How to start selling construction products. Rent of premises for a building materials store. You will need high-quality equipment to work

The demand for building materials is stable and no changes are expected in this segment. With a competent organization of trade, the right choice of suppliers, location, selection of assortment, the store will bring a good profit.

The trade in construction materials is booming. The constant demand for building materials makes the business of selling them promising, despite the increase in supply (see "").

Construction materials are traded at different levels: large specialized construction supermarkets, medium-sized shops, stalls in bazaars and other crowded places. Outlets with such specialization can be conventionally divided into four groups:

  • Small shops or pavilions up to 100 sq. m, assortment - 10-20 items.
  • Shops in 150-200 sq. m area, partially renovated. The assortment of such stores numbers 40-70 items, they can offer 1,000-2,000 varieties of goods.
  • Large shops (500-1,000 sq. M.) With good design and a warehouse of goods (200-2,000 sq. M.). The assortment of such stores includes 70-100 commodity items and 10,000-15,000 articles.
  • Warehouse stores with a total area of ​​2,500 sq. m. From 15 to 30 product groups and 200-1,000 articles in the range. Sometimes in such stores a "showroom" is organized, where samples of the offered goods are demonstrated.

According to the scale of trading, profit can range from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars per month. Sellers note the high profitability of this business and the opportunity, if the business is properly set up, to make very good profits.

Economic feasibility of business

The profit of a building materials store depends on the trade turnover, and a businessman will have to solve the main question: which store he would like to see and what he can count on in reality.

The start-up capital for a building materials store is about $ 10-15 thousand for every 100 sq. m area. According to market experts and store owners, the operation of small stores is not economically feasible.

For example, the monthly turnover of a 100-meter store is $ 6,000-7,000 with an average mark-up of 25%. After settling with the suppliers, the entrepreneur has $ 1,500-2,000, of which he still needs to pay taxes, pay salaries, and so on. Thus, there is simply no net profit.

The costs of a store with an area of ​​200 sq. m, subject to advance payment of the goods will require $ 50-60 thousand. The monthly turnover of such a store will be 25-30 thousand dollars, and the net profit will be $ 1,500-2,000. A store with an area of ​​1000 sq. m. m will provide 300 thousand dollars of turnover. With proper advertising promotion, the monthly turnover will be about $ 100 thousand, net profit - at least $ 5,000.

Permits for opening

The first step in organizing a store will be the state registration of the chosen economic and legal form of the enterprise. In most cases, one of two options is chosen - LLC or individual entrepreneur. IE is more suitable for a small store with a single owner. For a larger-scale business, if there are several founders, it is more correct to register an LLC.

You can choose a taxation system depending on the local legislation specific to a particular region. The most convenient will be UTII (unified tax on imputed income), which is typical for retailers in most Russian regions.

In the absence of UTII, the most acceptable STS (simplified taxation system). Goskomstat must provide a notification of the assignment of the OKVED code to your enterprise.

To open a store, you need permissions:

  • Local city administration.
  • Chamber of Commerce.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological stations.
  • Fire inspection.
  • State traffic inspectorate (for parking approval).

Choosing a store location

The criteria for choosing a place for a store are standard with some specifics:

  • The proximity of highways and human flows.
  • Areas of new buildings.
  • Large construction market.
  • The proximity of shops of a related orientation, but not duplicating.
  • Urban industrial zone with minimal rental prices.
  • Non-residential fund (otherwise firefighters will not allow rent).
  • Mandatory free parking in front of the store.
  • Convenient automobile (for a large store - railway) entrances.
  • Compliance with the requirements of SES and fire protection.

Of course, it is preferable to have your own premises. But, in the absence of such, a rented one will do. When negotiating the terms of the lease, ask if it is possible to buy out the premises over time. When things are going well, this is a very convenient way to buy out retail space.

