What to do if you are sick. What causes sneezing allergies. What to do if you get sick: urgent measures

How to understand that you have started to get sick

A healthy body cannot just get sick. There must be certain factors for the onset of the disease. The most common reason colds - hypothermia of the body. Because of the cold, the immune system weakens and the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms is activated.

Infection viral diseases only possible by airborne droplets... This means that you can only become infected after contact with patients with the flu.

What to do if you start to get sick

The onset of the disease is similar to fatigue. Body, head, there is no desire to do anything, but I want to wrap myself up in a blanket and sleep. If this is fatigue, then after a couple of hours the symptoms will disappear, and if the onset of the disease, then they will worsen. In this case, treatment should be started immediately.

First of all, you need to determine what exactly you started to get sick with. After all, colds and flu are treated differently. But in one and the other case, you need to strengthen the immune system. You can take an immunostimulant such as aflubin. It is worth noting that drugs such as fervex and theirs only remove symptoms, but do not cure. In addition, they have a negative effect on the liver.

If the disease is caused by an infection or arose during an epidemic, then drugs that can kill the infection, such as arbidol, must be added to the immunostimulating agents. It will be useful to drink too vitamin complexes.

If a cold begins, then first of all you need to warm up. It will be helpful to steam your feet and hands in warm water.

In any case, it will be good if you get to sweat. After all, with sweat, the disease also goes away. Therefore, you need to dress warmly and cover yourself with a warm blanket. If chills occur or the limbs freeze, then a heating pad or a bottle with hot water... If it gets hot under the blanket, then in no case should you open it. Once the clothes become damp with sweat, they will need to be changed.

It will help not only prevent illness, but also improve immunity. It must be drunk 3 times a day according to the instructions.

Also, if there is a feeling that you are starting to get sick, tea with carmolis drops is perfect. These drops are diluted in hot tea. First, inhalation is done, and then you need to drink tea with medicine. The advantage of carmolis is its naturalness. All ingredients of the drug are essential oils of useful medicinal plants.

It is imperative to eat something hot so that the body has the strength to fight. Do not forget that many medicines are forbidden to drink on an empty stomach. You also need to drink plenty of fluids. Warm tea with lemon, raspberry or honey, natural juices and even plain water will be useful for a beginner to get sick.

Already by next day there will be an improvement in the condition, but you should not jump up abruptly and start doing things. The best thing would be to take a day off and lie down.

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It happens that a common cold disease takes us by surprise, sometimes at the most inopportune moment. The disease knocks out of the working rut and spoils the mood. Often we let ourselves get sick, but you can shorten the duration of the illness if you take action at the first manifestations of the ill-fated cold.

If a cold illness is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, use symptomatic and antipyretic. At this point, your body should receive all the vitamins it needs to fight viruses. First of all, these include vitamins A, E, C. Eat vegetables, fruits, fish, refuse

With the advent of cold weather, more and more often the question arises: what to take with a cold? After all, even weather conditions in every possible way contribute to the activation of viruses and bacteria.

Low, but not sub-zero temperature, humidity and wind, and transmitted from one person to another.

And if at the same time you are exposed to hypothermia and stress, then the probability of getting sick is to strive for 100%.

What to drink at the first sign of a cold? First aid

In the overwhelming majority of cases, viruses are the cause of the development of colds in adults and children. As a rule, the first signs of the development of ARVI are:

Often, a sharp increase in body temperature is immediately observed up to 38 or even 39 ° C. At the first symptoms, at the very beginning of a cold you should immediately start taking antiviral drugs:

  • Ingavirin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Amiksin;
  • Lavomax;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Kagocel, etc.

Medicines of this kind will help the immune system begin to actively fight the infection immediately.

If you do not postpone their intake until later, and drink at the first signs of malaise, you can completely prevent the development of ARVI or at least reduce the severity and duration of its course.

The child can also drink antiviral drugs with a reduced dosage of the active ingredient for colds.

Depending on the age, the baby is given one of the above drugs, and babies preschool age recommend:

  • Laferobion;
  • Anaferon for children;
  • Oscillococinum;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Proteflazid;
  • Viburkol.

It is also imperative to start exercising. Thanks to such procedures, microorganisms will be mechanically washed out from the nasopharynx and nasal cavity, therefore, they will not be able to provoke the development of a pronounced inflammatory process.

For these purposes, both ordinary saline solution and ready-made products sold in every pharmacy are ideal:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Marimer;
  • Aqualor;
  • But-salt;
  • etc.

