-friendly energy processing technologies around the world, we still decided to show the initiative of responsible energy consumption in our city. To do this, we have developed detailed information brochures about energy savings, conducted educational lessons in our school and the drawings contest on the appropriate topic. In addition, we have prepared recommendations for electricity saving and tested them in practice.

Lyceum №12
Project team: Anastasia Vavryk, Oksana Melnichuk, Oleksandra Truh, Olga Moroz (German teacher), Lyudmila Bondaruk (physics teacher)

Project: Determination of carbon dioxide concentration in gymnasium premises with a self-made gas analyzer (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Increased carbon dioxide content in a closed room is a serious factor causing headaches, a sense of fatigue and cardiovascular diseases, as well as a negative impact on other health indicators.

Project Contents: Since we are known for the effects of increased carbon dioxide content, under our project, we measured the concentration of carbon dioxide in the premises of our school and compared them with normal indicators. We independently developed the design of the gas analyzer and learned about the method of chemical measurements. Fortunately, all carbon dioxide emission indicators are normal, but we still recommend constantly to air the premises.

Gymnasium №116 Primorsky district

Project team: Roman Gubenko, Alina Ivanova, Mikhail Mezentsev, Tatiana Khorujaya (German teacher), Tatyana Pusikova (chemistry teacher)

Project: Environmental Laboratory. According to the forestry trails of Mordovia. (Saransk, Russia)

Cutting down trees, environmental pollution and other problems caused by human activity threaten the forests of Mordovia.

Project content: Since about the third part of the Republic of Mordovia is covered with forests, these gifts of nature are not sufficiently valued by many local residents. To attract the attention of schoolchildren and residents of Saransk to the beauty of forests, we have prepared an interactive ecological laboratory, weighing the posters, conducted a campaign campaign and developed an ecological path.

Gymnasium №20
Project team: Maria Dolkayeva, Alexander Patkin, Anastasia Shibayeva, Tatyana Sharashkin (German teacher), Yulia Vardanyan (Geography Teacher)

KSU "Zewakinsky Complex General Education Secondary School - Kindergarten"

"Homeless animals"

Section "Ecology"

Grigoryan Daniel

student class 3

Scientific adviser:Lyapunova A.V.,

primary school teacher

g. Shemonaich, 2015

Introduction. .................................................................................... 4

1. Homeless animals ............................................................... ... 6

1.1 Causes of the appearance of homeless animals ....................................6

1.2 Problems associated with homeless animals .............................. 7.

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats ......................................................... ... 7-8

2. Research on the number of homeless animals in our village ............................................................................................. 9

2.1 Sociological survey of the population ............................................. 9-10

2.2 Setting and carrying out the campaign work "Holding a help" ............................................................................................................10

3. Results and conclusions about the work done .................................... .12

Conclusion .............................................................................. .13

List of references ........................................................................ 14

Appendix. ............................................................................... ..15

Review of the supervisor ..........................................................16


Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many people have the impression of animal's impossibility in business practical life. Such an opinion is common:
"It was impossible to do in antiquity without animals, and now a dog, especially in the city, is a fun toy, luxury for people who are excess ..." Is it so? Is it time to part with a friend, who delivered all the lives of life with a person for thousands of years? In this research work, we have to be dealt with.


Relevance and selection of research topics

Every day I watch a terrible picture: a lot of dogs and cats that roam the streets of our village, feeding on the garbage to survive. I began to have questions:

    Where are they from?

    What happened to them?

    Have they had owners?

    Or maybe they were thrown, or did they disappear?

I feel sorry for homeless animals thrown out on the street for the same owners. Why people forgot about the loyalty and attachment of those who tamed and indifferently pass by them, pretending to notice anything.

To answer these questions, I decided to try to find out the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals and try to attract the attention of people to this problem.

Moreover, this problem is relevant for a very long time and is global. Homeless animals suffer from themselves and bring harm to people, and this is a consequence of an irresponsible and indifferent attitude of a person to them.

Project typology:

Abstract - research;




The purpose of my research: Find out the main reasons for the appearance on the streets of homeless animals, to attract to the problem of homeless animals of students and adults.

Research tasks:

Explore literature and Internet resources on this topic;

Examine the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village;

Conduct survey among students;

Create a campaign leaflet;

Analyze the work done, draw conclusions.


If you carry out campaign work with the population, then the number of homeless animals can be reduced.

1. Homeless animals

Who meets you every day when you leave the house? Who are we pushing out the foot, opening the door, and without anyone we can't imagine our lives?

Homeless animals are streetless dogs, cats or other pets that live with flocks and a single way on the streets. Homeless animals exist in all cities, villages, villages. There are no accurate data on the number of homeless animals.

