Affordable parking for the disabled. How to get a reduced parking permit Where to check a disabled parking permit

In today's world, people with disabilities have a very difficult life, since in our country, often, there is no special equipment, ramps and other devices necessary for their movement and transportation. As a result, people simply find themselves closed in their own home.

The information below will help you understand the rules of the road that apply to vehicles driven or carrying a disabled person, the benefits that a disabled person can use when driving, and what requirements and rules you must follow to receive these benefits.

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Disabled driving rules.

People whose abilities are limited by the state of health, but who do not have any contraindications for driving, can drive a car completely unhindered. Special benefits can be used by people with disabilities of I and II disability groups and people transporting them, as well as disabled children and their parents, guardians or official representatives who transport them.

Using a special sign "Disabled", there are a number of features and benefits regarding the use of the vehicle, such as:

  • With fairly dense traffic within the city, the problem of parking is always very acute. By law, in each parking zone, at least 10% of the total number of parking spaces must be allocated for persons with disabilities. And this means that you do not need to waste time looking for a free place. Within the city limits, regardless of the day of the week or location, a parking space can always be found.
  • The presence of signs "Movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited", "Movement is prohibited", "Parking is prohibited", has exceptions only for disabled people. This gives a huge advantage over other drivers.
  • In a controversial situation on the road, in most cases, the advantage will be on the side of a person with disabilities. Installing the identification sign "Disabled" will solve all these problems.

It is important to know exactly how and where this recognition difference should be established.

First, they should not block the driver's view. It is best to do this in the upper right corner of the windshield on the driver's side, and the upper left corner or lower corner of the rear view glass.

Secondly, they need to be glued from the inside so that the sticker does not fray in the wind and does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture. It is also worth considering the constant exposure to detergent and wipers, which can also cause damage.

Among the identification marks, there is one special one - this is the sign "Deaf driver". It indicates that the person driving is deaf or deaf and mute and cannot hear or respond to other motorists' warning sounds. This is a yellow circle, with three black dots at the top of the circle parallel to the center, with a diameter of 16 centimeters.

The establishment of such distinctive signs will help, once and for all, solve the issue of parking, thanks to the parking rules for the disabled in Moscow 2016 and will save you from the question “Paid parking or not?”, But its installation is not mandatory, since no one is obliged to inform others about its condition health. There is no penalty for not using this sign.

The latest innovations of 2015-2018 after the reform.

The reform assumes the obligatory presence of a document on disability. Previously, it was not required, but due to the new rules for paid parking, cases of using special places for the disabled by ordinary people have become more frequent.

Also, the sign "Disabled" has more powers. Until 2016, this sign was taken into account only when parking, but now such signs as “Parking is prohibited on even or odd days”, or “Restriction of movement of vehicles”, no longer apply to a car driven or carrying a disabled person.

But there are also illogical moments in this reform. So, for example, if a person carrying a disabled person left the car in a special parking lot, he returns without the disabled person. This situation can occur if a person with a disability has gone somewhere or gone to the hospital for procedures. In this case, the person transporting the disabled person no longer has the right to leave a vehicle with a special sign in this parking lot, which was required when the disabled person arrived at it. Even if the sticker is removed, the vehicle continues to stand in the wrong place and a fine is due for this. To solve this problem, in the parking rules 2016 for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 in Moscow, car owners with disabilities and carriers of a disabled person can issue a special permit for a car that gives the right to free parking around the clock in places for the disabled. This permit makes it possible to use the parking lot, even if you leave it, without a disabled person present in the car, since the license plate of the vehicle is entered in a special register.

Disabled carriers.

Persons carrying persons with disabilities may be:

  • Accompanying;
  • Parents, official representative or guardian, if the disabled person is a child;
  • Nurses;
  • Relatives.

The carrier of a disabled person must have a valid driver's license, at least category B, have experience in caring for a disabled person and some document confirming the disability of the person he is accompanying.

Parking spaces for the disabled are marked with markings and a special identification sign "Disabled", depicting a schematic drawing of a person in a wheelchair, which was invented so that you can always understand exactly where the parking is located, since markings alone are sometimes not enough, taking into account weather conditions or commonplace pollution of the parking space.

