Development of children with the help of finger gymnastics. Dog exercises. Loads for the dog Exercises for dogs for the back


To consolidate knowledge about the dog and its cub - a puppy.
To form stable ideas about the concepts of "big-small",
Learn to distinguish colors (red, yellow, green, blue).
Expand your vocabulary on the topic.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the poem.
Continue learning to stick the details of the image in the right place, draw with your fingers, sculpt with straight and circular rolling.
Develop concentration, stability and the ability to switch attention.
Continue to work on the development of correct speech breathing, the power of the voice.


Toys "dogs", bowls, balls, bones, rugs - scraps of fabric.
A picture of a dog, paper images of balls and suns, an adhesive pencil.
Finger paint. Metallophones.
Booths of red and green color pasted on a sheet of white cardboard; triangles-roofs and squares-doors for each booth of the same colors.
A picture depicting a dog's head and neck, without the nose. Plasticine, beads or pasta "wheels". Pictures with the image of a dog.
Small building material.
Large and small bones cut out of white cardboard, sheets of paper with large and small plate circles glued on.
Bowls cut out of thick cardboard, multi-colored clothespins.
Cotton swabs, bandages.
Equipment for dynamic pause: path, bench, tunnel, puddles.
Audio recordings: dog barking, "My puppy whines all day" (Zheleznova), "About a puppy."

Lesson progress:

Greeting "Hello, golden sun!"

Hello golden sun!
(Hands up with outstretched fingers - imitation of the sun's rays)

Hello blue sky!
(Hands draw "clouds" in the sky)

Hello free breeze!
(Parents lightly blow on the heads of babies)

Hello little friend!
(pat the baby's head)

We live in the same region, I greet you all!
(The teacher gives a hand to each child and greets)

Surprise moment "Recognize by voice"

Here in the chest hid our today's guests. Listen and try to guess who our guests are by their voice. (Dogs bark).
Yes, we have dogs visiting today. Open the chest and choose your dog.

Didactic game "What the dog has"

Here is the doggie - our watchdog -
White forehead, black nose.
Faithful dog did not sleep the night -
The yard was fearlessly guarded,
And now he really wants
Bones taste juicy.

Here is the dog Barbos. He has a rug. What is a dog mat for? to sleep on it.
The dog also has a bowl. What is a bowl for a dog? To eat from it.
The dog also has a bone. What is the dog's bone for? To chew on her.
The dog also has a ball. What is the ball for for the dog? To play with it.

Children one by one lay out the corresponding objects in front of them.

Application "Stick the sun and the ball"

Children are invited to stick the sun and the ball.

Both the sun and the ball are round. Glue the sun at the top of the picture, and the ball near the dog's paws.

Didactic game "Finish the booths for dogs"

Here are the dog kennels, but only they are unfinished. Let's build them. Pick a roof and a door of the same color for each booth. Like the booth itself.

Pick up a picture of a dog and put it in a red booth. The dog ran into the green box.

Finger painting "Spots on the wool"

Children dip their fingers in black, brown, orange paint and leave speck prints.

Dynamic pause "Puppy training"

Little puppies also need to be taught - trained. Take the puppy along the bench bridge, jump over the puddle, walk along the path, climb into the tunnel with him. (Performed to the music "My puppy looks a bit").

Reading a poem by A. Barto "Dog"

Shaggy dog ​​by the porch
He lay down with his nose in his paws.
Quietly, peacefully he sniffs,
Maybe dozing, maybe sleeping.
And try sunya thief -
Instantly barks in the whole yard.

Didactic game "The dog barks"

Listen to the big dog barking: “Af-af-af!”. When a dog barks, it opens its mouth wide.

The teacher, with the help of a toy, imitates the movements of a dog trying to climb onto the table. He threatens a toy dog ​​with his finger and says sternly: “Fu. Ugh!".
Then the dog once again “trying to climb on the table”, the children repeat the prohibition “fu!” together with the teacher and independently.

But the little puppy is quietly yapping "tyaf-tyaf."

Bas-relief modeling "Nose and beautiful collar"

Children sculpt a nose ball in a circular rolling and press it to the place in the picture where the dog's nose should be. Then, a sausage-collar is made by direct rolling and pressed horizontally to the dog's neck, and then the collar is decorated - beads or pasta are pressed in.

Breathing exercises "Dogs"

It smelled of sausages and the dog smelled their smell. We sniff the air like dogs - noisily, quickly. We sniff twice (“sniff-sniff”) and rest. Look at me and listen as I sniff.
The chin is slightly raised, inhalation, during which the sound of air is heard and it is seen how the nostrils approach the nasal septum.

Didactic game "Feed the dog bones"

In front of them is a picture with plates. Count the bowls. One, two.
How many plates? Two plates. Are these bowls the same? No plates are different. One plate is large and the other is small. Show me the big plate. Show me a small plate.
And here are treats for the dog - bones. Bones are also different - large and small. Place the large bones on a large plate and the small bones on a small plate.

Musical dramatization game "My puppy whines all day"

To the song of the same name, children stroke and pity the puppy, lubricate the sore paw with a cotton swab, wrap it with a bandage.

Game with clothespins "Bones for the dog"

Here is a dog bowl with clothespins. Feed your dog bones. The dog ate a bone - remove the clothespin.

