Is it possible to use Klion suppositories during menstruation. Candles klion d influence on the cycle. Klion D - instructions for use. Indications for use. Special instructions for the use of Klion D

When infectious diseases of the reproductive system are detected, the use of topical drugs is often required. Klion D vaginal suppositories are easy to use, have a quick therapeutic effect: they destroy pathogenic microflora and relieve inflammation of the mucosa.

General information

Klion D - vaginal suppositories of a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. They are intended for the treatment of several bacterial, protozoal and fungal pathologies, as well as various several mixed infections. The drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect in some types of STDs complicated by impaired local immunity or Candida fungi. In such cases, it is not required to use additional suppositories for thrush, Klion D works in several directions at once.

Suppositories can only be used as directed by a gynecologist after passing laboratory tests and confirming the diagnosis. The drug acts on the body systemically, its substances are absorbed into the general bloodstream.

Release form and medicinal composition

Klion D is available in the form of intravaginal suppositories. The composition of the drug includes:

  • 0.1 g of metronidazole - an antibacterial and antiprotozoal substance;
  • 0.1 g miconazole - destroys pathogenic fungi and some pathogenic bacteria.

The basis of vaginal vaginal suppositories is Witepsol, an auxiliary fatty component that melts at body temperature.

The choice of the release form depends on the intensity of the ongoing disease and the severity of the accompanying symptoms.

Indications for use

Upon contact with the vaginal mucosa, the drug softens, releasing the active ingredients. Having spread over the surface, the drug begins to work immediately, destroying fungi, protozoa and bacterial pathogens, including: Candida, Trichomonas vaginalis, gardnerella, anaerobic and some gram-positive bacteria.

The effectiveness of the drug is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • candidiasis;
  • trichomonas colpitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • mixed infectious vulvovaginitis;
  • sanitation of the vagina before and after the end of medical procedures;
  • complex therapy of cervical dysplasia.

Klion D vaginal tablets are used as a means of prevention, to eliminate residual inflammation, and to treat gardnerellosis.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Candles Klion D are prohibited for use during pregnancy. One of the active ingredients of the drug, metronidazole, is a toxic compound. It penetrates into the blood and other biological media, exerting a teratogenic effect. It is especially dangerous to use this medicine in the first trimester, when the formation of the neural tube occurs and the internal organs of the fetus are laid. The result can be serious neurological disorders in the newborn child. If the onset of conception was detected after the appointment of Klion D, the course is urgently interrupted.

Read also How to use tempalgin during menstruation

During pregnancy of the second and third trimester, a gynecologist can give permission to use Klion D in exceptional situations when the mother's health is in serious danger.

During breastfeeding, the use of the drug is also contraindicated, since metronidazole easily penetrates into milk and can cause poisoning in a child.

Can it be used during menstruation

During menstruation, the use of any local drugs is considered undesirable. A large amount of mucus, blood and endometrium leaving the uterine cavity makes it useless to insert the pill into the vagina. The drug will slip out immediately, not having time to dissolve or flow out along with the secretions. Klion D during menstruation is also risky to take due to possible irritation of the mucous membranes, which become much more sensitive during this period. It is recommended to interrupt local therapy during the regular, pre-calculate the course in order to avoid overlaps. Until the end of menstruation, it is advised to dispense with oral medications.

In cases of an acute course of the disease, the doctor may recommend the use of Klion D suppositories for meager periods in order to avoid a subsequent burst of inflammation. This issue is resolved on an individual basis at the next consultation.

Klion D is unable to cause a delay in menstruation. If this happens, the cause may be an infectious disease against which candles were used. It is arbitrarily possible to interrupt the course of treatment in case of an unexpected failure only if pregnancy is suspected.

Dosage and administration

Candles Klion D should be placed deep into the vagina. For ease of use of this drug, fingertips are included in the package. It is better to put suppositories at night. The horizontal position of the body will allow the medicine to stay inside longer.

For one course, 7 candles should be used, administering them daily. With a complicated course of infection, treatment is extended up to 14 days.

Any methods of application, except for intravaginal, are prohibited. Suppositories should not be swallowed or placed in the anus.

Side effect

A few hours after the introduction of suppositories, white oily discharge from the vagina is possible. These are the remains of the base of the drug. In order not to stain the linen, it is recommended to wear panty liners. Douching during the course should not be.

The remedy is well tolerated by most patients, but individual reactions of the body are likely.

Possible side effects of Klion D:

  • slight burning and itching of the mucous membranes;
  • redness, swelling;
  • skin rash;
  • dizziness;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

Thrush (candidiasis) is a common disease among women. The causative agent belongs to fungi of the genus Candida. The disease is characterized by a feeling of itching, the presence of curdled vaginal discharge, burning during urination, discomfort during intercourse. The disease occurs against the background of weakened immunity, long-term antibiotic therapy.

In the treatment of thrush, trichomoniasis, gynecological specialists often recommend the drug "Klion-D".

General information

"Klion-D" is a local remedy with antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antimycotic activity.

Release form - oval white vaginal tablets.

A single dose of "Klion-D" contains 100 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate.

The principle of operation of the substance metronidazole (antibacterial agent) is to interact with the nucleic acids of microorganisms, which subsequently destroys them.

Miconazole renders antifungal effect by changing the molecular composition of lipids in cell membranes. When destroying fungi, miconazole affects the normal microflora.


The drug has activity against Trichomonas and Candida. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, in particular sexually transmitted diseases, thrush, as well as their combination.


For means "Klion-D" there are absolute and relative contraindications. The drug is prohibited for women:

  • with a reduced number of leukocyte cells;
  • with organic lesions of the central nervous system (tumor formations);
  • with liver failure, since the active substances are metabolized in the liver and excreted along with the bile from the body;
  • in the first 3 months of bearing a child (through the twelfth week). During this period, the laying of the organs and tissues of the embryo;
  • breastfeeding;
  • having hypersensitivity to the main or excipients.

Relative contraindications are the presence of diabetes mellitus (any type) and disorders in the microcirculation system. Then the treatment should be carried out with caution and under the supervision of a doctor, since the likelihood of developing undesirable effects is increased.


Proper intravaginal use of "Klion-D" excludes an overdose of the drug. However, concomitant administration with metronidazole inside can provoke its development. Overdose symptoms include dyspeptic disorders - disorders of the digestive system.