In order to use the privilege of parking for the disabled, in accordance with the parking rules for the disabled in 2016 in Moscow, you need to have 2 “Disabled” identification marks on the windshield and rear window:

  1. Yellow square, with sides of 150 millimeters and an image of a person in a wheelchair in the center of the square;
  2. A black symbol that duplicates a parking sign with the same inscription.

Also, you should always have documents confirming your disability with you (free parking is available only to people with I or II degree of disability), because many people stick identification marks on purpose in order to always have free parking in the center, therefore the presence of a disability needs additional control.

In the absence of the above signs, you may be fined (the fine varies from three to five thousand rubles, depending on the duration of parking) or your car evacuated.

What will be for a fake certificate of disability.

Forgery of any documents, including certificates of disability, guided by the code of the Russian Federation, is punishable by criminal liability, up to and including imprisonment. There are several features to note here:

  • Forgery of a document, which is subsequently used by a person to obtain rights or benefits that are not due to him, is imposed by restriction or imprisonment for up to 2 years;
  • If, in addition to forging documents, other violations of the law are involved (for example, the use of a parking space for disabled people for the purpose of robbery), the punishment threatens up to 4 years in a strict regime colony;
  • Since the certificate contains a personal signature of both a doctor and a person with disabilities, a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles can be collected from a person detained with a fake certificate in his hands, or, otherwise, it is imprisonment for up to 6 months.

For the use of the "Disabled" sign for free parking, an administrative fine of up to 5,000 rubles is imposed on a person who does not have any deviations in the state of health.

As a result, I would like to turn to other drivers with a request to be more attentive to people with disabilities on the roads, since their life is already full of difficulties. Don't make it even more difficult for them to park and get around. Good luck on the roads!

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Disabled parking equip in the parking areas of vehicles in all Russian cities. To find out how a disabled person can exercise their right to free parking, as well as which groups of citizens may not pay for parking spaces, you should read the contents of this article..

Disabled parking

Disabled people are among the citizens to whom parking spaces are provided free of charge.

So that the vehicles of a person with a disability of group 1 or 2 can be simply identified, such drivers install a special identification mark on the car.

Disabled parking marked with special characters. Usually the sign "Disabled" is located under the sign "Parking place". Also staff disabled parking use special road markings.

The norms of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ indicate that disabled parking should occupy at least 10% of the total number of parking spaces for vehicles.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains punitive norms for persons who have violated the rules for placing cars in parking lots for persons with disabilities.

Administrative penalties for handicapped parking violations

For violation of the norms on the allocation of parking spaces and stops for cars with disabilities, officials face a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles.

Legal entities that have not placed on their territory a sufficient number of places for disabled cars will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. This rule is established under Art. 5.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In part 2 of Art. 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for persons who violate the rules for stopping and parking in places designated for disabled parking. Such violators will have to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Parking in Moscow for the disabled

According to current regulations, disabled people receive free parking spaces based on permits.

Don't know your rights?

Disabled car owners can park their vehicles in designated areas around the clock.

If a disabled person stops the car in places that are not equipped for people with disabilities, then he will need to pay for parking.

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 17, 2013 N 289-PP establishes the rules governing the procedure for monitoring parking spaces for the disabled (Appendix No. 4).

According to this regulation, the Moscow authorities maintain a special register of disabled parking permits. The formation of the register is carried out by employees of an institution called the "Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space", which is abbreviated as GKU "AMPP".

The register contains information including:

  • registration number and validity period of the parking permit;
  • Full name of the disabled person;
  • data on the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle;
  • contact details of the disabled person or his legal representative;
  • make and number of the state registration plate of the car;
  • date and term of establishment of disability;
  • SNILS;
  • name of the privileged category.

Which vehicle can be licensed?

Disabled car owners have the right to issue a permit for free parking in relation to a car that:

  • is owned by a disabled person;
  • is the property of the legal representative of a disabled child;
  • was issued to a disabled person by social protection authorities in connection with medical indications;
  • belongs to persons transporting a disabled person. An exception to the rule is considered to be only cars used for paid transportation of passengers;
  • equipped with a special sign "Disabled".