Designing "House for Mongrel"

Let's play with you simply:
We are building a house for Barbos.
Strong house, warm house,
Barbosik will live in it.
To have fun there
We invite everyone to the housewarming party.

Children are offered a set of small building materials from which they build a house for Barbos.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "About a puppy"

Children to the music of the same name beat the rhythm on metallophones.

How can one characterize modern man in two or three capacious phrases?

A highly intelligent inhabitant of skyscrapers, moving in space with the help of high-speed cars, elevators and airplanes, using smart gadgets to communicate with his own kind and maintaining energy with the help of dietary supplements, whose main motive is material profit...

A little simplistic, but, frankly, it looks like almost every one of us.

What to do if there is not enough strength, time, or money for physical training and spiritual practices, and life, in parallel with the fulfillment of some hopes, is increasingly dragging into the funnel of new problems?

That's when yoga comes to the rescue! This is an excellent way to maintain vitality and spiritual balance for many years, and besides, it is a way of healing and rejuvenation. The most ancient practice of people who have always lived in unity with nature and have learned through certain fixations of the body - asanas - to overcome the heavy laws of gravity - namely, they subject the body and spirit to aging - to sharpen intuition and enrich the spirit. One of these asanas, namely Downward Facing Dog Pose in yoga (in Sanskrit it is called Adho mukha svanasana) will be discussed in our article.

Origin of asana

As the Sanskrit name suggests, the Downward-Facing Dog exercise comes from the distant and mysterious land of the White Lotus and the Taji Mahal, where for the holidays they decorate with flowers of buffalo and elephants, and teenage newlyweds fancifully paint henna on their wrists and palms. Of course, this is India, and its traditional spiritual practice is yoga.

Note, spiritual, not physical, although in the process of performing all the techniques, from the simplest to the advanced, the body is involved. However, as you will see for yourself after the first exercise, its results are manifested not only and not so much on the physical level (in the form of greater mobility, stretching, the disappearance of painful symptoms, and so on), but on the spiritual level.

Even after a short stay in one of the asanas, you instantly feel:

  • burst of energy
  • mood change towards positive
  • stress relief
  • detachment from problems
  • the ability to take a fresh look at life
  • and much, much more, which will surely make you return to this technique and try to improve it.

Benefits of Downward Facing Dogs - 12 Facts

Speaking about the benefits of the Downward Facing Dog, we immediately note that the expected “bonuses” from any exercise can only be obtained if the correct technique for its implementation is observed, as well as regularity. Below we have listed only some of the apparently proven positive effects of Adho Mukha Svanasana on the body:

  1. Increased bone density(solving the problems of arthrosis and arthritis, indigestibility of calcium and vitamin D, weak and "floating" joints).
  2. Soft development of flexibility(with daily approaches, using warm-ups and lightweight options, in a few months you will not only easily stand in the classic pose 20 times in one session, but you will also be able to move to new levels of yoga).
  3. Improved blood supply absolutely all organs of the body, including the pelvic area and the brain (asana is especially indicated for diseases of the genitourinary system). It is even more effective for this purpose for capillary blood supply.
  4. Strengthening the heart, a guarantee of his longevity - due to the partial removal from him of the work of pumping blood throughout the body.
  5. Strengthening of the shoulder joints increasing their mobility, getting rid of pain.
  6. Strengthening and healing of the elbows, wrists, hands and. But for these purposes it is better to train with.
  7. Back relaxation, especially the scapular zone, with parallel removal of interscapular pain and problems of the cervical spine. Attention! From pain in the spine shows the greatest efficiency.
  8. Gentle stretching of the spine, therapy and prevention of all kinds of displacements, intervertebral hernia. See also .
  9. Strengthening as a press, and all the muscles of the cortex.
  10. Gentle and stable stretch hamstrings, hamstrings, and Achilles tendons - the most problematic area for most people due to a sedentary lifestyle.
  11. Ankle reinforcement, feet and toes.
  12. Elimination of the so-called "spurs" on the heels.

Here are just a few of the well-known rewards that you get when you regularly perform the asana Adho Mukha Svanasana, and most importantly - with strict observance of the techniques and rules. Therefore, even if you have not yet tried any of the yoga asanas, and the word itself is by no means associated with your self-identification, but you are interested in such an abundance of therapeutic bonuses - do not put it off until another time! Try it - the benefit of the classical asana there are many modifications and with any physical preparation, you can find something for yourself.

For working out and losing weight buttocks and thighs are perfect, included in.

Preparing for the exercise

This is a very important part of the lesson, on which, as in any sport, the success of the main exercise depends. You can start stretching right away, or better, after some aerobic exercise, or in the middle of your regular workout, when the muscles of the whole body are already warm enough that you are not in danger of a serious tear.

Stretching from a standing position

This is the easiest and longest known way to stretch the back and back of the legs, used in any traditional morning gymnastics - the so-called forward bends. Only unlike dynamic jerks, you need to smoothly inhale and, as you exhale, bend forward with absolutely straight legs, trying at least to touch the floor with your fingertips, or at least your toes.

Freeze for a while, breathe and straighten up on the next breath. Repeat ten times until you feel that the back muscles of the legs have become more supple. Being in an inclined posture, try to relax your back muscles. If it is difficult to fix by simply lowering your hands to the floor, grab them and pull your torso to your hips and your head to your knees.