Shop equipment

Commercial equipment for a hardware store includes the following items:

  • Single-sided wall-mounted shelving.
  • Double-sided shelving for placement in the sales area.
  • Glass showcases-cabinets for small-sized goods.
  • Showcases-counters for specific departments.
  • Trading nets for certain types of goods.
  • Fasteners for placing goods on the wall.
  • Packing table.
  • Cash register (possibly several.
  • Carts and baskets for customers.

Product range

The assortment of the store should be formed taking into account:

  • The sales area of ​​the store.
  • The presence of certain product groups in competitors' stores.
  • Local market demand.

In any case, the assortment should be as diverse as possible. The modern buyer has the opportunity to choose a store, so it is impossible to lag behind competitors in any case. An additional opportunity to increase trade turnover with a shortage of space can be trade in catalogs on order.

Typical product groups for a hardware store

Varnishes and paints. The group will include paints for all types of work, impregnation, primers, varnishes, coatings for various materials.

Wallpapers of the widest possible range: paper, fabric, silk-screen printing, paintable, with the possibility of painting in the future, colored, monochromatic. The group will also include the entire assortment of wallpaper glue. Dry building mixtures, sand and cement.

Tiles are tiled, imported and domestic, floor, wall, of various sizes and textures. Tile adhesive, joint grout, everything for cutting, leveling and tiling.

Plumbing: showers, baths, sinks, toilets. Various accessories for plumbing: taps, corrugations, pipes, mixers, shower racks, etc. Shelves, mirrors, bathroom furniture, hangers, soap dishes and so on are also required.

Floor coverings: board, parquet, carpet, laminate, linoleum, cork and bamboo coverings. Roofing materials: metal, slate, etc. Doors: entrance, interior, plastic, glass, wood, MDF. Elite and inexpensive.

Electrical equipment: chandeliers, lamps, lamps, LEDs, wires, switches, extension cords, etc. Construction tools will include rollers, brushes, spatulas, etc. This group will also include power tools: drills, perforators, grinders, grinders, jigsaws, etc. . If there is free space, you can offer gardening tools and country furniture.

Supplier selection

You should not be limited to suppliers located in your city - deliveries from neighboring cities are often more profitable, and the supplier often assumes transportation costs for large volumes of supplies.

You should use the Internet to select suppliers. The most convenient suppliers are those who provide a product (or part of it) for sale with subsequent settlement or some postponement of settlement.

Store staff

Store employees should be well versed in the range and be ready to advise the client on any issue. Each department should have at least one consultant who is well versed in the product group of the department.

The manager can be an experienced specialist with a good knowledge of this area. Assortment, relationships with suppliers, store personnel management depends on the manager. In addition to sales consultants, you will need cashiers, a warehouse manager, cleaners, and movers.

The number of employees is determined by the size of the store. It is better to build remuneration for labor on the principles of incentives: salary and bonus, depending on the quantity of goods sold and the quality of work.

Building Materials Store Economy

The amount of initial investment in a business depends on the size of the store. According to the reviews of entrepreneurs with experience in organizing stores of this profile, for a retail space of 100 sq. m accounts for about 300-400 thousand rubles of investments.

As noted earlier, it makes sense to open a small store only with the possibility of a trade margin significantly higher than 30% and the possibility of supplying goods for sale. In this case, the size of the rent for the premises is also important: it must be minimal for sufficient profitability.

Here are some economic data on the organization and operation of a store with an area of ​​about 200 sq. m.

  • The total cost of opening is from 1,500 thousand rubles.
  • Of these, working capital is 700 thousand rubles.
  • The monthly turnover of the store is 900 thousand rubles.
  • Net profit is 60 thousand rubles.
  • The payback period is 25 months.

Building materials store promotion

This type of business is very competitive, so the advertising promotion of activities must be carefully thought out.

By the time the store opens, an advertising campaign should be carried out in the local media. Advertising posters, banners on city streets should not only inform about the opening date of the store, but also carry information about its benefits, discounts, assortment features, etc.

The store must have a website on the Internet. Do not skimp on a bright, informative site that reflects all aspects of the store's work. Regular website updates are a must.