How to get permission?

Persons with disabilities or their representatives can apply for a parking permit at the multifunctional centre.

In addition to the application, the person applying for a free parking permit for the disabled must carry the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • passport of the applicant's representative;
  • certificate of disability;
  • a document confirming the authority of the representative of a disabled child.

MFC employees consider the application and the papers attached to it within 10 days.

The application may also be submitted electronically. To do this, the applicant will need to send documents through the website of public services of the city of Moscow.

To send a documentation package, you need to open the page, go to the "Transport" tab and upload scanned versions of all papers.

Free parking for large families

Government agencies provide for the issuance of permits for free parking and large families. But 1 family has the right to issue only 1 permit. It will operate within the zone of paid city parking. The permit is valid for 1 year.

You can only issue a permit for a car without debts on administrative fines. It is also necessary that the transport for which the permit is issued be the property of one of the parents or adoptive parents in a large family.

Now we see that the state is taking measures for the social protection of the disabled and members of large families. Such citizens can apply to the MFC to obtain a permit for free parking and receive the relevant permits just 10 days after the application is submitted.

Car parking, especially in big cities, has become a real problem in the last few years, a large number of paid parking lots have appeared. In February 2016, a Government Decree appeared, according to which the parking rules for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 were radically changed. From the article you can learn about how to get a parking permit for the disabled, the features and nuances of the procedure.

As it was before

Until recently, the use of a parking lot for the disabled was not clearly enshrined in legislation, the text of the decree did not mention the need to have a certificate of disability, there was no information that the right to install the “Disabled” sign does not apply to cars transporting healthy citizens. The sign could be installed on any vehicle in which disabled people are systematically or periodically transported.
At the same time, anyone who stopped at the intended parking space, the traffic police inspector had the right to punish, regardless of the presence or absence of a certificate of disability. Although, according to the law, such a certificate was not included in the list of documents that the driver must present to the inspector. The fine for illegal parking was only 200 rubles.

New rules

In 2019, who is allowed to park in the handicapped parking lot? Today, the driver of a vehicle with the identification mark "Disabled" is required to carry and present to the traffic police officer a certificate of disability. If the vehicle is driven by several drivers, and not all of them are disabled, a quick-release identification plate must be installed on the vehicle. In accordance with the SDA, benefits for paid parking for the disabled apply only to disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as to any group during transportation. Thus, a driver without health restrictions also has the right to purchase and install a “Disabled” sign, but he no longer has the right to stop in parking lots for the disabled. Upon presentation of a certificate of disability, not necessarily issued in the name of the driver, a fine is not issued.

Parking spaces, norms

What is the GOST on the road sign parking for the disabled? Parking spaces are marked with special markings and an identification sign "Disabled", which schematically depicts a person in a wheelchair.
Within megacities, double marking is provided, in which case markings for 3 ordinary cars are applied to two disabled people allocated for vehicles.
The following requirements for parking spaces currently exist:

  • 10% of the total area - car parks located close to public places;
  • 20% of the total area - parking lots near hospitals, hospitals, clinics and other special institutions that patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system can visit.

The exit to the sidewalk (if available) is equipped with a special ramp, convenient for exiting onto the road or parking. The width of the curb should start from 90 cm, the curb should be painted yellow and installed in the corner of the parking lot.
What is the size of a parking space for the disabled according to GOST? The width of the parking space for the disabled is 3.5 m, which is one meter more than the space for a conventional vehicle. This is due to the need to fully open the door when the driver or passenger exits, such dimensions avoid creating inconvenience. When allocating two or more parking spaces for the disabled, they should be located side by side, which will increase the free space between vehicles by 2 times.

Issuance of a permit

How to apply for a parking permit for a disabled person in Moscow? Even privileged categories of citizens are required to obtain a parking permit, the document is available for registration in any city within 10 days, regardless of registration. The duration of its validity is one year, you can get it on the city services portal or at the MFC, the document is issued for vehicles owned by a person with disabilities or for the guardian of a disabled child.
What documents are required to apply for a disabled parking permit? When processing documents, in addition to the application, it is necessary to present the passports of the disabled person and his legal representative. If the application is submitted by a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent, a document confirming his authority should be provided. It is also necessary to provide a certificate of disability / an extract from the examination certificate. The consideration will be suspended if there is no information about the disabled person in the Department of Social Protection.

