Shoulders and vertical presses. Vertical press machine Vertical barbell press

The vertical leg press allows you to train your lower body muscles from different angles. Of all the leg presses, the vertical one focuses primarily on the hamstrings and glutes. The Panatta Vertical Press Machine is very popular with women and athletes who have to run, jump...

For bodybuilding, the vertical leg press stimulates the thigh muscles, providing the best muscle stretch. The leg contractions can be modulated as desired by changing the various machine settings as well as leg positioning to focus on the quads, hamstrings, or glutes. The vertical leg press can also be used to train the glutes, demonstrating its versatility.

A large number of settings and positions of the legs

All the muscles trained by the Vertical Leg Press can be modulated as you wish between the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, this is due to the many ingenious settings available on the machine from Panatta.

1) Backrest adjustments

The very first setting is the back of the simulator. It can be adjusted to any slope relative to the ground.

2) Foot platform adjustments

The second setting is the platform that you push with your feet. It can be any slope you choose. In addition, the compact platform allows for various leg placements. We did this because the position of the legs will greatly affect the pattern of muscle development.

Position selection and adjustments to better target the quadriceps

The lower the back, the more the quadriceps will be worked out. A highly inclined position of the platform relative to the ground will cause the quadriceps muscle to contract more intensively.

The more the feet are under the buttocks, the more the quadriceps will work. The closer your legs are together, the more you will limit your range of motion, which will encourage quadriceps engagement.

Position selection and adjustment for better hamstring work

By placing your feet under your face, you will activate the hamstring set.

The more you spread your legs out to the sides, the lower your legs can go before touching your torso, which provides more stretch for the muscles, helping to rebuild the back of the thighs and adductors.

Position selection and adjustment for better glute development

A higher back position will help to work out the buttocks. Likewise, placing the platform parallel to the ground will encourage glute expansion.

Anatomy of the muscles of the lower extremities

The kinetic chain of the lower extremities is present in the traction exercises performed with the leg press, and consists of three rings connected in series: the hip, knee and ankle. These joints open and close thanks to the support of many muscle groups that work together with each other; among the most important are the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus maximus.

The quadriceps muscle is made up of four muscle fibers at the front of the thigh.

  • Rectus Femoris:

it is biarticular, it remains vertical along the thigh; crosses the hip joint and knee.

  • Vastus Medialis - Vastus Lateralis - Vastus Intermedius

Single-joint, they are located in the inner region, outer, front of the thigh and involve only the knee joint.

  • Working out the quadriceps muscle:

at the level of the knee, the leg is extended above the thigh; at the level of the hip joint, the thigh leans over the thigh and is involved in hip flexion over the hips.

The hamstrings are made up of four muscle bundles at the back of the thigh:

Hamstring muscles

  • They consist of two different muscle bundles: The long head of the biceps, which is biarticular and crosses the hip joint and knee joint.
  • A Long Biceps Head that is mono-articular and just crosses the knee joint.
  • Semi-dendin and semi-membrane.
  • Biarticular, they cross the leg medially, including the hip and knee joints.

Hamstring Muscle Performance:

  • At the level of the knee, they flex the leg; at the level of the hip joint, they flex the hip and, finally, they help to expand the hip at the hip.
  • The gluteal muscles are made up of three other muscle bundles: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medium, and Gluteus Minimus.
  • Gluteus Maximus crosses the hip joint and partially connects the ilium, creating an anatomical and indirect connection also with the knee joint.
  • Performance Gluteus Maximus: It extends the thigh over the thigh by rotating it from the outside; contributes to the abduction of the thigh along with the small and medium gluteal. With bilateral contraction, the thigh extends to the thighs.

How to do the exercise?

After adjusting the simulator, lie on your back, hold your lower back well. Raise your legs to rest your feet on the platform. After the stop, straighten your knees, which will automatically remove the clamps blocking the foot platform. Lower your legs until they touch your torso. Then straighten your legs, repeat the movement as many times as needed.