With the onset of a cold, it will not be at all superfluous to drink plenty of fluids. You can drink water, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, warm, but not hot tea with the addition medicinal herbs, honey, lemon, or a combination thereof.

With ARVI, these measures are usually sufficient for quick elimination ailments. But with bacterial infection although these activities will help reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and ease the course of the disease.
Source: website

What antibiotics to drink for colds? When to start?

The only indication for antibiotics is the presence of a bacterial infection. You can suspect her presence by the following signs:

  • high fever (more than 38 ° C), lasting longer than 3 days;
  • discharge of green mucus from the nose;
  • the formation of a white, yellow or grayish plaque on the tonsils;
  • severe weakness, body aches.

In such situations, it is not worthwhile to self-medicate, and even more so to choose an antibiotic on your own. This is fraught with the aggravation of the situation, the development of complications and the resistance of bacteria to the selected drug.

The doctor will tell you which antibiotics to take and how many days.

Often with infections of the upper respiratory tract medications of the penicillin group are prescribed, less often tetracyclines. These include:

  • Amoxicillin (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab, Ospamox);
  • Tetracycline;
  • Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab, Doxibene, Doxy-M);
  • Ciprofloxacin (Ciprolet, Tsifran, Tsiprobai, Quintor).

Often prescribed sulfa drugs having a pronounced antimicrobial action, but not belonging to the number of antibiotics. It can be Biseptol, Sulfadimethoxin, etc.

As for children, the antibiotic is selected exclusively by a pediatrician. Babies can be given Cefix, Cefodox, Zinnat and others.

Very often doubts arise about when to take antibiotics. After all, drugs of this kind, although they effectively fight infection, can harm the body.

In order to allay any fears, we note that to cope with inflammation of a bacterial nature of moderate and medium-severe degree

Otherwise, over time, the symptoms of the disease will dull, but this will indicate not recovery, but its transition to a chronic form.

Subsequently, the patient will be regularly annoyed by relapses, and it will be extremely difficult to cope with a chronic focus of infection even with the help of properly selected antibiotic therapy.

Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant consequences If you suspect that bacteria are the cause of the deterioration, you should immediately contact a qualified therapist or pediatrician.

Do I need to drink antiviral drugs for colds?

Any antiviral medicine gives results only when taken with initial stage the development of the disease.

It gives time for the immune system to "swing" and begin an independent fight against infectious process, suppressing its pathogens by supplying interferons and other similar substances to the inflammation focus.

Therefore, it should be noted that their effectiveness is maximal precisely in the first days of the course of the disease.

Then you can even refuse to take them, since the body already independently produces the required amount of protective cells and compounds that kill pathogenic microflora.

What to drink for a cold without fever

If the temperature after 3 days from the onset of the development of the disease drops to 37.5 ° C or lower, or even does not rise at all, this clearly indicates viral nature infection and its mild course.

In such situations, only medications should be taken to eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

And mucolytics (Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Prospan, Gedelix, Linkas, Gerbion, etc.) are indicated in the presence of a cough.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays(Nazik, Galazolin, Naphtizin, Nazivin, Rinazolin, Nazol, Knoxprey, Vibrocil, etc.) are used to eliminate the common cold and to relieve the swelling of the nasopharynx, which provokes nasal congestion.

Adults can choose any medication that suits them in terms of price and effect. For children, especially infants, a pediatrician should select it. At the same time, it is forbidden to treat babies under 1 year old with sprays, they are shown only drops.

Rinses, sprays and lozenges for sore throat (Strepsils, Lizak, Orasept, Angilex, Tantum-Verde, Lisobakt, Yoks, Ingalipt, Septolete, Geksoral, etc.) should be taken or sore throat every 2-3 hours.

With temperature

In most cases, with a cold, fever is observed. Thermometer readings can fluctuate quite widely, depending on the type and activity of the pathogen.

There is no need to fight with a temperature of 37. Fever is eliminated with medication only when the thermometer shows more than 38–38.5 ° C.

To eliminate elevated temperature, antipyretic drugs are traditionally used:

  • ibuprofen (Nurofen, Imet, Ibufen);
  • paracetamol (Panadol, Rapidol, Tsefekon D, Efferalgan);
  • nimesulide (Nimesil, Nise, Nimegesic);
  • acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Upsarin Oopsa);
  • complex (Ibuklin).

In case of fever in children, only medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used, which should be alternated. In this case, paracetamol can be taken no more than once every 4 hours, ibuprofen - at 7 hours.

