Dishes from the liver during breastfeeding. Is it possible to eat beef, chicken and pork liver while breastfeeding

Every mother who breastfeeds her child is responsible for the food she eats. Since it is with milk that the child absorbs the microelements necessary for healthy development in his first days of life. Each type of food should be treated with special attention and knowledge of properties. In this article, we will consider whether the liver can be breastfeeding, which one is better to choose, in what form it is better to use it, and are there any contraindications.

Beneficial features

The liver during breastfeeding has many positive qualities and beneficial properties for the body. First, there is a big difference with meat: liver is less fatty. Secondly, it has a huge amount of vitamins and other components that help the body to function normally.

Benefits include:

  • boosting immunity (vitamin C);
  • improving the characteristics of hair and skin, vision (vitamin A);
  • good growth and metabolism (vitamin B);
  • structuring nerve cells(folic acid);
  • formation of the musculoskeletal system (zinc);
  • production of hemoglobin in the blood (iron);
  • systematic work respiratory system(copper);
  • strengthening skeletal system and maintaining the balance of substances (potassium, sodium).

In addition, an adequate serving of liver contains normal amount amino acids per day.

Possible harm

Do not forget that the liver, like any other product, can cause allergic reaction. After the first feeding, liver intolerance to the child may occur. After a while, the baby will become restless, start to act up and cry. There may be colic in the abdomen, bad dream. In this case, you should stop eating this food. Also, you should not eat the liver more than 3 times a week, even if the child has normal perception.

So is it possible for a nursing mother to have a liver, or not? Of course, it is possible, it is only worth checking for tolerance by the child's body.

How to introduce into the diet of a nursing mother

Is it possible to eat liver while breastfeeding, and what are the consequences? Is it possible to pate while breastfeeding? As it was written above, the usefulness of this product for a young mother can hardly be overestimated. One has only to eat it in small portions and see if there is an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to focus on the fact that the liver is a risk factor for heart attack and blood clots. Therefore, women who have cardiovascular diseases should refrain from a large amount and frequent presence in the diet of the liver.

Which liver do you prefer

Regardless of which type of liver you choose, it should not be consumed fried. In the diet of a nursing mother, there should be only boiled or stewed. But which one is better - pork, chicken or beef - can be determined by comparing their characteristics.


Beef liver with HB promotes recovery normal hemoglobin in erythrocytes and daily dose amino acids. It is this product that is recommended for use by lactating women with anemia or diabetes.

Is it possible to have beef liver while breastfeeding? Yes, but do not forget that it contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, if there is a predisposition to this.


Regarding the use of pork liver during breastfeeding, the most questions arise, since this product is high in fat. And although it has a huge amount of necessary trace elements, it is worth introducing it into the mother's diet from 3-4 months of a child's life. Pork liver is a rather heavy and cholesterol product.

A woman who has gallbladder disease should completely refuse it, since such food can adversely affect this pathology.

It is worth noting that many do not like the bitter taste, so they avoid eating this liver when breastfeeding. You can soften the bitterness like this: before cooking, soak it in milk or cold water for a few hours and only then cook. So the dish will be much less bitter.


Chicken liver when breastfeeding is often prescribed by nutritionists because it has a very low percentage of fat. And in addition, a lot folic acid, which favorably affects the development of the child's brain, memory, including. Thyroid also gets everything essential trace elements for normal physical growth and functioning.

Is it possible to have chicken liver while breastfeeding? The answer is obviously yes.


Many people love this appetizing and nutritional product. But is it possible to have a liver with HB? The use of cod liver should be postponed until the child reaches the age of 6 months. This product is high in calories and contains a lot of cholesterol. And in the first weeks of a baby’s life, his gastrointestinal tract is not yet sufficiently developed to digest such complex food even as part of mother's milk.

But this is not a reason to completely abandon this liver. Because it contains very valuable trace elements that contribute good development brain. So, the presence of such a product in the diet of a nursing woman will affect the baby in the most positive way.

Contraindication: maternal hypertension.

Liver paste

Is it possible liver paste breastfeeding mom? This is a frequently asked question. A positive answer will be only if it is a product home cooking and mom is confident in its composition and quality of the product.

As for canned food on store shelves, they should not be taken because of the significant content of conservatives and carcinogens. They are harmful even to adults, to say nothing of the fragile body of the baby.

