The best games for local network on PC. The best games with co-op on PC and PS4

Do you like to play games with someone, rather than alone? Then this TOP cooperative games for you.

What are cooperative games nowadays? First of all, these are online games in which players form teams and fight against bots or against other teams of players. But these can also be regular games on a PC, which, in addition to single players, also have the ability to play online.

Co-op games are deservedly very popular, thanks to such an important component of gameplay as team spirit.

You may also be interested in the TOP 10 online games and the TOP 10 best MMORPG.

10.Resident Evil 6

Capcom often experiments with its games. If the previous part of Resident Evel failed, then Resident Evel 6 turned out to be very good.

The game has several companies for different characters, and it is best to go through the company in co-op, since artificial intelligence a little dumb. By the way, the fifth part also had a pretty good co-op.

9. Left for Dead 2

Again, 4 people can play in co-op. The point of the game is to get to the shelter.

To fight off various zombies, you are given many different weapons. Pistols, shotguns, dynamites, Molotov cocktails, sniper rifles, etc. Also, everything that comes to hand is used.

In addition to ordinary zombies, which you can kill in packs of 20, there are also bosses with whom you have to tinker. There's a lot in the game different cards, making the passage varied.

If you don’t have enough standard maps, then you can download more, but already made by amateurs.

8. Dead Island

The development of this game lasted more than five years, but still the game came out and turned out to be very good. A good plot, beautiful graphics, enemies are literally dismembered into pieces. The detailing was also impressive. The game almost looks like a well-made movie, where the players are the actors.

There are several characters in the game, and each of them has their own characteristics - some shoot better, while others fight. They won't let us really shoot - there aren't that many cartridges. But hand-to-hand combat - please. If you want, hit with an oar, if you want, hit with a bat.

You can play the game alone or with friends. The second option, of course, is much more interesting and fun.

7. Gears of War: judgment

In fourth place is one of the best Microsoft exclusives.

The most insidious and beautiful game Bill Corporation. Lots of weapons and meat, a very good plot. We won’t even talk about multiplayer - it turned out just great. In our opinion, this is best part from the Gears ov Var series, especially in terms of online play.

Well, if you are not a fan of online battles, we recommend playing the first two parts of the series - they have the best plot.

6.Portal 2

In a co-op Portal 2 The same puzzles await us as in the single-player game. But they will be even more complex and unpredictable. Your partner has a portal gun.

The downside of Portal 2 is that there is only two-player co-op. However, no more is required.

It is worth noting that the map for the cooperative is constantly updated, which is very pleasing and generally fits well with the concept of the game, which is based on puzzles, and not just soulless shooting.

5. Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel

The game takes place in Mexico. We are fighting against drug traffickers.

Thanks to the new engine, destructibility has appeared in the game, and the game itself looks graphically better than its predecessors. A detailed character customization system has also appeared. The game has a very wide arsenal of weapons.

This part of the game places a strong emphasis on teamwork, forcing players to think together in order to complete the tasks assigned to them correctly and efficiently.

4. Dead Space 3

The third part of the famous horror, and now also action, has changed a lot compared to the previous parts. The game takes place on a snowy planet inhabited by necromorphs.

Crafting can be considered the most interesting innovation - now it is not money that falls from defeated enemies, but valuable resources. You can also find resources using a search bot. With these resources, you can produce weapons with or without blueprints.

Changed and appearance characters - now they wear warm suits, which can be changed in the wardrobe.

A co-op is very different from single player- you need to interact with each other and play together. Periodically, one of the players experiences hallucinations, and the second player does not see them. The player, while under the influence of hallucinations, can shoot at different sides or even your partner.

3. Panzar

Free online game Panzar from Russian developers made at the world level, thanks to a modern game engine Cry Engine 3

The graphics have been raised to unprecedented heights. All the details on the characters and the world worked out carefully. If it’s snow, then it glitters and shimmers in the light, if it’s meadows, then you can see how literally every blade of grass moves, if it’s water, then it gurgles and flows realistically between the stones, the rocks are depicted in the smallest detail, and you can’t even talk about trees to say - they are great!

But for a true gamer, graphics don't matter, you might say, and that's true. What is the gameplay of this project? Is it worth paying attention to it, and how do you even play it?

