Preparatory measures for the appointment of ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland: how to prepare for the procedure Is it possible to drink before ultrasound of the thyroid gland

The article is devoted to one of the most important methods of studying the organs of the endocrine system - ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a description of which, from indications to conduct, to reading the results, will be considered here.

Particular attention is paid to the opportunities that open up before doctors thanks to the use of ultrasound technology, which allows you to obtain important data without harming the body at all. The information is supplemented by the video in this article, as well as interesting photo materials.

The thyroid gland is called so for its characteristic shape. It is one of the most important components of the endocrine system, which is responsible for human metabolism. Therefore, the slightest disruptions can provoke the development of serious problems with the body, because the presence and concentration of thyroid hormones have a decisive influence on such processes and organs:

  1. Heart (read more);
  2. Brain;
  3. Bone development;
  4. The reproductive system;
  5. Muscle tissue development.

And timely detection and selection of treatment methods can be carried out using ultrasound examination of glandula thyreoidea.

Since the thyroid gland is not located deeply under the skin, modern ultrasound equipment makes it possible to study its entire structure in detail, in addition to the areas that hide the sternum or trachea.

During an ultrasound scan of an organ, the following characteristics of the organ are revealed:

  1. Contours;
  2. Structure;
  3. Structure;
  4. Location.


In the normal state, the borders of the gland are clear, but with pathological changes, such as inflammation or neoplasms, they become, on the contrary, indistinct.


A healthy glandula thyreoidea contains two lobes connected by an isthmus. Quite often, there is an additional structural unit in the form of a pyramidal lobe, the location of which is the midline of the body of the organ upward from the isthmus.

Sometimes there are small outgrowths of tissue, not exceeding 10 mm in length. They stretch in the direction of the lower poles of the lobes - the horns of the thymus gland. Endocrinologists call these outgrowths "antipyramids".

In some cases, intrauterine organ developmental disorders occur, in which the thyroid gland may not split into two, but completely move to one side (agenesis or aplasia of one of the lobes). If glandula thyreoidea does not develop at all, then this condition is called complete aplasia.


A normal organ has a homogeneous structure with a characteristic granularity. Its heterogeneity indicates the presence of inflammation.

Features of calculating the linear dimensions of various structural elements of the gland are shown in the following table:

Evaluation of focal lesions is carried out in the case of calcifications.


This characteristic implies in what tone, shade a certain area of ​​tissue will be visible on the display of the ultrasound machine. With its help, it is possible to characterize the lymph nodes, determining their presence, size, structure, structure.

Also, on this basis, signs of various kinds of neoplasms are diagnosed (microcalcifications, cystic transformation, increased blood flow in the lymph nodes).


The thyroid gland can be located:

  • low;
  • typically;
  • aberrant (pathologically).

In addition, during an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, you can examine some organs and tissues located in the immediate vicinity of it:

  • trachea;
  • larynx;
  • esophagus;
  • nerve trunks;
  • salivary glands;
  • The lymph nodes;
  • parathyroid glands;
  • large blood vessels.

In some cases, ectopic (displaced) fragments are located near the main body of the thyroid gland, for example, to a level below the trachea.


Normally, there should be no pathological inclusions in the structure of the thyroid tissue. What does ultrasound of the thyroid gland show in the presence of pathological formations?

This diagnostic method allows you to assess:

  • type of formation (node, cyst, or calcinate);
  • their number;
  • the size;
  • echogenicity and structure.

Important! All large nodes of the thyroid gland, whose diameter exceeds 10-15 mm, are subject to puncture biopsy followed by histological examination. This diagnostic test is performed to exclude malignant neoplasms of the organ.

The condition of the lymph nodes

Normally, the regional nodes of the thyroid gland are not enlarged, painless.

Their various changes may indicate:

  • development of inflammation:
    1. increase in l / knots in size;
    2. signs of lymphadenitis;
  • the formation of a malignant neoplasm:
    1. the presence of microcalcifications;
    2. increased blood flow in regional l / nodes;
    3. cystic transformation.

Important! Even if nothing bothers you, it is important to have regular check-ups. The medical instruction recommends checking the functioning of the thyroid gland once a year. This is especially true for women over 35, whose risk of developing endocrine pathology is much higher than that of men.

In what cases is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland prescribed?

