What vitamins are necessary for bones and joints: titles and characteristics of drugs. Human growth vitamins Good bone vitamins

Biologically active substances included in the diet are the key to bone strength. The normal functioning of the elements depends on calcium, which is not absorbed by the organism without the required amount of vitamin D3. Collagen, Vitamin E and and useful for the work of the ligament. All these bone vitamins can be obtained either by taking vitamin medicinal complexes, or with food.

The growth and development of all bone structures of the body depends on the proper balance of nutrients in the body, especially in kindergarten, depends on the organism. Prevent fractures I. various diseases Biologically active substances help. The correct splicing of damaged elements of a skeleton of a person is impossible without the presence of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Active substances for bone strengthening

The strength of the human skeleton depends on the presence of calcium, which also affects the growth of bone structures. The lack of this substance can lead to osteoporosis - a disease in which the bones are thinning in the fact that the body consumes calcium from them. Pathological processes are affected primarily the spine, so it is necessary to follow the receipt of this substance very closely, otherwise in the future you will have to cope with various diseases and ailments.

Despite the fact that this mineral is very useful to the body, more than 80% is not absorbed without magnesium, phosphorus, D3 and K2. However, it is not necessary to take in huge quantities of calcium to strengthen bones and listed vitamins for bones. In too large doses, these substances are not only not useful, but can harm: to cause the formation of plaques in vessels, strokes or neoplasms.

The excess of vitamin D3 and calcium in the body is eliminated by which accumulates them in the bone system. In addition, it cleans the vessels in which the surplus of biologically active elements have accumulated, which allows preventing pathological processes in the body.

What does the lack of active substances lead to?

Having understood how vitamin is necessary for bones, you should think about what its shortage can lead to.

The shortage of the following nutrients can cause:

  • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Leads to a stop of the growth of cartilage cells and bones, which can cause the softness and porosity of the bone system.
  • Retinol.. The bone density decreases, which significantly increases the risk of their damage.
  • Calciferol. Vitamins for bone strengthening, including vitamin D, when they are lacking, they may cause bone thinning due to blocking calcium intake in tissue.

What bone vitamin is needed during fractures and how to prevent them

Avoid bone fractures contributes to vitamin A in the body. Retinol shortage can lead to a decrease in density bone tissue, thinning the walls of bones and their fragility. One of the symptoms of fractures is the lack of vitamin A, respectively, its deficit can be considered one of the causes of such pathologies.

Damaged elements of the bone structure are better fixed under the condition if the organism in due quantity receives such bones such as methylsulfonylmethane, which is one of the sulfur forms. This element helps to restore and cartilage tissue. In addition, take this vitamin for the growth of bones.

In the period of splicing fractures, it is recommended to take vitamins for strengthening bones containing selenium and manganese. The latter is saturated bone structures Oxygen, thereby improving metabolic processes and accelerates recovery. Without the presence of selenium sulfur, it is not embedded in cartilage structures, so without the required amount of this substance, damage to ligaments or fractures are harder.

Substances necessary for cartilage and ligaments

Collagen - one of the most important vitaminswhose action is aimed at maintaining the health of cartilage and ligaments. Chondroitin - a substance that enters the basis cartilage fabric. He contributes to the tendons. A similar function is performed by glucosamine.

For joints and ligaments, the following substances are needed:

  • Vitamin E. Strengthens ligaments due to stabilization in the lipid cell membrane, improves the mobility of the joints.
  • Vitamin C. Promotes collagen generation and does not allow the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  • Vitamin RR. Improves the mobility of the joints.

Bone vitamins have different impact on the structures and tissues of the body, and therefore the substances necessary for their strengthening and restoring after fractures are not able to fully regenerate

Vitamin complexes are prescribed only by a specialist after a complete examination of the body. Changing the diet is also coordinated with the doctor.

Magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D

Group listed vitamins Promotes the absorption of calcium in the body. Phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins D and A regulate its absorption in the intestines and maintain the ratio of other minerals in the collagen bone fibers.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid attributed to the category of vitamins necessary to strengthen bones due to the fact that it contributes to the formation of collagen. The latter not only acts as a medium accumulating mineral salts, but also depreciates and softens the bones when hitting.

Vitamins Group B.

In the list of what vitamin for the growth of bones is needed the most mentioned B1, B2, B6 necessary for functioning nervous system, B5, B12, responsible for the hematopoietic function.

The shortage of listed substances can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of bone tissue, which worsens the process of the metabolism of the nerve pulses with the brain. Vitamins for blood system Wanted to form strong vessels and stabilize their operation.


The formation in the human body of free radicals is significantly hampered by this metal. In addition, copper has a protective effect on cartilage cloth.

It is contained in products such as vegetables and legumes, bakery products, nuts, seafood, chocolate.


Supports the body's immune system, helps healing the damage to the joints. Promotes the formation of the shell of the articular cartilage.

Contained in seafood, animal kidneys, sea saltcrude grain products.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Some of the most essential components, on which the flow of vital processes depends, are Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. With inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, their pains in the bones and muscles are prescribed as vitamin therapy. Unsaturated acids Useful for of cardio-vascular system. Omega-3 in large quantities is contained in fish, walnuts, linen and rapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds.

Balanced proper nutrition

Through life, bone tissues are gradually updated and restored. A full update in a growing body occurs in a couple of years, but the formed process takes seven or ten years. A person is what he eats, therefore, the balance of vitamins and microelements in the body depends on the nutrition and substances contained in the products.

Proper nutrition plays the most important role in the first twenty years of life, since it is for this period that there is an increase and development. In old age, a similar need for nutrients occurs - during this period of life, all regenerative processes slow down significantly, which increases the risk of fractures.

To preserve the health of the teeth, the rapid restoration is desirable to abandon at all or reduce the use of the following products at all:

  • Sugar, salt.
  • Coffee and soda.
  • Sweets, bakery products.
  • Animal fats.

To support the health of the whole organism, strengthen the skeleton and teeth, improve the functioning of the internal organs and reduce the risk of developing various diseases and pathologies, it is necessary:

  • Take vitamin bone growth.
  • Do not abuse harmful products and habits.
  • Take vitamin for the formation of bones.

Pledge of health, durable bones and joints is the timely reception of the vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning human body.

Vitamins for bones and joints act differently on the structures and tissues of the body, therefore the substances necessary to strengthen the skeleton and the prevention of fractures are not always fully restored the ligament or cartilage tissue. For this reason vitamin complexes should be appointed only by a doctor after the full examination of the body.

