Self-training, breathing and growth. Autogenic training to improve mental performance Auto-training and its use to increase performance

Here is an excerpt from the book that we published on the old site:
Autogenic training (based on the book by L.P. Grimak)

... Autogenic training is an ideal way to improve health, opening the way to getting rid of diseases, which are based on mental disorders ...

X. Lindemann


The origin and introduction of the method of autogenous training is associated with the name of the German psychotherapist I.G. Schultz. Thanks to the work of Schultz and his many students and followers in all countries, autogenous training has gained wide recognition, primarily as a method of treatment and prevention of various kinds of neuroses and functional disorders in the body. In the future, with the accumulation of practical experience in the use of autogenous training among various contingents of sick and healthy people, it turned out that it can serve as an effective means of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, a means of managing the state of a person in extreme conditions of activity.

The popularity of this method as an effective psycho-hygienic and psycho-preventive remedy is undoubtedly associated with the acceleration of the pace of life, an increase in the stress on the nervous system of a modern person and an increase in his general awareness of psycho-hygiene issues. At present, autogenic training has become firmly established in the system of training athletes, and is increasingly being used in production teams and in transport in the form of psycho-hygienic emotional-unloading procedures. However, until now, not all of their capabilities are widely known, and therefore they do not always find a way out in practice.

The possibilities of autogenic training are best evidenced by the above-mentioned unique experience of the German doctor X. Lindemann, who sailed the Atlantic Ocean alone in an inflatable boat in 72 days. The preparations for this journey were long and brutal. In addition to physical endurance in this voyage, he needed active help of the mind, preventive protection of the psyche from expected breakdowns and stresses, the instinctive ability to overcome the state of weakness of mind. And he turned to autogenic training.

Assessing the importance of this training after returning, H. Lindemann wrote: “Autogenic training allowed me to cross the Atlantic and stay alive ... A rubber boat has no place on the open sea. This is exactly what my experiment proved: more than a hundred risk lovers from different countries tried to repeat it or do something similar - only one of them survived and only thanks to autogenous training. I took the happiness of staying alive both as a gift of fate and as an obligation to devote my life to promoting autogenic training. " He expresses the firm belief that in preparation for situations where human survival is associated with the most difficult conditions, autogenous training should become an indispensable component as a preventive measure in case of mortal danger.

In our country, the official recognition of the effectiveness of autogenous training as an effective therapeutic and psychoprophylactic method took place at the IV All-Union Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists (1963). This was facilitated by the fact that Soviet medicine has long come close to the introduction of psychosomatic principles of regulation of human physiological functions in medical and psychohygienic practice. More than a hundred years ago, on the basis of these principles, Russian doctors put forward the humane idea of ​​pain relief in childbirth. The theoretical development of this idea from the standpoint of the teachings of I.P. Pavlov and its implementation into practice was carried out by Soviet scientists A.P. Nikolaev, K.I. Platonov and I.E. Velvovsky.

Perhaps, for the first time in world pedagogical practice, the question of conscious regulation of unconscious psychophysiological functions was posed and in many respects resolved by KS Stanislavsky. Applying the term "subconscious" to the emotional sphere of a person, he put forward a well-known formulation: "Through the conscious to control the subconscious." Autogenic training as a conscious impact on emotions and other psychophysiological processes ("subconscious", in Stanislavsky's terminology) use this very principle.

The phenomena underlying autogenous training were well known to medical science long before the method itself was developed. The circle of these phenomena was formed primarily from the experience of medical hypnology, which has accumulated a wealth of experimental material, indicating the possibility of purposeful control of the physiological and mental functions of a person through suggestion in hypnosis, and not only in its deepest stages, but also in the most superficial and even in the waking state. In many cases, it was noted that similar results can be achieved with the help of self-hypnosis. At one time, the method of the French pharmacist E. Couet, which he called "the school of self-control through conscious self-hypnosis", was widely known. He declared to his patients that recovery would certainly come if several times a day, sitting or lying in a comfortable position, mentally or in a whisper, 30 times in a row, repeat the appropriate formulation of self-hypnosis. Subsequently, this method compromised itself due to the fact that Coue unreasonably extended it as an effective means not only to all medicine, but also to a number of social and ideological aspects of society.

Another source that was assimilated by the method of autogenous training is the ancient Indian system of yogis. As already noted, along with the purest mysticism in the arsenal of yoga, over the long history of its existence, observations have accumulated that testify to the close relationship between the spiritual and physical states of a person and the possibility of influencing the psyche and physiological functions of the body with the help of special physical techniques and self-hypnosis. It should also be said about the works of the American psychologist E. Jacobson, which have already been mentioned and which formed the basis of the so-called progressive relaxation. Systematic training of psychosomatic reactions and central nervous processes using certain techniques allows you to develop a primary set of specific skills. The use and improvement of these skills makes it possible to purposefully change one's own mood and well-being, to regulate the depth and duration of night sleep, to form an appropriate level of work activity, and to effectively use free minutes of time for rest.

In autogenous training, there are three main ways of influencing the state of the nervous system. It is noteworthy that in general they are known to every person. Therefore, the essence of training is not to learn new things, but to activate already familiar mental phenomena.

The first and most important way is associated with the peculiarities of the influence of skeletal muscle tone and respiration on the central nervous system. It is known that the mental state of a person is manifested in a certain way in the nature of breathing, in facial expressions and gestures, leaves a kind of imprint on voluntary movements. It was noted that if by conscious efforts to slow down the motor reactions inherent in this or that inner experience, then it noticeably weakens or disappears altogether. On the contrary, if a person gives his posture and movements the character inherent in one or another emotional state, he is gradually embraced by the corresponding inner experience.

The closest relationship between the state of the central nervous system and the tone of skeletal muscles allows, through a conscious change in muscle tone, to influence the level of mental activity. The waking state of a person is always associated with maintaining a sufficiently high muscle tone. The more intense the activity, the higher this tone, the more intense the flow of activating impulses comes from the muscles to the nervous system. Conversely, complete relaxation of all muscles reduces the level of activity of the central nervous system to a minimum, contributes to the development of drowsiness. This important physiological pattern underlies the entire system of autogenous training. And here it should be said with all certainty: you cannot master auto-training without first developing the ability to completely relax the muscles of the body. Do not think that this task is too simple. In everyday life, we get so used to the constant tension of certain muscle groups that we do not even notice it, and therefore, setting ourselves the task of relaxing as fully as possible, we do not immediately achieve the desired effect. Moreover, disturbances in natural nocturnal sleep are quite often caused precisely by stagnant muscle tension that persists after a working day and interferes with the development of inhibition in the central nervous system. Similarly, it affects the level of the mental tone of the nervous system and the rhythm of breathing. In the process of human evolution, a stable dependence has developed: frequent breathing ensures high activity of the organism. An arbitrary reduction and alignment of the breathing rhythm (naturally, this occurs during sleep) leads to the predominance of inhibition processes.

