What you need to do to get into the artek. Is it possible to get where you want to serve? What it takes to get into special forces

Once we decided to find out how to get to serve in the special forces, we will state the whole truth. Don't rely on easy routes, freebies, or indulgences. Everything is serious, that's what the Special Forces Unit is for. Training of employees according to a special program, using special means and tactics to perform special operations. Not everyone will be allowed to do this, a certain set of skills, abilities and merits is already initially required. So, how to get into the special forces of various units (FSB, GRU, airborne troops, etc.).

Get into special forces: requirements

Regardless of what kind of special forces unit you like: gru, alpha, special forces of the Airborne Forces - how to get there, what is needed, what requirements will be presented - this is the main thing that those who want to replenish the ranks of special forces should think about.

The first thing you just have to know for sure is to serve. Here is the first key to the spetsnaz ranks. For example, all elite units are formed from former soldiers who served in special forces units. Pennant, GRU, Alpha Special Forces - how to get there? We go to serve, we achieve heights. Often, such units require a maroon beret.

Let's talk about general points that relate to service in special forces. For example, let's see how to get into the FSB special forces: what is the algorithm for recruiting candidates. Any selection consists of several stages.

Primary selection

  • In the FSB special forces, as a rule, ensigns and officers are taken. Military school cadets are enrolled as candidates for officer positions. At the same time, a warrant officer must have at least secondary education, and an officer must have a higher education. Actually, there are about 97% of officer positions in the special forces, the rest are ensigns.
  • The recommendation of the current employee of the CSN is necessary for the candidate for admission. Either a recommendation from a former employee of Pennant or Alpha.
  • Preference is given to students of the special forces faculty (available at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School).
  • There is also a serious limitation in the matter of physical data - the height of the candidate must be at least 175 cm (due to equipment - heavy armor shields of impressive size). However, if your professional merit is able to compensate for your lack of height, an exception may be made.
  • Age must not be more than 28 years old. Again, exceptions can be made for candidates with combat experience coming from other security agencies.

Physical testing

  • Spetsnaz of any direction: Pennant, Alpha, FSB, GRU spetsnaz - how to get there without the appropriate physical data? That's right - no way. So we start training right now (if there is still time). Well, hold on.
  • In the special forces of the FSB, one can speak of Directorate "A" and Directorate "B". Physical fitness requirements for them differ, for "A", they are slightly higher. By the way, rest between exercises is just a name. And the quality of the execution is monitored very strictly, it will not work to philone.
  • Candidates arrive, change clothes and run 3 kilometers in 10 minutes. 30 seconds (faster you can).
  • Five minutes of rest - and one hundred meters in 12 seconds, with which they will be allowed further.
  • Run into the gym, where a pull-up on the bar awaits. Office candidate "A" - 25 times for offset, "B" - 20 times. Next, there is a rest for 3 minutes between exercises.
  • Flexion and extension of the trunk ("press") - 90 times in two minutes.
  • Push-ups: 90 times for "A", and 75 times for "B". Here without a strict time.
  • Next is a set of exercises. One complex includes: 15 press, 15 push-ups, 15 jumps up from the "squatting" position, 15 transitions from the support, sitting down to the support while lying down and back. So for Office "A" it is necessary to complete the complex 7 times, for "B" - 5 times. For each individual exercise of the complex, 10 seconds are allotted. There is no rest between exercises.
  • For Control "A", an endurance exercise is sometimes given - 100 jumps up.
  • Next - hand-to-hand combat with an instructor or a well-trained employee.

Special check

  • Checking absolutely all relatives.
  • The work of the candidate with a psychologist, based on the results of which a conclusion is made, a psychological portrait is drawn up.
  • Complete medical examination.
  • Polygraphic research ("lie detector").

Relatives permission

Since getting into the special forces is very responsible and serious, a conversation is held with the candidate's parents and his wife. Relatives are told about the features of service in the special forces, its nature. The result is the written consent of the wife and parents.