The proportion of people who are observed different reaches 1/5 of the entire adult population. Some areas of the Earth have an even greater percentage of patients - more than ½.

Such a massive defeat of people with diseases of glandula thyreoidea is caused by the following factors:

  • injuries;
  • stress;
  • intoxications;
  • lack of iodine;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • burdened by heredity;
  • Poor environmental conditions;
  • frequent infectious diseases.

An endocrinologist checks an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, as a rule, once a year. Most of all, this study is important for women who have crossed the thirty-five-year barrier, since this statistical group most often suffers from pathologies of glandula thyreoidea.

Important! Timely check-up allows detecting diseases at the earliest stages of its development, thanks to which the doctor can deal with it as efficiently as possible, and the cost of treatment in this case will be much lower in comparison with an advanced severe form of the disease.

The doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland for the following symptoms, diseases and situations:

  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • weakness;
  • obesity;
  • exhaustion;
  • coughing;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • tremor of the fingers;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • increased nervousness;
  • prolonged subfebrile condition;
  • planning pregnancy;
  • excessive irritability;
  • reaching the age of forty;
  • suspicion of the presence of neoplasms;
  • weight change for no apparent reason;
  • labor activity in hazardous industries;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • identification of neoplasms, determined by palpation;
  • control of the correctness of the puncture of the glandula thyreoidea;
  • the presence of genetically determined pathologies of the thyroid gland.

In the event that ultrasound diagnostics does not provide adequate information content, due to the deep location of some anatomical structures of the organ, the instruction requires the appointment of additional studies. However, no equivalent alternative to ultrasound has yet been developed.

The full use of all the capabilities of ultrasound equipment can only be ensured by an experienced specialist, since the information visible on the monitor can be judged subjectively.

Strict control of the endocrine system in a pregnant woman

More often, female individuals undergo endocrine changes, due to frequent hormonal surges. One of these periods is pregnancy, during which the body undergoes tremendous changes that stress the thyroid gland.

It is important to monitor the correct functioning of the organ, since the main part of its activity is aimed at the correct development of the fetus. If system failures occur, the baby's health can be damaged.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland during pregnancy helps to avoid developing abnormalities in its work, which can lead to negative consequences:

  • detachment of the placenta;
  • miscarriage;
  • severe bleeding during and after childbirth;
  • heart failure;
  • early delivery;
  • blood pressure.

Ideally, it is worth being examined before conception so that the body meets the crucial moment in the life of every woman completely healthy.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland during pregnancy will not bring negative consequences to the mother and the child, it will help to tell if there are problems in the area under study.

You can define the following deviations:

  • lack of iodine inside the body;
  • manifestation of nodules;
  • deviation of the normal size to the larger side.

During pregnancy, the volume of the gland can reach 21 ml, such changes are considered normal. A pregnant woman is prescribed iodine-containing preparations from the first appointment with a gynecologist, before childbirth. The amount of consumed element for a girl should be 250 mg.

What does the ultrasound report contain?

In the conclusion after the study, the characteristics of the following parameters are indicated:

  1. Isthmus structures.
  2. The structures of the surrounding tissues.
  3. The sizes of the shares (both right and left).
  4. The contours of the organ (normally they are clear, even).
  5. The volume, homogeneity and structure of the thyroid gland.
  6. Linear parameters of glandula parathyreoidea (N - 4X5X5 mm).
  7. Characteristics of the cervical lymph nodes in general and those located in the immediate vicinity, in particular (N - not enlarged).

To compare the data obtained from this patient, the report indicates normal values.

The parathyroid glands and lymph nodes should also be described in the study protocol. Included with the description are all the pictures obtained during the procedure.

If the body is normal, then the protocol contains the following wording:

The doctor usually spends no more than 10 minutes on filling out the protocol. Also, if the organ is functioning normally, it is indicated that there are no pathological changes. The treatment of ultrasound of the thyroid gland depends on the information specified in the protocol.

The normal size of the thyroid gland and some features of its structure

The results indicated in the study protocol should reflect as accurately as possible all the parameters of the gland, as well as the characteristics of its shape and structure. They are individual for each person, moreover, they can change repeatedly in a lifetime. For this reason, in each specific case, the specialist conducting the study judges the norm or pathology.

Standard sizes for glandula thyreoidea:

These indicators in some healthy people may differ from those given above, due to the different weight of the subject.

