The child periodically cries in his sleep and does not wake up: why is this happening and what to do? A child cries in a dream - a reason for alarm or an age norm The child cries out and cries in a dream

If parents are wondering why a child is crying in a dream, then, most likely, this problem is familiar to them firsthand. Many dads and mothers spend sleepless nights without sparing themselves, at the crib of the child.

If the child does not get enough sleep, then over time, his nervous system becomes exhausted. This threatens with many problems: both developmental delay and a sharp deterioration in well-being. Let's take a closer look at what can bother a baby?

Since medical knowledge is also required to fully disclose the reasons why a child cries in a dream, my friend, a pediatrician of the highest category, Larisa Ivanovna Khmeleva, helped me write this article. I express my gratitude to her.

Everyone knows that a small child often cries in his sleep. This is considered normal and is not a cause for concern. After all, through crying, the baby signals his problems. And they can also be different for a little man. Often mom and dad just don't know why the baby woke up.

The causes of restless sleep depend on how old the baby is. Let's conditionally divide the reasons into 2 groups: in children under one year old and in children after one year. In any case, parents need to know what to do and how to address the cause of the concern. After all, sleep is the most important cure for all diseases and anxieties. A good rest is vital for both adults and children.

The reason for crying children under 1 year old

Physiological discomfort is the main irritant here. Often disturbed by colic in the intestines, discomfort in the stomach (may be associated with complementary foods), an overflowing diaper, hunger, teething. Sometimes too high or low temperature makes the baby unpleasant, and he wakes up from this.


The real reason is quite difficult to find out without calling a doctor at home. If the child has a high body temperature, then the inflammatory process in the body has begun. This can, first of all, be expressed in unpleasant sensations when swallowing, ear pain, severe cough or runny nose.

  • Fluid that accumulates in the lungs and nasopharynx, inflammation in the ear (otitis media) cause severe discomfort. When a child has difficulty breathing, he wakes up. It is necessary to call a doctor at home. Following his instructions, urgently take action: buy the necessary medications, carry out procedures, possibly pass some tests.
  • The first thing a mother should do is to drip the nose of the baby to make breathing easier, then bring down the too high temperature. If the doctor has prescribed any medications, then it is necessary to give pills and pills to the child clearly according to the prescription and schedule. In no case is it recommended to self-medicate, even if you have five children and a lot of experience. Remember that every child is an individual. What is normal for other children may not work for this.
  • Do not forget about a respirator if everyone in the house is sick. Do regular wet cleaning, ventilate the room. Limit the communication of the crumbs with the rest of the family. At the moment he only needs his mother. You shouldn't turn on loud music or make noise. Even if the child is awake, try to keep the room quiet and calm.


Gas and discomfort in the baby's abdomen can be caused by too high fat content of breast milk, inappropriate formula for artificial feeding and digestive problems in a particular case.

Of course, if these symptoms recur regularly, then you should go with the baby to the pediatrician for a consultation. But if the cases are rare, then you can alleviate the child's condition in the following ways:

  1. Stroke your tummy clockwise with your hand. Apply a warm diaper.
  2. Dosing strictly, it is necessary to give the child a drink or dill water, or tea with fennel. There are also special drops available from the pharmacy. Depending on the age, correctly dose, having previously read the instructions.
  3. Hold the baby in an upright position with the tummy towards you. After some time, the gazes will move away, and the baby will calm down. You don't need to put him in the crib right away. Next to a loved one, especially in the first months of life, the baby feels protected.

Where is mom?

Crying is often caused by mom's lack of warmth. The smell of breast milk, mother's hands - if all this is not there, then the baby begins to worry. Especially when, after feeding, he falls asleep nearby.

Here you need to decide. Either the child constantly sleeps next to his parents and gets used to it, or gradually accustom him to the crib. It only takes a few days for the baby to get used to sleeping in its place. In the event that the parents need to go away, there will be no problems with going to bed in this case.


"Merry" nights begin from four months. The period when the teeth got out, you just need to patiently endure. Prepare that at this time, day and night can switch places for a while.

  • To alleviate the suffering of the baby, you should purchase a special gel that lubricates the gums. It relieves pain, soothes itching and discomfort.
  • Beforehand, consult a pediatrician or pharmacist which drug will be appropriate for you personally.


Those parents who apply a crumb to their breasts or give mixtures on demand, provide a more calm and constant daily routine. The kid gets used to this routine.

