How to eat during a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss - menus and reviews. Atomic diet - a system of alternating carbohydrate and protein days Diet 21 days alternating protein-vegetable

Mechanism, principles and rules protein-vegetable diet

The chicken breast and vegetable diet is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the healthiest and safest. And this is not surprising, because vegetables, which are considered the main components of such a nutritional system, contain all the micro and macro elements necessary for the body. If you add several protein products (meat and fish) to them, you can notice positive results not only in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, but also on the face (no blackheads, rashes and inflamed areas).

The mechanism of action of the diet on meat and vegetables is as follows:

  • Sitting on proteins and vegetables, the body gets rid of excess fluid, metabolic end products that rot and ferment in the large intestine, causing increased flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation.
  • Thanks to a fish and vegetable diet, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, so that the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis (formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels).
  • with the help of a chicken-vegetable diet, weight loss occurs due to a general decrease in the calorie content of the menu. At the same time, a person practically does not feel hunger ( chicken breast and vegetables perfectly suppress appetite, supplying the body with all nutrients).
  • A fish diet enriched with vegetables improves brain function and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, the results are saved for at least a month.

In order for a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss to be effective, refusal confectionery and switching to meat and protein vegetable origin not enough. The approach must be comprehensive, otherwise the rate of getting rid of extra pounds will be low and final result- unsatisfactory.

The principles of losing weight are as follows:

  • every day you need to eat mainly lean meat and vegetables in any form (stewed, baked, boiled, cheese);
  • the minimum diet period is 4 days. It is permissible, of course, to limit ourselves to one day, making it unloading, but then you should not count on a long-lasting effect. However, the benefits of such a day will still be noticeable - the gastrointestinal tract will reboot and start working more smoothly;
  • you need to eat no more than 40-50 g of fat per day (meaning the total fat content in the diet, not atomic mass a separate dish). In this case, the fats must be unsaturated. It is better if they come from nuts, vegetable oil, seeds and vegetables, and not from fatty meats;
  • the effect of the diet is achieved not only due to the diet, but also the drinking regimen. You need to drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water a day (it is easier for the body to process than carbonated water). In this case, tea, juices, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Doctor's comment. No matter how effective the diet is, before resorting to it, you need to undergo a full physical examination, and even better, make up the diet with the help of a specialist. To lose weight, it is not at all necessary to eliminate fats. On the contrary, they must be in the diet, since the state depends on them endocrine system and sexual function... To understand if, say, a diet of broccoli and chicken is suitable, it is better to start with 3-4 days. If the body reacts normally (without loss of strength, dizziness, indigestion), a 10-day diet is applied. If it ends successfully, after two weeks (it is necessary to take a break), you can switch to diet food for a month or more.

The result of a protein-vegetable diet

The result of any diet depends on the state of the body, the presence of any diseases, lifestyle, load regimen, initial parameters of the figure, the duration of following a specific diet. For practically healthy person the norm is a loss of 1-1.2 kg per week, that is, up to 4-5 kg ​​per month. If you add physical activity (walking, cycling, swimming) to your diet, you can increase energy expenditure and intensify weight loss.

List of allowed and prohibited products

Such a diet involves the rejection of fatty foods, confectionery, sugar, preserves and jams, starchy vegetables, sauces, mayonnaise, pickles, fatty meat.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, which are high in water and fiber. Among them:

  • green pea, zucchini, cucumber;
  • all types of cabbage (except cauliflower), spinach;
  • asparagus, onions (onions, leeks, shallots);
  • garlic, Bell pepper;
  • lettuce, celery.


  • Porridge (especially fast food), radish, beets, eggplant, carrots, turnips, corn, potatoes, pumpkin. These foods are high in calories (despite the fact that they are healthy). They also raise blood sugar levels.
  • Fatty varieties meat. Even with chicken, you need to be careful, as there is a lot of fat in the skin. Ideally, meat products should be lean, without skin or tendons.
  • Semi-finished products. No one knows exactly what they are made of or how much sugar they actually contain.
  • Fruits and berries with a lot of sugar (watermelon, cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, bananas, grapes). The same fate awaits dried fruits.

As for drinks, you will have to refuse all variants of coffee (lat, cappuccino, cocoa, instant, espresso). If tea, then sugar-free. Better fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes with a minimum amount of sugar, still water with lemon.

Options for a protein-vegetable diet with a menu

There are several options for such a diet:

  • Option 1. Protein and vegetable days alternate. The rules regarding the drinking regime and the amount of fat remain the same.

Allowed products: lean beef, chicken, pork (without skin, fat) in boiled, baked, stewed form. Seafood is almost unlimited.

From vegetables, focus on greens. It is used as a salad, side dish and soup. To make vitamins better absorbed, salads are seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil (no more than 2 tablespoons per day).

