Pgp belgium - political geographic location - articles directory - geography of the world. Overseas European country: Belgium

Belgium is a state in Western Europe. Has an area of ​​30,528 sq. km, washed in the northwest by the North Sea. Most of the country is occupied by plains with predominant cultural landscapes.

The total length of land borders is 1385 km, the length of borders with France - 620 km, Germany - 167 km, Luxembourg - 148 km, the Netherlands - 450 km. The coastline is 66.5 km long. The total area of ​​the territory is 33,990 sq. km, of which the coastal zone is 3462 sq. km, and inland waters - 250 sq. km. Belgium shares land borders with France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Belgium's land borders with neighboring countries have a total length of 1,385 km. Almost half of them are on the border with France (620 km), followed by the Netherlands (450 km), Germany (167 km), Luxembourg (148 km). Belgium's closest sea neighbors are France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The territory of Belgium is usually divided into three geographic regions, each of which has a special relief - lower, middle and high Belgium. Lower Belgium is a coastal plain with an altitude of up to 100 m, which is located in the north-west of the country. There are mainly sand dunes and so-called polders, which are lands located below sea level and characterized by high fertility. Polders are constantly inundated, so numerous dams are built to protect them. Central Belgium (height above sea level - 100-200 meters) is located on the central plateau, between the city of Kempen and the valleys of the Sambre and Meuse rivers.

The southeast of the country falls on high Belgium - the Ardennes Uplands and Condroz. The height of this region above sea level is 200-500 meters. The Ardennes Uplands, represented by high hills, are forested and practically unoccupied. The Ardennes is the highest point of Belgium - Mount Botrange, 694 meters high. High Belgium includes the geographic region of Condroz, which is a stretch of low hills (200-300 meters above sea level).

Geology and Minerals of Belgium

In the northern part of Belgium, under a thick Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover, there is a Precambrian crystalline basement. When moving to the south, the foundation is exposed in places along the river valleys, and in the south of the country it emerges in the form of Hercynian folded structures, which have undergone strong denudation. Loess is widespread in northern Belgium as a result of repeated exposure to glacial melt waters.

Other minerals: coal (in Campina and along the valleys of the Meuse and Sambre rivers); lead, zinc, copper, antimony (Ardennes); granite, sandstone, marble.

Relief of belgium

Coastal dunes in Koksiyd municipality The landscape is predominantly flat, gradually increasing from the coastal lowland to the southeast. Three natural regions stand out: the coastal plains (Low Belgium), the low central plateaus (Middle Belgium) and the Ardennes mountains (High Belgium).

The low-lying coast of the North Sea is bordered by a belt of dunes up to 30 m high and 1.5-2.5 km wide. Low tides reveal a strip of sandy wattages, the width of which reaches 3.5 km. Fertile areas (polders) adjacent to the coast, some of them are below sea level (up to? 2 m) and are protected from it by dunes and dams. Behind the strip of polders lie the flat alluvial lowlands of Low Belgium: Flanders and Campines (up to 50 m high); in some places remnant hills rise (height up to 150-170 m).

Central Belgium stretches from Mons and Liege to the mountainous regions of the southeast. The territory of this natural region is occupied by undulating plains with erosional landforms. The altitude rises from north to south from 80-100 to 180 m. The valleys of the Meuse and Sambre rivers, located in a large depression, divide Middle and High Belgium.

Statistics Belgium
(as of 2012)

In High Belgium lies the ancient Ardennes massif, which is the western continuation of the Rhine Slate Mountains. As a result of prolonged erosion and denudation, the summits of the Ardennes are plateau-like. The massif is composed mainly of Paleozoic limestones and sandstones; in the Alpine era, the mountains experienced an uplift, especially the eastern part - the Tai plateau and the High Fenn, the peak of which - Mount Botrange (fr. Botrange, 694 meters above sea level), is the highest point in the country. In the extreme southeast of the country, there are limestone cuesta ridges up to 460 m high.

Water resources of Belgium

Fortress of Namur at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse The territory of Belgium is covered with a dense network of calm and deep rivers, which includes two major rivers of Europe - the Meuse and the Scheldt. The predominant direction of the flow of rivers is from the south-west to the north-east, most of the rivers are navigable and do not freeze in winter when the main flow passes through them. Flowing through the territory of Belgium, the Scheldt is replenished with the waters of the rivers Lys (near Ghent), Dandre (near Dendermonde), Durme (near Hamm), Rupel (near Antwerp) and already in the Netherlands forms the Western Scheldt estuary. Among the tributaries of the Meuse are Ermeton, Sambra (flows into Namur), Meen, Vezdre (in Liege); the joint Rhine-Meuse delta is also in the Netherlands.

In Low Belgium, due to flood threats, a flow regulation system has been created using a network of pumping stations, canals (canals Gent-Terneuzen, Brussels-Scheldt, Albert Canal, etc.) and locks. There are few lakes in Belgium, and all are small in size. There are many artificial reservoirs, the largest of which is Lake O-Dor.

