What is the name of the high mountain? The biggest mountain in the world

The impressive size, splendor, picturesqueness and inaccessibility of the mountains have long attracted the attention of people. On any continent, the locals were sure: the highest place on Earth is theirs. Indeed, everywhere there are impassable large ridges. They are called "Seven Peaks". Only a few of all the lucky climbers were able to conquer the highest peaks. Richard Bass 04/30/1985 visited the last of them. Climbing Chomolungma, the highest point on the planet, attracts mountain conquerors the most. Only 11 letters in this word - how much they tell us about the largest peak of the World.

In 1852, a topographer and mathematician from India - Radhanat Sikdar determined that Chomolungma is the highest peak on the planet. It resembles a pyramid with three sides and almost gentle slopes. Translated from the Nepalese language, Chomolungma is the “mother of the universe”, the inhabitants of Tibet call her the “Divine mother of the snows”. It was these names that were used by the locals, who treated the mountain as sacred. Europeans were then not allowed into Tibet or Nepal, which means that such designations were unknown to them. Therefore, in 1865, Andrew Waugh named the ridge by the name of his predecessor, the English surveyor George Everest. According to some data, he determined the height at the same time as Radhanat Sikdar, according to others, George Everest calculated the highest point on the planet, and Sikdar only announced these figures.

Photo of a large mountain panorama

Where is the highest mountain in the world located?

The highest point on the planet is in South Asia. This is the central Himalayas, near the border of Nepal and China. Chomolungma is located in China.


27, 98791° north latitude, 86, 92529° east longitude.

Vertex characteristics

The height of the western peak is 5642 meters, the eastern peak is 5621 meters, the southern peak is 8760 meters, and the northern (highest) peak is 8848 meters.

Dangers for Everest climbers

The volcano has not been functioning for a long time and, it would seem, the mountain is not dangerous. But Everest claimed the lives of more than 200 climbers. Entire expeditions, or individual members of the group, perished here. So, the safest year is 1993: 129 people reached the peak of Everest, and 8 died during the ascent. 1996 turned out to be the saddest year. 98 climbers managed to reach the goal. 15 - died, and 8 of them in one day. In summer, the temperature here ranges from 0 to -18°C. Unfavorable weather conditions, characterized by increased rarefaction of air, extremely low temperatures (about -60°C), strong hurricane winds exceeding 60 m/s, are not the only sources of danger. A climber can fall into a crevice of a rock, fall from a steep slope, especially one should be wary of avalanches. Glaciers flow in all directions. Many suffer from altitude sickness or hypothermia.

Time to climb to the top

The last 300 meters are the most difficult for climbers. They need to go through a smooth and steep slope. When climbing Everest, the time required to set up the camp and acclimatize is taken into account. All together it will take about 2 months. The conquerors of the highest point of the planet lose 10-15 kg in weight - the expedition is worth such an effort.

Not everyone can try their luck. The opportunity to climb the mountain will be received by a person who has paid a lot of money. There is also a rise order.

The first conquerors

In 1921, the first expedition to Everest was sent, but unbearable weather forced her to return. This was the beginning of further attempts.

The best time to climb is May: it gets a little warmer and the winds subside. T. Norgay, E. Hillary were able to reach the goal through the South Col Pass on May 29, 1953. This was preceded by about 50 scientific trips to the Himalayas, Karakoram.

Panoramic photo: T. Norgay and E. Hillary

Most often, the British tried to climb the peak, since this area was under their influence.

One legend says that the expedition that summited Everest did so in honor of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

In 1975, an all-female group was at its peak for the first time. The first woman to climb the peak is Junko Tabei, a Japanese climber.

Photo by Junko Tabei

Rock climbers from the Soviet Union were able to do this only in 1982, but it was they who climbed the most dangerous slope on the south side, where even snow is difficult to resist. So far, no one has been able to get through here.

Photo with a list of climbers

The team from China, consisting of 410 climbers, is considered the largest expedition in terms of numbers.

Sherpa Appa from Nepal was able to reach the peak 21 times between 1990 and 2011. This is a record for the number of lifts.

Photo by Sherpa Appa

Everest, considered an impregnable fortress for thousands of years, by 2018 had been conquered by more than 8,000 people.

The unofficial chronicler of the history of the conquerors of Chomolungma is considered to be Elizabeth Hawley, a former American journalist who has lived in the Himalayas for over 50 years. She interrogates all those who are going to ascend to the top and all those who have descended from there.

Photo by Elizabeth Hawley

Modern climbers have a significant advantage over the first conquerors. This is excellent equipment, an accurate topographic map, navigational instruments.

But there is still no guarantee of 100% success. Few people manage to climb the peak without oxygen tanks. The number of people wishing to conquer Chomolungma reaches 500 people per year.

The highest mountains of the Earth - a list

To date, the following list of the highest points on Earth has been adopted:

  1. Chomolungma in Asia.
  2. Aconcagua (South America).
  3. Denali in North America.
  4. Kilimanjaro in Africa.
  5. Elbrus (Europe).
  6. Vinson Peak in Antarctica.
  7. Jaya (Australia and Oceania).

Highest peak chart

The highest points of the planet are eight-thousanders located in Asia in the Karakoram, the Himalayas.

Rating of big mountain peaks:

The highest point in Europe

Between Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria in the Greater Caucasus is the highest point in Europe. This is Elbrus, which is a cone in the form of a saddle with two peaks. The height of the eastern peak is 5621 m, the western one is 5642 m.

