Fabulous good night wishes. Beautiful good night poems Good night queen

Give yourself over to dreams until dawn, throw all thoughts about the day out of your head. Night doesn't like competition.

Wish best dreams the kind that the queen of the night prepares for her guests!

Roll over on your side
And hurry up to fall asleep...
The night is already on its wing
Covers the sleepy house.

The day brought a carload of troubles,
There was a lot to do...
And now it's time to sleep
Until the morning...

It's been night for a long time now
And the firefly stars shine.
You yourself are no longer averse to sleep
And your dreams are already close...

Sleep, let him rest from his thoughts
Your busy mind during the day!
And I'll ask the gods
Sending you good dreams.

I wish you good night
So that you don't dream about anything.
After all, they say the brain rests
In dreams, without seeing anything...

So that you have strength for tomorrow
Meet another dawn.
Sleep... Night has already covered the city,
Morpheus is already rushing to you...

I wish you very tenderly
Dreams bright and Good night!
Touch your cheek to your pillow,
Let the silence caress your ears.

And there will be no noise until the morning...
Try to think about good things.
Fatigue has knocked you off your feet,
And sleep will return your former strength...

Tuck the blanket tighter
Lie down comfortably on your bed...
The morning is clearly wiser than the night
And that's why you need to sleep.

So sleep peacefully until dawn,
Immerse yourself in unknown dreams...
Let them tell all their secrets
Summer and spring will be brighter...

Surrender to the queen of the night,
There, in a dream, live as you want...
Let your dreams go...
There's no fear and no pain

Until the morning in my bed,
Any day of the week
Sleep peacefully like a baby
The silence of the night outside...

I'll hug you goodbye
My tender bunny,
And I'll kiss you a little
Sleep, baby, like in heaven.

On the cheek, nose, neck, ear,
In the side, shoulder blade and navel,
Chin, forehead and hand...
In general, from head to toe!

Rest! - the dream will whisper.
It's time to go to bed!
Illusions await us again,
Time to sleep soundly!

May you dream of the sky
Bright fabulous sunset
The sea is warm and it's summer.
There is a wonderful garden of love in it!

Sleep well, my beloved!
I will come to you in a dream.
I hug you tenderly, darling!
Wish that for me too!

Good night, sweet cat!
Sleep well, rest!
Here is love's magic raft,
Meet your dreams!

Let him carry you to the sea
To distant warm shores.
We'll see you there soon.
Giving freedom to dreams and dreams!

Shining light in the starry sky
Takes you to the kingdom of sweet dreams!
Dreaming, you fall asleep in bliss,
Like the petals of heavenly roses.

Sweet dreams to you, Baby!
I whisper while kissing you.
You've been sleeping so sweetly for a long time
And you don’t know what I’m writing.

The night is long, it is languor
Without your beautiful eyes.
But doubts will melt again,
As soon as the time for meeting comes!

You are a wonderful vision
Sleep peacefully until the morning!
Creation of angels' dreams,
I only need you alone!

The day is over and the sun
Hidden into the sunset again.
Through the wide window
You can see the parade of bright stars!

Smile at them as you fall asleep.
Just breathe in their scent!
And you will see how, dreaming,
You will find yourself in a magical garden!

Let the stars shine softly
Keeping yours sweet Dreams.
And only they will notice
How much I am in love!

Breaking up is very difficult
Let only the night pass.
Where can I gain strength?
To drive away sorrows!

Without you, my dear,
The souls of my gardens are sleeping.
And when you wake up, they shine again
Flowers all over my Earth!

With the light steps of a dream
We are called to colorful dreams.
You fly, don't chase them away,
Take a look into a magical world!

Delicate, affectionate flower,
I want to hug you!
Kisses as much as you want
I'm glad to send before going to bed.

You're tired, I know, very tired.
Rest, go to bed soon!
In the blanket of a warm night
Wrap yourself up tenderly and sweetly!

Flowers have been sleeping in the garden for a long time.
The moon shone in the sky.
Rest quickly and you too,
Staying in sleepy bliss!

