4 Pavlovna's dream of faith summary read. Dreams of Vera Pavlovna (from the novel What to Do?, N. G. Chernyshevsky). Faith. New dreams


The society of the future is shown in the novel in Vera Pavlovna’s fourth dream. The man of the future, Chernyshevsky predicts, will remake nature with the help of wonderful machines. He will force nature to serve himself, will forever be freed from the “power of the earth” over himself, and will throw off his dependence on the elemental forces of nature.

Labor will cease to be a heavy and shameful burden, it will become light and joyful, because all the hard work will be done by machines. Work will become a natural need and pleasure for a person. People of the future, Chernyshevsky predicts, will turn deserts into fertile lands, cover bare rocks with gardens, and dig grandiose canals. The opposition between mental and physical labor will disappear forever. The man of the future, freed from need and worries, will become a comprehensively developed being and will be able to fully reveal all the riches of his nature. People of the future bloom with health and strength, they are slender and graceful, they are not slaves of machines, but creators and creators.

They are musicians, poets, philosophers, scientists, artists, but they also work in the fields and factories, operating the perfect machines they created. “All of them are happy handsome men and beauties, leading a free life of work and pleasure.”

While depicting the victory of socialism in Russia, Chernyshevsky at the same time predicts its inevitable triumph throughout the world, when all artificial boundaries between peoples will be swept away and every person will become a welcome guest and a rightful owner anywhere on the globe. Then all oppression of man by man will disappear, and “eternal spring and summer, eternal joy” will come for everyone.

With deep insight, Chernyshevsky foresaw that socialism would liberate women from domestic slavery, that society would take upon itself a significant share of the burden of educating the younger generation and providing for the elderly. He believed that in just a few generations, socialism would win in Russia and throughout the world. The brilliant vision of N. G. Chernyshevsky has come true in our time: many countries in Europe and Asia have begun to build a socialist society, following the great example of the Soviet people, who built socialism and are moving towards communism. “The future is bright and beautiful,” Chernyshevsky tirelessly repeated and passionately called for a fight for it: “Love it, strive for it, work for it, bring it closer”67 and transfer it from it to the present;” as much as you can endure: “your life will be as bright and kind, rich in joy and pleasure, as much as you can transfer into it from the future. Strive for it, work for it, bring it closer, transfer from it to the present everything that you can transfer.”

The main heroes of Russian classical literature that preceded Chernyshevsky are “superfluous people.” Onegin, Pechorin, Beltov, Rudin. Oblomov, despite all the differences among themselves, are similar in one thing: all of them, according to Herzen, are “clever useless”, “titans of word and pygmies of deed”, divided natures, suffering from the eternal discord between consciousness and will, thought and deed - from moral exhaustion . Chernyshevsky's heroes are not like that. His “new people” know what they need to do and know how to carry out their plans; for them, thought is inseparable from action, they do not know the discord between consciousness and will. Chernyshevsky's heroes are creators of new relationships between people, bearers of new morality. These new people are the focus of the author's attention; they are the main characters of the novel; Therefore, by the end of the second chapter of the novel, such representatives of the old world as Marya Aleyusseevna, Storeshnikov, Julie, Serge and others are “released from the stage.”

The novel begins unusually, with a denouement - a scene of the mysterious disappearance of one of the characters. Such a mysterious beginning was often found in the works of Western novelists - Eugene Sue, Alexandre Dumas, widely known in Russia at that time.

Chernyshevsky himself in the third chapter (“Preface”) explains the meaning of this technique: “I used the usual trick of novelists: I began the story with spectacular scenes, torn from the middle or end of it, and covered them with fog.” This beginning made it possible, on the one hand, to attract the attention of the general reading public to the novel, to whom the author “threw a bait with the bait of showmanship,” on the other hand, it helped to deceive the vigilance of censorship, to confuse it with the usual techniques of an adventure novel.

In his further presentation, Chernyshevsky parodies such novels, declaring: “I write without tricks and therefore I say in advance: there will be no crashing collision, everything will unfold without storms, without thunder and lightning.”

The novel is divided into six chapters, each of which, with the exception of the last, is in turn divided into chapters. In an effort to emphasize exclusively important final events, Chernyshevsky talks about them in a specially highlighted one-page chapter “Change of scenery”.

The significance of Vera Pavlovna’s fourth dream is especially great. In it, in an allegorical form, in a change of pictures, the past, present and future of humanity are depicted. In Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream, the revolution appears again, “the sister of her sisters, the bride of her suitors.” She talks about equality, fraternity, freedom, that “there is nothing higher than a man, there is nothing higher than a woman,” talks about how people’s lives will be structured and what a person will become under socialism.

Characteristic feature The novel consists of frequent authorial digressions, addresses to the characters, and conversations with the insightful reader. The significance of this imaginary character is very great in the novel. In his person, the philistine part of the public is ridiculed and exposed, inert and stupid, looking for poignant scenes and piquant situations in novels, constantly talking about “artistry” and understanding nothing about true art. An astute reader is one who “smugly talks about literary or scientific things about which he has no clue, and talks not because he is really interested in them, but in order to show off his intelligence (which he did not happen to receive from nature.” ), his lofty aspirations (of which he has as much as the chair on which he sits) and his education (of which he has as much as a parrot).”

By mocking and mocking this character, Chernyshevsky thereby turned to the reader-friend, for whom he had great respect, and demanded that he be thoughtful, attentive. a truly insightful approach to the story of the “new people”.

The introduction of the image of an insightful reader into the novel was explained by the need to attract the attention of the reading public to something that, due to censorship conditions, Chernyshevsky could not speak openly and directly.

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Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream is more necessary for the author than for the novel as a whole. This episode is a rare moment
author's revelations; he shares with readers an idea, or maybe a dream, which he formulated after passing the main
part of your life. From my point of view, this piece of work can be separated into a separate independent
whole. But at the same time, this episode fit perfectly into the composition of the novel, and from this position the author’s decision
It turned out to be brilliant to present her thoughts through Vera Pavlovna’s dream.