Interaction with alcohol

This medicinal product is incompatible with ethanol. The intake of drinks containing alcohol during therapy can lead to the following body reactions:

  • cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • pain in the head;
  • redness of the skin of the face.

Symptoms persist until complete neutralization of ethanol in the liver.

Use during menstruation

Treatment with the drug "Klion-D" during menstrual bleeding has a relatively low efficiency. This is due to a decrease in the content of the substance in the vagina, since menstrual blood can wash out part of the tablet. There is also a decrease in the effect of the agent on pathogenic microflora in the presence of blood. Therefore, it is advisable to start treatment after the end of menstruation.

At the beginning of menstruation during therapy, the use of the drug is recommended to continue. However, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of the application is reduced.

Application during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, treatment with this remedy is absolutely contraindicated. This is due to the ability of the active substance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Metronidazole enters the fetus through the placental barrier, which can cause malformations. From 13 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed taking into account the excess benefit for the mother over the possible likelihood of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Side effects

They are divided into local and systemic. Vaginal tablets provoke the development of local reactions. They may appear as:

  • burning sensations;
  • pain sensations;
  • severe itching in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia;
  • vaginal discharge.

Systemic reactions from drug treatment are extremely rare. Patients may complain of disruption of the digestive, nervous, urinary systems and allergic reactions.

TO side effects from the digestive system relate:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • taxation of the tongue;
  • pain syndrome in the abdomen;
  • stool disorders.

From the side of the nervous system arise:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of numbness in the arms and legs.

The undesirable effect of the drug on the urinary system is manifested by a change in the color of urine, which becomes red or dark brown.

Under the influence of the drug may occur disorders in the liver, what appears:

  • stagnation of bile and staining of the skin and whites of the eyes in yellow;
  • increased activity of transaminases (liver enzymes).

Allergic reactions are characterized by:

  • skin itching;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema (difficulty breathing);
  • rash on the skin.

If the patient has manifestations of severe systemic reactions to the drug, then it must be canceled. After stopping the drug, the signs of side effects disappear.

If allergy symptoms appear, Klion-D is immediately canceled. Subsequently, it is necessary to perform allergic tests and inform the doctor about hypersensitivity to a particular component.

Allocations after "Klion-D"

Some women notice discharge from the genitals during the treatment period. Most often they have a mucous, liquid or semi-liquid consistency with a transparent or white color, a slight specific smell.

If the inflammation is sufficiently pronounced, the discharge may take on an orange, brown or red color. The color depends on the number of erythrocytes (blood cells) they contain.

There is no need for urgent medical attention.

The yellow and green color of vaginal discharge indicates the presence of bacterial inflammation. If the effect of metronidazole, which is part of Klion-D, is insufficient, an additional prescription of an antibiotic may be required. The selection of the drug is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist.


The pharmaceutical market offers many different alternatives. Synonyms of the drug include drugs that contain the same active substances as Klion-D (metronidazole, miconazole).

Pharmacists offer various analog drugs with a similar spectrum of action, but containing other active substances.

Synonyms for "Klion-D:"

  • "Neo-Penotran";
  • "Neo-Penotran Forte";
  • "Metromicon-Neo".

Drug analogues:

  • "Vagisept";
  • "Vagiferon";

During the treatment of a disease, a person is faced with a certain reaction of the body, which is easy to confuse with a side effect. Often, even after Klion D, many women suffer from discharges of an unusual nature, immediately panicking and trying to quickly find the cause.

Klion D is considered an effective and safe drug, which during therapy can cause unusual secretion. But you need to figure out exactly which whites are associated with the drug, and which secretion may indicate other problems in the reproductive system.

What do you need to know?

Klion D 100 has proven itself as a combined topical preparation, which doctors prescribe for infectious diseases of the female genital organs. But each organism individually reacts to the drug, so not all women experience discharge.

It is important to note that not all vaginal discharge can be associated with the action of suppositories. Many factors play an important role here:

  • disease progression,
  • the nature of the pathology
  • Presence/absence of pregnancy
  • patient's age,
  • presence/absence of allergic reactions,
  • the presence of other problems with the reproductive system.

Is the drug safe?

We note right away that the product, due to its local effect, has a minimal effect on the human body, while maintaining high efficiency. These vaginal tablets have several positive effects at once:

  • antibacterial,
  • antiprotozoal,
  • antifungal.

Metronidazole is responsible for the effect on protozoa and bacteria, and miconazole has an antifungal effect. The first active substance blocks the reproduction of bacteria, thereby causing their death. And miconazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, after which salts and water penetrate into the cells of the fungus, disrupting metabolic processes there.

Both active substances and affect only microorganisms, and do not affect the microflora of the vagina and the level of acidity. Therefore, we can conclude that the drug does not provoke pathological secretion, and its appearance may be associated with the withdrawal of epithelial cells, bacteria, single leukocytes, etc. from the vagina.

The nature of the discharge after Klion D

Vaginal secretion after using Klion suppositories can be varied in color, smell and consistency. In most cases, rather liquid or semi-liquid leucorrhoea occurs, which can have a rather pungent odor. Sometimes white curd discharge appears, which could have disturbed the woman before, but not in such quantity.

Most of all, women are concerned about spotting, but they are not caused by the drug itself, but by a pronounced inflammatory process in the vagina. In this case, orange, brown and pink discharge may also appear. But if the patient is not pregnant, then there is no cause for concern, and the treatment must be completed, with the condition that there are no signs of intolerance to the drug or an adverse reaction of the body.

Secretion duration

Specific vaginal discharge may begin immediately after the first procedure or after treatment has been stopped. In some situations, a woman notes unusual leucorrhoea even before therapy, which becomes the reason for visiting a doctor. Here, the amount of secretion at the time of treatment may increase, and this is considered the norm.

It is worth noting that unusual discharge may disturb for several more weeks. But if it lasts longer, then a visit to the gynecologist should not be postponed.

It is possible that the case turned out to be too advanced and more serious drugs are required, or the woman did not follow the doctor's recommendations on the number of procedures.

Allocations in the treatment of Klion D candidiasis

Thrush, although considered a benign disease, can cause serious harm to the microflora of the vagina. Very often, infectious agents do not make themselves felt for a long time until an exacerbation occurs or immunity weakens.

As a result, abundant discharge occurs with a thick consistency, similar to cottage cheese or curdled milk.