Photo and location map of Elbrus

The volcanic eruption was in the 50s. AD, inside it is liquid magma, and the tectonic platform is mobile. The surface is covered with 22 glaciers, covering an area of ​​134.5 km2. Glaciers are fed from the rivers Kuban, Baksan, Malka.

From Iranian "Albros" (Elbrus) is translated in different ways: "high mountain", "mountain of bliss", "mane of snow", "eternal mountain".

For the first time, on July 10, 1829, Khilar Kachirov managed to reach the goal as part of the expedition of G.A. Emmanuel. The people under the command of Crawford Grove reached the western point only in 1874. And in 1997, another Guinness record was recorded: a Land Rover SUV was on the peak of Elbrus.

They go upstairs in several ways:

  • Along the eastern ridge, which starts from the village of Elbrus and stretches to the Irikchat valley, then through the pass and the glacier.
  • The northern path is more picturesque - the hills give way to rocks and stones of intricate shapes.
  • The south side is considered the most popular, it is it that is used most often for lifting.
  • The western route is the most dangerous. There are many difficult climbs on icy rock walls.

About 20 people die here every year. But for fans of extreme sports, there is a rope road that runs at an altitude of 3750 meters.

Highest point in North America

At the beginning of the century before last, the highest point of the continent was called the Big Mountain, until 2015 it bore the name of the American ruler William McKinley. Now it is Denali, with a height of 6194 m. That is what the Athabasca Indians call it - permanent residents of Alaska, which means "Great". The mountain is located on the territory belonging to the national park of the same name, on the south side of central Alaska.

Photo + location map of Denali

Geographical coordinates

63.0694°N, 151.0027°E. Prior to the sale of Alaska to America, it was located on the territory of Russia.

For the first time they reached the peak on 06/07/1913 by American climbers led by Hudson Stack, Harry Carstens.

The best time for climbing starts in May and ends in July. Breathing here is much easier compared to other world peaks.

The highest mountain in South America

The highest peak in South America is Aconcagua, located in the Andes at an altitude of 6962 m. It is located in the National Park in Argentina. The history of the name is not known for certain. Some believe that this is a translation from the Araucan language, meaning "goes from the other side" or "on the other side of the river", others call it "stone (white) guard" from the Quechua language.

Aconcagua Photos

Geographical coordinates

32.65383°S 70.01141°W.

The expedition of Edward Fitzgerald in 1897 was able to climb the mountain for the first time. The smallest climber who conquered it, on December 16, 2008, was ten-year-old Matthew Monitz. In 2007, Scott Lewis was the oldest. At the time of the ascent, he was 87 years old.

Climbing the slope from the north side is technically easy, the top of the mountain is covered with glaciers and snow. There is no need to use special climbing equipment. Most often, climbers choose the Polish Glacier for climbing, located on the northeast side.

The highest (large) peak of Africa

The highest point on the African continent (5895 meters) is Kilimanjaro. The peak is located on the northeastern side of Tanzania in the territory belonging to the park of the same name.


Geographical coordinates

3.07583°S, 37.35333°E.

The ice cap covering the volcano is rapidly melting. The glacier, consisting of 3 peaks (Mawenzi, Shira, Kiba), has decreased by 85% over the past 100 years. Scientists believe that the snow will completely melt in 20 years.

The mountain is a volcano of hardened lava, ash and tephra. It was formed during a lava eruption in the Rita Valley 360,000 years ago. There is a possibility that Kiba Peak is a dormant volcano, which means that its eruption is quite possible. Some scientists believe that the name came from the Swahili language, and is translated as "mountain", others think that from the Kichagga language - "whiteness".

On October 6, 1889, on the third attempt, G. Meyer and L. Purtsheller conquered the volcano for the first time. The ascent to it is technically simple and picturesque. Despite this, out of 40 thousand people who have the desire to climb the mountain, not so many achieve their goal. On January 21, 2008, seven-year-old Keats Boyd climbed the summit, becoming the youngest climber ever to do so.

The highest mountain in Antarctica

On the territory of the Ellsworth Massif on the Sentinel Ridge is Vinson Peak - the highest point in Antarctica, reaching 4892 meters. It was discovered by American pilots in 1957. Geographic coordinates: 78.5254° south latitude, 85.6171° west longitude.

The summit is named after Carl Vinson, an American congressman. It was not possible to conquer her the first time. The ascent is not difficult, but being in the conditions of Antarctica 1200 km from the Pole is a dangerous undertaking. In 1966, Nicholas Clinch was able to do this for the first time. Approximately 1,500 people tried to climb Vinson Peak.

Australia and Oceania have their own highest peak

The highest point in Australia and Oceania is Punchak Jaya, 4884 m high. The peak is located on the western side of New Guinea on the Maoke massif. Translated from Indonesian as "mountain of victory". Jan Carstens saw the summit from a distance in 1623, so it was first named after him. Then it was renamed Sukarno - after the name of the President of Indonesia. Only since 1969 the peak has its modern name. Geographic coordinates: 4.0833° south latitude and 137.183° east longitude.

Australian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer first climbed the mountain in 1962. Conquering the peak is considered the most difficult in terms of technical rating, but does not require much physical effort.

To get to this mountain, you need permission from the government. Not far from the summit, the largest deposits of gold, silver and copper in the world were found. For this reason, from 1995 to 2005, access to it was completely closed. And only since 2006 it was opened, but only with the help of travel agencies.

They say the high mountains are still growing

And it is true. Moreover, mountains can not only grow, but also “walk” and decrease.

This occurs due to the collision of tectonic plates, as a result of which bulging folds are formed.

For example, during the year, Everest increases by 3-6 mm, while moving 7 cm to the northeast.