From the very first lines, the descent into sleep is rapid and fantastic. The background is crazy beautiful nature sound
lyrical works, Vera Pavlovna meets an old friend, with whom she flies to the palace on
"luxurious feast" As the poet sings, history unfolds, “and the life of millennia flashes through his song.” His
the story turns into a dialogue between two women. Vera Pavlovna learns strange things and even looks into the future. On
last words for her friend, who turns out to be the queen, the dream ends.

This episode has a wonderful artistic feature. The Queen speaks only to Vera, but
the perception of the text seems that in fact the dialogue is being conducted between me (the reader) and the author, who is hidden
under the guise of a woman. It is his ideas that we hear, his thoughts we perceive.

From the words of the queen it is clear that when people cease to be animals, consciousness began to awaken in the woman, but she
was recognized by a man only as a slave. Thus arose Astarte, Aphrodite, "Purity", and then
She was born as the pinnacle of evolution, when a man recognized a woman as his equal. And then comes the climax
plot. Vera Pavlovna learns that the queen is herself, that she is “the goal of life and all life.” In it, before
of all, what is important is inner beauty, awareness of equality, without which there is no “purity of heart”, “purity of body”,
"genuine external beauty».

Then the queen lifts the curtain of time and shows Vera the future. Eternal nature reigns here,
youth, there are amazing buildings, technology and people here. Everything is harmonious, everyone is happy. A picture is being painted
"bright future"

The journey and the dream itself ends with a call to this “bright future.”

Vera Pavlovna is amazed by the new discoveries, she is surprised by everything she sees. But this dream is important for her, because
that she understands the correctness and importance of her path. She realizes her purpose. Although from some point
From a perspective, this dream is her dream, her fantasy, which I doubt. I believe that in this episode one can clearly hear
author's voice. These ideas could have been born in the head of an adult man with certain life experiences, but not in
young woman. This episode did not deepen or reveal Vera in any other way. The main thing is that the author considers it
ideal and sees her as the queen of a “bright future.”

As a modern reader, I can say with confidence from allsoch.ru - 2001-2005, based on the experience of previous generations, that this
The utopian picture of the world is impossible for real implementation. And I'm glad about this, because I think life is like this
world is boring and meaningless.

cold and damp, why be here? There are now 2,000 people left here

ten to twenty original people, who this time thought

a pleasant change to stay here, in the wilderness, in solitude, to look at

northern autumn. In a little while, in the winter, there will be incessant

shifts, winter walkers will come in small groups,

spend a few winter days here."

But where are they now? “Yes, wherever it’s warm and nice,” he says

older sister: - in the summer, when there is a lot of work and it’s good, he comes here

many different guests from the south; we were in a house where the whole company was the same

you; but many houses were built for guests, in others there were different tribes

guests and hosts settle together, as they like, such company and

chooses. But in the summer, receiving many guests, assistants in your work, you yourself

for 7-8 bad months of your year you go to the south - for someone it’s much more pleasant. But

You also have a special side in the south where the bulk of you go. This

side is called New Russia." - "Where are Odessa and Kherson?" - "This is

in your time, and now, look, this is where New Russia is."

Mountains dressed with gardens; between the mountains there are narrow valleys and wide plains. "These mountains

there were previously bare rocks,” says the elder sister. - Now they are covered

thick layer of earth, and on them among the gardens grow groves of the tallest

trees: below in the damp hollows of the coffee plantation; higher

date palms, fig trees; vineyards mixed with plantations

sugar cane; there is wheat in the fields, but more rice." - "Well, what is this?

for the land?" - "Let's rise higher for a minute, you will see its borders."

in the distant northeast two rivers that join together due east

from the place from which Vera Pavlovna looks; further south, still the same

southeast direction, long and wide bay; it goes far in the south

land, expanding more and more to the south between this bay and the long narrow

the bay that forms its western border. Between the western narrow bay and

by the sea, which is very far in the northwest, a narrow isthmus. "But we are in

the center of the desert?" says the amazed Vera Pavlovna. "Yes, in the center of the former

deserts; and now, as you see, the entire space from the north, from that big

rivers in the northeast, has already turned into the most fertile land, into such a land

the same as that strip along the sea to the north of

about which it was said in the old days that it “boils with milk and honey”

(149). We are not very far, you see, from the southern border of the cultivated

space, the mountainous part of the peninsula still remains sandy, barren

the steppe, which was the whole peninsula in your time; every year people, you

other countries: there is a lot of space for everyone, and enough work, and spacious, and

abundantly. Yes, from the great northeastern river all the space south to

half of the peninsula is green and blooming, throughout the space they stand as if on

north, huge buildings three, four miles from each other, as if

countless huge chess pieces on a gigantic chessboard. "Let's go down to

one of them,” says the older sister.

The same huge crystal house, but its columns are white. "They are because

made of aluminum,” says the older sister, “it’s very warm here, white

heats up less in the sun, which is somewhat more expensive than cast iron, but in the local way

more convenient." But here’s what they also came up with: for long distances all around

crystal palace there are rows of thin, extremely tall pillars, and on them,

high above the palace, above the entire palace and stretched for half a mile around it

white canopy. “He is constantly sprinkled with water,” says the elder sister: “

you see, from each column a small fountain rises above the canopy,

scattering rain all around, so living here is cool; you see they

change the temperature as they want." - "Who likes the heat and brightness here?

sun?" - "You see, in the distance there are pavilions and tents. Everyone can live like

he pleases; That’s what I’m leading to, I’m just working for this.” - “So,

Are there any cities left for those who like cities?" - "There aren't very many of them

of people; There are fewer cities left than before - almost only to be

centers of communication and transportation of goods, at the best harbors, in other centers

messages, but these cities are larger and more magnificent than the former; everyone goes there

a few days for variety; most of their inhabitants constantly

takes turns, is there for work, for a short time." - "But who wants

live in them permanently?" - "They live like you live in your St. Petersburg, Paris,

London, who cares? who will interfere? Everyone live as you want;

only the vast majority, 99 people out of 100, live like we do

We show you with our sister, because it is more pleasant and profitable for them. But go to

palace, it’s quite late in the evening, it’s time to look at them.”