Let the night spare no colors for your dreams, and let peace give you new strength.

Let my good night wishes, like a warm blanket, let you fall into a sweet sleep!

Night crept in from the yard,
Caught in the net of a dream,
The day is over, it's time
Climb under the blanket.

Sleep peacefully in a sweet dream,
Like bears in winter
Just don't snore loudly -
Don't wake up the neighbors.

Close your eyes in the silence of the night,
The pillow is waiting
Calls you:
“Come to me, my dear!”

And I wish from the bottom of my heart:
Sleep like a groundhog
Without hind legs
But don't sleep on the alarm!

Let you dream
Eared red horse
Thirty fluffy kittens
And a six-legged elephant,

Lyrical songs
Singing pig...
But it will be better if
You'll only dream about me.

If you suddenly come to me at night
The ghost will come
Or an evil toothy beast
It will steal sleep from your pillow,

You tell me and I will come,
I'll drive them under the bed,
So that they don't hang around here,
No more interruptions to sleep!

I want at least in a dream
To be closer to you.
Promise me to dream about you
Otherwise I’ll be offended!

I'll be glad to meet you
In the kingdom of sleep and night.
And you will dream about me
I'll try my best!

Let my good night wishes warm you like a warm blanket, seem softer than a pillow and more long-awaited than sleep itself...

See you in your dreams, go to bed quickly and dream about me!

Good night, sweetheart, beloved,
So my long week is over.
And I’ll lie down with you now in an embrace,
Snuggle up to my beautiful soul mate.

You know, not everything in life is measured,
It happens that there are countless worries and worries.
But I want you to always know
How I love such evenings.

Good night, sleep my beauty!
In your sleep, let your lips smile sweetly.
Dear, I am always sorry,
See the sadness on your face.

Good night, may you have dreams,
About how important we are to each other,
That everyone's dreams come true,
When we are together, you and I are nearby.

I won't sleep - I'll watch a little,
How you, curled up sweetly like a cat,
Purring, dozing on my shoulder.
I believe that there is heaven on Earth.

You are far away, but still close,
Let this sadness pass by.
And no rain, no snowfall
They will not take us away from each other.

I don't dare lose you
And separation is not a barrier for us.
I will be able to preserve your image,
Your love is my reward...

And time will fly by like an arrow,
I’ll tell you all the important things when we meet,
I live with you every moment,
And evening quickly comes...

You are in my thoughts and desires,
I’ll dream about you, I know for sure.
I write to you in my messages,
I love you in every line...

And a new day will come suddenly,
I'm waiting for you, I miss you very much.
I'll call you, see you tomorrow.
Bye baby, good night.

I wish my beloved girl
I'll have a good night.
Sometimes I don't believe that I miss you.
Sometimes she can’t even stand the sun.

I just wish you peace
Time to spend in the vague darkness.
Sometimes we feel pain in our dreams.
Sometimes sleep comes to me too.

Good night, rest,
My favorite girl.
In a dream you will see your paradise,
In which life is like a film.

I want to please you
May you fall asleep sooner.
In my dreams I only fly to you.
I want you to know about this.

Sleep, my beloved,
Sleep very soundly.
Let them dream about you
Fairytale dreams.

May you dream
Huge star
Shining in the sky
Only for you.

Your dreams are calm,
Warm and sultry,
Tender and passionate,
Kind, wonderful.

May the night bring you happiness
Pleasure, peace.
I'll be next to you,
I will always be with you.

Sleep, my dear,
Guardian angel
I'll be there for you.

This night is stolen for you and me
With their rightful halves,
Only the heart, like a wounded bird,
The elixir trembles and waits.

You and I know this will end
There will be no continuation, no way,
Good night, let sadness not follow you,
Tomorrow won't change anything.

Night - the queen walked across the earth
Starry tread wanders in silence
Well, you, covering yourself with a blanket,
You will smile, I hope, in your sleep
I want you to dream about the city
Only, in which there are two residents - me and you
And in which I would shave every day.
And gave you flowers to your beloved!