You can alternate the days of the diet one at a time if it lasts more than 10 days. For shorter periods, you can do 2 vegetable and 2 protein days.

  • Option 2. Protein foods and vegetables are consumed together within one day.

The rules for choosing products are similar. It is better to eat proteins for breakfast (low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, omelet). For lunch - vegetables in any form (except fried). Dinner - vegetable and protein (fish baked with vegetables or boiled meat). With intense loads in the afternoon, it is better to make lunch and dinner with protein, and tomorrow - with vegetables.

  • Option 3. Protein products are consumed separately from vegetables.

This is a modification of the previous version. It is better to resort to this option for owners of a capricious gastrointestinal tract, who react to a change in diet with bloating or constipation.

Sample menu for 4 days can be like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Protein Steam omelet from 2 eggs, green tea with orange Steam chicken meatballs, Adyghe cheese 2 pieces Fish baked in foil with asparagus, green tea
Vegetable Zucchini pancakes, green peas and onions, fruit drink Greek salad, dried fruit compote Casserole of broccoli, onions, green peas, hard cheese, black tea
Protein Cottage cheese with nuts, tea with orange Soup with chicken meatballs, hard cheese 40 g Stewed fish with spinach, black tea
Vegetable Cucumber, greens, onion and sweet pepper salad with olives, tea Vegetable soup, fruit drink, hard cheese 40 g Steam cutlets from broccoli and greens, tea

Pros and cons of diet

The main advantage of the diet is the absence sharp restrictions... Thanks to this, the body smoothly transitions from a regular diet to a health-improving one. The results of this diet last longer than extreme mono diets.

You can change the rules of the diet in accordance with individual preferences and lifestyle. For example, vegetarians can opt for a dairy-vegetable diet. Instead of lean meat, it uses protein foods vegetable origin, including legumes and nuts.

Diet contraindications: breast-feeding, problems with gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer), pregnancy.

The only drawback is the lack of super-urgent results. However, this can be considered a plus. With rapid weight loss, the body gets rid of excess water. V this case weight loss is associated with a decrease in caloric intake and energy from their own fat reserves.

Exiting the diet

If the body is not accustomed to such a diet, it must be prepared 2 days before starting the diet. During this period, it is worth limiting the amount of fried, salty and sweet foods by switching to light vegetable dishes.

After the end of the diet, you need to return to the usual diet according to the same principle.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. Vegetable-protein diet is widely used in reduction diet therapy. It can normalize metabolism in the body, promote weight loss and get rid of diseases in some people, but can exacerbate diseases in others. A high protein diet can help people with a tendency to alkalinize their blood. In case of violation of acid-base balance, such nutrition is able to normalize metabolism. But with excessive acidification of the blood, on the contrary, you should choose a diet with a predominance of alkalizing foods.

Vegetable days can only be practiced if the person normally assimilates plant foods. If bread, pasta, fats make up most of a person's daily diet, but alkaline products (fruits, milk) are rarely consumed, vegetable fasting days improve metabolism, normalize the balance in the body.

To consolidate successes, one day a week should be done unloading. You can eat unlimited vegetable broths, leafy greens, fresh apples and cucumbers.

Unloading can also be on proteins - divide 600-700 g of boiled beef or chicken into 5-6 meals. You can drink unsweetened dried fruit compote.

More information on diet can be found in the video below.

V what is the secret of the proverbial slenderness of English ladies? In the English diet, of course. Remember the five basic rules, follow them - and you will be pleasantly amazed!

Five pillars of success

1. Drink at least a few liters of water throughout the day.
2. Use spices and herbs instead of salt.
3. Boil food, cook for a few, grill or simmer with a small amount of vegetable oil. Eliminate fried and fatty foods.
4. Last meal - no later than 7 pm.
5. Drink a tablespoon at night. olive oil.

The main benefits of the English diet:
- You will not be tormented by weakness, dizziness or hunger.
Harmful substances will be quickly eliminated from your body.
- Your skin condition and complexion will improve.
- You will begin to lose excess weight without harm to health.
- After 14 days, you will find that you have not only lost weight, but also looked younger.
- Does not require huge material costs and is easy to carry.
- Diet normalizes blood pressure, blood sugar and lowers cholesterol.

History from pivla:
In 2006, I lost 18 kg in 3 months, did the following and ate according to the system: 2 days of protein, one carbohydrate, in other words, the first 2 days we eat only protein food: kefir, milk, cottage cheese, breast, shrimp, squid, dairy products should be either low-fat or 1 percent, it is possible to eat one piece of bread per day.
Tea - coffee with a substitute, unlimited water. The amount should be around 100 grams, kefir milk - 300 grams per dose, one small breast. Meals should be 4-5 daily. There should not be any carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruits on a given day.
You will become less available, for example 1 daily, you will slow down to lose weight.
At the end of 2 days of protein, one day is carbohydrate: all types of carbohydrates, cereals, vegetables, fruits, juices, low-fat sweets such as marshmallows or marmalade, from time to time it is possible to allow something like chocolate-cakes-pastries. Naturally, everything is within reasonable limits. Any day last reception food no later than 19 hours. approximately 3-4 hours before bedtime.

