The newest mod from Jove. Mods from Jove

We are pleased to present to your attention an updated multipack from Jov, adapted for update 1.4. The assembly includes mods that are loved by many, which are organically supplemented with such useful features as displaying damage in battle chat, connecting with an armor penetration calculator, and calculating statistics on the WN8 scale. In addition, the authors have again returned the WOT TWEAKER PLUS utility to the modpack, which optimizes the game client for working on weak computers and laptops.

In addition, the following innovations are worthy of close attention:

  • Automatic selection of equipment for battle.
  • Intelligent skins with penetration zones.
  • A function that notifies that the tank has overturned.
  • New voiceovers for the Sixth Sense perk.
  • Historical mod for ART-SAU fans.

However, first things first.

Exclusive from Jove

World of Tanks is rightfully one of the most popular online games today. The beloved toy has many truly cool and professional players, including JOVE. On this moment, this is one of the most skillful tankers who continues to delight his fans not only with combat achievements, but also with the regular release of a multipack. It should be noted that Jov makes his own additions to the basic installer to make the modpack useful and interesting a large number players. Such additions include:

  • Practical aiming interface. There are pointing angle limiters here, which ensures high efficiency and comfort of shooting.
  • Redesigned sniper mode. Here the annoying darkening on the sides has disappeared, the transition from standard aiming mode to sniper mode is instantaneous.
  • Damage received indicator. The icon looks very practical and does not obstruct the view.
  • "Sixth Sense". Many are already tired of admiring the standard light bulb, notifying that the tank is in the light. The assembly contains 10 alternative options visualization of this perk.
  • The voice acting for detecting an enemy tank and critical damage to internal modules has changed.
  • The body of the modpack includes a commander’s camera, which allows you to better assess the situation on the random fields.
  • The textures of destroyed tanks are painted white. This option greatly simplifies targeting enemies who decide to take cover behind the car's corpse.
  • The classic tank development tree has been restored.
  • The fog that bothered many people, which made it difficult to shoot at long distances, has been removed from the game maps.
  • The body of the multipack contains programs for recording replays and increasing FPS.

The modpack is compactly packaged in the body of the installer, the user only has to select and install the necessary functions.

What's included in the assembly?

The modpack traditionally includes a wide range of informative sights, which are used by all famous World of Tanks players. In particular, here are the author's sights:

In addition, you can install the following informative sights:

  • Minimalistic.
  • With turquoise design.
  • TAIPAN (for art-sau).
  • Sword of Damocles (for artillery tanks).

The sights are customizable, so they are organically complemented by an armor penetration calculator and an information circle.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the following combat utilities that will help increase your effectiveness:

  • Marker showing the direction of fire.
  • Removing shadows when switching to sniper mode.
  • Blocking random shots at teammates and destroyed equipment.
  • Own tank reservation calculator.
  • Corrected rangefinder operation.
  • Increased rendering time for the Sixth Sense icon.
  • Displays the direction of enemy tank barrels (the mod drains FPS and is therefore not recommended for use on older computers).
  • Rendered 15 meter circle allowing for effective bush shooting.

Useful mods include pointing angle limiters. The user can choose from the following options: corner, standard and wide semicircle.

The following mods are also worthy of attention:

  1. Information panels: simple and color version, recharge time and viewing radius.
  2. Damage panels. The interface offered is from the following players: ZAYAZ, MARSOFF, GAMBITER, JOVE.
  3. Game chat: an archive of messages is now available, information about the vehicle being illuminated is displayed in the general chat.
  4. A bell notifying that an enemy tank has suffered critical damage.

By downloading a collection of mods from Jove for version 1.4.1, you can significantly change the familiar interface of the game client, making it more convenient. The following mods were created for this:

  • Remote camera mode, allowing you to better assess the combat situation.
  • Prohibition of switching between normal and sniper modes with the mouse wheel.
  • Disabling the shaking camera when the tank is hit.
  • Stepwise variable sniper scope with 16x zoom.
  • Disabling unnecessary images and inscriptions on tanks.
  • Changing the textures of destroyed cars and railway cars.
  • Multi-colored penetration marks.
  • Standout railway platforms.
  • Downed caterpillars displayed in white.