In addition to fungi, leukocytes and dead cells of the mucosa may be secreted. After treatment, such discharge should pass or remain until the vaginal microflora is fully restored.

Also, often a woman, without realizing it, re-infects the vagina. That is why, during treatment with vaginal pills, doctors recommend abstaining from sex, as well as forcing the partner to also undergo treatment.

In the treatment of colpitis suppositories

If a woman is concerned about watery or foamy discharge with pus, then colpitis can be assumed. With this disease, vaginal secretion may become thicker over time due to strong desquamation of epithelial cells. There is also a very unpleasant smell, which can even be called fetid.

During treatment, the amount of secretion may increase, but by the end of the course it becomes less and less. In rare cases, with this disease, bleeding occurs, the occurrence of which may occur just at the time of using the vaginal tablets. But whites with blood do not indicate the effect of the Klion drug, but a very severe form of colpitis, where more serious treatment is required.

Secretion in the treatment of suppositories of vaginitis

There are several types of vaginitis at once, each of which has its own characteristics, also applies to vaginal secretion. She may be:

  • thick with a white-yellow tint, purulent;
  • frothy green or yellow;
  • abundant rich yellow;
  • in the form of loose flakes of white color;
  • transparent with a fishy smell.

In some cases, there are no discharges before the start of treatment, especially for the chronic form of this disease. During treatment, vaginal secretion may increase, but should not continue after therapy for more than two weeks.

Could this be related to an overdose?

Allocations after Klion D can in no way be associated with a dose violation with local use. But if the patient, along with vaginal tablets, takes metronidazole orally, then the following may appear:

  • pain in the abdomen,
  • stomach upset,
  • itching and burning,
  • metallic taste,
  • headaches and dizziness,
  • dark urine.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Note that Klion D during pregnancy is prescribed extremely rarely, and only in cases where the expected effect is higher than the possible risk. The instructions indicate that the use of these vaginal tablets is allowed in the second and third trimester.

Studies on women have not been conducted, but on animals it was metronidazole that had a toxic effect on the fetus. Although many doctors claim that the drug does not threaten the health of the unborn child. In any case, the remedy must be used very carefully under strict medical supervision.

After all, the discharge that appeared after Klion D may not be associated with the use of the drug, but a woman may think differently. See in our article what could be the causes of discharge during pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, any bloody, pink (scarlet) or brown discharge requires diagnosis. They can occur as a result of inflammatory processes, gynecological examination, after sexual intercourse, or be a signal of health problems for a woman and her fetus.

Klion D during menstruation

During menstruation, it is not recommended to use candles, because the effectiveness of the active substances drops greatly in such conditions. It can also affect the entire course of treatment, making it useless. And all this is due to the removal of part of the vaginal tablet along with menstrual flow.

If the patient is about to start her period, then it is better to postpone the course of treatment. But if menstruation began unexpectedly already during therapy, then it is better to continue using Klion D, after warning your gynecologist about this. In addition, just before the onset of menstruation, a woman may notice secretion with blood, which will not look like a normal signal for the onset of menstruation.

Klion D - analogues

If Klion D is not suitable or proved to be ineffective, you can try other medicines. There are drugs-synonyms:

  • Neo-Penotran,
  • Neo-Penotran Forte,
  • Metromicon-Neo.

These drugs have a different name, but have the same composition.

  • Vagiferon,
  • Clomegel,
  • Vagisept,
  • Ginalgin,
  • Gynomax.

The course of treatment with vaginal tablets Klion D can be carried out several times if the first course was ineffective. But if the treatment has to be repeated often, then it is necessary to analyze the discharge, which will show a specific type of fungus, after which the doctor will be able to select the appropriate drug.

Women should remember that the discharge cannot pass immediately with infectious diseases, because it takes time to restore the microflora of the vagina. In addition, there may be other diseases of the reproductive system, which are the cause of certain discharges.

Fungal and Trichomonas infections occur frequently in women.

The reasons can be very different - from weakened immunity and genetic heredity to casual and unprotected intimate relationships.

Among the variety of drugs, one of the best is Klion-D 100.

It fights infection locally and has a medicinal effect. This tool will be discussed today.

pharmachologic effect

The antifungal effect that the drug Klion-D has is possible due to the content of two powerful components - miconazole and metronidazole.

The first active substance of vaginal tablets fights the fungus itself, by influencing the membrane of microorganism cells.

They begin to weaken and soon die. Miconazole relieves the annoying itching that accompanies all ailments of a fungal nature.

This component of the drug is poorly absorbed into the blood if it is injected into the vagina. Its presence is not found either in the blood or in the products of vital activity.

The advantage of miconazole is that even after 8 hours, about 90% of the substance is in the vaginal environment, providing an antifungal effect all this time.

Metronidazole Kliona-D 100 acts as an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. It penetrates the DNA of microbes and blocks the process of cell division. With the help of this substance, the pathogen stops growth and reproduction.

Video about the pharmacological action of the drug:

After intravaginal administration of vaginal tablets, it is absorbed into the blood and after 6-12 hours accumulates at a maximum concentration.

Since the absorption of the drug Klion-D 100 is very high, the active ingredients of the drug enter the mother's milk, placenta, brain and spinal cord.

The drug Klion-D 100 is excreted in the urine from 60 to 80% through the kidneys. For this reason, urine may turn brown or red.

The remaining percentages accumulate in the intestines and come out with the feces.

Composition and form of release

The drug Klion-D is produced in the form of vaginal tablets. Each suppository contains 100 mg of miconazole and metronidazole.

In addition to these substances, additional:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Povidone;
  • Silicon colloidal anhydrous;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • 2910 hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • Crospovidone;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • Wine acid;
  • Sodium carboxymethyl starch type A.

Klion-D vaginal tablets are white and almond-shaped with a rough surface.

Candles of medicine are packed on 10 pieces in one foil blister.

The composition of Klion-D 100 is aimed at destroying the focus of fungal infection in the shortest possible time and actively resisting it.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat female vaginal infections that originated against the background of infection with Candida fungi or Trichomonas.

That is, Klion-D 100 is used for thrush and vaginitis of a different nature.

Useful video:

During pregnancy and lactation

During lactation and during the first three months of pregnancy, the use of the drug Klion-D 100 is contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that it is able to penetrate into breast milk, and through the placental layer.

Starting from the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the remedy in the form of vaginal tablets is used only as directed by a doctor, in case of strong need.