Cooperation with repair and construction organizations and individual teams is very effective. It makes sense to develop a special system of discounts for them to stimulate the attraction of new customers.

Today's our article is about how to open a building materials store from scratch. You will learn how profitable this business area is and how to achieve quick success in entrepreneurship.

Every year the number of new buildings is growing rapidly. In a short time, many new areas and residential areas appear. For construction, of course, a wide variety of materials will be needed, so it can be concluded that the business of selling building materials is a profitable and promising business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

  • Great demand for the product. Building materials are in great demand in any region of the country. Their popularity is due to the fact that a person builds something or makes repairs throughout his life. For this, he needs materials, so the demand for this product not only does not fall, but also grows every year. Therefore, if you want to make a profitable investment, then the construction business will provide you with a stable income and high profits.
  • Assortment of goods. If you believe the statistics, then opening a small hardware store is a hopeless undertaking, doomed to failure. The point is that the competition in the construction business is quite serious. You have to fight for customers with large construction hypermarkets that offer a wide range of goods and favorable prices. Therefore, in order to interest visitors, you need to provide a wide variety of goods or decide on the format of the store, for example, sell a certain product in a large assortment.
  • Additional services. Do not forget that you can make a profit not only from the sale of goods, but also by providing additional services to customers. For example, not all buyers have the opportunity to independently deliver their purchases to their destination, and building materials are a fairly large product. Therefore, it becomes necessary to organize a delivery service. You can make good money on the provision of this service.

Building materials store: business plan

The chosen business idea needs to be properly implemented. A well-crafted business plan will help you with this.

The business plan should outline the profitability of the idea, the payback period and the expected profit from the business. As already indicated above, the cost of opening a hardware store depends on the region and sales volumes. It is difficult to indicate the exact amount, but it is worth noting that you are unlikely to be able to open a hardware store from scratch. The only option is to find an investor who will be ready to finance your project. But finding a rich person who will believe in the success of your idea is quite difficult, so you can count on this option only if you are a specialist in this area of ​​knowledge.

Registration of a business for the sale of building materials

If you have the necessary start-up capital to open a business, then you can safely start registering your activity.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the material and legal form of activity. You can choose one of two options: registration as an individual entrepreneur or founding a legal entity - Limited Liability Company. When choosing a form of activity, consider the amount of investment. If you plan to open a small hardware store, you can safely register as an individual entrepreneur. In the case of organizing a large business, opening a hypermarket or a chain of building stores, you will have to register a legal entity (LLC).

Having decided on the form of activity, you should select the appropriate OKVED codes. The most convenient option is to pay a single tax on imputed income.

It is also required to obtain permits for activities from the SES, the fire service, the city administration, the chamber of commerce, and even a certificate from the traffic police (in the case of parking equipment on the territory of the store).

The collection and execution of all the necessary documents is a rather laborious process. If you are poorly versed in legal intricacies, then entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer.

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Location and rental of premises

From the correct choice of the location of the store, its profit will directly depend. Therefore, it is very important to choose an advantageous location in the city. Choose crowded areas with high traffic. It is desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Sufficiently profitable places for opening a construction store are the areas of new buildings, the construction market, and the industrial zone of the city.

There are no special conditions for the premises of the store. The main thing is that it is in the non-residential fund. It is also advisable to equip a parking lot and convenient access roads for loading and unloading goods near the store.

Choose a suitable space for your store depending on the volume of sales. As discussed above, small shops are not profitable, so the area of ​​the premises should be at least 200 sq. m. as for the renovation, the expensive, designer interior in this case will not affect the number of sales in any way. Therefore, I recommend that you not bother with expensive repairs. It is enough to meet the minimum requirement: the room must be clean, dry, tidy, with good ventilation. In addition, the fire and sanitary services have their own requirements for the premises, so you will have to comply with all standards (ventilation, storage conditions for goods, etc.).

Store format

Before starting to implement this business idea, you should decide on the format of the store by choosing the appropriate direction. Construction materials are sold in different ways. They are sold in small retail outlets, in stalls at construction markets or bases, in supermarkets or in narrow-profile, specialized points of sale.