There are parents who decided to feed their child strictly according to the clock. In this case, the baby may just get hungry until the next feeding. By crying, he signals that he wants to eat. Perhaps your breast milk no longer contains the fat content that is necessary for complete saturation of the body and a feeling of satiety.

Temperature regime

In a too stuffy room it will be hot and uncomfortable even for an adult, and not like a little man. Therefore, ventilate the room more often.

Try not to dry clothes in the room where the baby sleeps. Also, avoid hypothermia. The most acceptable temperature is +19 - 22 degrees.

Why does a child cry in a dream after a year

A son or daughter is growing up and can already tell a lot. But at night the baby may not even wake up and cry in his sleep. The reasons are already deeper: along with the physiological, there are already emotional ones. What to do in such situations?

Binge eating

The dinner menu should consist of foods that are light and familiar to the child. The last feeding is desirable for a few hours before bedtime.

  • Try to follow the daily routine. If you have guests, you can put the baby 1 hour later, but in no case let the situation take its course. In addition to excess food, overexcitement may occur, which will entail a sleepless and disturbing night.
  • Do not introduce a new meal at night. It is not known how the child's body will accept it.

Emotional and physical overstimulation

Children are all different. Especially active fidgets should be prepared for bed in advance.

  1. If the weather permits, take your child for a walk in the fresh air. Chat with him. This will only benefit and set you in a calm mood.
  2. Avoid TV, tablet, computer, and phone before bed. Read a book, draw, play a quiet game. Turn it into a ritual, and, over time, your son or daughter will come to you with a book before going to bed.

Lots of negativity

  • If there is constant abuse in the house, and you are in a nervous state, your child will also feel anxious and anxious.
  • Try not to scold the kid, but explain and show patience and love.
  • It is in your power to create a microclimate in the house that will allow the child's psyche not to experience emotional stress and stress.
  • If your baby is afraid of the dark, then get a night lamp with stars or another interesting model of a night light. The fabulous atmosphere and the presence of loved ones nearby will gradually improve the child's sleep.

Something hurts

Another likely cause of crying is pain that prevents the baby from sleeping well. Parents definitely need to inquire about the well-being of the baby. If he tells you that he is in pain, then you will be able to take the necessary, in this case, actions in time. Anoint, massage if the leg or handle is numb. And if the pain does not subside, which, in the literal sense, does not allow your child to sleep, call an ambulance. You should not risk the health of your son or daughter and put off calling a doctor until the morning.


I hope that for you the reasons why the child cries in his sleep have become more clear. Every child, regardless of skin color, nationality and race, remains just a child. And we, parents, will always be the faithful guardians of his health, physical and mental peace. Finally, here are some tips for you to help you better understand your baby's needs.

  • If in the first months of life the cause of night crying is only physiology (teeth teething, feeling of hunger, wrong temperature, wet diaper), then at an older age the cause of poor sleep, night tantrums and crying, maybe emotional overexcitement, fear, resentment and loneliness.
  • Your goal and task is to provide the child not only physically (feeding, dry and clean clothes, warm bed), but also to monitor the emotions and state of mind of the baby.
  • If you do not know the reason, and all else fails, then do not hesitate to call a doctor. And before his arrival, be there and make every effort to calm the child or relieve his pain. Your care and love are the main medicine, and your responsibility will help in any situation, and will prevent many unpleasant ones.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatiana Kemishis

If SUDDENLY the calm sleep of your baby changed to hysterical crying at night (more often than not, it is difficult to wake up and revive the child), then parents should pay attention to several possible reasons for such a "night" behavior.

And at the same time help your child survive this period:

  • Know, how to behave to parents AT NIGHT
  • Know, what is good for a child AFTERNOON

If you think that this problem is only yours, then you are deeply mistaken. At the moment, doctors and psychologists state mass appeals on this matter (but our mothers, and even more so, grandmothers suffered from this much less often).

Of course, you can brush everything as nightmares (and this is partly the case), however nightmares are not the cause, but the effect.

When a child (and an adult) receives severe stress or lives in a state of stress (i.e. constant nervous tension), the unconscious tries to react to this state, incl. and nightmares.

The article is long (several posts), but maybe the night is approaching for you, so I'll write right away, how to react correctly at night crying (tantrum) of your baby. And in the morning, with a fresh mind, you will finish reading both the reasons and the day's actions.

ATTENTION! When a child begins to cry in his sleep (screaming harshly), in no case wake him up to calm him down.