The second way of influencing the nervous system is associated with the use of the active role of representations, sensory images (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.). It should be noted that until now we underestimate the extremely important role of this kind of images in our daily life. Meanwhile, the sensory image is a very active tool for influencing the mental state and health of a person. And therefore it is not at all indifferent, the predominance of which sensory images is characteristic of a person in his daily life. Constant holding in front of the mind's eye gloomy, joyless pictures in which a person feels like the "injured party" sooner or later undermines health. Negative representations are the scourge of humanity, says H. Lindemann, do not accumulate them in yourself. And in a completely opposite, healthy way, bright optimistic images and ideas work.

It should be borne in mind that in a state of muscular relaxation, the effectiveness of sensory images is significantly increased. This effect is used productively in autogenous training.

In the beginning, it is difficult to keep attention on a certain figurative representation for a long time. However, as training progresses, such a task is performed more easily, more freely, and the performances themselves become more vivid and lively. By the way, figurative representations of a calming environment by themselves can significantly normalize sleep in those cases when, for one reason or another, it is difficult to cope with the so-called "mental carousel" - obsessive, persistent thoughts that arise in many people before going to bed and interfere with falling asleep.

Finally, the third way of influencing the psychophysiological functions of the body is associated with the regulating and programming role of the word, pronounced not only aloud, but also mentally. This property of internal speech (in the form of self-orders, self-talk, etc.) has long been used in sports to increase the effectiveness of training, mobilize internal reserves during competition. In the state of relaxation, achieved in the course of autogenous training, the influence of verbal self-hypnosis on physiological functions increases significantly. The nature of this influence is determined by the semantic content of the verbal formulations. The construction of phrases during self-hypnosis should be extremely simple and short, and their mental pronunciation should be slow, in time with breathing. We have considered three ways to purposefully influence the involuntary functions of the human body. In autogenous training, these influences are used sequentially in a complex: relaxation + H-presentation + verbal self-hypnosis. Practical training of relevant skills in everyday life should be carried out in the same sequence.

Everyday life presents many examples that testify to the amazing possibilities of the human psyche to program and realize the mental or physical properties necessary for the body. When difficult situations arise, the human body with a stable nervous system often spontaneously activates these reserves to effectively compensate for the impaired functions. However, in many cases this does not happen only because a person simply does not know the enormous capabilities of the nervous system and therefore becomes discouraged, mentally withdrawing from the struggle with difficulties. And this, in turn, leads to the shutdown of those programming mechanisms of the brain that form the adaptive reactions of the organism.

The set of exercises that make up the essence of autogenic training is the tool that not only contributes to the growth of a person's reserve capabilities, but also constantly improves the activity of the programming mechanisms of the brain. This allows those who are engaged in autogenic training to more rationally use their strengths in everyday life, and at the right time to mobilize them as much as possible, helps them eliminate unwanted mental states (tension, indecision, suspiciousness, mood decline).

The technique of autogenic training requires the preliminary development of certain mental and physical skills, which are a kind of auto-training alphabet, which includes attention control, manipulation of sensory images, verbal suggestions, regulation of muscle tone and breathing rhythm control. Let's consider each element separately.

1. Management of attention. Attention is one of the most creative functions of the psyche. Without the ability of a person to maintain attention for a long time on the subject of his own activity, there can be no question of the productivity of his efforts. Therefore, a special place should be given to the development of strong skills for the conscious management of this mental function. It is known that attention can be passive and active. In the first case, it is involuntarily attracted to strong or unusual external stimuli or to internal mental phenomena (sensory images, thoughts, experiences). With active attention, the choice of an external or internal object occurs as a result of volitional effort. Often for this it is necessary to overcome sufficiently strong manifestations of passive attention.

Attention training begins with concentrating it on real, monotonously moving external objects. It is most convenient to use the moving hands of the clock (at the first stage of training, fix your attention on the movement of the second hand, at the second - the minute). Then they move on to fixing attention on the simplest (necessarily "uninteresting") objects (pencil, button, own finger).

2. Operating with sensual images. The development of the skills of voluntary concentration of attention on sensory images begins with the fact that the real objects used in the first exercise are replaced by imaginary ones. From simple sensory images, they move on to more complex ones that are included in autogenic training. Almost all modifications of autogenic training available to date include sensory images such as the representation of heaviness and heat, spreading from individual areas (arms, legs) to the whole body.

It should be borne in mind that autogenic training aimed at correcting mood, well-being and performance includes focusing on more complex sensory images as an important component. Of course, these ideas should be gleaned from real life experience, and not from abstract constructions, since in the latter case they will be deprived of the necessary degree of effectiveness. This can be, for example, visual images (a summer day with a green forest lawn, a seashore with the rhythmic sound of waves, a blue sky with a seagull soaring in the sky), combined with appropriate physical sensations (warmth, a refreshing breeze) and inner experiences (relaxation, serenity , rest). Numerous variations of such representations are determined by the individual characteristics of a person, the available stock of ideas and the task of training.

3. Verbal suggestions. It has long been noticed that under certain conditions of the central nervous system, the degree of effectiveness of the word and its influence on physiological processes in the body increase significantly. This pattern manifests itself under the condition of some inhibition of the cerebral cortex, when its cells are in the so-called phase states. A waking nerve cell usually responds to a stimulus according to the rule of force relations: the stronger the stimulus, the more intense the response. In a partially inhibited state (before falling asleep, immediately after waking up, with fatigue), this pattern is violated: nerve cells almost do not react to a strong stimulus, while they respond to a weak one (in this case, the word is meant) with a pronounced reaction. In addition, in the subsonic phases, weak stimuli create foci of excitation, fixed points, which, even in the subsequent waking state, constantly exert their influence on the course of mental processes.

In natural conditions, periods favorable for self-hypnosis arise before falling asleep and immediately after waking up. Mentally pronounced verbal autosuggestions at this time are included in the functional system of the programming apparatus of the brain and cause corresponding changes in the body. Thus, relatively weak, non-material stimuli acquire the ability to change the activity of physiological systems, thereby significantly improving the state and well-being of a person in the subsequent period of wakefulness. The same favorable conditions for effective self-hypnosis arise in a state of complete muscle relaxation, which is the main component of autogenous training. Therefore, the programming role of verbal autosuggestion in these states is very effective.