The evening quietly crept up,
There is silence outside.
Among the starry diamond placer
The moon floats proudly.
I wish you, honey,
The most fabulous, tender dreams.
And let the night tell you
About my unearthly love.

Good night my baby.
I'll read you a book.
I'll tell you about mountains, rivers,
That we will be together forever.
May you dream of a fairy tale,
Where do you shine, goldilocks.
And I’m your prince, I’m galloping to you
On a white-maned hunchback.

Sleep well my pussy.
I want to be close to you so much.
We'll wait out the night with you,
We'll meet exactly the same in the morning.

I'm looking forward to meeting you
I miss your touch.
Sleep well, my joy,
For me you are a whim and sweetness.

The day fades away, warmed by a minute,
Colorful, warm love for you.
Years pass, month by month,
Summer is leaving for harsh winter.

But even now, like spring, you are beautiful,
I eagerly catch your gaze every hour;
After the worries of the passing day
I wish my beloved a restful sleep.

The moon has been in the sky for a long time,
He dreams and imagines about freedom.
She wants to take a quiet walk
And for you, dear, it’s high time to sleep.
May a good angel come
And wishes you bright dreams,
Let him rule in your dreams
Only peace and love.
I wish you a calm and peaceful sleep,
So that you can fly during the day.

When I hum softly
A melody of love for you...
You close your eyes, dear,
And sweet, sweet, sleep tight...

I'll be by your side
Take care of your sensitive, sweet dream,
And a lullaby with me
He will sing quietly in unison...

We have collected fabulous good night wishes for you on this page. Let this night be magical for you, let it cover you with a blanket of stars and sing a song about tenderness and love. And when you fall asleep, she will whisper my words in your ear: good night, my love!

I’m whipping up for you a gorgeous evening smoothie from the yogurt of a velvety dream with the addition of exotic fruits of night fantasies.

Let the god of sleep shower you with white red poppy petals and intoxicate you with the honey aroma blooming gardens and will take you into a sweet dream full of bliss and tenderness!

May you have a colorful dream, and may your guardian angel be with you, and may your bed be very comfortable, I want to wish you good night.

Sleep longer in the morning, because tomorrow is a day off and you don’t need to rush anywhere. Good night, my girl!

May your dreams be beautiful, may your soul rest from the bustle of the day, may the morning begin with a wonderful mood.

The silence of the night calmed everything, pacified everyone. Only my love does not sleep. She flies like a bird in your dreams, protects peace, gives strength and inspires you for a new day, for success, achievements, victories. Sweet dreams to you and a pleasant awakening, my angel.

Darling! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a tender kiss, and we will meet a new day together! Have a good and wonderful night!

It’s night again and you’re gone, not far, I know, but still I ask you - love! After all, without love I fade away!

Good night sweetheart, go to sleep, may an angel guard you at night. May the fire of our love protect you, and may your eyes shine with happiness.

I wish my beloved and dear person calm and have a nice night. Let the queen of the night give you a ticket to an exciting journey, to the land of good dreams and imagination, to the world of sweet dreams and great hopes. I kiss you tightly and cover you with a blanket.

Good night sweet dreams! And may love protect you, may it protect you from all troubles until the dawn comes.

I so want to cuddle up to you, swim in love with you all night. Remember the caresses of your hands and the taste of your beautiful lips!

The moon is shining in the night sky - it gives you a tender, affectionate kiss from me. Good night, my dear little man!

Fall asleep with a sad smile, curled up in bed, let the stars fall from the sky to sing you a lullaby.

Let you have a dream, the most cherished and long-awaited one - one that has already come true, and in the morning it turns out that this is not a dream, but a reality!

Let your pillow be soft, your blanket cozy, and the night give you serenity and strength for new fantastic achievements.

If you come to me in a dream, I’ll be scared, but if you come during the day, I’ll scream! Come on, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, because you know how much I love you.

It's already dark outside the windows. The night has spread its powers. I know you’re not sleeping yet, but you’ll definitely be going to bed soon. My sweet half, you had a busy and exciting day, after which you need rest. I want you to get some sleep today and gain strength for new exploits. My beloved sun, good night, may you only have good, colorful dreams.