For the strength of bones, cartilage and joints, biologically active substances should be included in the diet. For the normal functioning of the elements of the bone system, calcium is needed, which is not absorbed without a sufficient amount of vitamin D3 in the body. For the natural functioning of the ligament, such active substances such as collagen, vitamin E and a are useful. Receive required vitamins To strengthen bones and joints, you can either with food, rich necessary elementsor taking pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.

For right growth bone structures that need to be in childhoodThe balance of nutrients in the body plays a huge role. Biologically active substances help prevent various diseases and fractures. After damage to the bone tissues or during fractures, without many mineral and vitamin elements, it is impossible to achieve proper splicing of damaged skeleton elements.

Active substances to strengthen bones - Getting closer

The main substance ensuring the strength of the human skeleton is calcium, which is also necessary for the growth of bone structures. When a lack of this substance, the body begins to spend it from the tissues of the bone system, which over time leads to osteoporosis (bone thinning). First of all, pathological processes begin to develop in the spine, so it should be better followed by the receipt of a sufficient number of calcium into the body, than to deal with various ailments and pathological processes.

Despite all the advantages of such a mineral as calcium, it should be borne in mind that almost 80% of this substance is not absorbed without phosphorus, D3, K2 and magnesium in the body. But this does not mean that it is better to take the preparations of vitamin D3 and calcium in huge quantities to strengthen the bones. In large quantities, these substances are also not useful and can lead to the formation of plaques in vessels, growth of neoplasms and strokes.

Avoid the overaction of calcium and d3 in vessels and soft tissues It is possible with the help of vitamin K2, which has the property of the direction of these items in the bone system. Also vitamin K2 contributes to the purification of vessels in which excess of active elements are already existed, which is very important to prevent pathological processes in organism.

In addition to the listed minerals and vitamins, the following elements are very important for the growth and strengthening of bone structures:

  • Vitamin A - enhances the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which is necessary after fractures for the blows of bone tissue;
  • Vitamin C - is responsible for the synthesis of collagen, which gives the flexibility of the bones, which helps to avoid fracture;
  • Vitamin B6 - improves bone tissue, makes a collagen layer better for the penetration of magnesium and prevents the losses of salts and minerals, balancing their number in the body.

What does the lack of active substances in the body?

Having understood what vitamins and minerals are useful for bone and bound System A person should think about what their drawback leads to.

Nutrient deficit and consequences for the body:

  • Ascorbic acid - the deficiency of vitamin C leads to a stop of the growth of bone and cartilage cells, which leads to the porosity and softness of bone structures;
  • Calciferol - the lack of vitamin D leads to thinning of the bone, due to blocking the flow of calcium in its fabric;
  • Retinol is an insufficient amount of this substance causes a decrease in the density of bone tissue, after which the risk of serious damage to the bone increases.

What elements are needed during fractures or how to prevent bone damage

In dairy products contain many calcium

In order to avoid bone fracture, it is important to monitor the level of vitamin A in the body. The deficiency of retinol helps to reduce the density of bone tissue, thinning the walls of the bone and give them fragility. For fractures, a lack of vitamin A in the human body is very often observed, so the shortage of this substance can be considered the cause of bone fragility.

In bone fractures, to ensure the capture of damaged elements, an entry into the organism of methylsulfonylmethan should be increased, which is a certain form of sulfur. With this element, it is possible to restore not only bones, but also the cartilage tissue. This substance is also indispensable for the growth of the bone system.

After fracture bones, manganese and selenium is useful. With manganese, damaged bone structures are saturated with oxygen, which increases metabolic processes in their tissues, and, accordingly, provides ever restoration. Without selenium, the embedding of sulfur in cartilage structures is impossible, so the normalization of the level of this substance in the body plays a leading role, especially after the bone fracture or damage to the ligaments.

Required substances for bundles and cartilage

Collagen is very important to strengthen the ligament apparatus, without which there can be no speech about and cartilage. No less important is chondroitin, on the basis of which a cartilage tissue is created in the body. Without it, it is impossible to strengthen ligaments, joints and tendons in general. Glucosamine, firming the ligalar and tendon structure, also responds to the production of cartilage cells.

Required for ligaments and joints Vitamins:

  • Vitamin C - synthesizes collagen and prevents the start of the destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • Vitamin E - increases articular mobility, stabing lipids in the cell membrane, which helps strengthen ligaments;
  • Vitamin RR - increases the mobility of the joints, blocking the activity of interleukins in the sieve liquid.

Vitamins for bones and joints have different impact on the fabric and structures of the body, therefore, the substances necessary for strengthening bones and substances indispensable during their fractures cannot fully restore the cartilage cloth or a binder. Vitamin complexes must be appointed by a doctor only after a full survey. Changing the diet, in order to increase the admission to the body of a particular substance, should also be coordinated with a specialist.

What is vitamins for growth, and how to take them?

Thank you

Today, a wide discussion has unfolded in society regarding various aspects related to vitamins. People discuss a number of problems related to the vitamins and their interests. So, most often talking about vitamins for children, for pregnant women, to prepare for pregnancy, for growth, to strengthen hair, to increase immunity, etc. Mostly people are interested in the question how, and which vitamins must be taken in order to achieve any specific goal, for example, to optimally prepare the body for pregnancy, improve the functioning immune system etc. One of those exciting a large number of People are the expediency of using vitamins for growth.

Growth Vitamins - Definition and Physiology

Strictly speaking, "vitamins of growth", which cause a mandatory increase in the length of the human body during their regular reception, simply does not exist. However, there are certain vitamins that contribute to the processes of active growth, and, consequently, their use can help grow and achieve maximum possible values Body lengths programmed genetically. That is, compounds that improve metabolic processes in the body can be attributed to vitamins for growth in the body, thereby contributing to the height of the body in length and set muscular mass.

To understand the essence of the biochemical effect of vitamins on the growth process in length, it is necessary to know how this process occurs. The person grows only to the age of 20, after which the special sections are completely closed at the ends of the bones - epiphysis. New cells can be formed on epiphysees, and, therefore, the bone increases in length. After 20 years, epiphysis cease to function, and the growth of a person in length is completely stopped. Up to 20 years, the growth occurs unevenly - the most powerful jerks of an increase in body length occur aged 0 - 1 year, 4 - 5 years and 13 - 14 years. It was in these age periods that the child especially need vitamins that contribute to growth, since in conditions of their sufficient admission it will be able to stretch on the maximum possible length defined by its genetic features.