  1. A small building materials store. The total area of ​​this outlet is from 20-50 sq. m. Naturally, in such a room it is impossible to place a large assortment of goods, so it is better to focus on one thing. For example, you can trade in paint or wallpaper, drywall or flooring.
  2. Large stores with a total area of ​​about 150-200 sq. m. In such a room it is already possible to place a small assortment of goods. You will be able to trade several types of building materials at the same time. It can be the same paint, wallpaper, glue, parquet, tiles, pipes and much more. It all depends on the competition and the demand for the product. You must analyze these nuances before deciding on the range of your hardware store.
  3. Construction supermarkets. The area of ​​these retail outlets is from 1000 sq. m. In such stores, customers are given the opportunity to choose everything they need for construction and renovation in one place. A large assortment, favorable prices and promotions attract a large number of people, therefore this business format is considered the most successful. The only negative is large financial investments. It takes a lot of money to open a construction supermarket, therefore, as a rule, there are several owners of such outlets at once.
  4. Store-warehouse. This business format consists in the fact that two separate premises are rented. The first is the warehouse where the bulk of the goods is stored. And the second section is a sales area for buyers, where the entire range of products is exhibited in small quantities. This business format is quite profitable because you do not have to equip a large sales area or hire a lot of staff. It will be quite enough 2-3 sales consultants, several loaders and security guards.

Building materials store equipment

There is no need for special expensive equipment for the store. Therefore, this item will not be too financially costly for you.

Necessary equipment for a hardware store

  • Showcases and racks for displaying goods;
  • Glass door cabinets;
  • Trade nets for hanging goods on the walls;
  • Packing table;
  • Equipped place for cashier and sales assistant (table, chairs, cash register);
  • Shopping carts and baskets.

Assortment of a hardware store

As mentioned above, the assortment depends on the area of ​​the store. Therefore, first of all, decide on the format of your outlet and after that, start purchasing goods for sale.

Standard product groups for a hardware store:

  • Wallpaper and glue. If you sell this product, then the assortment should be large enough, as they say, for every taste. Today, the variety of wallpapers is pleasantly pleasing, you can choose both paper, vinyl, washing and original fabric wallpapers.
  • Dry building mixtures (sand, cement, gypsum);
  • Paints and varnishes (for external and internal works);
  • Incomplete coverings (tiles, laminate, tiles, linoleum, carpet, parquet);
  • Plumbing (sinks, toilets, showers, hydroboxes, taps, faucets, bathroom furniture and much more);
  • Doors (interior, entrance, from materials - wood, glass, or an economical option from fiberboard);
  • Electrical equipment (lamps, lamps, chandeliers, lanterns, wires, LEDs);
  • Building tools.

In general, a wide range of goods can be placed on a large area. If the area of ​​the store is small, give preference to the sale of a certain group of goods.


For any entrepreneur, finding suppliers is a very responsible task. After all, the wholesale price of the product, its quality and profit from the business depend on this.

You can find good suppliers in your city or via the Internet. The most profitable option is cooperation with manufacturers of building materials and buying goods directly.

Hired personnel

The number of sales will depend on the work of the store employees, and, accordingly, the profit. Therefore, finding experienced and responsible employees is a very important matter.

The sales assistant must have all the information about the product, be able to communicate with customers, skillfully and unobtrusively offer his help in choosing the product. It is desirable that each department has its own sales consultant who is competent in this area of ​​knowledge.

Employee salaries should be incentive rather than fixed. Thus, you protect yourself from lazy people who go to work just like that. An employee whose salary depends on the volume of sales will work many times more.

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How much does it cost to open a building materials store?

