Health Benefits of Breakfast: The best foods for a healthy morning meal. What to eat in the morning

A healthy breakfast is the key to proper nutrition, a perfect figure and preservation on long years.

It must be remembered that breakfast is not a buffet and the quality of the food affects the mood for the whole day.

The right breakfast should be a set useful products that will improve health and help avoid development various diseases.

In modern times, every girl wants to look glamorous, so looking at American business women, she prefers to have breakfast with coffee and a croissant.

Just keep in mind that an American businesswoman doesn’t get out of the gym to have her 90-60-90s.

With us, as a rule, everyone eats like in a movie - beautifully and on a grand scale, and then they begin to worry about their figure and think what is wrong (hormonal disruptions or something else). It's simple, you need to start the morning with a healthy breakfast, then there will be no problems.

The importance of a healthy breakfast

A proper breakfast is needed to:

  • start the digestive process and metabolism;
  • cleanse the body;
  • energize;
  • healthy breakfast improved the mood.

Metabolism without proper breakfast will significantly decrease, and a decrease in metabolic processes is a lack of energy for mental and physical activity of the body. Also, low metabolism contributes to weight gain. A healthy breakfast, on the other hand, will be delicious and will help.

Cleansing the body affects the condition of the skin. As soon as we start eating sandwiches and coffee in the morning, we automatically acquire acne and acne.

If you do not eat breakfast at all, then the body receives severe stress... When you are used to not having breakfast every morning and this is supposedly the norm for you, your body withers, as a result of which it ages quickly.

Only with a healthy breakfast will you recharge your batteries, rejuvenate and be in a good mood all day long.

How to force yourself to have the right breakfast

Everyone knows about the benefits of a proper breakfast, but how can you force yourself to get up early, cook and awaken your appetite ?! We will tell you this now.

If in the morning you do not have a feeling of hunger, then half an hour before meals, prepare a drink with hot water and lemon juice. Such a recipe will help not only increase appetite, but also prevent the skin from aging and gain overweight.

After that, you will definitely want to eat something, so make a quick healthy breakfast according to the recipes below.

If you are used to waking up five minutes before going to work and for correct breakfast there is simply no time, then there is no need to despair. There are many healthy dishes that will take you 2-3 minutes. I think everyone who wants to keep health will find this time.

Many people never eat in the morning, and this has become a kind of habit. But this is all because you overeat at night.

During the night, food does not have time to digest and in the morning you certainly have no time for a healthy breakfast.

The imaginary notion that I'm already used to it, I feel quite good - lies and deception. You are forcing your body to adapt to such a situation, but it is much better for it to have breakfast right.

Which breakfast is not considered healthy

It doesn't matter if you are a vegetarian or an omnivore, a healthy breakfast excludes following products:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • milk;
  • fresh juice;
  • yeast bread.

Again, the myth about the right breakfast with omelet or freshly squeezed juices came to us from the TV and everyone thinks that this is quite normal.

No matter how it is, all nutritionists in the world have proven that it is better to use an omelet for dinner, since protein helps in, which will lead to fattening, unless of course you lead an active lifestyle.

A large amount of protein prevents the body from cleansing and puts an additional load on the liver, so an omelet is not a healthy breakfast and this must be remembered.

The same can be said about dairy products. Milk not only interferes with cleansing, but also promotes the formation of mucus. Milk contains hormones that also negatively affect the body if breakfast is not correct.

Freshly squeezed juice contains acids that irritate the stomach and lead to heartburn and even nausea.

Many people do not believe that drinking freshly squeezed juice for breakfast is harmful, because it is quickly absorbed by the body and cleanses of toxins. If you are one of these people, then simply add chopped banana to the juice, it will help neutralize Negative influence juice.

Healthy breakfast recipes

We have already talked about what products to use for breakfast, now we will tell you how to quickly and beneficially prepare dishes for a proper breakfast.