How to choose and store

It is worth paying attention to the choice of the liver so that it meets a high quality indicator and brings only benefits to organisms: both mother and child:

  1. The color of the liver should be a dark red of a uniform color, without any streaks. The smell is pleasant, and if it is slightly alarming - do not risk it, you should look for the best option.
  2. Chicken liver with HB is better to take at home to avoid huge amount antibiotics, which are now stuffed with all products of poultry farms.
  3. Can it be stored in the refrigerator? Yes, but preferably no more than two days, so that it does not lose its freshness.
  4. The liver of a nursing mother can only be eaten if the film is removed from the product first.
  5. Heat treatment that is allowed is boiling or stewing. In this case, the food is stored the largest number beneficial trace elements.
  6. Is it possible to eat liver while breastfeeding if it is served fried? Doctors do not advise, because the volume is significantly reduced necessary vitamins, due to the addition of oil, fat content and cholesterol content increase.

Healthy Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms

Is it possible to make the liver a real delicacy during breastfeeding? We offer a few simple, but very delicious recipes for moms.


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • cod liver - 100 g;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Boil the eggs, then cut into cubes.
  2. Cut and add the boiled liver and olives in circles.
  3. Season with lemon juice.

Liver with sour cream


  • pork or beef liver - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 170 g.


  1. Boil the liver and leave for 2 hours in water.
  2. Meanwhile chop the onion and scald to avoid bad smell.
  3. Then the carrots are rubbed.
  4. The real liver is cut into small pieces.
  5. Everything is mixed and sour cream, salt / pepper are added to taste.

Buckwheat casserole


  • liver - 400 g;
  • buckwheat - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 100 g.


  1. Add milk to water, boil buckwheat in this.
  2. Make a pate out of the liver and onions by grinding them with a blender.
  3. Add cooked porridge, salt / pepper to taste.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put the resulting mass on it.
  5. Keep in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 180 °.

So, is it possible for a nursing mother to have a liver? Not only possible, but necessary. Just remember to make sure that your baby is well accepting the change in mom's diet. Well, of course, choose a quality one, fresh product and make healthy meals out of it!


In our video - a recipe for a healthy and very tasty pate from chicken liver.

Often after childbirth, a woman is faced with the problem of low hemoglobin. Doctors advise raising the level of iron in the blood with foods such as liver, buckwheat, beets, but young mothers doubt whether it is possible to eat the liver while breastfeeding.

Liver dishes must be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, as they contain the protein complex ferritin, which saturates tissues with iron.

A nursing mother can eat the liver from the age of 3-4 weeks of the child. Use it no more than 1-2 times a week. This offal is not an allergen, with the exception of fish liver (cod, pollock). It is better to refrain from eating fish liver until the child reaches the age of one. The first acquaintance with this offal begins with small portions of 50-100 grams, and the reaction of the baby is observed for 2-3 days.

It is impossible to exclude individual intolerance. Only then should one wonder is it possible to liver while breastfeeding. Offal from different animals is introduced gradually. Nursing mothers should avoid fried foods, so the product is boiled or stewed before consumption.

Beef liver

The most dietary offal, rich in a complex of useful substances:

  • amino acids (arginine, tryptophan, thiamine, lysine, methionine);
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • extractives;
  • macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium);
  • trace elements (copper, iron, fluorine, selenium);
  • vitamins (groups B, C, A, E, K, D, PP).

calories beef liver- 127 kcal per 100 gr. Fats make up 2-4%, carbohydrates - 5%, proteins 18%. This by-product is recommended for use by pregnant, lactating, people on a diet, the elderly. It is recommended to introduce veal liver into the diet of a child, at the age of 9-10 months. It is well absorbed by the body, retains useful substances during heat treatment. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to the color and structure. In a young animal, the liver is light and has a uniform, smooth structure. In a mature animal, it is loose and dark in color.

pork liver

She does not yield useful composition beef, but has a pronounced bitter taste and a rigid structure. You can get rid of the bitterness note by soaking it in milk for at least two hours. More often it is used as a salad ingredient or pates are prepared. Putting out the pork liver with apples, you get a healthy dish with a spicy sweetness. The B vitamins in this product improve performance nervous system and increase stress resistance. The liver is indispensable for anemia and iron deficiency. The glucocorticoid hormones contained in it increase the body's defenses and help to endure inflammatory processes more easily.