The organizing influence of verbal self-hypnosis is effectively manifested in the process of the training itself, when figurative representations are supported by the corresponding verbal formulas pronounced mentally, which accelerates the onset of the desired physiological effect. According to Pavlov's teaching, the second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior. Everyone knows cases of self-orders, self-talk in difficult situations, when a person is forced to show great internal efforts to organize his state and behavior. In this case, the word affects the course of physiological processes not directly, but by increasing or decreasing the level of activity of the main nervous processes.

Formulations of mental verbal suggestions are always built in the form of statements, they should be extremely simple and short (no more than two words). Mental pronunciation of words is carried out at a slow pace in time with breathing movements. When inhaling, one word is pronounced, while exhaling - another, if the self-hypnosis phrase consists of two words, and only on exhalation - if the phrase consists of one word. Moreover, depending on the state, each phrase can be repeated 2-3 times or more. In the future, verbal formulations of suggestions are built taking into account the desired results.

The physical skills used in the autogenous training system also include voluntary regulation of body muscle tone and breathing rhythm control.

4. Regulation of muscle tone. Muscle tone management is a core component of autogenic training, and therefore mastering the appropriate skills is of paramount importance. Self-training often includes a state of complete relaxation of all muscles of the body (relaxation), but before leaving the state of relaxation, in order to activate mental and physical functions, it is necessary to deliberately increase the tone of individual muscle groups or the whole body. An arbitrary increase in muscle tone does not require the development of special skills, since this function is sufficiently assimilated in everyday life. Moreover, quite often this function begins to prevail so much that a person almost breaks the habit of the opposite state of the muscles of the body - PIX of complete relaxation. Such people develop a habit of constant "muscle clamps" that do not disappear at rest and even in sleep. As a result, they lose the ability to fully rest, their nervous system is under constant stress and overwork, and sometimes depletion of the nervous system occurs - diseases known as neuroses. In these cases, it is enough to learn how to completely relax the muscles of the body during rest.

5. Control of the breathing rhythm. In autogenous training, some regularities of the effect of breathing on the level of mental activity are used. It is known that the breathing cycle includes the phases of inhalation, exhalation and pause. But not everyone knows that during inhalation, the mental state is activated, while during exhalation, calming occurs. By arbitrarily setting the breathing rhythm, in which a relatively short inhalation phase alternates with a longer exhalation followed by a pause, a pronounced general calm can be achieved. The type of breathing, which includes a longer inhalation phase with some breath holding during inhalation and a relatively short exhalation phase, leads to an increase in the activity of the nervous system and all body functions. "

AT technique

“The initial course of autogenic training includes six standard exercises developed in due time by I. G. Schultz. Numerous modifications made to it by various authors concern only the modification of the technique, but not the principles and structure of the training complex as a whole.

They begin to practice exercises in the supine position (on the back, arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints, legs are free and do not touch each other), ”and in the future it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are worked out in conditions of complete rest, solitude and without haste, a trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference, performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that the initial exercises are learned much faster and more efficiently when listening to a tape recording of the text, since there is no need to strain to remember the sequence of the corresponding phrases, physical and figurative actions. The one who has mastered the course, as a rule, no longer needs external prompting of actions and can, at his discretion, vary their duration and target tasks. Each of the exercises has its own purpose.

In the first exercise, muscle relaxation is practiced by means of a figurative representation of a developing feeling of heaviness in the following sequence: right arm - left arm, right leg - left leg - trunk. If you have a tape recording of the text, it is better to divide this exercise in two. In the first, only the muscles of the arms are relaxed, after which the trainee leaves the state of autogenous immersion, in the second, relaxation of the muscles of the legs and trunk is added to the already assimilated relaxation of the muscles of the arms.

The second exercise involves practicing the skills of voluntary dilation of blood vessels in the same sequence as in muscle relaxation. This creates a feeling of warmth. If the text is recorded on a tape recorder, this exercise should also be divided in two.

The third exercise involves improving the skills of voluntary breathing control.

In the fourth exercise, the skills of voluntary expansion of the blood vessels of the internal organs are developed.

The fifth exercise aims to arbitrarily change the rhythm of the heartbeat in the direction of both its increase and decrease.

The sixth exercise is also aimed at controlling vascular reactions, but already in the head area, and in such a way as to cause narrowing of the blood vessels. For this, the trainee uses a sensory representation of coolness, breeze refreshing the head, etc.

The standard exercises, the text of which is given below, have been tested in practice and have shown high efficiency.

The text of the first exercise contains auxiliary parts that are the same for all exercises (entry and exit from autogenous immersion) and a specially highlighted main part. The texts of the subsequent exercises contain only their main part, beginning with phrases expressing the transition of the main part of the previous exercise to the auxiliary part of the next one. Thus, based on the above texts, you can easily compose and read on a tape recorder the full text of each standard exercise. In our version, the standard first and second exercises are divided into two parts and are considered independent. Consequently, the total number of exercises increases to eight.

In each exercise, the trainee says to himself "I", "me", "mine", etc., in order to direct his psyche to the necessary action. The text is read slowly, with an arrangement and is designed for fifteen minutes of sound.

First exercise

1. I am comfortable. The position of my body is free, relaxed, at ease. I concentrate volitional efforts on controlling my nerves, my body, my state. I am in complete control of my body and psyche.

2. I'm in no hurry. I mentally drew a line around myself. Behind this circle, I left all my worries. I am at absolute peace. In this state, the skills to control your body and your state are easily developed and consolidated. I easily control my body, my psyche.

I renounced all worries. I calmed down completely. I completely immerse myself in my inner world. I am inside myself. I merged consciousness with my own body. My consciousness has penetrated into every cell of my body. And every cell of my body willingly fulfills his wishes.

3. And now I focused on my face. I control and relax the muscles of the forehead, neck, lips. My eyelids close and my mind's eye is directed to the forehead.

My teeth are not clenched and the tip of my tongue is at the base of my upper teeth. The face is calm and motionless, like a mask. The face is a mask ...

4. The neck muscles are completely relaxed. They take no part in maintaining the head.

The muscles of the trunk are completely relaxed.

5. I breathe in and out calmly and establish a comfortable, soothing breathing rhythm. My breathing is calm, even] rhythmic. I breathe in calm. With every breath, peace fills my head, chest, body.

