The earthly path of Amara Khayyam. Omar Khayyam and his poetic wisdom. Be happy now! Rubai. Poetry. Quotes. Aphorisms

Omar Khayyam devoted himself to the study of life itself. He studied a lot scientific work in such fields as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, but the world most of all remembers him as a poet, the author of rubai quatrains. Unfortunately, during Khayyam’s lifetime his extraordinary mind was not appreciated. They remembered him only in the 19th century, when world fame came to him.

In his rubai, Khayyam touches on questions about the meaning of life, chastity, happiness, love, friendship and, of course, his favorite drink - .

About life

- 1 -

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich. Sunset always follows dawn. Treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it was given to you on loan.

- 2 -

He who is beaten by life will achieve more. He who has eaten a pound of salt appreciates honey more. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who died knows that he lives!

- 3 -

“Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots. Having looked into myself, I was convinced of the lie: hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe, hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

- 4 -

Everything is bought and sold, and life openly laughs at us. We are indignant, we are indignant, but we are bought and sold.

- 5 -

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday’s losses, do not measure today’s deeds by tomorrow’s standard. Trust neither the past nor the future minute. Believe the current minute - be happy now!

About love

- 6 -

Yes, in a woman, as in a book, there is wisdom. Only the literate can understand its great meaning. And don’t be angry with the book if, ignorant, you couldn’t read it.

- 7 -

Flowers in one hand, a permanent glass in the other, feast with your beloved, forgetting about the entire Universe, until the tornado of death suddenly tears off the shirt of mortal life from you, like rose petals.

- 8 -

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion. A madman in love agrees to go to hell. Lovers don't care what they wear, what they lay on the ground, what they put under their heads.

- 9 -

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for his beloved, drags out his sad life without consolation. I consider days spent without the joys of love to be an unnecessary and hateful burden.

- 10 -

Loving and being loved is happiness. You protect from simple bad weather. And having taken the reins of love together eagerly in your hands, never let go, even while living apart...

About wine

- 11 -

They say that drunkards will go to hell. It's all nonsense! If drinkers were sent to hell, and all women lovers followed them there, your Garden of Eden would become empty as the palm of your hand.

- 12 -

Heart! Let the cunning people, conspiring together, condemn wine, saying that it is harmful. If you want to wash your soul and body, listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

- 13 -

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine - this is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else. Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise! So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

- 14 -

But wine teaches the same wisdom; on each cup there is a vital inscription: “Place your lips - and you will see the bottom!”

- 15 -

Wine is prohibited, but there are four but: it depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation. Subject to these four conditions, wine is permitted to all sane people.

Omar Khayyam devoted himself to the study of life itself. He did a lot of scientific work in such fields as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, but the world remembers him most as a poet, the author of rubai quatrains. Unfortunately, during Khayyam’s lifetime his extraordinary mind was not appreciated. They remembered him only in the 19th century, when world fame came to him.

In his rubai, Khayyam touches on questions about the meaning of life, chastity, happiness, love, friendship and, of course, his favorite drink - .

About life

- 1 -

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich. Sunset always follows dawn. Treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it was given to you on loan.

- 2 -

He who is beaten by life will achieve more. He who has eaten a pound of salt appreciates honey more. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who died knows that he lives!

- 3 -

“Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots. Having looked into myself, I was convinced of the lie: hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe, hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

- 4 -

Everything is bought and sold, and life openly laughs at us. We are indignant, we are indignant, but we are bought and sold.

- 5 -

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday’s losses, do not measure today’s deeds by tomorrow’s standard. Trust neither the past nor the future minute. Believe the current minute - be happy now!

About love

- 6 -

Yes, in a woman, as in a book, there is wisdom. Only the literate can understand its great meaning. And don’t be angry with the book if, ignorant, you couldn’t read it.

- 7 -

Flowers in one hand, a permanent glass in the other, feast with your beloved, forgetting about the entire Universe, until the tornado of death suddenly tears off the shirt of mortal life from you, like rose petals.

- 8 -

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion. A madman in love agrees to go to hell. Lovers don't care what they wear, what they lay on the ground, what they put under their heads.

- 9 -

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for his beloved, drags out his sad life without consolation. I consider days spent without the joys of love to be an unnecessary and hateful burden.

- 10 -

Loving and being loved is happiness. You protect from simple bad weather. And having taken the reins of love together eagerly in your hands, never let go, even while living apart...

About wine

- 11 -

They say that drunkards will go to hell. It's all nonsense! If drinkers were sent to hell, and all women lovers followed them there, your Garden of Eden would become empty as the palm of your hand.

- 12 -

Heart! Let the cunning people, conspiring together, condemn wine, saying that it is harmful. If you want to wash your soul and body, listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

- 13 -

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine - this is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else. Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise! So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

- 14 -

But wine teaches the same wisdom; on each cup there is a vital inscription: “Place your lips - and you will see the bottom!”

- 15 -

Wine is prohibited, but there are four but: it depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation. Subject to these four conditions, wine is permitted to all sane people.

Omar Khayyam, short biography who is presented in this article, was born in Nishapur on May 18, 1048. Nishapur is located in eastern Iran, in the cultural province of Khorasan. This city was a place where many people from various parts of Iran and even neighboring countries came to attend the fair. In addition, Nishapur is considered one of the main cultural centers that time in Iran. Since the 11th century, madrasahs - schools of higher and secondary types - have operated in the city. Omar Khayyam also studied in one of them.

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Khayyam's childhood and youth

Unfortunately, there is not enough information about them, as well as information about the lives of many famous people ancient times. Biography of Omar Khayyam in childhood and teenage years marked by the fact that he lived in Nishapur. There is no information about his family. The nickname Khayyam, as is known, means “tent maker”, “tent maker”. This allows researchers to make the assumption that his father was a representative of craft circles. The family, in any case, had sufficient funds to provide their son with a decent education.

His further biography was marked by training. Omar Khayyam first studied science at the Nishapur madrasah, which at that time was known as an aristocratic educational institution that prepared for civil service major officials. After this, Omar continued his education in Samarkand and Balkh.

Knowledge gained by Khayyam

He mastered many natural and exact sciences: geometry, mathematics, astronomy, physics. Omar also specially studied history, Koranic studies, theosophy, philosophy and a complex of philological disciplines, which was included in the concept of education at that time. He knew Arabic literature, was fluent in Arabic, and also knew the basics of versification. Omar was skilled in healing and astrology, and also studied music theory.

Khayyam knew the Koran perfectly by heart and could interpret any verse. Therefore, even the most prominent theologians of the East turned to Omar for consultations. His ideas, however, did not fit into Islam in its orthodox understanding.

First discoveries in mathematics

His further biography was marked by his first discoveries in the field of mathematics. Omar Khayyam made this science the main focus of his studies. At the age of 25 he makes his first discoveries in mathematics. In the 60s of the 11th century, he published a work on this science, which brought him the fame of an outstanding scientist. Patronage rulers begin to provide him with patronage.

Life at the court of Khakan Shams al-Mulk

The rulers of the 11th century competed with each other in the splendor of their retinue. They lured away educated courtiers. The most influential simply demanded famous poets and scientists to come to court. This fate did not spare Omar either. His biography was also noted for his service at court.

Omar Khayyam first conducted his scientific activities at the court of Prince Khakan Shams al-Mulk, in Bukhor. According to the testimony of chroniclers of the 11th century, the Bukhara ruler surrounded Omar with honor and even seated him on the throne next to him.