As the practice of experienced entrepreneurs shows, an open small construction stall with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters will cost you 400-500 thousand rubles. A small part of this amount will be spent on renting premises, and the main part on the purchase of goods. On average, the mark-up for building materials is 20-30%, which is not that much. In addition, you also need to pay salaries to employees, purchase a new batch of goods, pay taxes. As a result, the net profit at the first stages is minimal. Therefore, the opening of a small construction store is profitable only in the case of purchasing goods at low prices and the possibility of cheating more than 30%. Otherwise, there is no point in trading building materials.

To open a construction supermarket, you need a fairly large amount of money from 3 million rubles or more. But, despite the fairly solid investments, the payback of the outlet is quite fast. Therefore, if you have money, then investing it in the construction business is quite profitable.

Advertising campaign

Opening a hardware store is not the most important thing, it is important to attract buyers to the point of sale. How to do it?

Attracting buyers is an important nuance, without which you will not see profits. Therefore, do not skimp on advertising, hire competent specialists in this field and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Advertising in the city. Posters, banners, advertisements, flyers, all of which grab people's attention. Therefore, use all kinds of promotion methods.
  • Internet advertising. Create a website for your hardware store, where all information about the assortment, contact numbers and address, as well as the ability to purchase goods via the Internet will be available.

If you believe experienced entrepreneurs, then opening a small retail outlet in this area will bring its owner more losses than profit. The reason for this conclusion lies in the fact that the costs of renting a shopping area and a warehouse, wages, taxes and utilities, take away almost all profits and do not give the business the opportunity to develop.

Is it really impossible for an entrepreneur who wants to open a small building materials store without an impressive investment to create a profitable business? Let's figure it out.

Usually, in search of materials for repair and construction, a potential buyer is inclined to go to a large construction center, the area of ​​which may be 1000 or even 2000 sq. m. The reason for this is several factors: the ability to buy everything you need in one place, a wide range, getting a free consultation with a specialist if you have any questions.

But there are also cases in which the buyer will rather go to a small building pavilion: collecting materials that have ended during the repair, buying a small amount of building materials for redecorating, location not far from the house.

The moment that determines the profitability of a business is the choice of an advantageous location for sales. While big sellers are forced to sell their wares on the outskirts of the city, you can set up your business in a residential building, mall or local market.

How to choose and prepare a storeroom

Where to start to get building materials from scratch? To open a profitable point for the sale of building and finishing materials, experts recommend paying attention to the first floor of a residential building near new buildings, or a construction market located within the city.

When opening such a business in a residential building, make sure that there is an emergency exit in the room - this will be needed to pass the fire safety check. If the apartment is in the housing stock, you will need to remove it from the housing stock to complete the paperwork and trade legally.

The profitability of your business will increase significantly if the retail space is owned by you, however, entrepreneurs do not recommend rushing with this and working for the first 2 years in a rented space.

If soon after opening, you find that this place is not profitable month after month, then it will not be difficult for you to simply leave this outlet, without the need for the subsequent sale of real estate.

In the case of choosing a construction market, before purchasing products and renting premises, go through the pavilions, study what and at what price your future competitors are selling.

Remember: you will be of greatest interest to the buyer only if you offer a unique product that is not available on the market, or the same, but at a more attractive price.

Decoration of a building materials store

When preparing a retail and warehouse area, there is no need for expensive finishing materials. The finished room must be bright, clean and dry. Get some inexpensive redecoration and good ventilation. This is all that is required from the premises for the successful sale of your business. The preparation of the premises will require an average of $ 6,000 - $ 9,000.

Equipment for a building materials store

To trade in building materials, it will be necessary to purchase a cash register, as well as counters, showcases and racks that will help in the demonstration of finishing materials. Arrange the lighting on the shelves so that you can have a good view of the products on offer.

If your business involves the sale of power tools, do not forget to equip showcases with multiple outlets.

Registration of a business for the sale of building materials

The sale of building materials, like any business, requires preliminary registration with the tax and pension authorities. For a small pavilion, registration of an individual entrepreneur is enough, this will help to significantly save on taxes.

OKVED codes for registration of such activities, they present an impressive list, depending on the presence or absence of a trading platform on the Internet, courier delivery and other specifics. The main code that you will need when registering is 47.52 Retail trade in hardware, paints and varnishes and glass in specialized stores.