According to 2005 estimates, Belgium possesses 20.8 cubic meters. km of renewable water resources, of which 7.44 cubic meters are consumed per year. km (13% for utilities, 85% for industrial and 1% for agricultural needs).

Belgium climate

The territory of Belgium is quite compact, so there is no large variation in the temperature background. In winter, the average temperature on the coast is + 3 ° С, on the central plateau - + 2 ° С, on the Ardennes - -1 ° С. In summer, the temperature on the coast is quite comfortable - about + 20 ° С, in the Ardennes it is slightly lower - on average + 16 ° С.

The cold period lasts about 120 days in the Ardennes, and about 80 days in Campina. The average temperature in winter is + 0 ... + 6 ° С, in spring - + 5 ... + 14 ° С, in summer - + 11 ... + 22 ° С, in autumn - + 7 ... + 15 ° С. In rare years, summer temperatures in Belgium reached + 30 ° C. The warmest months are from May to September, so most tourists choose these months to visit Belgium.

As for precipitation, their level is quite high. On average, the amount of precipitation in the country is 800-1000 mm. Most of the precipitation falls in the Ardennes - up to 1500 mm per year. This is due to the fact that the Ardennes are more remote from the oceanic coast than other regions, so their climate has characteristic continental features. It snows in winter, but you will hardly be able to see a stable snow cover. In winter, cold winds blow, including on the Atlantic coast, where it is especially damp and damp. In summer, there are frequent rains and fogs caused by high air humidity.

The proximity of the ocean leads to the presence of high air humidity, as well as often cloudy weather. The sunniest months in Belgium are April and September. Air masses from the Atlantic can significantly affect the climate: in summer, winds bring prolonged rains and coolness, and in winter, warm and damp weather.

The water temperature in the summer months is quite cool - about + 17 ° С, but for residents of northern latitudes it is quite acceptable for swimming. If you are an experienced walrus, you can also go swimming in the winter months. In winter, the water temperature in the North Sea is around + 5 ° C. In Belgium, fans of swimming in cold water are called "polar bears". Annually in the Ostend area

Belgium soils and vegetation

Typical landscape of Low Belgium The most fertile soils in Belgium are located in polders and river floodplains, where meadow vegetation is abundant. The loess-covered calcareous soils of the central plateaus are also very fertile. The cultural landscape of the bocage in Flanders includes forest belts, hedges and gardens. Forests occupy about 19% of the country's area and have remained mainly in the mountainous (southern) regions. In Low Belgium there are oak-birch forests, in Central and High Belgium beech and oak and hornbeam grow on podzolic and brown forest soils. The soils of the Ardennes are poor in humus and have low fertility, while the sandy soils of Campina are dominated by heathers, there are natural pine forests.

In 2005, arable land occupied 27.42% of the country's territory, with 0.69% of permanent crops grown. Irrigated 400 sq. km (2003).

As in most European countries, the forests of Belgium had to make room under the pressure of man, his economic activities. Previously, almost the entire territory of Belgium was covered with deciduous forests, the main species of which were oak, beech, hornbeam, chestnut and ash. In the Middle Ages, there were even forests in Flanders, which has now become the most developed industrial region in Belgium. The forests of Flanders in those days gave shelter to the "forest guez" - fugitive peasants and artisans who rebelled against Spanish rule.

Until now, the primeval forests have been preserved only in the Ardennes mountains, which are of little use for economic development due to the low fertility of the lands and not particularly favorable climate. More than half of the woodlands of the Ardennes are coniferous forests, formed mainly by pine and spruce. Also, there are centuries-old forests of broad-leaved species - oak and beech. Natural forests currently cover approximately 14% of the total area of ​​Belgium. The lack of vegetation in other parts of Belgium is being made up for by plantations of forests, which account for about 7% of the country's area, as well as orchards and hedges (bocages). Fir and pine are mainly planted to strengthen the coastal zones.

In the low-lying regions of Belgium, you can often find meadows with lush vegetation of a dark green color, which look great against the backdrop of majestic mountains or the sea coast. Shrubs, mainly heather, grow on sandy soils, and holly grows in swampy areas. The landscape of the Hautes Fagnes natural park, located on the plateau of the same name, is interesting. This wetland is covered with characteristic vegetation - mosses, lichens, creeping grasses. In some places there are small crooked trees bending to the ground, so in some places the landscape resembles a tundra. Swamps, which are more than seven thousand years old, occupy 100 of the 4500 hectares of the natural park. There are many small rivers and cold streams with crystal clear water.

In addition to the largest natural park in Belgium, the High Fagnes (High Marshes), you can visit the following protected areas: the Haute Fann National Park, Westhoek, Kalmthaut, Belsel, as well as many other small natural areas on the coast. In the Westhoek Nature Reserve (Westoeek), there are picturesque depressions between three large dunes, overgrown with bushes and filling with water at high tide.