Invitation to Esfahan

By this time, the empire of the Great Seljuks had grown and established itself. Tughulbek, a Seljuk ruler, conquered Baghdad in 1055. He declared himself the ruler of the new empire, the sultan. The Caliph lost power, and this marked an era of cultural flourishing, called the Eastern Renaissance.

These events also affected the fate of Omar Khayyam. His biography continues with a new period. Omar Khayyam in 1074 was invited to the royal court to serve in the city of Isfahan. At this time, Sultan Malik Shah ruled. This year marked the beginning of a 20-year period of his fruitful scientific activity, which, according to the results achieved, turned out to be brilliant. At this time, the city of Isfahan was the capital of the Seljuk power, which extended from Mediterranean Sea to the borders of China.

Life at the court of Malik Shah

Omar became an honorary confidant of the great Sultan. According to legend, Nizam al-Mulk even offered him to rule Nishapur and the surrounding area. Omar said that he does not know how to prohibit and order, which is necessary to control people. Then the Sultan appointed him a salary of 10 thousand a year (a huge amount) so that Khayyam could freely engage in science.

Observatory management

Khayyam was invited to manage the palace observatory. The Sultan gathered the best astronomers at his court and allocated large sums for the purchase of expensive equipment. Omar was tasked with creating new calendar. In the 11th century Central Asia and Iran, there were 2 systems at the same time: solar and lunar calendars. Both of them were imperfect. By March 1079 the problem was solved. The calendar proposed by Khayyam was 7 seconds more accurate than the current Gregorian calendar (developed in the 16th century)!

Omar Khayyam conducted astronomical observations at the observatory. In his era, astronomy was closely connected with astrology, which in the Middle Ages was a science of practical necessity. And Omar was part of Malik Shah's retinue as his advisor and astrologer. His fame as a soothsayer was very great.

New achievements in mathematics

At the court in Isfahan, Omar Khayyam also studied mathematics. In 1077, he created a geometric work devoted to the interpretation of the difficult provisions of Euclid. For the first time, he gave an exhaustive classification of the main types of equations - cubic, square, linear (25 types in total), and also created a theory for solving cubic equations. It was he who first raised the question of the connection between the science of geometry and algebra.

For a long time, Khayyam’s books were unknown to European scientists who created non-Euclidean geometry and a new higher algebra. And they had to re-go through a difficult and long path, which had already been paved by Khayyam 5-6 centuries before them.

Philosophy classes

Khayyam also dealt with problems of philosophy, studying the scientific heritage of Avicenna. He translated some of his works into Farsi from Arabic, showing innovation, since at that time the Arabic language played the role of the language of science.

His first philosophical treatise was created in 1080 ("Treatise on Being and Ought"). Khayyam stated that he is a follower of Avicenna, and also expressed judgments about Islam from the perspective of Eastern Aristotelianism. Omar, recognizing the existence of God as the primary cause of existence, argued that the specific order of things is determined by the laws of nature, this is not at all the result of divine wisdom. These views were very different from Muslim dogma. In the treatise they were presented concisely and restrainedly, in the Aesopian language of allegories and omissions. Much more boldly, sometimes defiantly, Omar Khayyam expressed anti-Islamic sentiments in poetry.

Biography: poems by Khayyam

He wrote poetry only rubai, i.e. quatrains in which the 1st, 2nd, 4th or all four stanzas rhymed. He created them throughout his life. Khayyam never wrote laudatory odes to rulers. Rubai was not a serious form of poetry, and Omar Khayyam was not recognized as a poet by his contemporaries. And he himself did not attach much importance to his poems. They most likely arose impromptu, in passing.

Omar's shaky position at court

At the end of 1092, the 20-year quiet period of his life at the court of Malik Shah ended. At this time, the Sultan died under unclear circumstances. And Nizam al-Mulk was killed a month before. Medieval sources attribute the death of two of Khayyam’s patrons to the Ismailis, representatives of a religious and political movement directed against the Turkic nobility. After the death of Malik Shah, they terrorized the Isfahan nobility. Reprisals and denunciations were born of fear of secret murders flooding the city. A struggle for power began, and the great empire began to fall apart.

Omar's position at the court of Malik Shah's widow Turkan Khatun also began to shake. The woman did not trust those close to Nizam al-Mulk. Omar Khayyam worked at the observatory for some more time, but no longer received the same salary or support. At the same time, he served as a doctor and astrologer under Turkan Khatun.

How Khayyam's court career ended

The story of how his court career crashed has become a textbook today. It dates back to 1097. Sanjar, younger son Malik Shah once fell ill with chickenpox, and Khayyam, who was treating him, inadvertently expressed doubt that the 11-year-old boy would recover. The words spoken to the vizier were overheard by a servant and passed on to the sick heir. Later becoming a sultan who ruled the Seljuk state from 1118 to 1157, Sanjar harbored hostility towards Khayyam throughout his life.

After the death of Malik Shah, Isfahan lost its position as the main scientific center and the royal residence. It fell into disrepair and, in the end, the observatory was closed, and the capital was moved to the city of Merv (Khorosan). Omar left the court forever and returned to Nishapur.

Life in Nishapur

Here he lived until his death, only occasionally leaving the city to visit Balkh or Bukhora. In addition, he made a long pilgrimage to Muslim shrines in Mecca. Khayyam taught at the Nishapur madrasah. He had a small circle of students. Sometimes he received scientists who sought meetings with him and took part in scientific debates.

The last period of his life was extremely difficult, associated with deprivation, as well as with melancholy, which was generated by spiritual loneliness. In the Nishapur years, Omar's fame as an astronomer and mathematician was supplemented by the fame of an apostate and freethinker. His philosophical views aroused the anger of the zealots of Islam.

Scientific and philosophical heritage of Khayyam

The biography of Omar Khayyam (brief) does not allow us to talk in detail about his works. Let us only note that his scientific and philosophical heritage is small. Unlike Avicenna, his predecessor, Khayyam did not create an integral philosophical system. His treatises concern only certain issues of philosophy, albeit the most important ones. Some of them were written in response to requests from secular or clergy. Only 5 philosophical works of Omar have survived to this day. All of them are laconic, short, sometimes occupying only a few pages.

Pilgrimage to Mecca and life in the village

After some time, clashes with the clergy became so dangerous that Khayyam was forced to make a difficult and long pilgrimage to Mecca (in his old age). In this era, travel to holy places sometimes lasted for years. Omar settled for some time in Baghdad. His biography was marked by teaching at Nizamiyya.

Omar Khayyam, about whose life, unfortunately, not much is known, returned home and began to live in a village near Nishapur in a secluded house. According to medieval biographers, he was not married and had no children. He lived a secluded life, in constant danger due to suspicion and persecution.

How Omar Khayyam spent the last hours of his life

A short biography in Russian of this scientist, philosopher and poet was written by many authors. All sources agree that the exact year of his death is unknown. The most likely date is 1123. From a source of the 12th century, a story has reached us about how Khayyam spent the last hours of his life. I heard this story from his relative Abu-l-Hasan Beyhaki. On this day, Omar carefully studied the “Book of Healing” written by Avicenna. Having reached the section “Single and Plural,” Khayyam put a toothpick between the sheets and asked to call the right people in order to make a will. Omar did not eat or drink all that day. Having finished his last prayer, in the evening he bowed to the ground. Then Khayyam said, turning to God, that he knew him to the best of his ability, and that knowing him is the path to him. And he died. The photo below shows his grave in Nishapur.