That's how I served 3 months, my weight was 80 kg with a height of 174, and lost weight to 62. The most important thing on protein days is these same proteins, in addition, if you don't really want to, find out the approximate time and not skip.

This diet has already been for a hundred years, in my youth I sat on it, kg first go away, but as soon as you start eating the usual food, the weight returns with a huge plus ... All diets are short-term. Choose the right nutritional method right away and you will be happy.I recommend the site of the famous capital nutritionist Alexei Vladimirovich Kovalkov, you will find all the answers to your questions, or you can ask the doctor your own question, everything is free of charge. Using his method, I lost 18 kg in three months. Good luck
on this moment I adhere to the rules: during the day I eat from three to five times (but in very small portions) and at the end of 18-19 hours I do not eat by and large, well, and a little physical education, I recommend it to everyone.

This diet is very good if you sit for an extended period. Personally, in front of my eyes, my employee lost weight from 125 to 88 in half a year. And honestly, I didn't stick very much and ate in huge portions and still lost weight, the erotica itself became. I personally sat for 20 days and lost 5 kg. She is good because she is not hungry at all.

Modification from Katerina_:
And I modified this diet for myself and the result is available. Alternation, but different - the first day is protein (I took the menu from my grandmother's diet), the second day only fruits, different (not counting bananas and grapes, but everything equals yum), on the third day I allow myself something tasty. Now, once again, such a day and I ate 4 pancakes for breakfast, and for lunch there will be dumplings, only strictly until 18.00 and not overeat, but this is helped by the horror of returning the already thrown off weight. This system suits me because It's easy enough to hold out for 2 days, knowing that something delicious is possible soon.
As long as it works, it goes without saying for me a large number of excess weight, as I wrote, but for 3 weeks. about seven kilograms. gone.

Last edited by М @ lina; 10/16/2009 at 12:57 PM.

The same thing happens with the manipulation of the main components of this diet - carbohydrates and proteins. Someone, for example, consumes one and the same amount of protein every day, cutting down or increasing only the intake of carbohydrates. In addition, it is not at all necessary to always stick to the same calorie content: it is possible on high-carb days to significantly reduce the number of calories by reducing consumption.
This topic it is possible to develop indefinitely, because the body of each person is unique: for someone, two days are enough to get loaded with carbohydrates at the end of the week of depletion, and for someone, three will not be enough.
There is only one conclusion: try to use the data taken to find a scheme that will work for YOU. And then, I know for sure, you will become the most ardent adherents of the carbohydrate alternation diet.

Recently, athletes and experienced actors have increasingly turned to the so-called carbohydrate rotation diet when it comes to losing weight. Why did she take this name?
That's all: the key role in this diet is assigned to constant manipulation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Let's say you give yourself two months to lose weight. You divide this segment into four-day cycles. The first and second days of this cycle are low-carb, with protein intake at 3-4 grams per kilogram of body weight, while carbohydrate intake is 0.5 grams. The third day is high-carbohydrate, carbohydrate intake can be 5-6 grams per kilogram of weight, along with this, protein intake can be reduced to 1-1.5 grams. The fourth day is moderate: protein intake - 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, carbohydrates - 2-3 grams.

How does your body behave during these four days?

During the first two low-carb days, the body depletes its glycogen stores completely. In parallel with this, the consumption of new fuel, in other words, fat, begins to cover the energy consumption. And at the end of the almost complete depletion of glycogen stores by the end of the second low-carb day, the process of using fat as a source of energy reaches its maximum. But it is never forbidden to continue such a diet, since taking due to carbohydrate depletion severe stress the body can switch to a catastrophic mode of operation and begin to save fats as an anti-stress pillow, and to cover energy costs it will start up the least useful substances from its point of view, in particular, muscle cells, i.e. the same muscle mass that gives elasticity to the body and good view skin.

It is precisely to prevent this from happening that a high-carb day is provided. On a given day, you sharply increase your carbohydrate intake, while maintaining the past calorie content. To achieve this, you cut back on your protein intake and your fat intake is reduced to zero. Taking such carbohydrate therapy, the body in mandatory confused, in other words, will continue to use fats as energy, storing glycogen in the muscles and liver at one point. But to replenish the glycogen reserve is actually unrealistic in one day, based on this, carbohydrates are consumed on the 4th day of the cycle, but already more moderately. At the end of these four days, the cycle repeats.