Adults can choose any of the medicines listed above. However, paracetamol or ibuprofen should also be preferred.

If the bones ache and there is severe weakness, it is better for an adult to take nimesulide-based remedies for colds accompanied by fever. Aspirin is rarely used for such purposes today.

If the fever persists for 3 days, it is a sign of a bacterial infection. This necessarily requires an appointment with a doctor.

which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Most of of them:

  • relieve fever;
  • eliminate nasal congestion;
  • contain vitamin C;
  • eliminate body aches, etc.

What to take for colds from cheap medicines?

Inexpensive, simple medicines can be no less effective than their expensive counterparts.

The point is that one and the same active substance is a component of many medicines produced by pharmaceutical companies under different trade names.

So, let's list what medicines to drink for colds so that they give the maximum result and at the same time

  1. When a person feels that the disease is just beginning, you can take such antiviral agents as Remantadin, Amizon, echinacea tincture, propolis tincture.
  2. From the heat effective remedy- paracetamol. For adults, tablets with a dosage of 0.325 mg should be purchased, for children from 3 years old - 0.2 mg.
  3. For sore throat: Septefril, Streptocide, in the form alcohol solution or tablets, Ingalipt spray.
  4. For dry coughs, you can take pills based on thermopsis, marshmallow roots, Ambroxol, Bromhexin, etc. for flu and colds.
  5. From wet effective medicine these are Acetylcysteine, Acestad, Doctor IOM and others.
  6. For a cold you can use vasoconstrictor drops, but not longer than 7 days: Naphtizin, Galazolin, Sanorin, etc.

Can i take a hot bath for colds?

It can be said unambiguously that for elevated temperature body to take hot bath This will lead to a significant deterioration in the condition and an increase in fever.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the body during illness. But, most importantly, to know what to do for these purposes, so as not to harm and not aggravate your own condition.

Is it possible to take a shower with a cold and wash your hair

In case of fever, it is advisable to give up water treatments... You can take a quick shower, but not a contrast shower, and wash your hair when the temperature drops to 37–37.5 ° С.

After that, it is important not to go outside or on the balcony. That's why the best time for bathing - at night.

What tea to drink for a cold

With the onset of a cold, it is very important to increase the amount of fluid consumed per day. This will help cleanse the body of toxins released by microorganisms, improve the patient's condition and accelerate the onset of recovery.

As drinks, you can choose any that suits the sick person's taste: ordinary water, compote, fruit drink, juice, tea, etc. However, you can cook it yourself good medicine by adding to black tea what helps against colds:

  • lemon;
  • sage;
  • Linden blossom;
  • raspberries.


Strongly hot drinks are contraindicated. It can lead to fever, increased inflammation in the throat and other similar undesirable consequences.

It is much better to drink warm drinks, adding any favorite component from the above, or a combination of them.

Is it useful to take a sauna for colds?

With the right approach, a sauna or steam bath - effective medicine from ARI. Under the influence of high temperatures, the following is observed:

  • opening of pores;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • activation of the production of leukocytes;
  • inhalation effect (in the bath).

But such steam procedures are useful only at the very beginning of the development of the disease or after recovery. In such a situation, one can hope for quick treatment, and at best, to a complete halt to the progress of the disease.

V acute period, at elevated temperatures, they can not only provoke a worsening of the condition, but also cause dangerous consequences- myocardial infarction.

Folk remedies

Perhaps, colds, especially those caused by viruses, is one of the few categories of pathologies that can be effectively treated with traditional medicine... As the most effective recipes for what they drink for colds and coughs, you can cite:

A mixture of honey, ginger root and lemon, able to quickly eliminate inflammation and stop the development of the disease. A large lemon is peeled from skin and seeds, cut into slices. They and ginger (300 g) are ground in a meat grinder, add 200 ml of liquid honey.

The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, transferred to a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. You need to eat it in 1 teaspoon, dissolving in a small amount of water or warm tea three times a day.

Mulled wine for a cold to an adult. Pour 200 g of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add cinnamon, anise, cardamom and cloves to taste, leave to infuse. After 10 minutes, a bottle of red wine is poured into the mixture, the zest of one lemon and several apple slices are introduced.

The drink is left to infuse and cool for 30 minutes. As soon as its temperature reaches 40 ° C, 2 tablespoons of honey are added to it.