In other words, vitamins for growth are substances that only contribute to the highest possible flow of this process, but they themselves cannot activate it. Activation of growth processes is carried out by a special hormone - somatostatin, which actually launches the entire process. Under the influence of somatostatin in the body, the growth of bones and muscles begins, which will be maximized in the presence of vitamins that ensure the active flow of metabolic processes. And it is in ensuring the maximum activity of metabolic processes and is the role of vitamins of growth in increasing body length. That is, vitamins do not add growth to a person, but quite contribute to drawing it during periods of active growth.

What vitamins are needed for growth

In principle, in various age periods, a person needs the same vitamins for growth. However, their quantity and relationship with each other to ensure the maximum effect of supporting the growth process in a teenager and a child may vary. It is quite difficult to choose these data from the proportion, so doctors and scientists recommend applying special vitamin and mineral complexes or biologically active additives Food containing both vitamins and minerals in the required quantity and ratio.

Vitamins for human growth of all ages under 20 years old

In a broad sense, a person for active growth requires all 13 currently known vitamins and a number of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, etc. However, the most pronounced influence on the growth process possesses the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A (Retinol);
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin K (Phillahinone);
All listed vitamins are "vitamins of growth", that is, more or less participate in the processes of increasing muscle mass and body length. If during the periods of active growth (0 - 1 year, 4 to 5 years and 13-14 years old), the child will receive all of these vitamins in sufficient quantities, it will be able to grow to the maximum possible value defined by its genetic features. However, in addition to vitamins for good height Man must receive calcium. Therefore, almost everyone complex drugs For stimulation growth of children And adolescents, in addition to vitamins, contain calcium and phosphorus.

For example, genetically growing any person is determined ranging from 170 to 190 cm. This means that, depending on the living conditions and nutrition, a person will be able to grow from 170 to 190 cm. And in adverse conditions (poor nutrition, unbearable physical exertion, mental and emotional tension, etc.) A person will grow only to the lower genetically determined limit, that is, in our example up to 170 cm. And in good, favorable conditions (high-quality and full nutrition, moderate physical exertion, good emotional atmosphere, etc.), the same person will grow to the maximum genetically determined limit, that is, up to 190 cm in our example.

In order for the person to grow to the maximum genetically deterministic value, it should receive vitamins of growth in sufficient quantity. And since anyone grows only until 20 years of age, after which this process stops, and the body's length achieved is preserved for the rest of their lives, then it is necessary to receive vitamins of growth or take a tablet in the form of up to 20 years. If the vitamins of growth take after 20 years, they can only provoke an increase in muscle mass, but not the elongation of bones. It is for this reason that vitamins of growth are so popular among bodybuilders.

Consider the properties of each of the vitamins of growth.

Vitamin A It is the most famous and "strong" in terms of the effect of vitamin growth. Retinol stimulates the synthesis of special cells - osteoblasts, which, in turn, actively produce structures and substances that are part of the bone. In fact, the osteoblasts synthesize substances that form a new section of the bone, with the result that its total length increases. And thus, human growth is also increasing. In addition, vitamin A launches the calcification process (hardening) of the newly growing area of \u200b\u200bthe bone, making it as durable as all other parts. Thus, vitamin A at the same time launches the bone synthesis process, and the occurrence of new sections.

Vitamin D It is widely known as the main means for the prevention of rickets. However, it is less known another property of vitamin D - this is the ability to activate the absorption of calcium from food. And calcium is needless microelegen For sightseeing (rejection) bones. Thus, the good absorption of calcium creates optimal conditions For the growth of bones. It is thus that the ability of vitamin D to improve the absorption of calcium indirectly leads to the activation of the growth of bones.

In addition, Vitamin D stimulates the synthesis of osteoblasts, which are actually forming the soft basic fabrics of the new bone area first. Then these newly synthesized soft sections of the tissue are subjected to calcium soles seal and become dense, forming a full bone. Thus, Vitamin D contributes to growth due to the activation of osteoblasts and accelerate the process of mineralization of newly educated sections of bones.

Vitamin E. It does not independently have any significant impact on the growth process, but it protects vitamins A, C and erythrocytes from the destruction by free radicals, which, in turn, directly stimulate the growth of bones. Thus, the role of vitamin E is to protect the structure and prolongation of the effects of vitamins A and C, which activate the process of elongation of bones. Due to the prolonged action, vitamins A and C are capable of activating the bone growth over a long period of time, giving it the opportunity to lengthen to the maximum possible value.

Vitamin C It also does not have any impact on the process of growing bones and muscle mass. But it enhances the growth process in an indirect way, improving the absorption and transportation of vitamins A, D and E from the intestine in the tissue, as well as protecting them from the destruction by free radicals. Thanks to the good absorption of vitamins A and D, they are able to powerfully activate the growth processes and maintain them at this level. In addition, ascorbic acid also contributes to the rapid absorption and transportation of all substances necessary to build new fabrics, including the growth of bones.

Vitamin B 1. Just like E and C, promotes growth in length only indirectly. Vitamin B 1 regulates the digestion process and ensures optimal blood supply to all organs and tissues, which is necessary for enhanced bone growth. After all, without adequate blood supply, with which everything is applied to tissues and cells required substances and oxygen, and the spree product and carbon dioxide are removed.

Vitamin B 2. It activates the metabolism, which also indirectly contributes to the strengthened growth of bones.

Vitamin B 6. Regulates the work of the nervous system, providing proper transmission of pulses from the spinal and brain in the tissue and cells of all organs. In the process of growth, Vitamin B 6 plays important, since it regulates the proper bone construction and the inclusion of receptors in it, for which in the future it will receive management teams from the head or spinal cord.

Vitamin K. Liquets blood, reducing its ability to coagulation. This effect leads to the fact that blood can pass on everything, even very small vesselsBy supplying nutrients and oxygen the most remote and "closed" fabrics to which bones belong. Thus, activating blood microcirculation by eliminating small blood clots, vitamin to indirectly contributes to the growth of bones.

Thus, based on the foregoing, it is possible to conditionally allocate two main vitamin of growth - this is a and d, which directly affect this process. And the remaining vitamins - C, K, E, in 1, 2 and in 6 can also be conditionally considered indirect stimulants of growth. This means that without vitamins A and D, growth will not be able to strengthen, under any circumstances. In the presence of vitamins A and D, human growth will increase. But if Vitamins A and D will enter the body in combination with C, K, E, in 1, 2 and in 6, then this will achieve the highest possible increase in human body length.