You need to start with a moderate range of motion so that your hamstrings and your glutes get used to the intense stretches provided by this movement. As you advance, slowly increase your range of motion.

Since four long barbells with additional weights are available for training on the machine, even the strongest lifters will have something to do on the Panatta Vertical Press.

Safety First

With traditional vertical presses, the more you flex your lower back while lifting your glutes off the seat, the greater the range of motion, but at the cost of jeopardizing your lumbar discs.

To prevent users from making this classic training mistake, the back of the Panatta Vertical Press has been ergonomically designed. Thanks to the anatomically curved back, full lumbar protection is maintained throughout the entire movement.

The second danger inherent in traditional vertical presses is the possibility of getting stuck under the machine in case of muscle weakness. This risk can be avoided on the Panatta Vertical Press because it has adjustable safety arms located on both sides of the machine. They will stop the load:

1) This will help prevent the footrest from crushing the unfortunate user.

2) Additionally, allow the athlete to easily exit from under the machine.

Stop training

By straightening the legs, keeping only the toes on the footboard to release the heels, it becomes possible to work the calves on the vertical leg press. This exercise resembles the inverted donkey calf raise, but with the lumbar vertebrae perfectly protected by the anatomically curved back.

Unlike foot trainers, the pressure on the back is much lower, while the feet benefit from a fuller stretch because the hips are perpendicular to the torso and not the axis of the spine.

The big benefit of having your legs in the air is that lactic acid can't build up in your calves, as it does with all other exercises that put your legs down. With the vertical leg press, lactic acid is immediately removed by gravity, allowing you to push your sets harder by doing more reps with heavier weights.

Ideal for professional athletes

Of all the leg presses, the vertical leg press is the most suitable for athletes who need to run, jump, ski, ride a bike... emphasizing the glutes, hamstrings and adductors. Sports activities put a lot of strain on the hind legs, which can easily injure the hamstrings and adductor muscles.

By training the hamstrings and adductors in a tense, stretched position, the vertical leg press is ideal not only for improving athletic performance, but also for training muscles that will help prevent the frequent injuries that regularly plague runners.


The weight-block simulator is designed to work out the deltoid muscles (front and back). The seated vertical press exercise is an alternative to basic sets with a barbell or dumbbells and additionally involves triceps and pecs.

Different handles allow you to diversify the process. Thanks to the seat with height adjustment, athletes of any height can train.


  • The base is made of high-strength steel (pipe Ø108 mm).
  • Painting is carried out by a non-contact electrostatic method with the application of powder paint in two layers. The color of the model is determined by the customer at the time of purchase.
  • To drive the block system, a stainless steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm is used that can withstand up to 1 ton.
  • The cargo block weighing 85 kg consists of rubberized metal plates of 5 kg. Equipped with Teflon bushings for better sliding of the block. Steel spring selectors make resistance selection easy.
  • The bearings in the rotation units are closed, that is, they do not require special maintenance. service.
  • The seat and back are upholstered with wear-resistant polymer leather and filled with secondary foam foam.
  • Three supports are equipped with rubber seals to protect the floor from scratches. They also improve floor traction and reduce vibration when the weight stacks are running.
  • Weight: 200 kg
  • Dimensions: 1700 x 950 x 2160 mm.

Item ID: ST-000974

Additional Information

Sports equipment is designed for placement in professional gyms and fitness clubs. The main part is made of high-quality metal to achieve the longest possible life under high loads.

The design solution in the form of a slight inclination of the supporting back provides more effective strengthening of the shoulder girdle.

Training on this power machine should take place at a slow pace and without jerks. Smooth hand pushes vertically upwards most productively act on the muscles of the shoulders.

A fixed trajectory of movement with a limitation at the bottom point (for insurance) allows athletes with any level of physical fitness, including beginner bodybuilders, to train. To improve the effectiveness of the training process, it is recommended to combine it with exercises with free weights in a safe way.