But no, first I want to know how it happened?" - "What?" - "That,

that the barren desert turned into the most fertile land, where almost all of us

we spend two thirds of our year." - "How did this happen? yeah what's going on here

tricky? After all, this did not happen in one year, and not in ten years, I gradually

moved things forward. From the northeast, from the banks of the big river, from the northwest,

from the coast of the big sea - they have so many such strong machines - they carried

clay, she bound the sand, built canals, arranged irrigation, appeared

there was greenery and more moisture in the air; walked forward step by step

several miles, sometimes one mile a year, as now everyone goes more

to the south, what's so special about that? They just became smart, they began to use it to their advantage

themselves a huge amount of effort and money that they previously spent without benefit

or directly to your own detriment. It’s not for nothing that I work and teach. It was difficult for people

just understand what is useful, they were still such savages in your time,

so rude, cruel, reckless, but I taught them and taught them; and when they

They began to understand, it was no longer difficult to perform. I don't ask for anything difficult

You know. You do something my way, for me, is that bad?” “No.”

- “Of course not. Remember your workshop, did you have a lot of funds?

Is it more than others?" - "No, what kind of means did we have?" - "But

your seamstresses have ten times more conveniences, twenty times more joys

life, experience a hundred times less unpleasant things than others with the same

the means you had. You yourself proved that even in your time people

can live very freely. You just need to be reasonable and know how to

get settled, find out how to use the funds more profitably." - "So, so; I am this

I know." - "Go and see a little more how people live in a few

time after they began to understand what you understood long ago."

They enter the house. Again the same huge, magnificent hall. Evening

in all its spaciousness and joy, three hours have passed since sunset:

it's time for fun. How brightly the hall is lit, and with what? - nowhere to be seen

candelabra, no chandeliers; oh, that's it! - in the dome of the hall there is a large platform made of

frosted glass, light pours through it - of course, this is how it should be:

absolutely, like sunny, white, bright and soft - well, yes, it is

electric lighting (149a). There are about a thousand people in the hall, but in it

could easily be three times more. "And it happens when guests arrive, -

says the bright beauty, “there are more.” “So what is this? Is not

ball? Is this really a simple weekday evening?" - "Of course." - "But in today's terms, this is

there would be a court ball, how luxurious the women's clothes are, yes, other times, this

You can see it by the cut of the dress. There are several ladies in our dress, but it is clear that

they dressed like that for a change, for a joke; yes, they are fooling around, joking about

with your suit; on others, different, a wide variety of costumes of different

eastern and southern cuts, all of them more graceful than ours; but the suit prevails,

similar to what Greek women wore in the most elegant times of Athens - very light

and loose, and the men are also wearing a wide, long dress without a waist, something

like robes, imatii; it is clear that this is their ordinary home costume, like

This dress is modest and beautiful! How softly and gracefully it outlines shapes,

how it exalts the grace of movement! And what an orchestra, more than a hundred artists

and artists, but especially, what a choir!" - "Yes, in all of Europe you didn’t have

each other the same: the lifestyle is not the same, very healthy and together

people in the orchestra and choir are constantly changing: some leave, others

take their place - they leave to dance, they come from the dancing.

They are having an evening, an everyday, ordinary evening, they are like this every evening

having fun and dancing; but when have I seen such energy of fun? but how not

have them have a fun energy unknown to us? - They worked hard in the morning. Who doesn't

worked enough, he did not prepare the nerve to feel completeness

fun. And now the joy of ordinary people, when they manage to have fun, is more

joyful, lively and fresh than ours; but our ordinary people have meager means

for fun, and here the means are richer than here; and the fun of our simple ones

people are embarrassed by the memory of inconveniences and deprivations, troubles and suffering,

embarrassed by the premonition of the same thing ahead - this is a fleeting hour of forgetting need

and grief - but can need and grief be completely forgotten? Isn't it desert sand?

doesn't skid? Doesn't the miasma of the swamp infect even a small piece of good food?

land with good air, lying between desert and swamp? And here there is no

memories, no fears of want or grief; here are only the memories of a free man

labor in the hunt, contentment, goodness and pleasure, here and expectations are just everything

the same ahead. What a comparison! And again: our working people have nerves

only strong, so they can withstand a lot of fun, but they have

rude, unresponsive. And here: the nerves are strong, like those of our working people,

and developed, impressionable, like ours; prepared for fun, healthy,

extreme thirst it, which we do not have, which is given only by powerful health and

physical labor, in these people is combined with all the subtlety of sensations,

which is in us; they have all our moral development along with

physical development our strong working people: it is clear that their joy,

that their pleasure, their passion is more and more alive and stronger, wider and sweeter than

we have. Happy people!

No, now they don’t yet know what real fun is, because

there is no such life as is needed for him, and there are no such people. Only such people

can have fun and know all the delight of pleasure! How they bloom

health and strength, how slender and graceful they are, how energetic and expressive

their features! All of them are happy handsome men and beauties leading a free life

labor and pleasure - lucky ones, lucky ones!

Half of them are noisily having fun in the huge hall, but where is the other half?

“Where are the others?” says the bright queen, “they are everywhere; many are in the theater, alone

actors, others musicians, others spectators, as you like; others

scattered in classrooms, museums, sitting in the library; others in the alleys of the garden,

others in their rooms or to relax alone, or with their children, but

more, more than anything - this is my secret. You saw in the hall how the cheeks were burning, how

eyes shine; you saw them leaving, they coming; they left - it's me

captivated them, here each and everyone’s room is my refuge, they contain my secrets

inviolable, door curtains, luxurious carpets that absorb sound, there is silence,

there is a secret; they were returning - it was I who returned them from the kingdom of my secrets to

light fun I reign here."

"I reign here. Everything is here for me! Labor is the preparation of freshness

feelings and strength for me, fun - preparation for me, rest after me.

Here I am the goal of life, here I am all life."

“In my sister, the queen, is the highest happiness of life,” says the elder sister,

But you see, here is all the happiness that anyone needs. Everyone lives here

How best for anyone to live, here everyone and everyone has complete freedom, free will.”