From what other sources can you learn about the life of such a person as Omar Khayyam? Biography TSB (Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia) will suit you if only basic information about it is enough. You can also refer to editions of Khayyam’s books, in the preface to which descriptions of his life are often given. We have presented only basic information about such a person as Omar Khayyam. His biography, his nationality, stories from his life, poems and treatises - all this still interests many people. This speaks of the great significance of the legacy that he left, of the great role of the personality of Omar Khayyam in the history.

Omar Khayyam is a poet, scientist, philosopher, astronomer and mathematician of Persian origin. He is known throughout the world as a great poet, whose poems and sayings carry a deep philosophical meaning. But few people know about the scientist’s other achievements. So, for example, he made a significant contribution to the development of algebra, namely to the construction of classifications cubic equations and finding their solutions using conic sections.

The name of Omar Khayyam in eastern countries

Iran and Afghanistan remembered Omar Khayyam as the creator of the accurate calendar which is still used today. The great teacher had no less great students, among whom were such scholars as Muzafar al-Asfizari and Abdurahman al-Khazini.

The scientist lived more than eight centuries ago, so it is not surprising that his biography is full of secrets and inaccuracies. Omar Khayyam lived very rich life, in which the features of oriental education were present. It is interesting that the full name of the philosopher is as follows - Giyasaddin Abu-l-Fatih Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri. Each name carries a certain meaning:

  • Giyasaddin - translated means "help of religion."
  • Abul Fatih - it is implied that he is Fatih's father. However, he did not have a son with that name.
  • Omar is a personal name.
  • Ibrahim is the son of Ibrahim.
  • Khayyam is a textile master. This is probably an indication of the father's profession.
  • Nishapuri is the location, the place where he comes from.

The early years of the future scientist and poet

The Persian philosopher Omar Khayyam was born in the city of Nishapuri, which was located in Khorasan (currently an Iranian province). His father was a textile worker. The family also had a daughter, younger sister Omara, - Aisha. At the age of eight, the boy became seriously interested in the exact sciences - mathematics and astronomy. A little later, philosophy was added to his hobbies.

Twelve-year-old Omar Khayyam enters the Nishapur madrasah (analogous high school). Later he studied in other madrassas: Baalkh, Samarkand and Bukhara. He graduated with honors from a course in Islamic law and medicine and received the specialization of a hakim, that is, a doctor. However, the future poet did not plan to connect his life with medicine. He was much more interested in mathematics and astronomy. In order to deepen his knowledge in the areas that interested him, Omar Khayyam studied the works of Greek mathematicians and Thabit ibn Kura, a recognized mathematician and astronomer in his time.

The young man's childhood and youth passed during the brutal Seljuk conquests in Central Asia. A large number of educated people, including prominent scientists, were killed. In the preface to his book “Algebra”, he mentions these times and mourns such significant losses for science.

The turning point and further training of Omar Khayyam

At the age of sixteen, Omar Khayyam Nishapuri first encountered the death of people close to him. During the epidemic, his father dies, and soon his mother. After this, Omar leaves his father’s house and sells his workshop, collects his few belongings and goes to Samarkand.

Samarkand in those days was considered the most progressive center of science, culture and art in the East. Here Omar becomes a student of one of the educational institutions. But after a spectacular performance at one of the debates, he so impressed everyone present with his education and erudition that he was promoted to the rank of teacher.

Most of the great minds of that time traveled a lot, not staying in one place for long, as his biography indicates. Omar Khayyam often changed his place of residence, especially in his early years. Just 4 years later, the scientist leaves Samarkand and moves to Bukhara, where he begins to work in a book storage room. Omar spends the next ten years in Bukhara and writes books.

The result of long and hard work is the publication of four thorough treatises on mathematics.

Isfahan period of life

In 1074, an outstanding scientist received an invitation from Isfahan, the capital of the Sanjar state. The invitation came from the Seljuk Sultan Melik Shah I. Having assessed the scientist’s potential, on the advice of the court vizier Nezam al-Mulk, he promoted Omar to the sultan’s spiritual advisor.

After two years of successful service, the Sultan appointed Omar Khayyam as head of the palace observatory, which, by the way, was one of the largest in the world at that time. This position opened up new opportunities for the scientist. Continuing his studies in mathematics, he delved into the study of astronomy and very soon succeeded in this field, becoming a successful astronomer.

Astronomy and mathematical works

With the help of court scientists, he was able to create a solar calendar, which was distinguished by a greater percentage of accuracy in comparison with the Gregorian calendar. His merit was the compilation of the Malikshah Astronomical Tables, which included a small star catalogue.

One of the most outstanding works of the scientist can be called “Comments on the difficulties in the introductions of the book of Euclid,” which was published in 1077. Three books devoted to this topic were written by Omar Khayyam. Books number two and three contained studies of the theory of relations and the doctrine of number.

In 1092, Sultan Melik Shah died, and the vizier Nezam al-Mulk was killed a few weeks before. The Sultan's son and heir Sanjar and his mother did not like the head of the observatory. It is assumed that the heir's hostility is explained by the fact that when he suffered from smallpox as a child, Omar, who was treating him, in a conversation with the vizier, doubted that the boy would survive. The conversation overheard by the servant was conveyed to Sanjar.

After the death of the Sultan, which is associated with the intensification of Islamist sentiments, Omar Khayyam, who was literally immediately accused of atheism, was forced to promptly leave the capital of the Seljuk state.

The last period of the life of Omar Khayyam

They learned about the last period of the scientist and poet’s life from the words of his contemporary Beyhaki, who relied on the story of one of Omar’s close associates. Once, while reading “The Book of Healing,” Omar Khayyam felt the approach of his death. He bookmarked a section that dealt with a difficult metaphysical process called "The One in the Many." After that, he called his loved ones to make a will and say goodbye. Then the scientist began to pray, his last words were addressed to God.

Thus ended the life of the great scientist and his biography. Omar Khayyam opposed traditional religious rites, so only the closest people were present at the funeral. Later his grave took on the appearance shown in the photograph.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and contribution to world literature

During his lifetime, Omar Khayyam was known for his works and discoveries in the scientific field. However, he was also interested in philosophy and poetry. Thus, many poetic aphorisms called rubai were composed by Omar Khayyam. The poems contained the author's thoughts about human life and knowledge.

It is interesting that over the years the number of poems whose authorship was attributed to Omar Khayyam grew steadily and reached 5,000 quatrains. It is known that many freethinkers used the name of the scientist to convey their thoughts to the general public. Scientists believe that Omar Khayyam, whose quotes are so firmly entrenched in the minds of modern literature lovers, composed from 300 to 500 poems. However, it is impossible to determine for certain which of them really belong to the philosopher.

Many of Omar Khayyam’s phrases are replete with free-thinking, open-mindedness, and may also seem blasphemous for that time.

For a long time after the death of the scientist, the name of Omar Khayyam was forgotten. By chance, the recordings of the poems fell into the hands of the English poet Edward Fitzgerald, who, interested in the find, translated the works into Latin, and later into English language. Since Omar Khayyam wrote about love and life, the book from his rubaiyat became very popular in Victorian England and beyond.

He has poems that can inspire during a difficult period of life, and there are those that will allow the reader to look into the dark depths of his soul. These short poems are permeated with wisdom, sadness and humor; all the most vital and valuable things are collected in the rubai of Omar Khayyam.

The fame of Omar Khayyam quickly spread throughout the world, and knowledge of his work became a sign of education. Interest in Omar’s work prompted many to become familiar with other works of his life, thanks to which scientific achievements were rediscovered, rethought and expanded.

