Can painful teething be relieved? Teething in children: symptoms, effective ways to relieve pain and make the child feel better Teething how to relieve pain

Young parents are anxiously waiting for the moment when the baby starts teething. Confidence that this time is very painful for the child and restless for parents arises after reading various articles, watching special programs on TV, and simply after talking with "more experienced" parents. But not all children feel bad at the time of teething.

Some people endure this period quite calmly and painlessly, without causing any concern to their parents. In any case, information about which teeth are cut most painfully and with what and how to facilitate teething in a child should be obtained in advance.

Each child has an individual tolerance for teething. If one baby screams incessantly all night, the other may behave normally, play and eat as before. The period of teething is also different. It can range from a couple of days to 2-3 months.

What should I do if my child is teething?

The main symptoms of the fact that the baby began to cut teeth, pediatricians include:

  • redness of the gums;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • restless sleep day and night;
  • whims and causeless crying;
  • poor appetite or lack of it;
  • increased salivation;
  • irritability;
  • temperature increase.

Additional symptoms may be redness of the cheeks and chin, or the appearance of any rashes on these parts of the body. But this, too, is likely to be associated with strong salivation, which irritates the skin. You can avoid redness if you periodically wipe the saliva with a soft cloth or cloth. If skin irritation does occur, it is recommended to lubricate the damaged area with a protective baby cream before going to bed. Before a walk, it is also necessary to use a cream or petroleum jelly, which will also save the child's skin from irritation.

Also, children who are teething can bite, smack in their sleep and while awake, gnaw on fists and toys, and suck their fingers. With such actions, they try to soothe aching gums and relieve pain, but as a result, they only aggravate it.

Many parents note that when teething, babies begin to rub their ear strongly on the corresponding side.

It is believed that stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation) and high fever are also signs of teething. But pediatricians say that these factors are absolutely unrelated and recommend that you immediately consult a doctor when they appear.

Why do teething hurt so much?

Human teeth are formed before birth. It is in the perinatal period that the rudiments of what the child's teeth will then be formed from are laid. In the future, this germ begins to transform into a tooth and make its way out. To do this, he needs to make a certain path along the gum. Pushing the soft tissues of the gums apart, the tooth causes certain unpleasant sensations (itching, pain, irritation), as a result of which the child manifests the symptoms described above.

Babies use their gums to feed milk from their mother's breasts or nipples. By pressing on the nipple with inflamed gums, the child first relieves the pain a little. But then blood begins to flow to the gum area, and the pain becomes several times stronger. This is the reason why many children lose their appetite when teething.

What should I do if my child is teething?

How to relieve pain

There are quite a few ways to ease teething in babies, including medical and folk methods.

Folk ways:

  1. As you know, cold reduces pain, so it is quite possible to give the child something cold to suck on. It can be a cold, smooth fruit or vegetable (such as a cucumber or banana).
  2. You can move on the gums with a cool metal spoon.
  3. You can cool your finger in water and also move it over the gums. First, of course, you should wash your hands thoroughly.
  4. You can give your child a crust of bread with which he can scratch his itchy gums. Please note that large pieces of solid food can be bitten off by the baby. This must be strictly monitored, because the child can easily choke.
  5. You can dip the pacifier in cold water, juice or compote and give it to your baby.
  6. If the child has already been introduced to complementary foods, then you can feed him cold pumpkin or apple puree. You just need to monitor the temperature of the food so that the baby does not catch a cold.
  7. Feeding yogurt helps a lot. Of course, this should not be an ordinary product for adults, but a special children's yogurt that does not contain any extra additives and dyes.

If, due to pain, the child refuses to eat and drink at all, then parents can only be advised to demonstrate their love, caress the baby and try to pick him up more often.

To medical means, how to relieve pain during teething in children, is, first of all, a teether. It is better to buy them at a pharmacy, while choosing silicone models without any fillers. The optimal shape is a solid ring.

You can find teethers with various fillers, but they “fail” very quickly, because a child who already has teeth will quickly damage the shell and the liquid will spill out. Also, teethers with fillers cannot be sterilized, which does not guarantee hygienic use.

Which teeth are cut the most painful - how to relieve pain

For convenience, some parents hang a pacifier or teether around the child's neck using a ribbon or string. It is strictly forbidden to do this, because the baby can accidentally tighten the rope and suffocate.

If there is painful teething in children, the drugs necessary to reduce pain can also be purchased at a pharmacy. There you can find a huge number of different gels and homeopathic remedies. Usually, they include painkillers and antiseptics. They simultaneously minimize pain and protect the body from the penetration of microbes. You can apply the product with a cotton swab or simply with a pre-washed finger.