"What we have shown you will not soon be in its full development, which

now you have seen. Many generations will pass before it is fully realized.

what you anticipate. No, not many generations: my work goes on now

fast, faster every year, but still you won’t get there yet

the complete kingdom of my sister; By at least, you saw him, you know

future. It's light, it's beautiful. Tell everyone: this is what is in the future,

the future is bright and wonderful. Love him, strive for him, work for him

him, bring him closer, transfer from him to the present as much as you can

transfer: it will be so light and kind, rich in joy and pleasure

your life, as far as you can transfer it into it from the future. Strive for

him, work for him, bring him closer, transfer him from him to the present

whatever you can bear."

A year later, the new workshop was completely settled and established. Both

the workshops were closely connected with each other, passed orders to one another,

when one was overwhelmed with them, and the other had time to fulfill them. Between them

there was a current account. The amount of their funds was already sufficient so that they could

open a store on Nevsky if they get even closer to each other. Arrange

this cost Vera Pavlovna and Mertsalova quite a lot of trouble. Although they

the companies were friendly, although often one company hosted

another, although they often connected for trips out of town, but still the thought of

solidarity of accounts of two different enterprises was a new idea, which

it was necessary to explain for a long time and a lot. However, there are benefits to having on Nevsky

own store was obvious, and after several months of worries about merging the two

Vera Pavlovna and Mertsalova managed to achieve this by accounting for the parish into one.

A new sign appeared on Nevsky: "Au bon travail. Magasin des Nouveautes"

(150). With the opening of the store, business began to develop faster than before and

became more and more profitable. Mertsalova and Vera Pavlovna were already dreaming in their

conversations that in two years instead of two sewing rooms there will be four, five, and then

Soon it will be ten and twenty.

About three months after the store opened, I came to Kirsanov alone, partly

his acquaintance, or rather unfamiliar colleague in medicine, talked a lot about

various medical incidents, most of all about the amazing successes of his

healing methods, which consisted of laying along the chest and stomach

two narrow and long bags filled with crushed ice (151) and

each wrapped in four napkins, and in conclusion he said that one

one of his acquaintances wants to meet Kirsanov (152).

Kirsanov fulfilled his wish; the acquaintance was pleasant, there was a conversation about

a lot, by the way, about the store. Explained that the store was open, in fact,

for trading purposes; We talked for a long time about the store sign, is it good that it’s on

The sign says travail. Kirsanov said that travail means work, Au bon

travail - a store that fulfills orders well; discussed whether it would be better

it would be to replace such a motto with a surname. Kirsanov began to say that the Russian

his wife's name will cause a commercial loss; finally came up with this

remedy: his wife's name is "Vera" - in French faith - foi; if only

the sign could have been written instead of Au bon travail - A la bonne foi, then no

would this be enough? - It would have the most innocent meaning -

“a bona fide store,” and the owner’s name would be on the sign; having reasoned,

we saw that it was possible. Kirsanov with particular zeal focused the conversation on

such questions and generally succeeded in this, so I returned home very


But in any case, Mertsalova and Vera Pavlovna significantly reduced

wings to their dreams and began to take care to at least stay on

place, and not about moving forward.

Thus, after cooling the excess heat in Vera Pavlovna and Mertsalova,

the sewing shop and the store continued to exist, not developing, but already enjoying

that continue to exist. Kirsanov's new acquaintance continued and

brought him a lot of pleasure. So another two years or more passed, without

any special incidents.

Letter from Katerina Vasilievna Polozova

Dear Polina, I really liked the completely new thing that I

I recently found out and am now practicing with great diligence that I

I want to describe it to you. I'm sure you will also be interested in it. But

the main thing is that you yourself, perhaps, will find an opportunity to do something

similar. This is so nice, my friend.

The thing I want to describe for you is sewing; actually, two

sewing shops, both set up on the same principle by a woman I met

I only came here two weeks ago, but I’ve already made a lot of friends. I

Now I’m helping her, with the condition that she then help me arrange more

the same sewing machine. This lady Vera Pavlovna Kirsanova, still young, kind,

cheerful, completely my type, that is, more like you, Polina,

than your Katya, so meek: she is a lively and lively lady. Accidentally

Having heard about her workshop - they only told me about one - I came straight

I became interested in her sewing. We got along the first time, especially since

Kirsanov, her husband, I found the same doctor Kirsanov, who for five years

ago, you remember, he rendered me such an important service.

After talking with me for half an hour and seeing that I really

I sympathize with such things, Vera Pavlovna took me to her workshop, the one

which she herself is engaged in (the other one, which was arranged before, she took on

myself one of her close acquaintances, also a very good young lady), and I

I’ll tell you the impressions of my first visit; they were so new and

It’s amazing that I then included them in my diary, which was a long time ago

abandoned, but has now been resumed due to a special circumstance, about which, to be sure,

maybe I'll tell you in a little while. I'm very pleased that these

impressions were then written down by me: now I would forget to mention

many things that struck me then, and now, only two weeks later,

seems like a very ordinary thing that shouldn’t be any other way. But what

the more common this thing becomes, the more attached I become to it, because

that she is very good. So, Polina, I begin an extract from my diary,

supplementing with details that I learned later.

Sewing workshop - what do you think I saw? We

stopped at the entrance, Vera Pavlovna led me along a very good

stairs, you know, one of those stairs on which you often meet

doormen. We entered the third floor, Vera Pavlovna called, and I saw myself

in a large hall, with a piano, with decent furniture - in a word, the hall had such

the view as if we had entered the apartment of a family living 4 or 5 thousand

rubles per year. - Is this a workshop? And this is one of the rooms occupied by seamstresses?

"Yes; this is the reception room and the hall for evening meetings; let's go along those

the rooms in which the seamstresses actually live, they are now in the work rooms,

and we won’t bother anyone.” - That’s what I saw while walking around the rooms, and what

Vera Pavlovna explained to me.