What documents are needed to open a building materials store

Building materials, you cannot do without passing checks and paperwork. You will need to obtain a permit and a trade patent. What you need to obtain a permit: you must submit the following documents to the trade department of the city administration:

  1. Conclusion from the fire inspection and SES;
  2. A certified copy of documents on registration of you as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  3. Lease agreement or documents confirming the ownership of the retail and warehouse premises;
  4. Certificate of registration with the tax office;
  5. Founder's qualification or education document;
  6. Information about the mode of operation of the enterprise.

As for the trade patent, it can be obtained from the tax office. When registering a patent, you will go through the registration procedure for the cash register. All these activities can take from two weeks to several months, and the cost of registration and preparation of all documents necessary to start activities will be about $ 300.

Assortment of a hardware store

When choosing an assortment for your organization, it is very important to provide the buyer with goods of various price categories. As a rule, at least two thirds of the products are presented in the middle price segment and one third remains for cheap and expensive representatives.

The assortment of the trading platform can consist of the following construction products:

  • Paints, varnishes;
  • Cement;
  • Tile;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Hand power tools;
  • Construction fittings;
  • Gypsum;
  • Parquet, linoleum, laminate;
  • Self-leveling floors;
  • Various primers;
  • Spatulas, brushes, rollers, etc.;
  • Drywall;
  • Glue;
  • Building mixtures, etc.

Building materials store staff

To open building materials, owners usually limit themselves to hiring one seller, or, in order to save money, stand behind the counter on their own.

The seller, working in a single person, must have sufficient knowledge in the field of construction, design and architecture, as well as have a good knowledge of the range, purpose and features of each unit of goods.

If there is an experienced and knowledgeable person behind the counter, sales of your organization will be 30% higher than otherwise, so it is recommended to treat this moment with great responsibility and attention.

The profitability of the hardware store

Let's calculate the profitability and find out how much it costs to open building materials with an area of ​​about 100 sq. M.


  • Purchase of goods for sale - $ 10,000;
  • Registration, passing checks and paperwork - $ 300;
  • Cosmetic repairs, preparation of the trade and warehouse area for work - $ 8,000;
  • Purchase of shelving and cash register - $ 7,000.

Total: $ 25,300.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent, utility bills - $ 560;
  • Replenishment of goods - $ 4,000;
  • Seller's salary - $ 280;
  • Accounting - $ 80;
  • Taxes - $ 130.

Total: $ 5,050.


The profit will be taken into account on the basis of the trade margin - 45%.

The cost of the sold building materials per month is $ 4,000.
Profit per month - $ 5,800.
Gross Profit - $ 750

Thus, with regular sales of at least 40% of the total stock of goods every month, the investments made will pay off after 3 - 3.5 years of work.

When talking about how to start a home improvement store from scratch and make it profitable, it's helpful to know a few from experienced entrepreneurs:

  1. Group your products. Location matters a lot. It is important here that the buyer can get acquainted with all the products of the same category in one place. Distribute the products according to their intended purpose. Let brushes and rollers lie next to the paint and varnish products, and screws and keys next to the screwdrivers;
  2. Samples. Each product with a wide variety of colors and textures should have a catalog of samples that you can properly examine and touch. Place samples by color and indicate the article for each item;
  3. Access. Give customers the opportunity to turn on and see how a drill or any other power tool works. Open access to your products;
  4. Don't stop at one outlet. One small pavilion cannot bring a sufficiently high and stable income. By developing and opening new points, you can protect your business from sudden surges in demand and significantly increase your income.
  5. Something that the buyer can forget about. Small consumable items, such as light bulbs and batteries, are best placed near the cash register. The buyer will definitely remember that he wanted to buy them, waiting for the settlement or his turn.

In this article, we have given recommendations regarding building materials. Calculations and experience of entrepreneurs in this area have shown that under certain circumstances, this enterprise can be really profitable and effective.