6. And now I really want my right hand to become heavy ...
I really want my right hand to become heavy ...
I want my right hand to become heavy ...
To make my right hand heavy ...
My right hand became heavy ...
The right hand became heavy ...
The hand became heavy ...
Became heavy ...
Heavy ...
I turn my attention to my left hand. I really want my left hand to become heavy ...
(Further, the same as in the previous case. The wording, being shortened by one word, becomes more and more assertive.)

A pleasant, restraining, calm weight filled my right and then my left arm. I can clearly feel the heaviness in my hands. (Pause.)

7. In a state of relaxation, I had a great rest, freed myself from nervous tension. I am very calm. Calmness gave me confidence, strength, health. I am healthy, balanced, energetic in any environment. I had a great rest.

8. And now my breathing is getting deeper and more energetic ... Pleasant muscle tension appears. It removes unnecessary heaviness in the body, refreshes the head. My body is filled with vigor and energy.

I clench my fists, raise my hands, open my eyes ... I jerk up and easily enter a state of wakefulness.

Second exercise

In this and subsequent exercises, the first five points are repeated. The changes only apply to clause 6.

6. A pleasant, restraining, calm weight filled my right and then my left arm. I can clearly feel the heaviness in my hands. Now I turn my attention to my right leg. I really want my right leg to become heavy ... (The wording is repeated with increasing categoricality, as in the previous exercise.) I switch my attention to my left leg. I really want my left leg to become heavy ... (Further, a gradual shortening of the wording. Pause.)

A pleasant, warm, calm weight filled my right and left legs. The severity spread to the whole body. I am completely relaxed. (Pause.)

Third exercise

6. A pleasant, calm weight filled my right and then left arms. I can clearly feel the heaviness in my hands. I turn my attention to my legs, and a warm, chilling weight fills my right and then my left legs. The severity spread to the whole body. I am completely relaxed.

And now I really want my right hand to be warm.

The hand became warm ... it became warm. I turn my attention to my left hand. I really want my left hand to be warm ... warm. (Phrases are also built on the principle of gradual shortening. Pause.)

A pleasant, healing warmth filled my right and left hands. Heat pulsates in the fingertips, in the hands, spread to the forearms, shoulders. My hands radiate warmth. (Pause.)

This is followed by paragraphs 7 and 8. Starting from this exercise, in paragraph 8, a change is made to the corresponding phrase: "It removes excessive heaviness and heat in the body, refreshes the head," and then in all exercises apply this particular formulation.

Fourth exercise

6. A pleasant weight filled my right and then left arms. The weight from the hands pours into the right and then the left legs, fills the whole body. I am completely relaxed. Pleasant warmth fills my right and left hands. Heat pulsates in the fingertips, in the hands, spread to the forearms, shoulders. Hands radiate warmth. (Pause.)

And now I really want my right leg to become warm ... (Gradually shortening the phrase.)

I turn my attention to my left leg. I really want my left leg to be warm ... warm. (Pause.)

A pleasant, soothing warmth filled my legs. I can distinctly feel the throbbing warmth in my toes. It spread to the legs and thighs, filling the chest and abdomen.

Fifth exercise

It provides for the development of the active role of respiratory movements. In it and the subsequent exercise, point 6 is divided into two parts (a and b).

6 (a). A pleasant weight and warmth filled my right and left arms. I turn my attention to the legs - tangible heaviness and warmth poured into the right and then the left legs. Heat pulsates in the fingers and toes. Warmth filled my chest and stomach. (Pause.)

6 (b). Now I listen carefully to my breathing. I only focus on my breathing. My "I" merged with my breath. I am all breath. I am all joyful and free breathing. I breathe in calmness and health. I breathe out fatigue and mental stress.

It'll be this way forever. I breathe easily and happily in any environment. Inhaled joy and health in the form of warmth are concentrated in the epigastric region. From here I can mentally send this healing warmth to any part of my body. It will be so always and everywhere. (Pause.) Items 7 and 8 follow.

Sixth exercise

This exercise is aimed at developing the skills of voluntary expansion of the blood vessels of internal organs.

Point b (a) of the fifth exercise is completely repeated, point 6 (b) reads like this: I place my right hand on the epigastric region. I can very clearly feel how warmth arises and intensifies under the palm of this hand. With each breath, I absorb an additional portion of heat and send it through my right hand to the epigastric region. Warmth is clear and palpable. I can mentally concentrate this warmth in any part of my body. Warmly obedient to me. Warmth filled my chest and stomach. The healing warmth warmed my entire body. I radiate warmth all over. I have developed a steady ability to warm myself up from within at will. (Pause.) Items 7 and 8 follow.

Seventh exercise

It contributes to the development of the skill of arbitrary normalization of cardiac activity by expanding the coronary vessels of the heart. This is useful in cases where discomfort or pain occurs in the area of ​​the heart. It has long been noted that pain in the heart disappears when the left hand is warmed. In this case, a reflex expansion of the coronary vessels of the heart occurs and the blood supply to the heart muscle improves.

The exercise, in fact, is a modification of the previous one, in which the representations are concentrated on gradually warming up the left hand (only the hand or the whole hand). Exit from the state of relaxation according to the standard wording of paragraphs 7 and 8.

Eighth exercise

The peculiarity of this exercise is that the trainee's internal efforts are aimed at narrowing the blood vessels of the face and head (preventing or eliminating headaches), at eliminating the swelling of the upper respiratory tract (including vasomotor rhinitis that causes nasal congestion). The text of this exercise is based on the text of the sixth exercise and repeats it in full up to point 6 (a) inclusive.

This is followed by the following text:
I begin to breathe in the coolness. With each inhalation, it cools the nose and eyes more and more tangibly. I breathe in air through a clean snow filter. A very pleasant coolness cools my nose and eyes. With each breath, the coolness is deposited in the skin of the forehead more and more noticeably, more and more tangible.
My forehead is pleasantly cool ...
The forehead is pleasantly cool ...
Nicely cool ...
Cool ...
After an odd pause, points 7 and 8 of the exit from the state of relaxation follow.

The initial course of autogenous training is the basis for self-correction of states, self-organization and self-programming of the individual. As the reader understood, at the same time, some exercises may have an independent purpose. Thus, the fourth and fifth exercises can be used for ordinary passive rest in a state of relaxation. The sixth, seventh and eighth exercises, in accordance with the above, are of a direct corrective nature. By introducing one or another text into paragraph 6 (b) of the fifth exercise, as will be shown below, against the background of relaxation, you can program your well-being or behavior in any way. Thus, it is relatively easy to get rid of unwanted habits, improve volitional qualities, memory, motor skills, etc.