They also contribute to the growth of volcanic eruption, when magma breaks out, taking rocks with it. Peaks are reduced due to weathering (as in the Urals) or natural disasters.

Each peak of the planet is beautiful and inaccessible in its own way. Not all people are able to visit there, but thanks to the Internet, you can see videos and panoramic photos of the mountains.

For most people living in the stone jungle, the idea of ​​spending a couple of days in the mountains seems like the perfect vacation solution. It should be borne in mind that the mountains suitable for such a holiday are slightly different from those on this list. The highest mountain peaks suggest quite severe conditions. Interestingly, almost all of these peaks are located in the Himalayas. There are practically no traces of civilization here, the conditions are so harsh in these mountains. Nevertheless, expeditions are constantly sent there, the most courageous people dare to climb these high peaks. Even if you do not plan to do the same, you should still get acquainted with the list of these mountains.

Nuptse, Mahalangur Himal

The name of this mountain in Tibetan means "western peak". Nuptse is located on the Mahalangur Himal ridge and is one of the mountains surrounding Everest. It was first conquered in 1961 by Dennis Davis and Tashi Sherpa. This peak is the 20th highest in the entire world and opens this impressive list.

Distagil Sar, Karakorum

This point is located among the Karakoram ranges in Pakistan. Distagil Sar rises to 7884 meters in height and extends for three kilometers in width. In 1960, the summit was conquered by Günther Sterker and Dieter Markhar, who were representatives of the Austrian expedition. In this region, this mountain is the highest, and in the list was in nineteenth place.

Himalchuli, Himalayas

This peak is part of the Himalayas in Nepal and is located near an even higher peak. With a height of 7894 m, Himalchuli can be called the second largest in this mountain range. The summit was first climbed in 1960 by the Japanese Hisashi Tanabe. Since then, few have dared to repeat his impressive achievement.

Gasherbrum IV, Karakorum

It is one of the peaks of the Gasherbrum Range in Pakistan. It is part of the northeastern edge of the Baltoro Glacier, which belongs to the Karakorum. The name in Urdu means "shining wall". The remaining three peaks of Gasherbrum exceed the mark of eight thousand meters, and this one rises to about 7932 meters.

Annapurna II, Annapurna massif

These peaks are part of a single massif that makes up the main part of the Himalayas. This peak rises to 7934 meters and is located in the east of the Annapurna massif. It was first conquered by Richard Grant, Chris Bonington and Sherpa Ang Nyma in 1960. Since then, only a few times have been climbed to the top, the conditions are so harsh here.

Gyachung Kang, Mahalangur Himal

This mountain is located between the two highest points in the world, exceeding eight thousand meters. This is part of the Mahalangur-Himal range, stretching along the border of Nepal and China. The mountain was first conquered in 1964 by a Japanese expedition. Among the mountains below eight thousand meters, this is the largest, its height is 7952 meters.

Shishabangma, central Himalayas

All the mountains described below exceed eight thousand meters in height! Shishabangma is the lowest of them, but this does not mean that it is easy to conquer. It is located between China and Tibet, in a limited area where foreigners are not allowed. This is due to security reasons. In the Tibetan dialect, the name means "ridge above the grassy plains."

Gasherbrum II, Karakorum

As mentioned above, Gasherbrum is part of the Karakorum. This is a peak with a height of 8035 meters, which was conquered by Austrian climbers in 1956. This peak is also known as K4, which means that it is the fourth in the Karakoram chain.

Broad Peak, Karakorum

This mountain with a height of 8051 meters is quite popular among climbers. It belongs to the Baltoro Glacier and ranks twelfth in the list of the highest. The conditions are extremely harsh on the slopes, so climbing is almost impossible for most of the year. It is not surprising that there are few climbers who have conquered this peak.

Gasherbrum I, Karakorum

Another name for this mountain is Hidden Peak. This is because it is an extremely remote place from civilization, which is difficult to get to. The peak with a height of 8080 meters was conquered for the first time in 1956, when the Americans Pete Schoening and Andy Kaufman climbed here.

Annapurna I, Annapurna massif

Tenth on the list! The farther, the more impressive the scale of the mountains becomes and the fewer people who conquered them. The main peak of the Annapurna massif is the tenth largest in the world and rises to 8091 meters. The name in Sanskrit means "full of food".

Nanga Parbat, Himalayas

This is the ninth largest peak, rising to 8126 meters. The mountain is located in Pakistan and is known as the "killer peak" because Nanga Parbat is associated with the largest number of unsuccessful climbing attempts. It has never been possible to climb the peak in winter: severe weather conditions with strong winds make the task simply impossible.

Manaslu, Himalayas

The name in Sanskrit means "intellect" or "soul". This is a peak located in the Himalayas not far from Annapurna. This is a peak with a height of 8163 meters. This area is considered a protected area and is protected for environmental reasons.

Dhaulagiri I, Dhaulagiri Massif

These mountains extend one hundred kilometers from the Kalingandaki River to the Bheri River. One of the peaks of this massif rises to 8167 meters and ranks seventh in size in the world. The highest point is named in Sanskrit, the word "dhaula" means "shining" in translation, and "giri" means "mountain".

Cho Oyu, Mahalangur Himal

The name translated from Tibetan means "turquoise goddesses". This is a peak with a height of 8201 meters, which is the highest in this range and is located twenty kilometers west of Everest. With moderate slopes and close passes, this mountain is considered the easiest option for climbing eight thousand meters. However, it should be borne in mind that this lightness is only in comparison with other peaks of this size. An unprepared traveler cannot make such an ascent anyway.

