Hair growth complexes. The best vitamin and mineral complexes for hair and nails. B vitamins to improve hair condition

Good day, dear readers and blog guests! Tell me frankly, are you satisfied with the condition and appearance of your hair? If you rarely get compliments about your curls, this article is for you. Today I will tell you what vitamins for hair growth are and what problems they can help solve.

I think not everyone knows how and why our curls grow. Let's figure it out. It is clear that hair on the head also grows out of the skin. Actually, the process itself takes place in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Anagen phase... During this period, new hair follicles are formed. At first, the process is intensive, all resources are involved. Hair length is rapidly increasing due to the division of cells in the follicle. This phase lasts an average of 2 to 6 years.

Catagen phase. During this period, the structure of the cells of the hair follicle changes, its resources are partially depleted. The growth of curls gradually slows down. In fact, this is the boundary phase of development, in which all processes come to an end. The duration of this stage is approximately 2-4 weeks.

Telogen phase... The final stage of development. It is also divided into early and late. At the early telogen stage, hair no longer grows. You've probably noticed that the curls grow to a certain length and do not change further. At this time, the follicles go into a dormant state.

When the hair is in the late telogen phase, it can easily fall out even with minor exposure. This is a normal physiological process. Its duration is approximately 3-4 months.

What vitamins and minerals are needed

Balanced diet, rich useful microelements - necessary condition for the health of curls. I already wrote about this in the article “ » .

Want to know what nutrients you need to grow your curls quickly?

  • - are essential for the normal growth of our strands. They play a very important role in this process. For example, pantothenic acid() stimulates the renewal of skin cells, regulates the adrenal glands. Thanks to this element, curls become smooth and shiny. Vitamins of this group are found in many foods: meat, liver, bread, buckwheat, nuts and others.
  • Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals ( 1 ). So,. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, rose hips, broccoli. In the cold season, you can additionally take ascorbic acid 500 mg twice a day. The drug is also sold in ampoules. They are convenient for homemade firming masks.
  • Vitamin D- helps to strengthen hair follicles, prevents hair breakage and loss. For the production of this substance in the human body, ultraviolet light is needed. However, there are also food products in which there is a sufficient amount of it. I wrote in more detail about him in the article "".
  • Iron- plays an important role in strengthening, nourishing and restoring hair. Low level of this substance in the body can cause alopecia ( 2 ). Iron-rich foods can help prevent this. Introduce spinach, greens, egg yolks, liver, veal, legumes into your diet. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe multivitamins or iron supplements.

  • Zinc- with a lack of this substance, the condition of the hair deteriorates sharply. They become more brittle, dull, and begin to fall out. Products such as meat, legumes, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, etc. will help fill the deficit. Maintaining normal level of this element in the body will avoid hormone imbalances and improve immunity ( 3 ).

Additional effective components

Now you know what vitamins are needed to strengthen and grow your curls. Three more components will help to enhance the effect of these nutrients. They are able to literally transform hair, make it stronger and healthier.

Fish fat... An incredibly useful substance in every way. It contains what the body needs. They nourish and restore hair structure, promote good growth... Eat fish and seafood, eggs, walnuts.

Rosemary essential oil. Recent studies have shown that this substance has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. Thanks to it, metabolic processes in skin cells are accelerated, hair growth increases ( 4 ). Regular use of rosemary oil can effectively combat androgenetic alopecia. The main advantage over other drugs is the minimum of side effects.

Aloe Vera juice. Possesses powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. It contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals for rapid growth and restoration of curls. Aloe juice is applied directly to the scalp, added to shampoos and masks. This tool is also used to create at home.

Coconut oil. Literally transforms dull and lifeless hair. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, protects curls from external influence... With regular use, it restores hair structure, enhances hair growth, makes it shiny and soft.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes

With intense hair loss, homemade masks and lotions are already useless. In this case, it's time to turn to stronger funds. I advise you to study first the information about. This is outdoor effective remedy... Additionally, it is necessary to support the body from the inside with special vitamin complexes. I have described the most popular remedies to strengthen and grow strands. Choose from the list which ones are best to take.


The complex is designed taking into account human daily biorhythms. The tablets must be taken twice a day. They are already divided into two formulas "Day" and "Night". You won't get confused when and what to drink :) I can't say that their composition impressed me with something. In fact, there are more useful substances in dosage. And I still did not understand what kind of vitamin E is contained in this preparation.

But in the composition of 40 mg of L-cystine. This essential amino acid is a protein in hair that significantly helps hair growth.


This drug is actively used to improve the growth of hair and nails. Contains B vitamins, cystine, keratin and yeast. It is mainly used in the fight against diffuse alopecia. The composition of these vitamins is not bad. However, reviews indicate its low effectiveness.

The tablets need to be drunk three times a day, which is not convenient for everyone. The duration of admission can be up to six months. In addition, the price of the product is about 2,000 rubles. For this money, you can find better vitamins.


The instructions for the drug say that it contains a large amount of methionine, an essential amino acid. This substance is involved in the synthesis of a number of hormones, vitamins and enzymes. With its help, collagen is formed, which significantly improves the condition of the hair. The action of vitamins is aimed at strengthening the hair follicle, preventing fragility and loss.

The composition of Revalid is generally good, but it is not clear why it uses the DL form of methionine. It is used for feeding animals. Those with kidney problems should be careful with this substance. The L-form of methionine is much more efficiently absorbed by the body. Why not use it is unclear.

