"The Snow Queen" characteristics of the heroes. Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Fairy tale " The Snow Queen"H.H. Andersen

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and their characteristics

  1. Gerda, a girl with a kind heart, very beautiful, calm, honest, devoted. She traveled a very long way in search of Kai, and everyone tried to help her, because everyone was touched by the love she felt for Kai.
  2. Kai, Gerda's sworn brother, is a boy whose heart has turned to ice. At first kind and cheerful, and then angry and callous. Saved by Gerda.
  3. The Snow Queen, a beautiful but soulless sorceress, mistress of snowflakes
  4. The old lady in the garden, a kind sorceress who wanted to keep Gerda with her
  5. Raven and his bride, old and wise
  6. Prince and Princess, young and smart
  7. The little robber, a stern but very romantic girl, helps Gerda
  8. Lapland and Finka are simply wise women.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
  1. Troll Mirror Shards
  2. A shrapnel gets into the eye
  3. Kai is changing
  4. Kai leaves with the Snow Queen
  5. Gerda in the boat
  6. Beautiful garden and old lady
  7. Fairy tales of flowers
  8. Gerda and the Raven
  9. The prince and princess help Gerda
  10. Robbers
  11. The Little Robber and the Reindeer
  12. Lapland
  13. Finca
  14. Gerda's tear
  15. Return.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A piece of mirror gets into Kai's eye and he becomes rude, he leaves with the Snow Queen
  2. Gerda goes in search of Kai and meets an old woman in the garden and a raven near the palace
  3. Gerda meets a prince, a princess, and a little robber.
  4. The reindeer takes Gerda to Lapland, and the Finnish woman tells him where Kai is now.
  5. Gerda enters the Snow Queen's palace and melts Kai's heart with her tears
  6. Kai and Gerda return home as adults.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
No obstacles can stop a person if he has a loving heart and a kind soul.

What does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to believe in the best, teaches us that for true love there are no barriers that even the most powerful witchcraft is powerless before the human heart.
The fairy tale also teaches us perseverance, loyalty, perseverance, the ability to find friends, honesty, openness, and goodwill.

Review of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
I really liked this fairy tale. Her main character Gerda traveled a very long way, experienced many dangerous adventures, but still found her Kai. She was able to revive him, melt his heart, because all the power of the Snow Queen turned out to be powerless before her love.
There are many interesting characters in this fairy tale, it has an entertaining plot, and you follow the characters with constant interest. A very good fairy tale.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

  1. Magical creature - Snow Queen, Troll
  2. Talking flowers, animals
  3. Sorceresses and witchcraft
  4. Magic test - the search for Kai.
  5. Victory of good over evil.
Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
To believe firmly means to win.
The hardest road is the one you don't know.
The heart is not a stone.