Along with this, body weight changes as follows: in the first two days of carbohydrate depletion, it is possible to lose 0.5-1 kg, moreover, on the third day, while you eat a large amount of carbohydrates, this process lasts. By the evening of the fourth - morning of the fifth day most of the lost weight comes back, but one should not be upset. The fact is that those carbohydrates that you ate caused water retention in the body (1 gram of carbohydrates binds 4 grams of water) and again the gained grams is not fat at all. By the morning of the sixth day (the second day of the second microcycle), you will begin to weigh as much as you weighed before the start of the carbohydrate load.

The advantages of this system are obvious. First of all, such a diet allows the metabolism to be ‘promoted’ as quickly as possible, and there is no adaptation to any specific calorie content. In addition, you invariably maintain a high physical tone and have the opportunity to occasionally carry out intense physical training. By the way, about the 'shock' training. The famous Bill Phillips recommends doing such workouts on days of high carbohydrate intake. I think this position is wrong. If, at the end of two days of carbohydrate depletion, you eat a carbohydrate-rich breakfast and go to workout, then you are unlikely to experience a noticeable surge of energy due to the fact that glycogen stores in the muscles and liver are replenished rather slowly. It seems that by the evening of a high-carb day, you will still be out of shape. In my sight perfect time for the purpose of such training - the morning of the fourth day of the microcycle. But, having experimented, you yourself realize this.

In addition, the regular “tossing” of carbohydrates into the diet prevents the body from using muscle for fuel, which is very important because excessive loss of muscle mass turns into a ‘asleep’ metabolism, thanks to which you stop eating at all and still don’t lose weight.

Another plus of the carbohydrate rotation diet is that it allows you to maintain a great mental tone. At the time when you go on a diet and realize that you will be deprived of certain foods for two or three months, you are seized by a nightmare. And it is quite another matter at a time when you have your own menu and eat certain foods on certain days. As a result, those who are already heavily dieting know that quite often they are ‘drawn’ to something forbidden, not because you really want to, but because you do not have the opportunity to allow yourself to do so.

Well, the third plus of this diet is that it works! And it works ‘100’! Following is the approximate scheme nutrition for all four days of the microcycle. Along with this, I would like to note that the selection of foods, calorie content, frequency of meals are purely personal and are dictated by such events as gender, age, individual preferences, finally.

And then they offer the following menu:
Basic menu:
1-2 days of the cycle
1 meal: salad of non-starchy vegetables with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.
Meal 2: chicken breast, stewed vegetables or a cup of beans, beef.
Meal 3: salad of non-starchy vegetables with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 pieces of fish.

High carbohydrate day
Meal 1: cup of rolled oats with raisins, whole bread.
2 meal: a plate of brown or plain rice, 1/2 chicken breast, salad.
Meal 3: A serving of hard flour pasta with low-fat sauce.

Day of moderate carbohydrate intake
1 meal: a cup of rolled oats with raisins, low-fat cottage cheese.
Meal 2: a serving of rice, chicken breast, vegetable salad.
Meal 3: 3 slices of roughly ground bread, vegetable salad with fish.

In conclusion, I would like to state that the four-day cycle of following a diet of carbohydrate rotation is not at all a dogma. Many people who lose weight successfully modify this scheme, for example, for five days in a row, from Monday to Friday, they 'sit' without carbohydrates, and after that they are 'loaded' with carbohydrates on weekends, or - in the first three days, using the so-called carbohydrate 'depletion', and after that for another two to three days - carbohydrate 'load'.

Of all the diets, the most real and necessary:
There are 7 days in a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - protein days, Thursday, Friday - carbohydrates (I would only exclude cakes for now, there are dried fruits), but Saturday, Sunday are full balanced days.
Morning 1 breakfast - porridge (wheat, barley, corn), herbal tea, compote, nuts.
2 breakfast - herbal tea, compote, toast with cottage cheese, cheese, tongue, boiled beef or a fruit table (pineapple, apple, banana, kiwi - it is possible to make a mix)
Dinner as usual, but without fanaticism soup, cabbage soup, borscht (low-fat), meat, fish with vegetables. In half an hour, herbal tea, compote.
Afternoon snack similar to the second breakfast, and 2-3 hours before bedtime, dinner - kefir, porridge, vegetables, light fish to choose from. Installed.

In order to stand still, you must run,
and in order to move forward, you need to run even faster!

It is very popular and effective diet... Even if you do not survive all twenty days of the diet, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results obtained. In terms of effectiveness, this diet may well be compared with the famous Japanese diet, and in some ways it even surpasses it.

The main difficulties with the English diet arise in the first three days of the diet, which seem to be very hungry. But if you endure them, then in the future the diet is quite easily tolerated and some dishes, especially after hungry days, may even seem overly satisfying. Weight loss is particularly significant in overweight people and can reach 20 kg.

The entire course of the diet consists of 21 days, during which it is necessary to alternate 2 protein and 2 vegetable days. You need to start a diet with two fasting fasting days. It is these two days that start the processes of using their own fats in the body. Thus, you get 20 days of the diet. And 21 days will be unloading again.

