Salting sea bass. River perch in brine. Wet version of salting vobla, perch, gobies, bleak and roach with sugar

For drying, purchase fresh perch of medium size and weighing from 100 to 500 g. First of all, rinse the fish thoroughly under cold water and gut (if desired). Then take an enameled or plastic dish (never metal), cover the bottom with a 3mm layer of salt and lay in dense layers of perches, trying to follow a certain order - tummy to tummy, head to tail. Sprinkle the first layer of fish generously with salt and lay out the next row. Completely cover the last layer of perches with salt and cover the fish with a lid, the size of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the dish.

Place a weight not exceeding 2 kg on the lid, and place the dish with the perches placed in it in a dark and cold place, for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There, the fish will be salted for three days, after which, pull it out of the salt and rinse thoroughly under cold running water from the remnants of salt, spices and mucus. To get low-salted perches, rinse them for 10-15 minutes, then leave the fish for a while to drain the water from it. Then dry the perches with a paper towel and proceed to the curing process.

Drying perches

For drying fish, take a rope, ordinary paper clips or hooks, independently made from steel elastic wire, cut into small pieces and curved with the letter Z. It is best to hang perch for drying by passing hooks or rope through the eye or lower lip - this will allow internal fat to remain in fish and make its meat more tender. Hang strung perches for drying in any place that is well ventilated - in a city apartment, such a place can be a balcony, and in a country house - a garden or forest. Remember that it is possible to dry perch on the street in warm and dry weather, since fish soaked in moisture and frozen will not turn out to be dried and tasty.

Usually the perch is dried in 5-8 days, however, if necessary, this process can be accelerated by hanging the fish over a gas stove, while maintaining a height of at least 80 cm from its surface. If you hang the perches a little lower, they can simply boil, and the ungutted fish will also acquire an unpleasant taste / smell due to the heated insides. With proper hanging, dried perch will be ready to eat in 2-3 days. Wrap the finished fish in plastic wrap and place it on the bottom or middle shelf of the refrigerator, where it can be stored for an unlimited time. Try not to put dried perches in the freezer - there they will be saturated with icy moisture, freeze and lose their delicious taste.

Fish has a lot of useful properties, so necessary for the normal development of a person. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, fats, including fish oil, a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and, of course, phosphorus, which is necessary to strengthen the bones of the skeleton. At present, it is very important that fish is very affordable for anyone. Everyone has tried dried fish at least once in their life. And the further use of it in the human diet depends on what first impression it made on him. I am an amateur dried perch, which differs from other river fish in more fatty and tasty meat.

My husband has been fishing for a long time. And it doesn’t matter to him whether it’s summer or winter, armed with the necessary gear, he goes to the pond. As a fisherman's wife, I'm already thinking about what to do with the trophy I brought today. Oddly enough, my angler consumes only dried or dried fish. Dry perch he doesn't let me down. Everything is done by himself. On the last fishing trip (winter), my husband caught a small number of perches, which we decided to dry.

Perch is the most common fish in our waters. Perch meat is very tasty, but many prefer not to mess with this spiny fish. In addition, it is quite difficult to clean the perch because of the small scales that are tightly located to each other. In order not to mess with him, the husband decided to dry him.

So before how to dry perch, it needs to be calibrated. That is, from the entire catch, we choose the fish we need in size, mostly it is large, since it has more meat and is fatter. If it contains more than a kilogram, it must be gutted in order to remove the insides and for better salting of the entire carcass. We have a medium sized fish, so we didn't gut it. And we also do not remove the scales.

Next, wash the fish and prepare it for salting. Salting is the main operation in drying fish. The salt should draw out excess moisture from the perch. Enamelware is used for salting. Put the prepared fish in a saucepan in layers: salt - fish. The husband also adds seasonings, you can use a bay leaf. We spread the perches as close as possible to each other, for this it is laid in a certain order - the tummy of one fish to the back of the other, the head of one to the tail of the other. The top layer is salt. We cover the fish with a flat plate or a lid (smaller in diameter of the pan) and put a press on it. It can be a bucket of water or a three-kilogram load. We put the workpiece in a cool, dark place. After a few hours, brine forms in the pan. Depending on the size and type of fish, the salting time varies from 1 to 7 days. In our case, the perch was salted in brine under pressure for two days.