The immutable truth is that a person must live somewhere, which means that the construction of housing will never stop. And housing is dilapidated, which means that it needs to be repaired from time to time. At my entrance, only one of the newcomers is repairing it. The elevator is taken out of their building by the transportation of building materials. I go out to the staircase, and here are bags of cement, some cans and sheets of plywood or something else. Understanding people have long understood that the sale of building materials is in demand.

Recently, however, I often hear customers' dissatisfaction with poor-quality building materials. Who does it depend on? Clear business from the sellers. I think that people's demands for the quality of building materials will continue to grow. Do you think who have been selling building materials for a long time are ready to improve the quality? I personally doubt it. Since they are already accustomed to high margins, they are unlikely to reduce their profits by supplying quality materials.

So much for a niche that you can safely enter. I will not say that the niche is simple, but demanded by a new approach. Times are changing, and people in this niche are in no hurry to change their views. You can start this business without investment, acting as an intermediary between customers and suppliers. Conduct a detailed analysis of the building materials market. If you seriously intend to enter this market, then one way or another it must be done. Make a list of all the manufacturers of building materials in your area, as well as all the vendors. I am sure that you will find flaws in both.

In our city, for example, bricks are transported from other cities, despite the fact that there is more than one brick factory in the city. What does this fact mean? Likewise, in your region there is not a very high-quality supplier, which can be replaced by a supplier from another region. The main thing is to find and negotiate prices. By gradually studying the needs of the market, you will have a complete picture of where and what to get and at what prices you can sell. The profit can also be calculated in advance.

Now directly sale of building materials as a process. I don’t know how this process is organized in your region, but my observations on our market indicate purely passive sales. The overwhelming majority of sellers place ads in newspapers and sit by the phone, waiting for a call with an order. Do you think you can use this moment? Definitely you can! You should go to active sales. We need several agents who would analyze the allotted area for the occurrence of repairs or construction and immediately offer building materials with delivery.

It is worth noting that in the cities there are teams of builders who are engaged in. As a rule, suppliers have direct contact with the foremen and interest them in bonuses for the order. Explore this opportunity in your area. Your trump card as building materials. Do not forget about this when talking with the foreman. And it is worth explaining these details to customers. And if you can somehow prove the higher quality of your materials, then that will be critical.

Along with agents, it is imperative to create an Internet store of building materials, since society is moving towards computerization. The sooner you start, the sooner you get results. Combining work in the field and on the Internet will yield results.

To increase profits, you can combine production of building materials and sale of building materials. For example, you can produce or paving slabs, and take all other items from suppliers. In any case, you will provide customers with building materials with delivery throughout the list.

An additional feature in your building materials business can be the sale of used building materials. In order to incorporate this topic into your business, you will need a constantly revolving database of demolition projects in your area. A team of "destroyers" is recruited and all recyclable building materials are collected from the destroyed buildings. Floor slabs are especially in demand.

My friend, who is directly involved in construction, once had a database of all hangar structures in the region. At any moment, he was ready to disassemble these hangars, translate them and build them again at the specified location. He was offering a good price for these second-hand hangars. It seems that his margin was not small at the same time.

At some point in development, your sale of building materials will require the creation of a storage site.

Do not forget that this activity is regulated by section 14 of the Rules for the sale of certain goods (Resolution No. 55 of 01/19/98 of the Government of the Russian Federation). This section deals with the peculiarities of the sale of building materials.

It is here that it is indicated how to sort the goods, how to sort and check the completeness, and then store. By adhering to the provisions of this decree, you will save yourself from problems.
If the idea seemed useful to you, please click the social media buttons and let the information give someone else food for thought.

The production of building materials in Russia demonstrates sustainable development. In the manufacturing industry of the country, this direction occupies the fourth or fifth position, sharing it with the light industry, but giving way to mechanical engineering, electric power, and the food industry.