What is required of you BE NEXT TO THE CHILD and make sure that it does not hit if it starts to crawl or move. Many people know that if they take a baby in their arms, then the child kicks, breaks out, bends like a stretched string. Those. his reaction to your calming is just the opposite.

Please understand(and try not to get angry or annoyed - this only aggravates the situation): your child at this moment very disoriented.

Even if it seems to you that he is awake, he is under the influence of a nightmare, and your attempts to calm him down are just a continuation of the horror that unfolds in his head. He can scream sharply, resist you - and only because he cannot distinguish dream from reality.

A child's brain (unlike an adult's) cannot quickly switch IMMEDIATELY upon awakening. His it takes time, in order to understand: what is happening is unreal, mom is nearby, and everything is already good.

So YOUR behavior NIGHT:

  • you are near
  • protect the child from damage-falls
  • try humming a lullaby softly (to which he usually fell asleep as a baby)
  • or read a prayer quietly and recitatively
  • or quietly, softly, tenderly call the child's name (without changing intonation, keeping the same rhythm)
  • or say softly: "Mom is near, we are together, mother is near, we are together ..."

IMPORTANT! Each child is unique (and so is his nightmare). Therefore, if you see that your chant, prayer, address by name affects for the worse (the cry intensifies), then do all this SILENTLY - ABOUT YOURSELF. Call and calm the child's soul, and she will hear you without words. We will deal with the personality during the day.

It is important for parents to know why the child is crying in their sleep. Possible causes at each age - we distinguish pathology from the norm. Pediatrician advice.

Your active and inquisitive little one has finally fallen asleep. Quiet snoring, rosy cheeks, slightly quivering cilia, a fleeting smile on the lips - there is nothing more touching than a calmly sleeping baby. And for a loving mother, this is also a signal that everything is in order with her baby: he is healthy, calm, growing and developing normally.

Therefore, any anxiety of a crumbs in a dream is perceived by parents as an unkind sign. It, like an unexpected night call, instills anxiety, concern and even fear into the soul. But before you get nervous and worried, you should figure out why the child is crying, and only then take adequate measures to eliminate the problem.

Why are you awake

Infringement of children's sleep, which is on a par with food intake, is very disturbing for parents. If a lack of sleep becomes a habit, it immediately affects the health of the baby. He becomes lethargic, capricious and apathetic, coordination of movements, reaction speed are disturbed, appetite worsens and immune defense decreases. It is important for parents to know the possible causes of poor sleep at each age in order to distinguish pathology from the norm.


Being in the mother's tummy, the baby sleeps almost all the time. Immediately after birth, he is not able to readjust to a new life rhythm due to the immaturity of the body and nervous system, therefore, he continues to sleep 18-20 hours a day. Only:

Heat or cold indoors, wet or overflowing diapers, swaddling too tight can also cause discomfort and poor sleep in newborns.


The first year of a baby's life is a time of rapid development. In a short 12 months, an active, inquisitive explorer of the surrounding world grows from a defenseless fool. The basic skills and abilities that the little man will use all his life are laid down precisely in the period of infancy. The faster the child's motor, speech and mental activity develops, the rhythm of his life changes, the more the need for quality rest increases as a means of emotional, physical and nervous relief. To the previous causes of sleep disturbance, new ones are added:

At the age of up to a year, the stages of sleep are formed in an infant: the slow phase is replaced by a fast one, then a short awakening occurs. An adult does not notice him, immediately falling asleep again, and the baby still does not know how to do this and calls his mother for help with a loud cry.

Child after a year

Sleep disturbances at this age are mainly associated with weaning, which has long been the best sleeping pill for a baby. Now we need to launch other, more "adult" mechanisms for laying the crumbs: conduct a sleepy ritual, read a book at night, sing a lullaby. Of course, a one-year-old child will be worried, nervous, waking up out of habit and demanding a favorite treat.

It is important for parents to be patient, gentle and understanding during this period: do not scold the little one, offer a bottle of water, talk to him affectionately and try to calm him down by gently stroking the back.

Diet changes almost always cause temporary problems with the digestive system and a lack of vitamin D, which also affects the quality of sleep in the best way.

2-3 years and older

If the child is physically healthy, then the main reasons for night crying in this age category are:

  • mode errors;
  • attempts to teach the baby to sleep in a separate bed;
  • awareness of the need to go to the toilet;
  • abundant and late food, which causes heaviness in the stomach, nausea and colic;
  • overwork and overexcitement, and emotions can be not only negative. The joy of a new toy, noisy fun at late hours can also do a disservice.