Viburnum red, with pronounced antiviral properties. 2 tablespoons of berries are ground together with a small amount of sugar in a glass or ceramic container. Transfer to a cup, add some black tea leaves and pour boiling water over it. This drink can be drunk 1-2 times a day.

Cranberry juice. The juice is squeezed out of the berries, and the cake is poured with water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Juice is poured into the resulting broth and sugar is added to taste. Cranberry has antipyretic properties and helps to strengthen the immune system. Morse can be drunk at 100-150 ml twice a day.

Infusions of medicinal plants: chamomile flowers, calendula, yarrow herb, coltsfoot. These herbs exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, so infusions based on them are used for gargling and rinsing the nose. To cook them, 1 tbsp is enough. l. raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist until it cools completely.

Nevertheless, when neglected form diseases or if diagnosed chronic form tonsillitis, etc., traditional medicine recipes can be perceived exclusively as an addition to the main therapy. In this case, treatment can only be done under the supervision of a physician.

What to take to prevent colds and flu?

It is impossible to completely protect ourselves from colds, because we all have daily contact with a huge number of people and are at risk of freezing or getting our feet wet.

Therefore, in order not to get sick in autumn-spring period and not think about what drugs to use for colds and runny nose, you can resort to using products pharmaceutical companies and drink vitamins.

But more rational approach to the problem

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • transition to a healthy balanced diet;
  • daily consumption of fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities;
  • regular hiking in the fresh air.

Drinking tableted vitamin C for the prevention of acute respiratory infections is impractical. It has already been proven that in this form it is absorbed into the blood in minimal quantities that are incapable of exerting any influence on the course of the disease.

It is much more rational to eat fruits and vegetables, which contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, for example, bell pepper, kiwi, citrus fruits, cranberries, sea buckthorn, etc.

How much vitamin C is present in them can be seen in special tables, but, most importantly, from fresh vegetables and fruits, it is much easier and in large volumes is perceived by the body.

(11 estimates, average: 4,55 out of 5)

What to do if you have a cold? Everyone knows that you can catch a cold at any time of the year. It doesn't have to be Cold winter or rainy autumn.

You can pick up viruses anywhere, anytime. Large crowds of people, hypothermia of the body as a whole, drafts, frequent and sudden changes in temperature - all these factors can be the causes of the disease.

Virus infections cannot be predicted. They can lie in wait even around the corner of their own home. What is the right way to treat a cold?

Feeling the first symptoms of a cold, it is important to start treatment on time... If you do it on early dates, then you can prevent serious complications... After all, a running cold can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.

And this further complicates the work of the heart (considerable loads are piled on it) and the whole organism as a whole. Repeatedly running mild forms of the common cold, which then develop into serious forms, are fatal.

You can buy a lot in pharmacies antiviral agents... They come in different purposes and uses. Some need to be taken from the first day of a cold, others - in the future, if it was not possible to overcome the infection immediately.

For the nose, they offer a variety of drops, for a sore throat - syrups, ointments to warm up chest, antipyretic pills and medicines.

But it's worth remembering that you cannot drink medicine for fever if it does not exceed a level of thirty-eight degrees... Only if the thermometer has crossed this border, then you need to act more actively in terms of treatment.

But we do not always have the opportunity to be treated with medication. Sometimes there is simply not enough money for them. After all, foreign, advertised funds cost a lot.

Sometimes their use is not so effective, sometimes they cannot be used (for example, for pregnant women). Then come to the rescue folk remedies... However, it is important to remember that if there is no improvement after a few days, then it is worth seeking help from a doctor.

1) If you have a runny nose during a cold, you should use pharmacy drops... But it is undesirable to use them for more than five days in a row. If there is no improvement, stop using them immediately. Purchased nasal drops kill the olfactory and taste buds.

2) You can treat rhinitis without resorting to the help of pharmaceuticals. Drops can be made at home (recipes - in the article ""), you also need to warm up the nose, make steam inhalation (breathe over boiled potatoes).

A good prevention of a cold is the observance of certain features in the arrangement of the interior. Spread the chunks of onion or garlic around the house. Better cut, then the effect will be more noticeable.

Place a bunch of lavender in a vase, you can use dried one. Drop on a piece of paper essential oil(menthol, sea buckthorn, fir or others) and place in each room.

3) A sore throat and a cough excruciates - these are also signs of a cold. In addition to pharmacy syrups and mixtures, there are other ways to treat throat. Drink plenty of tea, best of all from natural ingredients. Linden, raspberry, sea buckthorn, currant - this is not a complete list.

