Alien attack. The best alien invasion films

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Alien attack

Alien Attack Team

Destroy all enemies and save the Earth!
Customize your character in the game and upgrade wide range weapons, including a laser sight and shield.
One day, huge flying saucers appeared in the sky and a war between humans and aliens began! You have been selected to join the anti-alien unit. Get training in a special center, and then go destroy real aliens who brazenly occupied space station!
Action-packed online shooter with energetic music and lots of settings. Exterminate creatures in the company of your teammates, upgrade your skills, buy new equipment.
You can play in campaign mode or create your own battle by choosing one of several maps. Complete various missions: capture the enemy's flag or base, or destroy all enemies on the level. Collect endless bonuses: weapons, armor, medicine.
This flash game has classic controls, WASD keys for movement and LMB for shots.
Play for free and enjoy the game.

This is based on the words of the prophet Ezekiel, where he predicted an approaching tornado from the north. In his prophetic dreams, he could contemplate a luminous cloud, in the center of which there was an object and four living creatures, with wings and human features. The Prophet was so impressed that he even fell to the ground. What he saw was awe-inspiring. He could see how these creatures instantly move in space, and moreover, Ezekiel heard a voice from heaven.

It is generally accepted that this prophecy explains the existence of UFOs today and future alien invasions of Earth. Famous engineers and scientists tried to interpret the prophet's recorded vision into reality. For example, back in 1973, NASA engineer J. Blamrich was directly involved in the creation of a unique rocket called “Saturn,” which delivered a team of researchers and scientists to the Moon. They managed to accurately model the aircraft that the prophet Ezekiel described in his message.

Elements of aerospace technology helped them in this. As a result, all the details of modern flying equipment exactly matched the ancient descriptions, right down to the seat and helicopter engine. Theologians also predict an alien invasion. But they believe that this will look like a Last Judgment that will lead to the end of the world. In their opinion, numerous popular contacts of humanity with aliens are now associated with these predictions.

One of the fathers of Orthodoxy believes that the presence of a UFO will directly testify to the fulfillment of the predicted Antichrist, his reign for a short time and the coming of Christ Jesus for the second time. According to theologians, this unidentified otherworldly object has the ability to quietly guide the actions and life of a person in general. It is also generally accepted that a future alien invasion of earth has been discussed in other famous prophecies. More and more often they refer to the Gospel of Luke, in which this evangelist wrote about “a terrifying sight and a great sign.”

Alien invasion of Earth

This period of time will occur before the coming of Jesus and, according to some famous predictors, this will happen already at the end of the current millennium. It is not for nothing that one of the American projects for the study of UFOs has the symbolic name “sign”.

The fact that such a possibility of an alien invasion still exists is reported by one of the bookmakers in Britain. At the same time, they believe that this will happen by the end of this year 2015. The representative of this company himself, Alex Donohue, gave an interview and said that he himself did not believe in the chances of an alien invasion and considered it a joke. But as it turned out, this is quite real.

This fact was also recognized by a representative of a well-known company. After all, this is confirmed by carefully conducted research, and therefore, as many believe, the possibility of the existence of alien life cannot be ruled out. In the UK they even published a book in which they outlined in detail an action plan in case such an unusual situation arises in humanity.

As you can see, many were truly imbued with this possible problem future and I try to protect myself in every possible way. Of course, it's easier to do this when there are as many details and explanations as possible. But no one still knows how exactly contact with aliens will occur. Some believe that this will be in the form of communication not with intelligent beings, but with robots. What explains this vision of the situation?

Peace or military conquest?

Human research and capabilities are extremely limited. Although earthly civilization has achieved a lot. We know how to launch research aircraft into space without a person on board, and create equipment that can reach stars and the outskirts of the galaxy. If a person can do this disabilities, then robots will be even more able to do the impossible, for example, conduct observation or make contact.