1.1 Causes of homeless animals

Homeless animals are around the world. The source of the appearance of homeless animals is thrown, lost dogs, as well as those born on the street, that is, originally homeless. Always and everywhere there are people who first start animals, and then decide that they are no longer needed. Brutal, soulless, irresponsible people are expelled, thrown out, leave a defenseless animal on the street. Sometimes the animal is simply lost or staying on the street, since her owner dies, and relatives do not take this animal to their home. Someone, if lucky, finds a new owner. But the majority - replenishes the army of homeless animals, dies from cold and diseases under the wheels of cars. Many are caught and destroyed. Not only a dog, but also a cat, for example, can be lost, which is clocking on the balcony or by the window. In veterinary clinics, hundreds of cats-parachutists deliver every year. In addition to the injured, falling out of the window threatens the lungs and loss of the owner.

1.2 Problems associated with homeless animals

The problems associated with homeless animals remain relevant, although most people do not pay attention or pretend that they do not notice them. Even by themselves street animals make up many problems for human society. I will give a few examples: remember the all familiar picture. On the way home, many more than once with the caught by the flocks of embittered dogs. True, it is impossible to say that embositment is caused by unfulfilled aggression, in most cases it is just a response to the ill attitude of people to the stray animals. It should also be noted the problem of the spread of hazardous diseases, which apply to homeless animals and can be transmitted to people in various ways (when bite - rabies, with stroking - helminthoses, deprive, etc.). However, even in the very emergence of such a problem, the Wine of human society is indisputable. People without thinking, get rid of the pets of the pets, thereby becoming a numerous army of street animals. Unfortunately, this is not the only reason for the growth of their numbers, the uncontrolled reproduction leads to the same effect.

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats

It is interesting, but what would have changed, if on one day we did not see on the streets of homeless animals. We are so accustomed to them that we cannot imagine it. Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many have the impression of dog's unnecessaryness in business practical life. Such an opinion is common: "It was not necessary to do without dogs, but now a dog, especially in the city, is a fun toy, luxury for excess money." Is it so? Is it time to part with a friend, who delivered all the lives of life with a person for thousands of years?

On May 9, 2015, our entire country will celebrate 70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the horrors of her events are also alive in the memory of people. And at that harsh time, there were his devotees near the person. They walked, or rather, fled to a rapid attack, carried in the snow fighters, machine guns, cartridges. In 1944, there were 60 thousand service dogs in our army! They destroyed 300 enemy tanks, found 4 million minutes, were taken from the field of 680 thousand wounded. People do not remember this at all?

But in the daily life of the dog play an important role in human activity. They help their phenomenal events and geologists, looking for explosives, water in the desert or minerals. We must not forget about the border service - and today you are a meeting of combat border guards - dogs. How not to remember that the first living creature flew into space was a dog husky. And the dogs are conductors of blind people.

We must not forget about cats, they are no less important to humans. They possess the magnificent ability to raise the mood, asking loneliness, causing mice. Not everyone knows that cats can consist in public service. So, so that the mice do not spin invaluable collections of the world-famous British Museum, in his staff enrolled "Cat of Rota" in the composition of six cats. Each of them gets a salary. For cats, no one touched, and all visitors knew that cats were the Museum serving, they were laid by a uniform - a lush yellow bow was tied.

But the most important and dog and cat give a person loyalty, loyalty, friendship and love - nothing indispensable feelings.

2. Study of the number of homeless animals in our village.

Studying the condition of the problems of homeless animals in our village, I have observed the situation on the streets for a certain time. In the course of observations, I revealed about 20 individuals of homeless animals. In addition, a sociological survey of teachers and school students was conducted.

Recorded homeless animals and sociological survey of students, allowed us to get a general understanding of this problem in our village:

    total residents in the village - 1200 people

    ul. Lenin (met homeless animals - 8)

    ul. Embankment (met homeless animals - 3)

    ul. Chapayev (met homeless animals - 2)

    ul. Construction (meeting homeless animals - 7)

2.1 Sociological survey of the population

I spent a sociological survey of students of our school (see the results table in Appendix 1)

Analysis of the results allows you to draw the following conclusions.

Most students surveyed have a pet, mostly cats, cats, dogs, but there are decorative rabbits and turtles. Many would like to make more pets, although they already have a pet. Most children help homeless animals that cannot but rejoice. But at the same time, it is believed that the homeless animals are dangerous, and this happens in some cases, because along the way home, many more than once with caught by the flocks of embittered dogs. But they are evil, because they have no bed and food. To the question "did you happen that you took the homeless animal to the house?" Most respondents answered that there is no. Maybe it's time to revise this question, because homeless animals need protection.

And the most important question "How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?" Students offered possible solutions to the problem. Most answered that it is necessary to open shelters, but it is a big rarity. Offered to feed, take home, some even offer to destroy homeless animals. Forces of schoolchildren, unfortunately, little can be done. This large-scale problem is impossible to solve without state intervention. But look and do nothing too.

2.2 Setting and conducting campaigning "Holding aid"

Do not pass by, when you see a puppy with a snap-in, exhausted kitten. After all, you can become the Savior of a Little Soul! Remember that a huge number of homeless dogs and cats is the result of our own monstrous negligence.

