What is the best food for British cats. What ready-made food to feed the Briton. Getting used to a new place and getting used to the litter box

The British cat is one of the most interesting breeds which combines an unusual appearance and a unique character. Many people want to get themselves these smart and peaceful animals.

If a kitten is purchased in a professional cattery, new owners are given all the recommendations for its care and feeding. In other cases, the natural question arises of how to feed a British cat at home.

Each cat breed has its own specific needs that must be considered when compiling a diet.

The British need food with a high protein content and don't forget that even domestic cats are predators by nature.

For a medium-sized cat, 150-250 g of food is required per day, in some cases this figure increases to 300 g.

Before you start this animal, you need to understand that food for the British should be prepared separately, without salt, seasonings and other additives unnatural for animals.

As with other cat breeds, the British are prohibited from giving food from their own table. Improper nutrition can negatively affect the condition of the animal.

  1. Food should always be fresh.
  2. If the food is given in crushed form, it is better to make balls from them.
  3. The meat portion of a portion is about 75%, the rest can be vegetables and cereals.
  4. Drinking pure water should always be available.
  5. Food is given only room temperature but not hot or cold.
  6. Porridge and vegetables that are not to the liking of the animal can be grated and mixed with meat.
  7. Food that has not been eaten should be disposed of, but not mixed with a new portion.
  8. It is advisable to produce food at the same hours.

British kitten feeding

Kittens British breed require a special approach to the organization of their diet.

A young animal requires additional vitamins and minerals that are essential for its growth and development. A special approach should be carried out up to six months of age, and in some cases up to a year.

What to feed kittens up to 3 months is usually only of interest to people who breed them.

The acquisition of the British begins precisely from this age and is explained by a number of factors:

  1. A kitten needs breast milk up to 1.5-2 months /
  2. Use of complementary foods in the form of cream, special milk and other products;
  3. The special nutrition of kittens is a guarantee of their health, and it is not always within the power of beginners.

Starting from the age of three months, about 10% of dry food is added to the daily diet of a kitten. And the menu itself looks like this:

  • pure milk;
  • porridge with milk;
  • boiled beef and chicken;
  • natural fermented milk products;
  • boiled or chopped fruits and vegetables;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • boiled yolk.

Dry food

Brits can also be fed super and super premium commercial prepared foods. But finding the right type of feed is not an easy task. Not only should it be of high quality, but the cat should also like it. Therefore, not having decided on the brand, you should not buy a large amount of it.

Another condition for feed should be its availability. The fact is that it is not recommended to regularly change producers and feeds themselves. Such inconsistency negatively affects gastrointestinal tract animal and can lead to serious problems in future.

Feeding with food is much more convenient than natural food. And it's not only about saving personal time on its preparation, but also about the optimal ratio of all essential vitamins and trace elements. With ready-made industrial feed, the British get all the necessary substances.

An adult animal can be fed both dry and canned food in the form of canned food.

Typically, quality British cat food is labeled as super or super premium. But such feeds as Friskis, Kitty Cat and others inexpensive analogues giving is strongly discouraged.

They include waste from meat production, including hides, wool and feathers. Their regular use can lead to pathologies of the genitourinary and other important body systems. From canned feeds, canned food from Gourmet, as well as Petrit delicacies, are of high quality.

This group is also given to pregnant cats and those who have already given birth who are in the process of feeding kittens.

What can not be fed?

First of all, a British cat should not be fed with low quality food.

Also, the following foods should be excluded from the animal's diet:

Approximate diet for an adult british cat looks like this:

  1. Morning. Frozen or boiled meat, peeled boiled fish, chopped boiled vegetables, yogurt or cottage cheese, hard cheese, egg yolk. If necessary, vitamins of complex action.
  2. Evening. Industrial dry food, small portion of natural food. Also, do not neglect vegetable oils, vitamins and brewer's yeast, which have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

When feeding a Briton with natural products, the average daily rate is 150-300 g, depending on the nutritional value of the food, as well as the characteristics of the animal (weight, age, pregnancy, etc.). As for industrial food, the consumption rate is indicated on the package and depends on the weight of the cat. Each feed manufacturer has its own one-time rate.

