Tablets for better digestion of food. Preparations for improving digestion - ideal helpers for the stomach

Medications to improve digestion may be needed by a child and an adult to speed up the digestion of food and stimulate the work of the secretion glands of the gastrointestinal tract.

What drugs improve digestion?

There is a certain group of substances - enzymes or enzymes - that help accelerate the production of products of the digestive glands, which are necessary for the process of digesting food. Enzymes are normally secreted in sufficient quantities by the stomach, pancreas, liver and gallbladder... But sometimes a failure occurs in the intestines or stomach due to a lack of these substances. Therefore, they release enzyme preparations based on animal enzymes (herbal medicines are very rare).

Enzymes are intended to:

  • Increase the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other elements.
  • Relieve heaviness after overeating.
  • Run and speed up metabolic processes and metabolism in the body.
  • It was easier to digest food without having side symptoms(discomfort, heaviness, bloating).
  • Faster to split complex products so that the body assimilates them more actively.

You should be careful with enzymes, the process of restoring the work of the gastrointestinal tract in adults and children should be monitored by a doctor, otherwise the medicine can only do more harm than help.

It is impossible to know in advance how to improve digestion if the cause of its deterioration has not been diagnosed, but to do it without medical care will not work. Moreover, none of the people knows which enzymes are better suited, and you cannot try everything by the "poke" method.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is the use of various medications... To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Why take enzymes?

Enzymatic processes are maintained at a sufficient level only in healthy people who take good care of their diet and lifestyle. But only a few really have good digestibility of food, for all the rest the digestive tract does not work quite well. A child has better digestion processes than an adult, so enzymes are rarely prescribed for children.

But even at 1 year, health problems may appear and then you cannot do without the help of drugs to improve the functioning of the intestines, stomach and other organs.

Drugs that help normalize the digestive process are necessary:

  • If the digestion of food has slowed down and it is necessary to restore the amount of enzymes.
  • If food quickly enters the stomach unchewed, and large pieces are difficult for the body to digest.
  • With constipation caused by eating a large amount of food, when there is no normal supply of enzymes for digestion.
  • To improve metabolism.
  • To relieve the symptoms of indigestion.
  • To recover digestive system after suffering a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • So that vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements are properly and fully absorbed by the human body.
  • To speed up the process of feeding enzymes and quick response and reducing their level in the absence of food, so that digestive enzymes do not corrode the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • If a person has feeling unwell after eating.

Enzyme groups

Enzyme preparations that accelerate digestion and bring the digestive system into a balanced state are of three types, depending on the active composition.

Enzyme groupOperating principleDrug names
Pancreatin is the main active ingredientIt is an enzyme of the pancreas, due to which the production of digestive juice is stimulated, which contributes to rapid digestion and absorption of vitamins and mineralsPancreatin, Creon, Mezim
Pancreatin, hemicellulose, bile acids and other substances are part of the drugFast acting as breakers complex carbohydrates, participate in the normalization of work small intestine and help to establish the production of pancreatic enzymesFestal, Enzistal
Drugs that help to normalize the exocrine activity of the pancreasPromote better absorption nutrients thanks to active action on the pancreasSomilaza, Oraza

List of drugs to restore digestion

It is difficult to choose a group of suitable enzymes without diagnosing the causes of the disease. What is better to take, the doctor should tell, having established a diagnosis.

Let's take a look at a basic list of drugs that promote good digestion by making it easier for a person to feel better after eating.

Pancreatin is the best remedy for insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas. The drug is available in tablets. The product improves the digestion process, facilitating the speedy passage of food through the digestive tract. Correct application means will get rid of heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

Taking pancreatin is indicated for people with:

  • Low enzymatic activity of the pancreas.
  • Problems of the chewing apparatus due to which food enters the stomach in large chunks and is digested for a long time.
  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen when overeating.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system, especially at the time of exacerbation of the disease.

The drug is well suited for children, adults and the elderly.

In order for the normalization of the digestive process to take place gradually without stress for the body, it is necessary to take pills according to the instructions:

  1. Adults can drink 1 Pancreatin tablet with a meal.
  2. Children under 3 years of age should be given 1/3 of a tablet with meals.
  3. Older children can be given half or a whole pill, depending on the situation and the doctor's prescription.

The tool helps quickly, acceleration of digestion and relief of the condition occurs 10-30 minutes after taking Pancreatin. For better effect it is necessary to take the drug in a course prescribed by a doctor to help the body restore its usual rhythm.

The drug is available in capsules, due to which the effect extends to the intestines. Creon accelerates the digestion process throughout the digestive tract, and does not act only in the stomach, unlike Pancreatin. If a person is going to have a feast with a predominance of fatty and heavy foods, then it is advisable to drink Creon in advance in order to help the body quickly process and assimilate a large number of food. Tumors in the stomach and intestines, affecting their performance, cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis - all these are indications for the use of Creon.

The capsules must be taken before meals and must be swallowed.

It is undesirable to open the capsule, chew or dissolve its contents, since the activity of the drug will decrease and the action will not reach the intestines. It is enough to drink 1 capsule at a time.