With menstruation

There is no categorical ban on the use of Klion-D 100 vaginal tablets during menstruation.

But, during the release of blood masses, some part of the already dissolved candle just comes out.

As a result, it turns out that the effect is, as an example, only 0.5 doses, which is not enough for treatment.

For this reason, it is better to postpone treatment with the Klion-D 100 drug, since the tablets are used, but there will be no effect.


In the case of Klion-D 100 vaginal suppositories, women with individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug should be used with caution.

A contraindication for vaginal tablets is the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and lactation.

It is also forbidden to combine the drug Klion-D 100 with alcoholic beverages or medicines based on disulfamiram.

Side effects

Some women complain that orange discharge appears after Klion-D 100, and consider them an adverse reaction.

In fact, the discharge can be completely different, depending on the degree of inflammation in the vagina.

Orange and reddish color indicate severe inflammation of the mucous tissues. Such a specific color is obtained due to blood impurities from the affected areas.

This phenomenon is normal and does not require interruption of treatment with vaginal tablets. The drug Klion-D 100 has a number of possible side reactions.

Side effects of metronidazole:

No. p / pOrgan systemsAdverse reactions from the simultaneous use of suppositories and oral tablets Klion-D
1 Blood and lymphatic systems- Agranulocytosis;
- Neutropenia;
- Thrombocytopenia;
- Pancytopenia;
- Leucopenia.
2 Infections / infestations- Fungal superinfections.
3 The immune system- Angioedema;
- Anaphylactic shock.
4 Nutrition and metabolism- Decreased appetite.
5 Mental disorders- hallucinations;
- Confusion of consciousness;
- Bad mood.
6 central nervous system- Headache;
- Convulsions;
- Drowsiness;
- encephalopathy;
- Dizziness;
- Ataxia;
- Dysarthria;
- Aseptic meningitis;
- Taste disorder.
7 organs of vision- Temporary visual impairment;
- Image blur;
- Decreased visual acuity;
- Violation of the perception of colors;
- Optic neuropathy or neuritis.
8 gastrointestinal tract- Pain in the epigastric zone;
- Nausea;
- Vomit;
- Colic;
- Diarrhea;
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth;
- Dry mouth;
- Stomatitis;
- Anorexia;
- Pancreatitis.
9 Hepatobiliary system- Excessive activity of liver enzymes;
- Hepatitis;
- Hepatocellular lesions of the liver;
- Jaundice;
- Liver failure.
10 Skin and subcutaneous tissues- Hyperemia;
- Itching of the skin layer;
- Rash;
- Urticaria;
- Pustular rash;
- Erythema multiforme.
11 Laboratory indicators- Darkening of the urine.
12 Skeletal system and connective tissues- Myalgia;
- Arthralgia.
13 Other- Irritation in the injection area;
- Pyrexia.

Side effects of miconazole:

  1. Hypersensitivity;
  2. Angioedema;
  3. Anaphylactic shock.

drug interaction

The drug Klion-D 100 can be combined with antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides.

This drug does not interact well with medicines based on disulfiramine. Their simultaneous use contributes to confusion.

The drug Klion-D 100 enhances the effect of anticoagulants at times, therefore these drugs should be prescribed only by specialists.

Klion-D 100 vaginal tablets are able to increase the concentration of lithium in the blood. For this reason, it is necessary to either adjust the dose or reduce it.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks and the drug Klion-D 100 are poorly combined. Their simultaneous use can provoke the occurrence of hyperemia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache.

Klion D is considered an antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal drug. This drug is intended for topical use in gynecology.

The action of the drug

Klion-D is a drug that is made in the form of tablets, vaginal, suppositories or ointments. Most often, vaginal tablets are prescribed. The drug contains 100 mg of nitrate. This also includes additional substances, such as:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate (0.5 mg);
  • silicon dioxide colloidal (7 mg);
  • magnesium stearate (13 mg);
  • povidone (26 mg);
  • sodium bicarbonate (90 mg);
  • tartaric acid (100 mg);
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch (100 mg);
  • crospovidone (100 mg);
  • hypromellose (190 mg);
  • lactose monohydrate (473.5 mg).

One carton contains 10 tablets.

As for the pharmacological action, this drug belongs to the combined drugs. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal properties. This remedy is intended for intravaginal use.

As mentioned above, Klion tablets include metronidazole, which is aimed at the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group. Aerobic microorganisms are able to resist the action of this substance, and this also applies to facultative anaerobes. However, if the flora is mixed, then metronidazole, together with antibiotics, has a synergistic effect.

It is miconazole that has an antifungal effect, which is aimed at eliminating dermatophytes and yeast fungi. It is important to note that this substance is not able to negatively affect the normal composition of the microflora or the pH level in the vagina.

Indications and contraindications

If we talk about the indications, then this drug is intended for the local treatment of vaginitis with a mixed etiology, which can be caused by dimorphic fungi (for example, Candida spp.)

Like other medicines, Klion has the following contraindications:

  • leukopenia (including history);
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • liver failure;
  • gestation in the 1st trimester;
  • lactation period.

In addition, this tool is not recommended for use by children who have not reached the age of 12, as well as people with hypersensitivity to those components that are included in this drug, or with hypersensitivity to other azoles.

Especially carefully it is necessary to prescribe the remedy to those people who suffer from diabetes and microcirculation disorders.

Dosage and overdose

Instructions for use states that the remedy treats intravaginally. At the same time, it can be not only tablets or suppositories; there is also another form of the drug Klion: an ointment, which also has a broad antimicrobial effect.

Most often, it is the tablet form that is prescribed. In this case, the dosage should not exceed that indicated by the doctor. Take the medicine at bedtime, for 10 days.

If everything is done correctly, then there will be no need to think about the consequences that an overdose can lead to. If Metronidazole is also used in combination with Klion, then some systemic effects may occur.

So, a person often has the following side effects, which indicate an overdose. This should include:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • ataxia, that is, impaired movement;
  • generalized itching;
  • paresthesia;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • leukopenia;
  • change in urine color.

Side effects that Miconazole could cause in case of overdose have not been identified.

If a person accidentally took a large number of pills inside, then it will be necessary to apply additional treatment, namely, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, and hemodialysis. In the event that any of the listed signs of an overdose have been identified, then a therapy should be carried out that eliminates the symptoms and is aimed at supporting the body.