Here is an approximate algorithm for admission to special forces. Apparently, it's worth getting ready from childhood, or at least not skipping physical education lessons.

In order to take a little break from boring work or study. But, as luck would have it, the cold bypasses, and the dirty apple eaten the day before did not cause diarrhea. If you belong to this category of people, then there are instructions for you on how to get to the hospital.

Trying to get sick

If you do not just need a sick leave, but you just want to spend a week in a hospital bed, then you need to get sick. To do this, drink hot tea and then swallow a few pieces of ice. If it's winter outside, you can go outside. Angina is almost guaranteed to you. The next day, you will not think about how to get to the hospital, because the high temperature and severe redness of the tonsils will be the result of all the efforts. However, this does not guarantee that you will be referred for inpatient treatment, but you can make yourself look very sad and painful by saying that you feel very bad.

Not entirely humane ways

If you are wondering how to get to the hospital, then for sure you will stop at nothing. You can try to swallow pills and do everything to make you really sick. But remember! You sacrifice your health, there is even a risk of death. Do you need it? Wouldn't it be better to leave in

Simulating appendicitis

You don't have to sacrifice your health to get to the hospital. Pretend you are sick. For example, call an ambulance and talk about symptoms such as severe or abdominal, nausea, and vomiting. Specify that the pain is unbearable. You will definitely be sent to a hospital to exclude inflammation of appendicitis. By the way, to make everything look more natural, lie down while waiting for doctors on your left side and bend your knees to your stomach. This is a common posture for those who have experienced an exacerbation.

Simulating poisoning

Buy a laxative and drink it. After a while, when the drug starts to work, call an ambulance and say that you have diarrhea for three days. Say that there was also fever and nausea. Several days are guaranteed. Just prepare in advance for the fact that after discharge you will really need medical assistance in the treatment of dysbiosis after a course of antibiotics.

The easiest

Do you know what is the easiest way to get to a mental hospital? You don't even really care

We'll have to feign illness. Just see a psychiatrist and tell them that the voices in your head make you jump off the roof. Or educate a doctor about your desire to enslave the world. In general, turn on your imagination and start inventing. And the more seriously you speak, the more likely it is that you will be taken from the office to a psychiatric hospital. However, don't be overjoyed. When thinking about how to get to a mental hospital, do not forget that getting out of there is not so easy. In addition, there will be a note on the corresponding diagnosis in your personal file. You yourself understand that this will put a big cross on your reputation.

Before looking for advice on how to get to the hospital, try to tackle your problem in a more humane way. After all, the human body is a very tricky thing and can seriously take feigning for a disease. Then you will have a hard time. Do not be ill!

Paradise in different religions, in principle, is described in the same way, as a place where eternal bliss reigns. Many people, wanting to ensure a happy life for themselves after death, are interested in what needs to be done to get to heaven. If you conduct a survey among the common population, asking them such a question, then you will not be able to get an unambiguous answer. For example, some believe that good deeds should be done, while others believe that it is enough to go to services every Sunday.

How to get to heaven?

The Bible describes only one way how to end up in heaven after death - you need to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. To show and prove to the Son of God your gratitude for his sacrifices, you must keep the commandments given by God. To go to heaven after death, you need to repent, because only by confessing your sins you can count on forgiveness. A person who wants to live righteously must learn to push everything away from himself.

Church tips on how to get to heaven:

It is also worth figuring out whether a suicide can go to heaven. It is believed that people who have committed suicide do not fall into any

Spetsnaz - special forces, created in different years in most countries of the world. Many young guys are concerned about how you can get into special forces, but I must say right away that this is not so easy and even excellent physical fitness is not always a guarantee for.

How can you get to serve in special forces?

If you are interested in how you can get into the special forces by conscription, you don't have to rush: in any case, you first need to serve in the army. Although it is worth striving for intelligence, airborne troops, etc. It is necessary to rise to the rank of ensign, and to become an officer, you need a diploma from a higher military university or any other educational institution of this kind. Special training can be obtained at the Military Diplomatic Academy. You can only get into the special forces from the army in this way: somehow it will not work out differently - the ranks below do not get there.