Creon has a side effect in rare cases - diarrhea, but it is impossible to take a remedy for constipation, since this is not its main purpose and so you can not adjust digestion, but only bring down the balance.

Mezim contains four main active ingredients:

  • Protease.
  • Amylase.
  • Lipase.

With gastritis, chronic pancreatitis and just temporary problems with the pancreas, the drug is useful for the absorption of nutrients and good fast digestion of food. Mezim must be drunk in case of problems with food stagnation.

In case of a malfunction of the pancreas or stomach, usually take 1 Mezim tablet with a meal.

It is better if the treatment and dosage are prescribed by a doctor, since the drug is very strong and uncontrolled taking can only harm the body. It can be taken for a long time if there is chronic diseases, but then the doctor must constantly monitor the patient's condition.


Festal tablets improve human digestion due to their component composition:

  • Pancreatin normalizes the production of enzymes.
  • Bovine bile powder helps to improve amylase activity.
  • Hemicellulose helps break down fiber.

These ingredients are good for quick and complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. These digestive supplements are great for people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Festal is a good remedy, but it has a number of contraindications.

Pills should not be used by people with:

  • Hepatitis of any etiology.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Diabetes mellitus (only as directed by a doctor with blood glucose control).

Has almost the same component composition, as Festal, therefore, improving digestion and assimilation of nutrients with the drug will be much more effective.

If you slow down the process of digestion, a person will begin to worry about abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, nausea, and loss of appetite.

It is from these unpleasant symptoms and Enzistal helps to get rid of. The indications and contraindications for the drug are the same as for Festal.

The drug will help solve stomach problems associated precisely with the intake of vegetable and animal fats in large quantities. Alphaamylase and solizyme - active ingredients drug - help to quickly break down the fats that have entered the stomach and facilitate the rest of the process of digesting food.

Somilase is prescribed for people with:

  • Gastritis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Problems in the liver and gallbladder.
  • Digestive problems after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.

The methods of application and dosage will entirely depend on the reason for the appointment, and therefore the doctor must prescribe the medicine.

This drug is quite different from the drugs described above, and its self-administration may not help in certain cases. Therefore, if a person is not sure of his diagnosis, it makes no sense to acquire Somilase.

The medicine should be taken ½-1 teaspoon after meals or during. The dosage will be individual, but most often the agent is prescribed to be taken three times a day. There is a syrup and capsules of Oraza, the release form for each person must be prescribed by a doctor. The drug in syrup is more suitable for children, since it is easier for them to take it, but adults can drink tablets or capsules.

The remedy has one side effect - diarrhea.

Often, girls try to use an enzyme preparation for weight loss - and digest food faster and so that everything comes out more actively from the intestines. This is fundamentally wrong, since similar treatment can completely ruin the digestive system, disrupting the balance of enzyme production, which will subsequently affect human health. The medicine should be used only if there really is a problem with the production of enzymes.


Coming to the pharmacy, people do not know what to do, which drug to choose. Now they produce inexpensive and effective drugs, but it is still worth choosing a drug, focusing on the problem with digestion. It is impossible to reliably determine the best medicinal enzyme preparations only by price, because cheap drugs are sometimes more effective than expensive ones, and sometimes the price does not matter at all, but everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The table shows prices for several large cities Russia, from which one should build on when evaluating a drug in order to choose a product that is affordable and profitable (prices vary greatly depending on the amount of the drug in the package and its dosage).

Drug namePrices in rubles in some cities of Russia
MoscowSt. PetersburgVolgograd
27-36 20-48 20-71
251-1400 285-1500 306-1450
78-305 74-291 88-315
Festal115-675 148-675 181-659
58-386 66-379 72-377


Problems with the stomach or digestion have happened in every person's life. Their sources may be various factors: from stale food to infection in the body. To rid myself of unpleasant consequences, you should regularly take enzymes for digestion. This type of drugs is intended to normalize the stomach.

Do You Need Digestive Enzymes?

If you make it a rule to regularly monitor the health of your stomach and digestive tract, then you can recognize any changes immediately. The sooner you find the source of the problem, the easier and faster you can solve it. There are a number of signs that many do not pay attention to, indicating the presence of stomach problems:

  1. Drowsiness. If you sleep 6-8 hours a day, but still walk sleepy, then most likely your body is getting less important vitamins, trace elements and minerals. To replace them, he is forced to use reserve energy reserves, which translates into a drowsy state.
  2. Fatigue. The reason chronic fatigue there may also be a deficiency of nutrients in the body.
  3. Deterioration of the skin condition. It becomes lethargic, loses its elasticity and attractive appearance.
  4. Stomach ache. If painful sensations in the abdomen become more frequent, then this clear sign digestive disorders. Even if the pain is mild and easily tolerated.
  5. Deterioration of the condition of nails and hair. One of the most common and important factors indicating serious problems ah with the stomach.
  6. Disorders of the intestines. Regular constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and bloating.
  7. Weakened appetite. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach directly affect a person's desire to eat. If you abruptly began to eat 1-2 times a day, instead of the usual 3-4, then the digestive system is experiencing some difficulties.