Oatmeal recipe for a healthy breakfast in 2 minutes

It may seem unrealistic to you that oatmeal can be cooked in 2 minutes, but don't jump to conclusions. To cook oatmeal in 2 minutes, we need:

  • pour oatmeal into the porridge in the evening cold water;
  • in the morning we add honey, dried fruits, apples, berries or nuts to the porridge;
  • healthy breakfast is ready.

Healthy breakfast applesauce recipe

Every day in the morning can be pretty boring, so I recommend distributing the meals by days of the week, then you will not be bored with the monotony.

So let's get down to applesauce... For him, we need:

  • 2 apples;
  • berries (can be frozen);
  • nuts;
  • fruits (dried fruits).

Grate two apples on a fine or medium grater, whichever you like best. Add berries or fruits with honey to the applesauce and stir thoroughly.

Delicious breakfast is ready!

Healthy Breakfast Recipe - Fruit Smoothie

A smoothie can be made in three minutes. Choose fruits according to your taste, we can only advise which of them is better to combine:

  • banana, kiwi, strawberry, orange;
  • coconut, mango and orange;
  • a healthy breakfast will be an apple, grapefruit and banana smoothie;
  • orange, blueberry and watermelon;
  • orange, strawberry and mango.

For a proper breakfast, you can add herbs, spices (turmeric, cinnamon), flaxseed or ginger to the smoothie.

Let's get down to a delicious smoothie. To do this, cut the fruit into small pieces and put it in a blender. Pour a little liquid (juice or water) there, add nuts with honey, herbs or spices and stir.

A delicious breakfast is ready in a minute!

Vegetable or fruit salad recipes for a healthy breakfast

For female body as well as vegetables. It will take about 5 minutes to prepare a salad with vegetables or fruits. If you are an experienced housewife and know how to quickly cope with slicing, then a salad can be prepared in three minutes.

Salad can be made from any ingredients, but there are some rules for organizing a healthy breakfast:

  • season fruit salad for breakfast with orange juice, honey or lemon;
  • vegetable salad refueled vegetable oils(preferably olive) cold pressed;
  • be sure to put spices, nuts or herbs in the salad.


Formula components:








Erroneous formulas:

Skipping breakfast

Small portions

You cannot skip breakfast, but you should not reduce its portions either. An unbalanced, too light version will only lead to a rapid resumption of hunger, as a result of which you want to eat more food, and therefore consume more calories. If you stick to the above formula, the feeling of fullness will not leave you soon, and the energy you need for productive workouts will only increase.

Unbalanced diet

The feeling of long-term and "correct" satiety cannot be achieved even if breakfast consists, for example, only of carbohydrates or only proteins. You can achieve weight loss results and improve your health through balanced meals.

Examples of a healthy breakfast:

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts

Calories: 328
Fat: 9.7 g
Carbohydrates: 51.1 g
Fiber: 7.2 g
Sugar: 16.6 g
Proteins: 11.8 g

Mix half a cup of water with half a cup of unsweetened soy milk. Pour the resulting mixture in the same amount (0.5 tsp) oatmeal and cook over low heat until the water evaporates and the porridge thickens. Then add a handful of berries, 1 tbsp. shredded walnuts and 1 tsp. maple syrup.

Egg rolls

Calories: 345
Fat: 15.7 g
Carbohydrates: 36.8 g
Fiber: 9.7 g
Sugar: 3.2 g
Proteins: 17.4 g

Fry one egg and one egg white with 2 tbsp. black beans, ¼ tsp chopped tomato, 2 tbsp. chopped onion. When the eggs are done, add the spinach. Now put the resulting egg mass on the Mexican tortilla, top with the diced avocados and 1 tablespoon. salsa. Season with salt and pepper, add cumin and some chili.

Smoothie and hard-boiled egg

Calories: 368
Fat: 12.6 g
Carbohydrates: 49.5 g
Fiber: 9.4 g
Sugar: 25.5 g
Protein: 25.4 g

Place in a blender two carrots, peeled and cut into small wedges, half a frozen banana, 2 cups of spinach, one cup of unsweetened soy or almond milk, and 3 tbsp. protein mixture, 1/8 cup raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. You can eat half of the smoothie before your workout, and then you can eat the remaining half and a hard-boiled egg.