Requirements for candidates are very strict: height must be at least 175 cm, and age must not exceed 28 years. Physical fitness is excellent. A spetsnaz soldier trains without days off and at the entrance. He needs to pass certain standards, for example, a 3-kilometer run in 10 minutes, a 100-meter run in 12 seconds, pull-ups on a crossbar - 25 times. All standards are passed in a row, and the rest between exercises can be called such only with a stretch, and upon completion of the entire complex of the warrior, three series of hand-to-hand combat with a trainer or a well-trained person from the officer corps await.

Moreover, the candidate is expected to show activity, and not just passively holding back the defense. In addition, in the barracks, fighters often secretly check each other to always be in shape. But even once in the ranks of the special forces, you can "fly out" of them, without passing the test of hunger for a week and lack of sleep for up to several days.

What does it take to get into special forces?

A decisive role in making a decision can be played by the recommendation of a person already serving in the special forces, or a high-ranking officer of the armed forces. A person must be absolutely healthy, both physically and psychologically. The candidate will have long conversations with "soul healers", a lie detector test and a check of all close relatives for a criminal record, police records, problems with drugs or alcohol, etc. Even an incorrect bite can block a guy's way to the special forces.

For those who are interested in how you can get into special forces, you should answer that you should achieve heights. Often, such a unit can be accessed with a maroon beret. In any case, the more outstanding achievements and records will be documented in a personal file, the higher the chances of joining the ranks of special forces. The parents and wife of the future candidate are also interviewed. They must sign the document and agree to have their son or husband serve in such a unit.

The nationality of the applicant does not matter, but citizenship should not give rise to doubt that a person lives in this particular country. This is especially true in the light of recent events in the world, but in any case, all these issues are considered individually. okay. Additional higher education, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be a big plus, especially if it is intelligence. The price includes categories in martial arts, boxing, wrestling. But it is even more important to prove yourself in mountaineering, athletics, rowing, parachuting, swimming, biathlon, and, of course, shooting. The commandos have a saying that a warrior must shoot like a cowboy and run like a horse. Now it is clear that random people do not fall into the special forces. As a rule, the applicant makes such a decision as a child and begins to devote his free time to sports at an early age.

How to get into the GRU special forces? This question does not allow many boys to sleep peacefully, who dream of becoming on a par with men in military uniform. Guys are interested in what to prepare themselves for, what qualities need to be developed to enter intelligence.

Would you like to know how to get to serve in the GRU? Then read this article to the end. But let's say right away that you shouldn't look for easy ways and hope for concessions. Intelligence service is a very serious business. The main enemy on the way to your dream will be banal laziness, and your ally will be hard work.


The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) traces its history back to 1918. In the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the GRU is engaged in all types of reconnaissance - electronic, space and intelligence. The budget and the size of the organization are classified.

The GRU special forces (how to get there - read below) was created in 1950. The department was assigned several main tasks: reconnaissance behind enemy lines, the destruction of terrorists, sabotage activities and counterintelligence. The GRU special forces units had a huge impact on the course of the Afghan and Chechen wars. At present, the GRU is the most closed and probably the most efficient unit of the Russian army.

How to get into the GRU?

The most important thing to do is to serve in the army. Otherwise, the way to the special forces is closed. And if you want to get into the GRU, you will have to achieve certain success in the service. Sometimes, upon admission to this unit, they require a maroon beret. Check out the basic requirements for a candidate for service in the GRU.

Primary Requirements

  1. Warrant officers or officers are taken into special forces. The former should have at least a secondary education, and the latter should have a higher education.
  2. Preference is given to candidates who are (or have completed) training at the faculty of special forces.
  3. The applicant must be at least 175 centimeters tall. However, the lack of this parameter can be compensated for by some professional qualities.
  4. The candidate's age is no more than 28 years old. Fighters wishing to transfer from other units are considered separately.
  5. A huge plus would be the recommendation of a paratrooper who served in the GRU.