Important! Already starting from the warm-up, listen to your body, do not work "through the pain." The path of yoga, like any practice, is gradual, so stop every time on the verge of slight discomfort, and do not force yourself.

Stretching sitting on the floor

This is a very familiar exercise for stretching the back of the legs. Sit on the floor, or better - on a special rug. The extended legs are brought together (if it is difficult to keep them straight, you can slightly raise the legs at the knees), the socks are raised up. Try to grab the ends of the feet with your hands and pull the torso to the legs.

It is not scary if at first you cannot keep your legs straight and even approximately lie with your chest on the surface of the thigh. However, try to keep your back straight. The main thing is to experience the tangible relaxation of the back of the legs. This is your progress at this stage.

child pose

This technique is an asana in itself. It effectively and very gently helps to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back, eliminate congestion in the scapular and subscapular zones, emotional calm, inner spiritual concentration. This is not a completely inverted posture, however, the lowered position of the pelvis compared to the usually vertical position of the body helps to improve blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system, the outflow of blood, and getting rid of congestion. That is why this pose is so popular with expectant mothers.

In child's pose, the mobile but fragile shoulder joint is carefully developed, preparing to bear some of the weight of the upper body during Ardha Mukha Svanasana.

It is done simply:

  1. First, we sit down with the buttocks on the heels, while the hips are brought together.
  2. We tear off the buttocks from the heels and go into an inclination forward, trying to stretch straight arms in front of us as much as possible. The fingers of the palms are closed and extended.
  3. The head falls between the shoulders, we try to bend in the shoulder blades. The position of the upper body resembles that of swimming with the so-called "arrow" or "rocket".
Important! Use a yoga mat to avoid slipping, which is dangerous for your back and not only. You can even purchase special non-slip yoga gloves and socks, as well as special gel pads under the arms (they will also reduce the strain on the wrists).

Technique for performing the classic version (PHOTO)

Downward Dog Pose can be entered both from a standing position and from the last warm-up exercise, Child Pose. We will analyze the latter option, since the former is best performed at an advanced level. So what is the correct way to do this movement?

Starting position kneeling

From child's pose, move to a kneeling position. Make sure that the palms are under the shoulders and at their level, the fingers of the palms were open, and there was an emphasis on the pads of the fingers, especially the index finger. Keep your back absolutely straight, the hips in this position are perpendicular to the floor, the feet are fixed on the floor with bent toes, the heels look up, and the face is down between the hands, while the neck does not bend and continues the straight line of the back.

Breathe calmly in this position, and mentally focus on doing the next step.

Transitional position - plank

It is very good if you have practiced in advance in performing the classic bar. But if you haven't done this before, don't be alarmed - you won't have to stand in it for too long. Use the plank only as a transitional position before the crucial moment when it is necessary to raise the sitting bones.

Note! Make sure that neither the legs nor the palms slip and remain in the originally occupied points. In this position, you already experience more pressure on the wrists and feet, in addition, you train absolutely all the muscles of the body isometrically, which in itself is useful, and in this case, optimally prepares the body to take the Downward Dog pose.

classic pose

From the bar we raise the bones of the pelvis vertically upwards. To do this, you may need to place your feet one or two small steps forward without lifting your hands from the floor. The key point is to stretch the back absolutely straight, and create between the retracted stomach and hips an angle of approximately 60 degrees. From the side, your body will look like an inverted English letter V. Now lower, if and as much as you can, your heels to the floor, until your feet are completely attached to the surface. Happened?

If yes, great, if not, you are on the right track. Hold on to what has been achieved without severe pain and evaluate the correctness of the technique:

  1. The arms are extended and are a direct continuation of the back, while the forearms tend inward, and the shoulders, as it were, turn outward. The fingers are still wide open and rest on the pads. Make sure that the weight of the front of the body is dispersed between the shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers of the palm.
  2. The head is a continuation of the straight line of the back and is located between the shoulders. Do not arch your neck up to prevent injury.
  3. Try to keep your shoulders away from your head.
  4. The ischial bones stretch towards the sky, forming an acute angle.
  5. The thighs and lower legs are straight.
  6. Feet are glued to the floor.

This is the description of the classic Downward Facing Dog technique, in which it is desirable to stand for 30 to 60 seconds, or, as yoga instructors say, 4-5 breathing cycles, focusing on proper breathing. It is most convenient to leave the asana in the pose of a child, which will also be relaxation, after which you can repeat the exercise as many times as it seems useful to you.

Important! It is important to keep your back straight during all the time you are in the classic Adho mukha svanasana pose. This is a guarantee of the correctness of the technique and the possibility of developing, even if the other elements require improvement.

Lightweight Options

For wrist pain

Very often, in yoga classes, beginners complain about: after all, within 30 minutes they have to get up in both Dog poses up to 20 times!

In this case, you can change the classics a little and rely on not on the palm, but on the fists(At the same time, the hand should not bend, and the fist should continue the straight line of the arm. You stand on the knuckles and lower phalanges of the fingers, as they stand in the plank in martial arts).

You can alternate handstand and fist stance.