Makalu, Mahalangur Himal

This is the fifth place on the list - a mountain with a height of 8485 meters! Mahalu Peak is part of the Mahalangur-Himal range and is located a little in the distance. It is shaped like a pyramid with four sides. The summit was first conquered in 1955 by the French.

Lhotse, Mahalangur Himal

The name in translation from Tibetan means "southern peak". This is the second largest mountain in the massif, rising to 8516 meters. It was first conquered in 1956 by Swiss climbers Ernest Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Kangchenjunga, Himalayas

Until 1852, this peak was considered the highest in the world. Its height is 8586 meters. This is a peak located in India. This mountain range is called the "Five Snow Peaks" and is worshiped by some Indians. In addition, this place attracts tourists.

K2, Karakorum

In Baltistan, a region of Pakistan, is the highest point of the Karakorum called K2. This is a mountain with a height of 8611 meters, known for the harshest conditions, it is incredibly difficult to climb to the top. Few succeeded, and in winter there was no successful ascent at all.

Everest, Mahalangur Himal

So, here is the leader of the list - Mount Everest, also known as Chomolungma. It was discovered in 1802 and conquered in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Since then, thousands of expeditions have been here, but not all of them ended in success. After all, this is a peak at 8848 meters high! Climbing Everest requires serious preparation and considerable financial investments, because without special equipment and oxygen cylinders it is simply impossible to carry out this most difficult task.

Our planet is full of wonders and amazing places, the mere thought of which takes your breath away. These include mountain peaks lost in the clouds, which are so high that the air next to them is very rarefied, and their conquest can turn into the achievement of a lifetime.

In this article we will talk about the highest peaks of the Earth - mountains, the height of which above sea level is measured in kilometers. They are located in different parts of our big planet, and become places of a kind of "pilgrimage" for climbers from all over the world.

Chomolungma or Everest - the highest peak in the world

The highest point on planet Earth (relative to sea level) is the top of Mount Chomolungma, or Everest. It is located in the Himalayas, on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region (which belongs to China) and Nepal. The main northern peak of the mountain is located within Chinese territory. The double name of this mountain range is due to different origins: Chomolungma is the Tibetan version, and Everest is English. There is also a Nepalese name for the mountain: Sagarmatha.

The height of the northern peak of Mount Everest is 8848 meters above sea level. It is covered with snow, in January the average monthly temperature on it is -36 degrees Celsius, in July - 0 degrees Celsius. Extremely strong winds often blow at the top (their speed can reach 200 km/h).

The first person to calculate that the highest peak of the Earth is Chomolungma was the Indian topographer and mathematician Radhanat Sikdar. In 1852, he worked in his native country, at an impressive distance from Everest, but managed to calculate its height thanks to accurate trigonometric calculations.

Climbing to the top of Chomolungma takes about 2 months and includes frequent camping and acclimatization. The first people to conquer Everest were Nepalese Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. They reached the highest point on Earth on May 29, 1953. Now climbing this mountain is a developed tourist business. If in the last century only a few people could reach the summit for the whole year, now dozens and even hundreds of people rise to the top in one day. At the same time, the number of deaths of climbers on Everest has decreased significantly in recent years (partly due to the availability of modern equipment and equipment).

The highest point on Earth is the place where numerous records are set. So, for example, the Nepalese Appa Tenzing climbed to the top of the mountain several dozen times, and without oxygen tanks. Another resident of Nepal, Pemba Dorje, on May 21, 2004, became the owner of the record for the fastest ascent of Chomolungma. The journey from the base camp, located next to the Khumbu glacier, to the highest peak took him only 8 hours and 10 minutes. And the oldest person who conquered the majestic mountain was 80-year-old Japanese resident Yuichiro Miura on May 23, 2013. The youngest climber to survive the ascent of Everest was 13-year-old Jordan Romero from the United States, who completed the ascent with his father on May 22, 2010.

List of highest peaks in the world

So, the fact that the highest point on our planet is the northern peak of Mount Chomolungma has been established for certain and no one doubts. However, there are many other highest mountains on Earth that also deserve special attention. In this section, we will talk about the 15 highest places in the world.

Chomolungma (Himalayas). Height: 8848 meters

It would be illogical to start the list of the highest points of the Earth, bypassing the top of Everest. Therefore, we will once again mention this majestic mountain - the dream of every avid climber.

Chogori (Karakoram). Height: 8614 meters

The Karakorum mountain system, on the territory of which the second highest peak of the Earth is located, is located northwest of the Himalayas. It was discovered in 1856 by an expedition from Europe and designated as "K2" (the second peak of the Karakorum mountain system). The first climbers to conquer K2 were the Italians Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli.

Kanchenjunga (Himalayas). Height: 8586 meters

Kanchenjunga is a mountain range that includes five peaks. Therefore, the name of the massif is translated as "Five treasures of the great snows." The highest peak is Kanchenjunga Main. The first ascent to this peak was made by the British Joe Brown and George Band on May 25, 1955. It was from Kanchenjunga that the Russian painter Nicholas Roerich painted many of his canvases.

Lhotse (Himalayas). Height: 8516 meters

This high mountain is located at a distance of 3 kilometers south of the summit of Everest. Lhotse Main, the highest peak of this mountain, was conquered on May 18, 1956 by Swiss climbers Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss. And Lhotse Middle, whose height is 8414 meters, remained unconquered until 2001 (because of this, it was even included in the Guinness Book of Records). The first successful ascent to this peak was made by a Russian expedition led by N. Cherny and V. Kozlov.