When organizing proper nutrition for british cat, the animal will receive all the necessary useful material and vitamins. A balanced diet is not only a well-groomed one appearance and activity, but also a guarantee of health and longevity.

The range of feeds is so diverse that it is very easy to get confused and misled. Therefore, in this article I will try to help you as much as possible, relying on my own experience and advice from experienced and explain how to feed a Scottish, British kitten. Lop-eared british kitten which you purchased, I hope at least 8 weeks of age, should already be completely weaned from breastfeeding and at least minimally accustomed to more varied food.

British kittens eat

If the British kitten is less than 1-2 months old, read on how to feed a kitten without a cat.

In order to avoid digestive problems, it is necessary for the first time to feed the food to which he was accustomed in his father's house. This can be specialized food for kittens, such as Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive canned mousse, or gentle cereals with lean boiled chicken breast.

It is very important for the owner to choose what to feed the British or Scottish kitten. Natural food, prepared foods, or mixed meals (the latter is the least popular and rarely used).

Feeding a British kitten with natural food

This type of food is quite laborious and takes a certain amount of time to prepare.

Here indicative list products:

  • Chicken meat, best breast, boiled
  • Raw frozen beef (kittens are given 30-40 grams every other day)
  • Cooked liver no more than 1 time per week (may cause indigestion)
  • It is undesirable to give fish, but if you want, you can low-fat varieties(pike perch, perch, carp) boiled no more than 1 time per week
  • Add boiled chicken yolk to porridge or in pure form a couple of times a week
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 2-3 times a week, low-fat fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream
  • Milk and milk porridge can be given to kittens up to about 5 months. Boil milk beforehand!
  • Porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). Mix with meat or fish and serve several times a week.
  • Boiled vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, and asparagus are mashed and mixed with the meat.

Be sure to give vitamin mineral supplements.

Ready-made food for a Scottish kitten

The advantage of such nutrition is the convenience and appetite with which the purrs eat the contents of the jars and sachets. Cons - there are a lot of fakes, sellers do not always comply with storage conditions, etc. All this affects the quality of the product and, as a result, the health of the pet.

Scottish Fold and Straight kittens up to 6 months are given canned mousse with Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive and a little accustomed to Royal Canin Babycat 34 dry food. After 5-6 months, kittens can be given Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive 12 delicious pieces in gravy and Royal Canin Kitten dry food 36 of these feeds are given up to 12 months of age.

Why am I only writing about Royal Canin? Because I proceed only from my own experience and advice from a veterinarian, experienced breeders.

A package of such food weighing 2 kg in a Ukrainian pet store costs 400 hryvnia, on the shelves of Russian pet stores a price tag of 980 rubles flaunts.

Remember, dry food for a British kitten must be stored in hermetically sealed bags, and after opening the jar / sachet canned food must be transferred to glass or plastic containers and stored in the refrigerator !!!

Separately, it is worth mentioning a few more brands of ready-made feed, which are especially distinguished by the owners of British cats.

Innova EVO

These ready-made feeds are low in carbohydrates, therefore, the Briton will not gain excess weight, even if there is plenty of Innova EVO. This brand's dry food is enriched with calcium and contains exclusively natural ingredients such as chicken and turkey meat, fruits and vegetables.


There are no preservatives in this ready-made feed, but the right cats amino acids are present. Overall, this diet is very suitable for British kittens. Read more about Origen feed.

In Ukraine, a package of this feed weighing 2.27 kg costs 1,050 hryvnia, in Russia - 2,570 rubles.

Designed for the British, the line keeps cats' mouth clean. Manufacturers claim that after consuming this food, dental plaque is reduced by almost half!

1 kg of such a specialized feed in Ukraine costs 174 UAH, in Russia - 430 rubles.

Read more about Purina Pro Plan

There are a lot of carbohydrates in the feed of this brand, we warn you right away. So, if your pet has already "spread" at the waist, then Hills food is not for him, but for the animal in healthy weight they are great because the Hills menu for the British is the right balance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

2 kg of Hills feed in Ukraine can be bought for 300 hryvnia, in Russia - for 750 rubles.

Mixed meals

This is a type of food in which the kitten is given ready-made food as the main food, and as complementary food (a couple of times a day) they are given something from natural food.