If it is difficult to stretch your legs and place your feet

It's okay if you stand, as if in a rack, on socks- either tucked forward, or at their very ends, like a ballerina.

You can also stand on the base of the foot. The main thing is not to bend your back.

With severe pain in the hamstrings

If it is not possible to painlessly perform the classic Atha Mutha Svanasana pose, take your time. Stretching will come with time if you exercise every day. The main thing - your back is straight without which it is absolutely indispensable for the proper effect of the exercise. In the meantime, bend your knees a little and don't be shy if you are the only one (or one) in the whole group.

Each person has their own stretch level. It happens that even a trainer naturally has a much lower level of stretching than his ward. All goals are achieved gradually, and there is no need to tear the ligaments.

If it is absolutely impossible to bend down and reach the floor with your hands

Place a chair in front of you with its back to you, rest it against the wall so that it does not slip and do the asana, holding the back with your hands. Great option for beginners and novices.

Instead of a chair, you can use a wall: rest against it with open palms, keeping your arms, back and neck straight.

And one complicated version

When we lift one foot off the floor in the classic pose, this pose will be called Eka pada adho mukha svanasana. But this option is only suitable for advanced yoga followers.

Possible harm and contraindications

While the healing and strengthening effects of this technique are more than enough, contraindications also exist, and they are so strict that it would be more correct to call them absolute prohibitions.

  1. It is forbidden for women to perform any of the inverted poses during the menstrual cycle(at menstruation). In hatha yoga, this is explained by a simple argument - "it is not necessary to disturb the natural flow of purification of the body, which naturally rushes down towards the earth." Even traditional medicine confirms that such violations are fraught with dangerous bleeding. This prohibition is also confirmed in religions, since it is not allowed for women during this period to start a prayer ritual until cleansing.
  2. It is dangerous to perform this movement for those who suffer high or low blood pressure, due to the danger of a sudden pressure surge.
  3. Contraindicated for those suffering glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure.
  4. People with a diagnosis chronic asthma or during periods of its seasonal manifestations, the Downward Dog exercise is also not recommended due to the possibility of respiratory failure.

For other possible contraindications, you should ask directly either the doctor or the instructor if there are concerns due to a particular disease. In general, Adho Mukha Svanasana is available to almost every person who decides to master the technique of “inverted view of the world”, thanks to the many of its lightweight options, which we will discuss later. The main thing is patience, faith in yourself and everyday efforts.

Can this movement be done during pregnancy?

It is especially worth adding about the benefits and contraindications to the performance of this asana by women during periods of pregnancy. For the baby at this time, many inverted poses are extremely useful., because thanks to them, blood circulation in the small pelvis is normalized. Therefore, in the courses of pregnant women, they even stand in birch trees. In addition, many experts argue that it is the inverted postures that contribute to the correct presentation of the child on the eve of childbirth - that is, head first.

However, almost the vast majority do not advise to get up in this position after 30 weeks, or at least hold the asana for no more than 30 seconds. This is due to the pressure of the fetus on the diaphragm of the mother, which is dangerous for both breathing.

For expectant mothers during all periods of gestation, and especially after 30 weeks, the child's posture is extremely useful, as it promotes the outflow of blood from the small pelvis, while not disturbing the usual respiratory cycle and without creating increased blood flow to the head.

In addition, there is some modification of the Adho Mukha Svanasana technique - the transition from static to dynamic. He is advised to expectant mothers up to 30 weeks: namely, walking on the most straightened legs and arms with the ischial bones raised up. But this, of course, is not yoga, but gymnastics for pregnant women!

The spiritual meaning of inverted asanas

What is so special about all the inverted yoga asanas that puts them almost on the same level with the prayer practices of Orthodoxy and Islam, in which being in the prostration position is the physical culmination of the believer's communion with God?

As the yoga masters themselves explain, by standing in an inverted position, a person changes the usual arrangement of organs, the most important of which are the head and heart.

It is the elevated position of the heart above the head in all inverted asanas that spiritual over intellectual and practical, and with regular repetition of practices and their complication - up to the daily performance of the classical posture of standing on the head (Shirshasana) - they lead a person to absolute spiritual leadership and at the same time harmony with his own body, which already acts as a supple and concise part of nature, and not as iron conqueror armor.


The Adho mukha svanasana technique does not belong to the simplest yoga exercises, therefore not everyone can master it in its classical form at once. However, this is a basic element, and if you want to continue yoga further and learn new asanas, you definitely need to master all the subtleties of this posture. And when you consider how many health benefits you will get by repeating “Downward Dog” every day at least once, and preferably more often, then rest assured: you will not have to regret the efforts spent!

Inverted postures in yoga are the essence of asana practice. They reverse the natural gravitational force, massage the organs, help eliminate toxins, slow down aging, and refresh the mind and body. These include adho mukha svanasana, that is, the “downward-facing dog” pose. Adho means down, Mukha means face, Shvana means dog. The downward facing dog pose in yoga is an inverted pose with support on the hands. Difficulty: medium.

What does it look like anatomically?

The figure below shows which muscles work.

Hands, broadest - backs, large gluteal, biceps thighs, as well as gastrocnemius. But that's not all. The rectus femoris anterior muscle and the serratus anterior, which holds the ribs, are not marked here. They should be prepared so that the downward facing dog does not cause discomfort.