Brief summary of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by chapters
Mirror and its fragments.
One day, an evil troll made a magic mirror in which reality was reflected in a distorted form. His students were very happy about the mirror and the fact that now they could see everything in the real light.
They decided to rise with the mirror to the angels, but the higher they rose, the more they writhed, and so they dropped the mirror and it shattered into thousands of fragments.
And if such a fragment fell into the heart, then the person’s heart turned into a piece of ice.
Boy and girl.
In one city, in neighboring houses lived a girl Gerda and a boy Kai, who loved each other like brother and sister. In the summer they played on the roof in the flower garden, but in the winter the games stopped and the children looked at the snowflakes.
The grandmother told the children about the snow queen and Kai recklessly boasted that he would melt her.
In the evening, through the window he saw a stranger who smiled and beckoned to him.
And then there was spring, everything was blooming, and one day a fragment of a troll mirror fell into Kai’s eye. Kai began to behave very badly. He teased, did not listen, his fun became evil.
Winter came again and Kai ran to the square to sled. He grabbed onto the sled and the stranger took him out of town. It was the Snow Queen, and she kissed Kai and the boy went with her to her castle.
Flower garden of a woman who knew how to cast magic
Gerda cried a lot, but then spring came and she went to the river. It turned out completely by accident that Gerda climbed into the boat and the water carried her along. The river seemed to want the girl to go look for Kai.
The river brought the boat to a house with wooden soldiers at the entrance. Some woman saw Gerda and caught the boat with a stick. Gerda told the old woman that she was looking for Kaya, and she invited the girl to admire the flowers.
The old woman knew how to cast magic and did not want to let Gerda go. She hid all the rose bushes so that they would not remind the girl of Kai. But Gerda cried and one rose bush grew and the girl remembered Kai.
The flowers said that Kai was not among the dead and told the girl their fairy tales.
The fire lily told about a widow who ascends to the funeral pyre.
Bindweed told about a girl in the castle who was waiting for her prince
Snowdrop told about children on a swing and a small dog
Hyacinths told about three girls who succumbed to the scent and died.
Dandelion told about the grandmother and the girl’s kiss.
Narcissus spoke about the dancer in whom he saw himself.
Gerda was offended by the flowers and ran away from the garden.
Prince and Princess.
Gerda meets a raven who tells her about the princess.
The princess was very smart and decided to find a groom. Many came to talk to her, but they were all stupid. And then a man came in whom Gerda thought was Kai, who was not afraid of the princess and just wanted to hear smart speeches.
Gerda asks the raven to help her get into the castle and the raven's bride takes the girl to the bedroom. Gerda sees that the prince is not Kai at all.
The prince and princess took pity on Gerda, dressed her in a beautiful dress, gave her a carriage, and Gerda moved on.
Little robber.
In the forest, the carriage is attacked by robbers and the old robber woman wants to kill Gerda. But the Little Robber, her daughter, does not allow her to do this. She gets into Gerda’s carriage and the girl tells her everything about Kai.
Gerda is brought to the castle and the Little Robber shows her the pigeons. When the girls go to bed, the pigeons coo about Kai. They say that the Snow Queen took Kai to Lapland, and the Reindeer confirms the story.
The little robber decides to let Gerda go and tells the Reindeer to take her to Lapland. She gives Gerda the boots and her mittens, but takes away the muff.
Lapland and Finka.
The deer takes Gerda to the old Laplander's house. She listened to Gerda’s story and took pity on the girl. She writes a letter to a Finnish woman on dried cod.
The deer brings Gerda to the Finnish woman and asks her to give Gerda the strength of twelve heroes.
Finka replies that Gerda’s strength is already very great. She says that Kai is really with the Snow Queen and orders the deer to carry Gerda to the Snow Queen's garden. Gerda forgets her boots and mittens.
Near the garden, Gerda sees huge snowflakes - the army of the Snow Queen. but she reads a prayer and the angels help her get to the palace.
What happened in the halls of the Snow Queen and what happened next.
In the middle of the huge hall, Kai sat and laid out the word “Eternity” from pieces of ice. The Snow Queen flew away to the volcanoes and he was alone.
At this time Gerda arrives. She rejoices at Kai, but he does not recognize her. Then Gerda cries and tears drown Kai’s heart. The boy cries and a piece of mirror falls out of his eye.
Gerda and Kai go home. A reindeer and a doe take them to Lapland, and there they meet the Little Robber. The robber tells about the death of the raven and that the prince and princess have left for distant lands.
Kai and Gerda go home and discover that they have become adults.
They sat holding hands and looked at the roses.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is an extraordinary story about a boy Kai and a girl Gerda. They were separated by a piece of broken mirror. The main theme of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is the struggle between good and evil.


So let's start retelling summary"The Snow Queen". One day, an evil troll created a mirror, looking into which all good things decreased and disappeared, while evil, on the contrary, increased. But, unfortunately, the troll's students broke the mirror in an argument, and all its fragments scattered throughout the world. And if even one tiny piece fell into the human heart, then it froze and became a piece of ice. And if it got into the eye, then the person stopped seeing good, and in any action he felt only evil intent.