  1. What muscles work when bench press standing;
  2. Exercise technique;
  3. Typical rookie mistakes;
  4. Crossfit complexes containing an army bench press.

What muscles work during this exercise?

The key muscle group that works when pressing the barbell while standing from the chest up is the shoulders. The largest part of the load is accentuated on the front delta, a little less on the middle one, the rear delta practically does not participate in the movement, however, it carries an indirect static load.

© Makatserchyk -

A small part of the load is also shifted to the upper chest and trapezius muscles. Triceps are also actively involved in the movement, approximately the last third of the movement is passed through them. The wider the grip, the shorter the amplitude and the less the triceps are included; the narrower the grip, the lower the amplitude and the more the triceps are turned on.

For optimal distribution of the load and the greatest control over the movement, I recommend using a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

It should be noted that despite all the benefits of the military bench press, this exercise alone is clearly not enough for the uniform and aesthetic development of the deltoid muscles. Yes, it creates tremendous stress for the front delt, but remember the following principle of delt training: if you want to build truly voluminous and spherical shoulders, it is advisable to pay no less attention to working out the middle and rear bundle of deltoid muscles than the front one, since it is anatomically posterior the beam is larger than the other two, the developed rear delta will “push” the middle delta outward, due to which the visual massiveness of the shoulder will be created.

Use dumbbell swings to the sides in various versions for the development of the middle beam and dumbbell swings in the tilt / abduction of the arms in the simulator for the development of the posterior deltoid muscle beam.

Moreover, for those athletes who do not feel the contraction of the deltoid muscles during the military press, I would recommend putting the bench press at the very end of the shoulder workout. The meaning of this is that the shoulders, tired on swings, leads in the simulator and pulls to the chin, will react to the military press in a completely different way, the entire load will fall on the deltoid muscles in isolation. Of course, the working weights will be much less, but this method of training the shoulders is also extremely effective.

Standing Barbell Press Technique

Let's talk about the technique of performing a bench press while standing in more detail. It's no secret that basic movements with a barbell are a universal indicator of the strength of our torso and general physical fitness, and gaining muscle mass directly depends on progress in strength indicators in such exercises - the more you lift, the more you become. However, this statement should not be taken too literally, it makes no sense for an amateur athlete to work in a military press with a monstrous weight without observing the correct execution technique and doing only 2-3 repetitions.

Less - you will not have time to properly feel and "pump" your shoulders with blood, more - the strength component of the exercise is lost, it is better to leave such multi-repetitive work for isolating movements, such as swinging dumbbells to the sides while standing, pulling the barbell to the chin, swinging with one hand from the lower block and etc.

Doing a bench press while standing in the correct technique should be done as follows.

Starting position

Remove the bar from the racks or lift it from the floor. In both cases, you should take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and start moving, observing the natural lordosis in the lumbar spine. If you want to reduce the degree of axial load on the spine and prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia, use an athletic belt. Use a direct closed grip, we need a tight fixation of the neck with the palms. If your working weight is large enough, and the necks in your gym are not the first freshness, use chalk.

Position the barbell on your upper chest, the bar should “hang” on your fingers, while the elbows should be brought forward and spread a little to the sides - the position is similar to front squats with a barbell. The head is slightly tilted back, the gaze is directed forward. There is another option: just hold the bar at the level of the collarbones, while the elbows are located towards the floor. The second option is more suitable for those who do the military press as part of a crossfit complex, in this option it is easier for us to work with more speed and in a more explosive manner, or for those who do not have sufficient flexibility in the elbows and hands and experience discomfort holding the barbell on the top of the chest.

Barbell bench press

Grasp the bar tightly with your palms and begin to squeeze the bar up with the effort of the deltoid muscles, while at the same time slightly removing the head back, observing a slight deflection in the lower back. The position should be stable and even, the lower back and legs should not be included in the work. The movement should be explosive and accompanied by a powerful exhalation. Perform one rep in full amplitude, straighten your elbows and fix for a second in this position, keeping the body level.