It should be noted that Miconazole systemic absorption is low, therefore, metronidazole interacts with other drugs, which can be compatible with both antibiotics and sulfonamides.

It is important to know that this drug should not be taken with alcohol, as this can cause a reaction in the form of cramping pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, flushing of the skin, headache. In addition, the medicine under discussion cannot be taken together with Disulfiram, since this threatens with an additive effect, that is, the person will have a confused mind.

Klion can enhance the effect of drugs such as indirect anticoagulants, so the doctor must adjust the dose of the last drug.

Moreover, metronidazole should not be combined with a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant. But cimetidine can inhibit the metabolism of the drug under discussion, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the concentration of the latter in the blood serum increases, and therefore the risk of side effects increases.

Pregnancy and menstruation

Klion-D during pregnancy should be used after the onset of 12 weeks. Until this period, this drug is prohibited to use, since the substances that make up its composition are able to be absorbed into the blood and penetrate to the fetus through the placenta. Therefore, starting from 13 to 40 weeks, the remedy is allowed to be used, but if there is a choice, then it is better to refuse it. For this reason, this drug should only be prescribed by a specialist who can weigh all the risks. But at the same time, there is no exact information that would indicate that Klion-D can harm a child.

But what is strictly prohibited is the use of this drug during breastfeeding, since the components that the drug contains are absorbed into the blood, and then enter the breast milk and into the child's body.

Klion-D during menstruation is also not recommended by doctors. There are several reasons for this. So, the blood that is in the genital tract can reduce the effectiveness of the drug substances. In addition, during the period of menstruation, the components of the pill will come out with the blood, so the remedy simply will not work. Klion-D, which eliminates pathogens, will not have any effect, and the treatment itself will not bring the expected result. For this reason, menstruation that begins during the reception leads to the interruption of therapy. It is required to continue after the end of menstruation.

Klion-D for thrush is prescribed by a doctor who takes into account all the characteristics of the patient. In addition, during treatment with a drug for thrush, it is recommended that therapy be carried out with a sexual partner. This is carried out even if he does not have any symptoms. If you refuse treatment, there is a risk of re-development of the disease.

During this therapy, you must completely abandon sexual contact. When the drug is prescribed for a long period, then you need to monitor the blood and regularly take tests. After the course of treatment is over, it is important to see a doctor and follow the recommendations received.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area requires consistency and regularity. The natural temporary problems of the body of the fair sex should not interfere with ongoing therapy.

Menstruation quite often becomes an obstacle to ongoing treatment. Experts disagree on whether it is possible to use the drug "Klion D" during menstruation. For the correct use of this drug, you should know the possibilities of the recommended drug, its positive and negative sides.

This medicine is presented on the pharmacy market in a single form - vaginal tablets, so their action is mainly local. The composition of the drug includes two known components:

  • First of all, we are talking about miconazole. This substance is a derivative of ergosterol or a mixture of fatty complexes of protozoan fungal cells. Due to its functions, the compound in question contributes to the entry of a large amount of ordinary table salt and minerals into the cells of Candida fungi, which leads to their death. Miconazole is used to combat various fungal pathologies.
  • The second active ingredient in this drug is metronidazole. This medicinal substance is widely used for various bacterial problems in many aspects of medicine. Metronidazole is used by surgeons, obstetricians, urologists and other doctors dealing with various infections. Its main function is to ensure the restoration of cells damaged by various harmful microorganisms.

After numerous experiments, it turned out that these two substances perfectly complement each other. Therefore, the drug "Klion D" has become quite widespread among dermatologists and gynecologists.

The drug allows you to simultaneously provide assistance to women suffering from trichomoniasis, and other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and internal genital organs.

The literature describes the use of "KlionD" during menstruation, but data on the results and consequences vary greatly.

Watch the video about the action of the drug:

The use of the drug in various diseases

The method of using vaginal tablets "Klion D" has several features. The thing is that suppositories require additional moisture, so right before the drug is administered inside a woman, it is advisable to douche with warm water. A soapy solution of a weak consistency is also possible.

With trichomoniasis

In about 60 - 70% of cases, this drug is used to treat trichomonas vulvitis in women. Most often, experts recommend administering no more than one therapeutic tablet per day.

The process of introducing the drug into the patient's vagina takes several minutes before the patient falls asleep. Most often, a woman needs 10 to 12 days to fully recover. However, quite often visible successes are not confirmed by laboratory tests. In this case, you have to take 2 tablets of the drug "Metronidazole" 2 times a day per os (by mouth) 40 minutes before meals.

Treatment of thrush

Up to 30% of the female population of the world suffers from candidiasis or thrush at different times of life, and it should be noted that menstrual bleeding is quite often a stimulating factor. Therefore, the question of whether “Klion D” is possible during menstruation is especially relevant for this disease.

It should be noted that during the treatment of thrush, this drug is used daily for 12-14 days. The tablets require the same amount of moisture as in the treatment of trichomoniasis. The moment of drug administration is also not original: the drug is best used 15-20 minutes before bedtime in a supine position.

Doctors note that the course of taking the drug "Klion D" can be repeated several times until the result is obtained, however, in this case, laboratory monitoring of the treatment is also required. According to the annotation, the medicine is able to resist all fungi of the Candida family, but there are exceptions to any rule.

Special conditions for drug treatment

When using "Klion D" for the treatment of trichomonas or fungi, a woman should be aware of some specific requirements and conditions:

  • First of all, it should be remembered that this drug affects the human nervous system, can cause depression of attention, drowsiness, apathy. If taking the drug provoked a similar reaction, it is contraindicated to drive a car, work in precise and high-speed production, such as a conveyor.
  • "Klion D" can provoke an increase in the transmission of pathogens of trichomoniasis and candidiasis to sexual partners. This is due to the aggressive effect of the drug on the female flora. It is recommended to stop all sexual contact for the duration of treatment.
  • Since the drug contains metronidazole, under its influence it is possible to change the blood count of a sick woman: during the analysis, leukopenia is present or up to 50% below normal. A similar symptom may also indicate the development of disorders in the patient's immune system.

Well, of course, as with the use of any medication, the young ladies will be concerned about a possible overdose when taking the drug. If only vaginal tablets are used, then the question of overdose or poisoning is not even worth it.

Side effects are possible only with the simultaneous use of Klion D and Metronidazole tablets. In this case, it is quite rare, but various manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which are removed by discontinuing the drug and using activated charcoal along with gastric lavage. More severe symptoms require the intervention of specialists in acute poisoning.