All the cats and little animals are getting their own pillows! They snort, yawn, and wish you sweet dreams!

I kiss you on your cold nose! Good night kitty! Your favorite dog.

The first hour of the night had come, only I was not sleeping, I was writing a text message, Good night wished!

Good night, I’ll say, sunshine, I love you!

Tender thoughts will take you to the kingdom of sleep. And there we will meet again. I’ll take your hand and we’ll fly to places we’ve dreamed of visiting more than once. Sleep, my happiness.

Your sleep is protected by the sky. I ask God again for a peaceful night. May you sleep sweetly!

I wish you sweet dreams! May your dreams come true in them. And let them continue to come true the moment you wake up!

Have a good evening and good mood - at the end of the day going into the distance. Throw away your fatigue and tension, especially boredom, as well as sadness. Pour yourself a cup of hot tea, forget about your worries and affairs for a while. Without noticing the passage of time, dream, smile, remember me.

You left, I stayed, this is not what I dreamed about, the night has come, but I miss you, I wish you sweet dreams.

The time has come late, you need to fall asleep again and let you, my beauty, have kind and beautiful dreams! Good night.

Tomorrow is a day for you, but for now, let’s get some rest. Good night.

Good night, the waves whisper quietly, taking your misfortunes with them into the distance.

My love shines for you through the darkness and cold like a bright golden star in the night sky. It will sparkle until the end of time, protecting your fragile crystal sleep from worries.

I want to come to you, hug you tight, look you in the eyes, kiss you, whisper good night in your ear!

I’ll kiss your ear and tell you - my favorite girl! Dream about me today!

Rest so that in the morning you are full of vigor and strength, so that you are not late anywhere and do not miss anything.

Go to the kingdom of dreams, where the exhausted morpheus is already preparing incredible adventures for you! Good night…

I can’t sleep next to you and protect you from nightmares and mosquitoes... but I can wish you the sweetest dreams, which is what I’m doing now...

Now the night has come and cast a shadow over the city. The sky has turned on the stars, and it’s already late outside. Good night.

Good night! May your dreams be as sweet, tender and beautiful as you are!

Sleep, my sweetie! The night will hug and kiss for me. Well, tomorrow there will be a meeting, I’ll kiss you myself!

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you!

Good night, the birds don’t sing, only the lanterns give uneven light, in a beautiful dream you will find comfort, and through the night I will send you greetings.

Beloved, let this night inspire you, like an angel, with goodness and my love, so that all horizons open up to you in your dreams!

Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep- fabulous and unique.

Let's turn off your computer and lights - good night.

It may not always be possible to fall asleep: a loud swarm of thoughts disturbs you. And I wish that the complexity would go away, leaving only peace!

Let's fall asleep in each other's arms, now we are not afraid of either the heat or the blizzard... We will rest, see wonderful dreams, let them be full of prophetic happiness!

I wish you to fall asleep in a cozy bed under a warm blanket, remembering my hugs and sweet kisses good night. I'm not nearby, but I exercise strict face control over your dreams. I won’t let the bad guys anywhere near your bed.

May my love come to you this night, hug you, protect you from nightmares, touch you with tenderness and touch you with inspiration!

Good night! By the end of the day you are very tired, give up your worries, everything, the night has brought dreams with it.

Good evening, have wonderful plans, bright and interesting future days... Well, for now, let's rest so that tomorrow we can start a new day.

Close your beautiful eyes quickly and get ready to plunge into the splendor of bright dreams. My soul will strive for you even in a dream; there are no barriers to love.

Good night, dear, I’m lying here missing you, I’m so cold without shaking, I want your affection;) kitten, I love you!!!

Honey, I know you're about to fall asleep now. I would like to wish you pleasant and vivid dreams that will be filled with all the colors of the rainbow.

The night gives passion and caresses, but also long-awaited rest for body and soul. Drop the burden of the worries of the past day like an unnecessary burden. The fairy of dreams is already making a bed for you from your deepest fantasies and will not let you go until the morning.