The workshop premises consisted of three apartments facing one

site and contacted one apartment when the doors from one to the

another. These apartments were previously sold for 700, 550 and 425 rubles. per year, total

for 1675 rub. But by giving everything together under a 5-year contract, the owner of the house

agreed to sell them for 1,250 rubles. In total there are 21 rooms in the workshop, of which 2

very large, 4 windows, one serves as a reception room, the other as a dining room; in two

others, also very large, are working; they live in the rest. We passed 6 or 7

the rooms in which the girls live (I keep talking about my first visit);

the furnishings of these rooms are also very decent, mahogany or walnut;

some have standing mirrors, others have very good dressing tables; a lot of

armchairs, sofas of good workmanship. The furniture in different rooms is different, almost all

it was gradually bought on occasion, at a cheap price. These rooms in

which they live have the same appearance as in the apartments of middle-class bureaucratic families

hands, in the families of old department heads or young

clerks who will soon be heads of department. In the rooms

The larger ones have three girls, one even has four, and the others have two.

We entered the workrooms, and the girls who worked in them too

seemed to me dressed like the daughters, sisters, young wives of these officials: on

some wore silk dresses, made of simple silk materials, others

Barezhevye (153), muslin. Their faces had that softness and tenderness that

develops only from a life of contentment. Can you imagine what it's like

surprised me. We stayed in the work rooms for a long time. I'm right there

met some of the girls; Vera Pavlovna said the purpose of my

visits: the degree of their development was uneven; some have already said

completely in the language of an educated society, were familiar with literature, like

our young ladies had a decent understanding of history, and about foreign lands, and about

everything that constitutes the ordinary range of concepts of young ladies in our society;

two were even very well read. Others, who recently entered the workshop,

were less developed, but still one could talk to each of them as if they were

a girl who already has some education. In general, the degree of development

proportional to how long each of them has been living in the workshop.

Vera Pavlovna was busy with business, sometimes she came up to me, and I spoke

with the girls, and so we waited for lunch. It consists, on weekdays, of

three courses. That day there was rice soup, boiled fish and veal. After

At lunchtime tea and coffee appeared on the table. Lunch was so good that I ate

taste and would not consider it a great deprivation to live on such a dinner.

And you know that my father still has a good cook.

That's what it was like general impression my first visit. I was told,

and I knew that I would be in the workshop where the seamstresses live, that they would show me

seamstresses' rooms; that I will see the seamstresses, that I will sit at the seamstresses' dinner;

instead, I saw apartments of people not in poor condition, connected into one

premises, I saw girls of an average bureaucrat or a poor landowner

circle, was at dinner, not rich, but satisfactory for me; - Well

is this what it is? and how is this possible?

When we returned to Vera Pavlovna, she and her husband explained to me that

This is not surprising at all. By the way, Kirsanov then wrote to me for

example of a small calculation on a piece of paper that survived between the pages

my diary. I'll rewrite it for you; but first a few more words.

Instead of poverty - contentment; instead of dirt - not only cleanliness, even

some luxury of rooms; instead of rudeness - decent education; All

this comes from two reasons: on the one hand, the income of seamstresses increases, on the other hand

the other is that very large savings are achieved in their costs.

You understand why they get more income: they work for their own

their own account, they are housewives themselves; therefore they receive the share that

would remain in the profit of the store owner. But that's not all: working in your own

for their own benefit and at their own expense, they are much more thrifty with materials

work and for a while: work goes faster and costs less.

It is clear that there is a lot of savings in their living expenses. They buy

increasingly in large quantities, paid in cash, so things

they get it cheaper than when buying on credit and in small change; things are chosen

carefully, with knowledge of what they can do, with references, so everything is not bought

only cheaper, but also better than what poor people generally have to buy.

In addition, many expenses are either greatly reduced or become

completely unnecessary. Think for example: going to the store every day for 2, for 3

versts - how much extra shoes and extra clothes wear out from this. I'll bring you

you the most petty example, but which applies to everything in this


Not having a rain umbrella means losing a lot from damage

rain dresses Now, listen to the words spoken to me by Vera Pavlovna. Simple

A canvas umbrella costs, let's say, 2 rubles. 25 seamstresses live in the workshop. On

an umbrella for each would cost 50 rubles, the one who did not have an umbrella suffered

the loss in the dress would be more than 2 rubles. But they live together; each one comes out

leaves home only when it is convenient for her; therefore there is no such thing as bad

weather, many people left the house. They found 5 rain umbrellas

quite quite. These umbrellas are silk and good; they cost 5 rubles each.

The total cost for rain umbrellas is 25 rubles, or for each seamstress - 1 ruble.

You see that each of them uses a good thing instead of a crappy one

still has half the cost of this thing. So with many little things,

which together constitute great importance. The same with the apartment, with the table.

For example, this lunch that I described to you cost 5 rubles. 50 kopecks or 5

rub. 75 kopecks, with bread (but without tea and coffee). And there were 37 people at the table (not

counting me, the guest, and Vera Pavlovna), however, including several children.

5 rub. 75 kop. for 37 people this is less than 16 kopecks. per person, less

5 rub. per month. And Vera Pavlovna says that if a person dines alone, he

this money can have almost nothing except bread and the rubbish that

sold in small shops. In the kitchen such lunch (only less

cleanly cooked) costs, according to Vera Pavlovna, 40 kopecks. ser., - over 30

cop. much worse. This difference is clear: a cook preparing lunch for 20 people

or less, must support himself from this money, have an apartment, have

servants. Here these extra expenses are almost non-existent, or they are much

less. Salaries for two old women, relatives of two seamstresses, that’s all the expense

Kirsanov made it for me as an example when I visited them for the first time. Having written

him, he told me:

Of course, I can’t tell you exact numbers, and it would be difficult to find

them, because, you know, every business, every store,

each workshop has its own proportions between different items of income and

consumption, each family also has its own special degrees of economy in

making expenses and special proportions between their different items. I put

the numbers are just for example: but to make the account more convincing, I put the numbers,

which are less than the actual benefits of our order, compared with

real expenses of almost every commercial enterprise and almost every

small, poor farms.

Income of a commercial enterprise from the sale of goods, continued

Kirsanov, - breaks down into three main parts: one goes to the salary

workers; the other - for the remaining expenses of the enterprise: renting premises,

lighting, materials for work; the third remains as a profit to the owner. Let's say

The socio-political, philosophical and journalistic nature of the novel, the embodiment of the principles of aesthetics in it.