One of the 7 factors presented is enough to immediately visit a qualified specialist and start taking enzyme preparations for digestion.

Why can the process of food digestion be disrupted?

To successfully cure the consequences, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of the disease. The stomach is a rather sensitive organ; many factors can affect its work. Let's highlight the most popular:

Unhealthy food. Smoked, salty and fatty foods make the stomach work at full strength. If a lot of such food comes in, then there are disturbances in the digestion process.

Eating a lot of food. Even if your diet consists solely of useful products, you need to know when to stop. Experts advise not to gorge on until you faint, but to leave the dinner table slightly hungry. The connection between the stomach and the brain is not lightning fast, so sometimes it seems that you want to eat more, while the body has already received enough food.

Insufficient chewing of food. Whole foods are much slower and more difficult to digest. Chew food thoroughly and try not to eat in a hurry.

Late meals. Each person has a different waking schedule, so the rule “do not eat after 9 pm” is not always correct. It would be more logical to say: “Do last visit food 3-4 hours before bedtime. "

Drinking water in parallel with food. Most people know that a person needs to drink about 2-3 liters of water per day. This truth is not questioned, but there is one clarification. You need to drink water 30 minutes before or 10-15 minutes after eating. Drinking water is strongly discouraged while eating. It destroys digestive enzymes, making it difficult to digest foods.

For many of these reasons, people do not pay attention until their digestive system fails. It's enough to stick with simple rules to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Enzyme preparations for digestion - list

In case of serious stomach problems, it is necessary to revise the diet and purchase digestive enzymes. They are divided into several subgroups, which are aimed at combating diseases of a different nature. There are 3 main subgroups of digestive enzymes:

  • Preparations whose composition is based on pancreatin. Pancreatin is the main digestive enzyme that eliminates all stomach problems in a short period of time. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, Penzital.
  • Preparations, whose composition is filled with various elements (hemicellulose, bovine bile powder, pancreatin, etc.), which help to cope with digestive disorders, the process of breaking down fats and the production of pancreatic enzymes. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm.
  • Preparations, whose composition is filled with trace elements that help to normalize the exocrine function of the pancreas. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Somilaza, Oraza, Negidaza.

Important! Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine which drug and from which subgroup will help to cope with your problem. Self-medication often makes the condition worse.

In addition to the active substance, the form of release also affects the action of the drug. V modern pharmacology you can find enzyme preparations for improving digestion in the form of tablets or capsules. The disadvantage of tablets is that when they get into the stomach, they completely dissolve there. While the capsules have several layers of the shell, which allow the transport of the active substance both to the stomach and intestines. Thus, it is more advisable to purchase some drugs in the form of capsules, especially if their effect is calculated on the intestines.

Let's take a closer look at the most effective and popular drugs.

The drug has the same name with the main digestive enzyme, which indicates its high efficiency. You should resort to using the medicine when:

  • a decrease in the production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • serious diseases of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • excessive consumption of food;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • violations of chewing processes.

There are no generally accepted dosages for the drug: some take one tablet a day, some take two. It is advised to adhere to the doctor's recommendations, who will prescribe the dosages optimal for your situation.

Side effects wear weak character and are very rare. Among the most common side effects are:

  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • allergic processes (rash, redness, etc.);
  • increase in the number uric acid.

This drug is very popular due to the fact that it is available in capsules. As noted earlier, capsules have a complex effect on the stomach and intestines, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. The active substance of the drug is pancreatin. Creon is prescribed for:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • postoperative therapies;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • malignant tumors growing near the stomach;
  • bulk food intake (holidays, birthdays, etc.).

The optimal dosage is 1 capsule before each meal. It is advisable not to bite the capsule, otherwise the active substance will dissolve in the stomach and will not enter the intestines.

The drug has no side effects. Occasionally, there are disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea or pain. Similar reactions occur due to additional elements of the drug.

Important! Creon is considered a powerful drug, so be sure to check with your doctor before taking it.

A better known drug, since at one time an extensive advertising campaign was carried out. One tablet contains pancreatin, amylase, lipase and protease. The set of components is similar to Pancreatin. Mezim is taken when:

  • the production of pancreatic enzymes decreases;
  • constipation occurs;
  • there are inflammatory processes in the stomach;
  • inflammation of the pancreas is formed.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Most often it is 1 tablet before each meal. Depending on the nature and degree of neglect of the disease, the course can last from 2-3 days to 4-6 months.

The drug is contraindicated in people suffering from intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

Mezim is over expensive analog Pancreatin. The main difference is taste qualities... The outer layer of the Mezima tablet tastes much better, so it is often bought for children.

In addition to pancreatin, Festal contains hemicellulose and bovine bile extract. Hemicellulose takes an active part in the breakdown of fiber, and bovine bile extract normalizes the absorption of fats and vitamins. With these elements, Festal has a quick effect on the digestive system.