Salted fish must be thoroughly washed under running cold water from excess salt, mucus and spices. We put prepared perches on a wire or thread, a puncture should be done on the tail so that the remaining salt goes into the head. Let the excess salt water drain.

You can hang fish to dry in any well-ventilated place - in a fishing line, if possible, or on a balcony. Dry perch on the balcony should only be if the weather is warm and dry outside. Since we decided in winter, it is not dried in the sun, as it should be, but at room temperature. To speed up the drying time, perches can be hung over a gas stove, but not too low. Drying of fish depends on several parameters - this is the type, size of fish, air temperature, and lasts, depending on them, from two to eight days. We dried perches a few days. You can store fish in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. So, after simple operations, we enjoy home-cooked dried perch in the winter.

In the Russian expanses, you can find lake and river perch, these freshwater inhabitants have scales similar to a shell, but can boast of tender, non-greasy, pleasant white meat. Fish fillets are baked, fried, boiled in the ear, salted and smoked; perch meat has a lot of useful things.

It is not difficult to understand how to salt perch at home. Sea bass is more predatory, but also rich in trace elements. With salted perch or hot smoked fish, it is good to drink foamy drinks.

Easy salted perch recipe

The fish will keep for a long time if it is salted. For 10 kilos of perches, you need a kilo of salt and a bucket of water.

To salt the fish, they are prepared. Scales are carefully removed from the perches on a cutting board with a knife. The belly of each carcass is cut lengthwise, starting at the head, ending at the caudal fin. The gallbladder with the liver is removed. Next, you should do the removal of the gills and the first dorsal fin.

A clean, dry cloth will be needed to wipe the fish. From dishes to salt the carcasses, it is better to use an enamel pan. Salt should be poured into it.

Tip: Fish on salt crystals fit tightly in rows, the head of one should be adjacent to the tail of the other, as well as the back to the abdomen.

All rows of perches are generously sprinkled with salt. From above, a layer of salt should literally cover all the carcasses. It is necessary to press down the fish with a plate with oppression. How many carcasses will be salted in a cool place depends on the size of the fish, on average, the period lasts from 2 to 5 days.

Salted perch is good for drying. Before drying, soak the carcasses in water for about 4 or 5 hours, after which a delicious treat can be consumed.

If the perch is salted in the heat, then more salt will be required, by about 25 percent. In this case, the ambassador will last less in time.

Coarse salt is used to salt perches. It is needed mainly to remove moisture from the fish.

Advice: Damage to the gallbladder is unacceptable; when it is cut or ruptured, it is cut out or immediately rubbed with salt in abundance on each fish part that has got bile.

Before freezing, the perch does not need to be salted. It is worth freezing the carcasses, laid out in plastic bags, which should be tightly tied or wrapped. Defrost perch in salty cold water.

Excessively salty fish is soaked in cold water, you can use milk that has cooled in the refrigerator for this purpose. Soaked products are poured with marinade liquid.

In order for the perch scales to be cleaned well, the fish should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds. To get the original taste of the product, granulated sugar is added to the salt during the salting process.

In order to know how to properly salt perch carcasses, one must follow the recommended instructions of experienced cooks and roar catchers. First of all, you need to learn how to choose a raw fish and cut it in the right way.

It is best to use carcasses of about the same weight to salt. Kilogram perches are not always gutted, if desired. Fish before salting is not washed. The husk is also removed at will. If you take gutting, you need to use paper napkins or a clean cloth to wipe the abdomen from the inside.

How to dry and dry perch?

Many will appreciate the product of hot smoking or dried perch with beer. To dry or before smoking, you will need to purchase a fresh product and salt it. It is better to choose medium-sized fish, weight can be from 100 grams to half a kilo. Carcasses are washed under jets of ice water. You can gut, you can leave the fish whole.

In an enameled or plastic container, you need to cover a three-millimeter salt layer, perches will be placed tightly on top and in layers. Each row should be sprinkled with salt crystals. The bottom and last layers are sprinkled stronger than the middle ones. Products are covered with a plate, or for this, a lid is taken with a smaller diameter than the container. From above, you will need a weight of no more than 2 kilos.

Salted fish are supposed to stand in the dark and cold. The fridge is the perfect place. When the third day has passed, the perch is rinsed from salt, sliminess and spice particles, if they were used.

To get salted fish, they need to be rinsed for at least 10 or 15 minutes, then let the water drain. After wiping the carcasses, they are dried on a rope, armed with paper clips, wires curved with the letter z, or hooks that will be needed to thread them through the fish's eye sockets or lower lips, and thus hang them up.