"Klion D" and menstruation

As mentioned above, this drug is used for such female diseases, which can respond to interrupted treatment with a negative result of therapy and regression of the disease. What to do if, during the height of the drug fight against thrush or Trichomonas, the patient began menstruation?

"Klion D" candles during menstruation may well be used, since they do not cause a significant effect on the patient's hormonal background and do not affect the patient's blood coagulation system. However, the force of their impact on the microflora will be 2-3 times less, since the medicinal substance introduced into the woman's body can be washed out of the vagina with the blood stream.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of the constituent miconazole during this period will also be reduced, the antifungal component interacts with blood fractions and can decompose. At the same time, the medical literature does not describe pathological reactions to the use of the Klion D preparation itself during menstruation.

The same can be said about the use of the drug for women "Klion D 100" during menstruation. Negative reactions to the reception should not be expected, since this name is just a brand name for ordinary vaginal tablets. However, the effect of treatment will be much lower than usual.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: the use of the drug "Klion D" during menstruation is not dangerous, just the requirements for treatment in this case should be significantly reduced. If possible, the course of therapy with the drug in question should be carried out in the usual period of the woman's condition, however, the sudden onset of monthly bleeding is not a pretext for stopping treatment.

The use of any drugs to combat infections of the female genital area can only take place under the supervision of specialists. It is gynecologists and dermatologists who are obliged to dedicate the patient to all the subtleties of treating the identified female pathology of the genital organs, give appropriate recommendations, explain the possibility and problematic of undergoing specific therapy on critical days.

The use of klion d during menstruation

Every girl who has reached puberty knows that about once a month there comes a period when you just want to climb the wall, because you cannot understand your body. First of all, you must understand that everything that happens to you is absolutely normal. Your mood changes in a second, you want to eat, you feel sick, your legs and back hurt, and at the same time someone may not sit still. And all this happens because our body and organism become many times more sensitive.

What are Klion D candles?

Candles Klion D is a local drug. With its help, women are treated for genital infections, in particular trichomoniasis and candidiasis. This drug is produced in the form of vaginal tablets that must be inserted into the vagina. Fights micro-organisms that cause disease. Candles antibacterial, antifungal. This medicine is produced by the world-famous Hungarian pharmaceutical company GEDEON RICHTER. In pharmacies, Klion D candles are sold in packages, in a package of 10 oval, white tablets with a pointed end, on one side of which there is an engraving "100".

The composition of this drug includes a substance such as metronidazole. It is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, penetrates into breast milk, and through the placenta reaches the fetus in pregnant women, it also penetrates the spinal cord and brain. Approximately 60 to 80% of the substance is excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys during urination, and the urine may be reddish or. The remaining 20 to 40% are excreted from the body with feces through the intestines. Another substance in the preparation, which also has an active effect on the body, is miconazole, but it is almost not absorbed into the blood and remains in the body for a long time.

How does Klion D work?

Its substances entering the body have an overwhelming effect on the synthesis of DNA of microbes, for this reason reproduction for microorganisms becomes impossible, microorganisms that have already managed to multiply die due to the fact that under the influence of substances, fungal cells become permeable to water and salts, which enter the cell upset its balance.

A big plus of this drug is that the substances contained in this drug act selectively, they destroy only pathogenic microorganisms, and beneficial bacteria remain unharmed, the composition of the microflora and acidity of the vagina does not change.

Pathogenic microorganisms that die under the influence of this drug:

  1. Fungi Candida;
  2. Trichomonas vaginalis;
  3. vaginal amoeba;
  4. Gardnerella;
  5. Guardia;
  6. Bacteroids;
  7. Fusobacteria;
  8. Vilonella;
  9. Prevotella;
  10. Clostridia;
  11. eubacteria;
  12. Peptococci;
  13. Peptostreptococci.

How to use the drug?

Candles Klion D must be inserted deep into the vagina, this is done with the help of a finger. Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands, as well as wash the external genitalia using warm water and soap. Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet must be wetted, the water must be clean and warm. It is necessary to enter 1 tablet per day, it is better to do this in the evening, just before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is better to accompany local therapy with these vaginal tablets with oral administration of one tablet in the morning and in the evening of Klion or Metronidazole, also 10 days. It is recommended to take the tablets orally during meals or after it, in no case should the tablets be chewed, it is necessary to swallow them whole.

In the event that a course of treatment of 10 days did not give a result, it is necessary to extend it for another 10 days. Treatment is necessary not only for the woman herself, but also for her sexual partner. He also needs to take metronidazole tablets by mouth. If there is a need for several courses of treatment in a row, then you can repeat it as many times as necessary. But still, if it happens that Klion D suppositories did not help for two courses of treatment, then you need to consult a doctor to do research on the sensitivity of the fungus that caused the disease to the drug. Perhaps in this case, the disease needs to be treated with another drug.

Klion D during pregnancy

For up to twelve weeks, the use of Klion D suppositories is contraindicated, since metronidazole, which is part of it, is absorbed into the blood and penetrates through the placenta to the fetus. From the thirteenth to the fortieth week of pregnancy, the drug can be used, but if possible, it is better to refuse it. It should be used only after all possible risks and all expected therapeutic effects have been weighed. Although there is no exact information about whether the drug is harmful to the unborn child. Experiments were carried out only on mice, experiments were not carried out on pregnant women and are unlikely to ever be carried out. As a result of the experiments, it was found that if pregnant rats and mice were injected with the drug and the dosage was appropriate for their organisms, then no negative effect on the fetus was found, but when mice and rats were injected with the same dose of the drug that a person receives, it was found that the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus.

Klion D while breastfeeding?

Doctors unanimously say that in no case should you combine breastfeeding with the use of this drug. Why? Yes, for the reason that the substances that Klion D vaginal suppositories contain penetrate into the blood, and from the blood into breast milk, and with milk these substances enter the child's body. This implies that the drug should not be taken simultaneously with breastfeeding. If the use of tablets during this period cannot be avoided, then it is better to stop breastfeeding the baby for a while while the mother is undergoing treatment. After the course of treatment has been completed, after two days have passed since the last vaginal tablet was used, breastfeeding can be resumed.

