Top 10 games with beautiful graphics. TOP games with good graphics for Android

Months of persuasion and daily savings on school lunches throughout the year finally bore fruit - your parents bought you a monstrous computer system capable of clicking “Crises” like nuts. Naturally, you immediately turned up the graphics settings in Minecraft to maximum and fell out of your chair in surprise. The changes were so unnoticeable compared to the minimal settings...

But how can you not show your friends from the next door the square faces of the main characters and the sprite jungle with greetings from the nineties? I want to show them a picture so realistic that they will choke on their own drool. And then we appear on a white horse with a list of the most beautiful games for PC. Install them on your beast and enjoy the envy of your school friends.

Now you can expand the list, but for now we’ve jumped off to compile a rating of the most soulful gaming projects for those who are ready to put up with even pixel graphics, as long as the game has that same atmosphere.

11. Crisis

  • Developer Studio: Crytek
  • Engine: CryEngine 2
  • Release date: November 2007

A real legend among schoolchildren of the mid-2000s (the current generation of students is already praying for Crysis 3) and the main counter-argument for PC boyars when arguing with console players. The fact is that this project is a PC-exclusive (we are talking about the original project, since the game was released on consoles with a different engine) and even after 9 years it looks like a cucumber. Clear textures, divine sun rays, incredible detail - all this creates a beautiful picture, which, however, has become a little outdated over the years, which is why Crysis did not make it to the top of our rating.

If you were born after the release of this game, but consider yourself a true follower of Vanomas, then completing Crysis should be at the top of your priority list for the coming weekend. Even though many people criticize it for its boring gameplay, ill-conceived balance and banal plot, it doesn’t matter, because where else can you pick up a highly detailed turtle and throw it into the azure waters of the ocean?

10. Battlefield 4

  • Development studio: DICE
  • Engine: Frostbite 3
  • Release date: October 2013

For a long time, the Battlefield series was revered by millions of schoolchildren around the world for its graphic perfection, and the fourth part is no exception to the rule. This tradition will certainly be continued by Battlefield 1. So, what can this multiplayer shooter offer us? Large-scale battles involving several dozen soldiers and units of equipment, an advanced destruction system, high-quality textures and great amount bugs At the time of release, the game was almost unplayable, and the frame rate rarely exceeded 30fps even on the most powerful gaming systems. True, today most of these errors have been eliminated.

Battlefield 4's system requirements still look pretty daunting, and there's a good reason for that. The fact is that it has such an option as a resolution scale, which allows you to increase the clarity of all textures in the game. Naturally, it “eats” a huge amount of resources, but at the same time it allows the project to demonstrate an excellent picture.

9. Far Cry: Primal

  • Development studio: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Engine: Dunia Engine 2
  • Release date: March 2016

Although in the new part of Far Cry we have to play as a caveman, modern hardware is required to run it at maximum settings. The game boasts good lighting, detailed environments and clear textures. In addition, Far Cry: Primal on PC uses Newest technologies Nvidia, capable of plunging even “top” video cards into a swamp with low fps.

Otherwise, this project is a classic conveyor product with a minimum of innovations and a maximum of borrowings. Even the original setting is not able to dispel the boredom of tedious collecting flowers and killing cute saber-toothed cats with believable fur (thanks again to Nvidia). But you can see in detail the evil faces of the Neanderthals. Why not exotic?

8. Just Cause 3

  • Developer Studio: Avalanche Studios
  • Engine: Avalanche Engine
  • Release date: November 2015

Dictators beware! Rico Rodriguez is back on the hunt. This time he decided to go to his homeland - the fictional Medici Island - to deal with another tyrant who dreams of world domination. Just Cause 3 is worth buying for those players who adore vast spaces and tropical landscapes. The area of ​​the game world here is almost 1000 square kilometers, and the lighting and visual effects are so good that, at times, it feels as if the hero is in real paradise. At least, it seems so, until the realization comes that every resident of the island wants to send the protagonist to the next world.