Any liver contains cholesterol, in pork, its value is 130-250 mg per 100 g of product. This concentration adversely affects the vessels.

Too much cholesterol leads to cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, stroke. Without harm to health, it is recommended to use this type of offal no more than 1 time per week.

bird liver

Turkey, duck and chicken liver are popular. Turkey contains 22 grams of fat per 100 grams of product, duck - 38 grams. These delicacies are fatty, so their consumption is recommended after the cessation of lactation. Chicken liver is suitable for dietary nutrition, contains 4-6 grams of fat. This by-product benefits due to its composition:

  • folic acid is essential for normal development organs and tissue regeneration;
  • vitamin A favorably affects vision;
  • iron increases hemoglobin levels;
  • choline improves memory and stimulates brain activity;
  • selenium maintains the right amount of iodine in the body.

Chicken liver does not require special preparation, it does not need to be soaked. Rinse and remove before cooking connective tissues. It is prepared quickly, boiled for 10-15 minutes.

How to choose?

When choosing this product, adhere to the following rules:

  • Product freshness. Shelf life in raw form - 2 days in the refrigerator. IN freezer it is stored for 3 months, but after freezing it loses its taste and useful substances.
  • The liver should be homogeneous, smooth structure, not loose, not have blood clots and an unpleasant odor. All ducts and lymph nodes are removed.
  • It is better to choose offal from pets that have grown up in favorable conditions and are not fed with chemical food additives.

The liver during breastfeeding is useful and necessary for the baby and mother. You need to use it regularly, choosing fresh and high-quality products.

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All nursing mothers try to make their diet so as not to harm the baby. There are even a number of certain foods that do not cause trouble for the child, but there are others that lead to indigestion and other diseases. The question of whether the liver can be breastfed is of interest to many mothers, and doctors advise using only beef liver. In addition to beef, there are other types of liver, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed.

Nutritional properties

The liver is a valuable ingredient that contains almost everything important vitamins and elements for normal life. To improve hemoglobin, an element such as ferritin is needed, which is located precisely in beef liver. In addition, any liver has a number of useful properties:

  1. A large amount of vitamin B, which allows you to achieve the full development of the baby.
  2. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.
  3. Vitamin A allows the normal development of vision, skin and hair.
  4. Folic acid promotes the development of nerve cells.
  5. Calcium strengthens bones, and zinc allows the formation of the skeleton, and also contributes to rapid healing wounds.
  6. Iron maintains and improves hemoglobin.
  7. In one serving of the liver, the child and mother will be able to get the proper amount of amino acids.

Compared to meat, liver is digested much faster. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat liver while breastfeeding is obvious and positive, but there are certain risk factors. The fact is that not all people can eat this or that liver.

Benefit and harm

Due to the low calorie content of the offal, it can be used during diets. In addition, the animal product will relieve some of the symptoms of diseases. The ingredient is recommended to mothers, because it does not cause allergies.

Despite the great value and benefits of the liver, it also has disadvantages. One of them is cholesterol, which is quite a lot in the offal. Cholesterol itself can contribute to certain diseases, including:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Stroke.
  3. Heart attack.

Equally important, it is important to use only fresh product before cooking. If the liver has a changed color, and there are spots or mucus on the surface, then it is better to refrain from cooking, and even more so from further use.

Introduction to Diet

Due to the large number of benefits from the offal, the answer to the question of whether the liver can be breastfed is positive, moreover, the ingredient can be used already in the first month of feeding the baby. There is a certain proportion of doctors who advise eating the product from the first days of the child's birth. Others recommend to abstain and start eating only from 2-3 weeks.

There is no definite answer when to introduce the liver into the diet. Each person is individual, and although an allergic reaction does not occur after the by-product, not all children can perceive it normally. Some babies may suffer from indigestion, while others may develop allergies. Therefore, when introducing a new ingredient, it is worth monitoring the child and being vigilant.

With the introduction of the liver, nothing else is recommended to be added to the mother's usual food. This rule must be observed for 2 days. The first dose should include a very small portion, literally 2-3 pieces. If the baby responds normally, then the liver can be entered into the menu. It is useful to use the offal 2-3 times a week, and if you eat daily, it is better not more than 1 serving.