The question is different:

“Can this contact be peaceful on both sides of civilizations?” Many well-known researchers speak with one voice that, after all, there will be not a peaceful, but a military invasion.

It is assumed that robotic invaders will fly to earth and complete their mission. After all most of modern progress is associated precisely with military technologies. And the limitations that civilization experiences are primarily related to space. If these two factors are combined together, then the presence of robots on earth does not sound like science fiction.

Psychic says it's inevitable

Today even ufologists talk about this. Every year, similar statements about a possible alien invasion are heard at conferences. The famous psychic Richard Atkins loudly declares to the whole world that this probability today is almost 100%.

At the same time, he confirms his information with cases where people were abducted by aliens. Among these cases, like ordinary people, as well as astronauts or military personnel. According to Atkins, all chapters will soon be large countries will stop hiding the truth regarding the presence of aliens. This will entail great bloodshed and death of civilians caused by natural disasters, behind which the invaders will stand.

If anyone survives, they will suffer the fate of enslavement by the conquistadors. After all, aliens may be very interested in the availability of labor, which they need for development. And these are just a few possible options how future events will develop. Scientists around the world are closely continuing research in this area.

Just yesterday it was an ordinary day, but today the world has changed forever! Who could have imagined that all these crazy ufologists would be right! Who could believe that aliens would attack us!

The video version of the article can be viewed here (the text is continued below):

The fact is that today we will talk about such a thing as alien invasion! Some argue that this is impossible, others are waiting every day contact with extraterrestrial civilization, still others say that the invasion has already begun and now earthly governments are ruled aliens in disguise! My opinion on this matter is extremely reserved. I look at this phenomenon from the point of view what if? But if this really happens, then like it or not, you’ll have to somehow resist all this and survive.

What do we people know about them today, where is this truth that is so close? What do all these crop circles mean? Are these messages? aliens? Or maybe nature is playing around like this, or some ugly man in special stilts is fooling us all? Whom abducted by aliens and placed theirs over him experiments, and who just makes up excuses to justify, say, another absence from work. Let's throw away these useless questions and just imagine - we were attacked!

And if attacked most likely these alien creatures , much more developed, how in scientifically , and in questions bloodthirstiness! Here someone will notice that this may be a forced attack, and the aliens can be both good and bad! It is clear that you cannot take into account all scenarios, but one thing is clear: there are enemies on our land and they are attacking!

It is quite important what our enemy is, but stepping back from the lyrics, and without discussing too much in detail appearance, first of all to us as humanity , And How individuals need to think about enemy weaknesses and if you manage to discover such weaknesses, be sure to hit them!

After all, these aliens came to us from another world, and, for example, they can even breathe only with a certain device. Or maybe a person is superior to the enemy in some way? There is also a chance that they just need to hold out for a while, and they will die on their own, say, having failed to adapt to earthly conditions!

Naturally, the enemy will have to be studied, but this is precisely where there will apparently be problems, especially if the attack is sudden and well thought out! Will there be time for this at all if, for example, in just 5 minutes the resistance of the earthlings is practically crushed! By the way, it cannot be ruled out that the attack itself may fail, or the resistance of the earthlings will turn out to be much stronger than expected; it is in such cases that it will be possible to best study the enemy!

But closer to the point, where should a person go, say, to buy some bread? Obviously, first you need to try not to turn yourself into a target, or in other words, avoid instant death, find some kind of shelter, save your own family and start resistance! So that it doesn't fall on us!

Obviously, in this situation, it would be nice for humanity to unite and defend Mother Earth - together! But if there is discord here, all that remains is to heroically partisan! If it’s difficult to kill an enemy with earthly weapons, you still need to try to kill at least one creature, use your imagination! They don’t take bullets, perhaps a hundred-ton crane falling on the enemy will stop him, a Molotov cocktail or a bottle of sulfuric acid! After the death of your adversary, try to arm yourself with extraterrestrial weapons, they will certainly be more effective if their use is possible! Be sure to study what we are dealing with! Naturally, we must not forget about caution and before our own attack you need to have at least some kind of weapon!