Read all about the pros and cons of the game in the Panzar review.

2. Metal War Online

When we think about online session games with combat vehicles, we usually think of World of Tanks, War Thunder or Star Conflict. And these are just the most famous examples. At the same time, few people think that there are much more projects of this genre, and their level of quality is often no lower than all kinds of “Tanks”.

Metal War Online is an example of just such a game. This is a free session 3D shooter from Russian developers with a look to the future, which compares favorably with similar projects in terms of action and drive.

Here players do not get bored and hide in the bushes, but fight in co-op with each other in armored, high-speed and killer cars with machine guns, rocket launchers and artillery launchers. How many MMO games do you know with this kind of gameplay?

1. Warframe

And the best cooperative game, in our opinion, is Warframe, in which on good cooperative everything is sharpened with friends! Imagine an amazing combination of space ninjas, robots, mutants with swords, sledgehammers, axes and futurist small arms.

In terms of co-op, Warframe is definitely, if not the best, then one of the best online games. After all, all conditions have been created here for playing together with friends. The game is simple, exciting, has amazing graphics and is completely free!

The game's art and Russian voice acting were professionally managed.

Gradually, the times are passing when games involved a purely single playthrough. Developers are increasingly introducing cooperative modes, which make projects much more exciting. Unless you're a confirmed sociopath, playing together is always more fun, even if the shooter or strategy itself is mediocre. Here are the games that are best for co-op.

Left 4 Dead

In 2008, a shooter from the creators of the Half-Life series shook up the genre of then-rare cooperative games. Developers from Turtle Rock Studios, which was not yet part of Valve, taught people how to play as a team. If the four players scattered in all directions and did not help each other, nothing good came of it: the heroes died again and again. But as soon as we pulled together and started acting together, we could overcome any difficulties.

The backstory of Left 4 Dead is banal: a virus has spread across the United States that turns people into zombies. Four survivors escape by fighting their way through hordes of infected to the evacuation point. There are a phenomenal number of zombies here - there are literally hundreds of them, and the shooting is non-stop. At the same time, Left 4 Dead is not like “meat” shooters like Painkiller or Doom. You need to use tactics, choose weapons wisely and plan ahead. At the end of some levels, you need to survive a wave of enemies: zombies are coming from all sides, fire is blazing due to broken Molotov cocktails, a piece of concrete slab is flying right at you - this is what the strongest boss “Tank” announced about himself.

Left 4 Dead gives a storm of emotions in the cooperative playthrough; without a close-knit team, you shouldn’t even start the game. The sequel, released just a year later, brought new enemies and melee weapons.

Gears of War

The brutal action game was originally exclusive to the Xbox 360 and then appeared on PC. An HD re-release of the Ultimate Edition followed in 2015 for Xbox One and computers. In total, three numbered parts and one spin-off (Judgment) were released; Gears of War 4 is currently in development. This is one of the cooperative games that is interesting to play on your own, but still the cooperative mode adds the necessary spice. There are also online matches in which you cannot survive without joint action. The Horde matches were especially successful, where you need to survive as many waves of opponents as possible.

The synopsis for Gears of War is gloomy: on the planet Sera, scientists have discovered a new source of energy. Fierce battles began against the local inhabitants - the Locust. Disgusting creatures quickly seized the initiative in the war and began to destroy humanity. A squad of blockheads with biceps as thick as sequoia trees took an impressive weapon and set out to drive the Locust underground, from where it emerged.

The game brought several innovations to the shooter genre. Firstly, an interesting “trick” has appeared with weapon reloading: if you press the button in time, the hero will change the magazine in a second, but if you don’t have time to do this, he will fiddle with the gun for a long time, sometimes expressing himself judiciously about it. Secondly, gameplay with positional shootings became popular after Gears of War. And we can’t help but mention the under-barrel chainsaw for close combat - its effect exceeds any expectations.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege

In the new part of Rainbow Six, the developers have thoroughly shaken up the series. The single-player campaign has been removed, the game has retained only the essence of Tom Clancy's original books about the Rainbow Six squad. There are special forces soldiers, the most elite of all elites, and terrorists who provide regular employment for the security forces. The villains are constantly seizing something, mining buildings or holding hostages. Good guys must disrupt their plans - just like in Hollywood action movies.