The disadvantage of such drugs is their short duration of action - they help relieve pain for only 20-30 minutes, after which itching and discomfort in the gums return. It is not recommended to use medicines more than six times a day.

Also, do not use gels and antiseptics before feeding. Due to the effects of drugs, the baby's tongue and gums will lose sensation, and he will not be able to suckle properly. If the mother is breastfeeding, then there is a chance that the medicine will work on her. The sensitivity of the nipples and areola will also decrease, as a result of which she will not be able to control the course of the feeding procedure.

Also in pharmacies recently you can find homeopathic granules, tablets or powders. Many parents use them when they see painful teething in babies. How to relieve pain with these drugs? It's very simple. The medicine only needs to be dissolved in warm, pre-boiled water. If the water is still hot, then you need to wait for it to cool completely, and then give it to the child.

How to reduce pain during teething

You must first read the composition and instructions for use of the drug. Often one of the ingredients is some kind of sugar. As a rule, this substance can be identified by the presence of a specific ending "oz" in the name. If there are such components in the medicine, then parents should consider whether to give it to the child, because sugar can affect the early development of caries. If the baby already has teeth, then it may be worth looking for another medicine.

Can infants be treated with paracetamol?

Many mothers start to panic when they see painful teething in children. What if there is no medicine at home other than paracetamol? If the child is under three months old, then permission to use this medicine in relation to him must be obtained from the pediatrician. But usually teething starts later, so you can use this drug, but the dose and frequency of use should be calculated according to the age of the child. Also, before using paracetamol, you should make sure that fever and other symptoms relate specifically to the growth of the teeth, and not to any other disease.

Remember that the wrong treatment can only harm the baby.

How long does teething last?

This is a completely individual process. And the speed of eruption, and the pain of the process, and the tolerance of pain depends on the individual child. If one kid will calmly continue to fiddle with toys, then the other may scream all day and night long. The only consolation is that the most unpleasant sensations accompany the eruption of only the first teeth. All subsequent teeth will be cut more calmly, and subsequently the child will practically stop paying attention to growing teeth. With the growth of molars (at about the age of one year), pain may recur, but they will still not be as critical as at 3-4 months.

We have tried to outline all the most common ways to relieve pain when teething a child. On our website you can find additional useful information about which teeth erupt more painfully.

How to relieve teething pain

Any troubles associated with teeth are very painful even for an adult, and what can we say about kids! Already at six months, a small person has to endure the first painful sensations due to the incisors beginning to hatch.

And this is just the beginning! New teeth will grow up to two and a half years, but still the first ones will be the most difficult. Therefore, parents often ask themselves: how to treat? Of course, it is not necessary to treat teething, this is a natural process, but to think about how relieve pain during teething, costs. Moreover, they can be accompanied by such unpleasant things as:

  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • Temperature increase;
  • Runny nose and cough;
  • Vomit;
  • Diathesis;
  • Loss of appetite.

As you can see, the accompanying symptoms can be so varied that you may need to see a doctor to make sure that the baby has only teeth erupt.

If the baby worries a lot, often cries, sleeps badly, in addition, swelling of the gums is added to this, but there are no other signs of the disease, then there can be no doubt - your teeth are erupting.

How to Relieve Teething Pain: Non-Drug Remedies

Of course, if the baby painful teething you give him medicine. But is one enough pain reliever for teething? After all, the possibilities of its use are strictly limited by the dosage, and the teeth ache almost constantly.

Massage the gums with a finger or silicone brush

  • Finger. Run a clean finger over your baby's gums, back and forth, applying light pressure. The finger can be wrapped with wet gauze.
  • Mare tampon. We fold a piece of gauze several times, moisten it in cold boiled water and make the same movements as with a finger. Advantage: cold.
  • Teaspoon wrapped in gauze. The bandage also needs to be moistened in cool water.
  • Silicone brush. A special brush for massaging the gums and brushing the teeth of a baby, made of silicone, put on an adult's finger, very convenient.

Gum teethers

Teethers for teething in babies, among other things, they are also good because the baby can deal with them on their own - they are produced in the form of toys. Teethers are different: latex, silicone, food-grade plastic, wooden. Particularly interesting are vibrating teethers and water-filled silicone teethers that can be cooled in the refrigerator. The latter are especially effective.

cold food

For pain relief you can offer the baby chilled pieces of fruit, but with care so that the child does not have a sore throat. It is very convenient to use a nibbler so that the baby can suck on the offered fruits.