Basic rules for feeding fold kittens

  1. Food is not salted
  2. Food should be at room temperature or slightly warmed
  3. The kitten should not be given too large pieces, bones
  4. Meat needs to be frozen, cooked
  5. Do not give pork
  6. Feeding with something from the master's table is excluded
  7. Be sure to give vitamins
  8. Pure (filtered or boiled) water is always available! It must be replaced once a day.

Feed the british or scottish kitten at the age of 2, 3 to 6 months, it is necessary 3 times a day, and after 6 months - 2 times a day.

How to feed an adult British cat

Let's summarize - what is allowed and what is strictly forbidden to put in a bowl for a British cat.

We will not talk in detail about the basic rules of feeding a cat (of any breed). You can read all this in this material and the principles of proper nutrition are the same for representatives of all breeds and for mongrel cats too.

But given the features digestive system Brits, whichever type of food you choose, remember:

  • ready-made feed should not contain dyes and artificial preservatives;
  • try, whenever possible, to choose food with low content carbohydrates;
  • Give preference to foods designed to care for your cat's oral cavity;
  • natural food should be nutritious and at the same time low in calories;
  • do not forget about vitamins for natural feeding.

An adult Briton needs up to 150 grams of protein feed and 50 grams of carbon-containing feed (including cereals and vegetables) per day. You need to feed an adult British cat 2 times a day.

Features of the digestive system of British kittens

British cat - aboriginal english breed cats, that is, the breed that has arisen naturally... Do not possess hereditary diseases... But still there are features that are peculiar only to them.

The main thing that must be taken into account by British owners is the peculiarities of the digestion of British kittens.

Oral cavity

The work of the digestive system begins with the oral cavity. The British are not afraid of tooth decay, but they often suffer from dental calculus. If it is not removed in time, the cat's gums begin to bleed, and the teeth will soon fall out. Of course, with problems in the oral cavity, there can be no question of high-quality assimilation of food.

IMPORTANT! Change of teeth in British kittens ends by 6 months. From this time on, the owner should regularly monitor the condition of the cat's or cat's oral cavity.

The oral cavity is healthy if:

there is no smell from the mouth;
there is no excess salivation;
white teeth;
the gum is pink;
food is swallowed without difficulty.

Obesity tendency

The next thing that British owners should definitely pay attention to is the propensity of their pets to obesity.

A charming robust man will find a loophole in his heart and will certainly beg for an extra tidbit, but this piece will not do him good.

So, the excess of the calorie content of feed by only 1 percent in the British leads to a quarter weight increase in a year or two! And this quarter is deposited not only on the sides.

Obesity causes heart problems, liver disease and diabetes. As a result - premature death. The statistics are that fat Britons live a third less than their dieting counterparts.


This breed is prone to constipation. Normally, a British cat should have a chair once a day, but if you do not observe feces in a cat's pot, and the cat itself is sluggish, eats without appetite, and her stomach is swollen, then take Urgent measures, and then be sure to revise the animal's diet!

What do you recommend? How to feed a British kitten? I look forward to advice.

The British domestic cat breed is one of the most widespread in Russia. Probably, this is deserved, the animals have a remarkable appearance: they have a large body, a characteristic round head with not very prominent triangular ears with a wide base. There is a cat breed with hanging ears, mistakenly called British. They are quite similar to each other. In fact, when they say "British fold kittens", they mean Scottish Fold babies. These cats are very similar to the "British" and they can have both folded and erect ears.

The “British” have big round eyes, most often they are bright orange, there are also other shades, but their color is always very bright and saturated. Finally, British cats have an amazing beauty and structure "coat", it is very thick, soft. A pet that is properly cared for has a characteristic “plush” fur. To pet was healthy and looked great, you have to work hard. Only if the food is complete, of high quality, and the care is adequate, will the owner have healthy and beautiful touching babies? First of all, you need to remember that our domestic animals, both dogs and cats, are predators. Accordingly, they require mammals characteristic of this order. A cat of any breed needs complete proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

British kittens

What to feed the feline babies of this breed? Now the owner of any pet there are two options for feeding your tailed friend: natural or ready-made food. Let's take a look at the first one.