Corrections to normal parameters based on body weight are shown in the following table:

Different people may have a difference in the size of the lobes and the thickness of the isthmus, but there are also certain rules for these ratios:

  1. The shares are equal.
  2. Their size should be close to 40.0X20.0X20.0 mm.
  3. The normal thickness of the isthmus should not exceed 4.0 - 5.0 mm.

In children who have not reached the age of sixteen, for such an organ as the thyroid gland, ultrasound will show completely different sizes:

Age (years) Max V of the thyroid gland (cm3)
6 4.00 – 5.50
7 – 8 6.00 – 7.00
9 – 10 7.50 – 9.00
11 9.00 – 10.00
12 10.50 – 12.00
13 12.50 – 14.00
14 14.50 – 15.00
15 15.50 – 16.00

Interesting: The difference in glandula thyreoidea volume between girls and boys can reach 1.00 - 1.50 cm3.

Deviations from normal values

The table below shows the various pathological changes found during ultrasound and the corresponding diseases:

Structure changes Presumptive disease
Increased echogenicity combined with structural heterogeneity Inflammatory process
The presence of lumps separated from normal tissue Adenoma (benign) or cancer (malignant neoplasm)
Round hollow formation with clear edges, normal structure and filled with liquid content Cyst
Increased gland size Diffuse toxic goiter (DTZ)
Reduced size and volume of the organ Hypothyroidism
Enlarged gland against the background of its swelling Thyroiditis
A very dense formation, clearly demarcated from healthy tissues Nodular goiter


The disease develops as a consequence of the ingress of various pathogenic agents of a bacterial or viral nature into the tissues of the gland. Manifested by inflammation of the gland, thyroiditis is characterized by hyperthermia, an increase in organ volume (most often), pain in the projection of the glandula thyreoidea and the head, as well as edema.

Nodular goiter

Diagnosis of this pathology does not present, in most cases, difficulties. The presence of a nodular goiter can be determined even by palpation, by probing a seal in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Ultrasound diagnostics shows pathology in the form of a very dense focus, clearly delimited from healthy tissues.


This pathology is characterized by mood lability, a drop in body weight and nervousness. Structurally, the iron does not change, although its size increases.


Unlike the previous pathology, hypothyroidism is characterized by a drop in organ volume and in the production of thyroid hormones.


Ultrasound examination reveals such neoplasms very easily. A clear image of the limited cavity filled with liquid content appears on the screen.

If the cyst becomes inflamed, then the patient has hyperthermia and painful sensations in the front in the projection of the thyroid gland. Both variants of the course of this pathological process require obligatory puncture of the cavity and conducting a study of the obtained content to identify or refute the presence of cancer cells in it.

Malignant neoplasms

An ultrasound picture of thyroid cancer looks like this: one or more very dense formations with uneven contours are visible. Another sign of malignant transformation is an increase in the nearby lymph nodes.

Important! All indicators displayed on the monitor of the device are conditional, and an experienced ultrasound doctor is needed to correctly decipher them. After the result is interpreted, the endocrinologist may prescribe a number of clarifying studies.

Advantages of ultrasound diagnostics

This diagnostic method has a number of undoubtedly positive qualities:

  1. Low price.
  2. Availability.
  3. Security.
  4. High information content.
  5. Suitable for a wide variety of patients, including newborns and pregnant women.

It does not require special preparation of the subject, and during the procedure there are no X-rays or any other ionizing rays. With regard to the accuracy of the study with ultrasonic equipment, it is very high and allows you to identify inhomogeneous areas ranging in size from 2.00 - 3.00 mm. From 1/5 to ½ of all patients in whom a single nodule formation was found on palpation examination, 2 or more additional nodes are shown on an ultrasound machine.

However, such a high level of equipment sensitivity can also have a negative side. The fact is that sometimes healthy people have benign nodes, the size of which does not exceed 4.00 mm, which forces insufficiently experienced ultrasound diagnosticians to record them in patients. Therefore, the examination is best done by specialists with a sufficient level of qualifications.

How dangerous is the study for the body?

People with diseases or abnormalities in the work of the organ are worried about how often an ultrasound of the thyroid gland can be done? And this is not surprising, because we all care about our health and understand that some diagnostic procedures are not safe.