Fauna of Belgium

Like the flora, the fauna of Belgium has suffered significantly as a result of human economic activity. Together with the forests, large mammals were almost completely exterminated, which survived only in the forests of the Ardennes mountains. Small mammals are widespread, represented by foxes, hares, martens, weasels, badgers, squirrels, forest mice. In the Ardennes you can also find deer, fallow deer, roe deer, katanas, wild boars. Hunting is allowed in certain areas of the mountains, but only with a license. The pheasant is the most common of the forest birds; partridge, woodcock and wild duck can be found. These birds are most often found in the marshy areas of Belgium, as well as in heather thickets growing on sandy soils. They are also allowed to hunt during certain periods. Trout is abundant in mountain rivers.

Wildlife islands in Belgium are protected by nature reserves. The largest and most interesting protected area is the Ot-Fan National Park, which covers an area of ​​55 thousand hectares. It is located on the eastern border of Belgium, near Germany. The most picturesque part of the national park is the Northern Ardennes, which abound in picturesque rocky canyons and pristine forests. In dense thickets of oak, beech, spruce and juniper, red deer, roe deer, wild boars, martens, white hares, as well as various songbirds are found. The bog fauna is most prominently represented in the Hautes Fagnes Natural Park, located on the plateau of the same name.

Wading and seabirds are abundant in the Zvin bird sanctuary, which covers an area of ​​150 hectares on the site of a former estuary. Storks were brought to Zvin and took root well. Zwin also boasts a unique exotic butterfly garden with over 400 species of tropical butterflies. Among exotic plants, you can see fluttering butterflies, which delight the eye with a play of colors and fantastic shapes. Belgium has another tropical park - Sun Parks, which is a tropical city under a hood. In the park's aquariums, you can see exotic fish, and a lot of tropical parrots sit on the bizarre trees.

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"Geography of Belgium"

geographic belgium lowland industry


Belgium, or rather the full official name of the country - the Kingdom of Belgium. If you find and examine on the map, then this is a small piece of land that has taken a very advantageous location in the very center of Western Europe, on the coast of the North Sea. Its total territory is only 30.5 thousand km2. Land borders with France to the south and west, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, and the Netherlands to the north. Most of the capitals of Western European countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and France are within 1000 km of the capital of Belgium - Brussels. In the northwest it is washed by the North Sea. Population reaches 10 million people. The form of government in this state is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy. The most significant rivers in Belgium are the Meuse (one of the most famous rivers in Europe) - the length within the country is 183 km, and the Scheldt - 200 km, the rivers are navigable and do not freeze. The highest point in Belgium in the Ardennes is Bontraj (694 m).

If you look at Belgium from a bird's eye view, then at first glance this small state with its beautiful manicured fields, canals, castles, houses, highways gives the impression of something unreal, it is hard to believe that it is real.

But no matter how small its area, a good geographical location, allows you to take the best from Europe. Its unique natural landscapes are striking in their diversity. The relief is mostly flat, gently rising from northwest to southeast, thus dividing the country into three parts: Low Belgium in the northwest (coastal flat lowland), Central Belgium in the central part (hilly plain, which rises by 100 200 m above sea level), High Belgium in the southeast (the ancient Ardennes mountain range, rising 200-500 m above sea level). The highest point of the Ardennes is Bontraj (694 m).

Belgium has a large network of deep rivers with a calm flow. The most significant rivers are the Meuse with the Sambre tributary in High Belgium and the Scheldt with the Lys tributary in Low Belgium. The Meuse, with its tributaries, cut through plateau-like surfaces, resulting in the formation of interfluves and deep valleys. The maximum flow occurs during the winter months. There are floods in Low Belgium. To regulate the flow, a network of pumping stations, canals and sluices has been created here.

In Belgium, nature has been greatly changed by people, their presence and work can be observed everywhere, the Belgians are very careful about nature, and take good care of it. There is very little natural vegetation left in Belgium, in Low Belgium it is represented by oak-birch, in Middle and High Belgium - beech and oak forests on podzolic and brown forest soils. Forests cover about 18% of the country's area. The most wooded part is the Ardennes, where the National Park was created in 1954, pines and spruces were planted. A kind of bocage in Flanders with hedges, gardens in the form of forest strips. In the polder zones and on the river floodplains, there is rich meadow vegetation and the most fertile soils.

In the forests of Belgium, such species of animals as red deer, roe deer, wild boar, forest cat, pine marten, and brown hare have survived. Rodents are numerous: shrews, dormouse, voles. The fauna of birds is diverse, including hunting and commercial species (pheasants, partridges, woodcocks, etc.).

Low Belgium

The northwestern part of Belgium is lowland and is called Low Belgium. If we proceed from the definition of the concept of "lowland", then we see that these are land areas located no higher than 200 m above sea level. The surface of the lowland is usually flat, less often hilly. Lowlands are formed mainly as a result of tectonic subsidence and filling of depressions with marine or continental sediments (mainly river alluvium), occurring more or less horizontally.

The Belgian North Sea coast is a white carpet of fine sand, approximately 66-77 km long. There are no natural harbors on the flat sandy coast, which greatly complicates navigation. Nevertheless, this is a beautiful natural beach, invigorating air and an oceanic climate, which is milder than in the interior of the country, and attracts many vacationers and tourists from Belgium and other countries. Along the coast of the North Sea, there are dunes in a belt, the height of which in some places is up to 30 m, and the width is from 1.5 to 2.5 km, which at low tide can reach 3.5 km.