However, perhaps alien weapons can fall into your hands without a fight. This could be an unsuccessful alien paratrooper, or a downed pilot - in general, a concrete corpse or a wounded reptile who has no idea great danger! You can try to interrogate the prisoner, if of course he understands our language or you speak it, remember that the information received from him or in the process of studying it is no less important than weapons, and perhaps more!

In any case, it seems that the aliens will prepare an unenviable role for humanity: they will use them for canned food or fertilizers, make slaves out of us, or simply destroy us! They will remake, say, the earth to suit themselves, change the living conditions on it, transforming the planet beyond recognition, or they will simply pump resources out of it, however, things could go completely differently.

But what if the invasion is of such a plan - asteroids, viral weapons, climate weapons, or could be used against the earth, but there are other threats, such that the aliens themselves may not be visible - one thing remains the same, we will have to survive. And since it is so obvious that if we learn survival skills, we will have some kind of weapons, equipped shelters, have food supplies and drinking water, equipment, and in general treat this issue as survivalists, asking the question “what if?”When, naturally, we will have less shock in the event that an alien attack does occur. And while skeptics will rush around in panic and wonder “How is this possible?!”, We will already act! Let's draw up a survival plan based on the circumstances and perhaps we will have a greater chance of success, which means there will be a greater chance that the alien attack will end in the victory of humanity.


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Ufologists, constantly observing outer space, have calculated that a cluster of unknown objects is rapidly moving towards our planet.

Experts believe that this could be an armada of intergalactic alien ships. Moreover, researchers are convinced that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are very hostile, and the first mass contact between the “little green men” and earthlings does not bode well for us.

What might aliens need here? Our “blue ball” itself, its minerals, or maybe we ourselves or our technologies? The latter does not seem very likely, since humanity has not yet flown further than the Moon (and even then it is very doubtful), but the uninvited guests have presumably already traveled many millions of light years to enslave or destroy people. Naturally, we have been frightened many times before by subsequently unfulfilled predictions about the attack of the “little green men”, but this does not mean at all that the next prediction of ufologists cannot turn out to be true.

Experts say:

According to the data we have received, a battle fleet of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization will reach us by the end of the year. At the same time, something strange is happening to alien spaceships. The future invaders seemed to realize that they had been spotted and resorted to some kind of deceptive maneuver. Part of the armada turned around and flew back, while the other part moved towards us with increased speed. In less than three months it will fly up to Earth. We believe that first we will be attacked by a strike force, the main goal of which will be the destruction of the largest cities in the world. This will immediately plunge society into chaos. Then another flotilla will fly to our planet, which will install here new order. However, there is a high probability that we will all simply be destroyed.

Ufologists also report that the governments of America, Russia, China and other influential countries in the world are well aware of the upcoming invasion. At the moment, they say, they are thinking about how best to act in this situation. On the one hand, politicians can come to an agreement with the aliens and try to minimize the consequences of alien interference in our lives. On the other side, the mighty of the world they can “sell” us to the invaders and go live in their luxurious bunkers under the ocean. Finally, a large-scale war is possible that will unite all the countries of the Earth in the face of a common enemy.

Famous personalities about a possible attack

It is noteworthy that quite recently a similar statement was made by the famous English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. The authoritative scientist did not report the exact date of the invasion of representatives of an alien civilization on Earth, but said that he had no doubts about the aggressiveness of the aliens and the defenselessness of earthlings against conquerors from other planets. People, according to Hawking, will not be able to defend themselves against a highly developed alien civilization that has mastered space flight over enormous distances. However, the physicist is “encouraging” that no invasion may take place if humanity destroys itself in advance nuclear war or create a powerful artificial intelligence, who himself wants to wipe us off the face of the earth.