You need to take 3 tablets daily with meals. The duration of the course is on average 3 months. In particular severe cases alopecia are prescribed to drink 6 pieces per day for a whole month. Then according to the basic scheme. One course will cost about 1500-2000 rubles.


Perhaps one of the best vitamin preparations. It is used to thicken and stimulate hair growth. Estimate the amount of all useful elements yourself. The condition of the skin and nails will also improve with this preparation.

WITH30 mg
10 mg
5 mg
18 mg
AT 540 mg
20 mg
Biotin45 mcg
B9 (folic acid)500 mcg
9 mg
D32.5 mcg
E40 mg
Beta carotene5 mg
Iron12 mg
Iodine200 mcg
Silicon3 mg
Magnesium50 mg
Copper and manganese2 mg
Selenium100 mcg
Zinc15 mg
Chromium50 mcg
Burdock extract80 mg
Echinacea extract195 mg

Many of those who have tried this drug are satisfied with it. True, some complain about side effects from the digestive tract. However, I think that if you follow the instructions and drink the drug correctly, then there will be no problems. It can be bought at a pharmacy without any problems and is quite inexpensive. The average cost of one package is 600 rubles. You need to take 1 capsule per day, i.e. enough for a month.

Supreme Vital Hair (from Life Time)

In search of good vitamins, I went to I found an inexpensive complex with all the necessary elements.

You can read the responses of those who have already tried it. They say that hair falls out much less, becomes stronger. The drug is used to prevent alopecia in men and women of different ages... Some people write about allergic reactions, but here everything is individual.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

RUB 1,546
928 rub.

To the store

One jar of vitamins (120 pieces) must be taken for at least a month. If you're lucky, you can buy at a discount.

Hair revive

Another cool vitamins from a loved one Iherb... Due to its natural composition, the drug effectively copes with alopecia in women. The action of the active components is aimed at eliminating the causes of loss of curls.

Name Dosage in 1 tablet
WITH ( vitamin C) 600 mg
IN 110 mg
B2 (riboflavin)20 mg
B3 (niacinamide)20 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)25 mg
B12 (methylcobalamin)10 mcg
Biotin6000 mcg
B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium D-pantothenate)20 mg
Zinc30 mg
Copper4 mg
Hair Growth Complex:

N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Silica (Total Silica> 65, Horsetail Herb, Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract, Bamboo Stem and Leaves)

1340 mg
Hormone Balancing Complex:

Phytosterol Complex (includes beta-sitosterol), kelp, L-tyrosine

430 mg
Chinese Herbal Hair Complex:

Fo-ti root, notopterygium, remania, ligustrum fruit, Chinese peony root, dong kuei root

Ridge Crest Herbals, Hair ReVive, 120 Capsules

Experts say that optimal time taking vitamin complexes - after lunch. This way they are better absorbed.

If you don't want to harm your body, follow these rules:

  • Consider the effect of other drugs on vitamin complexes... Some elements contribute to the destruction of vitamins and prevent them from being absorbed normally. Pay attention to what else medical drugs you accept. Acetylsalicylic acid helps to reduce the content of vitamins B, A and calcium. Sleeping pills cannot be combined with taking vitamins A, E, D, B12.
  • Drink vitamins with water or diluted juice. This is a very important part of them. correct reception... If using fruit juice, dilute it 1: 1. For people with gastrointestinal problems, the doctor may recommend using milk. Remember that preparations in capsules are taken with water only. It is not at all recommended to use hot tea or coffee for these purposes. This significantly reduces the absorption of useful elements.
  • Avoid an excess of vitamins. Any substance in a large number harmful to the body. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by rather dangerous diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, and allergic reactions. Excessive amounts of vitamins A, D, can cause nausea and headaches. In fact, it is very difficult to exceed the dosage, but be careful anyway.

I think now you will not have any problems with the choice of vitamins for hair. If the article was useful to you, please share the information with your friends on social networks. Don't forget not to miss out on the fun. I look forward to your comments and questions. Until next time!

When, for unknown reasons, hair begins to fall out or its quality has noticeably deteriorated, this can be a real tragedy. Especially important for those who have them thin. In this case, there are various pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair growth. There are many drugs, it's hard to figure out the benefits of each on your own. the site publishes a great overview of the products for your curls 😉

Unfortunately, significantly reducing hair is not easy. cosmetic defect, and one of the symptoms of diseases, the treatment of which is such a science as trichology... No means for external use are able to completely solve the existing problem and it is worth looking for the causes of the pathological condition from the inside.

Hair Loss Causes - Lack of Vitamins?

The most common reasons include the following: 🗸 hormonal problems, including insufficient function thyroid gland;
🗸 strict diets - they lead to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body;
🗸 decreased immunity due to various reasons;
🗸 chronic stay in stressful situation;
🗸 improper care behind the hair;
🗸 admitting some medicines;
🗸 various diseases scalp;
🗸 a sharp change in temperatures;
🗸 hereditary factor, etc.

In addition to damaging factors acting on the scalp, curls and the entire body as a whole, main reason, which is why baldness usually begins - this is a lack of certain vitamins and minerals... Avitaminosis leads not only to hair loss, but also to a change in their structure. The curls become weak, thin, lifeless and do not look the best way.