The best cooking methods for breastfeeding

Liver is cooked in a variety of ways and can be used as an accompaniment to a variety of dishes. In addition, the ingredient is quickly prepared, which is important when the child is very small.

It is recommended to use only stewed or boiled liver when feeding. Cooking with this method preserves useful substances. A fried dish is forbidden to be used, since it is of no use to either the mother or the baby.

Before starting cooking, it is better to soak the liver in a small amount of milk beforehand, this allows you to remove bitterness, especially if beef or pork offal is used.

The liver of different animals has its own characteristics, both in preparation and in use, so you need to familiarize yourself with each type in detail.

Beef liver

Is it possible to have beef liver while breastfeeding? Of course yes, and this is the most popular offal among mothers who have given birth. This ingredient perfectly combines the amount of proteins and fats, due to which the dish turns out to be dietary. In such a liver, there is a lot of selenium, which protects against malignant tumors and vascular and cardiac diseases.

In cooking, there are many recipes for preparing such an ingredient. It can be used for salads, pates, casseroles and rolls. But especially tasty and healthy offal stewed with sour cream. stew can be made with apples, plums, or herbs. Even 100 g of a dish can enrich the body beneficial substances for all day.

bird liver

Is it possible to have chicken liver while breastfeeding? The answer is also positive, due to great content folic acid ingredient is recommended to use during childbearing and after childbirth. Chicken liver allows you to have a good effect on lactation and on the normal formation and development of the child. Due to the large amount of vitamin B4, the brain, reaction and memory are excellently developed. Answering the question whether it is possible to breastfeed chicken liver and how best to cook it, it should be noted that it is best to make pates.

Not less than healthy dish there will be cooking with vegetables, for this you need to put vegetables and offal in a pot and send it to bake in the oven. The dish will be easily absorbed by the body and improve the digestive process. For postpartum recovery, it is recommended to use liver-based dishes 1-2 times a week.

The question often arises, is it possible to breastfeed turkey liver? This ingredient is very similar in its usefulness and nutritional properties on the chicken offal, so it can also be included in the diet. Of course, turkey liver is a little more expensive, but the taste is much more tender.

pork liver

Pork offal has a bitter taste, so many do not like this ingredient. But if it is cooked correctly, then the bitterness will go away. To do this, soak the ingredient for a couple of hours in milk or water, changing the liquid twice.

A pork dish is also good for mother and child, because it contains all the amino acids that are needed, as well as a lot of copper, iron and phosphorus. For those with anemia or diabetes, pork liver will perfect assistant. It is recommended to cook pates, pancakes and liver cakes. For nursing mothers, such an offal can be introduced into the diet only when the child is 3 months old. Until this time, it is better to use other types of liver.

Cod liver

Is it possible to cod liver while breastfeeding? In principle, it is possible, but it should be introduced into the diet by analogy with pork offal. In addition, after 3 months of a child's life, such an ingredient even needs to be introduced into the diet, since it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. This is a real treasure for a mother and her child, but such a liver is high in fat, so you need to consume the dish in limited quantities.

Doctors do not advise using the ingredient in its pure form, it is better to eat it with bread or as an addition to other dishes. The product is easily absorbed by the child and does not cause side effects.

rabbit liver

Is it possible to breastfeed rabbit liver, because it is also an offal, and the meat itself is very useful? You need to be careful with this ingredient, because it is from the liver of a rabbit that allergies most often occur in children. Although, on the other hand, it is useful, and one serving can enrich the body with amino acids for the whole day.

The product is introduced into the diet, just like pork or cod, not earlier than at the age of 3 months. Cooking dishes based on offal is easy and it is best to soak for about an hour initially, and then stew in sour cream and with the addition of vegetables.

Having figured out whether the liver is possible during breastfeeding, you should know some recommendations and rules:

  1. After childbirth, only chicken and veal offal can be included in the diet.
  2. A month after giving birth, you can gradually change offal.
  3. The first time to eat the liver is better before lunch. full stomach in a very small dose.
  4. A single serving should increase over time to 150 grams, and a week in general, you can eat 400 grams of liver.
  5. It is better to use homemade offal and not buy them in stores.