Makalu (Himalayas). Height: 8485 meters

The fifth "eight-thousander" in height on Earth is one of the most difficult peaks to conquer. According to statistics, less than 30% of climbers starting an expedition actually reach the highest point of this mountain. The first people to succeed in this endeavor were French climbers led by Jean Franco in 1955.

Cho Oyu (Himalayas). Height: 8201 meters

Cho Oyu is considered the easiest eight-thousander to climb. The main reason is the presence of the Nangla-La pass at a distance of several kilometers west of the mountain. The pass is covered in ice and is a trade trail built by the indigenous people to transport goods from Nepal to Tibet. The summit was first summited on October 19, 1954 by the Austrians Josef Johler and Herbert Tichy. They were assisted by a local resident (Sherpa) Pazang Dawa Lama.

Dhaulagiri (Himalayas). Height: 8167 meters

This mountain range runs through the central part of Nepal and includes eleven peaks. Success in trying to conquer the main peak of the mountain - Dhaulagiri I - was achieved only by the eighth expedition on May 13, 1958. It included the best European climbers of those years under the guidance of Max Eizelin, who had previously tried to climb Dhaulagiri.

Manaslu (Himalayas). Height: 8156 meters

The first ascent of the main peak of Mount Manaslu was made by the Japanese Toshio Imanishi and Sherpa Gyalzen Norbu in 1956. This massif is also known for the hiking trail called "Trek around Manaslu", which runs around a picturesque mountain with snow-capped peaks through protected areas.

Nanga Parbat (Himalayas). Height: 8125 meters

The Nanga Parbat mountain range is the northwestern end of the Himalayas, located in the territory controlled by Pakistan. Climbing to the highest point of the mountain is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. The very first climbers who tried to conquer Nanga Parbat died due to an avalanche in 1895, never reaching the summit. A sad fate befell the next few expeditions, and only on July 3, 1953, the Austrian Hermann Buhl conquered the mountain.

Annapurna I (Himalayas). Height: 8091 meters

Annapurna I, the highest peak of the Annapurna massif, is the most dangerous eight-thousander in the entire Earth. Almost a third of all climbers who try to reach the top of this mountain die. Nevertheless, it was Annapurna I that became the first peak over 8000 meters above sea level, on which a human foot stepped: in 1950, an expedition from France conquered it.

Gasherbrum I (Karakoram). Height: 8080 meters

This mountain is designated as "K5" and has the second name Hidden Peak, which translates as "Hidden Peak". It is located in Pakistan, on the border with China. The path to the summit follows from the upper reaches of the Baltoro glacier, however, it will not be possible to see Gasherbrum I from there: the mountain is closed from the human eye by large spurs. This is what gave rise to its name. The first successful ascent of Hidden Peak took place on July 5, 1958, by Americans Andrew Kaufman and Peter Schoening.

Broad Peak (Karakoram). Height: 8051 meters

Broad Peak, or K3, is also located in Pakistan-controlled territory. The massif has only two peaks, and both of them are over 8000 meters high. The first ascent of Broad Peak Main, which has a height of 8051 meters, was made by Austrian climbers: Markus Schmuck, Fritz Wintersteller, Kurt Dimberger and Hermann Buhl, who also became the first on Nangaparbat. This happened on June 9, 1957.

Gasherbrum II (Karakoram). Height: 8035 meters

This peak is designated as "K4" and is adjacent to Hidden Peak. Its name is translated as "beautiful", which is associated with the graceful outlines and picturesque sheer walls of the mountain, covered with snow all year round. Its first conquerors were the Austrians Sepp Larch, Hans Willenpart and Fritz Moravek on July 7, 1956.

Shishabangma (Himalayas). Height: 8027 meters

This is the last, fourteenth eight-thousander on Earth, having the smallest height. Shishabangma is located in China and includes three peaks, two of which have a height of more than 8000 meters. She was conquered by the last of all the world's eight-thousanders on May 2, 1964 by a Chinese expedition led by Xu Jing.

Gyachung Kang (Himalayas). Height: 7952 meters

This is the highest non-eight-thousander peak on our planet. It is located between Everest and Cho Oyu. Controversy regularly flares up around the height of Gyachung Kang: even the results of measurements were published, indicating that the height of the peak is 8005 meters, and proposals were made to make it the fifteenth eight-thousander. However, such measurements were not confirmed. The first conquerors of Gyachung Kang were Pasang Putar, K. Sakaizawa and Y. Kato on April 10, 1964.


Reading about the highest peaks on Earth is one thing, but seeing them with your own eyes is quite another. In order for you to have a more complete understanding of the subject of the conversation, we suggest that you watch some interesting videos.

In this video you will see the snowy Everest in all its glory. The mighty mountain, which appears before you only as an image on the monitor, is the highest point on the entire planet, the desire to reach which cost many lives.

In this video, an Albanian expedition that successfully climbed Mount Everest in 2012 offers you a breathtaking view from the top of the highest mountain on Earth.

This is another great video showing Everest from different angles. You will also see footage from expeditions: camps, base stations and the process of climbing the mountain.

All information for the preparation of this article was taken from open sources. We are especially grateful to Wikipedia, an unbiased source of reliable data.

The highest peaks are scattered throughout the continents of the globe. Climbers collectively call them "Seven Peaks". For the first time, each of them was conquered in 1985 by Richard Bass.

The biggest mountains on earth

The table below shows the highest mountain peaks in the world.