Another advantage of the game is its very advanced physics, which allows you to destroy large objects and launch opponents into the air, tying them to gas cylinders. True, the realism here is a little difficult - you understand this when the main character, as if nothing had happened, jumps from one jet plane to another right in the air, and then attaches it to a helicopter and arranges a cheerful aerial carousel.

7. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

  • Development studio: Ubisoft Quebec
  • Engine: AnvilNext
  • Release date: November 2015

In the middle of the 19th century in Great Britain, things were not very good for workers - they had to work 12 hours in a factory to earn money for food. Now those who want to buy a computer capable of running Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate at maximum settings have to work for so many hours. It tells a lot interesting story about the Fry twins, who are trying to put together a gang of ordinary London workers in order to throw the elite, who are also Templars, from their homes.

In addition to a good plot, there is the classic gameplay of the series and good visuals that immerse players in the atmosphere of Victorian London. High resolution textures, good game light and shadow, excellent animation of movements - allow you to believe in what is happening on the screen and truly empathize with the main characters. In addition, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate on PC got rid of all the software “sores” that plagued the previous part.

6. Rise of the Tomb Raider

  • Developer studio: Crystal Dynamics
  • Engine: Foundation
  • Release date: January 2016

What can Lara Croft fans expect from the developers of the next games featuring new adventures of the Tomb Raider? Exciting gameplay? Original locations to explore? Abstruse puzzles and complex riddles? Of course not - everyone is waiting for a better model of the main character, and Crystal Dynamics did not disappoint the fans. In the PC version of Rise of the Tomb The 2016 Raider features the most detailed model of Lara in the series' history. Just look at these rounded shapes of magnificent natural landscapes. Where else can you see such beauty?

The only pity is that PC users had to wait several months before the game appeared on computers. Let's hope that the next part will be released on all platforms at once and will delight players with even better “landscapes”.

5. Metro: Last Light Redux

  • Development studio: 4A Games
  • Engine: 4A
  • Release date: August 2014

The first Crysis was considered the most graphically advanced and hardware-intensive game for several years until the release of Metro 2033, which amazed many with its perfectly simulated subway and beautiful lighting. Metro: Last Light Redux is the latest installment in the series and continues its tradition by pushing players' systems to the max and presenting them with incredibly realistic locations. All thanks to the use of geometric tessellation, volumetric fog, advanced PhysX, clear textures and complex smoke effects.

However, in open locations this game still loses to the other heavyweights in the rating, which is why it is only in 5th place.

4. Crysis 3

  • Developer Studio: Crytek
  • Engine: CryEngine 3
  • Release date: February 2013

If the original Crysis blew everyone's minds with its mind-blowing graphics at that time, then the second part looked like a poorly made console port. Adherents of the PC cult accused the developers of all mortal sins and promised them a separate cauldron in Hell. Crytek got scared of the enraged occultists and released another game that melted any video card at the moment of its launch. Even now, running Crysis 3 on ultra settings requires an expensive graphics accelerator.

What can surprise the third part of the seasoned PC boyars? Firstly, a huge number of heavy visual effects and believable physics. Secondly, using tessellation. Thirdly, the use of high-resolution textures. All this still produces a wonderful picture, which is why Crysis 3 took such a high position on our list.

3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  • Developer studio: CD Projekt RED
  • Engine: REDengine 3
  • Release date: May 2015

Who would have thought that the Poles are masters not only in pickling cucumbers, but also in creating large-budget role-playing projects. A striking example of this is The Witcher series. The second part could well have made it into our rating if the third had not existed, since even it shows an excellent picture, although it was released about 5 years ago. As for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it may be inferior in terms of realistic graphics to Star Wars: Battlefront or Crysis 3, but in terms of atmosphere it is much ahead of them.