Dinner: vegetable soup without potatoes, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, or boiled brown rice (buckwheat, rolled oats), vinaigrette or vegetable salad in vegetable oil, a slice of grain bread

After the end of the diet, do not rush to switch to regular meals. Get out of the diet smoothly, gradually increasing the amount and calorie content of food. It is also recommended to eat at least 250 grams of cottage cheese daily for 10 days to better consolidate the results.

Reviews. English diet for 21 days good to carry over. The main thing is to endure the first three days of the diet and then you may not even eat the entire daily diet of foods. Weight goes away very well and the results achieved are maintained for a long time.

A protein-vegetable diet, designed for 20 days, takes 5-7 kg. The diet menu forces you to alternate carbohydrate and protein menu as well as unloading.

Protein days menu
Breakfast: boiled egg, 30 g rye bread, tea with 1 tsp. honey
Lunch: mushroom or fat-free meat broth, boiled meat, fish or poultry - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 150 g, 30 g of rye bread
Afternoon snack: 1 tsp. honey and tea
Dinner: boiled egg, 100 g of white cheese, 30 g of rye bread, 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir

Carbohydrate days menu
Breakfast: a couple of fruits (bananas are excluded)
Lunch: 120 g steamed or steamed vegetables, 150 g vegetable soup, 150 g fruit salad (no dressing)
Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables - 2 pcs. and herbal tea
Dinner: 30 g grain bread, 10 g butter, 150 g vegetables (in the form of a salad), 1 tsp. honey and tea

The 20-day 20 kg diet is based on the principle of a sharp reduction in the calorie content of the diet through the use of low-calorie foods. In addition, weight loss occurs due to daily refusal of one of the meals.

The diet includes 15 foods:
White cabbage
Chicken fillet
Chicken eggs
Sea fish(cod, etc.)
Cottage cheese and skim milk
Green tea

Days # 1 ... # 4
Breakfast: 150 g fat-free cottage cheese, 4 apples and green tea with fructose
Lunch: 100 g of brown rice porridge, 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, salad of cucumber, tomato, parsley and dill with olive oil (you can add a little salt), 1 tbsp. skim milk
There is no dinner (if you really want to eat, then it is permissible to drink 1 cup of skim milk sweetened with fructose)

Days # 5 ... # 8
No breakfast (if strong feeling hunger, you can drink a glass of green tea sweetened with fructose)
Lunch: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water, 200 g from steamed fish, boiled egg, green tea
Dinner: 150 g white cabbage and a tomato (you can make a salad), as well as water

Days # 9 ... # 12
Breakfast: cucumber salad (5 cucumbers, lemon juice and a little olive oil), as well as water
No lunch (it is recommended to drink water with lemon juice)
Dinner: boiled beans (bowl), 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, water

Days # 13 ... # 16
Breakfast: green tea with 1 tsp. fructose, 200 g fat-free cottage cheese
Lunch: steam broccoli - 200 g, water
There is no dinner (you can drink water with lemon juice and eat an apple)

Days # 17 ... # 20
There is no breakfast (with a strong feeling of hunger, it is permissible to drink 1 cup of skim milk)
Lunch: 200 g of boiled fish, cucumbers - 2 pcs. greens
Dinner: 200 g of brown rice porridge, tomatoes - 2 pcs. Dill

A diet for 20 days is not within the power of everyone - long-term dietary restrictions are significantly exhausting (both physically and psychologically). Many losing weight overpower half of the diet, after which a breakdown occurs. In this case, it is recommended to switch to a more balanced menu and continue to control the number of calories.

And at the stage when sad thoughts come that there is nothing effective for getting rid of excess weight, experts advise you to definitely study such an option for weight loss as a protein-vegetable diet. This method will help everyone who is ready for the sake of a lofty goal not only to tune in to victory, but also to follow all the rules of this method.

This method is based on a certain meal plan, according to which the use of foods that contain carbohydrates and proteins occurs on different days. A prerequisite for such a diet is the complete replacement of carbohydrates with simple, complex ones, which turn not into excess weight, but into pure energy. At the same time, the body, which is looking for additional sources of energy, will use the available fat reserves.

Eating follows cycles of six days. So, here's a diagram of this cyclical system.
The first 2 days are allowed 1 liter of low-fat kefir, milk or cottage cheese. In addition, you can and should eat 1-2 slices of dried bread or diet loaves per day.

3-4 days - only protein foods are allowed.
5-6 - it is recommended to eat sources of complex carbohydrates and vegetable fiber.
So, from day 3 to day 6, a diet is followed - 2 protein, 2 vegetable days.

sour milk - fat-free cottage cheese, kefir with a fat content of not more than 2.5%, whey and yogurt. If fermented milk products are poorly tolerated, then it is allowed to replace them with tomato juice (with a minimum of salt).
proteins - dietary meat (rabbit, veal, beef), poultry (chicken and turkey), lean fish(hake, pollock, cod), eggs, meat and fish broths. And these vegetables: green beans, cabbage, spinach, collard green salad, green peas, asparagus and soy. Complex carbohydrates- Sweet and sour apples, grapefruits, unsweetened pears, bran, diet bread and whole grain bread, carrots, beets. And porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.