Changes also affected the hangar. A multi-level carousel of tanks, a clock, detailed session statistics, server ping, detailed description crew skills. It should be noted that this is far from full list functionality of the modpack from Jove. However, it is better to download the assembly and see for yourself the usefulness of the proposed mods.

Download mods from Jove 1.4.1

The modpack has been updated to JovesModPack 1.4.1 v35 Extended:
* compatible with micropatch 1.4.1 dated March 18, 2019
* other minor fixes

Updated (5-02-2019, 18:48): version 42 for World of Tanks 1.4

Today we will look at the popular collection of mods from JOVE 1.4.
Most gamers have at least once tried to play with various tricks. Hacked accounts, installed, unblocked engineering menus. IN online game Such actions are strictly suppressed. The punishment is usually complete removal account. But, on the other hand, it is allowed to introduce additional modifications to improve certain qualities or parameters. Legal methods can significantly improve game process. The popular tank simulator was no exception.

The greatest interest is in mods for world of tanks 1.4 from Jov.

More functional than standard sight. In tank or tank destroyer mode there is an option. Do you want to see the color of the driver’s eyes? No problem! This is, of course, a joke. But “aiming” the viewing slit of a heavy IS or getting into the “ear” will become easy and simple. Interfaces have changed, both in the hangar and in battle. An excellent medicine for a wounded soul is the damage counter. He displays his data directly during the battle.

“Deer” “merged” like the last “crayfish”? But, during the battle I dealt 1000 HP of damage. And this is visible immediately, and not in the final result. Let them try to blame me for not doing anything for common benefit».

It's just small part various "goodies". You can find out more by downloading the application using this link. Install it and appreciate the skills of the developers.

What is the collection of mods from Jove?

Interesting point - collection of mods for world of tanks 1.4 from jove is a regular program. The distribution package is received, the installer is launched, and during the installation process, those items that are required for a comfortable game are selected. Do not forget that everyone makes mistakes, so it is not surprising if shortcomings are discovered in the future. There is no need to worry, all errors are promptly corrected by the “modders”.
A common question that arises among “tankers”: “Will the mods from the previous update carry over to the next one?” Alas, you can’t cheat like that. For each new patch, you will need to download the latest modifications (or master programming and rewrite the program code for yourself).

One more nuance. If in old version If you have already used any add-ons, then it is better to remove the client program. Reinstall the game (use the full installation package). This step is needed to avoid conflicts between mods. Otherwise, trouble may arise. Imagine that in the middle of a difficult battle, when you are surrounded by enemies, the game freezes. Or you will be kicked out of the program.

Review of mod assembly from Jove

Unzip the archive and run the installer. Then follow the prompts. Afterwards, check the list of mods that are interesting to you and that you want to install on your WOT client.

Hello dear players of worldoftanks We invite you to download and use the excellent build from the famous Job!

There's a new one in front of you Modpack Jove to the patch .

We have collected the best for you Fashion World of Tanks - from smart sights and interfaces to damage panels and programs for raising FPS on weak PCs.

Plus, about ten new mods are waiting for you in this patch!

Jove has released his updated collection of modifications for WorldofTanks The most necessary mods that every tanker needs to become the best in WorldofTanks are waiting for you inside the material. This ModPack from Joves is official: version "JovesModPack_ _v36.6_Extended.” Jove in his build 1 constantly includes the best mods that will help every tanker. He also added new skins to Japanese tanks, you can download this ModPak below. Your FPS will increase from 5 to 11.
The assembly from Jove also includes a reindeer meter for world of tanks from jov.

Update1.0.0.3 It turned out to be very compact, but interesting. The tank models and game mechanics were improved, new maps were added, and the quality of the game was improved.

A new branch of "Italian tanks" has been added.

assembly script:

The collection of modifications comes in the form of an exe file, by running which you can choose what to install and what to skip. But I assure you that each mod is important in its own way and thanks to the collection you will significantly increase the information content and convenience of the game. Here is another collection of mods for Games World Of Tanks - this time for the WoT patch1.0.0.3 .Forty-five of the most convenient and useful modifications to our game are waiting for you - from sights and markers to skins with penetration zones and programs for increasing FPS.

Soon Joves will release a video where you will find not only a description of useful mods, but also detailed instructions How to install these mods. The assembly also includes a deer gauge for your choice of wn8 or RE.

We hope that you will like our collection of mods from "Jove".