The novel “What to do?” in many ways there is a realization of Chernyshevsky’s socio-political and literary-aesthetic principles. The novel's problematics clearly and consistently reflect the programmatic demands of revolutionary democrats; a call for revolution and confidence in its victory, propaganda of the ideas of materialism and socialism, the struggle for the emancipation of women (the novel clearly shows that only in social work the path to equal rights for women is concluded), the education of 9!new people" based on the principles of collective work and new morality" The theme of "new people" is resolved through their contrasting opposition to the people of the old world (images of Marya Alekseevna, Michel Storeshnikov, etc.). Analyzing the images of “new people” (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna), one should characterize their worldview, aesthetic principles, social ideals and specific activities.

The problem of a positive hero should be clarified by the example of the image of the revolutionary leader - Rakhmetov (his “unusuality” lies not in the specific psychological properties of his “nature”, but in the fact that he is a professional revolutionary). Rakhmetov is the first image of a professional revolutionary in Russian literature.

The novel is dominated by a rationalistic, logical beginning, only slightly embellished by an “entertaining” plot made up of banal situations and plot devices of romantic literature. The purpose of the novel is journalistic and propaganda tasks. The novel was supposed to prove the need for a revolution, as a result of which socialist transformations would be carried out. The author, who demanded from writers a truthful image and almost a copy of reality, did not follow these principles in the novel and admitted that from beginning to end he took his work out of his head. There was neither Vera Pavlovna's workshop, nor any semblance of the heroes, nor even the relationship between them. This gives rise to the impression that the constructed ideal is fictitious, illusory and utopian.

Philosophical, journalistic and socio-political novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” published in 1863. This work has had big influence on the young minds of that time and made a significant contribution to the development of Russian literature of the “proletarian” period.

In his novel, which embodies the scientific, political, and spiritual ideas of the 60s of the 19th century, the author in artistic form destroys the old world, which is gradually becoming a thing of the past - the “basement” as outdated ethical and aesthetic dogmas. In contrast to this, Chernyshevsky portrays “ordinary decent people of the new generation”, people of “new” morality - heroes for whom he recognized the future of Russia.

Theory reasonable selfishness, its rationale. Relationships in the love triangle of the novel in the light of the theory of rational egoism.

The theory of “reasonable egoism” is difficult to understand. Developing a materialistic understanding of ethics, Chernyshevsky substantiated the main idea of ​​this theory in his work “The Anthropological Principle in Philosophy.” It lies in the fact that people's actions must always be consistent with their inner motives. And in real life a person is guided, at first glance, by the incentives of narrow egoism, the desire for maximum benefit and maximum pleasure.” The “essence” of a person, according to Chernyshevsky, is strictly determined by the laws of nature. And there is a rational basis in egoism; The greatest benefit and greatest pleasure can be achieved by following the principle of equal benefit for all other people, since there cannot be “lonely happiness”. All “natural”, “egoistic” aspirations are not only personal, individual and autonomous, but at the same time “natural”, “universal”. This understanding of the “ethics of happiness” in practice meant a break with the traditional morality of the old society; You can affirm your desire for happiness only through the fight against what interferes with this happiness and helps the happiness of others. The complex dialectic of egoism and altruism permeates the actions of the heroes of “What is to be done?”.

Particular attention should be paid to the genre originality of the novel, which combines the tendencies of journalistic, philosophical, educational and “family” novels; a philosophical generalization of historical processes leading people to the victory of the revolution in all areas of life is combined with an openly analytical consideration of the psychology of behavior of “new people” who claim everyday life, new principles of morality (detailed calculations of the “benefits” of collective work are interspersed with meticulously caustic disputes with the “insightful reader”). In the light of the socialist ideal, Chernyshevsky pronounces a verdict on the old world.

The novel “What to do?” for many years it was a “textbook of life” for thousands of progressive people in Russia. Pisarev highly appreciated the impact of the novel on the revolutionary youth of the second half of the 19th century century: “He plowed me deeply... This is a thing that gives a charge for life”

Love triangle.

The main character of the novel, Verochka, later Vera Pavlovna, began the fight for her right to love, while still in the camp of enemies, before meeting “new people.” Her mother wanted to marry her to a rich but worthless man. Vera committed a brave act when she went against her mother's will. The girl's first ally in this fight was the frivolous Frenchwoman Julie. This image is interesting because the author does not condemn the fallen woman, but shows that she is freer and in many ways more decent than respectable ladies. I can imagine how shocked Chernyshevsky’s contemporaries were that it was in the mouth of a corrupt woman that he put a fiery appeal: “Die, but don’t give a kiss without love!” Julie herself can no longer love and considers herself unworthy of love. But this does not prevent her from understanding the value of true feelings.

Verochka's acquaintance with Lopukhov became a turning point in her fate. In the taciturn student she found her first like-minded person and true friend. He became her savior, helped her escape from the dark basement into the bright sunlight. In her first dream, the liberated Vera releases other girls and for the first time meets the so-called “bride of all suitors.” Who she really is will become clear only in the fourth dream. Verochka could not help but fall in love with Lopukhov and was very happy when she married him. The author describes to us in detail what order was established in the “new” family. Lopukhov praised his wife for something that her previous husbands could not even imagine - for independence: “So, so, Verochka! Let everyone protect their independence with all their might from everyone, no matter how much they love him, no matter how much they believe in him.” Chernyshevsky defends the idea, revolutionary at that time, that a woman is nothing worse than a man and should have equal rights with him in everything.

For several years, Vera and Lopukhov live in complete harmony. But gradually in our heroine’s soul a vague feeling appears that she is missing something. The third dream reveals the reason for this anxiety. The feeling she feels for “darling” is not love at all, but misunderstood gratitude. Moreover, she truly loves best friend her husband. And Kirsanov has loved Vera Pavlovna for many years. It seems to me that in the novel “What is to be done?” It is love that tests the heroes’ loyalty to the ideals of the “new” life. And Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and Verochka pass this test. In their torment, they appear before us not as heroes, but simply as good, decent people. Resolving this love triangle very original. It is simply impossible for the "astute reader" to believe that such a solution exists. But the author does not care about the opinion of the average person.