Kai and Gerda

The summary of “The Snow Queen” should be continued with the information that in one small town there lived friends: a boy and a girl, Kai and Gerda. They were each other's brother and sister, but only until the moment when shrapnel got into the boy's eye and heart. After the accident, the boy became embittered, began to be rude and lost his brotherly feelings for Gerda. In addition, he stopped seeing good. He began to think that no one loved him and everyone wished him harm.

And then one not very good day, Kai went sledding. He clung to a sleigh passing near him. But they belonged to the Snow Queen. She kissed the boy, thereby making his heart even colder. The queen took him to her ice palace.

Gerda's journey

Gerda was very sad for the boy for the rest of the winter and waited for his return, and, without waiting, she went in search of her brother as soon as spring came.

The first woman Gerda met on her way was a witch. She cast a spell on the girl that deprived her of her memory. But, seeing the roses, Gerda remembered everything and ran away from her.

After that, on her way she met a raven, who told her that a prince very similar to Kai had wooed the princess of his kingdom. But it turned out to be not him. The princess and the prince turned out to be very kind people, they gave her clothes and a carriage made of gold.

The girl’s path lay through a terrible and dark forest, where she was attacked by a gang of robbers. Among them was a little girl. She turned out to be kind and gave Gerda a deer. On it, the heroine went further and soon, having met pigeons, she found out where her sworn brother was.

On her way she met two more kind women- Laplander and Finnish. Each helped the girl in her search for Kai.

Domain of the Snow Queen

And so, having reached the possessions of the Snow Queen, she gathered the remnants of her strength and went through a severe snowstorm and the royal army. Gerda prayed all the way, and angels came to her aid. They helped her get to the ice castle.

Kai was there, but the queen was not there. The boy was like a statue, all frozen and cold. He didn't even pay attention to Gerda and continued playing the puzzle. Then the girl, unable to cope with her emotions, began to cry bitterly. Tears thawed Kai's heart. He also began to cry, and the fragment fell out along with the tear.

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Gerda

There are many heroes in the fairy tale, but they are all minor. There are only three main ones: Gerda, Kai, and the queen. But still, the only truly main character of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is only one - little Gerda.

Yes, she is very small, but she is also selfless and brave. In the fairy tale, all her strength is concentrated in her kind heart, which attracts sympathetic people to the girl, without whom she would not have reached the ice castle. It is kindness that helps Gerda defeat the queen and unfreeze her sworn brother.

Gerda is ready to do anything for her neighbors and is confident in decisions made. She does not doubt for a second and helps everyone who needs it, without counting on help. In the fairy tale, the girl shows only the most best features character, and she is the embodiment of justice and goodness.

Kai's image

Kai is a very controversial hero. On the one hand, he is kind and sensitive, but on the other, he is frivolous and stubborn. Even before the fragments hit the eye and heart. After the incident, Kai is completely under the influence of the Snow Queen and carries out her orders without saying a word against it. But after Gerda frees him, everything is fine again.

Yes, on the one hand, Kai is a positive character, but his inaction and passivity prevent the reader from falling in love with him.

The image of the Snow Queen

The Snow Queen is the embodiment of winter and cold. Her home is an endless expanse of ice. Just like ice, she is very beautiful in appearance and also smart. But her heart doesn't know feelings. That is why she is the prototype of evil in Andersen's fairy tale.

History of creation

It's time to tell the story of the creation of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". It was first published in 1844. The tale is the longest in the author’s bibliography, and Andersen claimed that it is connected with the story of his life.

Andersen said that “The Snow Queen,” a summary of which is contained in the article, appeared in his head when he was little and played with his friend and neighbor, the white-headed Lisbeth. To him, she was practically a sister. The girl was always next to Hans, supported him in all his games and listened to his first fairy tales. Many researchers claim that she became the prototype of Gerda.

But not only Gerda had a prototype. Singer Jenny Lind has become the living embodiment of the queen. The author was in love with her, but the girl did not share his feelings, and Andersen made her cold heart the embodiment of the beauty and soullessness of the Snow Queen.