How to help a child with teething with medication

Action medicines used during teething, aims to reduce pain and relieve inflammation, and if necessary, bring down the temperature.

Choosing than relieve teething pain in baby, we also pay attention to the form of release of the drug. According to the form of release, they are divided into gels, suppositories and oral preparations (tablets, suspensions, syrups).

Topical gels

Are applied directly on the gums, have a cooling, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action .

  • Calgel- the most commonly used teething in children. The active ingredient here is lidocaine hydrochloride, a rather serious pain reliever, and there is also cetylpyridinium chloride, which has antiseptic properties.
  • Kamistad Baby- based on chamomile extract and anesthetic polidocanol. Disinfects, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation.
  • Dentinox gel- another gel based on chamomile and polidocanol, there is also lidocaine, and this is additional pain relief.
  • Dentol baby- here the active substance is benzocaine, a local anesthetic.
  • Holisal- antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Not only relieves pain, but also disinfects the oral cavity.
  • Pansoral "First teeth" is a homeopathic remedy.
  • Carmolis- gel based on medicinal herbs and propolis.
  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth"- gel based on medicinal herbs.
  • gummy oil stands in this series a little separately, since it is not a gel, but an oil, or rather, a mixture of vegetable essential oils: almond, chamomile and lavender. It is applied to the gums with a gauze pad.

Medications taken orally

These include - tablets, drops, syrups, suspensions. Used in case of soreness of the general condition, high temperature or in combination with the gel, if there is a need to resort to medical care more often than the instructions allow.
But in cases with babies all the same anal suppositories are preferable to drugs taken orally.

  • Dantinorm Baby- a homeopathic preparation, which is produced in the form of a solution in ampoules and is taken orally.
  • Dentokind- Available in the form of lozenges. But do you imagine a nursing baby sucking a pill? Therefore, the medicine has to be dissolved in water and given orally, and this is no longer very effective.
  • Nurofen- contains ibuprofen, an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Available in the form of suspension and syrup.
  • Panadol contains paracetamol. It has the same properties as Nurofen. Available in the form of suspension and syrup.
  • The combination of diphenhydramine with valerian- a modern "folk remedy" used for teething. Crush ¼ tablets of diphenhydramine together with ½ tablets of valerian, dissolve in water and spray into the baby's mouth from a dosing syringe (you can use an ordinary disposable one, only without a needle).


Candles(anal suppositories) are intended for introduction into the intestines. The main advantage of suppositories is that the intestines absorb medicinal substances better, they can alleviate the general condition of the child, the action occurs much faster than when taking drugs orally, and besides, there is no need to force the baby to swallow something. In order not to injure the baby, before inserting into the anus, the candle must be warmed in the palm of your hand.

  • Nurofen- in fact, these are suppositories with ibuprofen, which has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Nurofen is also available in the form of a suspension or syrup, but suppositories are preferable for babies.
  • Panadol contains another analgesic and antipyretic agent - paracetamol. Also available as a suspension and syrup.
  • Viburkol- a mild homeopathic remedy.

Folk remedies for teething

Whether to give baby teething medication or remember what means did our grandmothers use? Some folk remedies can be quite effective.

Calming herbs will help relieve anxiety, ease the general condition, and help you fall asleep. They can be taken orally, brewing herbal tea.

  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Mint;
  • Valerian - a decoction or infusion of this herb can also be added when bathing before bedtime, and if you stuff a pillow with it, your baby's sleep will improve significantly.
  • clove oil- an effective pain reliever that can be used when massaging the gums, but for babies it is imperative to dilute it twice with olive, almond or linseed oil. Before using it on a child, test the effect of the oil on yourself.

IMPORTANT! In addition, do not forget that the use of folk remedies can lead to an allergic reaction in a child. Before choosing a remedy for use, consult a pediatrician and check the remedy for allergies.

Diarrhea during teething

Sometimes appearance of the first teeth accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. In this case, first of all, you need to see a doctor to make sure that it is not an intestinal infection. If it is still teeth, then the usual fixing agents are used according to age - for example, smect. Naturally, in this case, the use of medicinal suppositories is excluded, you will have to look for other opportunities to alleviate the condition of the baby.

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky answers the question of whether it is worth giving the child medication if the temperature rises during teething.

Can a teether help with teething, is there a need for it, and which teether is better: Dr. Komarovsky's advice.


Before deciding what to give during teething, you should make sure that the cause of the painful condition of the child is in the teeth. You will most likely need to see a doctor for this.