There are many seaside resorts, hotels and other various places of rest on the coast. Around on the sea surface, surrounding bathers, small waves covered with foam run, which draw bizarre patterns on the gray-green glass of the sea surface. Fishing villages are located right behind the strip of dunes. The largest and one of the best resorts on the coast is Ostend, and it is also one of the largest fishing ports. Vacationers have a great opportunity to taste fresh "seafood" such as shrimp, oysters, lobsters, fresh fish, sea snails and mussels, by the way, oysters are grown on local farms. Interestingly, on the Belgian coast, there is the only place in the world where shrimp fishing from a horse is still practiced. Sailing centers are also very popular here.

High dunes protect the polder area. Polders are called fertile plots of land adjacent to the coast, which are up to 2 m below sea level. As a result, in adverse weather conditions, they are under the threat of flooding. It is for this reason that in Belgium there is a whole system of artificial dams and sandy coastal dunes, and a little further from the sea, drainage canals and fields protect from floods. The polder zone is the best agricultural land in the country with rich vegetation, covered with fresh velvet greenery, crossed by canals and protected by dams, the Belgian polders are very similar to the Dutch ones. Since the polders lie below sea level, there is a constant danger of flooding them not only by the sea or rivers, but even by rainwater that does not run off. Therefore, river beds are also fenced off with dams and a dense network of drainage canals, dams and sluices has been created. Water is continuously pumped by pumps into rivers and canals, which divert water to the sea. The floodplain soils covering the coastal lowlands of Flanders are also very fertile. Undrained lands are used for pastures, and drained ones are the basis of developing agriculture; various cultivated plants are planted on these lands.

Between the western polders and the Scheldt River lies the Flemish Plain, in places with wooded hills and swampy areas. “The country is flat, the country is low, the country is damp” - this is how the French geographer Blanchard speaks of Flemish. Plain terrain, which is cut by deep rivers and canals. Flemish is characterized by spacious green meadows, oak and birch vegetation, windmills, and heavenly canopies of a grayish blue gloomy color. Flemish is the most industrialized region of Belgium. The industry is well formed here, thanks to the influence of the coastal climate. All transport routes run in this area, which connect some parts of Western European countries, as well as the interior of Belgium with the coast.

Middle Belgium

Central Belgium is a wide plain located south of the coastal lowland and extends all the way to the southeastern mountainous regions. This area is dominated by undulating plains cut by numerous rivers on fertile plowed plateaus with heights from 100 to 200 m above sea level. It is here, on the central plateaus, composed of carbonate rocks and covered with forest, that the most fertile and suitable for agriculture - the soils of Belgium - were formed. Due to their arable properties, they occupy a leading position in Europe. The favorable climate has a positive effect on the growth of deciduous forests, which are represented by species such as hornbeam, beech, oak and ash. However, it is dominated by cultural landscapes created by caring farmers. Due to the active urbanization of this area, natural landscapes are almost never found, however, to this day, a beech forest with an area of ​​five thousand hectares has been preserved to the south of Brussels. The high degree of development of the territory by people has led to a reduction in forest areas. Currently, they occupy about 17% of the country's area.

To the west of Brussels is one of the many Belgian quarries (characteristic of the region) - Kenast. A round-shaped quarry formed in the mouth of a volcano, this volcano ceased to exist about 40 million years ago. The volcano's cone disappeared as a result of erosion, and the lava was petrified and transformed into a very hard vapor called porphyry. The depth of the quarry is 123 m, the length is 1500 m, and the width is 500 m. In the 19th century, Kenasta cobblestones were mined here, which served as a surface for roads around the world (approximately 1 million 300 thousand cobblestones were mined per month). Today, crushed stone is mined here, which is used for the embankment of high-speed railways in Belgium and France, as well as rubble used for the construction of dams.

One of the largest ports in the world, Antwerp, is located in Central Belgium. Together with Rotterdam, it is the sea gateway to Europe. The bulk of raw materials and fuel for the entire country comes through large ports. This was the reason for the creation of new industries in large port areas. Now, in addition to the branches of ship repair and shipbuilding, which process imported raw materials, there have also appeared branches of the large oil refining and petrochemical industries, non-ferrous and even ferrous metallurgy.

The leading industries are: chemical, metallurgy, oil, textile and food industries. Belgian glass products are in great demand. Antwerp is a major diamond cutting and diamond trading center, which has also positively influenced the development of other industries.

As you move south, the rural landscapes give way to the industrial landscapes of Wallonia. This region is characterized by: metalworking, glass and chemical factories, black mounds of rock extracted with coal, smoke from factory chimneys, quarries that stretch along the Sambre and Meuse valleys all the way to Liege. This is how the so-called "black Belgium" looks like. In almost any weather, the sky here is covered with a gray-bluish haze or a dirty veil. But it is worth driving very close, as the area transforms into picturesque villages, green gardens and groves, as well as ancient castles, of which there are more than 100 in the province of Hainaut alone.