There is an incredible feeling when you stand in the middle of the clearing blossoming apple trees and you see in the distance the white caps of mighty mountains, which are not ordinary decorations, but are real objects that you can reach on your own two feet. Plus, don’t forget about mods for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which can significantly improve the lighting and quality of textures in the game.

2. Star War: Battlefront

  • Development studio: EA DICE
  • Engine: Frostbite 3
  • Release date: November 2015

Photorealistic images, spectacular shootouts, as well as familiar scenery and characters - what else do Star Wars fans need to be happy? Oh yes, the presence of a single-player campaign, the absence of paid DLC, the total cost of which exceeds the price of the game itself, the presence of a larger number of planets, vehicles, characters, maps and other game elements... However, we digress from the topic, because in terms of graphics, Star Wars: Battlefront on PC is incomparable, which is why it is one of the three most beautiful games.

The forests of Endor amaze with their dense vegetation and tall trees, the rocky surfaces of Tatooine look as if they came out of the photographs of a professional photographer, and the wastelands of Sallost, covered with lava veins, are just asking to be put on your desktop as wallpaper. But most importantly, you don’t have to have a super-powerful “machine” to enjoy all these beauties, because the developers managed to perfectly optimize their game. However, Titan owners should not be upset about this, because they can always turn up the resolution scale to 200 percent and see even the smallest grains of sand on the ground.

1. ?

There is no first place. Why is that? It's simple - most TOPs are a subjective assessment of one person trying to present his point of view as objectively as possible. However, the first place should represent a kind of ideal, and, as you know, even the sun has spots. Therefore, each player’s rating will always be topped by his own game. In some cases it may coincide with the author's choice, but in others it may not. For example, I personally would place Gothic 3 at the top, which at one time amazed me graphically more than Crysis. It was quite difficult to get used to the fact that only a year ago we saw characters with shovel hands in games (hello GTA: San Andreas), and a few months later we were walking through the beautiful forests of Myrtana. Which game would you put in first place?

We remembered ten games of all time from best graphics. Some of them may not be impressive today, but in their time they were real visual Everests.

Myst (1993)

Released in 1993, Myst is one of the few games of its time to be released on CD. The media turned out to be jam-packed with stunning landscapes, atmospheric sound and real video. By the way, Myst is still one of the most popular games of all times.

Crysis (2007)

The first part of Crysis still impresses with its graphics. We are, of course, talking about the PC version. In 2007, there was no computer capable of running this game at maximum settings. Yes and later long years System performance was assessed precisely by the ability to cope with Crysis graphics.

Shenmue (1999)

Back when most played on the aging PlayStation One, Shenmue felt like something from another universe - a game with incredible attention to detail, a grandiose living city concept and, of course, eye-popping graphics. Still looks good, even after almost two decades.

BioShock Infinite (2013)

Grandiose not from the point of view of technical execution, BioShock Infinite is precisely a design masterpiece, a triumph of virtual architecture and bright color palette. Well, the character models (especially one specific one) are top five.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

Stunning in its beauty, the Witcher universe number three, even after several years, seems like a role-playing pinnacle, a visual masterpiece, and indeed a masterpiece, no matter how you look at it. And what sunsets and sunrises there are here, you instantly want to pack your things and move to the magic kingdom.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)

In 2002, there was no role-playing game more beautiful than Morrowind. Gorgeous water, pretty mountains, picturesque skies (especially at night), grandiose cities; Yes, today it is somewhat outdated, but it is still full of charm.

Forza Horizon 3 (2016)

Of course, this is the most beautiful console and computer race today. Cute car models, magnificent and varied landscapes, special effects worthy of the best Hollywood blockbusters.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013)

Despite the age and generational change (the transition from PS3/Xbox 360 to PC/PS4/Xbox One), Grand Theft Auto V still manages to surprise and delight. The most vibrant of all cities in similar games The open world and attention to detail make GTA V a true technological work of art.