Children's Growth Vitamins

Children have two periods of active growth - this is 0 - 1 year and 4 - 5 years, in which they grow quickly, sharply and jump into length. It is in these periods to achieve the highest possible body length, they need vitamins for growth. For children with vitamins of growth are the following:
  • Vitamin A (Retinol and Beta Carotes);
  • Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamins of group B (in 1, 2 and in 6).
Moreover, the main vitamins of growth are A and D, and all the others - C, E and group B refer to the auxiliary.

Children to enhance growth can not be given vitamin K, since it can provoke excessive bodybagging and related bleeding, potentially life-threatening. This effect of vitamin K in children is associated with the immaturity of their regulatory systems. Therefore, for children it is necessary to choose so complexes for growth in which there is no vitamin K.

The most efficient and safe vitamin and mineral complexes that contribute to the growth of children are as follows:

  • Bi big (children from 6 years old);
  • Calcachel (for children from 6 years);
  • Calckene (for children from 5 years);
  • Calcium d 3 classic (children from 3 years old);
  • Complivits calcium d 3 (for children from 3 years);
  • Multi-Tab Kid Calcium + (Children 2 - 7 years old);
  • Growth rate (from birth);
  • Unicap Yu (Children 2 - 4 years old).

Growth Vitamins for Teens

Vitamins of growth for adolescents are a, d, e, c, k and group in (in 1, 2 and in 6). Teenagers older than 12 years old can use vitamin and mineral complexes to activate growth with the same dosages active ingredientsAs adults. Only adolescents these complex drugs will increase the body growth in length, and in adults older than 20 years - prevent osteoporosis, leaching calcium from bones, and, therefore, their increased fragility and inclination to fractures. The growth period among adolescents is 13-14 years old, so it is at this age that the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes that improve this process is appropriate.

So, the following vitamin and mineral complexes have a good effect of increasing growth in adolescents:

  • Berlamin modular;
  • Vitrum calcium d 3;
  • Vitrum Osteomag;
  • Calckene Advance;
  • Calcium-d 3 Aktavis;
  • Calcium-d 3-mik capsules;
  • Foundation d 3;
  • Revital calcium d 3;
  • Growth rate;

Vitamin rate for growth

To ensure the maximum possible increase in active periods, you need to consume vitamins that contribute to this process in the middle daily dosage. For active growth allowed a little excess (up to 15%) daily norm Consumption of vitamins for a certain age. But to reduce the daily rate of consumption of vitamins can not be allowed if a person wants to actively grow.

The average daily need for vitamins for the growth of children and adolescents of various age is reflected in the table.

Vitamin Consumption rate aged 0 - 1 year Consumption rate aged 4 - 5 year Consumption rate aged 13 - 14 year
Vitamin A1250 me1670 Me.3000 - 5000 me2600 - 3000 me
Vitamin D400 me400 me400 me400 me
Vitamin E.3 mg7 mg10 mg8 mg
Vitamin C30 mg45 mg50 mg45 mg
Vitamin K.5 μg20 μg45 μg45 μg
Vitamin B 1.0.3 mg0.9 mg1.3 mg1.1 mg
Vitamin B 2.0.4 mg1.1 mg1.5 mg1.3 mg
Vitamin B 6.0.5 mg1.1 mg1.7 mg1.4 mg

Names of complex vitamin preparations for growth

Currently on the domestic pharmaceutical market There are the following vitamin and mineral growth complexes, intended for children and adolescents of different ages:
  • Bi big (from 6 years);
  • Berlamin modular (from 12 years old);
  • Vitrum calcium d 3 (from 12 years);
  • Vitrum Osteomag (from 12 years);
  • Calcachel (from 6 years old);
  • Calckene (from 5 years);
  • Calckene Advance (from 12 years);
  • Calcium-d 3 Aktavis (from 12 years);
  • Calcium d 3 classic (from 3 years);
  • Calcium-d 3 -mik capsules (from 12 years);
  • Calcium-d 3 nicomed (from 12 years);
  • Calcium-d 3 nomed forte (from 12 years);
  • Complivit calcium d 3 (from 3 years);
  • Multi-Tab kid calcium + (2 - 7 years old);
  • Foundation d 3 (from 12 years);
  • Revital Calcium d 3 (from 12 years);
  • Growth rate (from birth);
  • ELKar (from 12 years old);
  • Unicap Yu (2 - 4 years).

Vitamins for the growth of various organs and body structures

Bone Growth Vitamins

The best way The growth of bones is stimulated by vitamins A and D in combination with calcium microelements and phosphorus. However, vitamins A and D allow you to maximize the growth of bones only in children or young people younger than 20 years of age. In people over 20 years old, vitamins A and D combined with calcium and phosphorus only strengthen the bones, increasing their mineralization and preventing them, thereby, their brittleness and fragility. Such a selective effect of vitamins A and D, depending on the age, is explained very simply - up to 20 years in humans remain open epiphysis - special surfaces from two ends of the bone, which they are able to increase in length. It is on the epiphizes that new bone structures are formed, which are gradually subjected to mineralization and become part of it, thus making all the bone is longer.

In addition to A and D, indirectly contribute to the growth of the bones in the length of the following vitamins - K, C, E, in 1, 2 and in 6. This means that with the combined application of vitamins A and D + K, C, E, in 1, in 2 and in 6 is achieved pronounced effect Stimulation of the growth of bones in young people and children under 20 years old compared to an isolated reception only a + D.

Nail growth vitamins

Nails from the point of view of histology are the appendages of the skin, that is, they consist of an epidermis cell that has been energized with the formation of a dense plate protecting the fingertip. This means that health and high nail growth rate are determined by nutrition, blood supply and sufficient amount of vitamins for active metabolism in structures skin cover. That is, relatively speaking, for the growth of the nails, the same vitamins are needed as for the health of the skin.
The following vitamins are needed to grow scientists and doctors that the following vitamins are needed for the growth of beautiful, strong nails:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin RR;
  • Vitamin B 5.
Each of the listed vitamins performs any specific function, and their combined effect leads to a rapid rust of the beautiful, healthy, strong and unlucky nail plate. Therefore, to accelerate the growth and rehabilitation of nails, complex drugs contain all the listed vitamins should be taken. Currently, there is a wide selection of multivitamine complexes for improving skin, hair and nails, for example, Vitasharm, complivates radiance, formula ice, etc. You can choose any complex that for any subjective reasons will like the woman most.