We begin to lower the barbell down. Some professional CrossFit athletes and weightlifters lower quickly and sharply, literally “dropping” the barbell on their chest. I do not advise amateur athletes to repeat after them. It must be understood that professional athletes are at a completely different level of physical fitness than ordinary gym visitors. When doing barbell presses or push presses, they feel every muscle fiber, every ligament and joint, and in their performance such a sharp lowering does not carry an unnecessary injury risk. Therefore, everyone else is advised to lower the bar smoothly and under control, not forgetting how easy it is to injure the shoulder joint.

This video explains well which muscles work and how to perform the exercise correctly:

Typical beginner mistakes

Along with, and, the army bench press is an exercise that can not only contribute to the all-round development of an athlete, but also cause irreparable harm to health, and it can take more than one month to recover from an injury. Therefore, if you recognize yourself in one of the points described below, you should reconsider your military bench press technique, starting from the very basics, and even better - do not repeat your mistakes and seek help from an experienced highly qualified instructor.

Neglect to warm up

Before performing the classic bench press, due attention should be paid to the articular warm-up, the shoulders, hands and elbows should be thoroughly warmed up and prepared for work. If your working weight in the military press is high enough, do not be too lazy to do several warm-up approaches, starting with an empty neck and gradually increasing the weight of the projectile. It is also recommended to separately stretch the triceps, since it receives a decent load in this exercise, several sets of extensions from the upper block with a small weight will only benefit.

Too much weight

The bench press is a great accessory exercise for the bench press, but even it is not recommended to work in a very small rep range and with a huge weight. By lifting too heavy, you lose almost all of the benefit of this exercise because you don't have time to put enough stress on your deltoid muscles (shoulders don't like low rep range work, our deltoid muscles and shoulder joints are just not designed for strength work). Also, you overload the rotator cuff and ligaments of the shoulders, elbows and hands, which can lead to injury.


In such traumatic exercises, in no case should you deviate from the correct technique in favor of more working weight or more repetitions. Including additional muscle groups (legs, lower back) in the work, you not only reduce the effectiveness of the bench press while standing, since the shoulders receive less load, but also risk serious injury to the spine due to strong compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region.

Fixation at the top

You should not fix at the top point for longer than a few seconds - this way the axial load on the spine increases many times, as in overhead squats.

Incorrect rod position

The projectile should be located on the chest or in close proximity to it and the collarbones. If the bar is pushed too far forward, the shoulder joint moves forward a little, and the elbow position is also unstable. By doing the military press in this position, I give a 99% guarantee that you will get injured.

Pick the right shoes

Take this point seriously, remember that your legs are your foundation, and the whole result depends on how strong and stable it is. If you find it difficult to maintain balance during the set, try changing your training shoes, it is best to use sneakers with a hard sole without heels and insteps.

Don't experiment with overhead presses

If you have mastered the correct technique of the military press and developed the neuromuscular connection well in it, leave this exercise on the shoulders as the main one in your arsenal, do not try to replace it with a barbell press from behind your head. The load in these two exercises is almost the same, most of it falls on the front delta, but with a press from behind the head, the shoulder joint is fixed in an unnatural position for itself, due to which it is often injured.

Video from Alexei Nemtsov about common beginner mistakes when doing a bench press:

Training programs

The military press is added to the beginning of the shoulder workout. As a rule, they are trained either on a separate day or with legs.

The most popular split programs:

Shoulders on a separate day
An exercise Sets x reps
Standing barbell press4x15,12,10,8
Seated Dumbbell Press4x12
Pulling with a wide grip4x12
Mahi dumbbell standing to the side3x15
Mahi dumbbell sitting in an incline4x15
Breeding hands in the simulator on the back delta4x15
An exercise Sets x reps
Leg press in the simulator3x12
Bending in the simulator lying4x15
Bending one leg while standing in the simulator4x12
Standing barbell press4x15,12,10,8
Pulling with a wide grip4x15
Mahi tilted to the side4x15

CrossFit complexes containing army bench press

Below is a number of functional complexes, the main strength exercise in which is the classic bench press. I recommend trying each of them to those athletes who are serious about developing strength and increasing muscle mass in their shoulder girdle.