If the problem already exists, you need to find A complex approach to its solution. You should avoid stress, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Vitamins for active hair growth

Vitamin deficiency is one of the main causes of slow hair growth. This pathological condition characterized by a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, which are actively involved in the mechanisms responsible for the beauty and health of hair. There are more important ones specifically for the health of curls, although their lack can also cause others, enough serious problems with health.
Among the vitamins for hair, you should pay attention to the following:

1. Iron. A lack of iron in the body leads to a condition called Iron-deficiency anemia... As a result of this condition, the entire circulatory process is often disrupted, including the circulation of the scalp. It is because of the violation of blood microcirculation that hair loss and baldness can occur, depending on the severity of iron deficiency in the body.

2. Vitamins of group B. These vitamins are able to restore hair structure, influence metabolic processes, and they are also excellent tool prevention of stress and neurological diseases... Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid, for example, affects the appearance of hair. If there is a lack of it, then the curls become dull, lose their natural shine and elasticity. Vitamin B6 (or adermine) - suitable for hair growth, according to trichologists. With regular intake of this vitamin, you will very soon notice that the strands have become more elastic, stopped breaking and began to look much healthier.

3. Vitamin C necessary to raise immunity, normalize work circulatory system, recovery normal process metabolism, etc. Regular use leads to an improvement not only in the appearance of the hair, but also to a change in their structure. Hair stops breaking, falling out, looking really healthy.

4. Vitamin E- an excellent antioxidant necessary for normal hair growth, has a positive effect on their appearance. Effectively solves the problem of the destruction of certain reactive oxygen species, which have a detrimental effect on the structure and external condition hair.

5. Vitamin A or retinol. Improves nutrition of hair follicles and blood microcirculation, strengthens the immune system. Thus, it contributes to the rapid growth of hair and the improvement of its general condition.

6. Folic acid. One of the vitamins that is produced intestinal microflora. For the most part we get it through food (green vegetables, legumes, bread, yeast, liver, etc.). This substance is very important for humans and its deficiency leads to the development of megaloblastic anemia, fragility and hair loss.

7. Keratin. An important component for restoring hair structure, it is used in the complex therapy of hair loss. It allows you to effectively restore the structure and makes them smooth and silky. It is a part of dietary supplements and products for external use.

We need all these and many other vitamins in sufficient quantities to maintain the health of the entire body and hair in particular. Some of them can be replenished through proper healthy nutrition, but in order to get all the necessary substances in the proper quantities and forms, experts recommend using special vitamin complexes.

The best vitamin complexes for your hair

Modern pharmaceutical market offers many vitamin complexes developed by leading laboratories specifically for hair growth and its healthy appearance. There are funds in various price categories, with a variable composition and with different effectiveness. Among the most common and really effective vitamin and mineral complexes for hair are the following:

1. Pantovigar

The drug is produced in Germany in accordance with the company's own developments. Designed specifically for hair growth and against breakage. It is effective for brittle nails and can be used as a general tonic. The action is due to the complex effects of all components of the drug. Pantovigar contains: vitamin B, medicinal yeast, keratin, cystine and various excipients. It is ineffective if hair problems have a hormonal etiology. Pantovigar has proven effectiveness and is recommended by many trichologists.

These vitamins were prescribed by my trichologist, she said to take at least 4 months. I suffered strong loss strands against a background of stress and poor nutrition. At first, there were no results, the hair continued to crumble, but I did not despair and continued to drink it. After 3 months, I noticed that the loss began to decrease, and after 6 months it returned to normal and only a couple of hairs remained on the comb. Satisfied, but long and expensive enough.

Natalia, 27 years old.

I drank vitamins for 3 months, but I did not wait for the effect, I bought another vitamin complex.

Alina, 22 years old.

2. Perfectil

Manufacturer - Great Britain. In addition to typical substances, this vitamin complex contains shark cartilage, green tea extract, grape seed extract, pine bark extract, coenzymes, vitamin D3 and other active ingredients. Is biologically active additive and is taken only once a day with meals. Perfectil has shown high efficiency as a preparation for hair growth and restoration of hair structure. But many people note nausea after taking the Perfektil capsule, so you should carefully monitor the body's reaction after taking these vitamins. The drug is taken with a meal with plenty of water.

After taking vitamins, nausea was constantly accompanied by nausea, although I took it after meals and washed it down with plenty of water, so the effectiveness could not be assessed (

Sasha, 24 years old.

My favorite vitamins! A lethal dose of nutrients, after a month and a half, I noticed the growth of new hairs. They have become much stronger, hair growth has increased slightly. In general, I am satisfied, I will advise them!

Svetlana, 29 years old.

3. Revalid

Manufactured in Israel. Revalid is a popular vitamin complex for hair growth in women. The drug helps to normalize metabolic processes, and therefore improves scalp nutrition and blood circulation in hair follicles Oh. It can be used as a vitamin and mineral complex to improve the condition of curls and prevent their loss. It has practically no contraindications, is well absorbed by the body and has proven effectiveness.

I have been drinking vitamins for a month, but so far I do not see any super results. Hair loss has decreased, hair growth was as it was. The main thing is that it did not get any worse))) But in general, not bad.

Olga, 34 years old.

4. Vitrum Beauty

One of the most popular drugs on the market, which is manufactured in the USA. It is a balanced complex, the action of which is due to active ingredients... The constituents of the drug are actively involved in the proper functioning of the enzymatic systems, which improves metabolism. The composition contains vitamins of group A, vitamin B, C, D3 and others, natural extracts, minerals etc.

I drank Vitrum Beauty Elite, I liked the composition, I didn't notice too much changes on my hair, but the skin and nails are just super! The skin became kind of glowing, smooth. Nails are growing at a breakneck speed! I will continue to drink.

Maya, 23 years old.