At 3 years old, the baby seems to be replaced. A stubborn and harmful rebel suddenly wakes up in an affectionate and complaisant toddler, who does everything in spite of everything. The offer to go to bed will be met with protest, screams and hysteria, even if the sleepy eyes are completely sticky. This is how the growing up of the child, the awareness of oneself as a person and the desire to understand and manifest one's own "I" are manifested.

Unusual situations

Sometimes the awakened baby behaves in a very unusual way. Parents, not understanding what is happening with the child, panic. Therefore, it is useful for moms and dads to know that children often:

It is important to remember that each child is a separate universe. Therefore, unusual behavior can be a manifestation of individuality and does not pose any threat to life and health.

Psychological problems

Psychological problems can disrupt the baby's sleep, starting from the first days of his life:

In the third year of life, the leading position is occupied by the psychological causes of sleep disorders. It is at this age that children are often sent to kindergarten, and the adaptation period is always stress for the little man. Experiences and an excess of emotions result in various fears and nightmares - vivid, memorable, frightening. The kid still cannot clearly distinguish between dream and reality, so he wakes up screaming and then, fearing a repetition, flatly refuses to fit.

How to react to parents

Nocturnal crying of children should not be ignored by adults. You should definitely approach the baby, and then act depending on age and circumstances:

It is always important to determine the cause of the loud crying of the child, first of all, exclude health problems, and, if possible, eliminate the external stimulus.

Given the urgency of the problem, children's doctors talk a lot about how to make a child's sleep sound and healthy:

The cool and fresh air in the room, diffused light, a comfortable bed, cozy pajamas and a high-quality diaper will help you to relax and rest comfortably. The popular children's doctor Komarovsky notes that the fulfillment of these conditions will make the baby's dream golden. And this means that it will bring health, tranquility and rest not only to the baby, but also to tired parents.

Most parents are familiar with the problem when the child cries in his sleep, screams, wakes up, or the process of falling asleep of the baby is associated with restless crying.

The reasons can be both physiological and psychological. Crying can be triggered by:

  • Nervous tension. The daily load for the nervous system of the crumbs is colossal. By crying, the baby is trying to release unused energy. Therefore, parents need to be calm about the child's prolonged hysterical crying.
  • Increased nervous irritability. Quite often, babies' tantrums force their parents to see a doctor who diagnoses increased nervous irritability. In fact, the child thus removes the nervous energy, and then, as a rule, falls asleep calmly.
  • Violation of the daytime regimen. Parents must strictly adhere to the baby's sleep schedule. It is unacceptable to allow a child to go to bed when he wishes. Compliance with the regime creates a sense of calmness and stability in the child's psyche.
  • Night terrors and fear of the dark. When mom is not in the dark, it can cause fright and sleep disturbance in the child. Therefore, the best solution to regulate sleep is to be with the mother.
Teething in infants is always accompanied by pain, which leads to the baby crying at night.

Also possible physiological causes of sleep disorders in children:

  • At teething v. This process is accompanied by swelling of the gums, itching, which leads to sleep disturbance.
  • At intestinal colic... In the first months of a baby's life, intestinal colic is very common. To calm the child, you need to apply warm compresses to the stomach, drink tea with fennel. When such measures do not help, drug therapy is used on the advice of a doctor.

In order to normalize the baby's condition, it is important to understand the reason and neutralize the physiological circumstances that interfere with normal falling asleep. It is necessary, there is a need:

  • change the diaper;
  • change body position for comfortable sleep;
  • replace tight clothes with looser ones;
  • protect from the cold by covering with an additional blanket;
  • feed the baby;
  • consult a doctor to find out a possible disease.

A well-fed baby, and even next to his mother, will fall asleep much faster

Why does a child cry when he wants to sleep?

There are also a number of reasons that make it difficult to fall asleep. It is possible that breast milk is not enough for the baby to eat and sleep peacefully... Therefore, children under six months of age are fed with milk formulas, and after six months - with adult food.

Here possible emotional problems when a child protests against being put to bed without a mother.

The baby needs to feel the closeness of the mother, the warmth of her body. This contributes to the child's feeling of safety and security.

Baby crying after bathing before bed

It happens that children happily take a bath, but immediately after they finish bathing, they start screaming and crying.