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We have already written many times that the correct breakfast is an indispensable component of successful weight loss. It's important to start your day with a balanced, nutritious and wholesome meal that will not only help you wake up, energize, but also kickstart your metabolism. We share the formula for a delicious and satisfying breakfast, based on the advice of nutritionists, that can make it easier for you to lose weight.

Formula components:


The calorie range of an ideal breakfast is 300-400 calories. If you are trying to lose weight, then your morning meal should include 300-350 kcal, and in the case when you just maintain required level weight and combine diet with exercise, you should stick to the range - 350-400 kcal.


45-55 percent of your breakfast should be carbohydrates, that is, about 40-55 g. However, as you probably already guessed, we are only talking about their complex types. Sweet, pastry, over-processed foods should be left in the store, and your plate is best filled with non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


Protein should occupy 15-20 percent in the morning diet, that is, 13-20 g. With their help, you can feel full and satisfied throughout the morning. In addition, the results of some studies have shown that regular intake, according to at least.20 g of protein for breakfast will help you fight overweight... Excellent sources of this element are eggs, dairy products, soy milk, protein shake, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.


Of the total calorie content of breakfast, 30-35 percent should be fats (10-15 g). Instead of the saturated ones found in, for example, bacon or cheese, consume monounsaturated - olive oil, nuts, seeds and oils from them, as well as avocados.


Fiber must be present in your daily diet in the amount of 25 g. It is possible and more, but only in the case normal work digestive system. Berries, peaches, apples, greens and other non-starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains can help you achieve your weight loss goal.


If you eat right, make your breakfast balanced and rich, you will not have to worry about the right amount of sugar. You simply will not have free space for sweets. However, if you still cannot completely give up sugar, remember that it daily rate- no more than 36 g. When you want to sweeten something, for example, tea, try not to exceed 6 g, that is, 1.5 tsp. This includes white and brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, and agave syrup.


The ideal time for your breakfast is 30-60 minutes after waking up. If its dense version is akin to a difficult test for you, divide your morning meal into two parts: first eat something light, and after 1.5 hours enjoy a more satisfying dish. This circuit is also great for those who love morning workouts. Only in this case, it should be borne in mind that it is better to eat more carbohydrates before exercise, and then - proteins.

Erroneous formulas:

Skipping breakfast

When you sleep, all of your body's processes slow down. Therefore, if you wake up, you will not give digestive system work, your metabolism will function very slowly throughout the day. In addition, you will deprive your brain of the glucose it needs to function actively and you will feel lethargic and depressed. To prevent this, be sure to have breakfast. Remember that eating in the morning is an opportunity to saturate the body with many beneficial elements, such as calcium, iron and vitamin C.

The benefits of breakfast, how dangerous it is to refuse it, how to train yourself to eat in the morning, what diseases indicate a lack of appetite, what the first meal should consist of - in the article.

According to statistics, a quarter of Russians do not have breakfast in the morning, but prefer to drink a cup of tea or coffee before work.

One interesting research showed that a weekly consumption of classic coffee in the morning is equivalent to two full breakfasts. That is, skipping breakfast, we still doom ourselves to the intake of extra calories.

By the way, coffee with milk is 15-20 times higher in calories than regular black coffee.

Lack of breakfast increases the risk of:

  • obesity;
  • improper metabolism due to high level stress hormones in the blood;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • early aging.

It's time to remember the saying that you need to have breakfast like a king and dine like a poor man.

How to train yourself to have breakfast

In this difficult matter, simple measures will help:

we finish dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime. If we are hungry before bed, we have a snack, and do not gorge ourselves to the fullest.

The body freed from food reserves overnight will readily accept its new portion. When hungry, it begins to release stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, which keep us awake.