The “special person” Rakhmetov is also tested by his feelings. “I shouldn’t love,” he says and makes himself an iron warrior, but love penetrates under his armor and makes him exclaim with pain: “... and I, too, am not an abstract idea, but a person who would like to live. Well, that’s okay, will pass." He is, of course, a heroic person, but I feel sorry for him, because a person who stifles love in himself becomes an insensitive machine. Subsequently, he can only talk about feelings, but you should not trust him in these matters. Rakhmetov tells Verochka about jealousy: “In developed person she shouldn't be. This is a distorted feeling... this is a consequence of looking at a person as my property, as a thing." The words are correct, but what can a stern warrior know about this? Only one who loves and conquers jealousy that is offensive to another can speak about this.

My favorite hero in the novel is Kirsanov. Unlike Rakhmetov, when Kirsanov realizes that he loves his friend’s wife, he fights not with a feeling, but with himself. He suffers, but does not disturb Verochka’s peace. He humbles his jealousy and desire for personal happiness for the sake of friendship.

In Vera Pavlovna’s fourth dream, N.G. Chernyshevsky unfolds before his readers a picture of an ideal future. Love occupies a big place in it. The entire history of mankind passes before us from the point of view of the evolution of love. Verochka finally learns the name of her guiding star, “sister of all sisters” and “bride of all grooms”: “... this word is equality... From it, from equality, there is freedom in me, without which there is no me.” It seems to me that by this the author wanted to say that without independent preference and equality, true love will not live.

In the final chapter of the work, Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov and his newly made lifelong friend Katya are completely and completely happy in love. The writer is incredibly happy for his own heroes: “... few have experienced that the charm that love gives to everything should not at all... be a fleeting phenomenon in a person’s life.” The happiness of Love will become immortal, only “for this you need to have a pure heart and an honest soul and the current concept of human rights, respect for the freedom of the one with whom you live.”

2. Russian utopian socialism. Vera Pavlovna's workshops. V.P.’s fourth dream

The enormous captivating power of the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky was that he convinced of the truth, beauty and greatness of the new, advanced in life, convinced that a bright socialist future was possible and undoubted. He answered the most important and living question of the era: what should people do who hate the old, who do not want to live in the old way, who strive to bring closer the beautiful historical tomorrow of their homeland and all of humanity?

Much in "What to do?" was astonishing in its unexpectedness. His plot was extraordinary. Under the pen of Chernyshevsky, the seemingly everyday story of the liberation of the daughter of a petty St. Petersburg official from domestic captivity resulted in a stormy, intense story of a Russian woman’s struggle for the freedom of her personality, for civil equality. Vera Pavlovna achieves material independence in a truly unheard of and previously unseen way. She runs an artisanal sewing workshop and here, in the complex management of affairs, she develops an active, purposeful, and proactive character. This storyline is intertwined with another, showing the new woman’s realization of even more significant life goals - achieving spiritual, moral and social independence. In her relationships with Lopukhov and Kirsanov, the heroine finds love and happiness in their truly human high sense.

Russian utopian socialism stemmed from French utopian socialism, whose representatives were Charles Fourier and Claude Henri de Saint-Simon. Their goal was to create prosperity for all people, and to carry out the reform so that no blood was shed. They rejected the idea of ​​equality and fraternity and believed that society should be built on the principle of mutual gratitude, asserting the need for hierarchy. But who will divide people into more and less gifted? Why is gratitude the best thing? Because the one who is below should be grateful to others for being below. The problem was solved completely personal life. They considered a bourgeois marriage (concluded in a church) to be a legalized trade in women, since a woman cannot provide herself with well-being and is sold; in an ideal society she will be free. So, the principle of mutual gratitude should be at the forefront of everything.

Chernyshevsky in his novel “What is to be done?” places special emphasis on reasonable egoism (calculation of benefits). If gratitude is outside of people, then reasonable egoism lies in the very “I” of a person. Every person secretly or openly considers himself the center of the universe. Why then is egoism reasonable? But because in the novel “What is to be done?” for the first time, a “new approach to the problem” is considered, Chernyshevsky’s “new people” create a “new” atmosphere, according to Chernyshevsky, “new people” see their “benefit” in the desire to benefit others, their morality is to deny and destroy official morality. Their morality liberates the creative possibilities of the human personality. “New people” resolve conflicts of a family or love nature less painfully. The theory of rational egoism has an undeniable appeal and rational grain. “New people” consider work an absolutely necessary condition of human life, they do not sin and do not repent, their mind is in the most complete harmony with feeling, because neither their mind nor their feelings are distorted by chronic enmity against other people.

You can trace the course of Vera Pavlovna’s internal development: first at home she gains inner freedom, then the need for public service appears, and then the fullness of her personal life, the need to work regardless of personal will and social arbitrariness.

N. G. Chernyshevsky creates not an individual, but a type. For a “not new” person, all “new” people look alike, and the problem of a special person arises. Such a person is Rakhmetov, who differs from others, especially in that he is a revolutionary, the only individualized character. The reader is given his traits in the form of questions: why did he do this? For what? These questions create an individual type. He is a “new” man in his formation. All the new people seem to have fallen from the moon, and the only one connected with this era is Rakhmetov. Denial of oneself out of “calculation of benefits”! Here Chernyshevsky does not act as a utopian. And at the same time, Vera Pavlovna’s dreams exist as an indication of the ideal society to which the author strives. Chernyshevsky resorts to fantastic techniques: beautiful sisters appear to Vera Pavlovna in a dream, the eldest of them, the Revolution, is a condition for renewal. In this chapter, we have to put a lot of points in place to explain the voluntary omission of the text, which the censorship would not let through anyway and in which the main idea of ​​the novel would be exposed. Along with this, there is the image of a beautiful younger sister - a bride, meaning love-equality, who turns out to be a goddess not only of love, but also of the pleasure of work, art, and leisure: “Somewhere in the south of Russia, in a deserted place, there are rich fields and meadows , gardens; there is a huge palace made of aluminum and crystal, with mirrors, carpets, and wonderful furniture. Everywhere you can see people working, singing songs, and relaxing.” There are ideal human relationships between people, traces of happiness and contentment everywhere, which were previously impossible to dream of.

