Good night and sweet dreams. Beautiful good night wishes

Goodnight, my darling. You are my dearest. I want to tell you a secret ... Secret: I love you!

Favorite! I will give my life to fall asleep and wake up in your arms, to feel your strong hands, their warmth ... I will give my life for it to be always! Good night, sweety!

Beloved, this night is ours, so let the dreams that were dreamed at this time will be filled with the fulfillment of our joint dreams!

You are not around now, but I know that you are lying in the crib and thinking about me ... May magical dreams come to you tonight, and the morning will give you strength to solve all problems! I kiss you tightly! Good night!

You are already lying in a soft bed ... Morpheus gently takes you into his arms ... Enjoy your dreams, darling! May this night give you only the brightest, extraordinary dreams ...

The old day is leaving, and night comes to replace it ... May Morpheus bring you only unforgettable dreams! Let tomorrow begin with new strength and energy! Sweet dreams! I love you!

It's time to forget all your problems and worries and surrender to the arms of Morpheus! May you only dream the most wonderful, kind and colorful dreams today! And tomorrow will be full of discoveries and new achievements!

My favorite cat! Good night to you and sweet dreams! This night, let all matters fade into the background, all problems will be forgotten, and Moray will give you only good and wonderful dreams! I love you very much!

To my beloved girl, I wish sweet Dreams! Let every star in the sky kiss you for me! May the month keep the peace of your dreams! And the new day will delight you with only positive emotions!

My angel, good night and sweet dreams to you, may the night sky give you the most unforgettable dreams, and I will be next to you in your sleep. I kiss you tightly!

Sweet Dreams My Love! Let the blanket warm you instead of me, gentle and pleasant dreams will give you the best emotions and impressions! And Morpheus will kiss you on the nose for me!

Baby, my dear girl, I would like to kiss you tenderly goodnight, but alas, I can only do it in my thoughts. Go to sleep, my princess, and let you dream dreams as sweet as your lips. I love you. Goodnight.

Night will come soon. You’re probably going to bed already. And I want to see you again. Touch your hand, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your lips with your lips. Although, what am I? I always want it. And tomorrow, seeing you again, I want this even more. Sleep, my sun, good night.

You know, it's already night. And I still can't sleep. Because I think about you, I miss you. We broke up quite recently, and I know that tomorrow we will see each other again, but I miss it already. Fall asleep, sleep well, and I will keep your sleep even at a distance.

I know you're going to bed now. I so want to come up, kiss your eyes, stroke your soft hair, gently whisper in your ear: "Good night, darling." I cannot do this now, so let this post be my go-between. Goodnight, my Love.

I say good night, honey. So it’s not a desire to part with you. Let's meet you in the kingdom of Morpheus. Go to sleep, my little star, I want to see you in a dream as soon as possible. See you, darling!

Just saying: good night, kiss on both cheeks!

Good night, darling, I will hug you tightly, as if for the last time, I will stroke the strands of your hair, no one will wake us up.

Soft crib, fluffy blankets, pink dreams, I'll be there all night! And then a gentle kiss and gently cover with this very fluffy blanket.

I love you always and everywhere, I love you even in my sleep. Good night, my love, my joy.

May you have the most pleasant and gentle dreams today. I want you to keep a smile on your face, so that happiness is your usual state. Kisses tenderly and firmly. Love you. Goodnight.

Oh, my baby, how I love you. On this glorious night, I will definitely dream of you. Go to sleep soon, close your eyes, and I will not leave you for a second in my and your dreams ... Sweet dreams to you, my sun.

Affectionate dreams, my gentle kitten, let a gentle and kind, affectionate dream knock on you, let his angel in, he will turn to me, I will warm you in my arms and give you affection, waking up in the morning in my arms, you are sweet and smile at me tenderly. I will kiss you and press you to my heart, and I will bring you breakfast to bed, I will take you in my arms, my dear, and I will immerse you in a warm bath, let every day be a fairy tale with me.

Good night to you, I kiss you tenderly on the cheeks, let you dream of angels!

Good night darling, I want to say these words every night throughout my life!

Good dreams to you, relatives, let you dream of that glorious evening when he gave you his confessions. Sleep well, honey, I love you.