No. p / p


mountain system


Height in meters above sea level

Everest (Chomolungma)


Pakistan, China


India, Nepal





Mountain systems are numerous. But where are the biggest mountains? From the above insignificant list, it can be seen that the most majestic peaks are located in the Himalayas.

The highest points in the world

Each continent of the planet has its famous well-known mountain peaks:

  • Everest - the highest peak in Asia (the largest mountain in the world);
  • Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America;
  • McKinley is a giant mountain in North America;
  • Kilimanjaro - the highest peak in Africa;
  • Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe (and Russia);
  • The Vinson Massif is a giant located in Antarctica;
  • Puncak Jaya is the largest mountain in Australia and Oceania.

Mountain peaks of different continents of the Earth

Mount Aconcagua is the tallest natural structure in the South American Andes. Its height is 6962 m. In addition, this mountain is the largest extinct volcano on the planet.

McKinley is located in North America. Above sea level, it rises to 6194 meters.

In hot Africa, there is the snowy mountain peak Kilimanjaro, which has a height of 5895 m. It is the highest point in Africa. Fantastic landscapes open from the height of these mountains. Due to global warming, there is also a rapid melting of snow on the summit.

Elbrus is the highest peak not only in Russia, but also in Europe. This mountain is a cone formed from a once extinct volcano. Its height is 6642 meters. From the top of Elbrus, fabulous landscapes of snow-white caps of snow and a veil of light clouds open up.

The largest peak in Asia and, accordingly, the largest mountain in the world is the famous unsurpassed Everest.

Cold icy Antarctica also has a similar attraction. The Vinson massif was discovered in the middle of the 20th century. Its height is 4892 meters.

The highest mountain in Australia, Oceania, located on the island of Guinea - Punchak Jaya. On its spurs are the largest mines in the world (gold and copper). The ice cover of this peak, like on Kilimanjaro, is melting very quickly. Scientists have estimated that the last remaining glaciers of these places (Punchak Jaya Mountains) will melt in the next 10 years. Its height is 5030 meters.

Everest - the highest mountain in the world

Everest is a recognized leader in height. It is known that this is the largest mountain in the world. The Tibetan people call it Chomolungma, and the Nepalese call it Sanarmatha.

The name of this peak was given in honor of the English scientist George Everest (1790-1866) in 1865. From 1830 to 1843, he held the post of chief surveyor in India, made the greatest contribution to the study of the majestic Everest at the very initial stage.

In 1852, it was announced that the mountain has the highest height among all the peaks closest to it, which also have a height of more than 8000 m. Until then, it had the number "Peak XV". A more accurate height was determined by Andrew Waugh, the student and successor of the famous George Everest. The height of the largest mountain is 8850 meters.

The formation of the highest point in the world began about 20 million years ago (raising the bottom of the sea). The layering of rocks took place over many years, and this process continues to this day. The thicknesses of the Himalayas rise by an average of 5 cm annually.

Climbing the Himalayas

Every year, there are numerous ascents to the peak of Everest (about 500 people). This event is associated with great risk. However, despite the high cost of one ascent (the average cost per person is $ 50,000), the number of people wishing to conquer the famous peak is growing every year. It should be noted that the very first woman to climb the mountain was a brave Japanese climber Junko Tabei. This happened in 1976.

The climbing practice of numerous climbers shows that the most difficult section on the way to the top is the last segment (300 meters). In this regard, the site is called the longest mile on Earth. On this segment, climbers have practically no opportunity to insure each other, since this is a very steep snowy slope. The largest mountain in the world is impregnable, but conquered by many.

In addition, there are still difficulties and obstacles that interfere with the successful finish of climbers at the very top. At the very peak of the mountain, the wind speed reaches 200 km / h, and the air temperature is 60 degrees below zero. In total, about 200 climbers died here during the entire period of ascents. The main reasons for this are severe frosts, unexpected avalanches, lack of oxygen, health problems, and so on.

Mountains on the planet Mars

Mount Olympus is located on the planet Mars. It is an extinct volcano. It is the second highest peak in the solar system. The first is the peak of Reyasilvia on the planet Vesta. It received its name from the name of Mount Olympus, located in Greece. According to ancient myths, the Olympian gods once lived on it.

Mount Olympus is 26,200 meters high and 540,000 meters wide. It is so huge that its profile can only be seen at a great distance from the Earth or from the orbit of the planet.

Perhaps the large size of the mountain is due to the fact that there are no tectonic plates on Mars, as on Earth, and therefore there is no movement. The last volcanic eruption on the planet was about 2 million years ago. The mystery of Olympus is its steep slopes. It is not entirely clear where they came from. Many scientists believe that there was once an ocean on Mars and its waters washed away Olympus.

Atmospheric pressure on Mount Olympus at the very top is 2%, while on the terrestrial Everest this figure reaches 25%.

It is impossible to imagine the Earth without its beautiful majestic elevated areas - mountains. They tower over the whole world like giants, demonstrating their fantastic beauty, and allow the most daring and courageous people to admire the fabulousness and infinity of the world around them.

The tallest mountains in the world, over 8 kilometers high, are peaks that are impressive. Passenger planes fly at such an altitude (8-12 kilometers). In fact, there are many more such mountains than fourteen. But only those that are separated from each other by a considerable distance are taken into account. All major eight-thousanders are located in Central Asia. Nepal, China, Pakistan, India. I wonder if this is the will of the gods or is it connected with something?

It is not given to everyone to conquer at least one peak from the “14 gods”, but there are those on our planet who seek to conquer all fourteen! At the moment there were only 41 of them, out of more than 9 billion inhabitants of the planet. It is difficult to say what height attracts them, perhaps only one: "... height, height, height ...".