This does not apply at all to ultrasound diagnostics - during the study, the effect of ultrasound on the body is so minimal that it does not cause any harm. If the state of health requires it, then ultrasound of the thyroid gland can be done as much as necessary - most often, this is at the beginning of the examination, then to control the therapy and at the end of the course of treatment to assess its effectiveness.

For people who simply monitor their health, it is enough to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland once a year. The cost of the study is not high, so people with different incomes can afford the procedure, which cannot be said about such a diagnostic method as MRI.

Preparing for a thyroid scan

As noted above, special preparation of the subject before ultrasound examination is not required.

Going for diagnostics, you need to take two things with you:

  • the results of the above ultrasound examination of glandula thyreoidea (if any);
  • a towel to put it under your head, and at the end of the procedure, wipe off the gel from the neck skin.

For ultrasound diagnostics of glandula thyreoidea, the patient is placed on a couch and asked to tilt his head back. On the front surface of the neck, in the projection of the thyroid gland, the doctor applies a small amount of a transparent gel, which facilitates better transmission of ultrasonic vibrations. After that, with the help of a special sensor emitting and receiving ultrasound waves, the specialist conducts the actual examination of the organ.

The essence of the method consists in sending ultrasound vibrations deep into the thyroid gland, capturing the reflected waves and processing the data by a computer processor. The result of the device's operation is displayed on the screen in online mode.

Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, are absent in the patient. In some cases, the subjects complained of slight discomfort caused by an uncomfortable position.

Period of the menstrual cycle

Since women are more likely to suffer from diseases of the glandula thyreoidea, the question often arises about the influence on the information content of ultrasound examination of which day of the menstrual cycle it was carried out.

Although most researchers agree that this parameter does not matter, some scientists believe that the information content of ultrasound increases on days VII - IX.


In most cases, you can eat the thyroid gland before ultrasound. However, there is an exception. So it is better for older people to come for an examination on an empty stomach, since the sensor is able to provoke the manifestation of the gag reflex in them.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

The need for an ultrasound scan if hormones are normal

Hello, my name is Elizabeth. Has passed the tests for hormones, everything is normal. But the doctor sends me to undergo ultrasound. Should an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland be done if laboratory tests have shown a good result?

Hello Elizabeth. Unfortunately, there are endocrine system diseases in which hormonal changes do not occur. You should undergo the study as directed by your doctor.

Procedure frequency

Hello, my name is Evgenia. Last week, an examination of the endocrine system was carried out in order to clarify the diagnosis. It is still necessary to carry out this procedure. When is it better to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland again so that there are no negative consequences for the body?

Hello Evgenia. Ultrasonic waves do not have a harmful effect on humans; it can be performed once a week. Be attentive to your cycle, for more accurate information it is better to wait 7 days, then go to the doctor.

- a relatively young type of diagnosis. Ten years ago, collecting data for anamnesis, this organ was checked by the method and a visual examination of the front of the neck was performed.

Today, ultrasound is a fast and safe way to diagnose many diseases. This procedure does not have a side effect; special preparation for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland is not required.

When is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland prescribed?

There are 2 types of thyroid diagnostics:

  • preventive research;
  • as prescribed by a doctor in identifying symptoms of organ diseases.

For people under 50 years of age, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland for preventive purposes is recommended to be performed once every 5 years. After 50 years, prophylactic ultrasound, especially in women, is done once every 2 years.

Ultrasound is required in the following cases:

  • the presence of masses in the neck;
  • pain on palpation of the side and front of the neck;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the cervical region;
  • hoarseness of voice,;
  • trembling (tremors) of the hands;
  • change in heart rate;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • swelling and low-grade body temperature;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • rapid fatigue and increased nervousness.

How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland

There is no need for preliminary preparation before conducting an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. It is performed after meals and on an empty stomach. Before testing, the doctor may prescribe additional tests if necessary to establish a diagnosis.

Smoking before an ultrasound scan of the organ is not prohibited.

Preparation for the session consists in freeing the neck from jewelry. It is advisable to have a towel with you to remove the remaining gel from the skin.

Features of the procedure in children

Thyroid diagnostics are safe for children. Preparation for the study consists in refusal of food, since when the sensor is pressed on the neck, the child may experience a gag reflex. This nuance is taken into account when examining the elderly.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is an informative method for diagnosing pathologies of this organ. With its help, it is possible to identify the presence of a cyst, nodes or tumor in the thyroid gland, which will help the doctor in the future to choose the right therapeutic therapy.