Warm up

From a sitting position (dandasana pose), smoothly on the exhale we move into paschimottanasana (Paschimottanasana). It will help to easily and evenly, as far as your physical capabilities, make the already mentioned muscles more elastic. The curve of the back is very intense. But don't let it hurt you.

The performance of the asana should be according to your strength. Paschima means west in Sanskrit and Uttana means intense stretch. Paschimottanasana stretches the back of your body, mainly your spine, hips, and back of your legs. If you're facing stiffness in your hamstrings and not being able to fully stretch them forward, don't fret. You can use a thick blanket and sit on the edge to relieve tension in your back and legs. It will support the pelvis and spine in a straight position. First you need to exhale and bend down to your feet. The shoulders and neck are relaxed. At the initial stage, you can stay in this position for about 15 to 30 seconds. Breathing is free, but on a slow breath, you should calmly return to the starting position sitting.

The next step is the initial pose

Balasana - the child's pose - also prepares the body for the direct implementation of the desired asana (downward-facing dog pose).

Balasana will completely relax the body, remove all clamps. This asana will relieve tension in the lower back, stretch the spine, massage the abdominal organs, relieve leg fatigue, and improve blood circulation.

transitional posture

The photo shows how the transition continues. As you can see, the emphasis is on three points: on the toes, knees and wrists with palms.


Then straighten your knees and pull your pelvis towards your heels. The neck should be kept parallel to the spine. Very important: spread your fingers apart and press the pads on the floor, as shown in the photo below.

This initial phase of the plank will serve as a transition in order to get the correct downward dog pose.

Next action

Leaning on your hands, take a step or two forward. Feel the tension in the tendons under your knees? You can stop and help yourself with a chair. See photo.

Some do it better, but not quite.

New stage

The head and neck are relaxed. The head is between the hands. The legs are extended to the maximum, and the feet are firmly on the floor, and the bones of the seat are raised to the ceiling. This difficult position for a beginner can be eased by focusing on the back of the chair.

Then the buttocks are not the main holder of the body, but the back is straight and the legs too. There is no significant emphasis on the hands, the wrists do not experience a strong load. With the help of devices, a beginner can perform this inverted pose in stages. Later, a person from a pose (similar to the beginning of the bujangasana cobra pose) will calmly, without tension, straightening his legs and arms, pull the pelvic bones up. Gradually straightening up, finish the exercise standing (tadasana).

For advanced - the classic version

So, downward facing dog pose. How to do it according to all the rules? Sitting in balasana or, as it is also called, adho mukha virasana, you should tuck your toes, raise your heels and knees from the floor. Then stretch your arms at the elbows and legs at the knees. The fingers are spread, pointing forward and well pressed to the floor. Rest your palms on the floor and push off from it. Arms and torso should become one line. Relax the neck, the head without tension is between the hands. Stretching your legs and stretching your hamstrings, lift your sitting bones up toward the ceiling. The body resembles an inverted Latin letter Λ.

Arms, torso and legs are completely straight. The abdomen, neck and head are completely relaxed. You are still standing on your toes. Emphasis "slide", the pose of a dog with a muzzle down, does not fundamentally differ from adho mukha svanasana. Slowly lower yourself onto your heels and bring your head closer to the floor. Breathe slowly. If you are no longer in an even position, then raise your heels again and do not lower your head below the level of your hands. Stay in the asana for 30 seconds - one minute. Exhaling, lower yourself into the child's position and rest, relax. Here's how to do Downward Facing Dog Pose correctly. If you are not tired, then with a sigh rise to tadasana.

Benefits of Downward Facing Dog Pose

General positive effects:

  • Eliminates fatigue and returns energy.
  • Strengthens the ankles and improves the shape of the legs.
  • Improves brain function by increasing blood supply to the head and face.
  • Increases mobility of the back, removes pain in the lumbar region.

Therapeutic effect: the asana is useful in diseases such as bronchitis, menstrual disorders, prostate disorders, uterine displacement, kidney disease, colitis, deformity of the legs, stoop, spurs on the heels, shortness of breath.

Upward looking dog or Urdwa ("raised") mukha svanasana

This position resembles a sipping dog with its head up, which is why it got its name. If the goal is to distribute extension across the entire back, then the chest should be used more and the lumbar and cervical regions less involved. This backward bend with support on the hands is a pose of an average level of difficulty.

Lie on your stomach, hands should lie along the body, connect your legs and heels together, turn your head to one side. Place your hands directly under your shoulders. Beginners often hunch over. It is not right. Press firmly on your palms and lift yourself up, even if it seems that there is no strength. In fact, this option is lighter than the crooked one. All attention is to the gluteal muscles. Starting the exercise, squeeze them. Expand your chest by lifting your sternum up. Do not squeeze the ribs with your hands. Keep your knees and calves tight. Reach up instead of pushing off the floor. The weight should be distributed on the wrists and legs. Relax them, and the energy will begin to rise through the channels from the bottom up, passing along the spine.

The hips are pulled back a little, as if you are about to crawl under a fence.

What to look out for

The knees should remain straight so that the muscles in the back of the thighs pull the back of the pelvis down, strengthening the buttocks. There should be no feeling of tightness in the lower back. Beginners can put their knees on the floor.