Five main qualities of a special forces soldier. Caution

Intelligence has the right to select soldiers from any army unit. The very first question asked to candidates: "Why are you going to special forces?" Applicants who do not know how to get into the GRU most often answer: "To become a Hero of Russia!" They don't qualify. Of course, they will become heroes, but posthumously. At the same time, they will take the lives of their colleagues. Recklessness, of course, is needed, but only if the enemy pushed you against the wall. Then you can take the machine gun and shout "Hurray!" run to the enemy. Victory, from the point of view of the GRU spetsnaz, is if you followed the order and returned alive.

When a soldier enters the special forces, then from the first days they put into his head the installation: "You are the coolest!" This is an important feature of psychological preparation. And you have to believe in it! If you can't believe it, you can forget about what the GRU special forces are, how to get to serve in this department, etc. You will simply be transferred to the regular infantry.

The paratrooper runs and fires around the clock. At the same time, he is periodically beaten on the sly. But this should not be confused with bullying. The commanders make enemy territory out of the barracks on purpose. They can come up and slap, throw a stranglehold around the neck, or mine the bed. All this is done with one goal: to make the commandos remain in a state of constant combat readiness. Six months later, the soldier's service "grows" on the back of his head, and he sleeps so lightly that he wakes up from one glance in his direction.


Advice on how to get into the GRU special forces, successfully pass the selection and interview, etc., will be useless if the fighter is not distinguished by endurance. After all, his legs help the paratrooper to survive. Why? Because if the reconnaissance group is spotted, they will catch up and destroy it in about 6 hours. When a spetsnaz soldier is exhausted and can no longer run, he stays in place to cover his comrades.

Endurance will also be needed in the learning process. Indeed, in the first month, a fighter is allowed to sleep only 4 hours a day. The other 20 he works hard. Wake up at 6 am, then water procedures, stretching and jogging with a knapsack behind your back. During the run, the commander can give additional tasks: shooting, the transition to a goose step, crawling, etc. After the run - hand-to-hand combat, physical training and training in combat tactics. And so every day.

In the special forces of the GRU, the mental stability and endurance of a fighter are tested "at the races." It looks like this. A group of soldiers is sent to the forest for a week without provisions. The commanders periodically drive this group, not letting anyone sleep. This continues until vomiting, loss of consciousness and other low-joy things. All those who did not pass the test are sent to the combat troops. A lot of people are being screened out. Races are held every 6 months and are a kind of "lice test".


He trains very well during hand-to-hand combat. A soldier is put on protection and a stronger opponent is placed against him. This is how the determination to go to the end is formed and the fighting character is tempered. And this is not a banal beating. The paratrooper is given the opportunity to defend himself. Anyone who does not do this and surrenders is sent to serve in other troops.

Determination is also trained with a variety of "audacity exercises." For example, a large rat is thrown into the washbasin and a naked soldier is closed with it. The fighter must strangle her. Experienced commandos know: when the rat has nowhere to go - it attacks, and this is a real "tin". As a result, if a paratrooper can beat a rat with his bare hands, then he will not be afraid of any person.


Aggression is one of the main qualities of a spetsnaz soldier. The soldier must be afraid of the sergeant (who, by the way, knows exactly how to get into the GRU) much stronger than the enemy, and run to the enemy with a clear desire to completely destroy him. Hand-to-hand training fights are not complete without blood. The sergeants inflict injuries on soldiers on purpose. This is done so that they get used to the sight of blood and get angry. The commander's mate is added as a soundtrack. Under the conditions of such severe pressure, the feelings of a fighter are exacerbated to such an extent that all the knowledge acquired by him during the training period will remain with him until the end of his life.


People who know how to get into the intelligence of the GRU will confirm that the special forces have paranoia with regard to personal hygiene. Since fighters are very often outside the point of deployment, they must be able to keep themselves clean under any conditions. Each member of the special forces who arrives at the location must immediately change clothes and wash their uniforms.