Lie down in the crib, close your beautiful eyes, because when you fall asleep, night will come, and we can be together in it, but in a dream time will pass quickly, and with the first ray of the sun you will see me!

Have a nice dream my precious stone, may you dream of something that will shine a smile on your beautiful lips.

Night came to us with a quiet step. The stars are whispering with a month, probably about love. Poor month, how can he choose from such a quantity one single one. After all, they are all bright and beautiful. And I wish my brightest, most beautiful star good night. Go to sleep, my love, and let nothing disturb you. May you have the sweetest dream. Let the kind wizard tell you in a dream amazing fairy tale that is so similar to your life. And so that the end of the tale was necessarily wonderful. Sleep, my bunny, good night.

Sorceress night on a beautiful heat - the bird flew around the whole earth, and there was silence. Only the stars adorn the night sky with their twinkling, and entertain the month with their round dances. All nature and people are getting ready for sleep. I wish you, my love, good night. May you dream the most interesting dream, and you will tell me about it tomorrow. Let nothing disturb your rest. Sleep well, my bunny, gain strength for tomorrow. Good night to you, my dear and pleasant dreams.

The perfect time of day is night. There is no need to rush anywhere, no need to work, but just rest. And you, my sunshine, leave all worries, go to bed, and baiushki. I will ask the stars to sing you a lullaby, I will ask a month to watch over your sleep. Honey, close your pretty eyes and go to sleep. May you have the sweetest dream. I so want to be in your dream, and declare my love for the hundredth time. Good night, my gentle, kind and most beloved girl in the world.

Each time of day is wonderful in its own way. Night gives us silence and relaxation. You don't need to think about anything serious, just rest. Sweetheart, kind, gentle and most beloved, I wish you good night. May your most cherished dream come true in a dream, may you have a wonderful dream that will surely come true in the morning. I wish you only happiness, and I love, I love, I love you. Rest, and tomorrow wake up in a great mood. I will look forward to meeting you in the morning, my princess.

Night has come, all day's worries are behind, and a whole night of rest is ahead. Order a dream on any topic and rest in peace. My beloved, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. May you have a dream sweet as honey. May the kind wizard fulfill all your most cherished desires in a dream. Let be good dream, tomorrow will surely come true. Let the golden angel protect your night peace. Kind, quiet and magic night to you, my joy. Have pleasant and wonderful dreams, my dear.

The yellow-eyed night comes into its own. Gives people peace and joy. Darling, it's time for you to sleep too. Lie down, my princess, and rest. Let nothing bother you in a dream. May a kind angel give you the most beautiful dream... Rest, my dear, and gain strength for tomorrow. Let the stars protect your rest, and let the month tell you the kindest fairy tale. Sleep, my desired, good and good night to you. May my love give you warmth and comfort. Good night to you, my love.

The day's bustle and worries are left behind. Ahead is the time of rest and rest. I want to wish you, my love, good night. May you dream the most beautiful color dream. Let the kind wizard give you the kindest dream so that the memories of it remain in your memory for a long time. Sleep, my joy, sleep. I want to dream of you so that even at night I will not part with you. Sleep, my sun, and know that I love you more than anyone else in the world. Good and good night to you, my dear.

The sunbeam will touch the bed, the sound of SMS ki will burst into your sleep. At this moment, your dream will end. GOOD MORNING YOU KITTEN! How pleasant and beautiful that night was. But you need to wake up, if only to see how much more pleasant this morning is. Good morning, my dear Bunny! Love you!

Once heaven and earth argued which of them is more beautiful, the sky showed the Stars to prove its beauty, and the earth showed YOU to prove its beauty. WITH Good morning FAVOURITE!

Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday's surprise did not pass without leaving a trace. Just tell me that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't joke with me, you're playing with fire.

Good morning my sladusik! Look at the sun and smile at him, and you will feel the softest, most affectionate and warming kiss from me! Have a confident, good day!

Good morning, Kid! You are probably still asleep? I just wanted to be the sun for you today. This is my first ray and it, only for you ...

Early morning, the sun has risen. Good morning whispered to you. Open your eyes, my beloved baby, I wait and hope that you call!