His biography is shrouded in legends and speculation. Omar Khayyam is one of the luminaries of world literature, but during his lifetime little was known about his literary achievements. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the man was a true genius of his era, talented and gifted in many areas. His poetic genius was distinguished by wisdom, audacity, humor and love. Although it is impossible to say with certainty which rubai were written by the poet himself, nevertheless, almost all quatrains are imbued with philosophical thoughts, combining flexibility of rhythm, clarity and conciseness. Free spirit and freethinking are present in every second poem.

Edward Fitzgerald's free translation became one of the most successful and popular at the beginning of the twentieth century. Later, other writers and amateurs began to translate. Currently, Omar Khayyam’s phrases are quoted by everyone: hosts of festive events, in student works and simply in Everyday life if successful.

Omar Khayyam, whose quotes became widely known and in demand many centuries later, developed the rubaiyat genre and brought it to perfection, leaving a message for subsequent generations, imbued with freethinking that was not accepted in ancient times.

Literary heritage

His world-famous quatrains encourage readers to experience all the earthly human happiness that is available to people. Hundreds of Omar Khayyam's rubai about love and life remind that every moment life path is priceless and important, they tell that the truth, known by a loving heart, is opposed to universal lies and delusions, the sermons of priests and the teachings of ascetics.

True love and true wisdom in Omar’s poems are not mutually exclusive, but go side by side, qualitatively complementing a person’s life. The phrases of Omar Khayyam, passed down from generation to generation, convey the life experience of mankind, filled with vivid images and the beauty of the style.

The poet had wit and sarcasm, thanks to which he was able to create works that could lift the spirit of life in difficult times, which give strength to confront problems, force one to think and reason. Omar Khayyam, whose life wisdom was embodied in his work, made Persian literature famous throughout the world.

The literary work of Omar Khayyam stands separately from Persian poetry, although it is an important component of it. Khayyam became the first author whose literary character is distinguished by rebellion and rebellion. This phenomenon revived literature as such, gave it a certain charm and new breath.

Omar Khayyam, whose poems deny unjust power, religion, stupidity and bigotry, is the author of works that became revolutionary not only for his time, but also for the 20th century. The poet’s aphorisms are known in most countries of the world; there is no educated person who has never heard this name - Omar Khayyam. One can only envy and admire the wisdom of this great man’s life and his genius, which was far ahead of its time.

Contributions to mathematics

Omar Khayyam made a great contribution to the development of mathematics. He owns the “Treatise on Proofs of Problems of Algebra and Almukabala”, which deals with the solution of equations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, and also provides an analysis of the geometric method for solving cubic equations. He also gave the first definition of the science of algebra that has come down to our times.

In 1077, Omar Khayyam completed work on another important mathematical work - “Comments on the difficulties in the introductions of the book of Euclid.” The collection consisted of three volumes. The first presented the original theory of parallel lines, two latest volumes devoted to improving the theories of ratios and proportions.

  1. He was distinguished by extremely freedom-loving thinking for his era.
  2. According to contemporaries, he was lazy and a workaholic at the same time, everything depended on circumstances and mood.
  3. He did not stand on ceremony when communicating even with high-ranking persons, he had a caustic mind and a phenomenal memory.
  4. When Omar Khayyam walked through the streets or participated in symposiums, everyone made way for him with the words: “The Teacher is coming.” He was respected in scientific circles, while priests and other religious leaders disliked him and were sometimes even afraid of him. The denial of traditional religious foundations is what Omar Khayyam stood for.
  5. The scientist's books became a breakthrough for that time.
  6. Almost nothing is known about him personal life. There is no mention of his wife or children.

Important moments in the life of a philosopher

Life in dates - scientist, poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam:

  • date of birth and death - 06/18/1048-12/4/1131;
  • study and teaching in Samarkand - 1066-1070;
  • moving to Isfahan - 1074;
  • writing works on mathematics and astronomy - 1074-1110.

Despite the fact that Omar Khayyam lived more than eight centuries ago, the ideas put forward in his poems are still relevant today. Difficulties and health problems in last years his biography was noted. Omar Khayyam was forced to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, which at his age was not the easiest thing to do.

He spent the last years of his life in solitude due to the aggravation of religious sentiments in society and constant persecution on this basis.

Unfortunately, no images of Omar Khayyam have survived, and his appearance remains a mystery to admirers of the work of this outstanding man. However, this did not stop him from erecting many monuments in some Persian-speaking countries and even beyond their borders, as well as painting many portraits that are the embodiment of the artists' vision.

Interesting fact: in Nishapur there is a planetarium named after Omar Khayyam. At the end of 1970, the International Astronomical Union named the crater back side Moon named after Omar Khayyam.

The famous Middle Eastern sage, known to the general public mainly only for his quatrains, showed his talents in astronomy, mathematics, music and astrology. His interests extended to opposite directions of science, from humanists to technologists.

Brief biography of Omar Khayyam...

Giyasaddin Abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri- this is the full name of Omar Khayyam, known throughout the world in quatrains (rubais). However, in addition to the quatrains, he also constructed a classification of cubic equations in algebra and gave their solutions using conic sections. In Iran, he is known for creating a calendar that is more accurate than the European calendar, which has been officially used since the 11th century.

Omar Khayyam was born in one of the cultural centers of ancient Iran - the city of Nishapuri. The date of his birth, 05/18/1048, was established quite recently. The years of his wanderings, during which his training took place, took place in different cities of Khorasan and Transoxiana - Nishapuri, Samarkand, Bukhara, Herat. Balkhi, Isfahan. In the Middle East, Omar Khayyam was primarily known as an outstanding scientist. In philosophy, Omar Khayyam considered himself a follower of Ibn Sina (Avicenna). And in general, his life and work are a constant search for truth.

The poet's poetic talents - rubai (lyrical and philosophical quatrains) - were combined by orientalists-translators into the collection "Rubaiyat", which is now known throughout the world. The fundamentally new thing that Omar Khayyam brought to this traditional genre lies in the scientific and philosophical depth of the quatrain, which in his work is based on a rationalistic ideological basis. The great scientist and philosopher died on December 4, 1131 in the same city where he was born - Nishapur.

Four lines exude poison,
When an evil epigram lives in them,
But the wounds of the heart are healed by the Rubaiyat
- Quatrains of old Khayyam. S.Ya.MARSHAK


The eternal goal of the movement of the worlds of the universe is us.
In the clear eye of reason, the instantaneous pupil is us.
The flying circle of worlds looks like a bright ring.
On this quick ring there is an imperishable pattern - we.

For the worthy there are no worthy rewards,
I'm glad to lay down my belly for a worthy one.
Do you want to know if hell exists?
Living among the unworthy is true hell!

The bull has held the Earth from time immemorial,
Taurus is at the top, behind the thickness of the clouds.
Look with the eyes of your mind - you will see
You are a bunch of donkeys between two bulls.

Close the Koran, Look around freely.
And think for yourself... Always share good things
And don't remember evil. And in order to elevate your soul -
Bend over the fallen one.

To please God, it is useful to suppress murmurs.
To please people, a flattering whisper is useful.
I often tried to be cunning and cunning,
But every time my fate put my experience to shame.

The prohibition of wine is a law that takes into account
Who drinks, and when, and how much, and with whom.
When all these conditions are met,
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.

Among those holding positions of great gentlemen
There is no joy in life from many worries.
But come here: they are full of contempt
To everyone whose souls the worm of acquisition does not gnaw.

I asked the wisest: “What did you learn?
From your manuscripts?" The wisest said:
"Happy is he who is in the arms of a tender beauty
At night I’m far from the wisdom of books!”