This article will talk about what preparation for ultrasound of the thyroid gland involves, as well as when the procedure is shown to be performed.

Why is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland performed?

The thyroid gland is one of the most important human organs for the healthy functioning of the body. It produces special hormones involved in the metabolism. In childhood, they ensure correct development, and in adolescence, they take part in puberty. That is why, even at the first suspicion of thyroid disease, the patient needs to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Moreover, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, preparation for the study of which involves the implementation of several recommendations, helps in differential diagnosis. The procedure will be especially informative for heart complaints.

Important! Hypothyroidism and other diseases of the thyroid gland, if they were not congenital, do not develop from scratch. A variety of factors can contribute to their appearance, from poor ecology to trivial stress. In such a state, these diseases should be detected in time until they cause dangerous complications. Otherwise, the person's condition may deteriorate sharply.

When to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland

  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • increased body temperature for a long time without a reason;
  • hair loss;
  • pain and feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • nervousness, mood swings;
  • weight jumps for no reason;
  • tremor;
  • suspicion of oncological pathology.

Moreover, this examination must be done in such cases:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. The period when planning a pregnancy.
  3. Chronic diseases of the thyroid gland or lymph nodes.
  4. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Finding out the cause of infertility in women.
  6. The period after surgery on the thyroid gland.
  7. Drowsiness.
  8. Irradiation with ultraviolet light.
  9. Treatment with hormonal drugs.
  10. Preventive examination.

How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland in women and men depends on the patient's indications. At the same time, traditionally, before the examination, doctors advise to take blood tests for the level of hormones. This will help to compose a more detailed clinical picture.

Just before the procedure, it is worth removing all jewelry in the neck area, as they may be detrimental to the study. You also need to take a towel from home to wipe off the gel.

Is it possible to eat before and after the procedure

In the event that, in addition to ultrasound, the patient does not need to undergo additional tests, he can eat before the procedure. This will not be reflected in the research results in any way.

After ultrasound, there are also no contraindications to food.

How to dress

Preparation for ultrasound of the thyroid gland involves the selection of the correct clothing for the examination.

Thus, to perform the procedure, a person is advised to wear a comfortable undershirt or a T-shirt without a neckline, which will provide good access to the organ.

Psychological attitude

Morale is just as important as physical fitness. Experts advise patients before the procedure to tune in to a positive result and not be nervous, as stress can deplete the body, cause heart palpitations and surges in blood pressure.

If a person has a suspicious nature, before the diagnosis, he is allowed to take a sedative.

Carrying out the procedure

To perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the patient needs to lie on the couch and tilt his head down. After that, the specialist will apply a special gel to the neck area, which ensures contact of the body with the sensor. In turn, the sensor is pressed tightly against the neck surface and transmits an ultrasonic signal, which transmits an image to the monitor.

The duration of the study is no more than 15 minutes. Another 10 minutes is required to draw up an opinion on the procedure.

Features of preparation for ultrasound of the thyroid gland in women during pregnancy

For women, before an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, it is advisable to be tested for sex hormones. It is especially important to do this in case of menstrual irregularities, which can be caused by hormonal disruption.

If the patient is pregnant, then she should examine the thyroid gland very carefully. This is justified by the fact that during such a period, the work of the gland is enhanced, which increases the risk of its diseases.

In the event that a pregnant woman is diagnosed with thyroid disease, and she does not carry out treatment, she may experience the following complications:

  • miscarriage;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bleeding after childbirth;
  • premature birth;
  • placental abruption;
  • heart failure.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland in men

Ultrasound diagnostics of the thyroid gland in men does not have any special requirements. At the same time, it can be noted that representatives of the stronger sex are much less likely to suffer from diseases of this organ, however, the following pathologies can be identified in them:

Often, ultrasound of the thyroid gland is prescribed to men by related specialists to establish a diagnosis (therapists, cardiologists, oncologists, gastroenterologists).

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland in children

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland in children should be performed in the following cases:

  • a sharp decrease or gain in weight;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • heart problems;
  • poor academic performance and weakness;
  • irritability, hyperactivity;
  • temperature jumps during physical activity.