In order to help the child during this period, you will need a combination of topical agents (teethers, better chilled, massage, cooling gels) and general agents (anti-inflammatory, soothing, antipyretic).

If teething in a child is not accompanied by such manifestations as high fever and diarrhea, it is enough to use local remedies in combination with sedative herbs.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

Looking forward to your first teeth? Is your child teething painfully? How to relieve pain and alleviate the child's condition - 5 effective tips and video consultations from specialists, plus the personal experience of mothers.

As parents wait for the appearance of the first tooth! This is a certain stage in the development of crumbs. However, you should be prepared for the fact that a few weeks before the appearance of the first tooth from the gums, the behavior of the baby changes greatly. The little one is naughty, cries, becomes restless, his daytime and nighttime sleep is disturbed, his appetite decreases, and everything that is possible and impossible, the child pulls into his mouth, while salivation appears, and the gums swell. How can you help your child alleviate this condition? There are several ways that really "work" and relieve the painful condition.

Method number 1. Massage gums

Massage not only reduces gum itching, improves blood circulation, helps teething faster, but also distracts the baby from pain. It is not for nothing that the child pulls everything into his mouth and at the same time presses with his fist on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums where the tooth is expected to appear. That is why mommy should master simple gum massage techniques.

You need to massage the crumbs of the gums with your finger. First you need to thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic so that no infection enters the child's mouth. Massage the gums in circular motions in front, back and sides for 30 to 40 seconds. During the day, you can repeat the massage from 5 to 7 times.

You can also use special silicone tips - "fingers". They delicately affect the gums and stimulate them well. With the help of nozzles, it is possible to massage even the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums where the appearance of molars is expected.

Silicone tips for massaging gums

Method number 2. Teethers

Teethers, like massage, contribute to faster teething and improve blood supply to the gums. There are many types of teethers on sale, which differ in shape and material of manufacture. Manufacturers offer products made of latex, silicone, thermoplastic rubber, plastic and even wood.

How not to get lost in the assortment and choose the right product to facilitate teething so that it brings the maximum benefit to the baby? Latex teethers are considered the most comfortable. However, they have their “minus” - they wear out quickly and have to be changed every month. Products made of silicone are much more practical, but they are more rigid. There are teethers filled with water or a special gel. It is advisable to refrigerate them before use.


Equally important is the shape of the teether. Choose anatomical so as not to harm the formation of the correct bite. Also, the size of the product should correspond to the age of the little one, it should not be either big or small.

There are even teethers on the market that run on batteries. When such a model is turned on, the product begins to vibrate, massaging the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums.

Also in stores you can find special "mittens" for teething.

Glove mitten teether

Method number 3. Folk remedies

  • If the child is not allergic to honey, you can lubricate the gums with this product. Then rub a small amount into the painful area. To calm down, they additionally give 1 tsp before bedtime. honey.
  • A solution of baking soda (tsp per 200 ml of water) can also help teething: it is used to lubricate the gums, or used to moisten a massage cloth.
  • Massage the gums of babies with a piece of soft cloth moistened with cool water, the main thing is not to leave it in one place.
  • Chamomile has a wide spectrum of action - it soothes, relieves inflammation, relieves pain. Chamomile oil is rubbed into the skin of the cheeks, and an infusion into the gums. Also used tea for mom and baby.
  • Amber beads, worn around the child's neck during the day, relieve pain and reduce swelling. It is important not to forget to take them off at night. Valerian tincture rubbed into a painful place temporarily anesthetizes, reduces irritability, maximum 5-7 drops per 1 application.
  • Calming tea from chamomile, lavender, lemon balm.

No less effective and popular are tinctures of sage, chickweed or burdock to strengthen the gums and relieve pain, chicory or strawberry root, terry cloth and other folk remedies. Cold vegetables and roots are used with caution. It is safer to replace them with teethers.

Proper nutrition of the child is another therapeutic component for teething: the diet should contain vitamins, calcium.

Method number 4. Medical means

Medicines that facilitate teething are divided into two types. The first are designed to relieve pain with the help of an anesthetic, which is part of the product. The second has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If gels with an anesthetic are used, then it is important not to exceed the dosage (2-3 mm of medication per application), they can only be used after consulting a pediatrician who watches the baby.

Means with anti-inflammatory action are also available in the form of gels, they act for a long time, so they are used no more than 2 times during the day.

Used for teething and homeopathic remedies. Many mothers note their effective impact. In addition to all of the above funds, syrups are also used, which act in a complex way, improving the general condition of the peanut.