You can make such tea both from the jam of these berries (take dried inflorescences from linden), and brew the twigs in boiling water (you can also use the leaves, but the effect is weaker). Necessarily add honey to tea... But do not overdo it, because with a dry cough, they cannot be abused. Honey already dries out the respiratory tract.

Also, spare a slice of lemon. If you have a squeak in your throat, then do not overdo it either, the lemon will irritate it even more.

4) Sore throat helps great famous recipe... You need to boil fresh milk, cool a little, add one or two teaspoons of honey and a little butter... Not everyone will like this drink, but it helps perfectly.

5) To warm up the chest, too different ways... You can buy warming ointments and special tinctures at the pharmacy. Or you can warm yourself at home. It is useful to breathe over boiling water, wrapped with a towel around your head. Best of all, if it is a herbal decoction.

Cabbage leaves will help warm up the chest. Boil them and, wrapping them in a scarf, put them on your chest. When the leaves begin to cool, remove the scarf. After such procedures, you need to properly cover yourself with a blanket and sweat. cabbage leaf boiled potatoes can be used in the same way.

7) For colds, it is recommended to take baths. Take a dip in hot enough water before bed. Then immediately hide under the blanket. It is also useful to steam your feet with boiling water, to make special foot baths. You can add some salt and mustard to the water.

Generally mustard is a good helper in the fight against colds... It is used for inhalations, warm legs and chest, put mustard plasters. It has warming properties, which is good for treating colds.

After taking any kind of bath, it is worth going to bed, covering yourself with a warm blanket almost over your head. You can even wear warm socks for more effect. After all, first of all, you need to keep your feet warm.

8) Everyone knows that with a cold you need to drink a lot... Drink more hot tea, juice, fruit drink. Together with the fluid, they leave the body harmful microbes... Tea also has diaphoretic properties. Therefore, if possible, after drinking it, lie down for at least half an hour in a warm bed.

This will sweat and flush the viruses out of your body. But it's important to wrap yourself up completely, from head to toe. And then in childhood, we always put out an arm or a leg. This is not worth doing, the effect will be significantly reduced. It is better to suffer for forty minutes, but you will be cured.

9) In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables... The number one fruit is citrus. Eat them raw, drink freshly squeezed juices, toss whole zest in tea, or rub them. It is also very useful, it also contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, apples, raspberries, kiwi.

Do not be too lazy to stock up on honey in the summer, freeze fresh fruits, dry inflorescences for tea, so that at the right time you have something that can fight a cold. Be healthy and do not get sick!

Runny nose, sore throat, chills and headache- all these are symptoms of acute respiratory infections or flu at the initial stage, having found in yourself that you understand that you are starting to get sick.

But no one even wants to get sick with a common cold, to be isolated in four walls for several days.

What to do in order not to get sick if the first signs of acute respiratory infections are found? What medications do you need to take to stop a runny nose, get rid of a cough, and prevent a cold from developing into a more serious form?

To begin with, before you do anything, you need to accurately determine whether you really get a cold, or is it just a runny nose. Of course, ideally, call a doctor or go to the clinic.

But what if it’s evening, and you returned home and found that you had a runny nose, cough?

The following symptoms also speak about the onset of acute respiratory infections:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Watery profuse discharge from the nasal passages;
  • Headache;
  • Sore throat and discomfort;
  • Chills;
  • Sometimes an increase in body temperature.

It is not necessary, if you get a cold, that the runny nose is accompanied by a temperature. But this does not mean that you can do nothing. Even if the malaise is mild, it is better to take action immediately and suppress the development of the disease at the very beginning.

It is important not to confuse the beginning cold with the usual overwork. If the person is very tired, overworked, or lack of sleep long time, he may have similar symptoms.

In this way, the body signals that it needs rest and puts the person to bed.

What can be done if a cold starts

Simple steps, which are easy to perform at home, will help to avoid complications and not get sick completely.

  1. Wrap your legs warmly. Most often, ARI begins due to hypothermia - the patient wet his feet, froze on a walk or in public transport... As a result - a runny nose, sneezing, coughing. Therefore, when you get home, you need to immediately wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks.
  2. Drink hot tea with raspberries, honey and lemon. Drinking plenty of fluids needed now. If in the first-aid kit there is a pharmacy powder for preparing hot drinks - Coldrex, Rinza, Teraflu and their analogues - it will be just wonderful. The hot liquid containing the vitamins will warm the throat and stop the infection from spreading.
  3. Take additional vitamin C. Now it is very important to support the immune system, and vitamin complexes will help in this. Better to take them all the time. But if this has not been done, then at least at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections, you need to drink ascorbic acid or multivitamins with her high content... This will help the body fight off the infection.