Finally, it should be noted that the liver of different animals is allowed and recommended for breastfeeding. And using all the tips and rules presented in the article, you can correctly introduce the ingredient into the diet and not be afraid for the child. Therefore, the question of whether the liver is possible during breastfeeding disappears by itself, because it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat such dishes. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything and control the behavior and reaction of the baby.

Chicken liver is an easily digestible dietary offal. In addition to excellent palatability, it is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable nutrients. Despite the obvious benefits of the product, mothers during the period breastfeeding right to be wary of it. After all, their nutrition is directly related to the nutrition of the infant, and they are responsible for the quality and enrichment of food for the child. Each ingredient consumed by a woman during this crucial period is carefully monitored and subjected to detailed study.

To understand the importance of the liver for the body of a nursing mother and baby, you should familiarize yourself with its components.

Chemical structure of chicken liver

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12).
  • Vitamin C.
  • Carotene, Tocopherol, Choline.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Trace elements (zinc, iron, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, selenium, manganese).
  • Macronutrients (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium).

The benefits of the liver for a woman after childbirth

Chicken liver is an easily digestible product, the reason for this is the low inclusion of fats in the composition. It contains 137 kcal per 100 g of offal. In this regard, for a woman who has recently given birth to a baby, the benefits of the liver are obvious. The dietary product will help restore the figure that has suffered in the process of bearing the fetus.

After surgical intervention transferred caesarean section, significant blood loss, the liver can be included in diet food doctor, as the product is saturated with vitamins that are directly involved in blood formation. One daily serving of chicken liver can supply the body with amino acids ( daily rate). Choline has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system of the mother and the newborn, which is very important during the period of global changes in the lives of both.

The presence of folic acid in the liver is a valuable component of the product, especially for women in the early stages of pregnancy. With enough of it in the body future mother, it is possible to avoid pathologies during the development of the baby.

The introduction of chicken liver into the diet during lactation

The liver is able to speed up the recovery process after gestation and childbirth. This is a delicious, nutritious product that saturates and gives strength. It is approved for use by pediatricians within 14 days after the birth of a child. Introducing a new component in nutrition, a woman during breastfeeding should strengthen control over the condition of the baby. The liver of a bird is not an allergen, but individual intolerance by a fragile organism is not ruled out.

In the event that after feeding the child in short time rashes, redness appear, the baby is anxious and naughty, refuses food, colic worsens, constipation appears, bloating, chicken liver is excluded from the mother's diet, and the attending physician should immediately examine the child.

To accurately identify the product to which the reaction occurred, the introduction of each ingredient must be done sequentially. Between the addition of one unit of a new product, an interval of 2 days is allowed, this will help to correctly identify the allergen. If no reaction occurs during this period of time, the product is allowed to be eaten without a doubt.

Some pediatricians recommend introducing chicken liver to children under one year old in the form of complementary foods. In this case, the finished product is given in small portions, observing the condition of the child. After one year of age, there are no restrictions on the intake of the liver for food.

Important! The meat by-product is perishable, for this reason it is necessary to pay attention to the period of sale of the product. It should not be windy and have an unpleasant odor. By itself, it has a specific smell, but not the smell of decomposition products. If the liver is in doubt, it is advisable to refuse to cook it.

What to look for when choosing a liver

An ideal option for inclusion in the diet of a woman during lactation would be chicken liver from farm chickens. It differs from the factory price and quality. In cases where the baby's health is on the scales, bargaining is not appropriate. Each a store in the market or in the store must provide, upon request, a certificate confirming the quality, permission to trade and labeling with a prescribed release date and deadline.

If the product is not processed immediately, it cannot be stored in the refrigerator, since at a temperature of +5 it quickly becomes unusable. The best way save the product until the next cooking - freeze.

When purchasing a product, pay attention to the fact that fresh chicken liver has a homogeneous, dark color, without white spots and blood clots. The surface should be smooth and shiny. Sometimes, due to the dishonesty of the seller, it is the knowledge of the organoleptic characteristics of fresh chicken liver that helps to choose a fresh product. In hypermarkets, labeling often does not correspond to reality. Undoubtedly, it is better to give preference to a chilled product, since freezing can hide a lot of offal shortcomings.

The harm of chicken liver to the body of a nursing woman and child

Not one object that sells food products will not give reliable information about the correctness of growing a particular bird. Often hormones and antibiotics are used to get fast meat, as well as complementary foods that do not benefit people's health. A woman who is breastfeeding a baby will have to try and find a reliable supplier of chicken liver to the counters of meat outlets.

