What is a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle (HLS). Products for proper nutrition

We assume that it is unlikely that there will be someone who would not dream of being always beautiful, full of energy and happy. Sometimes many people try different sports, gyms, diets, walks in the parks. However, what do we know about a healthy lifestyle? It is rare to find someone who fully observes it. Why is this happening? What prevents people from monitoring their health? What do you have to do to look and feel great? And how to live long and successfully? We will try to answer all these questions a little below.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) - what kind of "miracle beast"?

Today, everyone's life is full of events, technologies and temptations. In our developed time, people are used to running somewhere and in a hurry, to be in time for the maximum. Work quickly, learn new things, eat fast food, be treated with drugs with an instant effect. There is no extra minute for relaxation and elementary attention to yourself. However, sooner or later health will fail. It never happens on time and always bears bad fruit.

It's easy to avoid this outcome. Just know and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. What kind of "beast" is this? A healthy lifestyle is a complex of useful habits that only have a positive effect on human life. With its help, you can improve health, increase longevity and be happy. Healthy lifestyle is especially relevant lately. Technological progress, poor ecology and inactivity have a detrimental effect on people. Various kinds of loads appear, leading to diseases, often chronic. In this regard, healthy lifestyle is extremely important for our society.

It is promoted by many celebrities. For example, Jessica Alba, Richard Gere, Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum, Madonna and others.

What does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

Keeping a healthy lifestyle helps everyone to take care and take care of their body. It contributes to its strengthening, stability and strength. This is true only under one condition. You need to use all of its components. There are many classifications of them. We have chosen a simple and meaningful one. So, a healthy lifestyle consists of:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • personal hygiene;
  • different types of hardening;
  • refusal or minimizing bad habits.

Proper nutrition

Eating right, first of all, means eating only. They provide the replenishment of the body with various substances that help it grow and function. Proper nutrition should be exceptionally balanced.

A person, especially with a problem of excess weight, should adhere to several principles of proper nutrition:

  1. The food should be varied. This means that the diet must include products of both animal and plant origin;
  2. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the daily rate. Each has its own. When calculating your calorie intake, many aspects of your lifestyle are taken into account. For example, the presence of physical activity, excess weight, illness, etc.
  3. At least 5 meals a day. They include three main snacks and two snacks. You can't go hungry - it's an axiom. To always feel good, learn to eat 5 times a day at the same time;
  4. Eat slowly. Thus, you will feel the feeling of fullness in time, do not overeat and enjoy the taste;
  5. Chew your food well. This is a salvation for the stomach and the entire digestive system. Experts recommend chewing food at least twenty times;
  6. Eat liquid. Be sure to consume soups daily. They promote the secretion of gastric juice. In this way, soups simplify the process of digesting other dishes;
  7. We eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. This is a great snack option. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not only satisfy hunger, but also replenish the lack of nutrients;
  8. Drink, drink and drink again. The rate of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. Tea, coffee and soups don't count. In the morning on an empty stomach a glass of water is drunk. For flavor, you can add lemon;
  9. We use fermented milk products. Low fat is best, but not fat-free. They contain healthy protein and promote faster digestion;
  10. Don't be lazy, eat only freshly prepared meals. Over time, food loses its beneficial properties.

The rules of healthy eating are quite simple and do not require special skills. Today, a lot of services are available, where everyone will find recipes to their liking, will be able to control the calorie content of dishes and the amount of water consumed.

Sports and physical activity

Our body is our main instrument. With its help, we can perform all our functions. Therefore, it is very important that the body is always in order. First of all, you need to use it. Movement is life. It couldn't be better. Take a car as an example. If it has been idle for many years, it will rust and become unusable. So is our body. The less we move, the greater the risk of disease. It's good if you have a lot of free time. You can go to group classes, work out in the gym, or dance. There are a lot of options. But what if you are a busy person and have almost no free time? Morning exercises are ideal for you. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to it and your body will always be in top condition.

On the Internet, you can find a huge amount of information about exercises and morning exercises. For example, we have selected several options.

Charge in 10 minutes

Pilates style exercise

Morning yoga

In addition to the above, running has an excellent effect on the human body. Jogging in the morning or evening will lift your spirits. By choosing scenic spots for running, you can clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. It doesn't matter what kind of physical activity you choose. It is important that you enjoy them.

Personal hygiene and healthy sleep


To minimize the risks of diseases, it is worth hardening. It helps the body fight against adverse external factors. There are many known ways to increase resistance and immunity:

  1. Taking air baths. This is the most affordable and easy way. Try to often arrange walks in the fresh air, ventilate the premises. Go out of town in the summer. Clean forest air is the best disease prevention;
  2. Sunbathing. Exposure to the sun is no less effective for humans. However, you should be careful with him and avoid direct rays at noon. Also, burns and heat strokes should not be allowed;
  3. Walking barefoot. Our feet have many sensitive points. Their massage leads to the normalization of the work of important organs;
  4. Rubdowns- soft and gentle way of hardening. It is suitable even for small children. The process involves rubbing the body with a massage glove, washcloth or wet towel;
  5. Dousing with cold water- the most famous way. You can douche in whole or in part. It is important to wipe yourself off with a dry towel after the procedure;
  6. Cold and hot shower... The alternation of cold and hot water gives the skin tone, rejuvenates and hardens the body.
  7. Winter swimming... This type of hardening requires a responsible and careful attitude. Before starting the procedures, you should consult with your doctor.