At the same time, fluctuations in demand for building materials are subject to the same factors that affect the rate of GDP growth. The last years have been characterized by a negative trend - a slowdown in its growth. After the “take-off” of the dynamics of GDP growth in 2011 (4.3%), the rate of its increase began to decline in 2012 (3.5%), and in 2013 this trend intensified (1.7%). The slowdown in development has a corresponding effect on the sale of building materials in general.

Building material stores are part of the building infrastructure

The question of how to open a building materials store is very relevant, because small miscalculations are fraught with high costs. The challenges of the economic crisis are forcing businessmen in this industry to build their relationships with suppliers more clearly, to analyze consumption pragmatically and to carefully check their strategy on the market with the market conditions.

On the other hand, the desire of people to improve their living conditions, to build new trade and industrial buildings for various businesses is eternal. Therefore, entrepreneurship in the form of a building materials store continues to be promising. Although it should be admitted that the profitability of this direction of trade is not the highest among the alternative. Its effectiveness is largely determined by competently delivered management that is in line with the business plan.

What should you worry about before opening a building materials store? What factors determine how profitable a business will be? Answering these questions, we can single out several positions, the proper execution of which contributes to commercial success: the location of the store, the characteristics of the premises, the level of cooperation with suppliers, the degree of advertising support for the supplied goods, the qualifications of the personnel and, finally, the general level of work organization.

A well-balanced business plan for a building materials store plays an important role in the efficiency of selling materials for construction. What trade outlet is it advisable to open? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, there are about 1,500 hardware stores in Moscow. Among them, four typical forms can be distinguished. But this will be discussed later. Let's start by asking where the store should be located.

Place for a building materials store

The most important organizational factor influencing the success of the sale of building materials is the convenience of shipment of goods to buyers who arrived in their vehicles, including trucks. (As you yourself understand, a building materials store is not a bakery: you can't take a purchase in a string bag by whistling.)

The above is the most critical for building supermarkets. However, one cannot say that mini-stores are insensitive to the convenience of shipping. Potential customer visits will be maximized if your building materials business is versatile and located close to major transport routes, the store has convenient entrances and a well-planned parking area - a loading area for customers' cars.

Having found a good place, we will decide on the type of premises.

Premises for a building materials store and its equipment

The premises for a building materials store should be selected carefully. Its layout should be convenient for service and sales. It is desirable that the condition of the building does not require major repairs. Mandatory requirements should be recognized as the absence of dampness, good ventilation, illumination.

Not only commercial equipment for a building materials store should be inexpensive. The "rule of the genre" is economical renovation. Neat finishing with modern inexpensive building materials is preferable for the store premises. $ 10 per square meter of painted plasterboard walls is fine. It is better to direct the saved funds into the main activity, they will be useful for purchasing goods from suppliers.

Work with providers

Trade in building materials is fueled by a wide range of supplies. Where to start formulating the principles of interaction? Smart tactics on the part of the store are important here.

A supermarket for full-fledged filling with materials used in construction must cooperate with 90-150 suppliers. And all of them are vitally interested in 100% prepayment. However, the entrepreneur (store owner) "breaks" their intransigence, gradually convincing them to work with him for implementation.

This activity involves a two-step combination. To begin with, an entrepreneur seeks to purchase goods at a discount or with a deferred payment. Then, clearly and unswervingly following the partnership principles, he agrees to receive building materials for sale.

There is simply no other way. You won't work for a long time on 100% prepayment with all suppliers. In addition, the latter, realizing the stability of the work of the building materials store as their partner, are also interested in the effectiveness of the functioning of its finances. In short, compromises are possible here.

Mini Stores

Mini-shops cover an area of ​​up to 100 m 2. In their trading floor up to 20 items of goods are presented, the total number of articles is up to 200. Among them there are often highly specialized ones. For example, wallpaper or selling ceramic tiles. Even large entrepreneurs, but newcomers to this business, not wanting to risk big money, begin to gradually pour their capital into the industry, having “trained” first at a mini-store and prepared the backbone of personnel for the future supermarket there. Therefore, the question of how to open a building materials store from scratch is relevant.

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