Modpack includes:

1. Convenient sights:

  • Like Job.
  • Minimalistic.
  • Turquoise.
  • Flash Sight.
  • Amway921 sight.
  • Murazor's sight.
  • Desertod's sight.
  • White sight.
  • Mjolnir sight.
  • Sight a la Ghost Recon.
  • Super sight from MeltyMap.
  • Art sight" Sword of Damocles".
  • Art sight "TAIPAN".
  • Mixing like K. Oreshkin's.
  • Alignment with the angle of entry of the projectile.

2. Horizontal Aiming Angles:

  • Corner.
  • A large semicircle.
  • From MeltyMap.
  • In a semicircle.

3. Useful little things in battle:

  • Removing dirt from snipe. sight.
  • Firing direction indicator.
  • Disable random shooting.
  • Rangefinder adjustment.
  • Your armor calculator.
  • Increasing the display time of the "Sixth Sense" picture.
  • The direction of the trunks on the minimap (strongly affects FPS) .
  • Circle 15 meters from the tank.

4. Information panel of the selected target:

  • Reloading and review.
  • Simple panel.
  • Color panel .

5. Damage panel:

  • Like Job. With display of equipment and type of shells.
  • Panel from GambitER.
  • Panel from marsoff.
  • Combat interface from player zayaz .

6. Cooldown time in battle chat:

  • Recharge time alerts.
  • Message history.
  • Message "I'm overexposed.

7. Critical bell.

8. Moving the camera away:

  • NoScroll - the wheel does not switch to sniper mode.
  • 4-stage sniper scope (X16).
  • Disable dynamic camera shake.

9. Change in appearance:

  • Disabling camouflages and inscriptions.
  • Skins with penetration zones (for all tanks).
  • Bright railway platforms on maps.
  • White downed caterpillars.
  • Colored shell hit decals.
  • "White corpses" of tanks and carriages .

10. Increased visibility range:

11. Improvements in the hangar:

  • Game session statistics.
  • Vertical development tree.
  • List of tanks in 2-3-4 rows.
  • Displays the level of battles in the platoon.
  • Server ping display.
  • Detailed Descriptions skills and abilities.
  • Watch.
  • Improved list of main battles.
  • Remembering the last server .

12. Comprehensive XVM mod:

  • Alternative vehicle markers.
  • “Stars” are markers of light in the ears of the enemy team.
  • Mini-map with sonar - tracking enemies.
  • Personal damage log.
  • Red brake light "Sixth Sense".
  • Voice acting of "The Sixth Sense" .
  • Voiceover of the timer 10 seconds after the light.
  • Alto. tank icons in the team's ears .
  • Alto. vehicle markers + focus/target defense markers.
  • Number of HP commands in the ears (can reduce FPS) .
  • Seven different pictures of the Sixth Sense perk .

13. WoT Tweaker Plus - a program to increase FPS.

14. Alt. mini-map from the Euro server.

15. Mod for video streaming on


Before asking a question in the comments, please read the FAQ in the installer carefully.
Installation method:

  1. Launch the installer.
  2. Before installation, it will prompt you to clear the res_mods\1.0 folder
  3. Select the necessary mods by ticking them.
  4. Perform installation .

How to turn on the deer meter?

We go to the official website of the reindeer hunter on the right in the corner, click log in, they will ask for your personal data from wargaming, enter it, go into the game and enjoy the reindeer surveyor.

Extended Modpack Jove V36.6 Extendedto patch 1.0. 0.3 Absolutely new exclusive mega-mod!

We present to you a unique collection of mods for WoT 1.4 from Jove. In addition to the presented mods, this assembly also includes other small but convenient things, for example, a special WN8 counter that will work during the battle, useful efficiency stars that highlight players, a damage log and a sight that shows the given armor. It is worth highlighting the return special program, which allows you to disable any effects - Wot Tweaker Plus. Thus, you will be able to run your favorite game again on ancient computers or laptops, because the FPS will increase noticeably!

Features of the mod from Jove for World of Tanks 1.4

Here is the list new mods included in the assembly:
— A mod that helps with choosing a tank (this happens automatically).
— Mod “Penetration skins”.
— Mod reporting the coup.
— A mod that adds new sounds that will appear in the “Light Bulb” section.
— A unique mod that will definitely appeal to fans of historicity or, for example, self-propelled guns.
Mods from Jove, intended for this game, which is rightfully considered one of the most popular in the MMO genre, must be respected if only for the reason that this player is a professional in this field, his level has reached one.