In addition, appearance Nail plate can be determined which vitamin is needed for nail growth in this particular case:

  • Brick and dry nails - Vitamin A is needed;
  • Separate dense-tight plots on the nail plate, nail stuffing and edge bending - Vitamin C is needed;
  • White stripes on the nail plate, Cuticle Assurance is rough - Vitamin B 5 is needed;
  • Dirty gray or yellow dull color of the nail - vitamin RR;
  • Nails brittle, dry, and the edges of the nail plate are strongly thickened - vitamin E is needed;
  • Brush, thin and pouring nails - Vitamin D.

Vitamins for muscle growth

Currently on the domestic market there is wide spectrum Pharmacological vitamins and dietary supplements intended to accelerate the increase in muscle mass. However, among this huge number Preparations are available, both effective and completely useless. To distinguish an effective muscle mass stimulator from useless, you need to know what indicators reflected in the instructions, it should have, and what should be included in its composition. So, the following substances have effective muscular mass growth stimulants:
  • Vitamins - in 6, C and D;
  • Minerals - magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc;
  • Substances stimulating the blood supply to all tissues and organs (for example, pentoxifylin).
If in the BAA or vitamin and mineral complex included all these substances, it is an effective stimulant of muscle growth.

In the domestic market, the most efficient and widespread vitamin-mineral complexes, which can be used to accelerate the growth of muscle mass, are as follows:

  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Elevita pronatal;
  • Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition;
  • Adam.
According to professional athletes, the most effective complex For a set of muscle mass are vitamins for pregnant women - Elevita pronatal, since they contain all the necessary elements in a sufficient dosage (at 6 2.6 mg, C - 100 mg, d - 400 me, zinc - 7.5 mg, iron - 60 mg , calcium - 125 mg, magnesium - 100 mg). In Vitamins, Supradin, Witrum, complivitis and duovit also contains all the elements necessary to stimulate the growth of muscle mass, but not in optimal quantity. Therefore, when applied, they will have to balance the diet, introducing products rich in vitamins or trace elements that are small in the multivitamin complex.

Preparations Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition and Adam are also balanced and ideal for stimulating a set of muscle mass, but are not sold everywhere, and therefore are not so available as listed above.

Vitamins for breast growth

Slightly increase the amount of breasts due to stimulation of the growth of tissues constituting the milk gland, the following vitamins are:
  • Vitamin A Increases the production of progesterone - hormone, which causes the growth of breast tissues. Therefore, the regular use of vitamin A in the daily average dosages will help increase breasts;
  • Vitamin E. stimulates the growth of the rocker gland fabric and gives it elasticity, due to which the chest increases slightly;
  • Vitamin C Enhances the collagen synthesis process in the human body. And, as you know, there is a large volume of connective tissue in the chest, the main part of the structure of which is formed by the collagen. Therefore, an increase in the volume of collagen fibers will help increase breast volume.

Vitamins for hair growth

Since the hair, like nails, are from the point of view of histology to the skin of the skin, their health and growth rate depend on the intensity of metabolism in the structures of the skin. And the metabolism in the skin, in turn, is determined by the amount of appropriate vitamins, nutrients, oxygen and trace elements. At present, it is precisely known that the following vitamins are needed to accelerate hair growth:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 5.
These vitamins can be taken separately or in the form of a vitamin and mineral complex. Currently, the pharmaceutical market has a wide range of various complexes designed specifically to improve the condition, as well as accelerating the growth of skin, hair and nails, for example, Vitasharm, Ice Formula, Witrum Beauty, etc.

Vitamins for eyelash growth

Improve nutrition, and, therefore, enhance the growth of eyelashes. The following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 5.
The most effectively accelerates the growth of eyelashes The simultaneous reception of the listed vitamins in the form of tablets in combination with outer masks from the oil solution of vitamins E and A. The oil solution of vitamins A and E can be obtained, gently pushing the "Aevit" dragee and releaseing content from it. In addition, you can use a ray, almond or castor oilwhich contain both vitamin.

What vitamins to drink hair growth and use for
Mask manufacturing

Vitamins for hair growth Revalid You should take one capsule three times a day at time or immediately after meals. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months, during which vitamins should be taken continuously. In this case, the condition and hair growth is improved after one month of the use of revalide. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a break at least 1 month.

According to the reviews, after the course of use of the revalide, the hair is growing really faster, but no more than 2 - 5 cm per month.

Vitamins for hair growth Perfectyl You must take one capsule per day after eating. Capsules should be taken daily at the same time, so it is best to do this after breakfast. The duration of the course of therapy is one month. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a monthly interruption. According to the reviews, after the course of use, the hair ceased to fall out and grow 2 to 5 cm per month.

Masks for hair growth with vitamins. The best way to the condition of the hair and the speed of their growth affect the vitamins A and E. Therefore, to accelerate hair growth, you can make masks with oil solutions of vitamins. The simplest mask is the simplest mask - the vitamin E solution to apply on the skin of the head, then evenly distribute the oil along the entire length of the hair, cover them with a polyethylene package and on top to dress with a warm hat. Leave a mask for 1 - 2 hours, after which it washed ordinary shampoo. Such a mask is very simple and effective.

Oil solutions of vitamins A and E can be added to any compositions of hair masks, as branded, and homemade. Vitamins will accelerate hair growth to a maximum of up to 5 cm per month.

Vitamins for hair growth - reviews

Most often, women apply vitamins for hair growth Revalide and perfect. Reviews about these complexes are twofold - and positive, and negative. Some women leave enthusiastic reviews, as the drug stopped

Growth is one of the indicators of the physical development of the child, followally monitor moms and dads. An increase in body length indicators leads to parents delight. But if the kid did not grow up, then mom and dad begin to worry. How can I increase the growth rate than feeding the child? This article tells this article.

All parents dream of their child to grow strong and healthy, did not lag behind the peers in physical Development. The main thing in this phrase is the word "grew". Thanks to active growth, children gradually turn into adults. Boys want to be high, and girls are usually average. Nevertheless, there are lowered young men and girls.

But many parents believe that children will be higher than them. Of course, it is difficult to fight heredity, but still possible. If and use fit products In periods of intensive growth, the length of the body will increase. This is so simple, a low-spirited child can become a child with a middle or above average growth.

Changing growth rates in different age periods in children

Growth is physiological processcharacterized by lengthening the body and changes in its proportions.

All children pass the stages of physical development since the early period - conception. During a woman, a woman grows intensively, especially on a large period. This is due to the increase in the size of the fetus. From a small embryo (2.5 mm) a full-fledged child is formed with a length of 46-56 cm.

After birth, the baby also continues to grow actively. It is more clearly expressed in the first year of life. Growth increases half. If at birth, the body's length of the newborn was 50 cm, then by the year it approaches 75 cm. In 4 years, children double their growth (on average it is 100 cm), and by 12 years - they are lost (about 150 cm).