"Siege" at first seemed like a controversial step for the series, but as a result it became perhaps the best part. The developers put tactical freedom first, and they were right. Both terrorists and special forces have almost limitless possibilities: you can set traps at every turn, block doors and windows, blow up a wall or floor and take enemies by surprise. In co-op mode, you go up against a couple of dozen opponents. There are no problems with them on easy and medium difficulty, but when you set the maximum level, be prepared for a real test of your skills.

Dying Light

The Polish action game looks like a combination of Left 4 Dead and Mirror's Edge. The city is overrun with zombies, it is unsafe to walk the streets, so the most convenient way to move around is on the roofs of houses. Fortunately, our hero is a young and agile parkour athlete. He jumps quite deftly, and if necessary, he can quickly escape from a crowd of opponents.

The joint passage was appropriate, but the implementation could have been a little better. For example, in story cutscenes there is no division into different characters: all players look at what is happening through the eyes of the same character. With this exception there are no complaints. Companions make hand-to-hand combat easier, zombies can be distracted so another person can unlock the door, and so on. Dying Light is a high-quality action game in both single and cooperative play.

Borderlands 1-2

The series stands out for its excellent style and quite successful humor. While most games are made in a "serious way", Gearbox Software offers a cartoon style in a world gone crazy. It's sort of an interactive version of Mad Max, but even Max would find Borderlands a little too crazy.

Co-op up to four people is supported. Playing together will come in especially handy when encountering bosses. They are strong, tenacious and are extremely reluctant to go to the local Valhalla. Ordinary opponents take advantage of numbers, it is usually easy to kill them, but sometimes there are difficult moments. All because of the RPG elements: as in the recent Tom Clancy’s The Division, much here depends not on your accuracy, but on the level of the enemy. However, the role-playing moments do not interfere much.

With a weak story and an empty world, solo playthroughs of Borderlands can feel boring. If friends join the game, the situation will change dramatically. Missions will become more fun, and there will always be something to do in the wasteland: either go to a cave to get equipment, or go on an obviously difficult mission.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Cooperative play in such an action movie is more for show, although the cooperative modes turned out to be surprisingly interesting. The story campaign once again tells the story of the near future, where a war is being waged, and robots and fighters with enhanced abilities are fighting on the battlefield. Who didn't share something with whom is such an insignificant issue for the game that everyone has long come to terms with the nonsense that the scriptwriters write.

But the action turns out to be good every year, and if you suddenly get tired of playing alone, then co-op will improve the situation. Levels are designed for cooperative game, they are large and require frequent changes of tactics. Since enemies, as before, appear as if from nowhere and do not end, the help of friends is very useful. In addition, although this is empty, it is still a very entertaining action movie. If it weren’t for Battlefield’s weak story modes, this particular game would be on our list - it’s just that the campaigns are even worse, but the multiplayer is exemplary.

Far Cry 4

The game was criticized for not being very different from Far Cry 3 - only the setting is different. However, Ubisoft has made a great shooter that is still fun to play. Co-op is not available for story campaign, but otherwise there are no restrictions on co-op mode.

17. Strange Brigade

A dynamic shooter, the plot of which tells about the awakening of the ancient Egyptian witch-queen Seteki. Only the “Strange Brigade” - four brave adventurers who are ready to fight any danger for the sake of hard cash - can stop the ominous ruler and her minions.

Playing Strange Brigade alone is too boring, but in co-op the project reveals itself to its full potential. At various levels, bloodthirsty monsters, deadly traps and, of course, cunningly hidden treasures will await you, and an extensive arsenal of weapons and devastating spells, unique to each character, will help you deal with the creatures of evil.

16. A Way Out

A game completely aimed at playing cooperatively with a friend: you can’t go through it alone, you can’t go through it with a random player (not from the list of friends in Origin), and there’s no reason to - this project gives the most vivid emotions only when you play with someone you know well person, and preferably at one computer, in splitscreen. We won’t go into detail about the merits of A Way Out - we’ve already said everything in our review. If you have someone to play with, be sure to pay attention to this wonderful game.

15. Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide

The game in the Warhammer fantasy universe (which is not 40,000) invites players to team up and recapture the city of Ubersreik from the ratmen - mainly in close combat. Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide captivates with its dynamic and intense gameplay, impresses with the beauty of its locations and delights with its high complexity. In general, an excellent option for evening team fights.

14. Portal 2

Without exaggeration, the ingenious puzzle game from Valve could have been placed higher on our list, but due to its age it has given way to newcomers. The main feature of the Portal 2 cooperative is a very convenient, intuitive gesture system, thanks to which communication in the game does not require voice communication, but mutual language even residents can find each other different countries. Interesting puzzles and signature humor remain in place, so the project will help you relieve boredom and have fun.

13. Gears of War

Only two games from the Gears of War series are presented on the PC - the first and fourth parts (the rest were released on consoles of the Xbox family), but they are enough for vivid emotions. Gears of War has a gloomy atmosphere, charisma of the main characters and fierce battles with undisguised, even ostentatious, cruelty.

12. Broforce

11. Killing Floor

10. Ghost Recon Wildlands

A shooter from Ubisoft, specially tailored for co-op playthrough. Of course, you can play Ghost Recon Wildlands alone, but then you won't get even a fraction of the experience that this project provides when completing tasks together. It's all about the gameplay: the game belongs to the genre of tactical shooters and, obviously, AI-controlled characters cannot compare with real people who, with proper coordination of actions, will turn the passage of missions into a beautifully choreographed Hollywood action movie.

9. Dying Light


7. Civilization

The sixth part of the strategic Civilization series is the newest one on this moment, but there is co-op in previous releases as well. Here, co-play is implemented within the framework of diplomacy: players can declare friendship, form an alliance and develop their civilizations together. Civilization VI is perfect for playing both over the Internet and on one computer - for the second case, there is a hot-sit mode in which participants take turns making their moves.


A long-term platformer released in 2017, with a stunningly beautiful visual style that references the cartoons of the 30s and 40s. Players will take control of funny characters and fight two dozen bosses. Cuphead has incredibly complex gameplay, so some friendly support comes in handy.

5. Path of Exile

4. Call of Duty

Starting with World at War, each part of the Call of Duty series contains, in addition to a single player campaign and competitive multiplayer, a co-op mode. In some installments of the franchise, players will have to fight zombies, in others – with aliens, but each time these missions delight with excellent presentation and exciting gameplay.

3. Destiny 2

Both parts of Destiny are designed for cooperative play, but only the second part is available on PC. Destiny 2 is about cooperative battles against alien invaders, accompanied by a mystery-filled plot and a carefully crafted futuristic setting. The game boasts not only exciting gameplay, but also beautiful graphics that demonstrate stunning landscapes.


Diablo 2 turned 17 this year, Diablo 3 is 5 years old, but both projects still occupy places in all the top cooperative games. The reasons for its success are high replayability, well-balanced gameplay, and exciting gameplay. Any fan of good action-RPGs periodically feels the urge to download one of the games in the Diablo series, call your friends and go to Sanctuary to deal with the presumptuous demons.

1. Divinity: Original Sin

Both parts of the Divinity: Original Sin series share honorable first place in our ranking of the best cooperative games on PC. And completely deservedly so, because every joint passage here turns into an exciting adventure, where players can argue with each other, intrigue each other, explore the world together or separately and, of course, fight numerous enemies. Best project You simply won't find it for a fun time with friends.

Co-op games for weak PCs

Almost all of the above games require fairly powerful video cards and processors. But what to do if your computer’s configuration can’t handle modern projects, but you still want to play co-op? Don’t rush to break your piggy bank for an upgrade - we have a selection of games with passing together for weak PCs.

Dead Island is a series of zombie action games with parkour, close combat and a system of zonal dismemberment of the living dead.

Resident Evil– the fifth and sixth parts of the franchise, as well as the Resident Evil Revelations duology, contain a cooperative mode in which players will have to clean up the consequences of the sinister experiments of the Umbrella corporation.

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North– action-RPG in the “Lord of the Rings” universe with co-op for three.