In addition, Andersen was fascinated by Scandinavian myths, and there death was called the ice maiden. Before his death, his father said that the maiden had come for him. Perhaps the Snow Queen has the same prototype as the Scandinavian winter and death. She also has no feelings, and the kiss of death can freeze her forever.

The image of a girl made of ice attracted the storyteller, and in his heritage there is another fairy tale about the Snow Queen, who stole her lover from his bride.

Andersen wrote a fairy tale in a very difficult time when religion and science were in conflict. Therefore, there is an opinion that the confrontation between Gerda and the queen describes the events that took place.

In the USSR, the fairy tale was remade, since censorship did not allow the mention of Christ and the reading of the Gospel at night.

"The Snow Queen": analysis of the work

Andersen in his fairy tales creates an opposition - the opposition of good and evil, summer and winter, external and internal, death and life.

Thus, the Snow Queen has become a classic character in folklore. Dark and cold mistress of winter and death. She is contrasted with the warm and kind Gerda, the embodiment of life and summer.

Kai and Gerda, according to Schelling’s natural philosophy, are androgynous, that is, the opposition of death and life, summer and winter. Children are together in the summer, but suffer separation in the winter.

The first half of the tale talks about the creation of a magic mirror that can distort good, turning it into evil. A person traumatized by its fragment acts as an opponent of culture. On the one hand, this is a myth that affects culture and breaks the connection between man and nature. So Kai becomes soulless and rejects his love for summer and the beauty of nature. But he begins to love the creations of the mind with all his heart.

The fragment that ended up in the boy's eye allows him to think rationally, cynically, and show interest in the geometric structure of snowflakes.

As we know, a fairy tale cannot have a bad ending, so Andersen contrasted Christian values ​​with the world of technology. That is why the children in the fairy tale sing psalms to the rose. Although the rose fades, the memory of it remains. Thus, memory is a mediator between the world of the living and the dead. This is exactly how Gerda, once in the witch’s garden, forgets Kai, and then her memory returns again and she runs away. It is roses that help her in this.

The scene in the castle with the false prince and princess is very symbolic. In this dark moment, Gerda is helped by ravens, symbolizing the powers of the night and wisdom. Climbing the stairs is a tribute to Plato's myth of the cave, in which non-existent shadows create the idea of ​​a false reality. It takes a lot of strength for Gerda to distinguish between lies and truth.

The further the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” advances, the summary of which you already know, the more often peasant symbolism appears. Gerda, with the help of prayer, copes with the storm and ends up in the queen's domain. The atmosphere of the castle was created by the author himself. It highlights all the complexes and failures of the poor writer. According to biographers, the Andresen family had some mental disorders.

So the queen's powers can symbolize actions that can drive you crazy. The castle is motionless and cold, crystalline.

So Kai's injury leads to his seriousness and intellectual development, and the attitude towards loved ones changes dramatically. Soon he is completely alone in the icy halls. These signs characterize schizophrenia.

Kai meditates over the ice, showing his loneliness. Gerda's arrival to Kai suggests his salvation from the world of the dead, from the world of madness. He returns to the world of love and kindness, eternal summer. The couple reunites again, and the person gains integrity thanks to a difficult path and overcoming himself.

Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is one of the most famous and beloved fairy tales in the world. Her characters are original and spontaneous in their actions and impulses. These are very vivid images that cannot be forgotten. Perhaps that is why they invariably influence every child who, like many of his peers around the world, reads and re-reads this wonderful story.

Gerda from "The Snow Queen"- the main, and also the brightest and brightest character. Sometimes it even seems strange that the fairy tale was not called “The Story of Gerda,” since so much of it is devoted to revealing this image.

There is a lot to learn from Gerda. The dedication of this girl, her kindness and tenacity of character make a strong impression on children and even adults. Is it a joke? Travel halfway around the world, be captured by robbers, go through a blizzard and terrible cold, face a hostile army one on one. All this for the sake of saving a friend, a loved one and a loved one - the boy Kai. The one who, albeit through no fault of his own, offended her before disappearing...