The reasons for this protest:

If a child cries in his sleep after bathing, then this may be due to temperature changes, the duration of the bathing process itself, or an ordinary whim
  • Feeling of a change in temperature. The child liked the hot water, and then his body immediately came into contact with the cold air of the room. This caused discomfort, which was expressed in crying.
  • Bathing is a rather tedious process for a baby. He was tired of this procedure.
  • Overheating. The child bathed in hot water, and after bathing he was dressed warmly. Your toddler may feel anxious about the heat.
  • Continue to bother colic and after swimming. In the aquatic environment, the baby was relaxed, there was no pain. Then she returned, and the baby expresses this state by crying.
  • Whims because of the desire to still be in pleasant water.

In fact, crying of a baby is a signal of any discomfort, this is normal, because the first year of life is a great test for the functioning of a small organism.

The child cries in his sleep ... How to calm him down?

The first rule for parents when a child is crying is to take the baby in his arms so that he feels that mom and dad are near.

If the baby continues to cry, it may be necessary to feed him or shake him a little in his arms. Check if you need a change of clothes, inspect and fix the baby bed.

An important rule of parenting behavior is a calm attitude towards the baby: do not scream, do not get irritated, so as not to frighten him with your reaction.

When you have tried all the remedies, and the child does not calm down, you need to consult a pediatrician. At night in such cases it is necessary to contact the ambulance service.

After kindergarten, the child cries at night

Attending kindergarten is one of the most difficult problems for children and parents. All babies go through a period of adaptation, which can be expressed in different cases in different ways. For some, this period goes smoothly, without complications, for others it turns into a big test.

Negative impressions after attending kindergarten can cause a child to cry at night.

There are cases when a child cries in his sleep at night after kindergarten. The reason is that episodes of being in kindergarten, in which he experienced negative emotions, remained in the baby's psyche: fear, insecurity, anxiety, sadness.

In the process of adaptation to kindergarten, the role of parents and educators is enormous. It is important to take into account the individual qualities of the child's personality.

Perhaps, it is necessary to establish a short-term stay in the kindergarten in the first days gradually increasing the time. These kids need an individual approach: more attention, specially selected games and activities with the involvement of other children.

A child cries at night for no reason

Adequate sleep is very important for a child's development. The crying and anxiety of the baby have reasons that parents have to find out. The reasons may be health problems:

Otitis media - an inflammation of the ear - is exacerbated precisely at night, which is why the child cries
  • if the nose is blocked, breathing is difficult, the child may cry in his sleep;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • Earache. With otitis media, fluid accumulated in the middle ear presses on the eardrum and causes pain;
  • disturbed by intestinal colic.

Also, the causes of poor sleep can be fatigue and nervous tension, quarrels between parents, a feeling of lack of attention and care.

At night, the child cries when he wants to write

This is completely normal. After all this way the baby gives a signal for you to approach him... During the day, this situation can happen calmly, without crying.

The child cannot pee at night and cries

The baby may cry during sleep because the bladder is full.

Crying of a child in a dream when urinating is a reason for immediate medical attention

If any warning signs are noticed, when crying repeatedly accompanies urination, you should consult a specialist.

The child gets up at night in the crib and cries

Quite a common problem for parents. This behavior of the baby can be explained by all of the above reasons: both physiological and psychoemotional.

It can only be added that if, after all physical problems have been eliminated, and the baby's crying continues, then it means that the baby is crying in his sleep, gets up at night and falls asleep difficult, thus reflecting unresolved psychological problems during the day.

In this case, parents need more attention, care and participation in daytime situations, activities, games, walks, that is, in the process of communicating with the child.

If the physiological reasons for the night crying of the child are excluded, you should think about the psychological

The child often wakes up, sobs and cries

Up to 3 months, the baby's wake time is insignificant. During the neonatal period, he sleeps about 16-18 hours a day, in the following months, reducing the duration of sleep to 15 hours.

By 6 months, a baby can sleep for about 10 hours at night and about 6 hours awake during the day.

But it happens that such a regime is violated for the following reasons:

  • Bad habits. The kid is accustomed to feeding and motion sickness immediately after waking up .. Or he has developed a habit of falling asleep in a stroller, in a car seat ...
  • Overworked during the day. Not getting enough daytime sleep interferes with normal sleep patterns.
  • Violation of the biological clock. Age-appropriate bedtime hours should be developed for children of different ages. Failure to comply with the biological clock disrupts the child's normal nighttime sleep.

For a child, at any age, the daily routine is very important, in particular, the time of going to bed

Why does a child sleep poorly and wake up every hour

Only caring parents can protect the health and tranquility of their beloved children. Whether a child cries in a dream, sleeps badly or wakes up every hour is absolutely irrelevant for loving parents, whose patience is boundless, just like their love for a child.