First aid for colds largely depends on the symptoms and general condition of the patient. Highly good effect give hot baths for the feet or even for the whole body. But you can do them only if the temperature has not increased. You can add eucalyptus to the water or essential oil conifers... Then the bath will not only warm, but also have an inhalation effect.

If a foot bath is being made, then mustard powder can be added to the water. After the procedure, in no case should you go outside for at least two hours.

It is advisable to lie under a blanket and drink hot tea with raspberries, lemon, strawberry leaves, or a decoction of chamomile, linden, mint.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a whole range of drugs that can be used both as therapeutic and prophylactic. Their action is aimed at restoring and maintaining natural immunity, which is why they are called immunomodulators.

They are made most often on plant based, therefore, immunomodulatory drugs can be taken for a long period.

It is recommended to start a prophylactic course of admission with the onset of cold weather or at the onset of a flu epidemic. It has been proven that those who regularly take immunomodulators catch colds several times less often and carry the disease much faster and easier.

With their help, you can cure a runny nose and cough at the initial stage, get rid of headaches and fever.

What drugs should be purchased at the pharmacy to suppress the onset of a cold? It:

  • Aflubin in drops or tablets - homeopathic medicine strengthening the body's defenses;
  • Amizon or Arbidol - stronger immunostimulating agents with which you can cope with a viral infection;
  • Echinacea tincture is pharmacy remedy works slowly but is also very helpful in boosting immunity during the cold and flu season.

Before starting the course of treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor or at least carefully study the instructions for use. Each of them has its own contraindications, some components can cause allergic reaction, therefore, you always need to be careful and not recklessly take all the drugs that are advertised or advised by friends.

In fact, among the people there are many recipes for starting a cold, with which you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

Some of them are quite unexpected. Everyone knows that you need to drink a lot, preferably a warm and sour drink. Most patients know that for colds, mustard plasters should be put and legs soared.

But there is one more recommendation on how not to get sick and quickly recover if the infection nevertheless overtakes. You need to sneeze. Sneezing is a protective reflex of the body, with its help it pushes out viruses from the body that have penetrated the nasopharynx. Therefore, if the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections appear, you need to sneeze as much and often as possible.

Sneezing can be triggered in the following ways:

  1. Irritation of the nasal mucosa cotton swab... But it is important not to overdo it and not to injure the mucous membrane.
  2. Kalanchoe juice. it indoor plant originally from Africa, the juice of which is used for instillation in the nose with a cold. The juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, in addition, some substances in the Kalanchoe are able to neutralize viruses and bacteria. You cannot bury pure juice, it must be diluted with water.
  3. Snuff. Sniffing tobacco is considered bad habit... But in this case such a procedure will be beneficial. If there is no tobacco, you can sniff allspice from time to time. The main thing is to induce intense sneezing.

Another method of strengthening immunity and eliminating viral infection- massage. Some doctors recommend rubbing your hands and feet at the first sign of a cold. Pressing on certain points allows you to get rid of high temperature and headaches.

Head and face massage is also practiced. To do this, using the pressure method, you need to find the most painful points on the head and gently massage them for 4-5 minutes several times a day. Usually sensitive to colds occipital protuberances, whiskey, brow ridges.

If, despite all the measures taken, the symptoms did not go away after 2-3 days, but, on the contrary, intensified, you should consult a doctor and proceed to more serious treatment. The video in this article will tell you what to do at the first sign of a cold.


What to do if you feel that you are sick?


Oksana Tryn

drink vitamins, some teraflu, warm socks, lemon honey milk

Vika Maslyanova

Indeed, if you feel sick, go to the Pharmacy. Say what hurts, ask for pills: Vitamins, teraflu, perhaps, if your throat hurts - Strepsils.

Arina Tkachenko

If you have a cold, then close all the vents (from the draft), tea with honey and lemon. Drink plenty of water, preferably lukewarm. Also, dark chocolate for coughs helps. If the temperature, then it cannot be brought down. Because the body is simply fighting the disease. But if it becomes higher than 38, then it is already necessary to subtract it. Also just lie down and sleep. You need to lie under a warm blanket. so that the body is steamed. Be sure to keep your neck and legs warm, just a must. Exclude TV, computer and telephone. For a long time I watched how it would be cured in one day in the first stages, it helped me.