It seems that this brave little girl not only achieved her goal, but also in some way changed for the better all those she met along the way - the crow and the crow, the prince and the princess, and, of course, the Little Robber. That very daredevil, who, it would seem, was destined to be evil, cruel, merciless. But a meeting with Gerda changes her, we see what the Little Robber really has kind heart and she is ready to help those who so stubbornly follow their path.

Each of the characters Gerda met was ready to help her. Which speaks about the strength of her character, her ability to win over people, animals and even flowers bow their heads to her. She knows how to talk to them, and they willingly tell her fairy tales and stories. Animals and birds are also ready to help her. And the rose bush grows and blooms from her warm tears that fell to the ground. No, no... she is not a magician at all, all these miracles are created by her kindness and sincerity.

The good old Finnish woman, who sheltered the girl and the deer, comparing her strength with the strength of twelve heroes, notices that the latter is of no use. She cannot make Gerda stronger than she is and says to the reindeer, “Don't you see how great her strength is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It’s not up to us to borrow her power! The strength is in her sweet, innocent childish heart. If she herself cannot penetrate the palace of the Snow Queen and remove the fragments from Kai’s heart, then we will certainly not help her!”

Imagine yourself in the bitter cold without warm boots and mittens. How easy is it to give up in such a situation? How difficult is it to continue your path towards your cherished goal? What awaits her small and defenseless in the gloomy, icy and seemingly impregnable palace of a very powerful and incredibly evil sorceress?

But Gerda's faith is so strong that the largest and most feared of the Snow Queen's vanguard troops cannot stop her. Angels descend from heaven and become her legion, protecting and warming her. This is the only way our little heroine gets to the palace, where Kai is frozen and has lost all his good feelings. But even then, she doesn't know how to deal with the mirror shards that are stuck in his heart and eye. After all, if you do not overcome them, he will never be the same, kind, strong and fair boy, ready to protect the people dear to him. But her kindness, love and intuition do not leave her even here, helping her to cope with all difficulties.

This fairy tale has a happy ending, which, as you know, does not always happen in the tales of the great Danish storyteller. Many of Andersen's fairy tales do not end as well as this one. But, probably, the story about a girl like Gerda could not have ended differently. Her hot tears melted Kai's frozen heart, and they went home, where they lived happily ever after.

“The Snow Queen”, the main characters of Andersen’s fairy tale, are known to almost everyone.

"The Snow Queen" Andersen main characters

Gerda - the main character of the fairy tale. This girl managed to find her friend Kai and save him from the Snow Queen.

Kai- a little boy who lives in big city, in the attic of a building across the street from Gerda's house. He falls victim to the troll mirror's shards. Kai is taken away by the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen is the queen of snowflakes who travels around the world with snow. Her palaces and gardens are in the lands permafrost. She brings Kai to her palace after he falls victim to the troll mirror shards. She promises to free Kai if he can fold “eternity” into pieces of ice.

Troll— creates an evil mirror that distorts reality.

Kaya's grandmother - tells his grandson and Gerda the legend of the Snow Queen. Some actions of the grandmother - important points stories.

Old sorceress- lives near the river. It's always summer in her garden. She tries to hold Gerda, but when Gerda sees the rose (her and Kaya’s favorite flower), she remembers Kaya and awakens from the old woman’s magic.

Crow— who believes that the new prince of his land is Kai.

Princess- wants the prince-husband to be as smart as she is. The princess finds Gerda in her palace. She helps Gerda in finding Kai, gives her warm, beautiful clothes, servants and a golden carriage.

Prince-a former poor young man. Soon to become a prince.

Old chieftain is the only woman among the robbers who capture Gerda as she rides in search of Kai in a golden carriage.

Little robber girl- daughter of the chieftain. She became friends with Gerda. Her captive doves and reindeer tell Gerda that Kai is with the Snow Queen. The robber girl then helps Gerda continue her journey to find Kai. The life of the Little Robber was sad, without affection and kindness. The robber was spoiled and headstrong. She kept animals and birds in cages and tortured them. Her mother either robbed her or drank from her bottle and then snored. But still, the Little Robber had a kind heart, she also wanted love and warmth, and she released Gerda and the deer to Lapland.