The downward facing dog pose is the "exhalation pose". Its opposite was the upward looking dog pose, which is clearly associated with the expansion of the chest during inhalation. Holding the posture for several breaths allows the exhalation to increase the extension of the thoracic region, while the inhalation contributes to the stability of the lumbar and cervical regions.

General results of the action of the pose:

  • Improves and rejuvenates the spine.
  • Eliminates pain in the lumbar region.
  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvic region.

Therapeutic implications:

  • This pose is useful in case of displacement or prolapse of the spinal disc, lumbago or sciatica, stoop.
  • It helps with bronchial asthma, kidney disease, arthritis of the shoulder joints, scoliosis, and infertility.

Now we have looked at how to properly perform the "up dog" (and down too), and discussed whether there is any benefit from these asanas.

Regular training is the key to the proper development of the dog. They help strengthen muscles and bones, as well as train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load. Especially when it comes to small breed dogs. The state of health and age of the animal is also important. To facilitate the task, we offer a selection of exercises for dogs of small breeds of different age categories.

When choosing a set of exercises for your pet, you should focus not on size, but on breed and body type. If the animal has well-developed muscles, it needs regular physical activity. These include dogs of such breeds as toy fox terrier, norwich terrier, miniature pinscher, bichon, bolognese ... They are characterized by high activity and excellent hunting inclinations.

As exercises for such small dog breeds, it is best to choose:

  1. Walks for 10-15 minutes in a park or garden in areas with dense soil. Stepping on a dense surface, the puppy will learn to "collect his fingers in a ball."
  2. Alternating fast and slow walking pace. The intensity of the fast pace should be determined based on the fact that during the movement the puppy does not go into a gallop, straining all his strength to the maximum. Gallop during training of small dogs should be used only as a way to get emotional release.
  3. Long jumps and jumping over low obstacles. These exercises perfectly improve coordination of movements and strengthen the muscles of the hind legs and back well.

If we talk about graceful representatives of decorative breeds such as Chinese Crested, Rabbit Dachshund, Papillon, Pomeranian ... Such babies require a minimum set of movements in order to keep their muscles in good shape and at the same time feel quite comfortable.

The main thing for them is communication with the owner and their own kind, an abundance of information that you can “collect” with your own nose, and, of course, a quiet rest. And since dogs do not receive information like humans do, to satisfy their informational hunger in the form of new sounds, smells, and flickering objects, it is important to regularly take them out for at least short walks.

But it is worth remembering that regardless of the breed, ligaments are always vulnerable in growing dogs. Any kind of overload can adversely affect the condition of the joints. And therefore, until the period of growth is over, no big loads can be given.

The best way to determine the best option is to focus on the well-being of the puppy. He should not come from a walk tired. Ideally, after a short break, he should have a bite to eat and demonstrate a desire to continue playing with the owner.

There should not be another extreme, in which the puppy, even after crossing the threshold of the house, continues to jump, demanding the continuation of the fun. This indicates that the baby "did not finish the walk." Regular low activity leads to the fact that the puppy begins to "spread out in breadth". The reason lies in the fact that the musculature of puppies is still weak and prone to obesity.

Exercises for an adult dog

Young dogs are considered to be animals from 2 to 8 years old. Walking on a leash and swimming can provide sufficient physical activity. Exercise for small breed dogs in this age range should focus on keeping the core muscles toned.

This approach will protect tendons and ligaments from microtraumas that are so common in small animals.

Some mistakenly believe that walks without a leash are a win-win option in this regard for small dogs, when the animal itself sets its own pace of movement.

In fact, according to the research of the leading American cynologist Rachel Paige Elliott, the muscle corset develops best when taking regular walks on a leash, but using different rates of movement. This is due to the fact that running in "free flight", the animal loads its body to a minimum, since by its nature it is very rational both in actions and in movements.

For adult dogs, time for a morning and evening walk should be allocated at least 15 minutes. When walking a dog on a leash, it is worth moving at such a pace that the animal moves at a fast trot without stopping. In addition to the development of the muscular corset, such an exercise creates an aerobic load aimed at maintaining the work of the cardiovascular system.

Walking activities

Before starting physical exercises, it is worth giving the opportunity to walk the animal on its own in order to defecate and run a little in a mode convenient for it. An interesting fact: in order for a dog to completely empty his bladder, he must raise his paw 10 to 12 times during a walk.

Classes for small dogs should not be complicated by heavy tasks. A long run over long distances should be replaced with a complex of several short-term exercises.

  1. Apporting is a fun game based on the “seek/give/fetch” commands. It is aimed at accustoming the animal to grab and return the retrieval object to the owner. To involve the dog in this venture, you must first draw attention to the toy, and then throw it a short distance from you. When the dog grabs the object, make him release the burden from his mouth. To do this, bring an open palm to the muzzle and say a confident “give”.
  2. Movement on an inclined surface. During such an exercise, the muscles of the hips and shoulder girdle work well, but the joints and ligaments may suffer. To minimize the risk, the inclined surface should be used specifically for lifting up. It is better to go down the most gentle slope. If the animal wants to pick up the pace, let it do so.
  3. shallow water games. Running in low water well develops the muscles of the back and forearms, but the risk of injury to the animal's joints is reduced to zero. In addition, swimming and playing in shallow water teach the animal to breathe with its mouth closed. If the dog is initially afraid to go into the water, do not deliberately push it. It is better to first throw your favorite toy at the very water and go ankle-deep into the water yourself - the dog is at first cautious, and then will gladly follow the owner.