5. Vita Sharm

A domestic drug that is quite popular due to its affordable price and good composition... Vita Sharm contains nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate and riboflavin, which not only improve the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, but also make the hair more elastic and strong. It is recommended to take for vitamin deficiencies, regardless of their cause and quality prophylactic.

Inexpensive vitamins are suitable if there are no global difficulties with hair. I drink occasionally to maintain healthy hair and skin.

Arina, 21 years old.

Ikala inexpensive and effective vitamins and found it! This is Vita Sharm! I'm shocked, but hair growth really accelerated, hair breaks less and does not split, before that I drank expensive vitamins, from which there was zero effect.

Sveta, 24 years old.

6. Complivit

Complex preparation of Russian production. Differs in democratic price and high efficiency. It is a multivitamin complex without any additives. It helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes and, as a result, improve the quality of hair.

Complivit vitamins have several complexes designed for your hair. This is a Compliment Radiance and Compliant Hair Growth Formula.
In the photo you can see the composition of this vitamin complexes.

Vitamins Complivit is drunk by the whole family, each of its own complex) I chose Complivit Radiance for myself, I liked the composition and I trust the manufacturer. They help to maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance, the hair has always been good, but I think vitamins are needed for prevention. Now I want to try the Hair Growth Formula, my friends praised it.

Asya, 32 years old.

Unfortunately, I did not see any effect, I took it for a month, perhaps this is not enough to feel the result, but the hair, as it fell in tufts during washing, remained. I'll try something else ...

Vera, 39 years old.

7. Alerana

A drug Russian production, it is effectively used by specialists in the composition complex treatment hair loss. The package contains 60 tablets, differing in color and composition, and are intended to be taken in the morning and in the evening. The composition of each type of tablets is selected in such a way that all necessary substances absorbed by the body as efficiently as possible. Red tablets are taken in the morning, regardless of the meal, and they give the hair shine, restore its structure and fight inflammation of the scalp. White tablets should be taken at night, and they protect curls from damage, restore structure and give them a healthy appearance, and serve to accelerate hair growth. In the complex, it is recommended to use Aleran's remedy for external use. The analogue of Alerana is called - we have already talked about him.

I'm a fan of Alerana funds! I have been using only them for a long time and there are no problems. My hair is very shiny, everyone around me notices and asks what I use, although I don't do anything like that separately for shine, only vitamins and care products. I recommend trying vitamins from Alerana, the main thing is to take it correctly according to the instructions.

There is a kind of vitamin for men and women. The course of admission is 3-6 months. main feature vitamin complex - this is the content of tannins, which have a very beneficial effect on the hair and are powerful antioxidants. Also, the drug contains a large amount of vitamins, they perfectly complement each other, are well absorbed by the body.

Saw different vitamins, could not find something of my own that would really help. I saw these vitamins from Vichy in the pharmacy, decided to try and it seems to me that I found what I was looking for, I have been taking it for about a month, but it seems to me that there are already results, I will test further and will definitely share it.

Tatiana, 25 years old.

10. Pentovit

Perhaps the most budgetary vitamins, which at the same time have collected a sufficient amount positive feedback... Pentovit contains the B vitamins your hair needs. The course of administration is 1 month, 3 tablets per day.

Read good reviews, decided to try these inexpensive vitamins, and for good reason! Why overpay if the same thing is everywhere, excellent vitamins for your money. Hair grows and I noticed new hairs near the bangs, straight short ones began to break through, I will take them regularly.

Alice, 22 years old.

I didn’t understand these vitamins at all, I took it for two months, there was no effect, I also had a headache, so I think it’s connected with them or not. Hair as it was and remained, dandruff too. Cheap, but money down the drain.

Olya, 28 years old.

11. Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair

The vitamin complex recommended by many bloggers can be found at the pharmacy. The basis of the vitamin complex is a component of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), it is a source of organic sulfur, stimulates the production of its own collagen.

The best vitamins I've tried! Just miracles !!! The hair fell out terribly, I took 2 capsules a day, after a month the hair fell almost stopped and returned to normal, after washing in the bathroom there was no longer a pile of hair. And also a nice bonus - the nails and skin on the face have improved. The face became rested, as if nourished, even a blush appeared. I definitely recommend this supplement!

Jeanne, 29 years old.

Vitamin complexes for hair growth should be selected on an individual basis .. Before using it is recommended to contact a specialized specialist.

Sometimes it happens that by doing short hair, after a while I want to return to its previous length and it seems as if the hair grows unbearably slowly.

What to do to regain luxurious long hair?

Modern scientific discoveries and research in the field of cosmetology helps to understand the reasons for slow hair growth and to speed it up.

Thanks to them, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can quickly acquire long and, more importantly, healthy and beautiful hair.

The average hair growth rate is 1–1.5 cm per month. There are lucky people whose hair grows up to 2 cm per month, but there are those whose hair grows much slower. Hair growth problems have various causes.

These can be hereditary factors, diseases, the consequences of stress or taking medications.

One of the most common causes of hair growth retardation is vitamin deficiency in the body. In this case, it is enough to replenish the supply of useful elements, and the hair begins to grow better.

Hair growth largely depends on the condition of the hair follicles, from which new hair appears as if from grains. The scalp can be compared to soil that requires fertilization to provide adequate nutrition.

And the better the nutrition of this "soil", the healthier the roots will be and the faster the hair will grow. Therefore, it is very important that vitamins are supplied to the body in full, which are necessary primarily for nutrition and protection of hair follicles, as well as free access oxygen to them.