Like the wind in the steppe, like water in a river,
The day has passed and will never come back.
Let us live, oh my friend, in the present!
Regretting the past is not worth the effort.

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine -
This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

Sing wine on the bank of a running stream,

Someone is told not to drink - maybe...
Another - with whom, when and how many cups to share...
When four conditions are all met,
Wise men, of course, will drink.

I saw a builder who was erecting a house,
He trampled the clay with his feet and humiliated her.
And the clay said to him: “Easy! The hour is near -
Your nature will receive just as many kicks!”

May I burn in fire for a hundred years,
The hell you dream about in a dream is not scary;
I am afraid of the chorus of ignorant and ungrateful people.
Conversation with them is worse than death to me.

We die once and for all.
It is not death that is terrible, but mortal suffering.
If this lump of clay and a drop of blood
If they suddenly disappear, it’s no big deal.

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for the beloved, -
Without consolation he drags out his sad life.
Days spent without the joys of love,
I consider the burden unnecessary and hateful.

Live, madman! Spend while you're rich!
After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure
And don’t dream: thieves won’t agree
To pull you back out of the coffin.

Wine is not only a friend - wine is a sage:
With him, disagreements and heresies are over!
Wine is an alchemist: transforms at once
Life's lead into golden dust.

The shine of a tiara, a silk turban -
I will give everything - and your power, Sultan,
I'll give it to the saint - with a rosary to boot -
For the sounds of the flute and... another glass!

Today you have no control over tomorrow.
Your plans will disappear into sleep tomorrow!
Live today if you are not crazy.
You are not eternal, like everyone else in this earthly world.

The sparkle of New Year's dew is beautiful on roses.
Beloved - God's best creation - beautiful.
Should the sage regret the past, should he scold it?
Let's forget yesterday! After all, ours today is wonderful.

All those who are old and those who are young who live today,
One by one they will be led into the darkness.
Life is not given forever. How they left before us,
We'll leave; and after us they will come and go.

Someone wise inspired me as I dozed off:
“Wake up, you won’t become happy in your sleep.
Give up this activity, which is similar to death.
After death, Khayyam, you’ll get a good night’s sleep!”

I lived for a hundred years without knowing sin,
The Lord's grace is upon me;
I want to live on, sinning, -
Test his patience.

They say that drunkards will go to hell.
It's all nonsense! If only drinkers were sent to hell
Yes, all the woman lovers follow them there,
Our Garden of Eden would become as empty as the palm of your hand.

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -
It’s better to give happiness to someone close.
It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
How to free humanity from its shackles.

We cannot find a shield from the arrows that throw death:
She is equally cool with both a beggar and a king.
To live with pleasure, live for pleasure,
Everything else - believe me! - just vanity.

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!

O sage! If God gave you a loan
Musician, wine, stream and sunset -
Don't grow crazy desires in your heart.
If you have all this, you are immensely rich!

We are just dolls, fate turns us, -
Do not doubt the truth of these lines.
He'll let us tumble and hide
Into the casket of non-existence, as soon as the time runs out.

Life apart from the intoxicating vine is nothing,
Life apart from the singing string is nothing.
No matter how much I delve into things under the moon,
Pleasure is everything, the rest is nothing!

Fools consider me a sage.
God knows: I am not who they think I am.
I know no more about myself and the world
Those fools who diligently read me.

Don't waste yourself, oh friend, on grief,
On the stones of hardship, on long-suffering.
Not knowing tomorrow, every moment
Give away wine, love and pleasure!

What fate decided to give you,
It cannot be increased or subtracted.
Don't worry about what you don't own,
And from what is, become free.

Beware of the treachery of the fleeing skies.
You have no friends, and do not know your enemies.
Don't hope for tomorrow, live today.
Try to become yourself, at least for a moment.

O fate! You yourself assert violence in everything.
Your oppression is limitless, like the darkness that gave birth to you.
You give good to the vile, and sorrow to noble hearts.
Or are you incapable of good, or have you gone crazy?

If the truth in the world is conditional, why ruin the heart,
You indulge in sorrow, loving your suffering.
Make peace with what is, O sage. That which is eternal kalam
Everyone is destined to not change for you.

Why accumulate goods in the desert of existence?
Who lived among us forever? I have never seen anything like this.
After all, life has been given to us as a loan, and only for a short period of time,
And what is given as a loan is not your property.

In vain do you blame fate for inconstancy;
You don’t even know that you are at a loss.
If only he were constant in his mercies,
You could have waited your turn until you died.

Have you been passed over for a reward? Forget it!
Are the days rushing by in a line? Forget it!
The wind is careless, in the eternal book of life
I could have moved the wrong page.

The world is a moment, and I am in it - one moment.
How many breaths am I destined to take in a moment?
Be cheerful, lively!
This mortal building is not given to anyone to own forever.

Egypt, Rome, China, keep you under your heel,
Be the ruler of the world - your ultimate destiny
It will be no different from mine:
Three cubits of shroud and an inch of damp earth.

Have some fun! Everything in the world is fleeting, my friend.
The spirit will part with the body forever, my friend.
These bowls of heads that we wear so proudly,
They'll put it on pots carelessly, my friend.

Meet only people worthy of friendship,
Don’t deal with scoundrels, don’t disgrace yourself.
If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out!
If a wise man gives you poison, take it!

Don't be afraid, friend, of today's adversities!
Rest assured, time will erase them.
You have a minute, give it to fun,
And what comes next, let it come!

Since death will still not give me mercy -
Let the butler give me a cup of wine!
Because life is short in this temporary world,
Sorrow for a mortal heart is unnecessary ballast.

We are unlikely to enter this world again,
We won’t find our friends again.
Seize the moment! After all, it won't happen again,
Just as you yourself will not repeat yourself in it.

If you can, don’t worry about time passing,
Do not burden your soul with either the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you're alive,
After all, you will still appear in the next world as poor.

Don't frown at the blows of fate.
Those who lose heart die before their time.
Neither you nor I have control over fate.
It is wiser to come to terms with it. More use!

Be joyful, don't be sad in vain,
Be right in the wrong way.
And if in the end there is nothing, throw off the burden of care,
So that your path can be walked easily.

Friend, you should confirm two concepts:
It’s smarter than arguing, listening, talking! -
It's better not to eat anything than to eat just anything
It's better to be alone than to be friends with just anyone.

Do not change what the Kalam wrote.
We cannot increase our lot.
Don't expose yourself to sadness and regrets.
They cause unnecessary torment to the hearts.

Don't complain! Not forever the vale of sorrows,
And there is in centuries the limit of the entire universe.
Your ashes will go on bricks and become
The wall of the house of future people.

Everything you have learned in the world is nothing,
Everything I heard and said is nothing,
And everything that was witnessed is nothing,
Everything that I bought so dearly is nothing.

Life is sometimes sherbet on ice, and sometimes it’s wine that sucks.
Mortal flesh in brocade, or dressed in rags -
Believe me, the sage doesn’t care about all this,
But it is bitter to realize that life is doomed.

In the monastery of two doors, what, mortal, are you enriched with?
Having tormented your heart in agony, you are doomed to parting.
Only those who have not come into this world are truly blessed.
Blessed is he who was not born to life by an earthly mother.

Don't be careless at the crossroads of days
And know: fate is worse than the robber.
Fate treats you with halva, -
Don't eat: there's deadly poison in her halva!

How long should I grieve about something that was decided long ago?
And is it good for me to live my life as fate has given me?
Whether I will exhale this breath or not - and I myself do not know
Well, hurry up and pour clean wine into this cup for me!