Training principles

Most of the time, the paratrooper is far from the places of permanent deployment. Therefore, his physical training consists in learning to skillfully use any available means during training. The most important thing is to maintain strength and develop endurance. The latter is very useful when hiking or cycling.

Trainings are carried out on a daily basis. And not for the standard six or eight weeks. You need to work for at least a year. There is no special diet. You just need to eat as much as possible.

The four pillars of fighter training. Crawling and jogging

Every day you have to run 10 kilometers. Sometimes on Sundays they organize a "sports festival" - a 40-kilometer run. A fighter must run ten kilometers in less than 60 minutes. Moreover, he is fully equipped (additional 50 kilograms!). Running alternates with crawling. Such exercises are great at working out the ligaments and small muscle groups. There are three types of crawling: on his back, on his bellies and movement across a minefield (a fighter crawls and feels irregularities; if something arouses suspicion, then he shifts to the side).

Circular training

It has long been proven that training the GRU special forces in a circular manner increases the strength indicators of a fighter to the maximum level. This principle was taken from the Soviet school of sambo and boxing. Circuit training contributes to the development of explosive strength and endurance. She also "dries" and fosters anger (hatred) towards the authorities. The number of repetitions of any exercise will depend on the sergeant's mood.

In general, the standard circular training of the GRU special forces lasts 40 minutes. After the aforementioned 10-kilometer run, a five-minute rest follows, and then 5-6 circles of exercises are performed. Moreover, they must be performed one after another without interruption. And only after completing a full circle, you can rest for 5 minutes.

The circle itself looks like this:

  • Jump - jumping out of a sitting position with a clap (10 times).
  • Push-ups on the fingers (20 times).
  • Jump (10 times).
  • Push-ups on fists (30 times).
  • Jump (10 times).
  • Push-ups on the fingers (5 times).

After completing the circle, the press swings to failure, and only then a break is taken. If desired, throwing stones is included in the training.

Constant load

Candidates who know how to get into the GRU special forces understand the importance of the daily workload in the army. That is, each fighter must perform a certain number (constantly increasing) of abdominal lifts, pull-ups, push-ups on fists, etc. If you cannot do this in one workout, then you need to collect the required amount per day. This is where constant combat readiness is expressed. In addition, exercises with a belt (isometry) according to the A. Zass system are performed throughout the day.

Hand-to-hand combat

  • Arms... Side and straight kicks are the same as in boxing. But the latter are very difficult to train. Only commandos with long training experience have a strong direct blow. Since sometimes a fighter is trained at an accelerated pace, there are no restrictions in striking technique. You can hit from any angles and positions. Moreover, it is desirable to inflict the first blow to the enemy in the throat. In close combat, you need to fight with your elbows. The knockout force of the blow is trained using exercises with a sledgehammer (on a dug or lying tire, a fighter strikes with an iron sledgehammer in three directions: from the right, from the left and from above).
  • Legs... There is no special technique. It all comes down to a hard kick to the groin. Remember, this is not a sports ground.
  • Head... We turn on the head in close combat. With the frontal part we hit exclusively in the nose. If the enemy grabbed you from behind, then hit him in the nose with the back of the head.
  • Stall... For this, fighters train strength and grip. After the enemy is knocked to the ground due to the strength of your hands, you must finish him off with a blow to the back of the head or step on his throat.


Now you know how to get into the GRU. From the above, it becomes clear that this is difficult not only from a moral, but also from a physical point of view. You need to have excellent health and excellent physical shape. In addition, you must have a stable psyche. The main thing is to decide on the main goal in life. If this is a spetsnaz service, then take action to achieve it.

Don't forget the importance of sports. They should be dealt with from school. It is better to get higher education in specialized institutions, where there is a special forces faculty. This will significantly increase your chances of selection.

We hope that the article turned out to be useful, and you will no longer ask yourself the question: "How do you even get into special forces?" The GRU Spetsnaz belongs to the category of elite troops, and to get there, you will have to put a lot of effort. So go ahead. All in your hands!

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