The exercise is designed to train the muscles of the shoulders. Works on the front and middle deltas of the shoulders, triceps and forearms. To a lesser extent, the upper part of the trapezius muscles works.

Target muscles in the exercise - anterior shoulder delta.

Overhead Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell press- one of the main exercises aimed at pumping the shoulders with an emphasis on the anterior deltoid muscles. It can be performed sitting or standing, depending on the preparation. If your goal is to gain muscle mass in your shoulders, then the dumbbell bench press will be a great addition to your workout. You will find everything about the correct technique for performing the exercise and the muscles that are involved in the dumbbell press in the article below.

Videos exercises

What muscles work: load on a 10-point scale

Application of the dumbbell bench press exercise

To whom. Everyone from beginner to master. Men and women.

When. At the beginning of a shoulder workout. Can be done first in a super set. Second, do dumbbell raises in front of you.

How. 15 reps x 3 sets with 60 second rest intervals.

Standing dumbbell press: execution technique

  1. Starting position: standing with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip at eye level. The palms are facing forward.
  2. Raise the dumbbells up in a triangle path. We straighten our arms almost completely (at the top point, the elbows are always slightly bent). Breathe out.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position while inhaling.

The main mistakes when doing the exercise:

  • Full extension of the arms at the elbows. Not allowed! It is possible to damage the joints as the muscles completely relax.
  • Information and breeding dumbbells. Try to do the bench press along the trajectory of the triangle. At the bottom of the movement, keep your forearms vertical to the floor.
  • Turning the palms (dumbbells) in different directions. In the initial and final position, we hold the palms forward.
  • Dumbbell bench press at an angle forward. In the top position, the dumbbells should be vertical to the body above the head.
  • Incorrect amplitude of execution - jerks, swings. All movements are performed smoothly. It is recommended to do the rise quickly, lowering 2 times slower.

Implementation options

A similar exercise, the only difference is in the position of the wrists.

Good coordination exercise. The peak load falls even more on the front deltas of the shoulders.


  • Starting position: keep your arms and elbows in front of you on your chest. The palms are turned to the face at shoulder level.
  • The amplitude of movement is performed with a synchronous turn of the wrists. In the upper position, the palms look forward.
  • When lifting, do not spread the elbows. Individually. Depends on the flexibility of the joints.

Strive to keep your elbows as forward as possible throughout the entire amplitude of the performance.

Pros and Cons of Standing Dumbbell Press


  1. There are advantages over the seated bench press. The spine is in a safer and physiologically correct position. This reduces the risk of spinal injury under heavy load.
  2. Can be performed at home.
  3. There are many options: sitting, sitting on an incline bench, narrow press, etc.


  1. Slightly loads the spine.
  2. Difficult technique for beginners.

Price: 77300 Rub.

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Price: 77300 Rub.

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Price: 77300 Rub.

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Description of the seated press machine

The seated press machine is great for working out the deltoid muscles. Due to the angle of inclination of the support back, the front deltas receive the maximum load during the exercise. The height-adjustable seat allows the bench press machine to be used by athletes of any height and build.

Smooth movement of loads and almost silent operation are ensured by chrome-plated guides and rubber-coated load plates. The vertical seated press provides a large range of motion and guarantees comfort and absolute safety when loading the shoulder girdle.