List of medications:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • Kalgel (and its analogues Kamistad, Dentinox-gel, Dentol)
  • Holisal
  • Dantinorm
  • Dentokind
  • Nurofen
  • Panadol
  • Vibrucol
  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth"
  • Pansoral "First teeth"

We remind you once again: all medicines can be used only with the permission of the doctor.

Method number 5. Distracting activities

What else can you do to help a child? If necessary, reorganize a little and change your principles. Do you often take the little one in your arms? Imagine, carrying on your arms helps, the baby feels protected, so it calms down. Walk longer in the fresh air, feed not by the clock, but at the request of the child (during this period, children are much more likely to breastfeed, at the same time refusing complementary foods), prepare baths for him with the addition of chamomile (if there is no allergy!). If using a pacifier, refrigerate it frequently.

And lastly, do not interfere with your baby during this period. He "knows" what he's doing. Pulling fists in your mouth? Let! Do not touch! "Scratches" teeth with a toy - to health!

Remember: during the period of teething, more attention should be paid to hygiene and cleanliness, since the child's immunity decreases during this period and it is easy to catch an infection.

No. 3. Svetlana Rost

No. 4. Svetlana Votinova

- They managed with the wooden sides of the bed ... all five times ... they themselves will find something to tighten into their mouths to scratch .. gifted pharmacy teethers, including those “on the water” (under cooling) remained untouched)

- Our teeth are disturbing, so I smear with calgel. And in his mouth he constantly has his hands, then a teether, then a rattle, then a diaper, then the side of the stroller ... ... and, I confess, my mother's finger too.

- The doctor advised us viburkol candles, it helped us a lot. And gel calgel, like it is the most harmless. They also gnawed at everything, saved themselves with large dryers, but so that they did not dissolve and did not eat, they changed every five minutes.

“Kalgel helped us. Or a teether, inside there is some water, I cool it in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) and then I give it cold from my hands, it helps a lot, she sucks and bites it and she stops acting up well.

The first teeth in a baby is an event for parents and a baby. High fever, loose stools, whims, tears - not a complete list of problems that a mother faces when she notices signs of eruption of incisors, fangs or molars. Learn how to understand that teeth are being cut, and what medicines and folk remedies will help the child during this period.

Incisors appear in children on average at six months, but there are cases when teeth are cut as early as a month. The order of their appearance is individual for each child: the first top, bottom or two at once - the order depends on the organism and genetic factors.

An increase in temperature during this process can be confused with viral and bacterial diseases - treatment not prescribed on time negatively affects health. By observing the symptoms in the baby and comparing them with the timing of eruption, parents can determine what is bothering the baby and consult a doctor in time, who will rule out an infectious disease and help find remedies that relieve pain when teeth appear.

Symptoms of teething in children

The first signs of teeth in infants are observed at four months. Typical symptoms of eruption:

  1. Rapid mood swings. The child can play, and after a minute - start crying loudly.
  2. Intense salivation. A phenomenon familiar to parents - a dozen bibs are used per day.
  3. Redness of the gums, swelling and friability of the mucosa.
  4. An increase in body temperature from 37 to 40 degrees for 3-5 days.
  5. Refusal to eat. The kid does not want to eat solid food, drink the mixture, but loves to "hang on his chest."
  6. Cough, runny nose.
  7. Nausea, vomiting, green loose stools.
  8. Eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes. Weakened immunity during teething in a child causes an atypical reaction to familiar food - diathesis.
  9. Sleep disturbance. The baby sleeps during the day and is awake at night, refuses daytime sleep.

Each child experiences teething differently: disruption of the digestive system, dyspepsia, emotional and pain stress.

When a child's teeth climb, their sharp edges injure the gums. When it is inflamed, substances are released that affect the temperature increase and decrease in immunity. During this period, you can not expose the baby to hypothermia, avoid crowds of people: an infection easily penetrates into a weakened body.

What to do when a child is teething

Let's analyze the sequence of actions when symptoms appear in a baby.


It is important for parents to know how to distinguish teething from infection:

  1. Discharge from the nose during the period when the teeth are climbing, colorless, liquid. Stops within 4 days. If the runny nose is greenish, thick, mucous, a bacterial infection has joined.
  2. The increase in temperature during teething lasts no more than 5 days. The numbers on the thermometer should not exceed 38 degrees (rarely - 38.5-40 for 1-2 days). If the fever does not subside for more than 3 days, a viral or bacterial agent may be attached.
  3. The cough is dry, lasts 2-3 days and stops without treatment.
  4. Loose stools - without mucus, greenish color 2-3 times a day. Diarrhea more than 6 times a day indicates an intestinal infection and is a reason to see a doctor.
  5. Vomiting and nausea - single. Spitting up a fountain and a complete refusal to eat is the reason to see a pediatrician.