Changes that are already included in its build

1. A unique, convenient sight that has aiming angles. The process of aiming with such a sight brings only pleasant emotions.
2. No disturbing darkening in sniper mode. In recent updates, even the delays for this function have disappeared!
3. A small counter of the damage inflicted on the tank.
4. More than 10 design options for the indicator, called “6 senses”.
5. Sounds (voice calculation of enemies and critical damage).
6. Possibility of moving the camera further away. This transforms the battlefield and gives you an advantage.
7. White models appear in place of tanks that were destroyed by your team. The mod simplifies the further process of combat in this territory.
8. Classic research is back.
9. The fog that interfered with combat has been removed.
10. Addition unique programs: WOT Tweaker and also Replays Manager. This way, you will have the opportunity to play on weak computers (program 1) and view recordings of past games (program 2).
The new build from Jov includes a lot of innovations, but first we should discuss other points. The fact is that the assembly was assembled into one unpacking program, you can select specific modifications. It is also worth noting the speed of appearance of this assembly, because it was released right the next day after the release of this patch. Now let's look at the mods themselves.

Mods included in the extended version

- “Stars.” They show the statistics of each player.
- “Deer Measuring.” This mod helps analyze the statistics of a specific player (battles, win percentage, etc.).
- “Zoom X25”. It has been significantly improved and bugs have been fixed.
— “Armor calculator.” This innovation concerns the sight and shows the penetration of a projectile taking into account armor.
— “Counter WN8.” It displays the progress of efficiency during the battle.
— “Projectile indicator.” You can find him during the battle in the Zayaz panel.
We also note the correction of errors regarding compatibility with Personal Combat Missions.

Mods from JOVE 1.4 and a few words

All available mods can be divided into groups according to their purpose. They contain unique components.
1. Mod for sights
- specially from Job;
— turquoise sight;
- Amway921;
— Flash sight;
— minimalistic;
— “Mjolnir”;
- Desertod's sight;
— sight from MeltyMap;
- Desertod's sight;
- "Sword of Damocles";
— A sight aligned with the angle of the projectile.

2. Mod to improve the combat process
— Cleaning the sight;
— An indicator that reveals the direction of fire;
— Tank armor calculator;
— Rangefinder adjustment;
— Changing the showing time of “The Sixth Sense”;
— The direction of the trunks located on the map;
— 15-meter circle.

3. Mod for aiming
— Special from MeltyMap;
- corner;
- in a semicircle;
- in a huge semicircle.

4. Mod for a panel displaying information
— Simplification of the panel;
— Color design;
— Adding review and even reloading.

5. Battle chat mod
— Appearance great history;
— adding the message “Lighted!”

6. Damage panel mod
— From marsoff;
— From GambitER;
- From Job;
— From Zayaz.

7. Mod for the sound of crit (bell)

8. Camera mod
— The ability to reprogram the wheel so that it does not go into sniper mode;
— Correction of camera shake;
— Special X16 sight (four-stage).

9. Improved designs of many things
— Disabling interfering inscriptions;
- skins with penetration zones;
- white tank models (this also applies to carriages);
— highlighting objects on maps, for example, railway platforms;
— colored decals from shells.

10. Visibility fix

11. Innovations in the hangar
— Statistics of battles, sessions, etc.;
— elaborated development tree;
- convenient and detailed list tanks;
- accurate ping;
- descriptions of absolutely all skills, as well as abilities;
— display of battle level;
- the appearance of a clock;
— display of the server on which the event took place last game;
— a list of battles that has been finalized (on the Civil Code).

12. Mod XVM
— The appearance of a special mini-map that includes sonar;
— an asterisk indicating how dangerous a certain player is in battle;
— Various markers: defenses, techniques and others;
— HP of the team (be careful with this factor, if you have a weak computer, the FPS may drop);
— the appearance of a log of damage that was caused by you personally;
- “sixth sense” pictures;
— a unique voice-over timer that activates at a certain time;
— voice acting of the several times mentioned “The Sixth Sense”.