What a pity that I can't get the sun, I can't send a flower over the phone! It remains only to write an SMS and leave a ray of warmth in your soul! Good morning, hare!

We have collected for you here Good night, pleasant dreams I wish you candy dreams by all means, I wish you very much sweet Dreams, Good night!

To my dear and beloved man, I wish you good night and the most sweets dreams.

May this evening give you a wonderful rest and a feeling of happiness. Let the body relax and the soul sing.

This is the end of another wonderful day that we spent with you. And the dark and cold night begins. My beloved, may you dream of a magical dream that night, in which there will be only us, we and only we. And when you wake up in the morning, you will immediately think of me, and your mood will be the best from the very morning. Good night my beloved.

To sweeten and refresh our parting tonight, I send you a mint caramel of a gentle kiss.

The most interesting and incredible dreams for you, darling! Close your eyes and you will see a beautiful and happy fairy tale in which good always triumphs over evil! You can come up with a plot of it yourself, but just let it have a place for me!

Today we do not fall asleep together, but I hope that soon we will fix this, but for now, sleep well, my beloved, and let me dream about you. Goodnight!

Shining in the window bright stars, and the moon illuminates your face, so captivating and attractive! I mentally send you thousands of gentle hugs and a million kisses good night!

May an angel guard your sleep at this glorious time, allowing you to forget all worries and be transported into the world of colorful pictures that paint our happy future!

The golden moon shyly in the pond trembles as a reflection. Beloved - good evening, I wish with all my heart!

Set aside all plans and dreams for tomorrow, and right now go to bed and sleep soundly. As always, now I whisper in my ear that I love you very much.

Sleep baby sweetly, sweetly, I wish you briefly: so that I come to you in a dream, kiss you, leave by morning!

Sunshine, rather close your eyes and count the cute pink pigs. Good night to you, my love.

Sleep a little longer in the morning, because tomorrow is a day off and you don't need to rush anywhere. Good night, my girl!

A sweet dream came down from the roof long ago, sat side by side on the bed, in the middle of the night, very, very quietly, gently sang a lullaby.

Night is a world of sweet dreams, a world without sorrow and without tears, a world where no extra words are needed. I wish you sweet, tender dreams!

I wish in a dream to visit my most cherished childhood dream. To make the world around you brighter and happier.

Let your sleep, neither the wind nor the cold, be disturbed, let it be colorful, because I am with you forever!

I wish you to fall asleep carefree and fast, enjoying the peace and quiet. And let you dream about the gentle waves of the sea that you love so much.

I want you to dream so that you can enjoy sleep, and may this wonderful night be as you want.

Sleep in your warm bed, my beloved man, and I will send you the sweetest dreams from afar.

Let the night, as the fox make its way into consciousness, and give the whole rainbow of colorful dreams!

By the light of the moon, along the magical milky way, let colorful and amazing dreams rush to you, my joy.

I wish you good night, because in order to gain strength, you need to rest, and night friend, by the way, the best time to draw energy.

I want to lie down next to you and inhale the scent of your hair. I hope you sleepily closing your eyes, also dreaming of sleeping next to me?

My beloved, the whole city has already fallen into a dream, which is what I wish for you. Close your beautiful eyes, rub yourself as comfortably as possible in your amazingly soft bed and tune in to interesting, sweet dreams that will undoubtedly bring you good mood in the morning. I wish you good night, and try to sleep properly, because a new, interesting, eventful day awaits you, which will give positive emotions and, probably, delight.

Good night, my dear, so necessary person in life. I want to come to you in a dream to chat with you about the eternal.

Goodnight My Love. I wish you bright colors of dreams and sweet moments of dreams.

Stars shine in the window, all my thoughts are about you! Let your dreams be bright, tender and sweet like ice cream! Till tomorrow!

There will be a sea of ​​revelations, there will be a day and an hour, pleasant dreams for everyone - evening, after all, now!

The moon is already knocking on the window, I want you to dream in a dream, rather close your eyes, in a dream you wait for me.

May a fairy tale dream and the stars descend from heaven on this night, my affection and kiss will warm you more tenderly than anyone else!