If in our time reason is both useless and harmful
And fate gives all the gifts to the ignorant and unreasonable,
Give me the cup that steals my mind; let me become stupid -
And fate, perhaps, will turn a favorable gaze on me.

If I were the creator - the ruler of the universe,
I would overthrow the ancient sky from its foundations
And he created something new - one under which
All good wishes would be instantly fulfilled.

Say: whoever has not covered himself with sins,
You, glorified by good deeds?
I do evil, you repay me with evil, -
Tell me: what is the difference between us?

Tame your greed, live for yourself,
Show contempt for the affairs of fate!
Your five-day life will fly by quickly
Indulge yourself in wine, songs and love!

You, who keep score of all earthly affairs, -
Among the ignorant, be wise, be dumb,
To save your eyes, tongue and ears,
Pretend to be dumb, blind, deaf here.

Who we are - Puppets on strings, and our puppeteer is the firmament
He is leading his show in a big booth.
Now he will make us jump on the carpet of existence,
And then he will put them in his chest one by one.

You teach: "The faithful are in holy paradise
They will get drunk with the caress of the Gurias and wine."
What a sin now in love and drunkenness,
Will we eventually come to this?

Don't share your secret with people.
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Why torment and bother yourself,
Why want too much for yourself?
What is destined will happen to us.
We can take no less and no more.

To those who bring news about the unknown,
Whoever has gone around the whole world is honored and honored.
But did they know more than we did?
About the world - about the way it is?

For those to whom knowledge of secrets has been given,
Both joy and sadness - is it really the same?
But if good and evil pass without a trace,
Cry if you want, or drink wine.

A small drop of water merged with a sea wave.
A small handful of earth mixed with the dust of the earth.
What do your coming into this world and what do you leave mean?
Where are all the midges that swarmed and rang in the spring?

I am sick, spiritual illness torments my body,
Giving up wine truly threatens me with death.
And it’s strange that no matter how much I took medicines and balms -
Everything is bad for me! Wine alone doesn't hurt.

Let there be a flaw in our knowledge, let there be deceptions in our postulates.
Enough to languish, let's clear away the fogs of doubt!
Let's fill the wide cup with wine,
Let's drink and be merry - neither sober nor drunk.

Do not be afraid of the wiles of time as it moves.
Our troubles in the circle of existence are not eternal.
Spend the moment given to us in joy,
Don't cry about the past, don't be afraid of the future.

I used the book of Genesis to guess about fate.
The sage, hiding his spiritual sorrow within himself,
Said: "With you - the moon in the night is like a month, long
Bliss with her! What else should you look for?"

In our vile age, every friend is unfaithful.
Stay away from crowds of people.
The one you relied on in life -
Take a better look - the enemy is in front of you.

In a moment, a moment - and life flashes by.
Let this moment sparkle with fun!
Beware, for life is the essence of creation,
As you pass it, so it will pass.

For many years I reflected on earthly life.
There is nothing incomprehensible to me under the sun.
I know that I know nothing! -
Here the last truth opened by me

It is known that everything in the world is just vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, don't worry, that's the light.
What has happened is past, what will happen is unknown,
So don’t worry about what doesn’t exist today.

Throw off the burden of self-interest, the oppression of vanity,
Enmeshed in evil, break out of these snares.
Drink wine and comb your darling's locks:
The day will pass unnoticed - and life will flash by.

Of all those who have gone on an endless journey
Has anyone returned here?
So in this old caravanserai,
Make sure you don't forget anything.

Better to fall into poverty, starve or steal,
How to become one of the despicable dishevelers.
It's better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the scoundrels in power.

How tired I am of obnoxious hypocrites!
Give me some wine, saki, and here's what: lay it down
My turban in the tavern and my prayer rug:
Not only in words I am the enemy of all these lies.

Think less about the evil of our fate,
From morning to evening, do not part with the cup,
Sit down to the forbidden daughter of the vine - she
More beautiful than your permitted parent.

Where are the hosts of those who feasted here before us?
Where are the roses of scarlet lips, the daffodils of eyes?
Hurry before the flesh becomes dust,
As your dust was made flesh a hundred times before.

Don't let the longing boil in your chest,
So that the thought of the violence of fate dominates you.
You drink wine on the bank of a running stream,
Feast until the earth swallows your body.

Be cheerful in these moments in which you live,
Love the moon-faced beauties, whose figure is similar to a cypress tree.
As long as you are not here forever, try to become perfect
And rejoice if you find perfect friends in the world.

Alas, we are not given many days to stay here,
To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
There is no need to think whether this world is old or young:
If we are destined to leave, do we really care?

Everything will pass - and the seed of hope will not sprout,
Everything you have accumulated will not be lost for a penny.
If you don't share it with your friend on time -
All your property will go to the enemy.

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,
Try to pretend to be a donkey without words,
For everyone who is not an ass, these fools
They are immediately accused of undermining the foundations.

Since the truth always gets out of hand -
Don't try to understand something you don't understand, friend.
Take the cup in your hands, remain ignorant,
There is no point, believe me, in studying science.

Everything in the world is impermanent,
Moreover, there are countless flaws in what exists.
Consider everything that you do not see as existing,
And everything you see here is ghostly.

Bitter about what? Do I care?
Whether I live in need, it is given to me to live in poverty.
I'll fill the cup! After all, every sigh
Perhaps destined to be the last.

If there is a beauty, wine and changa ringing
And the bank above the stream is covered with branches,
There is no need for anything better, let the world be called hell.
And if there is an Eden, believe me, it is no better!

Since our intelligence is at a low price,
Since only a fool is completely serene -
Let me drown the rest of my sanity in wine:
Maybe fate will smile on me too!

The sheikh shamed the harlot: “You, dissolute, drink,
You sell your body to everyone who wants it!”
“I am,” said the harlot, “really like that,
Are you who you say you are?"

We found ourselves in this world like a sparrow caught in a snare.
We are full of anxiety, hope and sorrow.
In this round cage, where there are no doors,
We ended up with you not by our own will.

On the day when they saddled the heavenly horse,
When they gave the constellations their names,
When all our destinies were written in the tablets, -
We have become submissive. It's not our fault.

How tenderly the breeze kisses the cheeks of a rose!
How bright is the face of a friend, and the meadow, and the stream!
Don't talk about the past: what's the use of it now?
Be happy in the present. Look what a day it is!

From godlessness to god - one moment.
From zero to total - just a moment.
Take care of this precious moment:
Life - neither less nor more - one moment!

Alas, the firmament is not favorable!
Whatever you want, it's the other way around.
God does not bestow what is permitted,
The devil does not give anything forbidden.

Drink safely, friends! In the hour of merry pleasures
The pipe, hymns and laughter will delight us,
What's up doomsday, it looks like he won't be there tomorrow.
Maybe they will forget our little sin?...

It’s better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Why seek salvation in fasting and prayers?
If there's a place in hell for lovers and drunkards,
Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?

Do not worry that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart -
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

There are no husbands left whom I could respect,
Only wine continues to please me.
Do not withdraw your hand from the handle of the jug,
If in old age there is no one to shake hands with.

Fill the ocean with pebbles
The saints want it - a hopeless plan!
They scare you with hell, they tempt you with heaven...
Where are the messengers from these distant countries?

Until fate took over us,
Let's pour some wine and have a good drink!
The star dome inexorably circles,
Look, he won’t even let you take a sip of water.

I came into this world under duress,
I was greeted with bewilderment every day,
And now he’s been expelled without understanding
Disappearance is the meaning and purpose of birth.