The drug is taken when:

  • violations of the secretion of pancreatic enzymes;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • irritation of the intestines;
  • overeating;
  • gastritis.

Due to the large number of different components, Festal has wide list contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • allergy to the elements that make up the composition;
  • jaundice;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus (due to the content of sucrose and glucose in the tablet shell).

An effective drug that solves problems with digestive tract... Like Festal, Enzistal includes hemicellulose, pancreatin and bile elements. Additional ingredients work harmoniously and enhance overall result... Enzistal is taken with the following symptoms:

  • deficiency of enzymes of the digestive system;
  • aggravated flatulence;
  • violations of chewing processes;
  • inactive lifestyle.

If the person suffers from kidney or liver failure, it is recommended to limit the use of Enzistal. The attending physician must adjust the frequency and volume of dosages so as not to cause complications of existing diseases.

Side effects of the drug:

  • discomfort in the stomach area;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of irritation on the mucous membrane;
  • diarrhea.

It is urgent to stop taking Enzistal if at least one of the side effects appears.

The active substance of the drug belongs to a subgroup of digestive enzymes that affect exocrine function pancreas. The mechanism of action is fundamentally different from all previous drugs. The elements of the preparation break down fats and transform them into missing enzymes.

  • deficiency of digestive enzymes;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • developing gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • undergoing postoperative therapy.

Somilaza has no contraindications, except allergic reactions into individual elements of the composition. The medicine is easily tolerated and effectively solves existing digestive problems.

Important! The drug strongly stimulates the work of the pancreas, so you should consult a doctor before taking it.


Digestive enzyme preparations play an important role in the life of every person. Especially those who do not monitor their diet and do not follow the rules written above.

The presented remedies help you get rid of discomfort and disturbances in the digestive system. You can also take them as a prophylaxis. But remember that their action makes serious adjustments to the functioning of the body, so it is imperative to consult a doctor.

If you regularly experience nausea, vomiting and flatulence, then you may have problems with digestion. Our article will tell you how to deal with them correctly.

Digestion is a process during which food is chemically and physically processed into gastric tract, at which all the nutritional and energy properties of the products are preserved. But unfortunately, this only happens if the human body works like a clock

And if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, drinks, smokes, eats junk food and moves a little, then the process of over-etching food is not entirely correct. Most often this leads to not very pleasant consequences. People with poor digestion may develop nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation

And if you do not try to establish the process of digesting food, then all these symptoms can lead to the development of more serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, let's figure out which products and preparations will help to maximize fast term improve digestion and relieve nausea and bloating

Tablets and medicines and enzyme preparations to improve digestion

Enzyme that improves digestion

Probably, every person is familiar with the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which occurs after a hearty dinner. Most often, such unpleasant sensations appear due to the fact that the human body does not produce in the required amount of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food. You can try to solve this problem with special enzyme preparations.

But remember, you do not need to get carried away with taking such pills. You can only take them in last resort or during the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. It will still be better if you try to change your lifestyle and help your body cope with the process of food poisoning on its own.

Enzymes should be taken in following cases:
Unreasonable fatigue that does not disappear throughout the day
Constantly want to sleep (especially this desire is exacerbated after eating)
Excessive dryness of the skin and the appearance age spots
Nails flake and hair falls out very much
Permanent flatulence
Painful sensations after eating

List of enzyme preparations:
Mezim. Once in the body, it begins to stimulate the process of over-etching food
Festal. Helps break down complex sugar compounds and improves bowel function
Orazu. Improves the proper functioning of the pancreas
Creon. Stimulates the production of enzymes needed for food processing
Somilase. Promotes the gradual restoration of all natural functions of the pancreas

Folk remedies for improving digestion

The most effective folk remedies to improve digestion

Everyone knows well how important it is to eat right. But unfortunately, not everyone and not always manage to eat only healthy food... There are so many different temptations around us that sometimes, like little children, we cannot resist and buy ourselves some kind of tasty treat that does more harm than good

And the more often we do this, the more difficult it becomes for our stomach to cope with its direct tasks. Ultimately, this leads to the fact that we have problems with digestion. The most unpleasant thing is that such seemingly insignificant, at first glance, symptoms will eventually lead to the accumulation of toxins and other harmful substances, and those, in turn, will begin to provoke the development of more serious diseases

Therefore, it is very important to try to get rid of all these problems at the initial stage. And if you do not yet have time to go to a specialist, then try to alleviate your condition with folk methods

Burdock root. A decoction from this plant envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby helping to reduce inflammation. For greater efficiency, the root must be boiled not in water, but in low-fat milk.
Sauerkraut juice. This product is very good at stimulating the production of gastric juice... But it cannot be used by people with high acidity
Basil leaves. They help get rid of nausea and vomiting, and also suppress flatulence quickly enough. Also fresh leaves this plant is quite effective in combating heartburn and belching

Teas and herbs for digestion

Dandelion tea to improve digestion

O healing properties people have known herbs for a long time. Our ancestors believed that with their help almost all diseases could be cured. Unfortunately, modern medicine believes that herbs can only be an auxiliary treatment and taken exclusively as an addition to the main therapy. But in the case of improper digestion, it is herbs that can become the main treatment.