Rejection of bad habits

We will not go deep and long talk about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. This is a well-known fact. We very much hope that each of you, our readers, appreciates your health and has long given up these destructive habits or is now on the way to it.

Modern technologies as an aid in healthy lifestyle

In our time, it should be noted. There are a huge number of useful services for mobile phones, tablets and personal computers. Their goal is to help on the path to a healthy and fulfilling life. We have divided these applications into several types. Depending on the purpose, they are:

For physical activity

Such services can be roughly divided into:

  • distance counters... They will be useful for runners and lovers of long walks;
  • training programs... They contain exercises of different styles and purposes;
  • personal coach... Such services contain all the information about your workouts, motivate and monitor the safety of loads.
  • heart rate measurement Is a very important application. With it, you will be sure that you do not overload the body.

Calorie counters

With them, you can determine your daily calorie intake and record those foods that you consumed. Typically, such services contain lists of foods with an indication of calorie content;

  • counting the amount of water drunk;
  • smart alarm clock calculates the time you need to sleep;
  • helping to get rid of bad habits.

Our body is our temple, and we must take care of it in order to be healthy and feel good. The majority of people rarely care about a healthy diet and lifestyle, but at the same time they are very concerned about how to recover from various diseases, lose weight, restore natural skin color and feel lightness in the body. Think of your body as your physical shell that you need to live. If you continually abuse junk food, your shell will wear out faster. While you may look normal outside, the inside of the shell is not as good as you would like it to be.

Today, vital organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, gallbladder, liver, stomach, intestines, etc.) can work well, but this does not mean that it will always be so. Therefore, in order for you to be healthy tomorrow, you need to take care of your health today.

Good health depends not only on proper nutrition and exercise, it is also necessary to have good mental health, healthy self-esteem, and a healthy lifestyle. This article provides 45 tips to help you be healthy, not only today, but also in the future.

1. Drink plenty of water.

Most of us don't actually drink enough water every day. Water is essential for our body for the body to function properly. Did you know that over 60% of our body is made up of water? That is why it is so important to drink good water regularly so that the body works properly, toxins are removed from the body and a correct metabolism occurs. You need to drink water regularly, as it constantly leaves our body through urine, bowel movements, sweat and breath. The amount of water we need depends on various factors such as humidity, your physical activity, your weight, but in general, we should drink at least a couple of liters a day of clean water.

2. Get enough sleep.

If you did not get enough sleep, it means that you could not regain strength and during the day you will be lethargic and in order to somehow replenish your energy, you will be drawn to small snacks, which are often unhealthy foods. Get plenty of rest and you won't need to snack to invigorate. In addition, lack of sleep causes premature aging.

3. Meditate.

Meditation balances the mind and develops the soul. This is probably the best, simplest and most effective way to bring calmness and balance into your life.

4. An active lifestyle.

Physical activity needs to be maintained not only 2 times a week for an hour, I do fitness. You should be physically active every day. Movement is life. Research has shown that regular physical activity brings tremendous benefits to our health, including increased life expectancy, reduced risk of disease, improved body function, and weight loss. If possible, replace transport with walking, lift to stairs. Do gymnastics at home.

5. Exercise.

Choose exercises that you enjoy and do them in a healthy and enjoyable way. Try to work with different parts of your body. Try sports that develop your entire body, such as basketball, football, swimming, tennis, running, badminton, and more.

6. Eat more fruits.

7. Eat more vegetables.

Like fruits, vegetables are essential for improving our health. If possible, you need to consume vegetables daily, and even better, if they are the basis of your diet.

8. Choose foods that are vibrant in color.

Fruits and vegetables with vibrant colors tend to be high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are good health materials as they scavenge free radicals in our body that damage our cells.

9. Cut back on processed foods.

The more additives a food contains and the more processed foods are when they are cooked, the less benefit they bring to the human body. Processed foods are bad because they lose most of their nutritional value when processed and contain preservatives that are harmful to our health.

10. Love yourself.

Think about how much you love yourself on a scale of 1-10? If you scored less than five points, then think about why this happened. If you do not love yourself and think badly of yourself, then those around you will not love you all the more. Be positive about yourself and find qualities in yourself for which you can be loved and appreciated.

11. Walk and run barefoot.

There are many positive results from contacting your bare feet with the ground. Try it and see for yourself.

12. Remove negative people from your life.

Positive mental health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. You should not keep constantly negative-minded people next to you, as they can negatively affect your well-being and life.

13. Remove the negativity from yourself.

Listen to your thoughts and mood. If you notice that you regularly have negative thoughts or bad moods, then try to correct it in the opposite direction. Often people eat a lot of excess food just because they are in a bad mood and they want to drown it out with food. But this only makes them worse for themselves.