Specifications of the Seated Press Machine

  • The supporting structure of a sports power simulator: thick-walled bent profiles 80 x 40 mm.
  • Load block drive: stainless steel cable with a load capacity of up to 1000 kg.
  • Units of rotation of the simulator: closed ball bearings.
  • Total standard stack weight (100kg):
    • 19 steel rubberized plates of 5 kg,
    • 1 top weight with flute 5 kg.
  • Upholstery of soft elements: vinyl-leather on a high-strength nylon base.
  • Filler of soft elements: polyurethane foam with a density of 140 kg / cu. m.
  • Coloring of a frame and separate elements: standard powder spraying.
  • Basic parts of the simulator: polished steel legs.
  • Machine dimensions:
    • length 1380 mm,
    • width 930 mm,
    • height 2320 mm.
  • The mass of the weight-block simulator for the bench press: 210 kg.

Free weight vertical press machine

Price: 52400 Rub.

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Price: 52400 Rub.

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Price: 52400 Rub.

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Description of the simulator for the vertical bench press (on free weights)

This sports equipment is designed to effectively work out the deltoid muscles by pressing up in a sitting position. Exercises on the simulator for the deltoid muscles involve the smooth movement of weight along a certain trajectory, unlike exercises with a regular barbell. This allows you to conduct comfortable and absolutely safe workouts.

The movable part of the "Seated Press" simulator is mounted on special guides with the help of 16 bearings, which guarantee the absence of backlash and a special smoothness of movement during training. The seat of the equipment is adjustable in height. The necessary load on the front deltas provides a convenient angle of inclination.

Specifications for the Seated Vertical Press Machine

  • The frame of the simulator is made of thick-walled bent profiles (80 x 40 mm).
  • The rotation units in the simulator with a vertically moving load and linear movement, mounted on ball bearings, do not require additional maintenance.
  • The load is created by training rubberized pancakes with a mounting hole with a diameter of 51 mm (not included).
  • Maximum weight of loaded disks: 250 kg. (Standard version)
  • The upholstery of the soft elements is vinyl artificial leather on a durable nylon base, the filler is polyurethane foam of secondary foaming with a density of 140 kg / m 3.
  • The rubbing and guiding parts of the vertical press machine are electroplated with nickel and chrome.
  • The frame of the simulator and its individual elements are powder coated.
  • The steel support legs of the vertically movable weight machine have holes that allow it to be securely attached to the floor.
  • Simulator dimensions: 1380 x 960 x 2220 mm.
  • Weight: 100 kg.

Hammer bench press vertical with mixing (easy start)

Price: 55750 Rub.

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Price: 55750 Rub.

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Price: 55750 Rub.

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Description of the simulator Hammer press vertical with mixing

Sports equipment is designed to actively work out the deltoid muscles by pressing vertically. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the Hammer bench press sitting forward with mixing. The handles of the Hammer simulator move along a strictly defined arcuate trajectory. Each arm receives a separate load, which contributes to an even more effective workout.

In the initial position, the Hammer, who is engaged on the simulator, takes the handles with a wide grip, which gradually narrows during the movement. At the end point, the levers almost converge together. This provides a powerful study of the deltoid muscles and the maximum range of motion, from full stretch to the greatest muscle contraction.

Like many modern strength trainers, the Hammer vertical adduction bench press is equipped with an easy start system that allows the athlete to start moving without any effort and bring the handles to a comfortable position. The inclined back reduces the load on the athlete's spine, helping to ensure a comfortable and safe exercise. Hammer bench press with vertical convergence is suitable for those with any level of physical fitness.

Specifications Hammer press vertical with mixing

  • The supporting structure of the Hammer simulator is a bent profile 80 x 40 mm, powder-coated.
  • In the production of equipment, only durable metal components are used. All parts are made of high strength carbon steel.
  • The load during training on the Hammer bench press with vertical reduction is created by training discs with a landing diameter of 51 mm.
  • The total weight of loaded rubberized pancakes is 300 kg.
  • The back and seat are made of high quality materials:
    • vinyl artificial leather on a dense nylon base.
    • polyurethane foam of secondary foaming (density 140 kg/cu.m.).
  • Machine dimensions:
    • length: 1965 mm,
    • width: 1500 mm,
    • height: 1480 mm.
  • Equipment weight: 110 kg.