Former astronaut Ed Mitchell, who died last year, made a sensational statement before his death. He told reporters that he saw aliens with his own eyes. According to the American, the aliens were thin and small in appearance with disproportionately large heads. In addition, Mitchell said that the aliens are extremely aggressive towards us and consider human civilization to be defective and unworthy of existence. The astronaut also said that the American government has long known about the intentions of humanoids from other planets, but is in no hurry to do anything about this.

Finally, in April of this year, another sensational information came from the former head of the American national space agency. Charles Boldenn, who had recently been suspended by NASA, said that the invasion would happen very soon, and our days were numbered. Ufologists around the world then considered that the former astronaut had been removed from high position after he declared his desire to tell the world community the truth about aliens. The words of this specialist, who had access to the most secret and important information about UFOs and aliens is difficult to doubt.

Apparently the aliens have been planning an invasion of Earth for quite some time. And all the people they abducted were used to create human-alien hybrids, as well as trained in order to further contribute to the invasion process that had begun.

This was stated in an interview by Dr. David Jacobs, who studies UFOs and, in particular, abductions that the inhabitants of the Earth are subjected to by aliens. He is the author of three books, which set out his opinions on this matter.

Dr. David Jacobs explains that his 38-year research may shed light on alien abductions, as well as their true goals. In his interview, he claims that the Grays (as he calls the aliens) are planning an invasion. This is precisely the main purpose of kidnapping earthlings. Many people who claim to have been abducted by aliens say that during their abductions they were programmed to facilitate the invasion process by calming panicked people. Dr. Jacobs also says that there are already many alien-human hybrids among us, and that these people will help the aliens conquer our world.

As Dr. Jacobs said, we are not at all sympathetic to aliens from other worlds, and there can be no coexistence between our races. Here only a complete “absorption” of our human civilization can take place. Therefore, aliens constantly, over a considerable period of time, collect full information about the structure of our body and our social structure, in order to understand us. To do this, they often resort to experiments that are carried out on people they kidnap.

According to David Jacobs, he has been studying the stories of people who survived abduction by aliens for many years. According to them, alien beings studied them very carefully. But they didn’t always stop there. Sometimes they conducted experiments on earthly women by placing embryos in them, in other words, they carried out artificial insemination operations.

According to Carmen, in this way the aliens are trying to create a special race of humanoids who have not only human DNA, but also alien DNA. A race of people with more high intelligence. Many people have told her stories about those who fit this description. And that's a fact.
According to Dr. Jacobs, aliens are constantly watching us using technology similar to a kind of television screen. Through it they observe how people behave in Everyday life: how children play ball at a picnic, how people treat their children. Thus, they are trying to understand us, to grasp the difference that exists between our races.

“You might say,” says Dr. Jacobs, “well, let them watch... But such observation is not at all so good and healthy for all of us.”

According to Jacobs, watching us and kidnapping earthlings is not so scary. Something else is interesting here. The aliens program abducted people to do certain things. Which? In particular, to reassure earthlings at the moment when aliens begin to conquer our planet, telling us “Everything will be fine, don’t worry, there’s no need to resist and fuss.”

“For many, many years, alien beings have been studying us and programming abducted people to assist them with all their might in the process of taking over the Earth. And this is not just my opinion, it is actually possible,” says Dr. Jacobs.

According to him, he has spent the last 20 years doing research related to alien abductions. Based on his research, he can conclude that these abductions in themselves are not a danger or problem for earthlings. The problem is that aliens use technology on abducted people that allows them to control their minds from a distance.

According to David Jacobs, the whole question is how to prevent an alien invasion. What we can do? Unfortunately, the doctor does not know the answer to this question. But this problem is more than real, and such an invasion may follow in the very near future.
Dr. David Jacobs makes extremely unoptimistic predictions for the near future of humanity. But when it comes, is it the future? Maybe in the next year or two...? Who knows….