Below are the texts of special autogenic training, tested in experiments and in everyday practice and shown to be highly effective. For a quicker mastery, it is first recommended to use them also in tape recording.

Normalization of night sleep

6 (b). There are no thoughts, nothing bothers me, I dissolve into stable peace. Peace turns into drowsiness. Drowsiness softly and pleasantly envelops my brain, completely supplants thoughts. I'm starting to fall asleep. I fall asleep confidently and pleasantly ... I clearly and realistically imagine myself after waking up, I am cheerful, balanced, collected, active, purposeful. It'll be this way forever. I have no tendency to get stuck in failure and disappointment. Work gives me great joy. I am healthy and hardy. I always feel great.

And now I hardly feel anything. Nothing bothers me. Falling asleep deeper, deeper, deeper. Dissolved into a dream. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Without waking up, on the contrary, falling asleep deeper and deeper, I turn off the tape recorder. I turn it off. I turn it off.

Health activation

6 (b). My forehead is pleasantly cool. A fresh breeze blows over the skin of the forehead. The cool energy that I breathe refreshes my brain, cools my tongue, palate, eyes.

There is less heat in the body. (Pause.)

The shoulders and back feel a light chill, like a cool, refreshing shower. All muscles become elastic, they are filled with vigor and strength. (Pause.)

In a state of relaxation, my nervous system became stronger. Strength and vitality confidently filled my body. My performance has become very high and stable. I am very hardy and confident. My body obeys me in any, the most difficult conditions.

7. The state of relaxation fully restored my strength, activated the reserves of my body. I am fresh, cheerful, confident and energetic. I am all like a compressed spring. I'm ready to throw.

8. My breathing becomes deeper and more energetic. Muscle tone is increasing. The body is very light, filled with strength, energy, desire to work, experience stress, overcome difficulties.

I clench my fists, open my eyes and become very active and enter the state of wakefulness.

The entire set of primary mental and physical skills included in the system of autogenous training is aimed at achieving a kind of state - muscle relaxation. This state is characterized by the fact that against the background of pronounced physical passivity and relative exclusion of external stimuli from the system, a person carries out purposeful volitional programming of his state both at each current moment of relaxation and (thanks to the latter) for a given period of subsequent wakefulness.

The above exercises in the form of mini-trainings can be used independently. A simple example. If you are very tired, but in the near future you need to work clearly and productively, try the following. Sit on the first suitable object. Relax, as shown above, for 2-3 minutes, close your eyes. Remember your good mood, imagine yourself playing volleyball or being in any other active state of yours, imbued with this state, open your eyes and move. The result is often amazing. Learn to gradually program your vitality and mood in this way. The selection of elementary exercises in autogenic training is done in such a way that the corresponding mental efforts (concentration of attention, figurative representations, verbal self-hypnosis) cause a decrease in physical activity. In turn, physical techniques (muscle relaxation, controlled breathing) are aimed at reducing the level of mental activity. The simultaneous use of these influences leads to the formation of a closed cyclic process, which causes an avalanche-like increase in the body's relaxation, against the background of which it is necessary to learn to maintain the ability to volitional figurative-speech programming of one's state both at each current moment and for the subsequent period of wakefulness.

Autogenic training, or, for short, auto-training, is a system of exercises directed by a person towards himself and designed for self-regulation of mental and physical states. Auto-training is useful in those types of activities that cause increased emotional tension in a person, including in pedagogical work, since in the communication of a teacher with children and their parents, situations often arise that are called difficult and that require emotional-volitional self-regulation. The use of auto-training techniques allows a person to purposefully change mood and well-being, and has a positive effect on his performance and health. Those people who are systematically engaged in auto-training get the opportunity to rationally distribute and economically use their forces in everyday life, and at the right moments to mobilize them to the utmost.

Self-training is based on the conscious use by a person of various means of psychological influence on his own body and nervous system in order to relax them or, on the contrary, to tone them up. Appropriate means of action include special exercises designed to change the tone of the skeletal muscles and muscles of the internal organs. In this case, an active role is played by verbal self-hypnosis, representations and sensory images evoked by a volitional way. All these means of psychological influence of a person on his own body in auto-training are used in a complex, in a certain sequence: relaxation, presentation, self-hypnosis. Practical development of the auto-training technique is carried out in the same sequence.

Self-training includes exercises aimed at controlling attention, voluntary manipulation of sensory images, verbal self-instructions, volitional regulation of muscle tone and control of breathing rhythm. System attention management involves the development of the ability to concentrate and hold attention for a long time on any object, object, event, fact. Ability operate with sensual images is developed through special exercises aimed at transferring attention from the external world to the internal one and then to sensations and sensory images.

From relatively simple and familiar representations in auto-training, they gradually move to more complex ones, for example, to representations of gravity, heat spreading from one part of the body to another, pictures of nature, etc. in terms of external speech and speech to oneself, skills are practiced verbal self-hypnosis. Such self-hypnosis, if it is used skillfully by a person, accelerates the onset of the desired psychological or physiological state. Verbal self-hypnosis in auto-training is combined with a certain rhythm of breathing. Controlling the rhythm of breathing is achieved through exercises that speed up or slow down inhalation and exhalation, and decrease or increase the amplitude of breathing. All these exercises are practiced in three basic positions: lying, sitting and standing.

Freehand exercises regulation of muscle tone, are also worked out in a specific system and sequence. First, people learn to relax and tense the muscles that are most easily controlled (muscles of the arms and legs), then they move on to muscles that are more difficult to voluntarily control (muscles of the neck, head, back, abdomen), and finally turn to special exercises aimed at regulation of muscle tone of internal organs.

Particularly difficult and important exercises included in auto-training are those that are aimed at regulation of the state of blood vessels in the head and body of a person, their expansion in order to achieve a state of relaxation and calming or narrowing in order to increase the tone and revitalize the body. These exercises use the natural warmth of the palm of the hand of a person and imaginative representations of heat or cold in a volitional way.

The described system of autogenous training is useful for teachers who have a great workload and face individual problems in their lives related to their psychophysiological state, performance and health. A teacher or educator engaged in autogenic training can give more to his students and pupils than one who does not. Autogenous training, improving the health of the teacher, increasing his efficiency, thereby increasing his pedagogical output. If desired, each teacher and educator can master the methods of autogenous training and learn to use them independently, in contrast to psychocorrectional practice, which requires joint group work and the participation of professionally trained psychologists.

Topics and questions for discussion at seminars

Topic 1. Organization of psychological self-education of a teacher

1. The need for continuous psychological self-education of the teacher.

2. The main branches of psychological science, containing information useful for the teacher.

3. Scientific and popular publications, including psychological information useful for the psychological self-education of the teacher.