The composition of the diet "Briton"

Vegetables and cereals. The cat needs carbohydrates despite being a predator. V wildlife she receives a sufficient amount of them by eating the intestines of the herbivorous victim. Domestic animals feline fed with vegetables and cereals. Cats do not really like vegetables, so you need to accustom them to them with early age and give constantly. With a short absence of vegetables in the diet, the pet quickly weaned. They are mixed with meat and meat products. They give carrots, zucchini, cauliflower... Porridge suitable for a cat - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Oats or wheat, dry grass of home growing will not interfere.

Milk and dairy products. Kittens up to three months old include milk in the diet, you can give it every day, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, yoghurts will also be useful.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are necessary for the "Briton" baby on a natural feeding regimen.

Only if the four-legged minions eat high-quality and properly prepared food, the owner can boast that he has healthy British kittens. How to feed the latter, if the pet has a natural diet, we have sorted it out. However, if you do not have the time, energy and desire to choose, buy and prepare natural food, what to do then? In terms of the importance of the nutritional value of the diet in one of the first places among purebred cats there are British kittens. How to feed them under all these conditions? A few words about ready-made feed. They are wet and dry. Both can be successfully used for the advantages of dry food in that it can be stored for a very long time, does not spoil in a bowl and cleans the teeth of the animal. Special attention pay attention to the quality of food, you cannot save on it. It is better to purchase professional food such as Purina, Royal Canin, Hills, Iams, cheap food of widely advertised brands does not meet the needs of the cat and can cause illness.

It is not in vain that such a topic as the nutrition of kittens and adult cats has been placed in a separate heading. There is a lot of information on how to properly feed a cat, and it can be very difficult for owners of British cats to understand all its diversity.

Natural food, and the food from the table that we eat, is not the same, and these concepts should not be confused. Cats should not be given food that humans eat. Feeding cats with borscht, cutlets, sprat in tomato sauce, herring, sausage, sausages are not allowed.

Basic nutritional rules for British cats:

1. Adult British cats and kittens should absolutely not be given pork, fatty lamb (lean lamb can be used), salted, smoked, sweet, with spices, onions, and garlic, and eggplant for cats is generally poisonous.

2. It is not advisable to give various bones, chicken heads, necks, legs, and if you give, then very carefully, and only under personal supervision. There have been cases when cats have suffered internal injuries from such food. It is better to sharpen your teeth on regular frozen beef with veins.

3. It is often forbidden to give fish to cats. Kittens can be given fish once a week, and adult cats no more than once every two weeks, but it is better to exclude it from the diet altogether. adult cat... Give fish boiled, and without bones. With ICD, and other diseases of the urinary system, especially in castrated cats, fish should be excluded from the diet forever.

4. It is absolutely impossible to mix natural food and dry food. And if you feed a British cat with dry food, then you cannot add natural food (meat, fish, vegetables) to the diet either, this threatens diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system in the future.

To digest dry food, and natural products a cat's intestines require different enzymes and a completely opposite acidic environment. When these two completely opposite types of feeding are mixed, an imbalance occurs in the cat's stomach, and the liver suffers greatly from this double load. A cat's intestine reacts differently and digests dry food and natural food, and simply does not have time to reorganize from one type of feeding to another, and this is fraught with a bunch of diseases in the future.

In general, the opinions of veterinarians and breeders on this matter differ, and they themselves feed their cats with meat and porridge in the morning, and leave dry food in a bowl for the day. But "facts are on the face" and I will not feed my animal according to such a scheme.

5. Do not feed or give dry food as a treat during natural nutrition, and vice versa. Not once a week, not once a month, you can't.

6. It is strongly not recommended to mix feed from different manufacturers. If you are feeding your British pet dry food and want a varied diet wet canned food, then this should be no more than 25% of the daily ration, and canned food should be from the same manufacturer, and from the same line of feed.

7. Raw or boiled liver is rarely given, and very carefully. Raw beef, and chicken liver has a laxative effect, but who knows what it contains, because the liver is a filter of the body, which absorbs and processes, including harmful substances. Pork liver it is categorically impossible to give - too fat

8. It is contraindicated for cats to fast for more than 2-3 days. Consider this when you leave your British animal alone for a long time.