To increase the rate of hair growth, the body must receive the required amount of B vitamins.

These are the main substances that help hair grow.

B vitamins are the best "medicine" for promoting healthy hair growth.

They increase the blood supply to the hair follicles, eliminate dryness, stop hair loss - in a word, they start the process of healing the scalp, and vitamin B12 also accelerates hair growth.

Vitamin A (retinol) is indispensable in this matter.

It has a regenerating effect on the skin, has a beneficial effect on activity sebaceous glands, improves the condition of the scalp and helps hair grow better.

In the body, vitamin A plays the role of an "accelerator", so when it is lacking, hair grows very slowly.

Hair growth often slows down due to insufficient blood supply to the roots. Vitamin E is involved in oxygenation of hair follicles, thereby stimulating the appearance of new healthy hair.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3) enhances blood circulation, improving root nutrition, thus helping active growth, that is, getting enough nicotinic acid, hair begins to grow faster.

Vitamin D and biotin (vitamin H) also provide invaluable hair care. In addition to increasing the growth rate, these vitamins also protect and strengthen the hair.

Vitamin C is involved in the blood circulation of the hair follicles, which helps nutrients to freely penetrate to the hair roots, and without this, their normal growth is impossible.

Elements such as molybdenum, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, iron and magnesium also help hair grow.

Today it is quite simple to find out which vitamins are not enough - it is enough to take a hair for analysis. Laboratory research will show what the hair needs, and what is contained in it in excess.

In addition, vitamins usually affect the condition and growth of new hair, so you should not expect that after vitamin "help" old hair will grow back faster.

In pharmacies you can see great amount preparations intended for hair growth. They contain all the trace elements and vitamins necessary for this.

Such funds can be divided into two types: acting from the inside and from the outside:

  • the former are most often capsules or tablets,
  • the second - masks, balms, lotions and others cosmetical tools.

The tablets replenish the daily requirement of the necessary elements and most often, after about a month of use, they restore the balance of substances in the body.

The most effective complexes and the best vitamins for hair growth

One of the most popular drugs designed to accelerate hair growth is called "Revalid".

It contains a whole complex of vitamins and amino acids, thanks to which not only hair, but also nails grow faster.

To achieve visible results, you need to take "Revalid" for at least 2-3 months, one capsule 3 times a day.

Vitamin complex "Perfectil" - vitamins for fast hair growth.

Within a month after its application, the hair begins to grow noticeably faster. Developed by British scientists, "Perfectil" contains a complete set of minerals and vitamins that activate the body's forces and direct them to heal the follicles and stimulate hair growth.

This is very strong remedy, therefore, you need to accurately observe the dosage indicated in the instructions, namely: take no more than one capsule daily during or after a meal and drink a glass of water. Eating on an empty stomach can cause nausea!

This is a real complex of nutrients. They contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements that the body usually needs, and which activate hair growth, improve skin and strengthen nails.

Domestic pharmaceuticals can offer the vitamin complex "Alphabet". Designed to tidy up the entire body as a whole, it also improves the condition of the hair, including the rate of its growth.

Unlike many other drugs, "Alphabet" is based on the principle of combining various vitamins, therefore it includes three types of tablets, each of which includes only compatible elements.

It helps better assimilation vitamins and minerals. The dosage is calculated for three doses per day. Depending on the initial condition of the hair, the effect is visible after 2-3 weeks.

Normal brewer's yeast, which can be bought at any pharmacy, also gives good results for hair growth. They can be with or without additives (eg sulfur).

Vitamin preparations for hair growth act individually, and in order to choose the appropriate multivitamin complex, it is advisable to consult a trichologist. But instead of drugs, it's still better to get essential vitamins from food, and this requires good nutrition:

  • All year round, there should be fresh vegetables, fruits, walnuts, rose hips, honey on the table, olive oil, eggs, cauliflower, milk, dairy products, soybeans, other legumes and always greens.
  • In winter, it is necessary to include in the diet oatmeal, sauerkraut, meat, fatty fish.
  • In addition to vitamins, the body also needs a sufficient amount of fluid - at least 2 liters per day.

The state of health cannot but affect the condition of the hair, including its appearance and growth rate. If your hair is healthy, it will not be difficult to accelerate its growth by including the necessary vitamins in your diet, as well as nourishing your hair.

Vitamin masks for hair growth

External influence, together with vitamins taken internally, improve and accelerate hair growth. Special cosmetics designed for this purpose will help them grow faster.

Therefore, many vitamin complexes consist of a whole series of products - these are tablets or capsules, ampoules, as well as special shampoos, air conditioners.

But there is another way to enhance hair growth - to use masks prepared at home, including the necessary vitamins in their composition. Home remedies can be just as effective as purchased ones, and at a fraction of the cost.

Vitamin A and Onion Juice Mask

The components of this mask have an active effect on the hair follicles, improving blood circulation, oxygenating and nourishing nutrients. This effect heals the hair, and also increases the rate of its growth.

To achieve a quick result, the mask must be done 30 times every other day. Not recommended for very dry or sensitive scalp.


  • oil solution vitamin A - 5-7 drops;
  • castor and burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • hot peppers ( alcohol tincture) - 1 tsp. ;
  • freshly squeezed onion juice - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • chicken yolk - from 1 egg.

Combine all components, mix and apply the mask to the roots and hair. Wrap your head in plastic on top and a towel on top. After half an hour, wash off with water and lemon juice.