Body length from 2 to 15 years can be determined, based on the formula where growth is known. eight-year-old child (130 cm). For each missing year from 130 cm, 7 cm is taken, for each subsequent - 130 cm is added 5 cm.

Also, the average growth of the child can be treated, if you know the growth of both parents. For this, mom's growth and dad in centimeters need to be folded and divided by half. To the resulting result add 6.5 cm if the child is a boy, or subtract 6.5 cm if the girl's family.

In the process of lengthening the body change and proportions. In a newborn, the ratio of the length of the head and body is 1: 4, and in an adult - 1: 7-1: 8. As a result, at the reception at the pediatrician, nurses often have to measure the proportions of the body. Fair expression: "The child is not an adult in miniature." More about average regulatory growth and weight in children.

The effect of the bone system on the growth of the child

The growth of the child directly depends on the degree of development of the skeleton. Children have end departments tubular bones - Epiphyshes, spongy bones of the brush and foot consist of cartilage tissue. Gradually, the zones of ossification appear in the process of forming a skeleton. According to them, you can identify the bone age of the child and make a forecast for further growth. To do this, you need to do x-ray study both brushes. Each age period corresponds to the appearance of a certain bone (in girls the last bone appears at 11 years old, the boys are 13.5 years old). Once the points of ossification will close all the growth zones, the lengthening of the skeleton will stop.

After the last bone of the ray-taking joint, the growth of the child will cease independently of age.

To avoid low growth in your baby, parents need to pay attention to the indicators of physical development. The exception is hereditary low gravity. Prior to the closure of growth zones using proper therapy, good body lengths can be achieved.

Vitamins and minerals for children growth

In order for the organism to grow and develop, respectively, the age of the child must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, micro, macroelements and other substances.

In children accelerated exchange substances. This is due to the development various organs and organism systems, as well as with active growth. The child is consumed a large amount of energy that must be constantly replenished. For this you need high-quality meals. Products in the diet of the kid should be not only varied, but also useful. Special children's organism It needs a vitaminized diet in periods of viral epidemics, stressful situations and intensive growth. The high-quality menu will also help support immune defense.

Among all vitamins and minerals, you can allocate the most important. It is they who help the kid grow due to the increased production of endogenous somatotropin - growth hormone:

  1. - contributes to strengthening the musculoskeletal system, participates in synthesis - building material For the formation of bones and cartilage, as well as teeth, affects the growth of all tissues, strengthens immunity.

Features: Vitamin A can be maintained (deposited) in the body for a long time, it is better absorbed with vitamins E and C. Retinol resistant to the action of temperature, destroyed in the presence of light and air.

Products rich in vitamin A (animal origin) and carotene - predecessor of retinol (vegetable origin):

  • meat and sub-products (liver);
  • milk, eggs (yolks), cheese (solid varieties);
  • vegetables and fruits of orange and red (, apricots, mango);
  • , greens (spinach, parsley, dill).
  1. - favorably affects the formation of collagen - the protein necessary for growth and recovery (regeneration) of the musculoskeletal frame, various fabrics and blood vessels, promotes the assimilation of many vitamins, displays harmful substances From the body, being an antioxidant.

Features: Vitamin C is easily destroyed in the presence of light, as a result of oxygen (oxygen), when heated. Vegetables and fruits that are major sources ascorbic acid, you need to eat immediately after cutting with a knife. About 25% of ascorbic acid is lost in the process of boiling or cooking for a pair. Heat treatment Product more than 20 minutes leads to a loss of 50% vitamin C.

Products rich in vitamin C (vegetable origin):

  • almost all fresh vegetables ( high concentration ascorbic acid in Bulgarian pepper, green peas and different types Cabbage: Brussels, Broccoli, Color, Red) and Fruits ( the greatest content in citrus);
  • berries (, black currant, strawberries, sea buckthorn, kiwi);
  • greens (parsley, sorrel, spinach).
  1. - Participate in metabolism, contribute to the absorption of the body's main nutrients - proteins, fats and, regulate the work of the brain and the nervous apparatus, activate appetite and are growth stimulants, protect the bone and muscle tissue from various damage.

Features: Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) is destroyed with heat treatment and long-term food storage in the refrigerator; Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) is lost under the action of temperature, air and light oxygen; Vitamin B 3 (nicotinic acid) is destroyed in the process of mechanical cleaning of products; Vitamin B 5 ( pantothenic acid) is lost when boiling and freezing; Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is better absorbed in the presence of calcium and copper and destroys during long storage products (with preservation, 60-80% is lost, during freezing - 15%); Vitamin B 7 (biotin) is lost under action high temperaturesmay contact yolks chicken egg (raw) and not assimilated by the body; Vitamin B 9 ( folic acid) heat treatment in animal products, in vegetable - when boiling and the action of light collapses; Vitamin B 12 (Kobalammin) is lost in the action of light, water and high temperature.

It is better to use for lunch:

  • fresh vegetables and greenery salads (spinach, parsley, salad, celery);
  • soups and broths (they stimulate the metabolism);
  • meat (beef, lean pork, chicken breast) - 1-2 times a week;
  • sub-products (liver, kidneys) - 1-2 times a week;
  • fish - 1-2 times a week;
  • bread of coarse grinding flour;
  • natural juice about 300-500 ml per day or every other day (carrot and orange juice), tea.

Afternoon person

After lunch, the body is enriched with nutritious and useful food. But for normal work the digestive system is necessary, especially after day sleep (relevant for).

For afternoon it is better to use:

  • dairy products (, cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese);
  • fresh fruits (useful bananas, oranges).

On a day you can eat up to 2 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits.


The last meal must be easy. Heavy food, especially shortly before sleep, violates the normal metabolism and reduces the production of growth hormone at night.

For dinner it is better to use:

  • boiled eggs;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, crabs, mussels, sea cabbage);
  • fresh vegetables, possibly a combination with a chicken breast in the form of a salad;
  • nuts (about 50 g);
  • tea or kefir.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for harmonious growth of children

When vitaminefoot, children are low-lived (hypodynamia) suffer frequent infectious diseasesLoading from peers in physical development. As a result of the reception of vitamins for growth, additional energy and activity appear. The bones become durable, the ligorous apparatus is movable, and the muscles are enduring to the loads. In addition, immunity rises.