Strung carcasses are hung in ventilated places, for example, on a balcony, in a garden or in a personal plot. The weather must be warm and dry, otherwise the product will not dry deliciously. The process lasts from 5 to 8 days. To dry faster, in 2 or 3 days, it is allowed to hang the fish at the top of the gas stove so that the distance between it and the product is about 80 cm. The finished perch is wrapped in cellophane and put on the refrigerator shelf, storage time is not limited. Freezer for dried carcasses is contraindicated.

smoked fish

Hot smoked fish is perfect for a picnic instead of barbecue. To smoke sea bass or river bass, the product is taken to a smokehouse. But first, raw carcasses need to be salted. For smoking at one run, 3 kilos of fish are enough, salt is needed in large volumes.

Cleaning perches for hot smoking involves gutting, but the heads and scales are not removed. The fish is washed before the process. The carcasses are generously rubbed with salt crystals, and you need to salt inside the abdomen. Wait 4 hours, rinse the product in clean cool water and begin to smoke. The wood chips should evenly cover the bottom of the smokehouse. Hot smoked fish on grills is incomparably tasty.

How to dry perch is a popular question that fishing enthusiasts have repeatedly asked. In addition to the fact that the perch is fried, baked, it makes an excellent beer snack. Its main advantage lies in its preparation from a fresh product caught the day before. Performing all the processes correctly, you get a delicious ram.

Necessary ingredients for drying perch

In summer, there are no problems with a place for drying rams (balcony), which cannot be said about the cold season. The problem is solved by constructing home-made drying over the stove or in a warm, ventilated room. Knowing where and how to dry perches in winter, you should familiarize yourself with the required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of perches;
  • 300 grams of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Perch drying process

The process of preparing dried fish involves 4 main stages:

  1. PREPARATION. The fish is washed with running water. A large one is cleaned of the insides, a small one is not cleaned.
  2. SALTING. Last 2–4 days (taking into account the size of the catch). Salt, sugar are mixed. The resulting mixture is abundantly sprinkled on the first layer of the catch, laid out in a prepared deep container. The second is laid out on top, sprinkled with salt, sugar. The entire prepared volume of river fish is salted. The catch is covered with a plate with a diameter smaller than that of the main tank. A load (a container of water) is placed on the plate. If the back of the salted perch is elastic when pressed, it is time to move on to soaking.
  3. SOAKING. The duration is similar to the previous stage. The salted product is filled with water. During the soak, the liquid is changed several times. There is a third stage to get rid of excess salt. Knowing the basics of proper preparation of the catch, how to properly dry the perch, the stocks of excellent snacks will be replenished.
  4. DRYING. How to dry perch, where it is better to do it, was discussed a little higher. Having strung the fish on a wire, you should know how much to dry the perch. The recommended time is a week. You can try the snack earlier. Instead of a dried delicacy, you get a dried one.

Having obtained a rich catch of river fish, you should not worry about the lack of ideas for its preparation. If fried, steamed dishes have ceased to impress, you should try the above recipe. Knowing how to dry perch at home, the house will have a delicious ram with a long shelf life.

Today I will tell you how to salt small fish at home for drying. In our case, this is a small perch. It is not necessary to gut the fish before salting. Many do not wash it from mucus. I rinse a little with running cold water right in the sink. Decide for yourself.

We lay the first layer of fish. The correct way to stack a fish is head to tail. This will fit more. Sprinkle the layer of fish with salt. You don’t need to salt a lot, as we did when salting large fish.

So, layer by layer, one across the other. Sprinkle the last layer of fish on top with salt.

Now we need to match the plate to the size of the pan or something similar. We lay it upside down on the fish and put the load on top. This helps to squeeze out excess air from the fish, which contributes to the formation of putrefactive bacteria in the abdomen of the fish. As you remember, we do not gut small fish for drying.

We remove the pan in the refrigerator for three days. During this time, the fish is completely salted and there is no need to soak it. The salinity of the fish will be moderate if you only rinse each fish with running tap water. You can leave the fish to salt for up to 5 days, but in this case you need to hold the fish in the water a little. Let it release excess salt, about 30 - 40 minutes.

After that, lay out the small fish on a paper towel. Let the water drain and the paper towel absorb it. For this, 1 hour is enough.