14. Avoid unhealthy foods.

In the modern world, a huge number of harmful products have been created that we encounter every day. These products include alcohol, sweets, flour products. Which of these foods are in your diet? Find them and try to at least reduce the amount of their consumption.

15. Breathe correctly.

Oxygen is a vital source of life. You know how to breathe, but are you breathing correctly? It would seem that this is difficult, but the fact is that there are a large number of people who take small breaths and exhalations, from which the lungs in a small part are filled with oxygen.

16. Emotional food.

Often times, people want to fill their emotional hunger with food. That is, they eat when they feel melancholy, resentment, depression, and the like. However, emotional food will never make you feel happy because you are trying to fill a void that has nothing to do with food.

17. Eat small meals.

Try not to overeat to get enough food without overloading your body with excess food.

18. Eat slowly and calmly.

When we eat, we should not rush, we need to chew the food well before swallowing it. This is how you help your body digest food. It is also good if you consume your food in a relaxed environment.

19. Live with purpose.

An aimless existence can hardly be called life. Ask yourself questions for what or who do you live, what is the meaning of your life, what mark will you leave behind? These are very deep and philosophical questions, but sooner or later each person asks them to himself. Find a purpose in your life and try to make your life more harmonious and healthy.

20. Say no to fried foods.

Reduce your consumption of fast food and any other fried food. They not only contain a lot of calories, but they are also rich in substances that are harmful to your body. If you feel sluggish, then there is a high probability that this is due to improper diet.

21. Say no to sweet foods.

These are sweets, pastries, chocolates, cookies, cakes and much more. They are not only not beneficial, but also harmful to the body.

22. Improve your posture.

Good posture improves breathing and makes you healthier and more attractive. Even your mood depends on the correct posture. Try walking with your back straight and notice how you feel.

23. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks.

24. Don't drink alcohol.

Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. Moreover, it has been repeatedly proven that alcohol causes immeasurable harm to your body as a whole and to many organs in particular.

25. Learn to cook your favorite meals.

When you prepare meals yourself, you control what is added to them and how the food is processed. Also, the key point is that you can see the quality of the food contained in the dish you cook.

26. Learn to say no.

If you do not feel like eating when you are offered, then be able to politely refuse. It's better than agreeing and then suffering from too much food.

27. Carry a small container of water with you.

Thus, you can always replenish your water balance if necessary. It also saves you money and you don't have to buy water or sugary drinks from your local store.

28. Quit smoking.

All people know about the dangers of cigarettes, it remains only to overcome this craving and rid yourself of the bad habit.

29. Avoid secondhand smoke.

When you stand next to a person who smokes, you also receive your portion of harmful smoke. Try to stay away from people who smoke.

30. Healthy snacks.

If you get hungry while you work, it would be good to have some fruit or nuts on hand for a snack. It will be a delicious, healthy and light snack.

31. Drink fruit and vegetable shakes.

These shakes are a quick way to get vitamins and nutrients. Just toss your favorite fruit into a blender, wait 30 seconds and you're done.

32. The transition to a vegetarian diet.

There is already an overwhelming amount of evidence for the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, so there is no point in delving into this. The only thing we can offer is advice to try to live without meat consumption for a couple of months and look at the changes in well-being and health.

33. Try a raw food diet.

The next step to lightness and health after vegetarianism is a raw food diet, which provides even more benefits to the human body. A raw food diet not only improves health, but also gives energy, lightness, vigor and calmness.

34. Be outdoors more often.

If you are an office worker and sit in the office from morning to evening, then try, if possible, to go outside to escape from work, get some fresh air, stretch your legs, rest your eyes and more. On weekends, you should also go for a walk, if possible, on your own or with friends.

35. Translate the nearest environment to proper nutrition

This will help you to be less in a society where it is customary to consume unhealthy foods and you will be less tempted to try them. And also you will make your friends and loved ones healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior that ensures physical, mental and social well-being in a real environment (natural, technogenic and social) and active longevity.

A healthy lifestyle creates the best conditions for the normal course of physiological and mental processes, which reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases a person's life expectancy.

A healthy lifestyle helps us fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and if necessary, with colossal overloads. Good health, maintained and strengthened by the person himself, will allow him to live a long and full of joy life. Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the whole society as a whole. How can you improve your health? The answer is simple - lead a healthy lifestyle.

1. Regime of the day and human health.

The whole life of a person passes in the mode of distribution of time, partly forced, associated with socially necessary activities, partly according to an individual plan. So, for example, a student's daily routine is determined by the curriculum of classes in an educational institution, a serviceman's routine is determined by a daily routine approved by the commander of a military unit, and a working person's routine is determined by the beginning and end of the working day.

Thus, a regimen is an established routine of a person's life, which includes work, food, rest and sleep.

The main component of the mode of human life is his work, which is a purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

The mode of human life must be subordinated, first of all, to his effective labor activity. A working person lives in a certain rhythm: he must get up at a certain time, do his duties, eat, rest and sleep. And this is not surprising - all processes in nature are subordinated to one degree or another to a strict rhythm: seasons alternate, night replaces day, day again replaces night. Rhythmic activity is one of the basic laws of life and one of the foundations of any work.