The circle of heaven blinds us with its brilliance.
We see neither the end nor the beginning of it.
This circle is inaccessible to our logic,
It is immeasurable by the yardstick of our mind.

You, whose villainy has no end in sight,
On Judgment Day, do not rely on the mercy of the creator!
God, who forgave those who did not do a good deed,
He will not forgive the scoundrel who has done evil.

Who knows, friend, what awaits us tomorrow.
On the moonlit night we will forget the day of worries.
Drink wine, more than once
The moon will rise, but it won’t find us.

When they snatch an escape from life without pity,
When the body turns to dust forever -
Let them make a jug from these ashes
And they will fill it with wine: the man will come to life!

Life will fly by in an instant,
Appreciate it, draw pleasure from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Have fewer friends these days, simpleton,
Be stingy with confessions, do not listen to flattering lies.
But look wisely - and you will immediately see:
The one you trusted is your traitor, your enemy!

There's no point in bothering yourself all the time,
To earn grace here on earth.
What is destined for you is what you will get,
And no more, no less. And there is nothing to wait for!

I am doomed to suffer until the end of my days,
You're having more fun every day.
Beware! Don't you dare rely on fate:
She has many cunning tricks up her sleeve.

Give free rein to all movements of the heart,
Don’t get tired of cultivating the garden of desires,
On a starry night, bliss on the silken grass:
At sunset - go to bed, at dawn get up.

In this world of fools, scoundrels, hucksters
Shut your ears, wise one, sew your mouth securely,
Close your eyelids tightly - think at least a little
About the safety of the eyes, tongue and ears!

He who from youth believes in his own mind,
In pursuit of the truth, he became dry and gloomy.
Claiming from childhood to know life,
Instead of becoming a grape, it turned into a raisin.

About grief, grief to the heart, where there is no burning passion.
Where there is no love, there is no torment, where there are no dreams of happiness.
A day without love is lost: duller and grayer,
Why is this day barren, and there are no days of bad weather,

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!

Love is a fatal misfortune, but the misfortune is by the will of Allah.
Why do you blame what is always by the will of Allah?
A series of evil and good arose - by the will of Allah.
Why do we need thunder and flames of Judgment - by the will of Allah?

Fate is merciless, our plans are ruined,
The hour will come and the soul will leave the body.
Take your time, sit on the grass under which
Soon you will be lying down, in no hurry.

Don't look for mercy, my heart,
Don’t look for truth in a world where lies are valued.
There is no cure for grief in this world yet.
Reconcile yourself - and don’t look for a cure for it.

We come sinless - and we sin,
We come cheerful - and mourn.
We burn our hearts with bitter tears
And we will fall into dust, scattering life like smoke.

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved,
Sacrifice what is most precious to you.
Never be cunning when giving love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

From the spinning potter's wheel of time
Only those who are learned and intelligent have learned the meaning,
Or drunk, accustomed to the rotation of the world,
He doesn't think anything at all!

Khayyam! What are you grieving about? Have fun!
You are feasting with a friend - be merry!
Oblivion awaits everyone. You could have disappeared
You still exist - be happy!

“We are made of clay,” the lips of the jug told me, “
But blood beat in us, a color brighter than ruby...
Your turn is ahead. The fate of mortals is the same.
Everything that is alive now will be ashes and clay tomorrow."

We didn’t need food or sleep at all,
Until we were blinded from the four elements.
But everything that was given to us will certainly be taken away,
And we will become a pinch of gray dust again.

Yesterday I watched the circle turn
How calmly, not remembering ranks and merits,
The potter sculpts a bowl from heads and hands,
Of the great kings and the last drunkards.

Whose flesh, tell me, jug, has become you?
Has there ever been a singer in love, like me?
And the clay pen, you know, was
The hand that was wrapped around my dear neck?

I heard: under the blows of the potter
The clay began to reveal its secrets:
“Don’t trample me!” the clay told him.
I myself was a man only yesterday.”

Instant life, driven by the wind, has passed,
Passed by, passed by like a cloud of smoke.
Let me sip grief without sipping pleasure, -
It's a pity for the life that passed by.

In the morning the rose opened its bud in the wind,
And the nightingale sang, in love with her beauty.
Sit in the shade. These roses will bloom for a long time,
When our sorrowful ashes are buried.

Give me some wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses from my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
The violence of passion is like her hair.

Come quickly, full of enchantment,
Dispel sadness, breathe in the warmth of your heart!
Pour a jug of wine into the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by a potter.

Above all else is love.
In the song of youth, the first word is love.
O wretched ignoramus in the world of love,
Know that the basis of our entire life is love!

The hand holds the cup, and the other holds the Koran:
Either I'm praying until I drop, or I'm drunk to death.
As soon as the turquoise marble vault endures us -
Not kafirs at all, not quite Muslims.

Peace is not enough, hardships cannot be avoided,
Worries are growing, life is getting gloomier...
Praise be to the Creator that we have enough troubles:
At least you don't have to ask for anything.

Oh, if only, taking the poems of the sofa with me,
Yes, in a jug of wine and putting bread in my pocket,
I should spend a day with you among the ruins -
Any sultan could envy me.

A sober day is a barrier to joy for me
And drunkenness clouds the mind, what a shame!
Between sobriety and hops the state -
Here is an incomparable joy for the heart!

When the violets pour out their fragrance
And the spring wind blows,
The sage is the one who drinks wine with his beloved,
Breaking the cup of repentance on a stone.

We live in the world for just one moment.
Don’t worry that fate puts snares on us,
For our body is the foundation:
A spark, a drop, light dust and wind.

Constellations in the sky-high distance
Many have been doomed to vain thoughts.
Think again, save your sanity -
The wisest ones have reached a dead end.

A certain circle enclosed our coming and going,
No one will find an end or a beginning in it.
And no one has yet been able to tell us correctly:
Where did we come from? What awaits us beyond the grave?

The vault of heaven threatens us with disaster - you and me,
And you and I must wait for separation from our souls,
Lie down on the soft turf! Destined for the grave
Feed all these roots with yourself - you and me.

They will call me drunk - truly so!
A wicked man, a troublemaker - truly so!
I am who I am. And tell yourself what you want:
I will remain Khayyam. Truly so!

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, my beloved,
We will sit with you in the meadow and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

And I, greybeard, fell into the snare of love.
And now a sparkling glass sparkles in your hand!
Patient reason sewed me a robe of merit.
And my whimsical fate tore everything to shreds.

May the wine be inseparable from you!
Drink with any friend from any cup
Grape blood, for in black clay
The firmament turns people blue.

That jug that gives water to the poor today
The king had a proud heart in other centuries.
From ruby ​​lips and snow-white cheeks
A cup is made that a drunkard's hand holds.

For loving you, let everyone around you judge you,
Believe me, I don’t have time to argue with the ignorant.
Only husbands are healed by the love potion,
And it brings a serious illness to bigots.

There is no heaven or hell, oh my heart!
There is no return from darkness, oh my heart!
And there is no need to hope, oh my heart!
And there is no need to be afraid, oh my heart!

Oh heaven, you dote on scoundrels!
Palaces, and mills, and baths are in their hands;
And the honest one asks for a loan of a piece of stale flatbread,
Oh heaven, I would spit on you in my heart!

Life was given to me for a limited time.
I will return it willingly, When the time comes to return it.

How long will you break your hearts because of life's troubles?
You can hardly carry the burden of your sadness to the end.
Alas! Your affairs and mine are not in our hands,
And here, isn’t it better for a sage to submit to fate?