Responsibility for violation of the rules

How much is the fine for parking in a disabled spot in 2019? A few years ago, the amount of the fine was only 200 rubles, as a result, drivers abandoned cars anywhere. Despite the increase in the amount of the penalty, car owners continue to violate the rules, in connection with this, the issue of tougher penalties is being considered, up to the deprivation of a driver's license and the initiation of court proceedings.
Today, the following penalties are legally fixed:

  • 5 thousand rubles - for an individual;
  • 10 - 30 thousand rubles. - for an individual;
  • 30-50 thousand rubles - for an official.

In addition to the fine, transportation of the vehicle to the penalty area is also provided, the car can be returned only after the full repayment of the fine.


As you know, parking within the Garden Ring has become expensive: somewhere around an hour it costs 60 rubles, somewhere around 80 rubles.and checks all numbers of parked cars.

But according to information on the website "Moscow parkin G" ( ) it turned out thatThe authorities of Moscow have made a gift to the disabled: disabled people of ALL GROUPS who have issued the so-called “parking permit” do not have to pay. Moreover, not only disabled Muscovites, but also residents of the Moscow Region and other regions of Russia have the right to free parking of their cars.

Below is all the information on this issue, gleaned from the Moscow Parking website. Pay attention to one nuance: we can park the car only on the sign "parking for the disabled." If you park your car in a regular parking space, it will be considered a violation and you will have to pay a fine.

The right to free use of paid parking is provided:

. For the transport of the disabled in places marked with a special sign and markings

. For WWII veterans and awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow"

. For members of large families

. For electric vehicles

. For motorcycle transport

To use the discount, you need to apply for a parking permit on the site e or in any multifunctional center convenient for you.

What parking privileges do people with disabilities enjoy? What legislation enshrined these benefits?

Benefits for the disabled are enshrined in the following legislative acts:

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ;

Law of the city of Moscow N 3 of January 17, 2001 "On ensuring unhindered access for disabled people to objects of social, transport and engineering infrastructure of the city of Moscow."

Legislation regulates the possibility for disabled people to park free of charge in places intended for special vehicles of disabled people. That is, a person with a disability can only park a car in a specially designated place, marked with appropriate road signs (marking).

Which group of disabled people enjoy benefits?

Parking privileges are provided for all groups of disabled people.

How is a disabled parking permit issued?

1st way:

Register on the portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow www. . P When filling out the request form, information about the state registration plate of the car is entered, which is entered in the register of disabled parking permits.

2nd way:

Contact any multifunctional center for the provision of public services with the following documents:

1. Application

2. Passport (birth certificate for disabled children under 14).

3. Insurance certificate of the applicant's compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).

4. If the place of residence of a disabled person is not in the city of Moscow and if he has not previously applied to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, then he must present a document certifying the right of a disabled person to a benefit (certificate of a medical and social examination on the establishment of disability or extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled).

If a representative applies, he additionally presents:

1. Passport of the representative;

2. A document confirming the authority of the representative;

3. Documents from disabled car owners are accepted by any MFC in the city.

How long is a disabled parking permit valid for?

The disabled parking permit is valid for the duration of the disability.

If a disabled person is a resident of the Moscow region, does he submit documents to the MFC at the place of residence?

According to Decree No. 543-PP, disabled people have the right to apply for parking permits at any MFC operating in Moscow. Currently there are 50 of them, by the beginning of 2014 111 will be opened.

It is important to note that the right to obtain a parking permit areall disabled people in Russia , regardless of registration in Moscow or abroad.

If both the owner of the apartment and the disabled person (but not the owner) live in the same apartment, is a permit issued for both of them?

In this case, the permit is issued for both the owner and the disabled person.

If a disabled person is transported in turn by two cars, how many cars can permits be issued?