A rational combination of the elements of the mode of life ensures more productive work of a person and a high level of his health. The whole organism as a whole participates in human labor activity. The labor rhythm sets a physiological rhythm: at certain hours the body is under stress, as a result of which the metabolism increases, blood circulation increases, and then a feeling of fatigue appears; at other hours, days when the load is reduced, rest comes after fatigue, strength and energy are restored. The correct alternation of load and rest is the basis for a high human performance.

Now it is necessary to dwell on the question of rest. Rest is a state of rest or vigorous activity leading to the restoration of strength and performance.

The most effective way to restore performance is active rest, which allows you to rationally use your free time. The alternation of types of work, a harmonious combination of mental and physical labor, physical culture provide effective restoration of strength and energy. A person needs to have a rest every day, weekly on weekends, annually during the next vacation, using free time to strengthen physical and spiritual health.

2. Rational nutrition and its importance for health.

The eternal desire of people to be healthy and efficient has led to the fact that in recent years, much attention has begun to be paid to rational nutrition as one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. Correct, scientifically grounded nutrition is the most important condition for human health, performance and longevity.

With food, a person receives all the necessary elements that provide the body with the energy necessary for the growth and maintenance of the vital functions of tissues.

The nutrients the body needs are divided into six main types: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Eating right means getting with food in sufficient quantity and in the right combination everything that the body needs.

Proper nutrition is, first of all, a varied diet, taking into account the genetic characteristics of a person, his age, physical activity, climatic and seasonal characteristics of the environment. It allows the body to maximize its genetic potential, but the body is not able to surpass this potential, no matter how well the nutrition is organized.

It should be noted that there are no foods that are good or bad in themselves. All food products have nutritional value to one degree or another, but there is no ideal food either. It is important not only what we eat, but how much we eat, when we eat and in what combinations we eat certain foods.

Let's take a closer look at the main types of nutrients the body needs.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are found in all foods, but they are especially abundant in cereals, fruits and vegetables.

According to the complexity of their chemical structure, carbohydrates are divided into two groups: simple and complex carbohydrates.

The basic unit of all carbohydrates is sugar called glucose. Glucose is a simple sugar.

Several residues of simple sugars combine with each other and form complex sugars. The basic unit of all carbohydrates is sugar called glucose. Glucose is a simple sugar.

Several residues of simple sugars combine with each other and form complex sugars.

Thousands of residues of molecules of the same sugars, connecting with each other, form a polysaccharide: there are about 50 thousand different types of proteins. They all consist of four elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which, in a certain way, combine with each other to form amino acids. There are 20 types of amino acids. A compound consisting of a large number of amino acids is called a polypeptide. Each protein is a polypeptide by its chemical structure. Most proteins contain on average 300-500 amino acid residues. It should be noted that some bacteria and all plants are capable of synthesizing all the amino acids from which proteins are built.

Vitamins are organic chemicals that the body needs for normal growth, development, and metabolism. Vitamins do not belong to carbohydrates, proteins or fats. They are composed of other chemical elements and do not provide the body with energy.

Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. Getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables energizes the immune system.

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system - it has antiviral and antitoxic effects. You can get it from seafood, from unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, you need to drink tomato juice - it contains a large amount of vitamin A.

You need to consume protein. Protective factors of immunity are built from protein - antibodies (immunoglobins). If you eat a little meat, fish, eggs, dairy dishes, nuts, they simply cannot be formed.


It is beneficial to eat foods that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. They are called probiotic and include onions and leeks, garlic, artichokes and bananas.

In the spring and at the end of winter, there is a lack of vitamins in the body. You, of course, know the boxes and jars of vitamins. Some will buy sweet tablets containing vitamins and eat almost the whole pack at once. Then suddenly, for no reason at all, nausea, headache begins ... This body lets you know about the increased content of vitamins. Therefore, vitamin preparations can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, or at least with the permission of adults.

The composition of the human body includes a variety of substances: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. But most of all in the human body is water. The brain, for example, contains 80% water, muscles 76%, bones 25%.

Animals in the process of evolution have lost the ability to synthesize ten particularly complex amino acids, called essential. They get them ready-made with plant and animal food. Such amino acids are found in proteins of dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese), eggs, fish, meat, as well as in soybeans, beans and some other plants.

In the digestive tract, proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the cells. In the cells, they build their own proteins, which are characteristic of the given organism.
Minerals are inorganic compounds, which account for about 5% of body weight. Minerals serve as structural components of teeth, muscles, blood cells and bones. They are essential for muscle contraction, blood clotting, protein synthesis, and cell membrane permeability. The body receives minerals from food.

Minerals are classified into two classes: macronutrients and micronutrients.
Macronutrients - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine and magnesium - are required by the body in relatively large quantities.

Trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, zinc and fluorine. The need for them is somewhat less.

Water is one of the most important components of the body, accounting for 2/3 of its mass. Water is the main component of all biological fluids. It serves as a solvent for nutrients and toxins. The role of water in regulating body temperature and maintaining acid-base balance is great; water is involved in all chemical reactions in the body.