Overcoming negative influences, eliminating constant nightly getting up, crying and anxiety will help relentless attention and care.

Why does the child shudder sharply, wake up and cry a lot

According to experts, shudders of a baby in a dream can occur when:

  • Change in the phase of sleep. When the slow phase changes to the fast one, the child's brain starts to work faster. And the baby can dream, due to which there is a startle.
  • Overwork. Every day, the crumbs receive new knowledge and impressions that need to be processed by the fragile children's nervous system.

The fragile nervous system of a baby, who receives new knowledge every day, often does not stand up, and this is manifested in the fact that the child cries in his sleep

Sometimes in a dream, certain inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system are turned on so that the baby can fully rest. It is these moments that can be expressed through flinching. Therefore, the child often cries in his sleep, he is restless.

  • Physiological diseases: colic, teething, otitis media. Typically, symptoms of illness are worse at night, leading to anxiety, flinching, and crying.

The child cries in his sleep and talks

In most cases, doubtfulness is a normal process.

What factors affect this deviation:

  • For newborns, grunting, grunting is characteristic. The kid is worried about something: colic, uncomfortable posture, folds in clothes, absence of mom.
  • In the case when the child experienced any stress or emotion during the day, he will experience this state at night.
  • Any change in life can have an impact on impressionable children.

Impressive children rethink their new knowledge during a night's rest and can still talk in their sleep
  • New knowledge and fresh impressions. A 3-4-year-old child, gaining new knowledge, can pronounce learned words or phrases in a dream. Thus, the kids are learning the surrounding reality.

The child cries in his sleep, bends, turns over and jerks his legs

This problem can be explained by both physiological and psychological problems. Depending on the age of the child, this condition may be associated with a period of teething, nocturnal colic but maybe it's daytime overexcitement.

If this restless behavior is of a prolonged nature, no doubt there is a reason to see a pediatrician or neurologist.

A child in a dream cries and crawls

In the case when this happens from time to time, there is no reason for concern, such a phenomenon is within the normal range, since the new skills that the baby acquired in the waking state are being developed.

If crawling in a dream is rare, do not worry - this is how the baby works out new skills learned during wakefulness.

If movements in a dream are active and disturb sleep, interfere with others, the mother should take the baby in her arms and, hugging him tightly, lie down with him. The child will calm down and fall asleep.

The child cries at night and scratches the ass

The reasons for this problem are various, including neurotic ones. You should contact your pediatrician it may be necessary to take tests.

What should parents do if a child complains of leg pain at night?

The most common cause of nighttime leg pain is the growth of a child. This usually occurs in children 3-9 years old.

But an indispensable condition in such cases is the absence of swelling or redness on the child's legs, there is no increase in body temperature, during the day the child is cheerful and active, pain is observed in the late afternoon and at night.

When a child complains of pain in the legs at night or at other times, first of all, it is necessary to exclude any injuries and diseases

In such cases, massage helps, and the pain is wandering, i.e. the localization of pain is changing. You can make warm compresses, use Butadion or Diclofenac ointments. Painful sensations continue indefinitely and disappear spontaneously.

Pains are also possible due to orthopedic pathology or joint pathology, diseases of the cardiovascular system. That's why, in any case, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary.

A child with a fever is crying in his sleep

A high temperature at night can be a sign of infection, poisoning, or any childhood illness. Each of these diseases is individual, therefore it is recommended to see a doctor in the morning... A specialist will investigate and select a treatment method.

You need to know that with any infection, a temperature rise of up to 38.5 degrees is considered normal, because the body's defenses are triggered to fight microbes.

At a temperature of 39 degrees, it is imperative to see a doctor. In such cases, the baby needs increased care and the adoption of the necessary measures to normalize the condition.

If the child shakes and cries in his sleep

What reasons can cause such a process in a baby? This happens to a child when:

  • daytime overexcitation;
  • tiredness;
  • teething;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • an increase in temperature;
  • dreams.

In such cases, the child may be frightened and cry with closed eyes.

If the child cries often and loudly in sleep, consult a doctor for advice

However, you need to know that there are a number of serious reasons for this condition. If the problem persists within a certain time, and the child wakes up several times at night with fright, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The child cries in his sleep and moans

The kid is trying to get rid of the mental stress associated with:

  • wet or tightly stretched diapers;
  • discomfort of position in the crib;
  • colic or overwork;
  • hunger;
  • lack of oxygen if the air is too dry and hot;
  • extraneous noise;
  • illness or pain;
  • dreams.