Egg and vitamin mask

Such home mask saturates the scalp with useful substances, strengthens the hair and, of course, improves its growth. In addition, after several applications, it gives the hair a healthy shine.


  • vitamins B2, B6 and B12 - 1 ampoule;
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc. ;
  • oils: burdock, almond, sea buckthorn - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply to hair and roots.

Keep it on for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Hair Growth Enhancing Vitamin Mask

A nourishing mask that accelerates hair growth by activating the access of nutrients to the roots. Hair becomes vibrant, hydrated and grows much faster.


  • oil vitamins A and E, vitamin B3 - 0.5 tsp each. ;
  • linseed oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • ginseng or eleutherococcus (tincture) - 1 tsp. ;
  • yolk from 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair).

After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the mask to the hair and roots. Cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel on top.After one hour, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water.

Many people attribute hair problems to external factors. Dry and brittle? Dry air and daily hair dryers are to blame. Dandruff? Probably the shampoo doesn't work. Does your hair stay on the comb and pillow? It can't be helped, it's a seasonal phenomenon.

But hair is one of the indicators of the general condition of the body, and problems with them often come from the inside. When cosmetics do not cope, you should think about whether your hair has enough vitamins?

Why does hair need vitamins

Hair is a derivative of the epidermis, its outer shell is covered with dense keratin scales. Each hair consists of a shaft and a root. What we brush, wash and cut is the outside hairline... What is under the skin is called the root, or hair follicle. The bulbs are surrounded by hair follicles.

In the follicles, the biochemical processes necessary for the growth and health of hair take place and they are nourished. Useful material and oxygen with the blood flow first enters the hair follicles, and then is distributed from the roots to the tips.

If the supply is well established, hair. While dull, quickly becoming dirty and falling out hair indicates that the biochemical processes in the follicles are malfunctioning. Hair fiber starves without getting the right amount nutrients... The reason for this may be a deficiency of vitamins, since they activate the metabolism in cells.

The main vitamins vital for our hair:

  • Vitamin A - to strengthen hair and fight dandruff (liver, eggs, butter).
  • B vitamins - for growth, density and brightness (liver, egg yolk, nuts).
  • Vitamin E - for shine and smoothness (greens, nuts, vegetable oil).
  • Vitamin C - for nutrition and growth (citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn).

Vitamin A

Many are familiar with vitamin A as c. Indeed, with its deficiency, the wetting of the cornea of ​​the eye is disturbed, vision deteriorates. But the lack of this vitamin also leads to a weakening of the immune system and various skin problems, including on the head.

Lacking vitamin A, the scalp dries up - dandruff appears, hair becomes thin, brittle, split ends. To restore their elasticity, cope with dryness and hair loss, you need to introduce into the diet more products containing vitamin A. For example, liver, butter, fish fat, whole milk. You can also eat carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers and other fruits and vegetables orange... They contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A.

B vitamins

These are the most important components for the beauty and health of hair. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, which is found in large quantities in cereals and cereals, gives shine to curls and promotes their growth.

B2 provides an active blood flow to the follicles and normalizes metabolic processes between cells. With its deficiency, the hair becomes too oily at the roots, and at the ends, on the contrary, is very dry. Riboflavin is rich in dairy products, eggs and liver.

Nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3 (PP), is responsible for fast growth hair, as well as their pigmentation. If the body receives it in sufficient quantities, unpainted curls literally shine and lengthen before our eyes. To replenish supplies nicotinic acid, need to eat Rye bread, beets, buckwheat, organ meats (liver, kidneys), as well as pineapples and mangoes.

Hair, like other organs, needs oxygen. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is responsible for this. It penetrates directly into the hair follicle, making the roots strong and preventing hair loss. B5 is found in large amounts in hazelnuts, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, garlic, buckwheat and oatmeal, and egg yolks.

If the scalp is dry, suffers from constant itching and dandruff, then the body does not receive enough pyridoxine - vitamin B6. The situation can be corrected if there are more bananas, sea fish, chicken and nuts.

The benefits of biotin (B7) for hair are legendary. On the Web, you will find many articles on how it has a beneficial effect on the structure of hair, helps in the fight against hair loss and dandruff. Biotin is found in milk, nuts, soy, and bananas.

Folic acid (aka vitamin B9) activates the synthesis of new cells, thereby reducing and simultaneously stimulating their growth. It is also believed that vitamin B9 deficiency leads to premature gray hair. To replenish the lack of folic acid, eat more spinach, cabbage and nuts, brew rosehip tea.

B12 (cyanocobalamin, "red vitamin") - one of the most important vitamins for the body in general and for hair in particular. It promotes cell regeneration, thanks to it, the curls grow rapidly, look beautiful and silky. It is found in a large number of products, especially of animal origin: eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, liver, seafood.

Vitamins and their properties Improves hair growth Strengthens roots and reduces hair loss Gives shine and shine Restores brittle and split ends Helps Fight Dandruff
B1 (thiamine) + + +
B2 (riboflavin) + +
B3 (PP, or nicotinic acid) + +
B5 (pantothenic acid) +
B6 (pyridoxine) + +
B7 (H, or biotin) + +
B9 (folic acid) + + +
B12 (cyanocobalamin) + + + +

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a powerful immunomodulator and antioxidant that strengthens the body's protective barriers. It also improves blood circulation and stimulates cell regeneration.

Deficiency of vitamin E is reflected in the curls, loss of shine, growth retardation, deterioration of the structure of the hair shaft. In addition, vitamin E protects strands from negative impact ultraviolet radiation and slows down the process of gray hair formation. With a lack of it, the hair looks dull and lifeless.