The most effective thing is to eat a whole lemon at a time (you can with sugar) with tea and wash it down. This amount of vitamin C at a time will drive away your colds. Together with this, you can honey, which is also a good antiseptic

Nadezhda Sorokina

Measure the temperature and if normal, nothing needs to be done. When you become above 38, you can take any antipyretic medicine and lie down in a cradle, just lie down for a day and everything will pass.

Antonina Kalinina

It is best to drink ginger tea. Mix grated ginger, honey, lemon in a separate bowl, preferably in a jar. Do not touch the mixture for one day. Then there is a teaspoon a day. Add honey to tea to taste, my granddaughter is allergic to it, but with honey it is more effective, you choose)

I get a cold. Sore throat. What can you do to get rid of a cold already at this initial stage?


Anna nefier

Take antiviral drugs like Ingavirin, Orbidol and drink chamomile tea with honey)

Miranda Vetrova

Buy TONZILGON drops. Drop 25 drops into a tablespoon and keep in your mouth until they dissolve. Minutes 2. Then you can swallow the remains. Every 4 hours. 6 times a day.

Nina Antiptseva

Gargle with a mild saline solution.

ewgeny gasnikov

There are 2 options.
1.If there is no sore throat, in the presence of other symptoms of the flu (cold), that is
the disease has not yet penetrated deep into the body: then, it follows: for 1 glass of hot milk (not necessarily, boiled (not everyone likes the taste of boiled milk)), take a pinch:
-ground black pepper
- red ground pepper
- ginger (dry, ground)
-cardamom (dry, ground)
1 teaspoon each:
- butter (10 gr).
Drink such a prepared composition in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up and do the same. Usually, after 2-3 hours, after taking the second glass, all symptoms of the disease disappear.
2. If, to all the symptoms, an i-sore throat (when swallowing) has been added, that is, YOU have overslept the onset of the disease, allowing it to penetrate deep into the body, you should:
just replace 1 component of the composition: instead of cardamom, lay turmeric (dry,
ground, which is a natural antibiotic, BUT, 4-5 glasses should be drunk, in 2 days. When using the second composition, there is an increase in internal heat (not temperature, but rather sensations). And a quick cure-with bed rest (2 days and-like a cucumber). All ingredients are natural. Doctors and modern medicine, for 350 years of existence, unfortunately, they have not learned how to treat a cold, or an acute respiratory infection, or an acute respiratory viral infection, or a flu, and therefore they say: if a cold is treated, it goes away in a week, and if it is not treated, in 7 days.

Ivanova Anna

Tea with ginger, aqualor in the nose and viferon candles help me, and I also usually use tantum verde, a throat spray. like this in a couple of days everything goes away, I limit myself to a runny nose, a maximum of a sore throat.

Tamara Ilyicheva

treatment d. b. symptomatic, gargling, anti-inflammatory, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it and not buy any advertised rubbish :)

With a cold, ears hurt: how to treat complications at home

Often, patients complain of a symptom such as ear pain with a cold. The symptoms of a cold are very unpleasant in themselves - they are a runny nose, cough, headaches, weakness and fever.

And if a cold in the ear also joins them, the person suffers doubly.

In such cases, you need to know what to do at home if the ear hurts very badly, especially in a child.

Take off local symptoms not enough - it is imperative to treat the root cause, and this, as a rule, is the influenza virus or colds caused by hypothermia.

Why do ears hurt with a cold? Sometimes this is a complication of a runny nose, but the ear can hurt on its own, due to inflammation inside the ear canal. Ear colds can also occur as a complication after others serious illnesses, proceeding in a severe form.

The most common causes of ear pain are as follows:

  • Otitis media with purulent discharge;
  • Chronic runny nose;
  • Inflammation of the middle ear;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Angina.

Treatment of all these diseases is possible at home. But you need to treat not only pain, but also the reasons that caused them.

What to do if your ear gets blocked

Often with a strong prolonged runny nose symptoms such as ear congestion, noise in the ear occur. This is a signal that the ear is also affected. inflammatory process and it's time to start treating him. Eliminate unpleasant symptoms you can, if you do such a simple exercise: take a deep breath, and then exhale with effort, closing your mouth.

The ear hurts and clogs up if the pressure in the Eustachian tube is disturbed. To bring it back to normal, you need to make such movements with your jaws, as if you were chewing on solid food or yawning widely. You can get rid of discomfort in the ear at home by inflating balloons.