We set the alarm half an hour earlier than our usual awakening. And in the evening, respectively, we go to bed half an hour earlier.

Such a shift in the regime will enable the body to "swing" in the morning, to wake up. Taking away from work or entertainment (TV shows, for example) evening 30 minutes will allow you not to overwork, which means it will be easier to wake up.

Drunk immediately after waking up a glass of water- most effective method"Start" motor skills and secretory function gastrointestinal tract... After 15-30 minutes, a pretty decent appetite appears.

Morning exercises and shower improve the nutrition of the brain and muscles, prevent stagnation of blood in the veins, remove phlegm from the lungs and prepare the body for food intake - a source of energy for our vigorous activity.

Cooking for breakfast favorite food, choosing dishes that make you want to eat them.

If you don't feel like having breakfast

We didn’t eat enough for the night, got up early, drank water and did exercises, and a delicious breakfast does not cause appetite ...

In this case, you should think about your health.

Decreased appetite - characteristic symptom the following diseases:

functional dyspepsia- inadequate reaction of smooth muscle tissues of the stomach and intestines to the passage of food. Manifested by malaise, heaviness in the stomach after eating, nausea. Functional dyspepsia affects approximately 40% of the population.

When treating this problem, doctors pay attention to the lifestyle, prescribe drugs that improve the motility (contractility) of the gastrointestinal tract, psychotherapy. One of effective drugs - mineral water, it should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Gastritis and stomach ulcers, which are expressed, in addition to the lack of desire to eat in the morning, heartburn, nausea, stomach pains, including at night, sometimes anemia, black stools.

All these signs are very serious reason undergo a gastroscopy. Her doctors advise doing with preventive purpose 2-4 times a year to timely identify an ulcer or H. pylori infection (one of the signs is diarrhea), which can lead to stomach cancer.

Treatment is aimed at reducing acidity and fighting Helicobacter pylori infection.

Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas leads to peritonitis, diabetes and cancer. A serious illness in which a person suffers from abdominal pain (left), nausea, fever. These symptoms are often mistaken for poisoning.

Chronic pancreatitis occurs when some of the cells of the pancreas die and the level of secreted enzymes decreases.

Signs: steatorrhea (fatty stool, poorly flushed from the toilet bowl, feces floating on the surface of the water) due to poorly digested food, each meal increases pain (especially alcohol).

The main treatment for unrelenting pancreatitis is the rejection of alcohol and proper nutrition.

Breakfast history

According to historians, until the 15th century, people did not eat breakfast, they ate once a day, but quite densely. This meal was more like a modern meal.

Who exactly introduced the rule to eat in the morning, history is silent. But it is known for certain that the first breakfasts appeared at the royal courts and included bread, cheese and butter. Over the years, appetites increased, in the morning they began to eat chicken and fish.

Under the French king Henry IV, special breakfast rooms appeared, where huge tables were laid. It is noteworthy that instead of the usual tea or coffee, Europeans drank beer and wine.

Russian Emperor Peter I began his day with a cup of chocolate, and Catherine the Great with toast and coffee. In addition, children were fed in schools in the morning.

Breakfast became widespread in the era of industrialization. The working class had to eat breakfast in the morning in order to withstand shifts in factories.

The real fashion for breakfast appeared in the 40s of the XX century in America. Large-scale advertising campaign corn flakes convinced the whole world that breakfast is the main meal of the day. The myth about the benefits of cereals themselves has long been destroyed, but the idea of ​​the importance of breakfast is relevant to this day and is confirmed by numerous studies.

People who eat breakfast in the morning are more mentally balanced, healthier, and live longer.

What to have breakfast

Food should be tasty and healthy, but most importantly - protein (meat, fish, scrambled eggs, etc.). Proteins start the digestion process, because energy is expended on their splitting. And for lunch, you can pamper yourself with carbohydrates.