It should be added that there is such a thing as a “clean ascent”, that is, climbers made the ascent without using oxygen masks. For reference, even commercial airliners often fly regularly at lower altitudes.
More than 10 thousand ascents were made to the great 8th thousanders.

About 7 percent of all ascents ended tragically. The bodies of many dead climbers remained at the heights they had not conquered, due to the difficulty of their evacuation. Some of them serve as landmarks for modern conquerors of certain heights. For example, the height of 8500 meters on Everest for 17 years met climbers with the body of Tsevang Palzhor, who died on it in 1996. She even received an unofficial name - "Green Boots", this is the color of the shoes that was on the deceased climber. Why are we so attracted by unconquered heights? Everyone has their own answer to this question.

Another well-known name is Chomolungma (from the Tibetan " Chomolangma" means "Divine" or "Mother". The highest point in the world and the most "prestigious" peak on our "blue" planet. Its height is 8848 meters above sea level. Its English name "Everest" was given in honor of the head of the geodetic survey of British India, Sir George Everest.

Where is Everest

Everest is located on several hundred square kilometers, on the territory of mainly two states - Nepal and China. Chomolungma is part of the Himalayan mountain system, the Mahalangur-Himal range (in the part called Khumbu-Himal). Perhaps no other peak on our planet attracts to its conquest, like Chomolungma.

Climbing Everest

The mountain was first climbed on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary.

About three hundred people have already died since the "ascending travelers" were counted. Even the most modern equipment and equipment do not allow all the thirsty inhabitants of our planet to conquer this height.
Every year, about five thousand people try to conquer Everest. By 2018, more than 8,400 climbers have reached the summit, nearly 3,500 of them have climbed Everest more than once.

Climbing Everest takes about 2 months - with acclimatization and setting up camps. Climbers lose an average of 10-15 kilograms of their weight during this time.

The last 300 meters to the summit are considered the most dangerous part of the ascent. Not all climbers can overcome this part. Strong winds up to 200 km/h often blow at the top. And the temperature varies throughout the year from 0°C to -60°C.

The second highest mountain in the world, Chogori (K2)

Chogori (the second name of K2) is the second highest peak on the planet, but climbing it is considered much more difficult. Moreover, in winter, no one was able to conquer it at all, and the mortality rate when climbing this peak is the highest and amounts to 25%. Only a few hundred climbers managed to conquer this height.
In 2007, it was Russian climbers who managed to climb the most difficult section of the summit - the Western Face, and they did it without the use of oxygen equipment. The most massive conquest of Chogori took place in the summer of 2018. Of the group, which consisted of 63 people, one died. At the same time, Andrzej Bargiel became the first climber to ski down from the top of this mountain.


Kanchenjaga is the third highest eight-thousander of the planet. Located in the Himalayas. Until the middle of the 19th century, it was considered the highest mountain peak, but at present, after calculations, it ranks third in height. At the moment, more than ten routes have been laid to climb this peak. Translated from Tibetan, the name of the mountain means "treasury of the five great snows."

Due to its location, Kanchenjaga is partly part of the national park of the same name in India. If you look at the mountain from the side of India, you can see that there are five peaks in this mountain range. Moreover, four out of five peaks rise to a height of more than eight thousand meters. They form a very colorful landscape with their combination, so this mountain is considered the most picturesque among its kind. One of the favorite places of creation of Nicholas Roerich.

The first conquest of this peak belongs to the English climbers Joe Brown and George Bendu. It was committed on May 25, 1955. In Nepal, for a long period of time, there was a legend about Kanchenjaga - a mountain woman who does not allow the fair sex to conquer her peak. Only in 1998 did the British Ginette Harrison manage to do this. The general downward trend in the death rate during the conquest of the mountain peaks, unfortunately, did not affect Kanchenjaga and is 22 percent.


Lhotse, a mountain peak on the border of China and Nepal, has a height of 8516 meters. The mountain is located in close proximity to Chomolungma, the distance between them does not exceed 3 kilometers. They are separated by the South Col Pass, the highest point of which almost reaches eight thousand. Such proximity of two great peaks creates a very majestic picture. From a certain angle, you can see that Lhotse is like a three-sided pyramid. Moreover, at the moment there is the smallest number of climbing routes for each of these three faces. This is largely due to the fact that the slopes of the peaks are very steep, and the likelihood of avalanches is extremely high.

Unlike Chogori, this peak was still conquered in winter. It is worth noting that so far none of the individual climbers or groups have been able to pass along the traverse of all three peaks of this eight-thousander. The East Face of Lhotse also remains unconquered.


Makalu is an unusually beautiful peak, but extremely difficult to climb. Less than 30% of organized expeditions ended in success. The mountain is located on the border of China and Nepal, just over 20 km southeast of Everest.

The mountain did not attract much attention for more than a hundred years after it was marked on the maps. This is largely due to the desire of previous expeditions to conquer higher peaks located in close proximity to it. The summit was first conquered only in 1955.

In certain circles, the mountain is known as the "black giant". This name was assigned to it due to the fact that the extremely sharp edges of the peak do not allow snow to be fixed on them, and it often appears before its contemplators as black granite rocks. Since the mountain is located on the border of two eastern countries, its conquest refers to mystical factors, supposedly the mountain itself decides which of the expeditions to allow the ascent, and who is not worthy of this fact.