In periods of active growth (1-3 years, 3-7 years and 7-11 years) the children's body needs not only in good nutrition, but also in additional reception of vitamin and mineral complexes. associated with the hormonal revolution requires the right lifestyle. It mainly is the physical activity and lack of harmful habits, such as the use of alcoholic and energy drinks, smoking, addiction. Reception of multivitamin complexes will add immune defense, endurance and stress resistance.

Major vitamin and mineral complexes for children growth:

No. in order Name Age period
1. Series "Alphabet":
  • "Our Baby";
  • "Kindergarten";
  • "Schoolboy";
  • "Teenage".
  • 1-3 years;
  • 3-7 years;
  • 7-14 years;
  • 14-18 years old.
2. Series "Vitrum":
  • "Baby";
  • "KIDS";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenage".
  • 3-5 years;
  • 5-7 years;
  • 7-14 years;
  • 14-18 years old.
3. Series "Multi-Tabs":
  • "Baby";
  • "Kid";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenager";
  • "Calcium D 3 Forte".
  • 0-12 months;
  • 1-4 years;
  • 4-11 years;
  • 11-17 years;
  • from 12 years old.
4. "Duovit"From 10 years old
5. "Biovital Gel"FROM breast-age before the end of the adolescence
6. Series "Pink":
  • "1+";
  • "3+";
  • "4+";
  • "5+";
  • "7+ Forte."
  • from 1 year;
  • from 3 years;
  • from 4 years;
  • from 5 years;
  • from 7 years old.
7. Series "Supradin":
  • "Kids Gel";
  • "Kids Junior";
  • "Kids Bears."
  • from 3 years;
  • from 5 years;
  • since 3 years old.
8. "Vita Mischi Salcium + Vitamin D"From 3 years
9. The "complivit" series:
  • "Calcium D 3";
  • "Active chewing";
  • "Assets".
  • since birth;
  • 3-10 years;
  • 7-12 years.
10. "Calckene" »Calchene Advance"From 5 letts 12 years
11. "Calcium D 3 Nikomed" "Calcium D 3 Nomed Forte"From 5 letts 12 years


Human growth is genetically programmed. But according to medical research, only 2% reaches the hereditary length of the body. The remaining 98% do not grow by 5-10 cm. This is due to poor nutritionreduced immunity psychological stress And the wrong way in childhood. Teens use beer, smoke cigarettes, and kids spend more and more time at the computer. All these factors lead to a violation of metabolism, hormonal dysfunction and muscle weakness. Hydodymna often contributes to the emergence of overweight.

In order for the child to achieve decent results in the growth, the following conditions must be observed: children must eat right and efficiently, running, swimming, gymnastics, exercises on the horizontal bar - pulling the spine), get enough sleep and not have bad habits.

About whether it is worth worrying because of the growth of children, what are age norms Weight and growth, tells the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky":

Vitamins for growth and bone strengthening are not a luxury, but a vital necessity, especially for patients of old age, children, women and men of fragile physique. The lack of beneficial substances increases the risk of fractures, is a prerequisite for the development of osteoporosis and arthrosis.

Daily stress not balanced diet, passive lifestyle, bad habits Always affect the human body and, in particular, to the bone system. For example, smoking leads to an increase in the porosity of the bones, prevents the assimilation of calcium, and the abuse of oily food determines the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Solve the problem optimally will help the inclusion in the diet of special organic substances - Vitamins. Their reception will avoid pathological disorders In the bone system, damage to cartilage tissue.

Food, useful for joints - video

List of vitamins required for growth and bone strengthening:

  • A. Retinol takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue, warns early aging of the body, enhances the exchange of phosphorus and calcium.
  • Retinol is involved in the formation of bones and cartilage cloth

  • D. The lack of this vitamin leads to the depletion of bones, the occurrence of pathological disorders in the bone system. It activates the absorption of calcium from the food consumed, supports phosphorus concentration in normal limits. It is a well-known means for the prevention of rickets in children.
  • Vitamin D actively participates in the process of calcium assimilation

  • E. Vitamin struggles with free radicals, increases articular mobility, improves the absorption of retinol. In addition, the tocopherol slows down the processes of aging, helps to restore the bundling apparatus with different kinds of illnesses.
  • Vitamin E - Powerful Antioxidant

  • C. The benefits of ascorbic acid is to ensure the synthesis of collagen - the base of the connective tissue. Vitamin C increases the common protective forces of the body, contributes to the complete absorption of other organic and mineral substances.
  • Vitamin C increases the immune properties of the body

  • K. The organic matter improves the density of bone tissue, dilutes blood, supplies oxygen the most remote and "closed" fabrics contributes to the growth of bones.
  • Pp. A nicotinic acid Improves the mobility of the joints, maintains the normal metabolism in the bones and joints.
  • Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6). Organic substances activate metabolism and contribute to enhanced bone growth.
  • The lack of them leads to the fragility of the joints, violation mineral Makeup bones, fractures, the occurrence of pathological processes in the body.

    When is needed by additional reception of vitamin additives?

    Daily human bones are subjected to significant loads. In order to save them as well and healthy, it is necessary to ensure normal nutrition. If, problems with joints and ligaments have already arisen, it is extremely important to stop degenerative processes, restore cartilage, relieve inflammation.

    Additional reception of vitamin supplements are needed in the following situations:

  • fractures of legs, hands, fingers, ankle;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pain in the spine;
  • dislocation;
  • arthrosis;
  • hernia of the lumbar spine;
  • slow blowing bone;
  • intervertebral hernia.
  • Lack of vitamins leads to osteoporosis - brittleness of the bone system

    How to determine the lack of organic substances for growth and bone strengthening?

    Recognize a shortage of vitamins of a particular group is quite difficult. For example, one of the symptoms of the lack of organic substances - fatigue, the overwork patients bind for most of its own with stress at work, physical exertion.

    In order to recognize the deficit, it is necessary to listen to its body and know the approximate daily human need in retinola, thiamine, riboflavin, calciferole, etc.

    Recognize the disadvantage of organic substances (C, A, D, B) by the following features:

  • general reduction in body resistance;
  • muscle cramps;
  • changing the shape and size of the joints;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • deformation of teeth;
  • inflammation of adhesion;
  • slouch;
  • delay in the formation of teeth.
  • Description of vitamin supplements for bone strengthening - Table

    Category Age
    A, μg E, MG. D, μg K, μg C, MG. B6, MG. B12, μg PP, MG.
    Breast kids 0–0,5
    Children 1-10 years old 1–3
    Teens and adult male 11–14
    1000 10 2,5 45
    2 17
    Teens and adult female 11–14
    800 8 2,5 45
    2 15
    Pregnant 1000 10 12,5 65 90 2,1 4 16
    Nursing 1200 12 12,5 65 110 2,3 4 19

    How to deal with vitamin failure

    Healing additives

    Fill the deficit of organic substances can be in different ways:

  • balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a rich assortment of useful additives that help to fill the deficit of vitamins. Their use reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, contributes to the correct functioning of the body.