Final Fantasy XV (2016)

Final Fantasy XV may not have wowed fans of the series with its outstanding story, but it certainly was a showcase of what's possible modern technologies. In addition, Square Enix managed to create a huge, almost seamless world with a wide variety of landscapes. If the game comes out on PC, it could very well become a new testing ground for powerful computers.

Uncharted 4 (2016)

An exclusive project for PlayStation 4 with a huge budget, thanks to which the developers managed to recreate landscapes that would be the envy of reality itself. In Uncharted 4 you can literally dive into the clear waters of the Maldivian beaches. The sensations are similar.

22.11.2018 Pavel Makarov

At the dawn of the gaming industry, gamers were amazed by the beautiful graphics in games such as Half Life, Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. At the time of their release, these games were among the most technically advanced. But time does not stand still, and playing now hits of past years no longer has that admiration. The development of graphics in games was significantly influenced by DirectX technology - an API used to create games for the operating system. Windows systems. Starting with DirectX 8.0, shader support appeared. Simply put, the creation of beautiful realistic pictures with visual effects was now handled by the video card processor instead of the central processor. Thanks to this technology we have realistic graphics in modern games Oh.

In this review, we invite you to get acquainted with the list of the best games in our opinion with beautiful graphics for the PC platform.

Release date: 2017
Genre: cooperative Sci-Fi first-person shooter
Developer: Bungie
Publisher: Activision

Multiplayer shooter Destiny 2 is a direct continuation of the first part. The plot takes place in the future, where humanity is attacked by the Red Legion. People have to return their last stronghold in order to get back on their feet and defeat the enemy. A new race of humanoids was introduced into the game, and a lot of exotic equipment was added. The gameplay has been improved compared to the first part, but is still based on the same game mechanics.

In the second part, the player receives greater freedom of choice, interesting events and the opportunity to better develop his game character.

Release date: 2018
Genre: multiplayer military first-person shooter
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision

The shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 became the fifteenth in the entire franchise and the fifth in the subseries. The game is played in solo mission mode, revealing the stories of characters introduced earlier in the series. Story missions take place in the time interval between the first and second parts of the subseries. The order of missions is chronological, the game is designed to complement previous shooters.

The game introduced a new Blackout mode, in which you can gather up to 100 players in one arena, and also preserved the traditional zombie mods loved by fans of the entire franchise.

Release date: 2016
Genre: multiplayer first-person shooter about the First World War
Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts

The shooter Battlefield 1 is already the fourteenth in the line of games. This part is based on the events of the First World War, which is why the title is supplemented with the number “1”. The multiplayer mode for the game has been improved, and the graphics have been updated: it has become more cinematic, which has a positive effect on immersion in the gameplay. The plot is divided into several parts, each taking place during different years of the war.

The main focus is playing in multiplayer mode; multiplayer gathers up to 64 players on one field.

Release date: 2015
Genre: action game in an open world with cool graphics
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Take-Two Interactive

An open-world action game with multiplayer, Grand Theft Auto V is the fifth installment in the now legendary gangster franchise. The action takes place in San Andreas, the plot revolves around several robbers and their development in the criminal world. The player will have to complete different missions, both within the plot and outside of it. You can move freely around the city, causing trouble for yourself and dangerous situations on one's own.

The fifth GTA was the first in the series, where in the center of events there were three playable characters at once, and not just one key one.

Release date: 2015
Genre: RPG with an open world and cool graphics
Developer: CD Projekt RED
Publisher: CD Projekt RED

The fantasy role-playing game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” is a direct plot continuation of the “Witcher” series. The player is waiting for new adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a gloomy undead hunter. This is the final part of the trilogy, which has an open world with huge unexplored territories. The storyline includes a huge number of tasks, and there are also many side tasks.

The action of the entire game series takes place after the completion of the plot of the books, so even for fans of the Witcher Geralt the story will seem new.