Topic 2. Psychological foundations of pedagogical self-regulation

1. The value of self-regulation in the activities of a teacher.

2. Pedagogical situations that generate the need for psychological self-regulation.

3. Self-regulation of perception and attention.

4. Self-regulation of memory and thinking.

5. Self-management of emotional states.

Topic 3. Psychocorrection in the activities of a teacher

1. The main directions and goals of pedagogical psychocorrectional work.

2. Classification of psychocorrectional methods.

3. Groups of social and psychological training (T-groups).

4. Groups of meetings.

5. Skills training groups.

Topic 4. Auto-training in the work of a teacher

1. The concept of autogenous training.

2. The value of auto-training and the ways of its practical use in the work of a teacher.

3. Goals and objectives of autogenous training.

4. Exercises aimed at regulating muscle tone.

5. Exercises designed to control attention and sensory images.

6. Exercises designed to change the rhythm of breathing.

Topics for essays

1. Sources of psychological information useful for the teacher. ~ - Pedagogical situations, associated psychological processes and states that require self-regulation of the teacher's activities.

2. Basic principles of self-regulation.

3. Psychocorrectional methods and groups, the possibility of their use in teaching practice.

4.Autogenic training and its application in the process of self-improvement of the teacher's activity.

Topics for independent research work

1. The system of work of a teacher in psychological self-education.

2. Theoretical foundations of psychological self-regulation of activity teacher.

3. Psychocorrectional work in the professional training of teachers.

4. Techniques and methods for improving the teacher's performance with the help of autogenous training.


Active methods of teaching pedagogical communication and its optimization.-M., 1983.

(Psychology of pedagogical activity: 6-40, 64-73.)

Burns R.W. The development of the self-concept and education. - M., 1986.

(Psychological Training of Teachers: 333-351.)

Dobrovich A. B. For the educator about the psychology and psychohygiene of communication:

A book for teachers and parents. - M., 1987.

Kan-Kalik V.A. To the teacher about pedagogical communication. - M., 1987.

Carnegie E. How to Win Friends and Influence People - M., 1989.

Berne E. Games People Play. People who play games. - M., 1988.

Anikeeva N.P. The psychological climate in the team. - M., 1989.

(Active socio-psychological training of teachers.)

Ladanov I. D. Stress Management. - M., 1989.

(Stress management: 27-42. Willpower training: 43-69. Memory training: 69-83. Self-regulation (self-control): 83-119. Conflict prevention and overcoming: 120-137.)

A. A. Leontiev Pedagogical communication. -M., 1979.

(How to develop pedagogical communication skills: 39-45.)

Grimak L.P. Reserves of the human psyche. Introduction to the psychology of activity. - M., 1989.

(Overcoming critical situations: 188-198. Self-regulation of mental states: 227-262.)

T.A. Nemchin States of neuropsychic stress.-L., 1983.

(Ways and means of managing neuropsychic stress: 138-151.)

Nikolov N., Neshev G. The mystery of the millennia (what do we know about memory) .- M., 1988.

(Memory Management: 84-112, 133-140.).

Petrovskaya L.A. Competence in communication: socio-psychological training.-M., 1989. (Psychocorrectional work in modern humanistic psychology: 195-207.)

Rutter M. Help to difficult children.-M., 1987.

(Psychotherapy and its effectiveness: 347-397.)

Yatsenko T.S. Socio-psychological training in preparation

future teachers. - Kiev, 1987.

(Psychocorrectional work in the group of active social and psychological training: 48-59.)

Section 7.


Autogenic training (AT) , or briefly - is a system of exercises directed by a person towards himself and intended for self-regulation of mental and physical states.

The foundations of auto-training were laid in the works of a German doctor I. Shultz, who, studying the influence of yoga gymnastics on the human body, found that deep muscle relaxation (relaxation) entails the elimination of emotional tension, improvement of the functional state of the central nervous system and the work of internal organs.

The American physiologist E. Jacobson found that each type of emotional excitement corresponds to the tension of one or another muscle group, which is well illustrated by the well-known expressions such as "petrified face", "choked voice", etc.

The opposite is also true: if a person gives his face and posture an expression characteristic of a particular emotional state, then this state comes after a while. Studies by I. Schultz have established that if deep muscle relaxation is accompanied by sensations of heaviness and warmth (arising as a result of muscle relaxation and expansion of blood vessels), then this is true in the other direction.

Thus, the idea arose of a method for achieving a state of relaxation.

Namely, using verbal formulas aimed at the emergence of sensations of warmth and heaviness, you can consciously achieve a decrease in muscle tone and then, against this background, by means of self-hypnosis, directed to influence various functions of the body.

The verbal formulas used in auto-training describe the nature of the sensations to be reproduced and the area of ​​the body where their reproduction is desirable.

Along with this, the great role of sensory images, mental representations, their deep connection with physiological functions was discovered.

Auto-training is useful in those types of activities that cause an increase in emotional tension in a person, including in pedagogical work, since in a teacher's communication with children and their parents situations often arise that are called difficult, and that require emotional and volitional self-regulation.

The use of auto-training techniques allows a person to purposefully change mood and well-being, and has a positive effect on his performance and health.

Those people who are systematically engaged in auto-training get the opportunity to rationally distribute and economically use their strength in everyday life, and at the right moments to mobilize them to the maximum.

Auto-training It is based on the conscious use by a person of various means of psychological influence on his own body and nervous system in order to relax them or, on the contrary, to tone them up.

Appropriate means of action include special exercises designed to change the tone of the skeletal muscles and muscles of the internal organs.

In this case, an active role is played by verbal self-hypnosis, representations and sensory images evoked by a volitional way.

All these means of psychological influence of a person on his own body in auto-training are used in a complex, in a certain sequence: relaxation, presentation, self-hypnosis.

Practical development of the auto-training technique is carried out in the same sequence.

Self-training includes exercises aimed at controlling attention, voluntary manipulation of sensory images, verbal self-instruction, volitional regulation of muscle tone, and control of breathing rhythm.

The attention management system involves the development of the ability to concentrate and hold attention for a long time, on any object, object, event, fact.

From relatively simple and familiar concepts in auto-training are gradually moving to more complex ones.

For example, to representations of gravity, heat spreading from one part of the body to another, pictures of nature, etc.

With the help of special words and expressions pronounced with different loudness, in terms of external speech and speech to oneself, the skills of verbal self-hypnosis are practiced.