The day comes to an end, and, lighting candles, a quaint shadow casts a quiet evening.

Bright stars froze in the sky. I gently kiss your lips, wherever you are that night.

Night falls, the city goes to sleep, know, in this world, you are very dear to me!

Beautiful dreams, like from a fairy tale: kind, gentle, about love ... Close your eyes rather, good night, sleep well!

May this beautiful evening give you only peace and the sunset will envelop you only in bliss, warmth.

Let it be fabulous beautiful night it will enchant you with its beauty, take you into the magic captivity of love, lift you on the wings of happiness high, high straight to the stars and the bright full moon.

In order to gain strength by the morning and live the whole day with a soul, you need to get enough sleep, go to sleep soon!

My Simpapulka, good night! I really want to go to your bed, kiss and hug you.

Let sleep give you strength, rest from all your worries, let the moon send gentle motives, and I will say, calm dreams!

Do not be sad about the bad, dream about the good :), lie down in your bed and fall asleep soundly!

Let the warm, quiet night cover you with its soft furry paw, so that it can fully rest. Let your dreams take you to a fabulous country in which we are always close. Goodnight honey!

The sun has hidden and the evening comes, rest, relaxation gives, let the evening be excellent, interesting, harmonious.

Night has come, it's time to go to bed and let you have a wonderful dream, you will fall asleep sweetly, serenely in your bed, tenderly, tenderly!

I want to wish you a pleasant dream, may life be full of miracles, may fairy tales of dreams come true in reality, dreams and dreams all come true!

Let the most serene, uniquely kind and incredibly sweet dream fly through your window tonight. And may he give you a real rest, so that tomorrow you can again achieve heights, be the most successful, unusually vigorous and very cheerful!

It is a pity that you are not with me today, my dear, good, dear ... Try to dream me now, because I can't sleep without you alone.

My dear friend, in the kingdom of morpheus they are tired of waiting for you. Lie down in your huge bed, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and plunge into the dreams in which we will undoubtedly meet, because I cannot even be without you for a minute. In addition, tomorrow you will find a day full of new events, which will bring a lot of emotions and impressions. My dear, you need rest, because cheerfulness is the key to a successful day.

May nothing spoil the mood this evening, may no one be able to disturb your evening idyll.

May this night present a kind fairy tale and a wonderful dream, inspire you to beautiful deeds and lofty goals.

Well, here's the evening, me again. I want to ask: how are you? And here's a gift for you - smack, good night, smack-smack-smack!

Dream me today, dear?! I want to be with you at least in a dream. I miss, I miss, I miss, I wish you sweet dreams

May my love come to you tonight, embrace you, protect you from nightmares, touch with tenderness and touch with inspiration!

May you have the most beautiful and fabulous dreams today. And when you wake up, I will try to make them come true!

I love you, my dear, very much, and on the eve of the night I want to wish you good dreams. Your city falls asleep, and you fall asleep with it, so that in the morning you will meet a new day with renewed vigor, where new happiness awaits you.

Do you see the star in the window? This is my hello to you! I'll curl up like a cat. Will you come to my sleep or not?

If you come to me in a dream, I’ll get scared, and in the daytime you come, I’ll scream! Come on, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, because you know how much I love you.

And in the morning I will wake you up with a tender kiss, and together we will meet a new day! Have a good night!

I wish to go on a journey along the lunar path and find the brightest star in the sky - my night greetings!

Calm and sweet night! Let it be beautiful, mysterious and Starlight Night will give warm and pleasant dreams, fabulous and wonderful experiences, magical and love adventures.

Fall asleep, turn on the nozzle song for the whole night! Fall asleep royally soundly, worry away!

Good night wishes for pleasant dreams - Good night, pleasant sleep. Let spring bloom in your heart, let rest give you strength again, and let the new day bring good luck!

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children infancy? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

I wish you in SMS!

Girlfriend, you sleep soon

And in your sleep you expect miracles! ©

Warm crib, soft pillow

Sleep soon, dear, go to sleep girlfriend!

The way you will dream of the prince of your dreams

May you always be happy, baby! ©

Sleep my friend, go to sleep soon

I am writing SMS - good night!