If the baby is teething, it is worth alleviating his condition. Let's look at the main methods.

Use of teethers

Rubber toys made of silicone or rubber are designed for:

  • gum massage;
  • pain relief.

There is a large selection of teethers on the children's goods market:

  1. Cooling. It is a hollow silicone ring filled with water. It should be left for 30 minutes in the freezer - the cooled liquid will act as an anesthetic for the baby's gums and relieve pain.
  2. Rubber with dot applicator. Massage details - dots and stripes - are applied to the surface of the toy. When a child scratches his teeth with a teether, they additionally massage the gums and relieve itching of the mucosa.
  3. Amber beads. Since the 17th century, the stone has been used as a natural pain reliever, and beads were given to babies when they were teething. Amber does not have an evidence base in the therapy of this process, but the feedback from young parents confirms its effectiveness.
  4. Cold foods. As an alternative to a teether, offer your baby a fruit, vegetable, or product nibbler. Delicious pacifier will give the child the joy of food and relieve pain.
  5. Wooden rodents. Beads, rings, disks are made of safe materials - homemade toys are not recommended.
  6. Silicone brush. Mom puts on a fingertip with bristles and massage points and massages the baby's gums. If you use a regular brush, choose soft bristles so as not to injure the mucous membrane.

Gum massage can be performed with a finger treated with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin:

  1. Wash your hands and trim your nails.
  2. In a circular motion, stroke the baby's gum, pressing on it. Do not touch the mucous membrane where the tooth climbs - only the lateral surface.
  3. If the baby resists, stop the procedure.


The pharmacy presents remedies to relieve pain during teething. Buy them or get by with folk methods - the decision of the parents. However, do not ignore high-quality products that promise to help the baby.


  • Dental gel contains lidocaine (pain reliever) and cetylpyridinium chloride (bactericide). Indicated for children from 3 months to relieve pain during teething and relieve inflammation of the gums.
  • Instructions for use: Apply 7 mm of gel with a clean finger to the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the cutting tooth every 20 minutes, no more than six times a day.
  • Contraindications: impaired liver and kidney function, allergy to the composition, fructose intolerance, age up to 3 months.

baby doctor

  • Gel for gums consists of natural ingredients (marshmallow, chamomile, echinacea), parabens and water. It has antiseptic and healing properties, soothes the mucous membranes and relieves irritation. Creates a protective film on the gums and facilitates the process of teething in a child.
  • Instructions for use: squeeze 0.5-1 cm of gel onto a clean finger and apply to the gums with massage movements. Use no more than 10 times a day as needed.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Kamistad Baby

  • The gel, consisting of polidocanol and chamomile extract, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Accelerates the healing of wounds and prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity. It is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis and teething in infants and adults.
  • Instructions for use: apply half a centimeter of gel on the gum and rub. Use as needed no more than 3 times a day.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug.

Please note: Kamistad is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. For babies, choose a drug marked Baby.


  • Gel for gums with antipyretic and analgesic effect. Consists of choline salicylate (anesthetic) and cetalkonium chloride (antiseptic). It is indicated for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, injuries of the oral mucosa.
  • Instructions for use: Squeeze 0.5 cm of gel onto a clean finger and rub into the gum mucosa. Use no more than 3 times a day.
  • Contraindications: the age of children under one year, hypersensitivity to the components.

In addition to teething gels, dentists recommend oral preparations that alleviate the state of the body when a child's teeth climb.


  • Drops during teething are recommended to relieve swelling of the gums and nasal mucosa, reduce sensitivity in babies.
  • Applied in a total dosage of 2 drops per kg of body weight per day. The drug is taken 3 times a day.
  • Contraindications: age up to 1 month, bronchial asthma, drug intolerance.

Dantinorm Baby

  • Homeopathic remedy in liquid form from natural ingredients. Relieves pain and relieves itching of the mucosa.
  • Used 2 times a day, one dose. Use no more than 3 days as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug.


  • Lozenges approved for babies from birth. They relieve pain and symptoms characteristic of teething: diarrhea, rhinorrhea, itching, swelling.
  • Instructions for use: dissolve 1 tablet 6 times a day.
  • Contraindications: lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance.