Breakfast is a means of preventing all kinds of metabolic problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels. Train yourself to eat breakfast, this habit prolongs life.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

The bulk of the inhabitants of the Earth in the morning rush do not have time to eat or eat a regular sandwich. It happens no less often that the breakfast includes yesterday's leftovers from an evening meal or scrambled eggs and sausage. Neither the first nor the second option has any benefit in breakfast. However, everyone knows that a good breakfast depends on well-being and normal performance throughout the day.

Healthy breakfast ingredients

So what should you eat in the morning? Doctors agree that a nutritious breakfast should consist of:

  • orange juice, which is rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • rye or whole grain bread, which contains the necessary human body number mineral salts, B vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates and minerals;
  • fruits, the benefits of which are undeniable. But, remember that in winter and early spring, you can hardly find something useful on supermarket shelves. Dried fruits can save the situation: dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins or pears;
  • cheese, which can be safely attributed to the category of amazing foods. No other dairy product contains so much protein and calcium;
  • honey is a storehouse of energy. Just 1 spoon will give strength and protect against stress throughout the day;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.);
  • egg dishes (boiled or fried eggs);
  • various cereals.

The morning drink can be tea with honey, but not coffee. Tea with honey and lemon is a health drink and a reliable prevention of any viral disease... Don't forget about cocoa. Hot milk in combination with natural bitter cocoa powder can invigorate the body, moreover, such a drink contains a lot nutrients.

There is an opinion that if you eat porridge in the morning, then you will not be able to eat anything during the day, since it contains a lot of calories. Afraid to appear extra pounds in this case it should not be, it is better to remember that porridge is a huge source of energy and nutrients that your body will be provided with for the whole day.

Note! It is much more useful to cook porridge yourself in the morning than to resort to using porridge. fast food.

What not to eat breakfast

Now let's talk about those products, the use of which is not recommended in morning time and even poses some danger.

Breakfast should not include:

  • fatty, spicy and salty foods (such food does not have any benefit for the digestive organs);
  • coffee and flour products, as they negatively affect the level of sugar in the blood;
  • meat dishes (for their assimilation it is required a large number of energy);
  • cornflakes and muesli;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee can irritate the stomach and develop peptic ulcers.

Chips, fast food, as well as porridge and instant soup are very harmful, as they contain a large amount of flavorings and preservatives. Many already know this.

But not everyone knows that you should not get carried away by eating cornflakes and muesli for breakfast. Of course, it is very convenient to pour milk on a handful of cornflakes or muesli and think that you are contributing to your health and weight loss. In fact, these quick breakfasts are high in refined fats, sugars and synthetic additives. If you cannot deny yourself this pleasure, choose a sugar-free product with the least amount of additives.

Note! Frequent consumption of cornflakes and muesli can lead to weight gain, since such breakfast is very high in calories.

Eating bananas provokes development cardiovascular disease, since in this case magnesium and potassium are in an unbalanced form in the body.

Note! Instant coffee is undesirable. The benefits of instant coffee drink are being questioned; according to scientists, it cannot even be called the word "coffee". Natural coffe on the contrary, it is rich in flavonoids, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

Since childhood, each parent has been trying to explain to his child a simple truth: you can grow big and strong only if good nutrition... However, for some reason, adults themselves allow themselves to forget that the right and balanced diet is a guarantee of health.


Watch this video to find out which breakfast is good for your health:

Everyone knows several cliches associated with breakfast: "Eat breakfast like a queen, dine like a princess, dine like a beggar," "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy." Those who eat regularly in the morning will attest to how beneficial it is. Yet many people refuse breakfast or replace it with a cup of coffee. Why is this happening and what can be done about it?

Why you don't feel like eating for breakfast: finding out the reasons

Waking up in the morning, you do not feel hungry, and even more - you do not feel like eating at all, it seems as if the stomach is full or has not yet woken up. Sound familiar? The main reasons why food does not fit at all in the morning are as follows:
- you are not hungry in the morning because you had a hearty dinner the day before or had a night snack;
- you have been avoiding breakfast for many years and it has become an ingrained habit;
- you are sure that a cup of strong coffee will provide the necessary energy and will allow you to hold out until lunch;
- you do not have time to cook breakfast at all (it is better to sleep longer than to get up early and cook).