Such self-hypnosis, if it is used skillfully by a person, accelerates the onset of the desired psychological or physiological state.

Verbal self-hypnosis in auto-training is combined with a certain rhythm of breathing.

All these exercises are practiced in three basic positions: lying, sitting and standing.

Exercises associated with the voluntary regulation of muscle tone are also practiced in a specific system and sequence.

First, they learn to relax and tense the muscles.

The muscles of the arms and legs are the easiest to control, then they move on to muscles that are more difficult to voluntarily control (muscles of the neck, head, back, abdomen), and, finally, turn to special exercises aimed at regulating the tone of the muscles of the internal organs.

Particularly difficult and important exercises included in auto-training are those that are aimed at regulating the state of the blood vessels of the head and body of a person, their expansion in order to achieve a state of relaxation and calming, or narrowing in order to increase tone and activate the body.

These exercises use the natural warmth of the palm of the hand of a person and imaginative representations of heat or cold in a volitional way.

The described system of autogenous training is useful for teachers who have a great workload and face individual problems in their lives related to their psychophysiological state, performance and health.

A teacher or educator engaged in autogenic training can give more to his students and pupils than one who does not.

Autogenic training improves the health of the teacher, increasing his efficiency, thereby increasing his pedagogical output.

If desired, each teacher and educator can master the methods of autogenous training and learn to use them independently, in contrast to psychocorrectional practice, which requires joint group work and the participation of professionally trained psychologists.

Pedagogical attitudes that can help the teacher to better perform their professional activities.

The mood for the road.
Hello, the road that leads me to my business.
Slowly and with pleasure, I go through every step, enjoying the movement and the opportunity to breathe deeply.
I salute this sky, I salute this sun, I salute these trees, I salute all nature that surrounds me.
I mentally greet all the people I meet along the way.
The traffic jam won't annoy me.
I am protected from her by a solid shell of calmness and benevolence.
I will come to work at school fresh and cheerful.

The mood for coming to school.
I walk up to my school and feel myself transforming internally.
I push aside all my personal problems and worries, I mentally tune in to a good disposition for every child I meet now.
My face radiates light, warmth and benevolence.
I am pleased to see my colleagues at school, who, like me, are united by love for children and truth.

The mood for the lesson.
Now I must quickly tune in to the upcoming lesson.
In my mind's eye, I encompass the class and all the children in it.
I have a good sense of the atmosphere of the class and the mood of my children.
I can see them all together and each separately, and I know what to say to each.
I have a clear idea of ​​the lesson plan and what I have to do with it today.
Checking homework, questioning, explaining new material, control questions, homework - all this I freely keep in my head.
I am ready for unforeseen situations, and I have some reserve time for them.
During the lesson, I will make sure to carve out a few seconds of time for respite and relaxation from business stress.
I am internally collected and illuminated with a smile.

Get ready for a serious conversation.
Now I have a difficult and important conversation ahead of me.
The fate of the cause I serve depends on its outcome.
I concentrate, gather my thoughts, activate all my inner capabilities and all my professional experience.
I am ready for unexpected questions and I know how to answer them.
I clearly see all my strong arguments and hold them in front of me.
I am ready to use them, and I know how and when to do it.
I believe in my strengths and capabilities.
I know, I believe, I will overcome everything.

Sleep mood.

Today I have had a great and interesting day.
Before going to bed, I'll try to rewind his events. Psychologists say it is beneficial for developing self-awareness.
I did almost everything that was planned.
My body is pleasantly relaxed, my thoughts are rearranged into pleasant dreams.
I breathe easily and freely.
I do not feel any guilt in myself and do not hold a grudge against anyone.
I have forgiven everyone.
I will sleep until the morning.
I love everyone.
Peace and quiet in me.
Peace and quiet around.

The ancients did not say in vain that the most powerful person must be recognized as the one who knows how to control himself.

Autogenic training is the very key that will help each person to discover the reserves of this power in themselves.

Before proceeding to the performance of auto-training, it is necessary to master the preparatory exercises to develop the skills of concentration, visualization and regulation of muscle tone.

Preparatory exercises

The structure of all known and options for auto-training includes 4 basic elements: concentration, muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis and exit from auto-training.

The exercises are aimed at developing the skills that underlie any psychophysiological state management techniques.
The division of exercises into blocks is rather arbitrary, it means rather the final goal than the means used for this.
The means themselves are usually closely related.
For example, the regulation of muscle tone is usually achieved through visualization and self-hypnosis, while self-hypnosis occurs against the background of general relaxation and is usually accompanied by visualization.

The proposed exercises can be performed, with rare exceptions, both in a group and individually.
It is important to keep the following details in mind:

1. With group work, a more pronounced effect is usually achieved.
The facilitator should periodically emphasize its importance and maintain the participants' self-confidence.

2. After completing each exercise, participants talk about their feelings. This procedure is equally important both for the participants themselves and for the moderator, it allows him to objectively control the individual process and make the necessary adjustments.

Concentration exercises
The main goal is to increase sensitivity to kinesthetic perception, develop the ability to voluntarily concentrate on weak stimuli.
These skills are essential for differentiated self-diagnosis, which is the starting point towards achieving optimal condition.

Exercises for concentration should be done with a fresh mind, preferably 2-3 hours after eating.
For any discomfort - headache, deterioration of the emotional state - stop exercising.

An exercise

1. Draw a circle 1-1.5 cm in diameter on a white sheet of paper and hang it on the wall.
Sit opposite, at a distance of 1.5 m, and try to concentrate on him. In case of fatigue, blink several times and continue concentration.

2. Observing the circle, at the same time you need to make sure that not only the gaze, but also the thoughts do not "spread" in different directions.
Try to mentally "feel" the circle, feel its boundaries, color saturation.
The duration of the exercise gradually increases from 1 to 5 minutes. Analyze the dynamics of sensations.

Exercises to regulate muscle tone

The development of relaxation skills is an absolutely necessary stage in all, without exception, methods of self-regulation of the state.

Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the face and hands, since it is these parts of the body that are most richly innervated (represented) in the cerebral cortex and, having achieved their relaxation, one can significantly approach a decrease in the general muscle tone.

Exercise 1

The essence of this exercise is the alternation of tension and relaxation of various muscle groups in order to feel and remember the state of relaxation in contrast to tension (to create its internal model).

For example, for the muscles of the forearm: the hand is slowly clenched into a fist, then, after reaching the maximum effort, a sharp relaxation follows.
It is necessary to catch the difference in sensations.
Similar exercises should be done for the muscles of the face, neck, feet, thighs, chest, etc.