To make the child feel comfortable during the diagnosis, before performing it, it is worth explaining the essence of the examination and be sure to say that it is painless. Also, a few hours before the ultrasound, the baby needs to be fed. This will relieve hunger and gag reflex when pressing on the larynx.

It is advisable to take water, a toy and a diaper for the couch with you to the clinic.

Useful video

How to prepare for the procedure can be found in this video.

What not to do before testing

Before the ultrasound, you should not smoke, drink alcohol and worry. Elderly patients are better off avoiding heavy meals.

In the event that a person is undergoing treatment with hormones, it is better not to take them before testing. If therapy cannot be interrupted, it is important to inform the doctor who performed the examination.

How often can you do

As well as a prophylactic image of the lungs, doctors recommend performing an ultrasound of the thyroid gland at least once a year. More often, such a diagnosis is shown to be carried out when there is a suspicion of a violation of the organ.

Moreover, it is worth examining the thyroid gland in case of stress, miscarriage or climate change. In all other cases, you should not once again influence the organ with an ultrasound machine.

What does ultrasound show?

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, which can be performed free of charge even in Moscow, allows one to evaluate the following organ parameters:

  • the size;
  • echogenicity indicators;
  • presence or absence of goiter, nodes, lumps;
  • organ structure;
  • presence or absence of diseased tissue.

With the results of the examination, the patient should contact an experienced endocrinologist who will give recommendations on the diet and, if necessary, select the treatment.

Ultrasound examination of the gland is a relatively quick method for determining pathologies occurring in the thyroid gland. During the study, it is possible to determine the tumor, if any, its size, and also to identify even small-sized nodules on the thyroid gland.

Detection of the slightest changes using ultrasound will allow you to determine the ailment at the initial stage of the disease, start treatment, and avoid surgery.

The thyroid gland is a very important organ on which the well-coordinated work of the whole human body depends.

Scanning of the thyroid gland is performed with an ultrasound sensor, then the image is transmitted to the monitor, the procedure is called ultrasound and is used to confirm, clarify the diagnosis after palpation. Changes in the thyroid gland using ultrasound are determined very quickly, even at an early stage of development.

It happens as follows:

  1. The device sends out ultrasound, which reflects the tissue in the organ.
  2. The ultrasound is then returned to the transducer.
  3. The received data is first processed on the PC and only then can they be seen on the monitor.
  4. The result of the obtained parameters of the thyroid gland is recorded in the honey card.
  5. On the basis of these data, a conclusion on the state of health is prepared.

The thyroid gland is located in a very convenient area of ​​the body for examination. Thanks to this, the procedure gives very accurate results without causing discomfort to the patient. Before the procedure, the patient can be laid down on a couch or seated, that is, you can choose a comfortable position. A small amount of gel is applied to the area of ​​the neck to be examined. The sensor is installed on the front of the neck, an image of the thyroid gland will appear on the monitor screen in black and white.

If changes are observed on the thyroid gland, then on the monitor they are highlighted in intense color. The nodes can be seen as an oval or round neoplasm.

Ultrasound criteria are not yet a diagnosis, so do not be scared and immediately conclude that it is cancer. The endocrinologist will give explanations for everything seen and determine an accurate diagnosis.

And you shouldn't draw your own conclusions based on the results you see.

There are no special recommendations on how to behave before the study, in terms of eating or not eating any particular food. The only recommendation applies to the elderly and children. It is desirable for them to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach. Since the scanning procedure itself, when the sensor is driven down the throat, can cause a gag reflex.

You need to prepare for an ultrasound purely individually. Some patients need to be mentally prepared, given clear instructions. This applies to older patients. They need to tell them exactly the day, what to do before the procedure and when at what time to have it.

The precise instructions of the doctor give peace of mind to the patient. He considers himself fully informed.

What you need to do before coming to the office:

  1. If the body is weakened by the course of the disease, the ultrasound process can cause vomiting. In this case, you should prepare, that is, before the procedure, you should not eat two to three hours before the start.
  2. As for women. Doctors do not recommend an ultrasound scan during menstruation. It is believed that obtaining the most reliable information can be achieved after a week of the end of the menstrual cycle. The period of monthly cycles does not always provide reliable information. The endocrinologist can give certain recommendations after what period of time the end of menstruation should be done.
  3. Pregnant women, in the direction of the supervising doctor, must pass special blood tests for the ratio of hormones.
  4. It is not recommended to be nervous on the day of the ultrasound scan. It's much better to be calm.