The child cries in his sleep and does not wake up

If a child cries in his sleep several times at night, this, according to Dr. E.O. Komarovsky, there may be an increased tone of the nervous system.

A developing baby needs calcium for the formation of the skeletal system and the formation of teeth. Its intake with food may be inadequate. That's why calcium gluconate is recommended to maintain the child's nervous system.

Why does a child cry after sleep

Crying of a child 2-3 years after sleep is considered normal by pediatricians. Perhaps the baby is hungry or has a dream. Or maybe crying is a transition from sleep to wakefulness, when the body is rebuilding.

Why does a child wake up, scream, scream hysterically and cry

The main reason for this behavior is nightmares.

It is also possible that a stressful day, an unfavorable family situation, a change of residence, a violation of the daily routine, a lack of attention from the parents, who are obliged to create favorable conditions for strengthening the child's nervous system, affected the baby.

A child who cries in his sleep after anesthesia can be served with soothing teas.

The child cries at night after anesthesia

A special case if the child cries in his sleep after anesthesia. The effect of anesthesia can last for a certain time. During this period, children can sleep restlessly, eat poorly, and be capricious.

The attention and care of parents is important to overcome this temporary phenomenon. You can offer your kid a glass of milk at night, please him with reading a new fairy tale, or have a light massage. Also doctors recommend giving the baby sedative herbs and fees.

The residual phenomenon in the form of restless sleep after anesthesia depends on the individual tolerance of the organism and the type of anesthetic agent. But as a rule, after a few days, the child's body, capable of rapid recovery, will return to normal functioning.

Sleep is a vital necessity for a child's body. It is difficult for a kid to adapt to new conditions, which are a huge burden for him. Sleep helps to relieve fatigue, gives new strength and strengthens the health of the baby.

A good sleep of a child is a guarantee of his health and well-being of his parents.

Why does the child cry in his sleep:

Newborn babies (up to 1 month old) sleep differently than their parents. The child spends almost half of the time in the so-called REM sleep phase. It is necessary for the child's brain to grow and develop intensively. During this period, the pupils of babies can move, the children begin to move their upper and lower extremities, grimace, smack their lips, thereby reproducing the process of sucking on the breast, making different sounds and whimpering.

Such a dream is rather weak and disturbing, so the baby may cry and wake up from this. But more often it happens in a different way: the child cries for several seconds, then calms down on his own and continues his night's rest.

In addition, the duration of sleep also differs. For example, an infant under 1 month of age will sleep about 21 hours a day. Growing up, the child sleeps less and less, and at 1 year old, many children have 2 hours of naps and about 9 hours of rest at night.

Thus, children's sleep is only being formed, "honed", established, therefore, failures in the form of short-term crying at night are not excluded. Usually, such a whimpering does not bother the child and his parents too much, but if the baby cries a lot in a dream, the hidden reasons for such a process should be established and the quality of rest should be improved.

Why does the baby cry at night?

If a child cries a lot at night, screams loudly and shrilly, you should definitely understand the prerequisites for such behavior. Sometimes the uncomfortable sensations experienced by the baby in a dream become the culprit.

In other cases, nighttime tears are a symptom of serious illness, especially if the child suddenly starts crying and does not stop for a long time. Feeling pain, the baby tries to signal this to the parents. But since his capabilities are severely limited, the most accessible method is screaming. Let's look at the main causes of crying at night.

External factors

It is not uncommon for babies to cry because of the discomfort caused by so-called external factors. Night crying can occur if parents do not consider when laying down:

  • the temperature in the room (if perspiration appears on the skin, then it is hot in the nursery; if the skin has goosebumps and the hands and feet are cold, the room is cool);
  • the level of humidity in the nursery (if the room is too stuffy and dry, the child's mucous membranes in the nasal and oral cavity may dry out);
  • dryness of the diaper (a baby 6 months old and younger may start crying if in a dream he feels that the diaper has become wet);
  • the convenience of undershirts, bed linen, pajamas (many children are extremely negative about creases in clothes, seams, folds and other inconveniences).

Such factors may seem frivolous only at first glance. At the age of 2 or 3 months, children, unable to roll over or otherwise correct the inconvenience, begin to cry and scream, attracting their mother's attention.

Internal factors

Answering the question why a baby cries in a dream, many experts also point to the presence of internal factors. These include various diseases, hunger and other unfavorable conditions. Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

If the child is crying a lot in his sleep, then his health should be checked. Probably, the baby is unwell due to teething, inflammation of the middle ear, colds.