Exercise 2
Close your eyes, view the body on the inner screen, find the most loaded muscle group. For example, muscles in the shoulder, thigh, or calf.

Concentrating attention on it, try to expand the relaxation zone to adjacent volumes.
Using visualization, one can imagine how a hot and heavy liquid of a pleasant color flows out of the focus of relaxation and slowly fills the entire body.

Exercise # 3
Cover your eyes.
Focus on the left hand.
Imagine how she plunges into hot water, gradually turns red, it becomes harder. "Ray of attention" goes to the wrist, slowly moves to the elbow. The muscles of the forearm and then the shoulder relax, become "cottony", heavy, hot.

Methodology for performing auto-training

Before class, sit in a chair and, having taken a comfortable position, close your eyes.
Mentally examine the body, eliminate the inconvenience caused by clothing or shoes. Then make several breathing cycles with a short inhalation and as long an exhalation as possible, gradually reducing the length of the inhalation.

Slowly, getting used to the spoken text, repeat to yourself:

“I feel comfortable and good.
I am completely calm.
The whole body gradually relaxes.
The muscles of the right (left) arm are relaxed.
The muscles of the forearm and shoulder are relaxed.
The hand is filled with a pleasant weight.
The hand is large, heavy, warm, completely relaxed.
A wave of heat travels down the arm.
Heat pulsates in the fingertips.
The muscles of the right (left) leg are relaxed.
The thigh muscles are completely relaxed.
The calf muscles are completely relaxed.
The foot is relaxed.
The leg is heavy, large, motionless, completely relaxed, a pleasant warmth passes through the leg.
The shoulders are lowered.
The back muscles are relaxed.
The abdominal muscles are relaxed.
Pleasant warmth throughout the body.
The muscles of the face are relaxed.
The muscles of the face are relaxed.
The eyelids are lowered.
The muscles of the mouth are relaxed.
The lower jaw is slightly lowered.
The muscles of the cheeks are relaxed.
A pleasant coolness blows over the forehead.
The whole body is completely relaxed.
I'm resting.
I feel light and free.
The heart beats calmly and evenly.
I am completely calm.
My whole body is resting, it is easy for me, calm and free. "

After pronouncing the verbal formulas, it is necessary to feel the state of rest and rest for 1.5-2 minutes, and then proceed to the last phase - the exit from auto-training.

Repeat to yourself

"I had a good rest.
My body is full of energy.
All my organs are working fine.
The muscles became light and elastic.
My head is rested and clear.
Great mood.
Vigor and freshness throughout the body.
I am full of strength and energy.
I can do everything.
I am ready to act.
Opening my eyes.
I get up. "

Then take a slow, deep breath and a quick breath.
Repeat the breathing cycle three times.

Within 5-6 sessions, it is quite enough to achieve relaxation of the muscles of the right and left arms, and then proceed to the exit from auto-training.
In subsequent lessons, gradually add the formulas for the legs and torso and only after successfully completing this part, proceed to the full set of formulas.

The given verbal formulas are one of the many options for verbal self-hypnosis.

Usually, after some practice, the trainees begin to use their own texts, which are more appropriate to their individual characteristics.

When compiling them, the following points should be taken into account:
1) the texts must have a completely definite, directive character;
2) the particle "NOT" should not be used, for example, instead of the statement "the hand is not tense", one should say "the hand is relaxed";
3) statements should not cause unpleasant associations, the arising internal images should be comfortable enough.
When pronouncing a text, one should not rush, but the pause between words and the corresponding physiological reaction should be minimal.

Along with formulas containing the suggestion of sensations of warmth and heaviness, visualization of various imaginative representations should be used as widely as possible.

For example, to facilitate relaxation, you can imagine a slow flow of water that moves throughout the body from top to bottom, clearing the body of muscle tension.

Water runs down the neck, shoulders, chest, arms, abdomen, back, thighs, knees, calf muscles, feet, slowly out of the big toes.

You can imagine yourself in the form of an ice statue slowly melting under the rays of the spring sun, while simultaneously feeling the relaxation of the "melted" parts of the body or a lump of salt dissolving in the oncoming sea waves, etc.

After successfully mastering the relaxation technique, which will amount to 15-20 sessions, you can, against the background of general relaxation, begin targeted plot representations associated with specific problem situations that cause concern.

For example, by recreating on the “internal screen” a possible conflict situation in relations with relatives or workmates, you can resolve it in an optimal way, while simultaneously programming your behavior for the future.

The psychological attitude created as a result of such a thought experiment will work when such a situation arises in reality, bringing real behavior closer to the desired one.

The plots of the performances can be very diverse depending on the goals and objectives of the students.

This creates great opportunities for correcting mental and social personality traits, harmonizing its relationship with the environment.

Autogenic training to improve mental performance

Many people complain that they cannot concentrate, concentrate their thoughts on one subject. This especially interferes with schoolchildren and students while preparing for exams. The level of concentration of attention is determined by many factors, among which the most important is interest in the case or the subject to which attention is directed. Deep interest contributes to the involuntary narrowing of the circle of attention, the exclusion from the field of vision of all objects that go beyond the current lesson.

Success in studying AT and other relaxation methods directly depends on the ability to concentrate on self-hypnosis formulas.

Concentration is a skill and, like any skill, is acquired through conscious exercise.

Disconnecting from all external and internal stimuli, forgetting about everything except one single object - the condition of AT and its goal at the same time.

Self-hypnosis formulas help to increase concentration and motivation for the chosen type of activity:

It's easy for me to work (learn).

Work (study) is a joy.

I can handle the job.

Everything is working out well.

I am attentive. Thoughts are focused.

It is easy for me to work (write, read).

Ideas come by themselves.

I am confident in my abilities.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Psychology of Stress and Correction Methods the author Yury Shcherbatykh

6.2.1. Autogenic training Autogenic training is one of the variants of self-hypnosis. With its help, a person can have a significant impact on mental and vegetative processes in the body, including those that do not lend themselves to voluntary conscious regulation.

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54. Self-training (autogenic training) Self-training is a method by which one understands the skills of mental self-regulation by means of relaxation methods. Relaxation (relaxation) is a state of a cheerful spirit, which is described by a reduced

the author Kuznetsova Alla Spartakovna

2.6. Autogenic training The use of autogenic training (auto-training) is based on mastering the possibilities of self-hypnosis or autosuggestion (from the Greek autos - itself, Latin suggestio - suggestion). A prerequisite for this is concentrated self-observation of

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3 Autogenic training A person is nothing more than what he makes himself. J.-P.

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