High belgium

South of the Sambre and Meuse valleys, far from big industry and big cities, "High Belgium" originates. In terms of natural facilities, it differs markedly from other regions of the country. The mountainous terrain is not conducive to the development of agriculture in this area, but the charm of this region attracts many tourists. In High Belgium there are provinces such as Liege, Namur, Hainaut. In most of the territory, the old destroyed Ardennes mountains and their foothills are located.

This small mountain range is composed of sandstones, shale and limestone, and is an extension of the Rhine Shale Mountains. Its highest points rise to 600-700 meters above sea level, and are vast plateaus and rounded peaks, dissected by deep river valleys, on a plateau. The highest point is Mount Botrange, which reaches 694 meters above sea level. The Ardennes are almost completely covered with forests, some of which are man-made. On the slopes of the river valleys, you can find the natural remains of beautiful oak, beech and birch forests.

The soils of the Ardennes are rocky, and are characterized by low fertility, which, combined with the cold and humid climate, does little to the development of agriculture, therefore, the land is mainly used for pastures. Small villages are connected by winding serpentine roads.

The most picturesque part of the country, filled with clear mountain air, forests, and mountain streams. Small towns with Catholic churches, ancient castles, majestically towering on the tops of the mountains, adorn the landscapes no less. Despite the mild coastal climate of High Belgium, the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow, which makes it possible to practice winter sports. Due to the large flow of tourists, the ski resorts are very well developed. In turn, hunting is very popular in summer, but this requires a special permit. Despite the fact that it is allowed to have picnics in the forests, the Belgians love their nature very much and take care of the forests, keeping them clean.

The landscapes of the northern and southern slopes of the Ardennes are very different from each other. The northern slopes are represented by bare rocks with lonely forest peaks, in places by rare villages with water mills, in places by cultivated plots of land. The southern slopes are surrounded on all sides by river valleys, with fertile soil, divided into small fields with bocages, in order to protect from mountain streams. The villages in the south are much more populous than in the north.

The fauna of the native forests has survived only in the Ardennes, where wild boars, fallow deer, roe deer, hares, squirrels, forest mice are still found. In the marshy areas on the plateau and heathers in Kampina, partridges, woodcocks, pheasants and ducks come across.


The natural conditions in Belgium are generally favorable for the development of agriculture. However, Belgium is not rich in minerals necessary for industry. Only coal deposits can be considered significant, the deposits of which are estimated quite high. Coal reserves are concentrated in two coal basins: North, or Kampinsky.

The resources of building materials in the Sambre and Meuse valleys are of economic importance: granite, lime, clays and quartz sands, which served as the basis for the creation of a large glass industry. Small deposits of iron and lead-zinc ores in the Ardennes are almost completely depleted.

The unique geographical position of Belgium contributed to its economic growth, the establishment of extensive trade relations, as well as the formation of a wealthy and industrial country. It is a small but powerful highly industrial center, through which important trade routes pass. The country is located in the center of the most populated and industrialized part of western Europe.

The country is the center of western Europe, and the center of the common market, it is very convenient to export products from Belgium. Antwerp played an important role in the formation of Belgium, which also became a powerful industrial center. And the capital of Belgium - Brussels is both the administrative and financial capital in the common market.

Of course, it is also a powerful tourist center. Many tourists are attracted to Belgium by unique natural landscapes, because in a small area there are lowlands, plains, and mountainous terrain at once. Many resorts, the opportunity to relax on the sea, in the mountains, etc. The most beautiful castles, green hilly reliefs of the Ardennes, dune landscapes on the North Sea coast, rivers and canals lined with poplars along the banks have long become favorite places for locals who come for the weekend, in the future they will become favorite places for those who have visited there for the first time.

List of sources used

1.Aksenova L.A. Belgium. - M .: "Thought" - 1982. - 132 p.

2. Big Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - 640 p.

3. Educational documentary film "Belgium from a bird's eye view", 2007.

4.Tourist portal: Belgium - general information //

5.Tourist site: Travel and tourism //

6. Magazine "Around the world" online //

7. Site about Belgium - "Belgium online" //

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Geographical position of Belgium

A small state of foreign Europe, located on the eastern coast of the North Sea. Apart from the sea area, the area of ​​the kingdom is $ 30.5 thousand square kilometers. The land borders in the north are with the Netherlands, with Germany and Luxembourg - in the east, in the south and south-west, the kingdom borders on France. The total length of the borders is $ 1,385 km.

By tradition, Belgium is divided into $ 3 geographic regions. These include:

  1. Coastal plain located in the northwest;
  2. Low central plateau;
  3. Ardennes Upland.

Coastal plain- this is low Belgium with an altitude of $ 100 m above sea level, represented by dunes and polders.

Up to $ 200 m central plateau Is middle Belgium.

High Belgium is represented by Ardennes elevation. Its height reaches $ 500 m.

Definition 1

Polders Are low-lying areas of land protected from flooding by dams.