In order for food to meet the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, it must provide the body with all the necessary nutrients in the required amount and the right combination. The human body is a complex mechanism. Human health depends on how much energy a person receives and how much he spends and how harmoniously all his organs work, providing the necessary level of vital activity.

3. Influence of physical activity and hardening

Physical culture has always played a leading role in preparing a person for active fruitful life. She can successfully solve the problem of an imbalance between the strength of emotional stimuli and the realization of the physical needs of the body. This is a sure way to improve your mental and physical health.

Physical culture has an important impact on a person's ability to adapt to sudden and strong functional fluctuations. In total, a person has 600 muscles, and this powerful locomotor apparatus requires constant training and exercise. Muscular movements create a huge stream of nerve impulses heading to the brain, maintain the normal tone of the nerve centers, charge them with energy, and relieve emotional overload. In addition, people who are constantly engaged in physical education look more attractive outwardly. Physical education is the best measure to prevent alcohol consumption, smoking and drug addiction.

Exercise gives a person self-confidence. People who are constantly engaged in physical education are less stressed, they cope better with anxiety, anxiety, depression, anger and fear. They are not only able to relax more easily, but also know how to relieve emotional stress with the help of certain exercises. Physically trained people resist disease better, fall asleep more easily, sleep better, and take less time to get enough sleep. Some physiologists believe that every hour of physical activity prolongs a person's life by two to three hours.

Daily morning exercise is a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing in the morning.

Hardening- this is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors (for example, low or high temperatures) by systematic exposure of the body to these factors.

Modern dwellings, clothing, transport, etc., reduce the impact on the human body of atmospheric influences, such as temperature, humidity, sunlight. Reducing such influences on our body reduces its resistance to environmental factors. Hardening is a powerful health remedy. With its help, it is possible to avoid many diseases and preserve the ability to work, the ability to enjoy life for long goals. The role of hardening is especially great in the prevention of colds. Hardening procedures reduce their number by 2-4 times, and in some cases they help to get rid of colds altogether. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.
The main conditions that must be met when hardening the body are the systematic use of hardening procedures and a gradual increase in the force of impact. It must be remembered that in 2-3 months after the cessation of hardening, the previously achieved level of resistance of the organism begins to decline.

The most common form of hardening is the use of fresh, cool air. For this, in the warm season, long walks, hiking trips, sleeping in a room with an open window are good.

At home it is useful to walk barefoot on the floor, and for the first time during! minutes, then increase the duration by 1 minute every week. In the cold season, walking is well complemented by skiing, ice skating, slow tempering jogging in lightweight clothing. Improving resistance to low temperatures also contributes to morning exercises in the open air or in a carefully ventilated room.

Stronger hardening factor is water. In addition to temperature, water has a mechanical effect on the skin, which is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation.
Hardening can be carried out in the form of wiping or dousing with water. They begin quenching with water at a temperature not lower than 33-35 degrees and then every 6-7 days the water is cooled by one degree. If there are no changes on the part of the body, the water temperature can be brought to the tap temperature (10-12 degrees).

Swimming in open water has a great hardening effect. In this case, water irritation is combined with exposure to air. When swimming, increased muscle work during swimming contributes to warming the body. At the beginning, the duration of bathing is 4-5 minutes, gradually it is increased to 15-20 minutes. During too long bathing or bathing in very cold water, the increased metabolism cannot compensate for the loss of heat and the body is hypothermic. As a result, instead of hardening, a person harms his health.

One of the hardening factors is sun exposure. It causes vasodilation, enhances the activity of hematopoietic organs, promotes the formation of vitamin D. This is especially important for the prevention of rickets in children.

The duration of exposure to the sun should initially not exceed 5 minutes. It is gradually increased to 40-50 minutes, but no more. It should be remembered that excessive exposure to the sun can lead to overheating of the body, sunstroke, and burns.

These are the main components of health. Remember: a healthy lifestyle allows you to largely reveal those valuable personality traits that are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. This is, first of all, high mental and physical performance, social activity, creative longevity. A conscientious and responsible attitude towards health as a public domain should become the norm of life and behavior of all people. The widespread adoption of a healthy lifestyle is a matter of national importance, nationwide, and at the same time it concerns each of us.

The formation of a lifestyle that contributes to the strengthening of human health is carried out at three levels.

Rejection of bad habits. The harm of smoking.

Bad habits include alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction and substance abuse. All of them negatively affect human health, destructively acting on his body and causing various diseases. Smoking tobacco is one of the most common bad habits. Over time, it causes the smoker's physical and mental dependence.
First of all, the pulmonary system suffers from tobacco smoke, the defense mechanisms of the lungs are destroyed, and a chronic disease develops - the smoker's bronchitis.