Try helping such an animal, find the owners for a dog or a cat living in your yard and which you are not ready to take home. You can take a picture of the animal, put a snapshot on sites, on social networks and in the media, which publishes animal announcements.

If this is a pet, who, in your opinion, has lost, try to look for his owners. Specify ads with photos from the nearest yards and stops.

Do you think all this is difficult? Still would! But to provide real help is always much more complicated than pretending to help. But it is it that is required!

In the summer, there were a lot of abandoned kittens on our street. And my parents decided to help them. But we understood that summer will end soon, and in winter, the kittens will die. We could not take them, since we had an adult cat Ryzhik, who last year found my dad, he wandered from them at work, Dad regretted him and brought home. We have tried to attach the kittens in caring hands with all their might, whatever they find the home, the owners who will take care of them. My granny, too, took kittens from the street and now she has two cute cats.

It is not easy, but at least several homeless animals we can call homemade, they found the house and will not die from the cold and hunger. The main thing is the desire to help. How the soul becomes warmer when you could help someone!

3. Results and conclusions about the work done.

According to the test results, we did the following conclusion: Most of our classmates has some pets at home. Almost everyone understands that the problem of homeless animals exists and that it must be struggling with it.

But how to deal? Here opinions were divided. Basically, the guys think of shelters, but many of them do not understand that shelters are not intended for permanent residence of homeless animals there, and this is only a temporary refuge for the poor, where they will happen, they will force, feed and most importantly - will find the owner. "

I offer my vision to solve the problem of homeless animals:

"I believe that the problem should be solved from the very beginning: you need to not throw out animals into the street before you take home, think: whether you can give him enough time.

My actions:

    Feed and take care of homeless animals.

    Try to find the owner by a homeless animal.

    Talk about this problem to friends and adults. "


I believe that the purpose of my work is achieved. I studied the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village, was able to figure out the main reasons for the appearance of them on the streets. I think that I managed to attract the attention of my classmates to the problem of homeless animals.

What is already done

By studying this research work, I learned a lot of interesting things and about people; analyzed the information obtained; offered possible ways to help homeless animals; prepared a presentation; spoke before classmates.

Prepared an information sheet calling people to justice for those who have tamed (Appendix 2).

Conducted a contest of drawings on the topic "Taking animals".

Development ways

In the future, I plan to continue working on this topic along with the teacher and classmates. Forces of schoolchildren, unfortunately, there is little that can be done. But do not do anything too. Therefore, we decided to prepare and spend the following activities:

    the action "We are responsible for those who have tamed" with the release of information leaflets, where students are attracted to the problem of homeless animals;

    series of classroom clocks dedicated to pets and homeless animals;

    if possible, provide real assistance to homeless animals;

    conduct a drawing contest among students on the topic "I am looking for a owner!"

List of references:

  1. Faith Chaplin "Pets" Publisher: Eksmo Moscow 2008.STr.208
  2. 1. A. De Saint-Exupery "Little Prince", 2007.

    Internet - site:

    Internet - site:

    Arrangement of homeless dogs. Balaganov A.

Attachment 1

The total number of 58 people surveyed.

Application form "Homeless animals - the problem of all and everyone"

Do you have a pet?

Wanted to start a pet?

Is there any problem homeless animals?

How do you feel about homeless animals?

do not notice

i treat negative

Do you agree that homeless animals can be dangerous?

difficult to answer

Did you happen that you took the homeless animal to the house?

How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?

we must open shelters


take to me


Where most often meet homeless animals?

trash can

Review of the scientific officer

Daniel decided to find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets, bring to the problem of homeless animals of students and adults. We studied literature and Internet resources on this topic,

we studied the problem of the problems of homeless animals in our village, conducted survey among students; shared the received information with classmates; created a campaign leaflet; After analyzing the work done, they made conclusions.

This work is useful in order to ensure that all people on Earth shrew and guarded animals, where the number of homeless animals has decreased.

The practical significance of the work is that the work of work can be interesting for any person, as well as when studying the topic of "animal protection" in the lessons of the knowledge of the world.

Appendix 2.

Their trouble is our fault. They come to this world to teach us to love.

Today, thousands of pets die in torment, from pain and suffering, falling on the territory of the human essence, where the ruthlessness is sown, indifference, anger. They are killed, crippled, throw away like a boning toy and they die without tears and what is the most amazing, they go into the world with a love of love.

If you decide to make a pet, you need to know the following:

Animal care memo

Determine and equip the pet corner;

Pet feeds at least 2x every day;

Walk with him at least 2 times a day;

Once a month leading it to inspection to the vet;

Do not forget about vaccinations;

Once a week my favorite special means.

We caress him, play with him.

Love your domestic pet, become him a friend.

Life of pets Sybka, they are not able to defend themselves from cruelty, which the Lord of this world bears sometimes - a person.

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