A pleasant plus of this method of losing weight is that a person who is losing weight can plan his diet himself (naturally, protein and carbohydrate foods are divided into different methods), prepare a variety of dishes that are allowed in the diet. Therefore, a protein-vegetable diet for 20 days will be varied and interesting, and this is one of necessary conditions that help to avoid depression, nervous breakdown and feeling unwell... The variety of acceptable foods in the diet of those who are losing weight helps to forget that they are on a diet and enjoy the food.

Irina, 20 years old: “ Last year, a girlfriend before the wedding was able to lose weight, following a protein-vegetable diet, by 7 kg. Her example inspired me, and I was able to follow all the recommendations for 3 weeks. During this time, I lost as much as 6 kg, from 62 to my ideal weight 56 kg. To maintain my excellent shape, I enjoy practicing in the pool. I really liked the diet, it is quite easy to follow, sometimes you can not even believe that you are "on a diet" - such a varied menu. And most importantly, there is no constant feeling of hunger inherent in diets. In addition, at the same time, you can discover many delicious and at the same time non-nutritious dishes. ».

In the morning and in the evening, you can eat a slice of bran bread, rye or whole grain. Throughout the day, you need to drink a liter and a half of fat-free kefir, 200 - 250 ml each. at a time. In the evening it is allowed to drink a glass tomato juice.

Breakfast: coffee or tea, boiled eggs, a slice of bread and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Dinner: mushroom or meat broth, 150 gr. fish, poultry or meat, stewed vegetables and a slice of bread. Afternoon snack: tea and 1 tsp. honey. Dinner: eggs, 100 gr. hard cheese, a slice of bread and 200 ml. fat-free kefir.

Dinner: vegetable soup, stewed vegetables, vegetable salad (you can vinaigrette without potatoes). Afternoon snack: 2 vegetables and tea. Dinner: vegetable salad, butter sandwich, 1 tsp. honey and tea.

Try to follow the menu and overcome the desire to eat a sweet bun or a piece of cake, and then the results of protein-rich vegetable nutrition will exceed all your expectations.

Popular news: Number of comments: 2Anna Bogdanova 14 Dec 2015 at 09: 11Answer once a year I resort to this diet, the result is the same -10 kg. A very light and tasty diet. Tatyana 10 June 2015 at 05:49 ReplyI think that you can eat both protein foods and vegetables (carbohydrates) at the same time. Proteins with carbohydrates are perfectly combined, vegetables have a lot of fiber, coarse fibers, which will give Good work for the intestines. In the morning, before eating, be sure to have a glass of water (filtered, structured) for digestion to work well. It is better to eat often 5-6 meals, but little by little. In the evening you can eat, but mostly protein food. Exclude foods with a high glycemic index from the diet: boiled potatoes, white polished rice, boiled carrots and beets, alcoholic and carbonated sugary drinks. And necessarily physical training, sports, fitness, swimming. All health and beauty)))

See also:

How to lose weight without harming the body? There are many diets, but we would like to talk about the English diet. In the English diet, the body gets almost everything it needs. The peculiarity of the diet is at least that where salt is prohibited as a class, you can salt the food here as usual.
Do not: sugar, White bread, potatoes, alcohol, lemonade - and all their derivatives.
The first 2-4 days of this diet are always hard, but then the stomach will get used to the lower dose.

About sports. You can not combine a diet with sports. The body is already weakened by the lack of calories, and we still give the load. You need to do it after the diet. And during a diet it is better hiking in the fresh air.

English diet - recipe 1

1. Two hungry days
1 liter of milk or kefir, 1 glass of tomato juice, 500 g of cottage cheese. There is all this in any proportion throughout the day.

2. Two protein days.
Morning- coffee, it is possible with milk, 1 slice of rye bread with 0.5 tsp. drain. butter and 0.5 tsp. honey.
Dinner- 1 teacup of meat or fish broth, 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish, 2 tbsp. l. green peas (canned), a slice of rye bread.
Afternoon snack- 1 glass of tea with honey or a glass of milk
Dinner- to choose from:
- 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish (losing weight with baked fish or meat! If you don't add fat, then the calorie content is almost the same, if the fish is boiled, then a little fat goes into the broth. And you can take lean fish, and reduce the portion ), or
- 2 pieces of lean ham, or
- 2 eggs, or
- 50 g of cheese
+ a glass of kefir, a piece of rye bread.