Part of the tobacco ingredients dissolves in saliva and, getting into the stomach, causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, which subsequently develops into gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
Tobacco smoking is extremely harmful to the activity of the cardiovascular system and often leads to heart failure, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other diseases.
Radioactive substances in tobacco smoke can sometimes cause the formation of cancerous tumors. Tobacco smoke contains more than three thousand harmful substances. It is impossible to remember all of them. But you need to know the three main groups of toxins:

Resins. Contains strong carcinogens and substances that irritate the tissues of the bronchi and lungs. Lung cancer is caused by smoking in 85% of all cases. Oral and laryngeal cancers are also predominant in smokers. Resins are the cause of smokers' coughs and chronic bronchitis.
Nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulating narcotic substance. Like any drug, it is addictive, addictive and addictive. Increases heart rate and blood pressure. Stimulation of the brain is followed by a significant decline up to depression, which causes the desire to increase the dose of nicotine. A similar two-phase mechanism is inherent in all narcotic stimulants: first they excite, then exhaust. A complete cessation of smoking can be accompanied by a withdrawal syndrome lasting more often up to 2-3 weeks. The most common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are irritability, sleep disturbances, tremors, anxiety, and decreased tone.
All these symptoms do not pose a threat to health, they fade away and disappear completely by themselves.

Re-entry of nicotine into the body after a long break quickly restores addiction.

Toxic gases (carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, nitric oxide, etc.):

Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide is the main toxic component of tobacco smoke gases. It damages hemoglobin, after which the hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen. Therefore, smokers suffer from chronic oxygen starvation, which is clearly manifested during physical exertion. For example, smokers quickly become short of breath when climbing stairs or while jogging.

Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, therefore it is especially dangerous and often leads to fatal poisoning. Carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke and car exhaust gases are the same substance with the same chemical formula - CO. Only tobacco smoke contains more of it.

Hydrogen cyanide and nitric oxide also affect the lungs, exacerbating the body's hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Try to remember at least one number: tobacco smoke contains 384,000 MPCs of toxic substances, which is four times more than in the exhaust of a car. In other words, smoking a cigarette for one minute is about the same as breathing directly in exhaust fumes for four minutes.

Tobacco smoke has a harmful effect not only on the smoker, but also on those who are near him. In this case, nonsmokers experience headache, malaise, exacerbated upper respiratory tract diseases, negative changes occur in the activity of the nervous system and blood composition. Passive smoking has a particularly harmful effect on children.

Important areas of tobacco smoking prevention are the improvement of morality, general and medical culture of the population and other measures of psychological and pedagogical influence.
The harm of alcohol.

Alcohol has a destructive effect on all systems and organs, as it dissolves well in the blood and is carried by it throughout the body.

Getting into the stomach, ethyl alcohol negatively affects its mucous membrane, and through the central nervous system - on the entire digestive function. With frequent alcohol consumption, this can lead to chronic alcoholic gastritis.

Alcohol has a very harmful effect on the liver, which is unable to cope with large amounts of alcohol. The work of the liver with overexertion leads to the death of its cells and the development of cirrhosis.
Alcohol abuse leads to severe disturbances in the activity of the endocrine glands, primarily the pancreas and sexual glands.

The main problem is that most of the alcoholic beverages produced by non-state enterprises contain a large amount of toxic substances.

The brain especially suffers from alcohol, as a result of which the coordination of movements is disturbed, speech and handwriting change, the moral and intellectual level of a person decreases, and in the future there is a social degradation of the personality. Intellectual potential and moral level are decreasing, all interests are formed around one problem - to get alcohol. Former friends are replaced by new ones, corresponding to the aspirations of the drinker. Family friends and work friends are forgotten. Doubtful acquaintances arise with persons prone to theft, fraud, forgery, robbery, and drunkenness. The leading motive of behavior is to obtain funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.

Beer alcoholism forms faster than vodka alcoholism!

Beer affects human hormones:

1. In men: the production of the male sex hormone testosterone is suppressed. At the same time, female sex hormones begin to be produced, causing changes in the appearance of a man.

2. In women: the likelihood of contracting cancer increases, the voice becomes rougher, "beer whiskers" appear.
The main directions of the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism are labor education, the organization of good rest, improving the culture and health literacy of the population, as well as measures of a psychological, pedagogical and administrative-legal nature.

Drug addiction.

There are several ways to establish the fact of drug use:
Rapid drug tests.
By indirect signs of drug use and drug addiction.
In the process of drug examination.

Indirect signs of drug use and addiction: Remember that these are not suitable for short-term addicts.
Long sleeves are always available, regardless of the weather and the situation.
Unnaturally narrow or wide pupils, regardless of lighting.
A detached look.
Often - sloppy appearance, dry hair, swollen hands; dark, decayed, "broken off" teeth in the form of "stumps".
Posture is often stooped.
Slurred, "stretched" speech.
Awkward and slow movements with no smell of alcohol from the mouth.
A clear desire to avoid meeting with government officials.
Irritability, harshness and disrespect in answering questions.
After his appearance in the house, your things or money disappear.
Drug addicts usually do not show marks of injections, but sometimes they can be seen on the back of their hands, but in general, experienced drug addicts inject themselves anywhere, and traces must be looked for in all areas of the body, not excluding the skin on the head under the hair. Often, injection marks look not just like multiple red dots, but merge into dense bluish-purple cords along the course of the veins.
The body of a young person on average can withstand drug use for no more than 7 years. The child's body is much smaller. The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 25 years. The number of children who are drug addicts is growing at an alarming rate. The rapid growth of drug addiction, alcoholism among children and adolescents affects the health of the nation.