May Morpheus come to your house today,

Let the dream be very kind! ©

Darling good night

I want to tell you!

Let the dream be very sweet

And it will be about me! ©

Girlfriend, the night has already come

I brought coolness with me

Come on, go to sleep soon

Lie down on the bed with A faster! ©

Girlfriend, I'm writing an SMS to you,

Go to bed quickly, I beg you!

After all, tomorrow we are again waiting for worries,

Sleep, dear, you sound well now! ©

Night has come on earth

The lamp on the table is on

Read my SMS,

Sleep, friend, go to sleep! ©

SMS wishes for the night for a girl

Close your eyes soon

Let you dream of fairy tales!

Sweetheart, calm dreams!

Sleep, sleep my love! ©

May the moon lull you

The wind will sing a lullaby

The night will come quiet, fresh, tender,

In the kingdom of Morpheus will take away! ©

Darling, I wish you sweet dreams!

Don't worry, sleep, good night!

My love always protects you

And let you dream what you want! ©

Night outside the window, the cloud sleeps, the forest

Say about a miracle of miracles?

All about you, you are an angel of sleep -

You are my early spring!

Sleep sweet angel, miracles

Sleep, my dear boy.
You are forever my dear.
You know i love you
And now I sing to you
About your thick curls
And about the muscles poured,
About your love for me
And about caresses in silence ...

I would like to become the wind ...
And having flown to you, pat gently,
Your face ... and lips and eyes,
And getting lost in the autumn-red leaves ...
Caress your ears with the sweetest whisper
Love phrases ...

What a pity that the day is gone again.
I hope you made it to the room.
Tired you go to bed.
My dear, you must rest.
So that you can have a good rest.
I will help you sleep with my care.
And the guardian angel will rock you.
My sweetheart, it's time to go to bed.


Collection of wishes Good night for your beloved and beloved, send beautiful wishes for the night.

A wonderful dream crept into the house,
And it goes stealthily to you,
Wish you pleasant dreams
And good night, sweet!

Let there be in your bed
Warm, soft and comfortable
Nothing wakes up until the morning
Your sensitive sleep does not disturb.
Sleep well and get enough sleep
I hug very gently.
And in a dream, smile at me.
Rest. Goodnight.

I am dreaming of you,
Wake up and in a sweet dream!
I wish you a tender night
I just melt from you!

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most gentle and calm sleep. So that you dream of polar bears in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

Night has come, eyes are closed
Dreams have come and run
Let them deliver you
Many happy moments!

I want to wish you
Good, sweet, sweet dreams.
Quietly on the cheek with a kiss -
This is better than any words.
May you dream about a month
Delicately gilded with happiness ...
From the smiles of the curtain ...
Sweet dreams! Goodnight!

My beloved, beloved man! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. Let in dreams I come to you in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your desires and dreams, I will be with you always beloved, friend and faithful helper! Let the birdsong remind you of our love, and the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

Let the stars kiss you
The moon is shining affectionately.
Sleep, kitten, it's too late!
The night is full of miracles!

My gentle angel sleeps on the wing
My gentle angel shines in the darkness.
Sleep, my baby, you see the night outside the window
Sleep, you are shrouded in warmth
Sleep, let you dream
Milky Way, joyful world ...
Just don't forget me.
Sleep, my baby, there will be a bed of heaven,
I will guard your sleep until morning.
Good night, my beloved kitten.

Good night sweet dreams,
And let the moon not go out.
Let the breeze be warm
I will dream of joy, happiness.
Let the bed be cozy
And a soft pillow.
Good night sweet dreams,
I whisper in your ear.

May everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow
Let there be more kind words
In the meantime, close your eyes ...
And rest - pleasant dreams!

I wish you the most pleasant, calm and good night! Let your dreams be only beautiful and be filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you strength to turn every dream into reality!

Like the world, we are spinning for a reason,
And again, each in its own orbit.
Sleep well, my star ...
Your faithful, loving guardian ...

I wish you sweet dreams
And I kiss gently on the nose
I hug tightly
And I miss you very, very much!
Sleep well, you are my happiness!
Let good dreams dream
Where you and I will be together.
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

My sweetheart, I really would not like to part with you now and continue talking about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it's time to rest. Good night my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream so as not to part for a minute.