3. Two vegetable days
Morning- 2 apples and an orange (citrus fruits remove toxins, promote fat burning in the body. Mix juice from 4 oranges, grapefruits and 2 lemons with two liters of mineral water. Drink this cocktail throughout the day, and the result will soon be on your face)
Dinner- to choose from:
- vegetable soup (Take cauliflower or ordinary cabbage, onions, tomatoes, celery (in pods, not in tubers and not greens), Bulgarian pepper, cut, pour water (so that the vegetables are just covered) and cook until tender, in at the end put herbs, salt, spices. Celery is an obligatory ingredient, it contains the whole essence), seasoned with vegetable oil, or
- salad,
- vegetable stew vegetable oil
+ a piece of black bread.
Afternoon snack- fruits
Dinner- salad, 1 piece of rye bread, a glass of tea with honey.
Hungry days are not repeated, protein and vegetable ones alternate. Only 20 days.
Drink green and black tea, coffee over time - but all without sugar.

English diet - recipe 2

Breakfast (200 kilocalories)
Option I: one boiled egg or scrambled eggs from it, a slice of toasted bread made from wholemeal flour, 100 g of fresh juice.
Option II: 1/3 cup oatmeal with a glass of skimmed milk, Art. a spoonful of raisins, 150 g of fruit juice.
Option III: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of whole grain porridge with a glass of skim milk, an apple.
Option IV: 200 g of fruit salad, 150 g of kefir or yogurt from skim milk.

Second breakfast (about 300 kilocalories)
Option I: potato baked in a uniform, stuffed with 100 g of cottage cheese with sweet fruits (or steamed dried fruits), vegetable salad, seasoned with a spoon sunflower oil, orange, apple or pear.
Option II: vegetarian broth, 25 g grated cheese, whole grain bun (50 g), pear or apple.
Option III: 2 slices of toasted bread, 50 g of baked beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
Option IV: an omelet of vegetables, cheese and two eggs with tomato slices, green pepper and mushrooms, an apple.

Dinner (about 500 kcal)
Option I: a hot dish of beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
Option II: semi-dairy vegetable soup, 25 g of grated fat-free cheese (feta cheese), a bun (dried) from whole grains, 50 g of dried apricots soaked with cheese.
Option III: a large potato baked in a uniform, 60 g of baked beans (beans), carrots, cabbage, 2 cups of kefir, to which a few pieces of chopped dry apricots are added.

Remember that in the struggle for harmony, only self-discipline will help restore the body's tone. Be healthy and beautiful!

A significant number of human diseases are associated with poor nutrition. Obesity is one of the main problems of our time. Exists different ways and the means to combat overweight. Effective method anti-obesity is a protein-based vegetable diet for weight loss. This weight-loss technique is designed for different periods use, however, the most common was the one that is designed for 21 days.

The basis of such a diet is that the diet contains about 50% of various vegetables and the same amount of protein. Moreover, 25% of vegetables should be eaten only raw, the rest - after the corresponding heat treatment... Used as protein foods low-fat varieties meat, as well as fish, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, chicken eggs.

When a person wants to lose weight, they need to choose low-calorie foods for a diet:

  • completely fat-free or 1% fat kefir;
  • cottage cheese not higher than 3% fat;
  • chicken eggs and breast;
  • fish.

As a result human body feels a deficiency of carbohydrates, as well as fats, so he will spend the accumulated reserves as much as possible to maintain natural functioning.

For a person not related to sports, only 1-1.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of available body weight is enough. The same protein-vegetable diet looks different, the menu for 21 days of which is developed for athletes - the entire amount of protein products in this case should consist only of animal components. It is not necessary to count the fats in the diet, you just need to make sure that their amount is insignificant.

The protein-vegetable diet, the menu of which will be discussed below, has the following advantages. These include its high efficiency - in 21 days of adherence to the proposed diet, you can lose about 10 kg of unnecessary weight. It is worth noting that the result of such a nutritional system depends only on the one who is losing weight.

The disadvantage of such nutrition is a high load on the liver and kidneys, as a result of which it is possible general malaise, the appearance of headaches. If a person has diseases of the heart or vascular system, such a diet is contraindicated for him. A protein-vegetable diet for weight loss, the menu of which we will consider below, is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Diet mechanism

The main fundamental principle of such a diet is to exclude sugar and salt, confectionery "goodies", cereals, and potatoes from your diet for a while.

But without restrictions it is allowed to use:

Such a diet provides a decent restriction on the calorie content of the food consumed, and without any practical reduction in the volume of food. Thanks to this, fast weight loss that does not cause stress in the body. In addition, such a complex intake of products perfectly supports the activity digestive tract, it gives a rejuvenating result to the body. The protein and vegetable diet, the menu for 21 days of which we are considering, is quite simple in home use that's why people resort to it.