The night outside the windows is shining, you should go to bed quickly, the morning promises to be successful.

I wish good night to my beloved and dear little man. May this night pass under the banner of a good fairy tale and inspiration, may you dream of an exotic island and paradise our love, may the night fill you with strength and vigor, may your morning begin with a wonderful mood.

My favorite! You and I had a wonderful day and a wonderful evening, but the night separates us again. Therefore, quickly go to bed to fall asleep and meet the new day and me. Good night, I love you.

Sleep soundly and sweetly, let the bed be soft!

Tomorrow will be a new, bright day, there will be joys and new worries. So go to bed quickly and forget about all your troubles for a moment.

Good night! I kiss your eyes, like a princess from a prince in a sweet fairy tale!

If only I could, I would come to you in a dream and sing songs of love until the dawn dawns.

Fabulous good night wishes - Magical dream in the light bright stars he descended again onto the old roofs, bringing us peace and rest with him, you can hear his tune in the silence of the night.

Good night sweet dreams.
The path to the valley of dreams is this,
What is so tempting
So beautiful and so deceiving
That there's no way out
To us from his sweet paws...

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully,
My soul will come to you,
And kiss you tenderly!!!

The naughty and naughty moon
She comes into her own again
You will receive my SMS for the night again...
I want to wish you good night :))

Short and beautiful good night poems

The night has come, you're in your crib
I kiss you sweetly
And I wish you good night,
My beloved Angel!!!

I wish you sweet dreams
Like sugar in a cup of tea.
May it give you Joy,
pleasure this night -
A time of fairy tales and unfulfilled hopes.

I see how tenderly you smile in your sleep,
AND Moonlight got tangled in your eyelashes...
I love looking at it in silence so much,
When time's boundaries are erased...

The door closed
I am sleepy,
I'm already flying in the world of dreams,
Remember me in short
And now good night!

I wish you good night!
And for the hundredth time I repeat
Pleasant dreams and good night!
I miss you very much
And you are silent again in response,
It's like you don't have any money...

A crazy day has curled up into a ball,
Alluring with sweet wine,
Melting a thousand delights
And the pleasures of a secret warehouse.
You too will find this valuable treasure,
Just close your eyes quickly.

Beautiful good night poems for a man

Secret mystery of nature,
I can't understand her.
With you in my thoughts at sunrise,
And when I go to bed, I want to hug you!

Night is the purple queen,
What spread over the Earth,
Where sometimes we can’t sleep,
A shawl of stars, whose light is whiter
White snow on a winter day,
And the twinkling stars fly
Silvery, light shower
Come to us when the soul does not sleep.
Good night wishes
The light brought distant stars.
A dream - it has a charm:
It contains the whole world of magical dreams.
I love you, kiss you! Bye bye!

I'll come, just wait...
And I will draw the dawn at sunset...
Unnecessary rains will go away,
I think we've had enough of living in sadness.

Good night sweet dreams,
What is pleasant to us without words,
What sadness carries into the distance,
Everything you won’t be sorry to part with...

Good night my angel,
I love you with all my soul,
I kiss you, tenderly, hug you tightly,
And know that I miss you!

Good night poems beautiful sms

Good night my piece of happiness,
So desirable, like the sun in bad weather,
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.

May the night bring you peace
And rest from worries,
You'll dream about you and me,
Love is a cycle.

Good night. Sleep sweetly
And think about me.
About our fairytale love
May you have dreams!

Gently guarding your sleep,
The night is coming towards you,
The stars mutter tenderly:
“Sleep, kitten, good night!”

I can't sleep now
I want to look into your eyes,
I want to touch your lips
And wake up with you in the morning.

Beautiful poems wishing good night to your beloved woman

I miss you so much
I want to hug you!
Kitten, remember me,
When you go to bed!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Know that I love you!
Go to bed early
And wait for me in your dreams.

I wish you good night,
May the night give you a sweet dream,
And let me caress you in your dreams,
I can't control myself!!