The country has Mount Botrange, whose height is $ 694 m - this is the highest place in Belgium. There are also rivers, the largest of which are the Scheldt and the Meuse, which originate in France. Both rivers are connected by canals. On the geographical map, Belgium looks like a small triangle, but belongs to the most densely populated countries in Europe. The average density of the country is $ 328 per sq km. This small country amazes with the variety of its landscapes. The Ardennes of medium height, indented by abysses and gorges, flaunt in the southeast of the country. They are an extension of the Rhine Shale Mountains. The highest peaks are located on the border with Germany. The mountains in the north are skirted by the most famous river in Europe - the Meuse. The mountain slopes are covered with forest, and the serpentine road connects small villages with each other.

The Belgian population is divided into 3 linguistic communities:

  1. The French community;
  2. Flemish Community;
  3. German-speaking community.

Therefore, there are also three official languages ​​- French, Flemish, German.

Languages ​​are spread throughout the territory as follows:

  1. In the north of the country, in Flanders, more than $ 5 million people use the Flemish language;
  2. In the south of the country - Wallonia - more than $ 3 million people speak French;
  3. In the eastern part of Wallonia, German is spoken, which is spoken by $ 67 thousand people.

To enter Belgium, you need to apply for a Schengen visa. Belgians mostly - $ 70% - Catholics, many Protestants and Jews, $ 2 $% Muslims.

Economy of Belgium, priority sectors

Remark 1

The Kingdom of Belgium is a small, highly industrialized country in Europe, where industry and agriculture are intensively developing. Developed transport infrastructure, big cities and ports of not only European but also international importance, large industrial enterprises. The kingdom exports half of its industrial and agricultural products.

The country is a world exporter of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and is one of the world leaders in the chemical industry. The leading branches of mechanical engineering are car assembly, electrical and radio-electronic industries. In the field of energy, the leading sector is the nuclear industry. A $ 2 nuclear power plant operates on the territory of the country. The bowels of the country do not have large reserves of mineral resources, therefore the mining sector is not functioning. Back in the $ 80s of the last century, coal mining was completely stopped. Belgium imports hydrocarbons from the Middle East, the Netherlands, and Algeria. France, USA, Canada, South Africa supply uranium concentrates, coal - the USA and South Africa. The woodworking industry is also developing on imported raw materials, its supplies come from China, Germany, Finland.

The economies of the Belgian regions vary greatly, for example the Flemish and Walloon economies differ in many respects. Belgian cities also have their own distinctive features in the economy. Cities such as Liege, Mons, Charleroi, Namur are among the largest industrial centers.

In the economy of the country, a large place is given to food industry. Such world groups as Danone, InBev, Coca-Cola, Unilever Belgium, Kraft Foods Belgium, Nestlé, Materne, Ferrero and others operate in Belgium.

Highly developed biotechnological a sector that employs over $ 200 of biotech companies. For this industry to develop successfully, strong ties have been established between the main economic players, universities, research centers. In the European Union, Belgian companies account for $ 16% of the industry's turnover. R&D accounts for about $ 10% of the cost.

Its automobile there is no industry in the country. The lack of an industry is offset by the location of large car assembly plants. This is facilitated by low import duties on car parts and, secondly, the availability of highly qualified personnel. $ 1 million of cars roll off assembly lines annually. Factories such as Ford Genk, Audi Forest-Brussels, Volvo Europa, Van Hool (buses) and Truco provide a strong position in the automotive industry in the country.

Belgium is ideal for logistics base... Infrastructure, skills, IT tools provide a complete environment for an attack on the European market. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is a strategic location, an attractive real estate market for the main offices of the largest European corporations. The main bodies of the European Union are located in Brussels, and all the most important decisions are made here. The headquarters of numerous American and Japanese multinational corporations are also located in the capital of Belgium.

Definition 2

In general, for Belgium, the leading sectors of the economy are such as mechanical engineering, in particular the automotive industry, the chemical industry, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, and the diamond complex.

Attractions of a small country

A small speck on the geographical map is Belgium, but nevertheless, the country deserves to be paid attention to. The cultural and political life of the kingdom is characterized by the word "tolerance".

There are many things to see on its territory:

    Cathedral Notre Dame. The cathedral is located in the city of Tournai and it is impossible to pass by this magnificent architecture. The simplicity and grace of the Gothic design is striking at once. Unique examples of medieval painting have been preserved in the cathedral;

    Architectural structure Atomium is located in the capital of Belgium - Brussels. From the observation deck of the Atomium, you can admire the beautiful park "Europe in miniature". There are also exhibitions and museums where you can see the life of the Belgians in the $ 50 $ years. You can visit the Atomium only in order to see with your own eyes a model of an iron molecule, magnified $ 165 million times;

    Waterloo... All who are fond of history remember well that in $ 1815 the allied Anglo-Dutch army under the command of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian troops under the command of Marshal Blucher defeated Napoleon's army in this place. The complex very accurately conveys the spirit of the Napoleonic era. There is also a wax museum in the complex, where you can see not only the commanders-in-chief of that time, but also the emperor of France himself;

    Pissing boy... The boy statue is located in Brussels and needs no introduction. By the way, the boy's name is Julien, he follows fashion and has more than $ 2000 of costumes in his own wardrobe.