The following tips are about hygiene and examination comfort.

  1. Preparation for ultrasound of the thyroid gland consists in free access to the patient's neck. You just need to wear comfortable clothes, you should not wear jewelry around your neck.
  2. The procedure involves the use of a special gel on the examination site, so the patient will need napkins, a towel to remove the remains of the gel from the neck.

Also, the doctor can prescribe blood tests, and you need to prepare for them in advance.

The endocrinologist must monitor the level of hormones:

  • triiodothyronine;
  • thyroxine;
  • thyroglobulin;
  • antibodies against thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase.

In order for the examination result to be accurate, you must not move during an ultrasound scan.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland of women

Most often, the violation of the cycle of the thyroid gland is observed in women than in men. Doctors recommend that women undergo examinations with a cycle once, but every year. We strongly recommend the ultrasound procedure for women who have menstrual irregularities, with reproductive system disorders. You don't really need to prepare. You need to choose a day, time. It is the ultrasound scan that will help to understand the cause of unstable menstruation or infertility.

Pregnant women are also invited to be checked for ultrasound. It is during pregnancy that deviations can occur, since the mother's body gives the developing fetus a significant part of the nutrients.

The hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect the development of the fetus. A malfunction of the glands can be the cause of a miscarriage.

Several decades ago, it was impossible to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and the state of this organ was determined by visual examination of the neck region and palpation. The development of medicine is proceeding rapidly and now the possibilities of diagnosis are much wider.

Thyroid ultrasound

Ultrasound is a diagnosis of the thyroid gland, which can save lives for some patients, because it can detect such serious diseases as a cyst, goiter, cancer, adenoma.

The reason to contact an endocrinologist, and also to carry out this examination is the presence of symptoms such as:

  • , emaciation or obesity;
  • chilliness and, conversely, sweating;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy, weakness, or drowsiness;
  • frequent unreasonable mood swings;
  • swelling in the neck;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • excessive irritability.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland has other indications. For example, if formations are felt during palpation of the thyroid gland or the patient's work is associated with harm, such an examination should be done immediately after the doctor's appointment.

Preparation for ultrasound

Before looking for where to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, you need to prepare for the procedure. There are no special instructions for preparation, since the thyroid gland is not associated with the digestive system. There are no restrictions on the intake of certain foods, but when preparing for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, the elderly and children should skip a meal just before the examination. That is, you can safely have breakfast in the morning and make an appointment for diagnostics at lunchtime, but you do not need to have lunch.

Also, if necessary, before the ultrasound examination, the doctor may prescribe the patient to take a blood test for thyroid hormones in order to determine the indicators:

  • T3 free;
  • T4 free;
  • AT to TG;
  • AT to TPO.

For those who are at risk, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland should be performed every six months. Of course, they should not be overly carried away, since frequent examination with such an apparatus will bring little good. There are ultrasound rooms in any city, and the cost of this procedure is minimal, so there is no reason not to visit an endocrinologist if you have alarming symptoms!

How is ultrasound performed?

If you have been scheduled for an examination, you should not worry about how the ultrasound of the thyroid gland goes. The thyroid gland is an internal organ, but it is located in a very convenient place, so the procedure is safe and extremely accurate. The examination can be carried out both sitting and lying down. With the help of a linear sensor, which is placed on the front of the neck, the state of your organ is instantly displayed on the monitor of the device. Usually the picture is black and white.

The changes in the hardware are visible on the screen, as the intensity of the color changes in some places. And the nodes will be visible to the doctor as an oval or round formation. During the procedure, their sizes are necessarily measured, the structure and the presence of blood flow in them are assessed. It is very important for a specialist to see what contours the identified node has. After the procedure, some characteristics of the nodes may scare you, as they are indicators of a malignant formation. Remember, ultrasound criteria are not a diagnosis!

In some cases, before an ultrasound of the thyroid gland is done, the state of the lymph nodes is also determined with an ultrasound. This is done due to the fact that with cancers most often the first metastases appear on the lymph nodes, and if they are found in the early stages, the treatment will be effective and the patient has a better chance of a complete recovery.

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