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant up to 3 or 4 months old only adapts to or artificial mixture. The resulting gases are not completely discharged outside, which causes colic.

If a baby 2 or 3 months old begins to cry in a dream, pull his legs to his tummy, clench his fists, most likely he is worried about intestinal colic. Crying in this case will be even, prolonged and incessant.

To reduce soreness, the mother should review her own diet, monitor proper attachment to the breast, hold the baby in a column so that he regurgitates excess milk and gets rid of gas. Another popular way to combat colic is dill water.

The cause of the pain syndrome can be such unpleasant conditions as a runny nose or inflammation of the middle ear. When the child lies in the crib, being in a horizontal position, the processes become aggravated, as a result of which the child cries and screams in his sleep.

Another likely reason for crying at night is. Many children have teeth at the age of 5 or 6 months, which is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, high fever. The pain syndrome especially intensifies at night, hence the sobbing and crying in a dream.


If the child cries in his sleep and does not wake up, then the mother may assume that a feeling of hunger has arisen. Satiety is an important condition for a quiet night's rest at 3 months or 2 years. Correcting the situation is quite simple - the child is given milk or formula.

Do not overfeed your baby, otherwise he will constantly wake up, cry because of a feeling of fullness in the stomach or bad dreams.

It would seem that it is necessary to physically load the baby as much as possible so that he goes to bed “without hind legs”. However, there is an inverse relationship: if the parents missed the optimal time for sleep, overloaded the child with exercises, games, then he will hardly fall asleep.

When he closes his eyes, fatigue will not allow him to sleep well. A small child will wake up with tears or whimper in a dream, which, of course, will affect his well-being. This behavior is especially common in excitable babies.

Experts advise to act in the same way, regardless of the age of the child. Both a one-month-old baby and a one-year-old toddler must go to bed before they start crying from overwork. Also, you should not get carried away with massage, games and gymnastic exercises.

An overabundance of emotions and information

Is the baby crying in his sleep? Perhaps this is due to agitation and excessive emotional fatigue. A child that is 5 months old, that in the same way reacts to information and emotional oversaturation.

  • an excess of emotions and experiences during the day, especially in the evening, leads to the fact that babies cry in their sleep. Thus, nighttime tears are children's reactions to strong emotional stress;
  • experts advise turning on the TV when the child turns two years old. However, many parents introduce cartoons and television programs when their babies are not even 9 months old. This overloads the nervous system.

Minimize the child's contact with the TV and especially the computer during the day. It is especially important to stop watching cartoons before bed. Also, you should not overload the baby with communication with peers and other people's adults.

If a child wakes up at night and cries loudly, it is likely because of bad dreams. Until a year, dreams are not so bright, but after a specified age, night visions become more realistic, which affects the quality of rest.

In a dream, the baby does not always see something pleasant, and this is completely normal. However, if such terrible dreams happen regularly and the child is constantly crying in his sleep, you need to think about what is the source of nightmares.

Psychological problems

If a child often whimpers at night, but is physically completely healthy, it can be assumed that there is some kind of psychological problem.

A toddler of 2 or 3 years old can react sharply to a strong emotional impression. Such a shock often becomes a sharp change in his life: adaptation to kindergarten, the appearance of a brother / sister, moving to another place of residence.

Why does a newborn cry in a dream? Perhaps this is how he reacts to the psychological state of the mother. If there are problems in the relationship with the spouse, the woman is under stress due to fatigue, the baby will definitely feel this and express it in the form of bad sleep.

Often, nighttime restlessness is the first and most obvious sign of diseases of the nervous system. That is why, in case of recurring cases of baby crying at night, parents should definitely show the child to a neurologist.

What if the baby cries at night?

If a child cries in a dream rarely, without waking up, you should not be afraid. Perhaps these cases are one-off. But with a constant roar of the night, it is necessary, if possible, to establish and eliminate the factors that impede proper rest:

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky is convinced that only well-rested parents will be able to establish a good sleep. If the mother does not sleep enough, is in constant stress, then the child also feels this stress, which is expressed in night crying. Therefore, adults should also get enough sleep.

As a conclusion

So, answering the question why a baby cries in a dream, we found many provoking factors. The main task of parents is to pay attention to the crying baby, try to establish the true "culprit" of children's tears and respond correctly.

Some children in this way require their mother's presence or signal discomfort, while others require qualified medical assistance. But in any case, mother's tenderness and love will not interfere with all babies!

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