Remark 2

Of course, these are not all the sights of Belgium, there are much more of them. Belgians are proud of their cultural values ​​and treat them with care.

BELGIUM(French Belgique, Flam. Belgie), the Kingdom of Belgium (French Royaume de Belgique, Flam. Koninkrijk Belgie), a state in Western Europe. It shares borders with the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France. The area is 30.5 thousand km2. Population 10.29 million (2003). The capital is Brussels. Major cities: Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi, Liege.

State system of Belgium.
Federation of the French, Flemish and German-speaking communities. Belgium is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. The head of the executive branch is the prime minister. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament (the king, according to the constitution, has the right to take part in legislative activity). Parliament consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by direct ballot, members of the Senate are elected; 40 people by direct elections (25 in Flanders and 25 in Wallonia), 10 people each from the Flemish Council and the Council of the French Community. 6 people are co-opted from Flemish senators and 4 people from Francophon senators. The Crown Prince is the senator. Regions (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels) have territorial and economic autonomy. Such a complex system is the fruit of mutual compromises for the maintenance of equality between communities.

Administrative divisions of Belgium.
9 provinces.

Population of Belgium.
The two most numerous national communities in Belgium are the Flemings in the north (about 55% of the population) and the Walloons in the south (about 32%). The Flemings speak Dutch, the Walloons speak French. Germans live in the east (0.6%). The official languages ​​are Dutch (Flemish), French and German. Strict laws protect community equality. The majority of believers (90%) are Roman Catholics. OK. 10% of the population are foreigners. The Turkish and Arab (Moroccan) communities are growing rapidly. In this regard, the number of adherents of Islam is growing. In Belgium there is an Orthodox community called Tezier (20 thousand believers).

The nature of Belgium.
Most of the country is a plain that rises from the northwest to the southeast from the shores of the North Sea to the Ardennes (elevation up to 694 m, Mount Botrange). Along the coast there is a strip of dunes, behind the swarm there are polders that turn into flat lowlands (Flanders and Campin). The middle part of Belgium is dominated by hilly plains. The climate is moderately maritime. The rivers Scheldt, Meuse, Leie with tributaries and canals of Albert, Scheldt-Meuse, Ghent-Ostend flow through the country. The total length of Belgium's waterways is 1990 km, including 735 km of canals. The B.h. of the country is a cultural landscape. Landscapes are protected in numerous reserves and natural parks (Ot Fan, Kalmthaut, etc.).

Economy of Belgium.
Back in the early Middle Ages, Belgium was one of the "workshops of Europe". Nowadays it is a highly developed industrial country with intensive agriculture (about 40% of industrial production is exported). GNP per capita $ 24,710 (1995). The oldest industry is textile (over 3/4 of production is concentrated in Flanders). Belgium is renowned for the production of woolen carpets and synthetic carpets. Belgium is one of the world's leading exporters of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, European coal exporters. Of the branches of mechanical engineering, the most developed are car assembly, electrical and radio-electronic. Weaponry is traditionally developed (Liege). Famous diamond cutting and diamond trade (Antwerp).

Currency unit euro (since 2002).

Historical sketch of Belgium.
The name comes from the Gallic tribe of the Belgae, who inhabited the country in antiquity. But the history of Belgium as a state begins with the separation from the historical Netherlands after the Dutch revolution in the 16th century. These 9 provinces did not support the Protestants and remained faithful to Catholicism. As a result of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Belgian territories became the possession of the Austrian Habsburgs (1714). In 1815-30, these lands were part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Belgian Revolution of 1830 led to the creation of an independent Belgian state. Belgium became a major colonial power. In the mid-1990s. completed in the 1970s. the federalization process of Belgium. Belgium became one of the founders of NATO in 1949 and a member of the Council of Europe. Currently in Belgium are located approx. 850 international organizations, including the main political organizations of the EU and NATO.

National Holidays - July 21 (Day of taking the oath of allegiance to the Constitution by King Leopold I in 1831) and November 15 (Royal Dynasty Day).

Geographical position of Belgium

A small state of foreign Europe, located on the eastern coast of the North Sea. Apart from the sea area, the area of ​​the kingdom is $ 30.5 thousand square kilometers. The land borders in the north are with the Netherlands, with Germany and Luxembourg - in the east, in the south and south-west, the kingdom borders on France. The total length of the borders is $ 1,385 km.

By tradition, Belgium is divided into $ 3 geographic regions. These include:

  1. Coastal plain located in the northwest;
  2. Low central plateau;
  3. Ardennes Upland.

Coastal plain- this is low Belgium with an altitude of $ 100 m above sea level, represented by dunes and polders.

Up to $ 200 m central plateau Is middle Belgium.

High Belgium is represented by Ardennes elevation. Its height reaches $ 500 m.

Definition 1

Polders Are low-lying areas of land protected from flooding by dams.