After all, no matter how effective are the pharmaceutical preparations, Negative influence they still have an effect on the body. Therefore, until a person has developed serious pathologies Gastrointestinal tract, then you can improve digestion and herbal teas... If you combine the herbs correctly, they will help to establish metabolic processes, remove toxins from the body, contribute to the correct production of gastric juice and increase the overall tone of the body.

Herbs that help improve digestion:
Parsley (seeds)
Dandelion (root)

Vitamins to improve digestion

Most Popular Vitamins for Improving Digestion

Another important component proper digestion are vitamins. After all, if a lack of a substance occurs in the body, then it is on the acorn that this affects in the first place. Therefore, it is very important that the human body receives all the trace elements it needs every day.

But one should not confuse ordinary vitamins for the concept of immunity and fortified preparations for the stomach. Indeed, in this case, you need a vitamin bomb that will stimulate the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and special prebiotics that will improve the work of this organ. Therefore, when buying vitamins at a pharmacy, ask if they contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamins that improve digestion:
Altera. Relieves inflammation in the stomach and normalizes intestinal motor function
Acydophilus. Removes toxic products from the body that are formed during metabolic processes
Gastrafermin... Promotes correct and better absorption of nutrients
Regulin. Maximizes the work of the small and large intestines, thereby contributing to regular gastric emptying

Foods to improve digestion

List of foods useful for digestion

We lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend almost the whole day in front of a TV or computer. And if you add to this not very healthy food, then the picture turns out to be completely unhappy. Correct the situation can help the right foods, which contain useful vitamins and fiber.

It is the last component that our digestive tract needs most of all. Fiber helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, promotes proper absorption of food and prevents the formation of cholesterol in blood vessels. Therefore, if you want your stomach to work like a clock, then include in your daily diet as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

List of useful foods:
Beet. Helps to properly digest food. This product is useful in any way. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and eaten raw.
Honey. Improves the proper functioning of the digestive system and helps fight constipation and diarrhea. It is best consumed one hour before the main meal.
Radish. Contains in its composition essential oils that have a positive effect on digestion. Helps lower cholesterol and blocks the proliferation of fat cells
Lactic acid products. Cottage cheese, milk and kefir contain large amounts of natural prebiotics that relax the walls of the stomach and intestines
Green vegetables. Absorbs excess fluid and prevents edema from forming. In addition, they prevent the absorption of waste products and toxins by the stomach.

Diet and food for digestion: recipes

Diet meals improving digestion
  • If you are trying to eat right, but stomach problems only get worse, then be sure to consult with a specialist.
  • It is likely that your digestive system is no longer enough regular nutrition and you need to take more drastic measures.
  • After all, if the gastrointestinal tract is depleted enough, then in order to put it in order, you will need to sit on a special diet

Basic rules for a diet that improves digestion:
Minimize consumption fast carbohydrates
Try to chew your food more thoroughly
Eat often, but in small portions
Drink a glass of still water half an hour before a meal.
One meal should consist of only one dish

Healthy recipes

Boiled Beetroot Salad Recipe:
Boil two small beets and cut them into strips
Coarsely grate the carrots and chop Chinese cabbage
Transfer everything to a large bowl and season sunflower oil
Salt and pepper the dish and, if desired, add to it walnuts
The salad can be either an independent dish or an addition to baked fish or meat.

Diet steamed cutlets recipe:
Make minced chicken or turkey
Add salt, pepper and a large handful of herbs to it
Stir the minced meat and beat it off a little
Form small balls and place in the weld
After 10-15 minutes, the patties will be ready.
This meat dish is best eaten with fresh vegetables.

What is needed to improve digestion in pregnant women?

Nutritional rules for pregnant women

All nine months of pregnancy female body lives in constant stress... Due to the rise hormonal background almost all women start to work not quite correctly internal organs... This problem does not bypass the digestive system. Perhaps she is one of the first to begin to feel the upcoming changes on herself.

Of course, the main problem of the gastrointestinal tract is toxicosis, which interferes with the proper assimilation of food. Therefore, it is very important to establish nutrition in such a way as to minimize all negative phenomena.

Tips to help improve the digestion of a pregnant woman:
Never overeat
Try to stick to your meal schedule
Eat only wholesome and freshly prepared food
Eliminate pasta from your diet White bread and baking
Eat only seasonal fruits and vegetables
Give up the use of semi-finished products

How can children improve their digestion?

The menu for young children should be as balanced as possible.

Digestive system little man continues to form for some time after the birth of the baby. It is with this that enough frequent disorders Child's gastrointestinal tract.

Since the pancreas is still unable to produce all the necessary enzymes, then the baby's nutrition should be as correct and regular as possible. If you do not want the crumbs to have nausea or diarrhea, then make sure that he only eats healthy foods.