Good night, my dear!
May you sleep well!
After all, sleep is a place where sometimes
You can hide from all misfortunes!

The night has come. It's time
We say goodbye until the morning.
I wish you nights
Calm, very, very kind,
Let in the bright light of the night moon
Rainbow dreams will come!
The stars guard your peace
And they protect you from adversity!

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you dream wonderful dreams and draw cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

The night has covered everything with a light blanket,
It's time for you, dear, to sleep ...
You shone like the sun all day
You are supposed to rest until the morning!
Wake up with the first ray of dawn
And you will smile sweetly sweetly at me ...
I can give a lot for this!
Sleep, my sun! I will come in a dream!

There are many kilometers between us
But my soul is next to you.
I really want to at these moments
Lightly touch your cheek to you.
Only the distance of the distance presses
As if in a vise, my heart was clamped.
I can probably fix everything
Only wishing you sweet dreams.

Good night my beloved. I wish you to have a kind and wonderful dream, so that you have a good sleep and wake up in a wonderful mood and with inspiration from your soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and let the morning bring light joy and rays of good luck.

Good night I wish
Let the sweet dream come to you.
I close my eyes too
I will go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you wish for!

Good night my cat
Do not forget that I am with you
Day and night and always
Wherever you are, or I have been!

You can please and pamper your loved ones not only with expensive gifts. After all, warm and well-spoken words cause a storm of emotions, can give joy and pleasure.

Often, a person close to you can delight even seemingly banal good night wishes. How good it is to fall asleep knowing that you are loved, that you are cared for and worried about and remembered. Touching wishes for the night in prose can be whispered in your ear.

If there is an opportunity to be close to loved ones, while they go to bed, then using the services of the phone, it is quite possible to wish sweet and restful sleep... You can call and read these lines aloud, or send a message that will be a surprise and pleasant surprise.

Good night wishes in prose:

I wish you a really good evening and a really calm night. May you dream the most beautiful and always colored dreams!

Spending amazing days with you, I want to extend them into mind-blowing nights and dream of good mornings! Goodnight!

I wish you good night. May your night be accompanied by wonderful and colorful dreams, sweet and beautiful dreams, innermost and good desires. Let your body rest, your soul will be filled with inspiration, and the morning will begin with notes of joy and luck.

So the rest of the day has burned out, a gray evening has descended to the ground. Let the old day take everything with it disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender yourself to a serene sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Goodnight.

Where is the soul of a person while he is sleeping? A traveler's soul rests at night on the summit of Everest or under Niagara Falls. The soul of an astronomer flies around Saturn at night or visits Sirius. And my soul hugs yours at night ... so tenderly and with love. This is why I love to fall asleep. Fall asleep and you rather, my soul! Goodnight!

I send you my tender kiss with my wishes for the night. My beloved, precious, best, sweet dreams to you and good night. May you have colorful and good dreams today. I am sure that this night you will be able to sleep well and gain strength to conquer a new day. May your night be quiet, calm, cool and calm. Go to sleep, my dear, I will definitely visit you in your dream.

Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

May all your sweetest dreams come true today. Let all the most desirable come to you in a dream. May your night be calm and good dreams. Goodnight!

The night scattered fairy dust like stars in the sky. And a sweet slumber found on everyone. Give in to it, and you, lie down comfortably, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go on a trip to wonderful dreams... Tomorrow will be a new day, rest in full tonight. The most pleasant dreams to you. Gain energy and good cheerful mood.

Another day has come to an end. Night took possession of the quiet city. How mysterious and magical this time is. It makes us remember all the good things that happened to us ... It's nice to fall asleep with tender thoughts about dear people ... Good and good dreams to you, my dear friend.

My love! Night falls on the city, and I still think about you. May the bright stars light up for you now, may silence fall on soft paws and a magical dream will come to you, and may no one and nothing disturb it. Have a calm and affectionate night for you.

My dear, dear, beloved man, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. May your rest be sweet and wonderful, may the night fill you with new strength and incredible inspiration, give you a wonderful dream and good hope.

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