9. Feeding cats and dogs is different in its type, and it is not acceptable to use the same scheme for feeding cats and dogs. By their nature, cats are obligate predators and they have a need for a constant supply of animal protein in their diet. This feature is due to the fact that there are a number of vital amino acids that cats cannot synthesize on their own, as dogs do.

These important amino acids include taurine and arginine. If the cat's body lacks these amino acids, then the metabolism of cats is disturbed, and some functions internal organs... In addition, cats are unable to assimilate carotene (vitamin A) and need to be supplied regularly. Most cat foods contain vitamin A.


The British cat breed is one of the most widespread in Russia. The animals are distinguished by their stunning beauty, docile nature. They are often bought as a soft plush toy, given to family and friends. Needless to say, the British require special care, including in the composition of their diet. In this article, you will learn what to feed your British cat and what foods are recommended to be strictly avoided. We will also try to form an approximate diet for the animal. Remember that this is only general recommendations and the food of the animal is always selected individually. By at least, the animal may be allergic to a number of foods - do not hesitate to consult with veterinarian at every opportunity.

Good nutrition for the British cat

In the process of choosing a diet for a British cat, preference should be given to natural feed... You can use dry food and canned food, but with the utmost care. Immediately exclude the possibility of feeding a Briton with popular cheap food (we believe that everyone knows the brands) - there is a high probability of spoiling the digestive system and metabolism of the animal. Try to combine natural food with ready-made food: for example, in the morning and in the afternoon you feed the animal with natural meat, and in the evening you give dry food or canned food. Finished feed should be no more than a third of daily diet animal nutrition.

Surprisingly, some British owners, being vegetarians, try to completely eliminate animal food from the pet's diet. Remember: for all its "domesticity" a cat is, first of all, a predator - in no case deprive it of animal protein. However, it is not recommended to give the cat raw and fatty meat - in the first case, there is a high probability of infection or poisoning the animal, in the second - to get obesity and indigestion. Raw beef can be cut into small pieces and pre-frozen in the freezer for 4 hours. Once a week, feed the cat offal - liver, heart, lung (preferably chicken, heat-treated).

British cat can be fed with boiled fish(not oil canned food), previously cleaned of bones, but not more often than once a week, due to high content in the product of substances that destroy vitamin B in the cat's body. The animal's diet should also include boiled egg, unsweetened milk porridge (for example, oatmeal, barley porridge). Boiled finely chopped vegetables, fresh cottage cheese, broccoli are also suitable. To improve the work of the British intestines, you can give the cat a small amount of vegetable oil and diluted in warm water brewer's yeast. Provide plenty of vitamins for your cat's food - you can get them at any pet store.

How often should a British cat be fed?

It is recommended to feed the kitten every two hours, about 6 times a day. Under the age of six months, animals rarely overeat (you can check this with your own observations), so you can leave fresh food in a bowl - the kitten does not eat more than it needs. It is recommended to feed an adult animal twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, preferably at the same time. Leave the British cat for a meal for about half an hour, then remove the bowls of food until next appointment food. It is extremely important to train your animal to eat at the same time.

What can you not feed a British cat?

First of all, with cheap ready-made feeds (we have already talked about them above). Milk should also be excluded from the British diet - it is poorly absorbed by the body of cats of this breed. It is best to swap milk for low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt and give them only in small quantities and only during your morning meal. Try to avoid raw, non-frozen animal products (meat, fish). Do not give smoked food, canned food, legumes, potatoes, spices in any form. In no case do not feed the British cat food containing trans fats and fast carbohydrates.

Approximate diet of a British cat

In the morning: boiled or frozen meat, boiled and deboned fish, finely chopped boiled vegetables, cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, egg yolk, hard cheeses. Be sure to give the Briton sprouts - for example, wheat germ - and complex vitamins.

In the evening: a small amount of natural products and dry ready feed... Don't forget about vitamins, vegetable oil and brewer's yeast to improve digestion.

Obviously, composing and preparing correct diet food for a British cat will take a ton of time. However, only when proper nutrition the animal will be able to avoid health problems.

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