    Name of the drug Vitamins included in the composition Indications Features of admission Contraindications D3.
  • comprehensive therapy articular diseases;
  • reduction of bone density;
  • osteoporosis of various origins
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • beta carotine
  • The drug is used:
  • with unbalanced nutrition;
  • for accommodation in megalopolis;
  • in nicotine addiction;
  • with intensive physical and mental loads.
  • Take 1-2 capsules per day during
    two months individual intolerance
  • intensive growth and development;
  • intolerance to dairy products;
  • protection of bones and teeth
  • Tablets should be rolled or keep in the mouth until complete dissolution
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • renal failure of a heavy degree;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance
  • Calcium complivits D3.
    forte D3.
  • prevention and comprehensive osteoporosis therapy;
  • replenishment of vitamin D3 deficit
  • Take in
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • individual intolerance
  • Vitamins Complexes for Growth and Bone Strengthening - Photo Gallery

    Calcium complivit D3 Forte - effective With osteoporosis Calcinova - Calcium source for children Trovit - Triple protection against diseases of the joints Calckene Advance Fill the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D

    In the pharmacy or market?

    Proper, balanced nutrition is an indispensable condition for preserving the bone strength, muscle elasticity, ligaments. Systematic use of products with high content certain vitamins reduces the risk of fractures and seizures in lower limbs, strengthens the joints.

    Ascorbic acid in large quantities is contained in:

  • rosehip;
  • citrus
  • black currant;
  • black rowan;
  • kiwi;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn.
  • Products with a significant concentration of vitamin C - Photo Gallery

    Kiwi - delicious medicine From the aging of cells, lemon strengthens the immune system of the sea buckthorn stimulates the synthesis of collagen black currant protects against the influence of free radicals - the record holder in the content of vitamin C

  • carrot;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • pumpkin;
  • apricot;
  • bulgarian pepper, etc.
  • It should be remembered that the best vitamin A is absorbed along with the tocopherol. In terms of heat treatment, up to 40% of retinol can be collapsed.

    Vitamin A products - Photo Gallery

    Calciferol in large quantities is contained in:

  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • liver cod;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fish;
  • parsley.
  • It should be noted that vitamin D not only enters the human body with food, but also produced in the skin under the action of ultraviolet.

    Products containing calciferol - Photo Gallery

    Regular reception of fish will help avoid osteoporosis of beef contains a large amount of vitamin D Cod liver helps to keep the structure of the bones parsley - one of the few plant products that contains vitamin D

  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • green peas;
  • asparagus;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • fish.
  • Food rich in vitamin V - photo gallery

    Milk and dairy products are rich in vitamin Green pea - Tasty and useful eggs - a source of vitamin in cottage cheese promotes muscle growth

    Tocopherol in significant concentrations is contained in:

  • vegetable oils;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • legumes.
  • With frying vitamin E completely destroys.

    Tocopherol rich foods - Photo Gallery

    The regular consumption of beans contributes to the strengthening of hazelnuts, protects cells from negative impact free seed radicals - a delicious way to defeat old age in the content of vitamin E vegetable oil confidently leads

    Precautions when receiving vitamins for bones

    Taking vitamins for growing and strengthening bones, it is extremely important to comply with the recommended dosage. Their excessive consumption leads to hypervitaminosis. So, the passion for the drugs containing retinol can cause:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • bloodfaction of Gomen;
  • exacerbation chronic pancreatitis and gallway disease;
  • reduced appetite.
  • Hypervitaminosis Vitamin D is deadly! It should be remembered about the ability of calciferol to accumulate in the body.

    Hypervitamin Vitamin D manifests:

  • drowsiness;
  • appearance in the urine of leukocytes and protein;
  • convulsions;
  • insomnia;
  • suspension of growth.
  • Reception during pregnancy

    In the period when a woman shelters the baby, it is experiencing an increased need for vitamins and minerals. Of course, it is better if the future mother will receive useful material From food. Healthy, balanced nutrition is a guarantee of normal growth of developing fetus. Fresh greens, fruits and vegetables yellow color, wholegrain cereals, sea fat fishMilk products must certainly be in the diet of a pregnant woman. However, to obtain vitamins from food, macroelements in the required quantity are almost impossible. Heat treatment, modern methods Growing and storing vegetables, fruits reduce nutrient content. Therefore, as a rule, doctors recommend a woman during pregnancy to take vitamin complexes. They help to saturate the mother's organism with the desired substances, ensure the normal development of the kid. Remember before choosing one or another drug, you should consult with your doctor.


    I drink this drug for the second year. I take breaks for several months, and then drink for two months in two pills in the morning and in the evening. I can say for sure that the state of my joints has improved much, thanks to this drug. The most important thing is that I have ceased to hurt hip joints. This is very nasty pain, and the limitations in movements with this pain does not please. And with "Calcemine" these problems somehow gradually retreated. I noticed that I and my hair began to grow better, and the condition of the teeth improved. Previously, the teeth were very crushed, and now they became much stronger. In any case, the seals do not fall out and pieces of teeth are not chipped.


    I first bought this drug during pregnancy. Then I had cramps on my feet and the doctor advised me that this drug. In general, in the pharmacy there is a bunch of drugs containing calcium and vitamin D3, but I stopped the choice on the vitamins of the brand complivits, because we have already bought other vitamins of this brand more than once (my feedback about vitamins is complivitis Mom). Foot cramps were passed through 15 days, and after I finished taking the course, the nails were strengthened and the teeth stopped bleeding. Recently, I have already purposefully bought this drug to strengthen the nails and he helped me again - the nails grew, did not break and did not laugh.


    Drug "Calcinova" I recommended my sister in the past medical worker. She said that this drug She gave his son to his son and had no problems with his teeth. With calcium preparations and with their action, I know the vitamins of calcium D3 complivit, so when the child was fulfilled a year and a half, I decided to buy it this drug. Each tablet has its own taste. They are quickly absorbed or eaten by a child. The taste is quite sweet, but, as for me, not very pleasant, although my daughter-arrogance does not stand them. It is very difficult to estimate the result of the receipt of Calcinov, I can only say that the urine analysis passed by us always shows "++" - moderately turbidity, which means that the child gets calcium enough.

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