Recommendations to help improve your baby's digestion:
Introduce new foods to your baby's diet gradually
At the initial stage, you can give vegetables to heat treatment (meaning carrots and cabbage)
Give your baby as much as possible pure water
Make sure that the baby does not consume too hot or cold food
Give your child fermented milk products regularly

Exercises to improve digestion

A set of exercises to improve digestion

Help normalize digestion besides proper nutrition and enzyme preparations can still physical exercises... If you do them regularly, then in addition to the ideal work of the gastrointestinal tract, you will also get a beautiful body.

A set of exercises to improve digestion:
A pineapple. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them against your stomach. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
Twisting. Take a lying position, lift your legs up and begin to lower them one by one, then to one side, then to the other. Do 8-10 reps.
Baby pose... Sit on the floor with your legs bent under you. Lean your head to the floor and begin to inflate your stomach in this position. Fix in this position for 5-10 seconds.
Smooth sitting. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above your head and begin squatting as if you were planning to sit on a highchair. Hold the half squat for 10-15 seconds

Massage to improve digestion

I want to say right away, belly massage is quite difficult process requiring certain skills. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, then find a qualified specialist and go through curative therapy him. After all, only a person who knows all the subtleties of this manipulation will be able to contribute to improving the functioning of the stomach and relieving pain.

The constituents therapeutic massage:
Stroking. Assume light circular movements in the stomach and intestines. The circle that the hand makes should gradually increase and reach its maximum size at about 3 minutes
Circular pressure on the abdomen. One hand rests on the stomach, and the other begins to press it down lightly from above. Pressure on one point should not be painful and last more than 3 seconds
Side movements. This manipulation maximizes blood circulation. To carry out this stage of the massage, you need to pinch the skin between your fingers, imitating the kneading of dough.

Video: Fennel extract. How to improve digestion? Gas formation in the intestine

The human stomach gives in to stress every day. Sedentary image life, stress, food "on the go", fast food - these are just some of the factors that destroy the human stomach day after day. At one point, the body fails and you need to look for helping substances that will help the digestive organs to return to normal. There are a lot of drugs on the pharmaceutical market whose task is to normalize the activity of the stomach, read about some of them below.

What is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach?

A healthy stomach takes part in important vital processes of the body. Without his correct and well-coordinated work, it is impossible good digestion, and as a result, the absorption of nutrients that are needed for the work of other organs and systems. In order for the stomach to work properly, you need to remember the factors that affect its health:

  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • lack of stress.

Unfortunately, the rhythm of life does not allow everyone to adhere to these rules, which causes pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Healthy foods

To eat the right products, provide the body with proteins, fats and carbohydrates in full - the most important stage in the prevention of stomach problems. The food intake regimen will normalize the production of enzymatic juice, will make it possible to feel full from small portions.

You need to eat such foods: vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cereals. Pastry, spicy, smoked, canned, salted food and others harmful products will not benefit the person. Monotonous food or strict restrictions in food will harm the digestive organs, this will slow down the metabolism and cause over time acute deficiency necessary micro and macro elements.

Active lifestyle

Many people believe that they lead an active lifestyle, since they are constantly in business and practically do not rest. But this is not an activity that is good for the body. You need to lead an active lifestyle, play sports (at least do exercises). Physical activity will speed up metabolism, improve blood flow, which means useful material will be more actively spread to the organs. If, at the same time, we refuse bad habits, the condition will improve significantly.

Lack of neuropsychic overload

Many have heard that all sores are from nerves. This is actually an accurate statement, since disorders of the psychoemotional state, stress and other work disorders nervous system are directly related to the mass of diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Nerve problems cause disturbances in gastric motility, from which food moves chaotically in the organ, which causes a large number of problems in the digestive system. Therefore, in the treatment of stomach diseases, rest is recommended, sometimes even sedatives.

Medicines to normalize and improve stomach function

  • "Motilium". The drug is recommended for disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract, when gastric motility is impaired. Motilium is indicated as an antiemetic. Side effects when using the drug are rare, since it is not absorbed.
  • Motilak. The drug is used for vomiting. It is a prokinetic that is useful for bowel dysfunctions. It has no effect on gastric acid secretion, but promotes prolactin production.
  • "Passages". Medicine for nausea and vomiting. It is used to normalize gastric and duodenal motility. "Passage" accelerates the process of transporting food from the stomach to the intestines.
  • "Ganaton". New generation prokinetic. It helps to establish gastric motility, from which the evacuation of food is accelerated. Used for non-ulcer dyspepsia and chronic gastritis... Tablets are prescribed for nausea, vomiting, flatulence, anorexia, etc.
  • Itomed. Normalizes gastric motility. It actively interacts with enzymes that are secreted in the liver. Side effects are rare.
  • Trimedat. It is a myotropic antispasmodic. The drug is used to improve the motility of the digestive system.
  • "Cerucal". It is an anti-emetic, antiemetic prokinetic, which is an outdated drug today. It has many side effects, including - negative impact on the central nervous system.