Any physical exercise should please, not exhaust the animal. When choosing tasks, remember that during training, the heart should not experience excessive stress.

Puller games

When training for small dogs, it is convenient to use a puller. A training projectile in the form of a ring flies well and rolls on the ground, does not sink in water. It is convenient for the animal to take the puller in the teeth without fear of injuring the teeth and gums, or to wear it around the neck. For dogs of small breeds, it is worth choosing products “S” in size D19 cm. They are available as sets of two identical rings in bright colors.

Puller exercises:

  • Throw or launch the ring on the ground. The dog will gladly chase him and bring him back.
  • If the dog has a strong grip on the ring, try to lift the projectile off the ground along with the "trailer".
  • A game of ring tug between dog and owner. In a fit of excitement, the dog may growl, but this is not a manifestation of anger.

When working with this simulator, remember that the puller is not intended for independent dog games. Chased a pet on the street, came home - put it away from your eyes.

Loads for "oldies"

Age dogs include animals 10 years and older. For them, it is worth choosing a special mode. This is due to the fact that in the second half of life in animals, mobility decreases, problems with coordination appear more often, orientation, vision and hearing worsen.

The volume of selected loads should provide sufficient mobility of the animal. It includes daily walks 2-3 times lasting from 15 minutes, depending on the state of health and mood of the dog. It is better to do this in the evening and morning hours. The heat on older dogs is debilitating.

Hydrotherapy helps a lot: swimming, playing in shallow water. The only condition is to keep the water temperature comfortable for the animal.

If during the walk and exercise the animal begins to cough or lose his breath, this indicates that you are giving him an overwhelming task. If symptoms such as loss of orientation or blurred vision appear, always keep an eye on the dog during the walk. It is better to walk him on a leash with a long harness, away from roads and accompanied by a sighted partner.

In addition to well-chosen exercises for older dogs, a low-calorie diet should be followed. A balanced diet will prevent the development of obesity, so characteristic of this age.

Downward facing dog exercise

Adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog... Are you familiar with yoga, dear readers? Experts recommend this asana for men and women with inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, as an auxiliary exercise for bronchitis, colitis, kidney disease, stoop and shortness of breath.

This exercise is the basic fundamental yoga pose. I can not say that the pose to be done is natural. Imagine that you are standing head down, stretching your body in different directions, depicting a stretching dog, which, unlike a person, really enjoys this pose ...
Downward facing dog is the name of this exercise and refers to the inverted yoga poses. What does Adho Mukha Svanasana literally mean? "Adho" - translated as - to lower down, "mukha" - face and "shvana" - a dog.

So it turns out: an exercise dog with a muzzle down, relying on hands, which experts attribute to an exercise of medium difficulty.

What are the Benefits of Downward Facing Dog Exercise?

This exercise refers to inverted postures or asanas. Their strength is that they change the gravitational force, being in a position upside down, the entire gravity of gravity falls on the head.

Improves blood circulation . The head in this position is below the level of the heart. This exercise brings the same benefits as a headstand or a stand on the shoulder blades - birch, only it is a little easier to perform. Exercise increases the process of blood movement through the vessels, ensuring its flow to the brain.

This means that it improves not only the supply of oxygen to the cells of the head, but also activates the metabolism (nutrition), and the removal of toxins and decay products. Healthy cells of the body strengthen their protective functions, immunity increases and pressure normalizes.

Strengthens upper body muscles. The adho mukha svanasana pose stretches the muscles of the upper back and chest, gradually relieving tension in them. In this position, the muscles of the arms and shoulders are trained and strengthened.

Strengthens and tightens leg muscles which is very important in our sedentary lifestyle. As a rule, there is stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, which affects the health of the urinary-genital system. Asana dog face down creates static tension from the buttocks to the calf muscles, strengthens the quadriceps.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles. This exercise is considered one of the best in strengthening the muscles of the core (group of the hip-femoral region) and the abdomen. During the contraction of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, a natural stimulation of the internal organs and intestines occurs, which has a positive effect on the digestion process.

Strengthens the muscles and joints of the hands and feet. In the adho mukha svanasana pose, the feet and palms experience weight bearing, for people who are professionally engaged in yoga, this is an important point, since the exercise strengthens the Achilles tendon, toes and arch of the foot, joints and muscles of the metacarpus and wrist.

Strengthens joints and bones. Downward facing dog exercise creates static tension in the arms and legs and increases blood circulation, helping to strengthen the joints and bone structure. Therefore, it is considered a good prevention of osteoporosis. This exercise is especially useful for people who spend most of their working time sitting at a desk.

Relieves stress. Downward facing dog pose stretches the cervical spine, relieving tension from it. This helps relieve stress. Blood flow to the cerebral cortex:

  • beneficial effect on the nervous system,
  • relieves fatigue and headaches,
  • relieve depression and insomnia
  • improves memory and concentration.