Diet rules

The success of losing weight depends entirely on adhering to the rules of using the diet. It is imperative to remove carbohydrates from the diet, increase the amount of liquid consumed per day to 2 liters. Attention should be paid physical activity... With a protein diet, dinner should be completed before 19:00, and when vegetable days come, the last snack should be done before 21:00.

If losing weight wants to lose weight really efficiently and quickly, then he should know that the diet implies the following nutritional scheme. Two days intake of protein food, 2 days - vegetables. Be sure to spend fasting days before the diet.

Execution options

The protein and vegetable diet, the menu of which we will now consider, has quite a lot of different options.

There is a mixed method when meals are taken up to 5 times daily. With this diet, the portions are kept small. This method is suitable for those who want to gradually reduce their weight, and it is safe for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, without causing stress to the body. A similar mixed diet can also be used as a fasting menu after illness.

The main advantage of this food option is the absence of the need to make a really strict menu. There is absolutely no need to memorize the diet, it is allowed to eat fish with lean meat and various vegetables. Be sure to eat fermented milk products instead of meat twice a day.

It is important that vegetables and protein are equally represented on the menu.

Another advantage of this method of nutrition is that the recipes for such a mixed diet are quite easy to adjust, and differ in variety. Salads, soups, stews, casseroles, a piece of fish are available for everyone.

There is a second version of the protein-vegetable diet, which consists of 2 protein and 2 vegetable days with separate food... With this scheme, the portions of food should be small. This method of losing weight is quite tough, since it puts a serious burden not only on the liver, but also on the kidneys. If a person suffers on chronic diseases of these organs, then it is better to replace such food with more suitable way diet.

  • fasting days should be performed for the first two days, and then on days 7–8, 13–14 and 19–20;
  • protein days become 3-4, 9-10, 15-16 and the last day;
  • days for a fruit and vegetable diet should be chosen 5-6, 11-12 and 17-18.


On fasting days, the diet should be as follows:

  • for breakfast, as well as before bedtime, you need to eat a slice of bread containing bran;
  • for the rest of the time, use low-fat kefir in the amount of 1 liter;
  • drink at a time fermented milk product recommended in a glass (250 ml);
  • in the evening you can still drink a glass of tomato juice.

After fasting day you should proceed directly to weight loss.

Protein days

  • in the morning - 250 ml of coffee with milk, 0.5 tsp. honey and a sandwich made from bread (rye is required);
  • lunch - 100 g of fish and fish broth, a slice of black bread;
  • afternoon tea - honey (0.5 tsp);
  • dinner - low-fat cheese (50 g), boiled eggs (2 pcs.), boiled meat (100 g), kefir (250 ml).

Protein diet (9-10 days):

  • in the morning herbal tea, a slice of bread, an egg, a tablespoon of honey;
  • in the afternoon - broth prepared on the basis of meat or mushrooms, stewed vegetables;
  • after lunch, you can have a snack with rosehip decoction with 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • for dinner, 100 g of hard cheese, as well as low-fat kefir (200 ml), an egg, a small slice of rye bread.

Protein diet (15-16 days):

  • breakfast - a glass of tea and an omelet made from 2 eggs;
  • snack - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of rosehip broth;
  • lunch - 100 g of steamed turkey meat;
  • afternoon snack - 200 g of kefir;
  • dinner - 200 g chicken meat, Cup of tea.

Protein diet (21 days):

  • breakfast - chamomile tea, a piece of whole grain bread, a boiled egg;
  • snack - a glass of kefir;
  • at lunch - chicken cutlets steamed, meat broth;
  • for dinner 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of boiled meat, unsweetened drink.

Fruit and vegetable days

Food menu for 5-6 days:

  • breakfast can consist of an apple and an orange;
  • for lunch, vegetable soup, vegetable salad (only without potatoes and stewing);
  • afternoon tea - orange and a cup of tea;
  • for dinner, a salad of carrots, a slice of whole grain bread, a cup of tea and 0.5 tsp. honey.

Diet for 11-12 days:

  • in the morning a salad of 2 tomatoes and peppers, a slice of bread, a glass of tea with a spoonful of honey;
  • the next snack is bananas or oranges;
  • for lunch, fish (maximum 100 g), as well as boiled rice (not more than 200 g);
  • afternoon snack - a glass of kefir (only fat-free);
  • for dinner, a salad of nuts and Chinese cabbage is allowed.

Food menu for 17-18 days:

  • unsweetened coffee, vegetable salad in the morning;
  • afternoon vinaigrette, stewed vegetables, green tea with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • Afternoon snack: parsnip casserole with onions and chopped carrots, celery juice;
  • for dinner, tea, vegetable stew of eggplant and zucchini.



Wanting to get beautiful figure, women, and sometimes men, try different options and ways to lose weight, achieving the desired result. Some exhaust themselves with long workouts, rigid diets, and finally, hunger. However, usually people fail, losing their enthusiasm and desire to work further on the issue of losing weight.

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