Reindeer - delivers Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace.

Lapland— provides shelter for Gerda and the deer, and writes a message about the dried cod fish.

Finka - lives just two miles from the gardens and palaces of the Snow Queen. She knows the secret of Gerda's strength and says that she will be able to save Kai.

Gerda's magical helpers

Gerda is helped by flowers, a raven and a crow, the Little Robber, wood pigeons and a reindeer. The Finn said this to the reindeer: “I can’t make her stronger than she is. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! But she should not learn from us about her strength that lives in her heart; her strength is that she is an innocent, sweet child.”

Which is familiar to me since early childhood, and all because my mother read me a fairy tale about the Snow Queen before bed, and the cartoon The Snow Queen based on Andersen’s fairy tale is one of my favorites. Well, if you are not yet familiar with the Snow Queen - your favorite fairy tale and its content, we invite you to get acquainted with the fairy tale The Snow Queen.

Fairy tale Snow Queen

The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” consists of several stories that will tell you about the adventures of little Gerda, who went in search of Kai. At the very beginning of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” from the section about the mirror, we learn about the evil troll. This troll somehow created a strange mirror that depicted everything upside down, that is, everything beautiful turned into terrible, everything good, including a kind human thought, became something terrible, and this state of affairs amused the troll. Once the troll's students were playing with a mirror, and they got so excited that the mirror accidentally broke. The fragments flew all over the world, getting into the eyes and hearts of people. Anyone who got a fragment in their eyes saw everything in a distorted light; those who got fragments in their heart had their heart turned into ice. Oh, how the troll took possession and laughed. Meanwhile, fragments continued to fly around the world.

Second part

Here we will meet Kai, the hero of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” and Gerda, the heroine of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen.” These were inseparable friends. Their families were poor and lived in small rooms under the roof. The rooms were located opposite each other. Therefore, the boy and girl often loved to look at each other from the window. In addition, the windows were connected by a gutter, through which one could pass into the next room. So the children went to each other. Every summer, a boy and a girl grew roses in wooden boxes, and then one day when the children were sitting near their flowers, something got into Kai’s eye. It was a fragment broken mirror evil troll. After this, the boy was replaced. He became rude, constantly talked over each other, did not listen to his grandmother, offended Gerda, and made antics of his neighbors. One winter day, Kai went sledding. Boys often tied themselves to peasant sleighs and rode at high speed. So Kai became attached to a beautiful white sleigh, driven by someone in white robes. As it turned out, it was the Snow Queen, who took the boy with her.

Flower garden of a woman who could do magic

Meanwhile, Gerda cannot find Kai. Someone said how Kai drove out of the city gates, after which no one saw him. Everyone thought that he had drowned in the river. Only Gerda could not believe it. Now spring has come, and she keeps asking nature if her Kai has died. I decided to go to the river to ask her too. She put on her red shoes and went. I started asking by the river, but no answer, no greeting. Gerda has already given her shoes to the river, but not a word about Kaya. Gerda jumped into the boat to throw her shoes further, because they were constantly washed up on the shore, and the boat took it and sailed. Gerda called for help, but no one came. So the girl sailed to some shore, where there was a beautiful garden and an old woman lived there. She really liked the girl, so she decided to do everything so that the girl would stay with her. She even removed roses from her flower garden that would remind the girl of Kai. However, the girl saw roses in the drawing and remembered everything. She left the small world of the sorceress and was surprised, because it was already autumn outside, while for the sorceress it was always summer. She left without shoes and without warm clothes, but it was already very cold.