Release date: 2015
Genre: MMORPG with an open world in the style of Medieval fantasy
Developer: Pearl Abyss
Publisher: Pearl Abyss

MMORPG Black Desert is a South Korean multiplayer action game based on the free-to-play system. In terms of atmosphere, the game is based on the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The game features dynamic changes in both weather conditions and time of day for different game regions. The RPG is filled with characters from fantasy races; there is a unique character designer that allows you to create your own original hero.

There is no maximum level, you can pump up indefinitely. Travel between locations is carried out using animals and vehicles.

Release date: 2018
Genre: racing simulator with street racing elements
Developer: Ivory Tower
Publisher: Ubisoft

The Crew™ 2 is an open world racing game. You can compete in speed on different types transport in the USA: cars, motorcycles, motor boats and even airplanes. The playing area is dynamic, there are no restrictions for racers - only scope for competition in different weather conditions, from simple to extremely difficult driving. You can become a master in several types of racing sports at once.

The game is multiplayer, so you can compete not only with NPC racers, but also with your friends or random people.

Release date: 2018
Genre: action in the open world of the American outback
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft

First-person shooter Far Cry 5 is a story-based action game from Ubisoft with co-op. This is the fifth main game in the entire franchise, and is not plot-related to the others. The plot this time takes the player to the modern USA. Here in Hope County, the local police department clashes with the Eden's Gate religious cult.

The game has an open world that you can freely explore. The character editor allows you to create your own unique hero with different colors skin, gender and age.

Release date: 2018
Genre: Open world RPG about Ancient Greece
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft

The action-adventure game Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the eleventh game in the franchise. The events of this part of the game take place in Ancient Rome, during the Peloponnesian War. There are two main characters - Kassandra and Alexios. They are the descendants of King Leonidas himself, the player can choose one of them as his main character.

It will be impossible to switch between heroes; the choice will need to be made once, at the very beginning of the game story. The emphasis is on the role-playing format, which distinguishes the game from previous parts.

Release date: 2018
Genre: single-player first-person shooter about a nuclear post-apocalypse in Russia
Developer: 4A Games
Publisher: THQ

The game Metro 2033, based on the books by Dmitry Glukhovsky, is made in the genres of survival and horror. The main character of the plot is Artyom; together with his companion Melnik, he gets out of Metro-2 to the surface, to post-apocalyptic Moscow. On the surface, the heroes will meet both allies and mutants, ready to destroy them at any moment.

The player has the opportunity to open one of two possible endings - the canonical book ending and an alternative one, written specifically for the adventure game.

Release date: 2015
Genre: action RPG with an open world about a zombie apocalypse
Developer: Techland
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Survival action game Dying Light is developed by the Polish studio Techland. The plot takes the player to a fictional metropolis in the Middle East. The city is overrun by zombies, the main character is a secret agent infiltrating its territory. He joins the surviving inhabitants of the city and together with them fights and runs away from monsters. The use of parkour elements in urban environments is one of the main features of horror gameplay.

The world is open, the player can move freely around the metropolis, taking into account that not only zombies, but also survivors can become opponents for the hero.


Release date: 2017
Genre: single-player Sci-Fi shooter from the first one in Immersive sim style
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Arkane Studios Austin

Ideologically, the game Prey, released in 2017, is related to the game of the same name, which was released in 2006. But it is not its direct continuation. The plot will take us into space, to the Talos-1 station, located in Earth orbit. The main character is Morgan Yu, a loner who finds himself on a station captured by aliens. He will have to, relying only on his own strength and capabilities, to escape from the monsters.

The game is presented in Metroidvania format, there is no open world - sections of the station open as the character explores them.

Release date: 2016
Genre: multiplayer shooter in a post-apocalyptic setting
Developer: Ubisoft Massive
Publisher: Ubisoft

Tom Clancy's The Division is a multi-platform TPS that gave rise to a whole trilogy of shooters. In the story, American scientists, in collaboration with politicians, launch the “Dark Winter” project - a simulation of survival against a biological threat. On Black Friday in 2012, the real infection begins. A biological attack wipes out a huge swath of the US population in a matter of days.