Parking permits for a disabled person are issued according to the principle “1 disabled person- 1 car. If 1 car was indicated in the permit, but in the near future a disabled person will be transported by another car, then you need to contact the MFC or make an appropriate entry on the website. Changing a car record takes 1 day. That is, if you apply today, then another car will be able to transport you tomorrow.

Do legal representatives of a disabled person have the right to free parking?

Yes. To do this, you also need to issue a parking permit for a disabled person. When using the permit, a power of attorney confirming the representation is required.

What is considered a special vehicle for a disabled person?

A special motor vehicle of a disabled person is a car provided to a disabled person by a social protection authority. For the convenience of disabled people, cars owned (or otherwise used) will also be classified as special vehicles (ATS). Vehicles of commercial carriers, for example, urban social taxis, etc., are not considered special vehicles for the disabled.

Car owners in Moscow buy parking permits for people with disabilities to park their car in free parking spaces specially designated for the disabled, NTV channel. The Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of certificates of disability: you can buy it without leaving your home.

Disabled Muscovites have to drive around the city to find a free parking space for their car. most of them are occupied, and there is no special sign on parked cars. The drivers of these cars give the impression of absolutely healthy people, physically, anyway. “But I didn’t see the sign,” says one of these drivers.

Drivers occupying parking spaces for people with disabilities sometimes behave very aggressively, and some of them do not miss the opportunity to “teach a lesson” to a disabled person who is trying to defend his rights. “Insulting in every way. It comes straight to a fight,” says Igor Fedorov, an invalid from Chernobyl. He needs to visit the doctor frequently and during visits to the hospital he has to leave his car anywhere, because all the special parking spaces for the disabled are occupied, and most often illegally.

For illegal parking in places for people with disabilities, a fine is imposed on the driver, his car is towed. Recently, however, cars with special stickers have been placed in parking spaces for the disabled, indicating that their owners are people with disabilities. Have Moscow car owners come to their senses and imbued with respect and sympathy for people with disabilities? Not at all. It's just that absolutely healthy people get special stickers indicating that a person with a disability is driving and park their cars in specially designated areas and even under prohibition signs.

A year ago, this “shop” with special signs was closed: owners of cars with yellow stickers with the “disabled” sign were obliged to present a special parking permit. All parking permits for people with disabilities are entered into a special database, which means that only real disabled people, not fake ones, can obtain such a permit. “There must be a certificate of disability,” says a spokeswoman for the GKU “Administrator of the Moscow parking space Marina Yudina, “and only in this case can he get a parking permit for a disabled person.”

However, enterprising motorists have found a way out here. “The car is issued to a person with disability or a disabled person, the owner receives and glues a badge and receives the right to free parking,” Mikhail Suzdalsky, chairman of the Russian Union of Disabled People, describes the new fraudulent scheme.

Currently, there are many ads on the Internet offering to buy a fake certificate of disability. This certificate is sent to the MFC and the car owner receives a parking permit, allowing him to park free of charge in places for the disabled. Journalists called one of these ads and asked: “How much will it cost? And there is the first group, the second, the third - what can be done. As it turned out, scammers have no problems with disability groups and they are ready to “help” anyone who is willing to pay. The cost of such a "service" is 10 thousand rubles. Dozens of Muscovites turn for fakes every day.

It is very difficult to check whether this is a real certificate or a fake one. Moreover, the traffic police and the MFC do not have the authority to verify the legality of issuing such a certificate.

Public activists see only one way out of this situation: to issue such permits exclusively in specialized medical institutions. At the same time, a permit can be issued only after the driver with a disability or the person who will be transported in the car for which the permit is issued passes the examination.

To protect against fraudsters who illegally acquire parking permits in places for the disabled, another option is proposed: to make stickers on the car with such a permit personalized.

Let us remind you that earlier we reported that the traffic police conducted a raid on Moscow parking lots allocated for drivers with disabilities. As the results of this raid showed, completely healthy people park in places for the disabled, which creates considerable problems for them: people with disabilities have to wind circles around the city in search of a special parking space. Often they have to park a few blocks from the right place, and then get to it on crutches or in a wheelchair.