Vitamin E is rich in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, as well as herbs, legumes, broccoli and spinach.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is one of the main substances in the human diet. Vitamin C is essential for normal functioning connective and bone tissue, maintenance.

Lack of vitamin C affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The latter become weak, begin to fall out and practically do not grow. The situation can be improved if there are more citrus fruits, berries (currants, sea buckthorn, blueberries), kiwi and apples.

How to use vitamins correctly

In the mass consciousness, vitamins are unconditionally associated with benefits. But they can also do harm if consumed without measure and specific purpose. Especially when it comes to medicinal vitamin and mineral complexes.

There is a large selection of hair vitamins in tablets in pharmacies. As a rule, in addition to these vitamins, these complexes also include proteins necessary for hair (keratin, collagen), as well as trace elements (magnesium to stimulate growth, zinc for shine, and so on).

It's good. But it is even better if such a vitamin complex is selected and prescribed by a doctor specializing in trichology. If you don't have time to go to the doctor, then at least read it carefully.

In addition, the external use of vitamins for hair is now very popular. Many girls buy them in ampoules and add them to shampoos, make wellness masks with them.

But here, too, there are some nuances that you need to know about.

  1. Before making a mask with this or that vitamin, find out if you are allergic to it. For example, by making a "harmless" mask of aloe and niacin to prevent hair loss, contact dermatitis can cause the opposite effect - the hair will start to shed even more.
  2. Study the biochemical effects of vitamins. For example, it is better not to combine B6 and B12 in the same mask with B1, since thiamine, as well as ascorbic acid, neutralizes their effect. And vitamin A is recommended to be mixed with olive or burdock oil, since it is fat-soluble by its nature.
  3. You shouldn't try to get rid of all hair problems at once. Vitamin masks for hair are done in courses and do not give an instant effect. For example, try first to strengthen your hair with B vitamins, take a break, and then take a course of masks with vitamin E.

So, vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of hair follicles. They activate (together with trace elements) the biochemical processes of nutrition, respiration and hair growth. Most of all, our curls need vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins E and C. Their deficiency can be replenished by taking special vitamin complexes or by including vitamins in ampoules in hair care. But usually, to stabilize the vitamin balance, you only need to slightly adjust your diet.

Anything to add? Share your experience with hair vitamins in the comments.

The condition of the hair, as well as in the whole organism, depends on enough vitamins entering the body.

With their lack, hair loses its beauty, shine and splendor.

They begin to lose color, begin to break, split at the ends and, worst of all, fall out.

What vitamins does hair need first of all?

In order for the hair to always be strong and grow well, it needs a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is especially necessary for hair. It ensures normal circulation of oxygen in the blood and supports the functioning of the immune system.

Hair follicles, which are nourished by blood, are responsible for the health of the roots and, accordingly, for the strength and health of the hair itself. A sufficient amount of tocopherol in the body improves blood circulation in the follicles, which stimulates hair growth.

Vitamin E protects hair from ultraviolet radiation and adverse external factors, gives the hair shine, moisturizes and makes it strong. Only 30-50 mg per day will eliminate its deficiency, which often results in hair loss.

How to use vitamin E for hair treatment

Tocopherol is found in many natural foods:

  • in vegetable oils,
  • olives, sunflower seeds, nuts, tomatoes,
  • apples, lettuce, parsley, legumes and cereals.

Unfortunately, a sufficient amount of tocopherol is not always supplied with food, and it has to be replenished from dosage forms.

Pharmacy hair vitamins most often contain vitamin E. The pharmaceutical industry produces vitamin E in the form of capsules, lozenges, solutions for intramuscular injection, as well as oily solutions for oral administration.

Liquid Vitamin E is very convenient for hair, as it can be easily added to the most different means for hair care: masks, shampoos, balms.

WITH preventive purpose just add a few drops of vitamin E to your hair shampoo while washing your hair, and your hair will stop falling out and your scalp will be healthy.

It is necessary to treat fragile hair not only from the outside, but also from the inside, so taking vitamin E inside in the form of capsules is simply necessary if such problems are observed.

The gelatin capsules dissolve rapidly in the stomach, releasing tocopherol, which is then transported by the blood to various organs.

However, it is highly undesirable to take any vitamins, including vitamin E, without a medical prescription.

In addition, when taken orally, it is imperative to observe the dosage indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.

Otherwise, an overdose is possible, and an excess of tocopherol can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, impaired liver and kidney function, etc. adverse reactions usually does not appear.

Vitamin E in hair masks

For damaged, overdried and brittle hair vitamin E and masks with it become a real salvation.

You can buy a tocopherol-based mask at a beauty store or pharmacy, but the easiest way is to make it yourself.

Hair nourishment will be provided by a mask with vitamin E

This mask perfectly nourishes the scalp with beneficial substances.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oil, pour in 1 tsp. liquid oil solution of tocopherol. Can be slightly warmed up.
  • Apply to hair, cover your head with plastic, put on a warm cap and leave for one hour.
  • After that, the hair needs to be washed and to enhance the effect, apply a nourishing balm.

This procedure, when done twice a week, will help maintain the health and condition of your hair.

Strengthening hair with a vitamin E mask

  • Three types of oils: burdock, almond and olive (1 tbsp each) combine, pour in an oil solution of tocopherol (1 tsp).
  • The components should be mixed well and applied to the scalp (if the skin is prone to dryness, Special attention need to be given to the roots).
  • After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and dry.