The country has Mount Botrange, whose height is $ 694 m - this is the highest place in Belgium. There are also rivers, the largest of which are the Scheldt and the Meuse, which originate in France. Both rivers are connected by canals. On the geographical map, Belgium looks like a small triangle, but belongs to the most densely populated countries in Europe. The average density of the country is $ 328 per sq km. This small country amazes with the variety of its landscapes. The Ardennes of medium height, indented by abysses and gorges, flaunt in the southeast of the country. They are an extension of the Rhine Shale Mountains. The highest peaks are located on the border with Germany. The mountains in the north are skirted by the most famous river in Europe - the Meuse. The mountain slopes are covered with forest, and the serpentine road connects small villages with each other.

The Belgian population is divided into 3 linguistic communities:

  1. The French community;
  2. Flemish Community;
  3. German-speaking community.

Therefore, there are also three official languages ​​- French, Flemish, German.

Languages ​​are spread throughout the territory as follows:

  1. In the north of the country, in Flanders, more than $ 5 million people use the Flemish language;
  2. In the south of the country - Wallonia - more than $ 3 million people speak French;
  3. In the eastern part of Wallonia, German is spoken, which is spoken by $ 67 thousand people.

To enter Belgium, you need to apply for a Schengen visa. Belgians mostly - $ 70% - Catholics, many Protestants and Jews, $ 2 $% Muslims.

Economy of Belgium, priority sectors

Remark 1

The Kingdom of Belgium is a small, highly industrialized country in Europe, where industry and agriculture are intensively developing. Developed transport infrastructure, big cities and ports of not only European but also international importance, large industrial enterprises. The kingdom exports half of its industrial and agricultural products.

The country is a world exporter of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and is one of the world leaders in the chemical industry. The leading branches of mechanical engineering are car assembly, electrical and radio-electronic industries. In the field of energy, the leading sector is the nuclear industry. A $ 2 nuclear power plant operates on the territory of the country. The bowels of the country do not have large reserves of mineral resources, therefore the mining sector is not functioning. Back in the $ 80s of the last century, coal mining was completely stopped. Belgium imports hydrocarbons from the Middle East, the Netherlands, and Algeria. France, USA, Canada, South Africa supply uranium concentrates, coal - the USA and South Africa. The woodworking industry is also developing on imported raw materials, its supplies come from China, Germany, Finland.

The economies of the Belgian regions vary greatly, for example the Flemish and Walloon economies differ in many respects. Belgian cities also have their own distinctive features in the economy. Cities such as Liege, Mons, Charleroi, Namur are among the largest industrial centers.

In the economy of the country, a large place is given to food industry. Such world groups as Danone, InBev, Coca-Cola, Unilever Belgium, Kraft Foods Belgium, Nestlé, Materne, Ferrero and others operate in Belgium.

Highly developed biotechnological a sector that employs over $ 200 of biotech companies. For this industry to develop successfully, strong ties have been established between the main economic players, universities, research centers. In the European Union, Belgian companies account for $ 16% of the industry's turnover. R&D accounts for about $ 10% of the cost.

Its automobile there is no industry in the country. The lack of an industry is offset by the location of large car assembly plants. This is facilitated by low import duties on car parts and, secondly, the availability of highly qualified personnel. $ 1 million of cars roll off assembly lines annually. Factories such as Ford Genk, Audi Forest-Brussels, Volvo Europa, Van Hool (buses) and Truco provide a strong position in the automotive industry in the country.

Belgium is ideal for logistics base... Infrastructure, skills, IT tools provide a complete environment for an attack on the European market. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is a strategic location, an attractive real estate market for the main offices of the largest European corporations. The main bodies of the European Union are located in Brussels, and all the most important decisions are made here. The headquarters of numerous American and Japanese multinational corporations are also located in the capital of Belgium.

Definition 2

In general, for Belgium, the leading sectors of the economy are such as mechanical engineering, in particular the automotive industry, the chemical industry, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, and the diamond complex.

Attractions of a small country

A small speck on the geographical map is Belgium, but nevertheless, the country deserves to be paid attention to. The cultural and political life of the kingdom is characterized by the word "tolerance".

There are many things to see on its territory:

    Cathedral Notre Dame. The cathedral is located in the city of Tournai and it is impossible to pass by this magnificent architecture. The simplicity and grace of the Gothic design is striking at once. Unique examples of medieval painting have been preserved in the cathedral;

    Architectural structure Atomium is located in the capital of Belgium - Brussels. From the observation deck of the Atomium, you can admire the beautiful park "Europe in miniature". There are also exhibitions and museums where you can see the life of the Belgians in the $ 50 $ years. You can visit the Atomium only in order to see with your own eyes a model of an iron molecule, magnified $ 165 million times;

    Waterloo... All who are fond of history remember well that in $ 1815 the allied Anglo-Dutch army under the command of the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian troops under the command of Marshal Blucher defeated Napoleon's army in this place. The complex very accurately conveys the spirit of the Napoleonic era. There is also a wax museum in the complex, where you can see not only the commanders-in-chief of that time, but also the emperor of France himself;

    Pissing boy... The boy statue is located in Brussels and needs no introduction. By the way, the boy's name is Julien, he follows fashion and has more than $ 2000 of costumes in his own wardrobe.

Remark 2

Of course, these are not all the sights of Belgium, there are much more of them. Belgians are proud of their cultural values ​​and treat them with care.

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