Cho Oyu

The height of Cho Oyu is a little over 8200 meters. Near the top lies the Nangpa-La pass, through which the main "trade route" of the Sherpas from Nepal to Tibet passes. Thanks to this route, many climbers consider this peak the most accessible of all the eight-thousanders, although this is not entirely true. Just from the side of Nepal there is a very sheer and difficult wall, so most of the ascents are carried out from the side of Tibet.
The weather in the Cho Oyu region is almost always favorable for climbing, and its "accessibility" makes this peak a kind of springboard before climbing Everest.

Dhaulagiri I

The number one fully reflects the essence of the name of the mountain, it consists of many ridges, the highest of which reaches a height of 8167 meters. It is believed that the mountain has 11 peaks, of which only one is higher than 8000 meters, the rest lie in the range from 7 to 8 kilometers. Dhaulagiri is located in the central part of Nepal and belongs to the Main Himalayan range.

Despite the complexity in the name, it is translated very simply "white mountain". The history of its conquest is interesting. Until the 30s of the 19th century, it was considered the highest mountain on the planet. And the conquest of the peak was taken up only in the middle of the last century. For a long time it was impregnable, only the eighth expedition managed to reach the top. Like other brethren, this peak has both simpler routes and very impregnable slopes.


The mountain is located in the northern part of Nepal and reaches a height of 8163 meters. Due to its relative seclusion, this peak looks extremely majestic against the backdrop of the surrounding splendor. Maybe this explains its name, which means “mountain of spirits”. For a long time, climbing the mountain was difficult due to hostile local residents (the name of the mountain speaks of this). Avalanches often hit local settlements, and only after long offerings to the highest gods of the Japanese expedition did they finally manage to conquer this peak. Mortality among climbers conquering Manaslu almost reaches 18 percent.

The mountain itself and its surroundings are part of the National Park of Nepal with the same name. The indescribable beauty of the park prompted the country's authorities to create a hiking route for mountain lovers.

Nanga Parbat (Nanga Parbat)

One of the few eight-thousanders located not in China or Nepal, but on the territory controlled by Pakistan. There are four main peaks on the mountain, the highest of which is 8125 meters. The top of the mountain is in the top three in terms of the number of deaths of people during its conquest.

According to the history of climbing, it is interesting that it was on this mountain that the first attempt was made to climb the eight-thousander. It was back in 1895. It is with this mountain that the first conquest of the peak alone, and not as part of a prepared expedition, is connected. It is believed that it was here that the symbols of Nazi Germany were first seen, the representatives of which, as you know, were close to the occult sciences.

Certain difficulties in planning expeditions to this peak are brought about by internal political disagreements on the territory of Pakistan.

Annapurna I - the most dangerous peak among the eight-thousanders

Annapurna I is the first of the eight-thousander peaks, whose height is already below 8100 meters (officially 8091 meters). However, for all the years of ascents taken into account, she has the highest mortality rate among the conquerors, almost one in three (32%). Although it is currently steadily declining from year to year. Annapurna is located in central Nepal and the entire mountain range stretches for more than 50 kilometers. It consists of many ridges of different heights. From the upper points of Annapurna, you can observe another giant - Jaulaguri, between them about 30 kilometers.

If you fly near these mountains on an airplane, a majestic view of the nine main ranges of this massif opens up. It is part of the national park of the same name, located in Nepal. Several hiking trails run along it, along which indescribable views of the Annapurna peaks open up.

Gasherbrum I

The summit of Gasherbrum I is part of the Baltoro Muztag mountain range. Its height is 8080 meters and it is the eleventh eight-thousander of the planet. It is located in Pakistan-controlled territory near the border with China. It means "beautiful mountain". She also has another name - Hidden Peak, which means hidden peak in English. In general, there are seven peaks in the Karakorum mountain system, to which Gasherbrum belongs, and three of them exceed 8 thousand meters, although not by much.

The first ascent of the peak dates back to 1958, and in 1984 the famous climber Reinhold Messner makes a traverse between Gasherbrum I and Gasherbrum II.

Broad Peak

The second highest peak in the Karakurum, the middle brother between the two sisters Gasherbrum I and Gasherbrum II. In addition, literally 8 kilometers from Broad Peak there is another high relative - Mount Chogori. The first ascent of Broad Peak took place a year earlier than neighboring Gasherbrum I, in 1957.

By itself, it consists of two peaks - the Presummit and the Main (8047 meters). The South-Western slopes are much lighter than the opposite ones, the North-Eastern ones, and it is on them that the classic climbing routes to the Main Peak are laid.

Gasherbrum II

Just below Broad Peak is another peak among the eight-thousanders - Gasherbrum II (height 8035 meters). Either its relative baseness affected, or for another reason, but the first ascent to this peak dates back a year earlier than Broad Peak, to 1956. The main routes of the conquerors of peaks pass along its southwestern slope. It is the least prone to mountain collapses and avalanches. It is he who is used by many climbers who begin to conquer everything above 8 kilometers.

This mountain fully justifies its name, in good weather, the boundaries between gray and black limestone rocks are clearly visible, corresponding to different age boundaries, which, combined with crystal clear snow, creates unique landscapes.


The majestic iceberg with a height of 8027 meters is the lowest of all known eight-thousanders. Located in the Himalayas, in China. It consists of three peaks, two of which - Main and Central (8008 meters) exceed 8 kilometers. Translated from the Tibetan language means "harsh climate".

The first conquest of this peak was made by a Chinese expedition in May 1964. It is considered one of the least difficult peaks, although more than 20 climbers have died on its slopes over the past years.

The highest mountains in the world on the world map

This is how a brief overview of all 14 eight-thousanders of the planet looks like. Each mountain is unique in its own way and the saying is true for each of them - "only mountains can be better than mountains."