Develops conscious breathing. In this posture, a person can concentrate on breathing, which is an important point when performing yogic asanas. Conscious breathing heals the body, regulates the work of all organs and systems, improves well-being.

Removes compression from the spine. Downward facing dog asana is also used as a stretch after strength training, since the whole body (arms, legs, tendons) is stretched, and not just the back. It is an excellent exercise for relieving compression from the spine - squeezing and pinching the nerve roots.

Therapeutic value of asana: This asana is recommended as an auxiliary exercise for bronchitis, menstrual disorders, prostate disease, female inflammation, colitis, kidney disease, stoop and shortness of breath.

Exercise technique

Warm-up and execution of the initial pose

Sit on the mat, stretch your legs forward. Take a deep breath and as you exhale bend over and place your head on your knees. Stretch your arms forward and close your fingers behind the soles of your feet. Stretch to the best of your ability, do not bring yourself to pain, everything to the best of your ability and abilities.

The muscles of the legs, hips, back are stretched. Try to relax and de-stress as much as possible. Breathing is even and calm, you can stay in this position from 15 seconds to 1 minute. Return to the starting position on a slow breath.

A good preparation for the downward facing dog asana exercise can be the child's pose (balasana), which can be considered as the initial pose. Look at the photo (on the right) and try to remove all the clamps while doing this asana. The child's pose relieves tension in the back, stretches the spine, improves blood circulation and relieves leg fatigue.

Transitional plank pose

Look at the photos of how the transition is made, in which the emphasis is on 3 points: palms, knees and toes (photo on the left, below).

Straighten your knees and move into a Plank stance. Keep your head down, keep your neck straight. The fingers should be spread apart so that the emphasis is on the wrist, and not on the fingers. Performing the Planck exercise prepares the body for the correct execution of the downward facing dog asana (photo on the right, above).

For those who are bad, you can resort to the help of a chair and feel how the tendons under the knees should tighten.

Or focus on the back of a chair (for the untrained). The back of the chair relieves tension from the buttocks and arms, but the back and legs are straight. Using such devices, you will gradually learn how to correctly perform the dog with the muzzle down.

How do advanced

The arms at the elbows and knees are straight, the arms are a continuation of the line of the body, the fingers are spread apart. The head, neck and abdomen should be relaxed.

And the muscles work: arms, back, gluteal, thigh muscles and calf muscles. The asana is held for up to 1 minute, the dog is exited with the muzzle down on the exhale. It is better to lower yourself into a child's position, relax and rest.

Doing Downward Facing Dog Exercise During Pregnancy

☀ During pregnancy, the spine undergoes changes, adjusting to the development of the fetus inside the abdomen. Tightness and immobility of the spine, at some point bring inconvenience, discomfort, fatigue, aching pain.

☀ Exercise dog muzzle down during pregnancy, allows you to relieve tension from the vertebrae, relaxes muscles, balances feelings and thoughts. Forward bends train the muscles of the back, making them stronger and more elastic, which is useful for a woman after the birth of a child, when it will need to be carried in her arms.

☀ Exercise helps to relax the cervical and thoracic spine, creating tension in the muscles of the legs, strengthens them, making them stronger.

☀ At all stages of pregnancy, put your legs wider than usual.

☀ If you have difficulty keeping your back and legs straight, then you can bend your knees or put your hands on a chair pushed up against the wall (so that it does not move).

☀ Do not raise the pelvic bones too high, otherwise the fetus will put pressure on the lungs and it will be difficult to breathe.

Contraindications and warnings concerning all people

When performing the exercise, monitor your well-being. At the slightest discomfort, switch to the lighter variation described above. Perform the exercise with your hands on a chair.

It is forbidden to perform the downward facing dog exercise for people:

  • with shortness of breath, all who have high blood pressure,
  • with heart diseases and exacerbation of osteochondrosis,
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and other vascular diseases,
  • epilepsy and glaucoma,
  • diseases of the retina, sinusitis and otitis media.
  • Pregnant women are not recommended to perform this exercise between 28 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, due to the strong pressure on the diaphragm, which can interfere with breathing.
  • This exercise is unacceptable for rhinitis (pregnant runny nose).

Upward facing dog exercise - Urdva mukha svanasana

This exercise, the upward facing dog is very much like a stretching dog with its head up. This is the maximum bending of the back with emphasis on the arms.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, while turning your head to the side, legs straight connected together. Place the palms of the hands directly under the shoulders, lift the upper part of the body up to the outstretched arms. Pull your whole body up. The gluteal muscles, hips and knees are tense. Keep your body weight on your wrists and the top of your metatarsus. Keep your knees straight, there should be no pain in the spine.

Benefits of exercise:

  • Fights pain in the lumbar region and eliminates it.
  • Heals and rejuvenates the spine, making it more mobile.
  • Activates blood circulation in the pelvic bones.
  • Useful for displacement of the spinal disc, stoop, lumbago, lumbar sciatica.
  • It is recommended for kidney disease, arthritis of the shoulder joints, infertility and scoliosis.

The Downward Dog and Upward Dog exercises develop the flexibility of the body and subsequently give a feeling of lightness throughout the body. Sometimes you even just want to stand in such a position, the body itself requires it. For beauty and health, there is another useful asana -.

Watch a short video on how to properly perform the downward facing dog asana:

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