So, we can draw the following conclusions:
Health is the normal psychosomatic state of a person, reflecting his complete physical, mental and social well-being and ensuring the full performance of labor, social and biological functions.
Health largely depends on the lifestyle, however, speaking of a healthy lifestyle, they primarily mean the absence of bad habits. This is, of course, a necessary, but not at all a sufficient condition. The main thing in a healthy lifestyle is an active creation of health, including all its components. Thus, the concept of a healthy lifestyle is much broader than the absence of bad habits, work and rest regime, nutrition system, various hardening and developmental exercises; it also includes a system of attitudes towards oneself, towards another person, towards life in general, as well as the meaningfulness of being, life goals and values, etc. Consequently, for the creation of health, it is necessary both to expand the concept of health and diseases, and to skillfully use the entire spectrum of factors affecting various components of health (physical, mental, social and spiritual), mastering health-improving, restorative, nature-friendly methods and technologies, forming an attitude towards healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle largely depends on the student's value orientation, worldview, social and moral experience. Social norms, the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle are accepted by students as personally significant, but they do not always coincide with the values ​​developed by public consciousness.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle today is an urgent topic for any person, be it an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in the family, parents bring up a culture of a healthy lifestyle in children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, the media today are actively involved in promoting healthy lifestyles and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics and a variety of diets. There are reasons for this trend.

The thing is that modern life requires a person to invest their labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve their own goals. The situation is also aggravated by poor ecology, sedentary working conditions, poor-quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from a variety of technology and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Despite the fact that modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of drugs and medical measures. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules, which are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we offer you a series of free online lessons on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, exercise and exercise for yourself, how to build an optimal daily routine, and maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (Healthy lifestyle) is a person's skill, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or, on the contrary, to refuse to perform such actions), aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention is called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate the causes of the disease. Prevention can be of different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of the onset of diseases, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider precisely the primary prevention of diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - this means having special knowledge about what is useful and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the correct daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental characteristics, some of which are transmitted to us at the genetic level. Someone, without performing any physical exercises and special nutritional recommendations, always remains in good shape, someone is not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect him with acute respiratory infections, someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and stay awake ... All these abilities are more of an exception to the rule, inherent only to some people. And we can certainly say that there is no ideally healthy person in the world who possesses all the above advantages. That is why it is important for us to know our weak points and be able to take all the necessary measures in order to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

The use of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in a variety of situations, for example, it will allow:

  1. Correctly educate children (parents, educators, educators and teachers).
  2. Living longer and feeling better - absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin health in youth for everyone who studies a lot at the student's bench, and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are related to the organization of human pastime, for example, you are an employer, headmaster or university rector.

It is worth noting that the culture of a healthy lifestyle affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with the achievement of longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in family, work, and social life of society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat in moderation and balance. But often things never go further than promises to oneself that from Monday it is necessary to change one's life. These promises can be repeated many times until a really serious problem arises that is difficult to deal with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to observe special rules that will help keep you healthy and which you will learn about in the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules should be purposeful and systemic ... To do this, firstly, you need to decide on what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle, and put it in front of yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for your goal every day. It is very important when leading a healthy lifestyle, as in any other business, to develop a regime, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of a balanced diet and taken in the right mode. Equally important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding the biological rhythms of your body, and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in case of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn from your own experience, constantly replenishing the baggage of your knowledge.

A healthy life also requires a complete rejection of bad habits, which can negate all your efforts. You must understand that drinking, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only exacerbate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and labor stress on the human body.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you have selected one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle lessons

Below is a plan for a healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of a healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of activities aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or classroom hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge as practical skills that are applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any sequence, paying attention to what is interesting to you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and aimed at general acquaintance with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many practical tips and examples in the tutorials. Among the universal recommendations, the following should be highlighted:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to adhere to the correct regime from day to day that is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational tricks, you can find them in time management training on our website (soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has their own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques can replace your own experience.

Carefully and dubiously approach any recommendation. Whenever you have doubts about the efficacy and harmlessness of any health advice on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the recommendation until you are completely sure of it. Try to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers from time to time, as well as read reviews on the Internet - all this will help to avoid mistakes.

In order to master the principles of a healthy lifestyle as effectively as possible, and then form your habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training, try to perform the proposed exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to start building your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. You can find some useful information in the materials discussed below, as well as with the help of ordinary search engines. But remember that everything should be treated somewhat critically, and remember that often by applying some particularly drastic measures to improve health, you run the risk of getting the opposite effect and causing serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, notes, diagrams, as well as feedback and recommendations from experts and ordinary people on the practice of applying the principles of healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category in our blog, where you can read articles such as.

Most people underestimate the possibilities of a healthy lifestyle, and for many it is associated only with inhibitions. In fact, a healthy lifestyle does not imply sacrifices, but on the contrary - turns into acquired years of life and good health. Especially for World Health Day, we have collected simple tips that everyone can easily use in everyday life.