Antacids are agents that protect the mucous membranes of the stomach from irritants, primarily from its own aggressive environment:

  • Topalkan. Antacid, enveloping drug, which is recommended for erosive and ulcerative diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, etc.
  • "Phosphalugel". Properties of the preparation: enveloping, adsorbing, antacid drug... It is prescribed for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, reflux esophagitis, non-ulcer dyspepsia, diaphragm hernias, etc. Used as normalizing drugs for poisoning, stomach and intestinal disorders.
  • Magalfil. Helps to establish the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces the activity of pepsin, protects the mucous membranes.
  • "Rutocid". Antacid, which is indicated for gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers and reflux esophagitis.
  • "Gaviscon". A drug that belongs to alginates. It is recommended to use it for dyspepsia, heartburn during pregnancy, during rehabilitation after surgical intervention on the esophagus.
  • Relzer. The remedy is effectively used for flatulence, ulcers, duodenitis, gastritis, hernia of the diaphragm, etc.
  • Almagel. A gel that has an enveloping effect. It is recommended for gastritis, ulcers, esophagitis, bloating, abdominal pain, duodenitis, etc.
  • Maalox. The product has an absorbent, antacid and enveloping effect. Helps with painful sensations in upper divisions organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces pain for several hours after consumption.

Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are accompanied by digestive disorders. To eliminate them effectively and quickly, special medications called enzymatic medications help. The fact that drugs should be taken to improve digestion are indicated by the characteristic symptoms.

It is necessary to take a closer look at the body, having noticed such alarming manifestations:

  • malaise, decreased performance;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • poor condition of nails, hairline;
  • nausea, flatulence, stool disturbances;
  • pain in the abdominal region, appetite disorders.

These and other symptoms signal that the digestive system is impaired. It is important to choose the right means to normalize it.

What are enzyme preparations

Digestive enzymes are biological substances having a proteinaceous nature and accelerating biochemical reactions.

The functions of protein molecules determine cleavage complex substances into simple ones. This ensures an easier assimilation of food.

Operating principle

Digestive aids are named for their digestive enzymes. The body produces such elements on its own for processing and good assimilation of food. These are specific catalysts that accelerate chemical digestive reactions.

However, sometimes such substances are synthesized in insufficient quantities. What causes heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, gas formation, bloating.

In such cases, effective enzymes contained in medicines are used.

They normalize symptomatic indicators, help relieve pain, normalize stool, and assimilate nutrients.

Optimal dose selection is important... Long lasting and uncontrolled reception medications can impair the functioning of the secretion glands.

Indications for use

What means to take and when depends on the causes of gastrointestinal pathologies. Many problems arise due to violation of the regime, quality of food, abuse: pickles, fatty products, smoked meats, sweets.

All products must be dosed, even for healthy people.

It also impairs digestion:

  • binge eating;
  • eating just before bedtime;
  • insufficient processing of products;
  • chewing too quickly;
  • monotonous food.

In addition to insufficient attention to nutrition, various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract negatively affect the digestion of food:

  • colitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis.

When diagnosing these and other diseases in complex treatment include enzymes. They can be used once, for example, with food or alcohol overload of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such medications also during preparation for diagnostic procedures abdominal cavity.

The speed of the effect

The speed of onset of drug action depends on different factors: the stage of the disease, the form of release of the drug, the correctness of the prescription of the drug. The average time to achieve the effect is 20-40 minutes. The action lasts an average of 6 hours.

For a faster result, you should follow the recommendations for admission:

  • take enzymes during nutrition or immediately after eating;
  • drink the medicine with clean water;
  • use the funds strictly dosed, take into account the recommendations of a specialist.

During the period of treatment, you should forget about alcohol, reduce the intake of coffee, tea, carbonated products as much as possible.

Classification of remedies for improving the digestion process

The above drugs are classified according to the active ingredient in their composition.

Enzyme groups

Drug class Action Representatives Composition Peculiarities
Pancreatin-based preparations Eliminate many causes of pathologies, normalizing the process of food digestion Penzital, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Pangrol, Lycrease The main component is pancreatin Most active 30-40 minutes after application
Means containing, in addition to pancreatin, additional components Improves intestinal activity, improves pancreatic function, improves gallbladder function Festal, Panzinorm, Enzistal, Pankral, Digestal They contain bile acids, cellulose, bile components The rate of glucose breakdown is increased by additional components
Herbal remedies Representatives of this group help to normalize the functions of the pancreas. Unienzym, Nigedaza, Somilaza, Wobenzym, Oraza, Pepfiz They contain papain, rice fungus, and other components There are contraindications for allergies
Combined medicines Besides substitution enzyme deficiency, relieve inflammation, edema, relieve pain Flogenzyme, Wobenzym, Merkenzyme They combine plant elements with pancreatin and vitamins. Long-term use possible without side effects
Simple enzymes Release gastrin, promoting the stimulation of gastric secretion, vigorous activity of the gastrointestinal tract Betaine, Abomin Represent chains of amino acids affecting proteins Used for gastritis, but rarely

In most drugs different groups the main active ingredient pancreatin appears.

Forms of issue

There are two forms of enzyme-based preparations. These are tablets and capsules. The former have been known for a long time and inspire confidence in many patients. The tablets act only on the stomach, dissolving in it under the action of the secreted juice.