Women suffering from kidney disease should use this product with particular caution. Because high content protein in the liver can exacerbate chronic course illness.

The introduction of a new product into the nutrition of a nursing mother is not in a hurry. It is necessary to start consuming the liver with small portions, gradually increasing the amount to the desired volumes.

Video: how to fry chicken liver

Breastfeeding is a special period in every woman's life. It is at this time that close emotional and tactile contact is established between the young mother and the baby, which is so important for the development of further relationships in the family.

When breastfeeding, a woman should carefully monitor her health, because everything she does instantly affects the condition of the baby.

So, a young mother should always remain calm and not worry about trifles, give up bad habits, without special need not to use medications and finally, make the necessary adjustments to your diet.

The nutrition of a nursing mother is a topic for a separate discussion. Any products that a woman eats during this period must be natural, not containing harmful additives and chemical substances. Dishes are best steamed or baked in the oven.

In addition, you should especially carefully monitor the composition of the dishes consumed - they should not include any prohibited products that can harm the newly born and provoke allergic reactions in him. Including, often young mothers are interested in whether the liver belongs to this category, and whether this offal can be consumed during breastfeeding.

Useful properties of the liver

Most women know how useful the liver is for human body, but they are afraid to use it when breastfeeding, because they do not know how the baby will react. In fact, if a newborn baby is not particularly prone to allergies, a nursing mother does not need to "sit" on a strict diet. Composition breast milk a woman is entirely dependent on what she eats, so it is right to include in the diet a variety of foods enriched with vitamins and microelements useful for the crumbs.

One of these components is the liver. This by-product has extraordinarily valuable biological properties, in terms of the amount of protein, it is not inferior to beef at all, and even in some things it is ahead of it in quality. A special value of the liver, especially beef and chicken, is the presence of iron proteins in its composition, which contribute to the saturation of the human body with hemoglobin and other useful elements that are indispensable for hematopoiesis.

In addition, the liver of various animals is a source of B vitamins, as well as K, D, E and A, and besides, it contains a large amount of trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, potassium, sodium and calcium.

How to use beef and chicken liver while breastfeeding?

Beef liver is a product that is not only possible, but also necessary for nursing mothers to eat during lactation, starting from the first week.

However, this should be done very carefully, because any new food can provoke an allergic reaction in the crumbs. It is necessary to start introducing this offal into your diet from 10 grams, gradually increasing its amount and noting all changes in the baby’s health and mood.

It is best to use this product boiled or stewed.

It is better not to eat fried liver during lactation. In addition, starting from 10 months, beef liver can be eaten not only by a nursing mother, but also by the baby himself. To do this, it must be boiled, and then rubbed with mother's milk. This dish is especially useful for babies with low content hemoglobin in the blood.

Also, the woman's menu during breastfeeding should include chicken liver. It is also rich in vitamins and useful trace elements needed to maintain good health and the full development of the crumbs and also contains a large amount of folic acid, useful for women during lactation.

This offal has a rather low calorie content, so it can be eaten without fear even for those women who have gained several extra pounds during pregnancy. In addition, chicken liver improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps to improve stool, produces substances necessary for blood formation, and also promotes the absorption of iron.

The composition of the chicken liver additionally includes choline - a substance that helps stimulate brain activity and improves memory, attention and concentration. That is why this offal must be consumed regularly, at least 2 times a week, including during breastfeeding.

The only "but" that should alert a nursing mother is that chicken and beef liver contain a fairly large amount of cholesterol. For healthy people the use of this offal is completely harmless, but if a woman initially has elevated level bad cholesterol, frequent consumption of liver dishes can be an impetus for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pork liver and cod liver?

Pork liver contains too much fat, so the introduction of this offal into the diet of a nursing mother should be delayed at least until the baby is 3 months old.

While the baby is still too small, his digestive system is not able to develop enough necessary enzymes for the digestion of this product.

In the future, you can carefully introduce pork liver into your menu, but this should be done very carefully. Even if the baby feels good, try not to eat more than 100 grams of the product per day so as not to burden him digestive system. For the same reason, when breastfeeding, you will have to limit your intake of cod liver.