If the ear hurts very badly, treatment with various folk remedies... For example, you can do the heating with salt. To do this, coarse salt is poured into the pan and warmed up on the stove or in the oven. After that, the salt should be poured into a linen bag and applied to the sore ear. In this way, you can also treat a runny nose.

Also at home sore ear can be treated with camphor or thuja oil. These substances need to be instilled into the ear several times a day. It should be understood that treatment with folk remedies may not give an effect when acute inflammation ear and even harm.

Therefore, if the condition worsens and the pain persists, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Medication for ear pain

All appointments for pain in the ear should be done only by a doctor, especially if it is a complication after a runny nose or sore throat. If the pain is very severe, and the doctor is temporarily unavailable, you can purchase the following remedies at the pharmacy:

  1. Otinum drops. They are prescribed for complications after flu or tonsillitis, otitis media and myringitis. The main active ingredient of the drug is choline salicylate. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, relieves inflammation. You need to bury three drops every six hours. If the pain persists after a seven-day course of treatment, you need to choose another method of treatment.
  2. Otipax. This drug is used to treat all types and forms of otitis media, including those that have arisen after the flu or cold. The drops have antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Contraindications to the use of this medicinal product absent, it can be used to treat children infancy... You need to bury five drops of the drug in a sore ear twice a day.
  3. Sofradex. This remedy is available in the form of drops or ointments. Destroys microorganisms and effectively removes pain in the ear. Sofradex has a number of contraindications, therefore, it is prescribed only after the cause of the pain in the ear has been precisely established. The course of treatment should not exceed seven days.

If the ear hurts in pregnant women or children, without a doctor's recommendation use medications not recommended - it is safer to use traditional medicine recipes.

Do you need antibiotics for ear inflammation?

Antibiotics are drugs that quickly destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time those bacteria that are needed in human body for the implementation of some metabolic processes. However, with purulent otitis media you can't do without them.

If the above means and recipes are not effective, there is no choice but to resort to antibiotic therapy. The indications are severe pain in the ear, fever, purulent discharge... No other medicine will help in this case. Antibiotics are also needed if a cold without fever begins.

Pain may diminish and disappear completely if pus runs out of the ear. But this does not mean that the disease has passed. On the contrary, it's time to start intensive treatment antibiotics to avoid hospitalization and complications. A bit more useful information See the video in this article on ear pain during a cold.

Insidious ARVI lies in wait for us literally at every step, especially in the off-season. And if the virus has already entered the body, it cannot be stopped, but it is possible and even necessary to alleviate the condition. We will tell you how to cure a cold and strengthen the immune system.

Take vitamins

Zinc and Vitamin C are important for immune system person, so make sure you get enough of them. Zinc is found in whole grains and milk, while vitamin C is found in oranges, strawberries, and pineapples. You can also take these substances in tablets.

Get more rest

Try to comply bed rest to the maximum and go to bed as early as possible to get the optimal amount of sleep per night.

“The immune system needs rest to regenerate,” explains Dr. Ian Tong. "Good sleep will help maintain a healthy immune system."

Put off sports

Sports are key to staying healthy, of course, but when you have a cold, it's best to postpone your workouts.

“If you are an avid athlete, then replace intense exercise easy walks until you feel better, ”says the doctor.

Do not be nervous

The mental state, according to experts, affects physical health... And stress can wreak havoc on the immune system. Simple anti-stress tools can help you stay calm.

Drink more water

Water is vital for the functioning of the immune system. Since the body loses water during a cold, the reserves must be constantly replenished. But remember: you should drink water, fruit drinks or juices. No caffeine or alcohol.

Don't give up food

Even if you have no appetite, try to eat as often as possible.

“Illness is work. The body burns a lot of calories while fighting disease, therefore it is necessary to provide it enough fuel to win, ”stresses Dr. Tong.

Save your energy

Yes, no meetings with friends and family activities - just a relaxing home holiday.

“Allow yourself to rest and recover. Save energy for your body - it needs it to recover, ”the doctor comments.

Don't go to work

Do not freeze

If you get cold, the body loses precious energy, which, as we have already found out, is very important for a speedy recovery.

Practice good hygiene

Wash your hands often and correctly: at least 20 seconds warm water and soap. If you don't have access to a sink and soap, use a disinfectant.

See your doctor if you feel bad

If you experience symptoms very similar to those of the flu (fever, chills, or severe tiredness), then do not delay calling a doctor. It is very important to start treatment for the flu within 48 hours after it develops.

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