13. Mod to increase the number of frames per second using the WoT Tweaker Plus program

14. A mini-map that moved into the game from European servers;

15. Mod for watching game replays using the program.

16. A mod that improves the streaming process on Twitch.

Important! All mods presented in the lists can seriously affect the number of frames displayed per second. A comfortable game is achieved when this indicator varies around 60 frames (this is most likely the maximum of your monitor). If you have a weak computer, then you may not be able to install some mods from the list. But luckily there is something for everyone!

Jove's mods, as already mentioned, include the best mods for WOT. IN new version new details of the combat interface have been added, new sights, voiceovers and all this in the extended version. By the way, “what is the difference between the extended version of mods from Jove and the basic version - usually?” - you ask. We answer: the extended version, in addition to all available mods in the basic version, adds a deer meter (XVM) for WOT, as well as a x25 zoom. They are not included in regular version only because WarGaming doesn’t really like XVM statistics mods, well, that’s how it works for them.

As for the zoom mod in the sniper scope, I have a x60 zoom mod for you! in sniper mode. Zoom x60, Karl! Download separately and hit the hummingbird’s ass from a distance of 1000 m! =)

As for weak computers and optimization of the modpack for them, everything is provided here too. Modpack from Jove (Modpack Jove) fits perfectly and works on not strong computers, and for very weak machines there is a WoT Tweaker Plus program with lightweight textures, which is included in the mods, or which can be downloaded from our website separately by clicking on the above link or by looking to the other mods section.

Changes to Mods from Jove (modpack Jove) for World of Tanks 43.0 from 03/19/2019:

XVM updated to latest version- correct operation in ranked battles;

Fixed viewing armor in the hangar;

Updated penetration skins;

Many small fixes:


Mods from Jove are a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for the game World of Tanks. Here are collected different sights, improved damage panels, light bulbs, aiming angles and much more. To install this collection of mods, you just need to download the installer from our website, then select the most interesting mods in your opinion and start installing.

It was always presented in two versions:

Mods from Jove extended version

Mods from Jove basic version

The extended version of the modpack differs only in the presence of an improved x25 zoom, as well as the included deer-measurement statistics; all other mods in it are the same as in the basic version. This is due to the fact that the Jova assembly is published on the official portal and is strongly supported by VG. But in order for all this to be done, there is one condition: the modpack should not have a reindeer measurer, since the developers do not really like it. That's why we have to wait for the release of the extended version of the Jove mod assembly a couple of days after the release of the basic one. But she's worth it.

After all, Job’s team always tries to make the modpack the most convenient for use, to achieve maximum information content with the slightest drop in FPS. This modpack will become an indispensable assistant for every tanker; it will help you survive and win in the most difficult battles. Once you install mods, you will certainly like them and you simply won’t want to continue playing without them.

The collection of mods from Jove for World of Tanks will replace the details of the game interface with better ones, adding many additional improvements and changes. You will have access to much more information about your opponent than before. As always, the collection will contain quite a few exclusives and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Job's superb sight.

Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.

Various damage panels.

Smart mini-maps, both in XVM and alternative.

Light bulbs "Sixth Sense" + voice acting for them.

Various voiceovers.

Informative markers.

Zoom mod.

Transparent camouflage skins and white corpses of tanks.

Increased viewing range on maps with fog removed.

Session statistics.

Wot Replays Manager is a program for working with replays.

WoT Tweaker - a program for increasing FPS by disabling various effects

After the update was released, more than 10 exclusive mods were added to the list of mods from Jove:

The best armor calculator at the moment, taking into account the angle of the projectile impact

Directions of enemy guns on the mini-map

Circle for shooting from invisibility from bushes

Mod white corpses of tanks and tracks

Improved x25 zoom in the sniper scope

Three new sights for HP tanks in the ears in two versions


To install a mod assembly you need to follow a few simple steps:

Some information about Jove:

Jove is a well-known specialist in his field, who, using his experience and skills, regularly assembles Modpack from Jove (Jove) for everyone’s favorite game World of Tanks, the current latest version

Jov successfully runs his official YouTube channel where he highlights and talks about his new builds for WOT

Many players have long loved the mod pack from Jov. And the secret of success is actually simple. Namely, the fact is that all the mods are selected only for personal experience during the game.

No one other than a player with vast experience and many battles can achieve such success. Expressing my gratitude to Jov, I myself use this collection of mods and recommend it to others.

Happy fighting and many victories in World of Tanks! Below is the advertisement! Thank you for your attention!

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