  • Antihistamine drug in the form of tablets and drops. Parlazin during teething relieves itching and swelling of the tissue, eliminates runny nose and lacrimation.
  • Apply 5 drops 2 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
  • Contraindications: age under one year, renal failure, allergy to drug components.


When teething, it is used as an anesthetic, antipyretic. The suspension is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the instructions for use and age norms.

Contraindications: diseases of the digestive system, kidney and liver failure, intolerance to syrup components, blood diseases.

Important! The interval for using Nurofen is 6 hours. It is impossible to reduce the intervals between taking the medicine: if the temperature does not decrease, consult a doctor!

Folk remedies

Proven recipes from grandmothers do not belong to the official recommendations of doctors, but they have an effective effect on teething milk teeth.

  1. clove oil used in a 1:1 ratio with sterile fatty oil (sunflower, almond). Apply the mixture on the gums as a compress: it anesthetizes, relieves swelling.
  2. Chamomile decoction has a calming effect. An aqueous solution of 1:5 is rubbed into the mucous membrane or a less concentrated drink is given to the baby 4 times a day.
  3. Sage decoction in a diluted state is used as a compress. It relieves swelling, eliminates itching and pain, strengthens the gums.
  4. Chicory root, strawberry bush give the crumbs to gnaw instead of a teether. They relieve itching, relieve pain.
  5. honey and propolis according to folk recipes used as an anti-inflammatory drug. However, bee products are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.
  6. Soda recommended in the form of warm lotions to relieve itching, but it is not recommended for babies.

It is important to consult a pediatrician before using folk remedies: decoctions of herbs, essential oils can cause allergic reactions in a baby and adversely affect health.

Features of nutrition during teething

Check out these tips to help:

  1. If your baby is breastfeeding, allow her to eat on demand. Mom's milk has a natural analgesic and calming effect, strengthens the immune system and saturates with vitamins.
  2. Tooth tea, consisting of mint leaves, lemon balm, chamomile and lavender flowers, helps relieve swelling and improve sleep for the baby. However, it should be used with the permission of the pediatrician.
  3. Avoid hard, hard foods in the diet: it injures the gums, causes bleeding. Offer your child mashed potatoes, cream soup and liquid cereals - healthy and safe food during this period.

Knowing the symptoms of teething in infants and how to effectively help young parents make the baby feel better. It is important to remember: any medicinal and folk remedies should be used with the permission of the doctor and not self-medicate.

All parents anxiously await when the time comes for teething in a child. They are sure that this unpleasant process that causes pain promises many sleepless nights for the baby. Having read various literature, mothers are fully armed waiting for the crucial moment. But in reality, not all children endure this process hard; for some, it proceeds completely unnoticed.

Many children painlessly endure the process of teething without causing anxiety and unrest to their parents. However, it is useful to have information about which teething causes the most discomfort, and how to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Every child has their own threshold of sensitivity. Some suffer all night and cry from pain, and some do not change their behavior and calmly play with toys. The duration of eruption also differs: in some babies, the teeth come out in a couple of days, in others this process takes up to three months.

How can you tell if your baby is teething? The most popular generalized symptoms are:

Among other symptoms, pediatricians distinguish redness of the chin, cheeks and the appearance of an allergic reaction on the face. This is mainly due to irritation from saliva secreted, which irritates the skin. To protect the child from such red spots, try to regularly and gently wipe the drool with a soft cloth. If you could not avoid redness, then at night smear the child with problem areas with baby cream. Before you go for a walk, to avoid chapping, lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly, this will protect against irritation.

Sometimes children who have begun to erupt teeth begin to bite, smack their lips during sleep and wakefulness, gnaw on everything from fingers to toys. These actions help them soothe the pain in the gums and reduce the pain a little, but these actions will only increase the unpleasant symptoms.

You may have noticed that during the growth of the teeth, the children begin to diligently rub the ear on the side where the tooth is cut.

There is an opinion that problems with stools (loose stools or constipation) and an increase in body temperature become companions of teething. But doctors say that these symptoms are completely unrelated to teething, and recommend visiting a pediatrician if such factors appear.

Why does it hurt

Human teeth begin to form in the womb. The perinatal period provides the baby's body with the rudiments of teeth, from which they will then erupt. Over time, the rudiments transform into teeth and begin to make their way out. The tooth travels a certain path along the gums. The gum tissues move apart, thereby bringing discomfort in the form of itching and pain, all this is accompanied by various symptoms that were listed above.