Vitamin A for the health of scalp and hair

Vitamin A or retinol plays no less important role for hair than tocopherol (vitamin E). It accelerates hair growth, A makes it healthy and shiny.

It is thanks to vitamin A that skin immunity is maintained, recovery processes and hair growth, and they hair becomes more elastic and resilient.

In addition, vitamin A reduces harmful effect on the hair with ultraviolet rays.

Retinol normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and regulates the synthesis of keratin.

As a result, excessive greasiness is reduced, A also improves general state skin on the head.

A lack of retinol can cause flaky scalp, brittle hair, and loss of shine.

Vitamin A Sources and Uses

There are two forms of vitamin A - ready-made vitamin A (retinol) and carotene, or provitamin A, which is converted to vitamin A in the human body. Daily rate vitamin A for women 600-700 mcg, for men - 600-900 mcg.

To avoid its deficiency in the body, you need to regularly consume foods containing vitamin A:

  • liver, garlic, feta cheese, eel,
  • butter, processed cheese,
  • broccoli, sour cream, seaweed, seaweed.

A source of carotene can be greens, yellow and green vegetables, legumes, rose hips, etc.

In case of insufficient nutrition, you need to take medications containing vitamin A. In the pharmacy, most often it can be found in oily form. Vitamin A oil is useful for hair in masks, shampoos and conditioners.

Vitamin A and E mask to maintain weakened hair

For this mask:

  1. Need to take the yolk chicken eggs, Burr oil(1 tbsp. L.) And a third of a teaspoon of vitamins A and E.
  2. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask to the hair, cover with a towel on top.
  3. After about 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Regular use of the mask strengthens the hair structure and makes it strong.

Revitalizing retinol mask

  1. Mix equal amounts of vitamin A, castor oil, vitamin E and dimexide once a week to restore hair.
  2. Apply to hair, rinse off after an hour.

This mask copes well with damaged hair, renewing its structure, eliminating dryness and brittleness.

B vitamins to improve hair condition

For the beauty and growth of hair, vitamins of the B group are also necessary, since without them a healthy state is impossible, since they also affect the state of the scalp and hair.

Another effective vitamin for hair is vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which prevents dandruff, and also makes hair more resistant. It is needed so that the scalp receives enough oxygen, hair growth also depends on it.

The deficiency of this vitamin makes up for the consumption of liver, fish, meat, eggs, cheese and other dairy products.

Vitamin B6 (also called pyridoxine) is useful for hair. Like B12, it is needed to prevent dry, itchy scalp and dandruff.


  • in unrefined cereal grains,
  • cereals (buckwheat, wheat, rice),
  • leafy green vegetables, carrots, soybeans, corn, nuts, liver, egg yolks.

Thiamin or vitamin B1 is also beneficial for hair, although it is not directly related to them. This vitamin is vital for nervous system... If thiamine is not enough, they may develop nervous disorders, headaches, muscle weakness.

All this negatively affects both the state of the person and his appearance, and on his hair as well.

That is why most special multivitamin complexes for hair, skin and nails include thiamine.

It can be obtained from food by including in the diet:

  • bread baked from coarse flour,
  • oatmeal, brown rice, wheat germ,
  • asparagus, broccoli, peas,
  • plums, oranges, nuts, eggs, poultry and meat.

Vitamin H (biotin) is another vitamin that is good for hair. Due to its lack, the skin is affected, sweating increases, which is accompanied by hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis and anemia.

Biotin is found in many foods, for example, peanuts, soybeans, white cabbage, liver, yeast, chicken yolk. You can also buy ready-made hair vitamins with biotin.

What other vitamins and elements are needed for hair

Vitamin PP (B3, nicotinic acid), by increasing blood circulation, improves nutrition of hair follicles and roots, renews cells, stimulates hair growth, and also acts as a moisturizing agent.

Due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin PP, the hair is properly nourished and its growth is accelerated. It is also responsible for the formation of pigment, which is why a deficiency of this vitamin causes early gray hair.

It is recommended to consume about 20 mg of niacin per day. You can find it in grains, brewer's yeast, liver, fish, beef. It is also present in cheese, carrots, milk, potatoes, herbs (alfalfa, cayenne pepper, chamomile, ginseng, horsetail, etc.)

In addition to vitamins, hair also needs macro- and microelements such as zinc, sulfur, iron and others.

  1. Iron helps hair to become stronger, eliminates brittleness.
  2. Vitamins for hair with zinc do not allow to turn gray and bald ahead of time, and also improve the appearance of hair.
  3. Calcium is essential for healthy hair, molybdenum helps hair grow, and sulfur gives beautiful color.

Iron, zinc and copper should not be consumed individually, but in combination, since they complement each other, enhancing the effect of each of them.

Ultravitamin Hair Mask

Take a large spoonful of dried chamomile herb and linden flowers, pour boiling water over and let it brew. Before using the infusion, strain and drip a little of each of these vitamins: A, E, B1, B12, then add chopped rye crumb.

The future mask should stand for a quarter of an hour, after which it should be applied to the scalp. After an hour, rinse thoroughly. The result will be noticeable after a short time.

The health of the hair and scalp, their attractive appearance depends on whether the body has enough nutrients.

Therefore, it is very important that all the necessary vitamins and other substances come in the right amount - preferably with food, but if this is not possible, with the help of special multivitamin complexes. However, regular hair masks, nourishing from the outside and improving their condition, are also needed.

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