Prince and Princess

The girl went to look further for her friend. She sat down to rest and saw a jumping raven who spoke to her. Gerda told her sad story and asked if he had seen Kai. To which the raven told her how some boy came to the princess, perhaps this is Kai. And he told the girl a story about how the princess wanted to get married. All the princes and simple guys from all over the area came, but she didn’t like anyone, and then on the third day a boy came. He was poorly dressed, but he was so interesting to the princess that she chose him as her husband. According to the story, the boy was very similar to Kai and Gerda wanted to see him. The raven flew to his crow, which helped lead Gerda to the chambers of the prince and princess. The girl looked at the boy and realized that this was not Kai. And then everyone woke up. However, after hearing Gerda's story, the prince and princess gave the girl horses and a carriage, warm clothes, food for the journey, and Gerda went in search of Kai.

Chapter Five: The Little Robber

Gerda drove into the forest, where robbers attacked the carriage, since they could not help but notice the gold-covered carriage. They killed all the servants and wanted to kill Gerda too, when the little robber, the daughter of their leader, defended her. The robber told everyone that this girl would live with her and play with her. The robber took Gerda and took her to the lair of the robbers. There Gerda saw many pigeons and a tied reindeer; these were the toys of the little robber. The girls ate and went to bed. Before going to bed, Gerda told the robber again the story about Kay, after which the robber fell asleep. Gerda couldn’t sleep a wink and heard the pigeons talking about the white hen that carried the sleigh, as well as about the boy who was riding with the Snow Queen. Everyone assumed that they were flying to Lapland. When the robber woke up, Gerda told her everything and, strange as it may sound, the robber let Gerda go and even gave her a reindeer, which was supposed to take her to the Snow Queen. On the way, the girl gave Gerda food, her mother’s warm mittens and boots, which the prince and princess gave Gerda.

Lapland and Finnish

The reindeer brought Gerda to Lapland and stopped near the house. There lived a Laplander, to whom they told their stories. The Lapland woman ordered to go to Finland, because this was where the Snow Queen’s dacha was located. There is a Finnish woman living there in Finland, who should help them. The deer set off and ran until it reached the Finnish hut. The Finnish woman let them into the house, undressed Gerda, because it was very hot in the house, and read the message from the Laplander. I also listened to Gerda’s story. The deer asked to give the girl a potion that would make her very strong. But the old lady said that the girl was already very strong and should cope, and if not, then no one would help her. She said that in Kai’s heart, as well as in his eye, there is a fragment of the troll’s mirror and while they are in the boy, he will not go anywhere. He is happy with everything and feels good with the Snow Queen. Next, she ordered Gerda to be taken to the queen's castle, after which the reindeer was to return. The deer carried the girl, who forgot to put on her boots and mittens. So, without warm clothes, she found herself near the castle, where everything was covered with snow, where there was a snowstorm and it was very cold, but the girl was not afraid, she went to where her named brother was, best friend, Kai.

Seventh story

Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" continues in that at this time Kai is in the possession of the Snow Queen in a large white hall. In the center of the hall there was a huge mirror lake, in the middle of the lake sat the queen. The boy sat on the floor and made various figures out of pieces of ice, and he also wanted to form the word “eternity.” If he puts this word together, the queen will make him master of the whole world. The boy himself was all cold, but he didn’t feel the cold, just as he didn’t remember anything, because the Snow Queen’s kisses erased everything from his memory. And so the queen had to go away, she flew on business, and Kai remained to continue composing the word. At this time Gerda entered. She rushed to the boy and began to hug him, began to kiss him, and her hot tears flowed in a stream, falling on Kai, and these tears penetrated straight into her heart, melting it. Kai began to sob and a fragment of the mirror came out along with his tears. Gerda took Kai and they ran away from the castle. A deer was waiting for them near the castle and took them to the Finnish woman. There the children warmed up and moved on. They sewed clothes for themselves from the Laplander and went on home. On the way, she also met a robber who said that the prince and princess had left, the old raven had died, and the crow was now a widow. Having promised to visit them, the robber left. Kai and Gerda went home. When they entered their rooms, they realized that they were no longer children, they had already grown up. They sat down on their chairs and everything was forgotten. So they sat on the chairs, side by side.