Babies use their gums to get their mother's milk from the breast or bottle. While pressing the nipple with painful gums, the baby experiences relief for a short time. However, then blood begins to flow intensively to this part of the gums, and the pain intensifies. This causes a decrease in appetite, as unpleasant sensations are associated with eating food.

How to relieve teething pain

There are many methods for relieving the pain of teething in babies. Methods are divided into folk and medical. Let's talk about each separately.

Folk methods

Among the methods of traditional medicine, there are such proven methods:

  • we all know that pain can be relieved with cold. Therefore, it is proposed to offer the baby something cool. For example, a chilled banana or cucumber. There are special teethers filled with liquid. They are placed in the freezer for a while, and then given to the children. Do not get carried away with cooling, because you can provoke the appearance of a sore throat in a child;
  • you can touch the gums with a cool metal spoon;
  • try moving your finger dipped in cold water over your gums. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before this procedure;
  • Treat your child to a bread crust that he can scratch his gums on. Watch this process, because pieces of bread can get into the child's mouth, and he will choke;
  • you can moisten the nipple in a cool drink and offer the baby;
  • some recommend feeding the baby cool fruit or apple puree, but this is fraught with the occurrence of colds
  • Baby yogurt can be a good way to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

If your child is refusing to eat or drink because of the pain of teething, then you will need to be patient. In such situations, only endurance, love and care of parents help. Have pity on the child and take him in your arms more often.


The use of teethers is often referred to as medical methods for eliminating pain symptoms. However, we will define them in a separate category.

Teethers are best purchased at a pharmacy. Give preference to products made of silicone without impurities. The best option is a silicone ring.

On sale there are products with a variety of fillings, but they very quickly become unusable, since the baby, who already has teeth, bites through the silicone, and the water pours out. In addition, filled teethers cannot be sterilized, making their use unhygienic.

IMPORTANT! Some parents prefer to hang a pacifier or teether around their child's neck using a string or ribbon. This is very dangerous, as the child may inadvertently suffocate with a rope. Therefore, the pacifier is attached exclusively to a special holder in the form of a chain that is attached to clothing.

Medical techniques

If your child has severe toothache, then you will have to go to the pharmacy for special products. The pharmacy assortment is full of names of drugs. Some of them have a natural basis, some contain medicines. Often these are painkillers and antiseptics. They relieve pain and protect against bacteria. Such medicines are applied with a cotton pad or a clean finger.

There is also a disadvantage of using pharmacy products - they do not last long. The pain subsides for half an hour, then resumes. You can not use medicines more than five times a day.

IMPORTANT! Do not use antiseptic gels before eating, as the child will lose the sensitivity of the tongue and gums and will not be able to start active sucking. If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, then most likely, the drug will have an effect on her body. The medication can reduce the sensitivity of the nipples, which will not allow you to properly monitor the feeding process.

In addition, the pharmacy sells natural homeopathic products in the form of powder or granules. Most people use them when they realize that their kids teething is problematic. Do these drugs relieve pain? Rather yes than no. The product dissolves easily in warm water, it is given to the child in the required dosage from a spoon or through a bottle.

Do not forget to carefully study the instructions that accompany the drugs.

Can paracetamol be used

Some parents panic when they don't know how to help their child. What to do if there is nothing in the home medicine cabinet except paracetamol? If your baby is less than four months old, then the use of this medication is possible only after consulting a qualified specialist. However, eruption often occurs later, so paracetamol can be used.

It is important to calculate the required dosage in accordance with the instructions. In addition, it is important to make sure that the symptoms are related to the growth of the teeth, and are not heralds of other diseases. It is best to buy paracetamol in the form of syrup.

Nurofen and other drugs containing ibuprofen, a component that relieves pain, will also help. However, this drug also requires a doctor's prescription. Each medication should be prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

IMPORTANT! Remember that improper treatment can harm your child.

Process duration

The duration of tooth growth is an exclusively personal process. The speed of growth and the strength of pain sensations depend on each child individually. At a time when one baby will not react in any way to changes in the body, the other will cry day and night.

The fact that painful symptoms appear only when the first teeth appear can reassure you. Then they fade away. Pain is repeated when the molars are cut. But that's another story.

The article lists the most popular methods to relieve teething pain in children. It is important to monitor changes in the behavior of the baby, take into account his age, condition. The best way out of the situation would be to contact the attending physician, who will accurately determine whether the child’s teeth are being cut, or whims are associated with other processes in the body. Be attentive to the health of your babies, pay attention to all deviations in their behavior, this will help you protect him from illness and alleviate all symptoms. Be healthy!