Eat only quality food and try not to skimp on food. Food is the foundation of a healthy and long life.

Walk whenever possible. Only through active movement will your body "accumulate" less fat.

In restaurants, refuse foods that make you doubtful. Poisoning, or even an upset stomach, undermines the strength of the body.

Store all food in the refrigerator so that it spoils as slowly as possible. Throw out everything that has already passed its expiration date.

Worry as little as possible, and better - do not worry at all. The more nervous a person is, the faster they age. In addition, stress is the main culprit for wrinkles and hair loss.

Do not buy vegetables and fruits in large quantities, buy exactly as much as you can eat in the next couple of days.

Limit the amount of alcohol consumed and follow the culture of its consumption, so as not to cause tangible harm to the body.

If you are angry, then do it openly, do not accumulate in yourself. Anger that has found a way out is much healthier than pent-up resentment.

Do not slouch, sit and walk with your back straight, and keep your neck straight. Many diseases are provoked by problems with the spine.

Try to drink as much water as possible. The average recommended dose of liquid per day is 1.5-2 liters, but remember that 50% of the liquid should be obtained from soup, tea, juices, and so on.

Be a family man. Experts from different countries have proven that family people live 5-7 years longer.

When cooking, fry the food as little as possible, preferably boil, simmer, or steam.

Give up everything that contains carcinogens - mainly smoked meats and food fried in fat, protein products after high heat treatment, canned, pickled and salted foods, foods with sodium nitrite additives. Experts have calculated that 50 g of smoked sausage may contain the same amount of carcinogens as the smoke from a pack of cigarettes. A can of sprat is equivalent to 60 packs of cigarettes.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day, while it is important that you sleep regularly, you need to go to bed at the same time. It is sleep that helps to restore physical strength, restore clarity to the head, improve memory and attention, get a good mood, and increase immunity.

Drive the sad mood by any means, because pessimism is a veiled form of chronic depression, which is responsible for the occurrence of many diseases.

Do not lift weights - because of this, the pressure on the intervertebral discs and joints of the spine increases dramatically. Even with a healthy back, it is not recommended to lift more than 15 kilograms at the same time.

Go in for sports, because 150 minutes of fitness per week will prolong youth by 5 years. What kind of physical activity to choose is up to you, the main thing is regularity. Dancing, yoga, Pilates, walking are suitable for health. You should be careful only with strength exercises, jogging and contact sports - firstly, they are traumatic, and secondly, it is better to do them under the supervision of an instructor.

Don't stay at home - actively meet with friends, go to theaters, movies and museums. A life full of positive emotions can compensate for a lot.

Take baths - they are very beneficial for both body and soul. Hot water will help you relax, rest, refresh your skin, and some types of home baths will help you lose weight.

Kiss and hug as often as possible. Psychologists advise hugging your soul mate or just a close or pleasant person at least eight times a day.

Never skip breakfast, it's one of the most important meals of the day. Men who skip breakfast are 27% more likely to have a heart attack or die from coronary artery disease (CHD)!

Furnish your apartment with green plants in pots, indoor plants not only help brighten up rainy days, but also have medicinal properties.

Go in for swimming - it will help strengthen the immune system, temper the body, develop strength and endurance, harmoniously develop the muscles of the whole body, improve the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and prevent diseases of the spine and joints. Well, finally lose weight.

Sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows, and be mindful of the organization of the sleeping place. Very important, as well

When experimenting with cosmetics, be careful - the cream for the face, eyes and hands must be chosen carefully and very individually. Focus on your skin type and its properties. In addition, it is important to store your cosmetics properly.

Go to the bathhouse! And go there as often as possible. A bath is not only pleasant, but also very useful.

Try not to swear with anyone, but if a quarrel has already begun, then sort things out calmly and constructively so that the conflict is resolved and not aggravated. With any, even the most stormy showdown, you must not lose your head and keep control over yourself.

Eat honey - it is very useful, it contains hundreds of the most valuable substances for the body: glucose, fructose, sucrose, macro- and microelements, proteins, amino acids and others. In order for all of them to work in full force, honey must meet a number of conditions, the main of which is naturalness.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Remember to brush your teeth - this should be done in the morning and in the evening. Dentists assure that it is impossible to replace a toothbrush with chewing gum or a simple mouthwash.

Do not tolerate - it is categorically impossible to endure hunger, pain, cold and thirst, because these are all signals of the body, some of them can be easily understood, that is, just eat or drink, and some will have to be deciphered by specialists and treated.

Find a job you love or something you love to do. Remember that work is not only a source of money, it should bring moral satisfaction.

Get regular rest, plan and travel, be saturated with new emotions and impressions. But remember that you should not go to hot countries for less than a couple of weeks!

Keep all important medicines at home - keep them on hand and not needed, than they will be needed, but not in your home medicine cabinet. And do not feel sorry for medicines that have expired.

Do not be afraid of doctors, the health of any person requires regular examination. Remember that your health is in your hands, and it is in your power to prevent serious diseases, or to identify them in time.

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