The player will have to fight against people infected with the virus, hold on to the preservation of society, and also find out what caused the biological attack.

Release date: 2015
Genre: action in an open prehistoric world with RPG elements
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft

The action game Far Cry Primal is an open world game that is part of the overall Far Cry series. But it differs from the other games in the franchise in terms of its setting. The player is transported to primitive times, set 10,000 years before our era. The key character is a hunter named Takar, whose tribe was almost completely destroyed.

The hero travels through a fictional prehistoric country to avenge his loved ones and relatives. Not only people, but also dangerous animals of the Stone Age become his enemies.


Release date: 2016
Genre: first-person shooter about the invasion of demons
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

The DOOM shooter is known to every gamer who hasn't played with a desktop computer since childhood. The main character of the modern part of the legendary action game is a fighter from the DOOM unit, sent on a mission to Mars. This mission is as simple and dangerous as possible - the military will have to destroy the demons that have infested space station. He is humanity's only hope for survival.

Only this character is capable of dealing with the demonic legion with his own hands. The player will find a huge arsenal of weapons and many opportunities for senseless and merciless destruction of the enemy.

In addition to our list best games with beautiful graphics on a PC, we invite you to watch other similar projects in this video review.

Quality developers mobile applications is becoming more and more, and the gameplay is fascinating, if only because new graphics engines are often used. 3D games for modern smartphones are offered to consumers in a wide range, but would you like to know which projects are considered the most successful? In order not to pull the cat by the tail, let’s begin our educational journey.

TOP 10 3D games on Android 2014:

10. – now not only on PC! Keep your watchful eye on alert, because you remember how literally 5-6 years ago “Jedi Academy” took away several hours a day. The passage was quite difficult, and then additional control buttons appeared directly on the sensor. But never mind, true Star Wars connoisseurs will have something to rejoice at. First, you should undergo a little training in order to set off “free swimming” fully prepared. Anyone who can afford a gamepad will be truly lucky.

9. - We fight on “Eden 2”. The fictional planet of Eden 2, where our main character will reside, is full of hostile installations and living creatures. The player's task will be to deal with all opponents. Of course, you can use vehicles, and also get a more advanced machine gun. There can be no talk about performance - Tegra 3 has undergone many tests under the guidance of specialists. The processors do an excellent job with vibrant gameplay and clear graphics.

8. . Are you afraid of zombies? Mutation at every turn - this is the new motto of the USA based on the game Left 4 Dead 2. There are zombies everywhere, who every now and then strive to tear off the skin from healthy person. The state did not leave its people to die, and announced an evacuation. However, someone still failed to escape. After downloading the game on Google Play, you will have to control four heroes who are immune from infection. The main thing is to survive.

7. – Unreal Technology is on top again! It’s so nice when manufacturers of modern games try to use all the power of the engine in order to immerse the player into the plot as deeply as possible. The epic spirit in the game Wild Blood can be felt from the first minutes. The main character, aka Sir Lancelot, must fight the evil spirits released into our world by the will of King Arthur. There is also a love backstory - Queen Guinevere, dear to Lancelot, was kidnapped, and now we need to do our best to restore justice.

6. . The next place is occupied by Puss in Boots, which exalted the freshness of the beloved Fruit Ninja. There are more different levels to choose from, and if cutting fruits in the standard version is boring, Puss in Boots for Android is waiting for you.

5. . Gameloft uses all its capabilities to provide the player with a clear picture. Modern Combat 4 will not make you bored. Numerous shootouts, adrenaline, a sea of ​​weapons and grenades! Half of it is already ready, read on and find out the coolest topics!

4., without racing - nowhere. Asphalt has always been the best representative this genre, but such opportunities as a 360 degree revolution and the opportunity to visit the most beautiful countries world make the new 8th part of the game an honorary winner for 4th place in our ranking.