Neither you nor I understand the mysteries of eternity.
Neither you nor I can read obscure writing.
We argue in front of some kind of veil. But the hour will strike,
The curtain will fall, and we will not survive - neither you nor I.

Can't we really find a place to rest here?
Or will we forever walk this endless path?
Oh, if only I could hope that in thousands of years
From the womb of the earth we will sprout again like grass!

How the rooster crowed at dawn!
He saw clearly - the fire of the stars had gone out.
And the night, like your life, was in vain,
And you overslept and don’t know - you’re deaf.

Drink with wise and eloquent old age,
Drink with your smilingly beautiful youth.
Drink, friend, but don't shout about what you're drinking,
Drink occasionally and secretly - in a happy moment.

Don’t become a slave to worldly blessings,
Break the connection with fate - with good and evil.
Be cheerful at this moment. After all, the dome is starry -
It will also collapse. Don't forget about that.

If you want to rest in blissful bliss
And at my feet I see this arrogant world,
Convert to my faith, learn from me, -
Drink wine, but don't drink this bitterness of the universe!

The sky secretly whispered to me in a moment of prophetic insight:
“The decrees of the wrathful fates, do you think they are my decrees?
If only I had power in all the actions of existence,
I would have stopped my aimless circling long ago!”

How long will you bow your head before?
Why are you hovering like a fly over free food?
Eat one hard-earned flatbread in two days!
Eating the blood of the heart is better than eating someone else's bread.

The world and life, and the luminaries and the movement of constellations
I compared it to the lamp of the imagination.
The world is a lamp, and the sun in it is burnt flax,
We are in it - the shadows of a restless image.

The crow is happy with a bone for lunch,
You're a hanger-on for so many low years
Truly your own barley bread is better,
What is at the feast of the despicable - sherbet.

If you have one flatbread on Degas
And you are able to bring yourself a jug of water,
What need do you have for the despicable to obey?
And please the low ones, losing your honor?

No one has defeated the threatening power of the sky
And he was not satisfied forever with the gifts of bread.
You boast early that you are safe and sound, -
They will eat you again when the need comes.

Everything will disappear. Look, there is only one spirit left in your hands.
Everything that exists is doomed to destruction and decay.
Consider that things now do not exist on earth,
There is something that is gone forever and something that has not yet been born.

Before you could not sleep, not drink, not get enough,
The elements made you need it.
But everything they gave will be taken away from you again,
So that you can remain free as before.

The soul that has endured suffering has gained freedom.
Let a drop languish in prison - it becomes a pearl.
Don't cry: if you go broke, your wealth will return,
Even if the cup is emptied, it will be full again.

I am exhausted, I cry without drying my eyes,
And you are drowning in pleasures, you are joyful at this hour.
But don't be arrogant in front of me! - Rotation of the sky
There is a lot of unexpected hidden behind the dark curtain from us.

The one who befriended lovely beauties with a smile,
Who put suffering into a grieving heart,
If he didn’t give us happiness, we don’t complain, we don’t cry,
For he deprived many of them even of hope.

The sea of ​​this life arose from hidden forces,
No one has yet drilled the pearl of revealing the secret.
Each age has its own meaning - according to knowledge and understanding.
No one has yet explained the true essence of creation.

If I plucked the fruit of hope, O life, from your branches,
That's right, I would have found the thread of the tangle of my fate
How long to shout about the cramped prison of existence,
To languish and not find the doors to oblivion?

It is not water, but tears that are destined to be in the eyes,
For grief, patience should be a friend.
Or life should be long in proportion to suffering,
Or should it be short to the best of life's ability.

Sometimes someone goes ahead and I brazenly shout: -
It's me! It boasts of wealth, rings with silver and glitters with gold -
It's me! But only he will set things right - and he’s noble, you see, and rich
How death rises from ambush and says - It’s me!

It was not out of poverty that I decided to forget the wine,
Not in fear that they will start scolding the revelers.
I drank for fun. Well, now something else:
You are in my heart, and I don’t need to drink.

I can’t cover the sun with roses,
I cannot reveal the secret of fate in words.
From the depths of my thoughts I fished out pearls,
But I can’t drill it out of fear.

The sky piles mountains of suffering,
As soon as one is born, the other is killed.
But the unborn would not be born,
If only he knew what was in store for him here.

Blessed is he who has tasted freedom these days,
Bypassing grief, tears and adversity;
I was pleased with everything that Yazdan sent,
He lived with a pure heart, drank wine - not water.

Caravans go on a long journey, ringing bells.
Who told us about the troubles that lie ahead on our way?
Beware! In this old discount of hunger and need
Don't throw anything away, because you won't come back.

I came from heaven or hell - I don’t know about myself,
I live as I am - that’s how fate wanted it.
A full cup, an idol and a barat* in a flowering meadow by a stream;
These three are in cash to me, the promised paradise is in debt to you.

Who inscribed the word of reason on the heart,
He didn’t waste a moment in vain.
He tried to earn the mercy of the Eternal through labor -
Or he found peace of soul over a cup.

You ruined earthly days for the sake of worldly goods,
But remember the Day of Judgment, look at your life.
After all, acquisitions have ruined many before you.
And what happened to them? Where are they all now?

My spirit is completely fed up with wanderings,
But, as before, I don’t have money in the treasury.
I don't complain about life. Even though it was difficult,
Wine and beauty still smiled at me.

Before experiencing the vicissitudes to the fullest,
Let's drink ratl wine today.
What does the rotation of the sky promise us tomorrow?
Perhaps water will not be given to us.

Hey, Mufti, look... We are smarter and more efficient than you.
No matter how drunk we are in the morning, we are still sober than you.
We drink the blood of the vine, but you drink the blood of your neighbors;
Judge for yourself which of us is more bloodthirsty and evil than you.

The fire of my passion is high before you - so be it!
In my hands is the fiery juice of the grapes, so be it!
You tell me: “Repent and you will be forgiven.”
And if I’m not forgiven, whatever happens to me! - so be it!

We were a drop and from the heat of passion
Appeared in the world - not by our power,
And if tomorrow a whirlwind scatters us,
Find at least a glimmer of happiness in the wine cup.

You got half the loaf for food,
The poor house warmed you,
You are no one's slave and no one's master, -
You are truly lucky, my friend!

It was as if you were friends with me at first,
But then she suddenly decided to quarrel with me,
I did not despair that fate had turned away:
What if you still become nice to me?

If only you had comprehended life, then out of the darkness
And death would reveal its features to you.
Now you're on your own, but you don't know anything, -
What will you know when you leave yourself?

You foolishly threw your life away,
You, ignoramus, have lost sight of your death.
You calculated events two hundred years in advance,
But I didn’t ask fate for a reprieve.

You, who threw your dear life into the wind
And with death he was sometimes disrespectful,
You calculated your path two hundred years in advance,
But he didn’t ask fate for an hour’s delay.

I am ready to face death without fear.
It won't be better there than here - who knows?
Life was given to me for a limited time. I will return it gladly
When it's time to return.

In moments He is visible, more often he is hidden.
He keeps a close eye on our lives.
God whiles away eternity with our drama!
He composes, directs and watches.

Hypocrites who boast of a saint's life,
The line is placed between the body and the eternal soul.
I will place a full cup of wine on the crown of my head,
Even if they cut my crown with a saw.

Even if you lived your life without severe torment, what next?
Even though your life has come full circle, what next?
May you live a hundred years in bliss
And another hundred years - tell me, my friend, what's next?