Magicka- a series of adventure games dedicated to four unlucky wizards who, by the will of fate, will have to fight a demon who intends to destroy the entire world. It is interesting because of its original combat system, in which players independently create magic spells by combining various elements.

Don't Starve Together– a survival simulator with the possibility of cooperative play. Players need to survive in a hostile world for as long as possible, and working together significantly increases the chances of survival.

Torchlight– cooperative action-RPG in Diablo style with vast locations, addictive gameplay and pets that eliminate the need for players to constantly return to the city to sell loot.

Sacred 2– a large-scale RPG with interesting classes, a fun plot and funny humor.

Titan Quest is a cooperative action-RPG based on the mythology of Ancient Greece, Egypt and the East, and invites players to fight the powerful Titans, reaching the top of Olympus. The game recently received new life as an Anniversary Edition.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3– RTS in the popular Command & Conquer universe with the possibility of a cooperative campaign.

LEGO– All LEGO series releases include a co-op mode. The choice of projects is huge: gamers can go to the worlds of Marvel and DC comics, take part in the adventures of the Fellowship of the Ring and the Hobbit, study at Hogwarts, visit a galaxy far, far away, and so on.

Contra, Metal Slug and others classic games– there are free emulators of various consoles of past generations that can run old games, including co-op games. They provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in worlds familiar from childhood and relive the exciting adventures of your favorite characters.

There are an incredible number of single-player games out there. But it's much better to take true friend and make an incredible adventure online. We have prepared for you the Top 20 online games for two. Grab a friend and start your walkthrough.


Once again we include PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS in our Top. The big advantage of the game is the ability to fight in a team with friends. In this mode, you also land on the island, loot, and fight against the same hundreds of opponents. However, now you have a faithful partner with you who will save your life more than once. And taking top one with your best friend is doubly pleasant.


  • System: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10;
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB;
  • Disk space: 30 Gb.

A game in the run’n’gun genre, in which players will have to control an unusual hero who is not busy saving the world at all, but simply beating the dust out of his enemies. Cuphead is literally a “classic” platformer. Classic because everything about it is 1930s, from the graphics, which seem straight out of Walt Disney's hand, to the watercolor backgrounds and jazzy soundtrack. Limitless madness that you can play with a friend will be provided to you at every level.

  • Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel i3 2100 or AMD Athlon II X4 640;
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: nVidia GT240 1GB or AMD 5570 1GB;
  • Disk space: 15 GB.

Dying Light

Survival Horror with a first-person view that delights players with an open world. The events of the game take place in the city of Harran, where an unknown virus is rampant. It has affected the entire population, local residents are in panic, quarantine has been declared, and those who have been spared the infection are trying to survive with all their might. During the day, life flows as usual, but with the onset of dusk, chaos spills out onto the streets. Players have access to four characters with unique abilities, a completely open world and a lot of interesting tasks. The developers are focusing on the combat system and variety of weapons.

Dying Light System Requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz / AMD FX-8320 3.5 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce®GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6870 with 1 GB of video memory;
  • Disk space: 40 GB.

Star Trek

Star Trek is computer game first person in the shooter genre, we become favorite heroes popular universe. You can choose one of the main characters and begin an incredible journey. It is noteworthy that Kirk and Spock have completely different abilities, so playing as different characters will distinguish himself and give you new emotions.

Star Trek System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7;
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 4200+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce 9600/Radeon HD 2900;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb.

The only goal in Rust is to survive. To do this, you will need to overcome difficulties such as hunger, thirst and cold. Light a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals to get meat. Defend yourself from other players and kill them to get meat. Build housing and protect it. All this is best done with true friends.

Rust System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP with SP2 or later;
  • Processor: Pentium 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP 1700+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce 210 or Radeon X600 Series;
  • Disk space: 5 Gb.

The Forest

This is a dark sandbox about survival in a night forest full of monsters. Unlike many survival games, The Forest has a plot where, after crashing onto an island, the main task will not only be survival, but also the search for your missing son. The plot of the game is available for cooperative play, which is good news.

Minimum system requirements for The Forest

  • OS: Windows 7;
  • Processor: Core Duo 2 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT;
  • Disk space: 7 Gb.