Klion D during menstruation

Doctors do not recommend using this method of therapy during menstruation, since, firstly, blood in the genital tract and organs greatly reduces the effectiveness of the active ingredients of this vaginal drug. Secondly, during menstruation with menstrual blood, particles of the dissolved tablet also come out of the vagina. It turns out that the required amount of active substances, which are aimed at the destruction of pathogens, decreases and becomes insufficient to fight the disease, therefore, the treatment becomes ineffective. Therefore, if a woman has menstruation, then you should not start using pills, it is better to wait until the end of menstruation and continue the course of treatment after the end of menstrual bleeding. If during the course of treatment menstruation suddenly began, then you can either refuse treatment and continue it later, or continue to use vaginal tablets, but remember that the treatment will not be effective enough.

Mode during the course of treatment

It is necessary during the entire course of treatment to observe the mode of refusal of any sexual contact with any partners. If it is impossible to completely abandon sexual relations due to taking Klion D, then it is necessary to use a condom during sex.

During the use of this drug, it is not recommended to categorically conduct an analysis for treponema, since the substances contained in this medicine will provoke incorrect test results.

During the use of this drug, a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood may be observed, for this reason, during the use of these vaginal tablets, it is necessary to periodically donate blood for analysis.

Combination of Klion D with other drugs

The use of Klion D can be combined in parallel with antibiotics, with sulfa drugs, and regardless of the method of their administration - injections or tablets.

You can not drink alcoholic beverages during the course of treatment, since alcohol affects the mind, liver, muscles and coordination of movements, so alcohol can provoke side effects - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, redness of the skin.

Side effects

There may be disturbances in attention, as the drug affects the nervous system. While taking the drug, you should abandon any activities that require a good reaction, concentration, attentiveness, for example, you should not drive a car, or do work on a conveyor, etc.

If only the vaginal version of the drug is used without concomitant drug therapy, then an overdose is not possible. If it is used in combination with oral tablets, then an overdose may cause various side effects: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, itching on the skin, a taste of metal in the mouth, coordination of movements (ataxia), dizziness, convulsions, red urine, goosebumps.

If the symptoms of an overdose are on the face, then an urgent gastric lavage is necessary, then you should take activated charcoal, polyphepan, and in case of severe intoxication of the body, you will even have to undergo a hemodialysis procedure. Further, it is necessary to act according to the situation, that is, based on what side effects are observed, these effects should already be treated.

In addition, women using this drug may also experience such side reactions as non-standard discharge from the external genital organs, itching and burning of the genital mucosa, and a feeling of discomfort. Discharge, most often mucous, transparent or white, with a slight odor. Sometimes the discharge is thick, with white flakes and an almost imperceptible smell. Some women may have discharge that is orange, brownish, or red in color; this color is mixed with blood. Allocations with an admixture of blood are the result of the fact that the vessels that are located in the vaginal mucosa are injured, and they are injured due to inflammation. Even if there are such discharges, then there is no need to stop treatment, as well as there is no need to visit a gynecologist. Allocations can be observed for another two weeks after the use of the drug has stopped. Allocations, like sensations of itching, burning, pain inside the vagina - this is normal, do not be afraid of them. These symptoms can occur at any time during the course of treatment, for someone on the first day, for someone only on the fifth day - this is an individual feature of the body to respond to the use of the substances that make up this drug.

Any side effects, except for an overdose, are not a reason to stop the course of treatment, since these effects are not dangerous and they pass without a trace as soon as the course of treatment is completed.

To whom is the drug contraindicated?

Klion D is contraindicated in women who have blood problems, as well as diseases such as epilepsy, stroke, liver disease, it is not recommended to use girls under 12 years of age and if there is an allergy to any component of the drug.

The main thing to remember is that the use of any drugs can be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.

The question of whether it is possible to take Klion D suppositories during menstruation worries many girls who have reached puberty. This drug is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital organs, and you do not want to interrupt the course of treatment when menstruation appears. To understand how expedient the use of this medication during menstruation, it is necessary to study its composition and mechanism of action.

Klion D is a suppository manufactured by Gedeon Richter in Hungary and is aimed at combating bacterial and fungal infections of the genital organs. These suppositories are sold in packs of 10.

The main active ingredient is metronidazole. This substance has a very good absorption into the blood, is able to enter breast milk and the placenta. Up to 80% of the substance is excreted from the body naturally through the kidneys, staining the urine reddish or brown. The rest of the substance is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to metronidazole, the composition of the drug includes another active ingredient - miconazole. It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes, but is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and remains in the body for a long time.

Once in the body, the active components make detrimental changes in the DNA of bacteria, as a result of which they become permeable to water and salts. They disrupt metabolic processes in cells, which eventually die off.

A significant advantage of the drug is that the components act exclusively on harmful bacteria and do not kill the beneficial microflora of the vagina. The following microorganisms are subject to the action of the drug:

  • fungi of the genus Candida;
  • trichomonas vaginalis;
  • peptostreptococci and peptococci;
  • gardnerella;
  • guardia;
  • bacterioids;
  • fusobacteria and eubacteria;
  • vilonella;
  • clostridia;
  • some other bacteria.


Indications and contraindications for use

Indications for use are diseases of the genital organs caused by the aforementioned microorganisms. The drug is not used in the following cases:

  • in the presence of problems with the blood;
  • in children under 12 years of age;
  • with a history of epilepsy, stroke and liver disease;
  • if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

With frequent use, side effects may occur - all sorts of discomfort in the genitals. White, brown, or red vaginal discharge may also occur, which may continue for up to 14 days after stopping treatment. Most side effects do not require a visit to a doctor. But with obvious clinical manifestations of excess dosage (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching of the epidermis, a metallic taste in the mouth, dizziness, urine staining red), it is necessary to wash the stomach, drink activated charcoal and stop taking the drug. When the acute symptoms of poisoning have passed, it is necessary to consult a doctor about changing the dosage or using a different medication.

The use of suppositories during menstruation

Doctors agree that it is undesirable to start treatment with Klion D during menstruation, since suppositories lose their effectiveness due to the effect of active substances present in the woman's blood during this period. In addition, the active substance, which has already managed to dissolve in the vagina, can be washed out along with the flow of menstrual blood. As a result, there is a decrease in the concentration of useful components, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

If menstruation began during the treatment course, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the advisability of continuing treatment. In some cases, even with reduced effectiveness, the drug is still worth using in order not to interrupt treatment.

  1. Wash the genitals with warm water and baby soap or an intimate hygiene product.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. Remove the candle from the blister, soak it in warm boiled water.
  4. Lie on your back, spread your legs and insert the suppository as deep as possible into the vagina with your fingers.