3. Vanguard Alliance - the top three 3D games open with a new part of the shooter with dynamic gameplay. Now you can choose more military equipment and use cars. Online game requires dexterity and quick thinking, and there are 10 consecutive levels to choose from.

2. - More freedom, more shootouts and missions, more realism and plot - all this is Gangstar Vegas. The main character, who took part in the battles, crossed the path of local authorities. Now his entire fate is in your hands.

1. . Finally, the leader of this category is another shooter that is not going to leave modern smartphones. According to the manufacturers, the graphics will be indescribable, because the latest Havok engine was introduced during development. There's a lot at stake for him. 8 game modes, the possibility of online battles and excellent graphics - just Counter Strike in a new guise on a smartphone.

Well, ours has come to an end. We hope that at this point you have already tried all of the above applications, and you are probably satisfied. We advise you not to take your eyes off the other TOPs presented by us. We wish you and your Android devices good luck.

Every year mobile devices become more powerful, but in reality there are not many worthwhile applications that take advantage of all this power. Manufacturers of mobile devices are forced to follow progress, but companies producing games do not have time to raise their popular series to new level. In this collection I will try to tell you about the most worthwhile games with good graphics for Android.

Asphalt 8

Despite the fact that the game will soon be 2 years old, it still looks “appetizing”. And thanks frequent updates The arcade racing simulator Asphalt 8 is still fun to play - new tracks and cars are added from time to time. The downside is complete absence plot and physics, but if you like beautiful races in expensive cars, then you should definitely download this game.

A full-fledged MOBA game, Vainglory also has beautiful and detailed graphics. It is worth saying that not only the graphics are good here, but also the gameplay, which completely copies that of PC games of a similar genre. You will have to fight with a team of three people against other similar players and try to improve your hero in order to capture the enemy crystal. I would like to note that championships are already being held for this game, and there are guides on YouTube. All the action, of course, takes place online.

Once again, Gameloft pleases us with top-end graphics, but this time in a first-person shooter. Here you will have to complete missions, upgrade your hero and his weapons, or, if you are tired of all this, play online with real players around the world, choosing a character from several classes. I would also like to note good system interaction with other players: for example, here you can help an ally climb onto a hill or heal him. Unfortunately, even if you come to play the campaign, you will have to be connected to the Internet.

The realism of Real Racing 3 makes you forget that you are holding a mobile device in your hands. PC-level graphics, realistic physics, a huge fleet of vehicles - you will find all this in RR3. Reflections are visible in the mirrors, the glare of the sun blinds the driver, tire tracks remain on the road, and in a collision during a race, every car can be broken. There is also well-executed multiplayer and convenient controls.

Unreal Engine gives us good graphics on all platforms and Android is no exception. You will play as well-developed boxers from different countries. The controls here are very convenient, but not too simple, which makes it interesting to play. The graphics allow you to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere, and the realistic sound only helps this.

By downloading Implosion - Never Lose Hope, you will get not only wonderful graphics, but also console gameplay. After the defeat of humanity in an interplanetary war, a group of people still decides to revive planet Earth, but everything depends on the player - after all, it is he who, wearing the VAR MECH III combat suit, will be the main defender of his home planet. In addition to good graphics, there is a wonderful plot and an equally wonderful soundtrack, performed by the sound engineer of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Grammy Award winner John Kurlander. In general, if you like this kind of setting, then Implosion - Never Lose Hope is a must-have for you.

Mortal Kombat X is another fighting game with good graphics. Finally, you have the opportunity to play as your favorite heroes from the Mortal Kombat universe. There is a card system for leveling up heroes and control based on taps and swipes. The game will appeal to MK fans, but others will most likely get bored of tapping on the screen after a few hours of play. It is also worth noting the well-developed Fatality and X-Ray, which are completely transferred from the PC version.

That's all, dear friends, don't overeat and play only good games!