Don't Strave

A game with an original presentation of the surrounding world and no less original graphics. You are thrown into a huge world and all you need to do is survive by staying well-fed, maintaining a fire or making a fur coat so as not to freeze. Thanks to the Together add-on, you can do this together with a friend.

Don't Strave system requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV (1.7 GHz) / AMD Athlon XP 1800+;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 / AMD Radeon X1300 / 256 Mb / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 500 Mb;

Borderlands The Pre Sequel

Another part of the crazy shooter from 2K in which you act as seekers of an alien treasure storage facility on the outskirts of the galaxy. This time the mechanics of the game have changed a little, taking into account the fact that the actions take place on the moon of the planet Pandora. A sea of ​​guns, shooting and fun - this is the very option that will blow your mind and give you many hours of interesting gameplay.

Borderlands The Pre Sequel system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 / ATI Radeon HD 2600;
  • Disk space: 13 Gb;

Resident Evil 6

Continues the top best games for two. This part turned out to be a little different from the previous ones - there will be no crowds of zombies, but even a few will be enough to knock you down. The game has 4 different companies in which you can play together with a partner. Original plot and beautiful graphics.

Resident Evil 6 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Core 2 Quad Q9450 2.66GHz/Phenom II X4 940;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 560/Radeon HD 6850;
  • Disk space: 16 Gb;

The Cave

The narration is told from the perspective of the Cave itself, which is explored by our fearless heroes - there is quite big variety characters who have their own abilities. Quite a beautiful and complex puzzle with a side view, and at the same time it has a very pleasant style of storytelling that does not get boring at all.

The Cave system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce 8800;
  • Disk space: 1.5 Gb;

Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is the third part of the popular franchise, with hundreds of new pieces of equipment and items, new locations, and new fighting styles. The game takes place in the kingdom of Lothric, and main character is one of the “unkindled” who travel through these lands in search of salvation. Having fulfilled certain conditions, you can start a cooperative playthrough.

Dark Souls 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8;
  • AMD® A8 3870 3.6 GHz or Intel® Core™ i3 2100 3.1 GHz processor;
  • RAM: 8 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 465 / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870;
  • Disk space: 40 Gb;

Human: Fall Flat

An unusual game where you will explore the environment and solve physics puzzles to escape from surreal dreams. You only have your wits, physics, and friends at your disposal. The cooperative game designed for 8 players will not let you get bored.

Human: Fall Flat system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8;
  • Processor Intel Core2 Duo E6750 (2*2660) | AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ (2 * 3000);
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GT 740 (2048 MB) or equivalent | Radeon HD 5770 (1024 MB);
  • Disk space: 1 Gb;

Next on the list of top games for two. The second part continues the style of the first - an incredibly beautiful fairy-tale world, well-thought-out characters with individuality and puzzles that don’t let you get bored for a minute. Everything around is so interactive and beautiful that it’s hard to imagine how much effort was put into the project.

Trine 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.0 Ghz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 / AMD Radeon X1600 / 256 Mb / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 1.5 Gb;

Dead Space 3

The third part of the sci-fi shooter with a third-person view. The game was released on February 5, 2013. After the events that happened in the second part, Isaac Clarke settled on one of the space stations. The lack of government support and the unlimited power of the Unitologist Church forces him into hiding. Another heroine of the previous part, Ellie Langford, manages to discover an icy planet on which a base supposedly remains uninfected. There she suddenly disappears, having managed to send a distress signal. The Earth government is looking for Isaac Clarke, forcing him to go in search of Ellie. The game has co-op available, so the battle with enemies will be even better.

Dead Space 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV with a clock frequency of 2.8 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better / ATI Radeon X1650 Pro;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Re-release of the ported first part of the cult Gears of War, which eventually became exclusive for XBox. If you have already played the original game, then here you will find cool, updated graphics and remade cut scenes, as well as many more fixes. For those who haven’t played before, there is an opportunity to play a whirlwind shooter with an interesting plot, which also makes it possible to play together.