Vera Pavlovna is delighted with everything she sees. Of course, there are many utopian elements in this picture, a socialist dream in the spirit of Fourier and Owen. It is not for nothing that they are repeatedly hinted at in the novel without being directly named. The novel shows only rural labor and speaks about the people “in general,” in a very general way. But this utopia in its main idea is very realistic: Chernyshevsky emphasizes that labor must be collective, free, the appropriation of its fruits cannot be private, all the results of labor must go to satisfy the needs of the members of the collective. This new work must be based on high scientific and technological achievements, on scientists and powerful machines that allow man to transform the earth and his entire life. The role of the working class is not highlighted. Chernyshevsky knew that the transition from the patriarchal peasant community to socialism must be revolutionary. In the meantime, it was important to cement in the reader’s mind the dream of a better future. This is Chernyshevsky himself speaking through the mouth of the “elder sister”, turning to Vera Pavlovna with the words: “Do you know the future? It is light and beautiful. Love it, strive for it, work for it, bring it closer, transfer from it to the present as much as you can transfer.”


Chernyshevsky's sewing workshop is completely fictitious. “There is a feature in the story that I invented: this is a workshop. In fact, Vera Pavlovna was not working on setting up a workshop; and I did not know such workshops as I described: they do not exist in our dear fatherland. In fact, she was working on something - something like a Sunday school or - closer to the real truth - like a daily free school not for children, but for adults." Does this mean that we are dealing with a naked utopia? Why is such a wonderful project not feasible? And being feasible, might it not cease to exist for the same reasons as the phalanxes in Western Europe? Is it really possible that any attempt to create something human, anthropocentric on the basis of capitalist relations implicated in alienation and mechanism - any such attempt will turn out to be ridiculous? Should we reject “sewing workshops” as radicalism, a vain extravagance?

No! On the contrary, to win, parallel associations must be much more radical. Here you can’t get by with labor organization alone; “accounting and control” is clearly not enough. Greater aspirations, broader horizons and more ambitious goals are needed.

The sewing workshop in the novel "What is to be done?" created for one purpose: to improve the disgusting conditions of wage labor. This succeeds, but only in the author’s imagination. And he himself, however, is inclined to consider a “new type of enterprise” as temporary help for that part of society that is most susceptible to temptations and downfalls. The workshop is not taken into account as something fundamentally different from the world, different in its very essence. They go there not for justice, but for convenience. A businessman who came from America shrugs it off: “And we have enough of that.” They work in the workshop according to the same model as in all other enterprises. Vera Pavlovna's sewing workshop is included in the general competition and differs from other factories in only one thing: the working conditions there are easier and the attitude of the owners is more humane. Despite the fact that formally all the workers are masters, in reality there is strict centralization in the workshop. Such a commune is not even a cooperative or artel, it is rather a small enterprise with enlightened owners.

A partisan detachment only in its own way external form looks like Vera Pavlovna's sewing workshop. But in essence they are completely different. The partisan detachment exists not to improve working conditions (although it can and should improve them), but to provide those seeking the opportunity for other work, work according to their vocation. This work is unthinkable in today's world. Having the conditions to ensure it, the detachment will forever bind people to itself. They will never be able to return to the cesspool of monetary totalitarianism and again put on the chains of meaningless credit and the endless cycle from crisis to crisis, from bankruptcy to bankruptcy, from error to error.

Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream

A key place in the novel is occupied by “Vera Pavlovna’s Fourth Dream,” in which Chernyshevsky develops a picture of a “bright future.” He envisions a society in which the interests of everyone are organically combined with the interests of everyone. This is a society where a person has learned to intelligently control the forces of nature, where the dramatic division between mental and physical labor has disappeared and the personality has acquired the harmonious completeness and completeness lost over the centuries. However, it was in “The Fourth Dream of Vera Pavlovna” that weaknesses typical of utopians of all times and peoples were revealed. They consisted of excessive “regulation of details,” which caused disagreement even among Chernyshevsky’s like-minded people.

1st dream

Dreamed about Vera Pavlovna a strange dream. It was as if she was locked in a dungeon, and then suddenly she found herself in the open air in the fields. Then he looks: she is sick - and then, once, she has recovered. And suddenly someone spoke to her. It turned out that it was her love for people that spoke to her. Vera Pavlovna walks through the city cheerful, happy, helping everyone. It's more fun with people than alone.

2nd dream

The second dream began like this. The husband and Alexey Petrovich walk along the field, and the husband asks why wheat appears from one dirt, but not from another. He immediately explains that if the sun warms this dirt, then the ear will be beautiful. It's just the dirt of everyday life. Vera Pavlovna approached them and suggested changing the topic. And they started talking about all the past events.

3rd dream

Vera Pavlovna fell asleep and had the following dream. It was as if after tea she lay down with a book to read, but suddenly began to think about what she wanted. Lately boring. I remembered that the day before I wanted to go to the opera with Kirsanov, but he didn’t get a ticket. She came to the conclusion that it was better to travel with her husband: he would never leave her without a ticket. She laments that due to Kirsanov’s sluggishness, she missed La Traviata. Suddenly the artist from La Traviata appears before her and hands Vera Pavlovna her diary. It turns out that this diary records all the events that happened to the woman the day before, as well as all her thoughts, and even the fact that Vera Pavlovna sits alone in the evenings.

4th dream

Vera Pavlovna dreams that songs and poems are heard everywhere, and this makes her happy. She sees that very close by, near some tents, sheep and horses are grazing. Further on you can see mountains covered with white snow. Some voice asks Vera Pavlovna if she wants to know how people will live in the future? Then someone's hand points the woman somewhere in the direction, and she sees the best fields where beautiful wheat grows.

Picture or drawing Chernyshevsky Dreams of Vera Pavlovna

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