The capsules are a later generation form. They are characterized by double shells. One of them dissolves already in the stomach, the second - only reaching the intestines. Therefore, the whole gastrointestinal tract works to break down the drug.

The drugs with the greatest effect

Among the most popular remedies are more often called:

  • Festal;
  • Somilase;
  • Enzistal.


Along with pancreatin, it contains bile bile, hemicellulose. It has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive tract in general.

  • with limited production of enzymes;
  • with flatulence, irritable bowel;
  • to combat diarrhea (not caused by intestinal infection);
  • to improve the functions of the digestive system as a whole.

The drug is contraindicated for hepatitis, pancreatitis b acute form... The price is quite affordable.

Traditionally considered especially effective remedy... The low price combined with high efficacy made the product in demand.

Its indications are wide:

  • binge eating;
  • imperfection of the chewing apparatus;
  • deficiency of pancreatic enzymes;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Pancreatin is well absorbed. Side effects are rare. A specialist will help determine the calculation of doses.

It is produced on the basis of pancreatin in capsule form. Consequently, its effectiveness is increased by its penetration into the intestines.


  • with chronic pancreatitis;
  • after operations;
  • during periods of heavy food intake;
  • to resist indigestion.

The capsule is swallowed before meals. Relieves heaviness, bloating. The appearance of urticaria and diarrhea is possible due to the auxiliary components in the composition. Creon is stronger than Pancreatin, so you should consult your doctor about the possibility of taking it.


  • with a lack of enzymes;
  • when food elements stagnate in the digestive tract;
  • when diagnosing pancreatitis;
  • with inflammatory currents in the stomach.

You need to drink one tablet before meals. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. Mezim is contraindicated in patients with hepatitis, intestinal obstruction. Its price is higher than Pancreatin.

List of inexpensive digestive medications

The concept of high cost is not always equivalent to quality. There are more affordable good analogs.

Inexpensive pills are available at any of the pharmacies.

Dietary supplements

A special group of drugs to stimulate digestion are dietary supplements. They have become popular and help to activate metabolic processes and reduce weight. These are complexes biologically active substances, able to restore the intestinal microflora, improve metabolism and the state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Pineapple extract

Improves the processing of protein food, its assimilation by the body.

Promotes the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract functions, promotes the active burning of calories. It has a complex effect, contributing to weight loss as well.

A large number of dietary supplements have been developed, it is important to choose the most effective in a particular situation.

Children's preparations for improving digestion

Babies also suffer from digestive problems. For them, the appropriate remedy and its dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor. To protect children from the effects of hydrochloric acid, products with a special shell are often recommended. The dose of the drug in infants can only be determined by a doctor.

From 3 years old, children are prescribed capsules or tablets. It is recommended to open the capsule for newborns due to the inability of the baby to swallow. Powder from the capsule is mixed with milk.

You should not use hot water for the solution, since heat destroys the active components of the substance.

Care should be taken to use preparations with bile components for children. Children are prescribed enzymes in small doses to avoid inhibition of the pancreas's own activity. Such funds are taken by babies during meals.

Features of the use of enzymes in old age

With age, the production of an enzyme in the body decreases (by about 13% per decade). Their structure and functionality may change. Therefore, older people have to make up for their deficiency systematically in order to avoid gastrointestinal pathologies with special drugs.

The use of enzymes during pregnancy

The fruit, while developing, is able to squeeze digestive organs, disrupting the blood circulation of the pancreas, liver. This interferes with the natural synthesis of digestive enzymes.

In addition to following certain diets, pregnant women are often advised to take Mezim. It can be used even without a medical recommendation, since the elements it contains are safe. But still, during the period of gestation, it is better to refuse medications if possible.

Side effects

There are few side effects from such drugs. Only excessive formation of uric acid (hyperuricosuria) is possible, which is a prerequisite for the development of ICD (stone formation).

In case of overdose, the following manifestations are possible:

  • nausea;
  • stool disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Should also be avoided long-term use such funds.


In some cases enzyme agents can worsen the general condition of a person.

The following are noted as contraindications:

  • gout;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • acute gastritis;
  • liver pathology (hepatitis);
  • celiac disease (hereditary bowel disease);
  • colitis, diarrhea;
  • allergies to animal protein.

The expediency of using drugs can only be determined by a qualified doctor.

The importance of consulting a doctor

There are many enzyme preparations for digestion, it is difficult to understand their nuances by ourselves. Only a doctor can individually select the most effective medicines ... After all, the signs different diseases are often similar and easy to mistake.

A comprehensive solution to the problem that has arisen is possible with qualified assistance, and not on the basis of impressions from commercials. The doctor will determine whether to take tablets or capsules depending on the source of the discomfort in the stomach or intestines.

Synthesized enzyme preparations are used to improve digestion. They make up for the insufficient production of such substances by the human body.

Taking special medications improves the functioning of the digestive tract. The range of such drugs is wide; a doctor will help you to individually select a medicine.

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