System requirements for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition:

  • System: Windows 10 64-bit;
  • Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 or six-core AMD FX;
  • RAM: 8 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or Radeon R7 260X with 2 GB of built-in video memory;
  • Disk space: 60 Gb;

Portal 2

The second part of an ingenious puzzle from Valve in which you again have to take a cannon to create teleports and go through all the levels of a dilapidated laboratory to get out. Good graphics, interesting plot presentation and mode for two. Even though the game is extremely similar to the first one, it still presents us with many interesting surprises.

Portal 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP/Vista/7;
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo/Athlon X2 2.5 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 280/Radeon HD 2600;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Kane and Lynch

Play as two absolutely crazy friends who live by robbing banks and killing police officers. Just a sea of ​​madness and shooting, as well as an interesting plot. It’s difficult to describe this project in two words - to get into it, to understand how interesting and chic it is, you need to sit down at the computer and start a new game. Rest assured that here you will find many interesting gameplay features, as well as a lot of adrenaline.

Kane and Lynch System Requirements:

  • Processor: 1 core 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: 256 Mb;
  • Disk space: 7 Gb;

Payday 2

A game that continues the theme of bank robbery - you have to choose a character, arm yourself, put on an original mask and go to the next vault to open it and get a jackpot, and at the same time shoot at the police. Payday is madness at its peak. Can you pull off a successful robbery when bullets are constantly whistling overhead?

Payday 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows Vista/7/8/10;
  • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum);
  • Disk space: 10 Gb;

Left 4 Dead 2

Another rather memorable game from Valv about zombies - you, in the person of four survivors, have to take up weapons and move from one safe place to another, shoot legions of the walking dead. It is worth noting that in addition to ordinary zombies, there are even more terrible enemies here. Survive one crazy massacre to then move on to another, and so on from level to level.

Left 4 Dead 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X800 with 128 Mb of memory;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb;

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

The game is reminiscent of Left 4 Dead. But all its events take place in the Warhammer universe. This game is a sequel to the critically acclaimed Vermintide. It's time to return to brutal first-person combat, featuring visceral and ground-based fighting in close combat, set in the End Times apocalypse of the war-torn world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series;
  • Disk space: 50 Gb;

The cooperative (joint) game mode provides for the simultaneous participation of several players in completing one storyline. In this case, the participants, unlike classic multiplayer, do not act by forgiving each other, but work cohesively in one team. The efforts of the players are aimed at supporting each other in the name of a single goal that closely unites all their actions.

Due to the addictive nature of co-op, we were wondering which games in this mode are most in demand today. It turns out that there are not so few of them. We decided not to torment you by counting all currently available projects in this direction. Instead, we present below a small top of cooperative games, which includes the four most significant games:

  • – an addictive zombie-killing arcade game. The most attractive aspect of the game was the complete freedom of action, which manifests itself in in various ways killing the walking dead. The co-op mode takes the game to the point where at one point players aren't so scared of environment, but rather interesting, due to the use of a wide range of melee weapons. Dead Rising 3 is fun, worth the attention of the whole group.
  • - a familiar RPG for many, which became a continuation of the Dragon Age series of the same name. Despite the fact that “Inquisition” did not bring new gaming features, most players will certainly like the project, since it has acquired a full-fledged cooperative mode. In it, players will no doubt be able to realize the full potential of team quests.
  • is a car simulator that clearly demonstrates the cohesive work of a team in various ambushes. For example, when off-road, players will often have to resort to the help of a friend to pull a stuck car out of a quagmire. The unity of the team is the key to ensuring that the hours spent at SpinTires will be remembered for a long time.
  • - a unique part of Assassin's Creed, offering a cooperative game mode. The storyline tells about a new killer - a guy from the Assassin family, Arno, who appears in the frame during the revolution in the eighteenth century. There are riots all around, human life is worthless, blood flows in a stream. The main one Against the backdrop of everything that is happening, the hero becomes interested in who benefits from this bloodshed and he has no choice but to find the instigators of the revolution and deal with them on his own.At some stages of the campaign, the player can use the cooperative game mode, connecting his friends to the passage.

Despite the fact that the top cooperative games in our case consists of four works, all of them deserve your attention. These are precisely those projects of our time that very clearly reveal the essence of the cooperative mode of playing the game, in comparison with other projects aimed at the simultaneous participation of several players.