There is a common misconception that if you do not eat in the morning, the body will expend energy from food eaten in the evening. This is fundamentally wrong: a hearty dinner during sleep turns into fat reserves, and there was no source of energy in the morning.

Most of the "non-breakfast" people have repeatedly heard that they need to change their habits and start eating right. This is not easy to do, and therefore motivation in the form of facts will never be superfluous.

The benefits of breakfast: facts and figures

Breakfast - a source of mental and physical energy in the form of food. Breakfast must provide at least 25% nutrients(from the daily rate). Nutrient deficiencies are hardly compensated for throughout the day. Therefore, no breakfast - no energy.

Breakfast promotes weight loss... As you know, losing weight directly depends on the metabolic rate. The faster the metabolism in the body, the sooner the extra pounds go away. According to studies, with a daily morning meal, metabolic processes proceed 4% faster than the average, and in the absence of breakfast - 4-5% slower. Just the absence of breakfast can result in an additional 5-7 kg during the year!

A carbohydrate-rich breakfast helps to cope with circulatory problems... Studies have shown that eating breakfast daily reduces the risk of blood clots and decreases the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks.

A breakfast of a variety of cereals (cereals) helps lower cholesterol thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Breakfast helps reduce the risk of gallbladder disease, the main reason for which is fasting, incl. in the morning.

People who constantly eat breakfast involuntarily choose more healthy foods since in the morning you don't want anything heavy and greasy.

Swap breakfast and dinner to lose weight. A hearty breakfast and light dinner will help throw off excess weight two times faster even if you indulge in sweets for breakfast.

A good breakfast helps avoid overeating during the day and especially in the evening. In combination with the refusal of late dinner over time, breakfast leads to an improvement in well-being, normalization of sleep, increased stress resistance, reduced food intake and weight loss.

Healthy breakfast tips

1) Start with a small light breakfast. It is much easier to change your eating habits by starting with small portions of easily digestible, nutritious food.

2) Eat less for dinner and try to eat early. Then in the morning a slight feeling of hunger will make you eat with pleasure.

3) Get up 15 minutes early. It doesn't take long to make a healthy breakfast. Just 15 minutes in the morning will not only allow you to cook something simple and quick, but also allow your body to wake up completely.

4) Don't rely on sandwich coffee. Coffee, although it stimulates the digestion process, but drunk on an empty stomach, irritates the mucous membrane. This breakfast will not do any good.

5) Eat protein. Protein is important because it makes you feel full and reduces the need for high-calorie food for lunch.

6) Best dish for breakfast - porridge... Cereals are rich in fiber and low in fat. Buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, millet, brown rice - these options for cereals will make your breakfast varied. Chopped fruit will make the porridge tastier. If you are tired of porridge or you do not have time to cook it, you can eat muesli.

7) If you practice physical labor, for breakfast you need to consume as much as possible squirrel(omelette, boiled eggs, grain bread, low-fat cheese, milk, cottage cheese). It is best to supplement this breakfast with vegetables. Meat and fish should be low-fat and always natural (and not in the form of semi-finished products or sausages). Natural products are digested much faster, which allows you to feel more invigorated and get involved in work faster.

8) If you practice mental labor, in the morning you need to eat foods saturated carbohydrates(honey, dried fruits, muesli, low-fat dairy and dairy products, oatmeal, fruits). They supply the body with glucose - the best source energy for the brain.

9) Divide food into small portions. So, breakfast, and then 3-4 more meals. So during the day, the body receives enough food, and you will not want to gorge yourself before going to bed.

10) Strive to turn breakfast from a light snack into a complete meal.

11) And the last tip. Start eating breakfast tomorrow, without delaying it for the next week or month. In a few weeks, breakfast will become a healthy habit.

A healthy and nutritious breakfast is the first step towards weight loss.

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