This procedure is best performed at night so that you can remain calm until the tablet dissolves.


Sometimes, as the main or additional treatment for menstruation, doctors prescribe oral administration of the drug Klion D. Self-administration of this remedy inside can lead to an overdose, so self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

It should be borne in mind that the woman's partner also needs to be diagnosed for the presence of infectious agents. If the result is positive, both partners should consult their doctor. If Klion D is ineffective, tests are carried out for the susceptibility of harmful microorganisms to the active substance of the drug. Based on these studies, other drugs are selected.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area requires consistency and regularity. The natural temporary problems of the body of the fair sex should not interfere with ongoing therapy.

Menstruation quite often becomes an obstacle to ongoing treatment. Experts disagree on whether it is possible to use the drug "Klion D" during menstruation. For the correct use of this drug, you should know the possibilities of the recommended drug, its positive and negative sides.

Read in this article

What do pharmacologists say about this drug?

This medicine is presented on the pharmacy market in a single form - vaginal tablets, so their action is mainly local. The composition of the drug includes two known components:

  • First of all, we are talking about miconazole. This substance is a derivative of ergosterol or a mixture of fatty complexes of protozoan fungal cells. Due to its functions, the compound in question contributes to the entry of a large amount of ordinary table salt and minerals into the cells of Candida fungi, which leads to their death. Miconazole is used to combat various fungal pathologies.
  • The second active ingredient in this drug is metronidazole. This medicinal substance is widely used for various bacterial problems in many aspects of medicine. Metronidazole is used by surgeons, obstetricians, urologists and other doctors dealing with various infections. Its main function is to ensure the restoration of cells damaged by various harmful microorganisms.

After numerous experiments, it turned out that these two substances perfectly complement each other. Therefore, the drug "Klion D" has become quite widespread among dermatologists and gynecologists.

The drug allows you to simultaneously provide assistance to women suffering from trichomoniasis, and other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and internal genital organs.

The literature describes the use of "KlionD" during menstruation, but data on the results and consequences vary greatly.

Watch the video about the action of the drug:

The use of the drug in various diseases

The method of using vaginal tablets "Klion D" has several features. The thing is that suppositories require additional moisture, therefore, right before the introduction of the drug into the woman, it is advisable to douche with warm water. A soapy solution of a weak consistency is also possible.

With trichomoniasis

In about 60 - 70% of cases, this drug is used to treat trichomonas vulvitis in women. Most often, experts recommend administering no more than one therapeutic tablet per day.

The process of introducing the drug into the patient's vagina takes several minutes before the patient falls asleep. Most often, a woman needs 10 to 12 days to fully recover. However, quite often visible successes are not confirmed by laboratory tests. In this case, you have to take 2 tablets of the drug "Metronidazole" 2 times a day per os (by mouth) 40 minutes before meals.

Treatment of thrush

Up to 30% of the female population of the world suffers from candidiasis or thrush at different times of life, and it should be noted that menstrual bleeding is quite often a stimulating factor. Therefore, the question of whether “Klion D” is possible during menstruation is especially relevant for this disease.

It should be noted that during the treatment of thrush, this drug is used daily for 12-14 days. The tablets require the same amount of moisture as in the treatment of trichomoniasis. The moment of drug administration is also not original: the drug is best used 15-20 minutes before bedtime in a supine position.

Doctors note that the course of taking the drug "Klion D" can be repeated several times until the result is obtained, however, in this case, laboratory monitoring of the treatment is also required. According to the annotation, the medicine is able to resist all fungi of the Candida family, but there are exceptions to any rule.

Special conditions for drug treatment

When using "Klion D" for the treatment of trichomonas or fungi, a woman should be aware of some specific requirements and conditions:

  • First of all, it should be remembered that this drug affects the human nervous system, can cause depression of attention, drowsiness, apathy. If taking the drug provoked a similar reaction, it is contraindicated to drive a car, work in precise and high-speed production, such as a conveyor.
  • "Klion D" can provoke an increase in the transmission of pathogens of trichomoniasis and candidiasis to sexual partners. This is due to the aggressive effect of the drug on the female flora. It is recommended to stop all sexual contact for the duration of treatment.
  • Since the drug contains metronidazole, under its influence it is possible to change the blood count of a sick woman: during the analysis, leukopenia is present or up to 50% below normal. A similar symptom may also indicate the development of disorders in the patient's immune system.

Well, of course, as with the use of any medication, the young ladies will be concerned about a possible overdose when taking the drug. If only vaginal tablets are used, then the question of overdose or poisoning is not even worth it.

Side effects are possible only with the simultaneous use of Klion D and Metronidazole tablets. In this case, it is quite rare, but various manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which are removed by discontinuing the drug and using activated charcoal along with gastric lavage. More severe symptoms require the intervention of specialists in acute poisoning.

"Klion D" and menstruation

As mentioned above, this drug is used for such female diseases that can respond to interrupted treatment with a negative result of therapy and regression of the disease. What to do if, during the height of the drug fight against thrush or Trichomonas, the patient began menstruation?

"Klion D" candles during menstruation may well be used, since they do not cause a significant effect on the patient's hormonal background and do not affect the patient's blood coagulation system. However, the force of their impact on the microflora will be 2-3 times less, since the medicinal substance introduced into the body of a woman can be washed out of the vagina with the blood stream.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of the constituent miconazole during this period will also be reduced, the antifungal component interacts with blood fractions and can decompose. At the same time, the medical literature does not describe pathological reactions to the use of the Klion D preparation itself during menstruation.

The same can be said about the use of the drug for women "Klion D 100" during menstruation. Negative reactions to the reception should not be expected, since this name is just a brand name for ordinary vaginal tablets. However, the effect of treatment will be much lower than usual.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: the use of the drug "Klion D" during menstruation is not dangerous, just the requirements for treatment in this case should be significantly reduced. If possible, the course of therapy with the drug in question should be carried out in the usual period of the woman's condition, however, the sudden onset of monthly bleeding is not a pretext for stopping treatment.

The use of any drugs to combat infections of the female genital area can only take place under the supervision of specialists. It is gynecologists and dermatologists who are obliged to dedicate the patient to all the subtleties of treating the identified female pathology of the genital organs, give appropriate recommendations, explain the possibility and problematic of undergoing specific therapy on critical days.

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