Dorsopathy of the cervical vertebra. Causes and treatment of cervical spine dorsopathy. Risk factors for dorsopathy

Among the diseases of the back, dorsopathy of the cervical spine is separately distinguished. Many people ask the question - what is it?

The diagnosis of "cervical dorsopathy" includes a number of different diseases and means that degenerative changes occur in the specified part of the spine.

Dorsopathy is degenerative changes in the spine

The structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, and the cartilaginous and paravertebral tissues are also subject to changes. The artery of the spinal column is clamped, which negatively affects the blood circulation in the brain.

Dorsopathy affects not only the elderly, but also representatives of other age categories. Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can appear even in a newborn.

Degenerative changes occur not only in connection with the onset of old age, but also due to the influence of other factors.

You will learn all the details about the causes of the disease from the video:

Among the reasons for the occurrence of cervical dorsopathy are:

  • Metabolic disease;
  • The presence of infection in the body;
  • Spine injury;
  • Exposure to excessively low or very high temperatures;
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position with a static load on the shop (working at a computer, driving a car);
  • Stress;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Hypodynamia;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

In addition, diseases of the spine (presence or tumor, etc.) can provoke degenerative processes.


Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is divided into the following types:

  • Deforming. This curvature of the spine (lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis), spondylosis,. Deforming dorsopathy may also occur in the background;
  • Spondylopathy- degenerative, inflammatory, traumatic nature;
  • Other degenerative processes occurring in the tissue of the intervertebral discs (for example, dorsalgia - dorsopathy shop in the absence of damage to the intervertebral discs).

As a result of degenerative changes in the spine, the artery of the spinal column is clamped

Dorsopathy at the cervical level: symptoms

Alarming "bells" indicating the presence of dorsopathy may be the following signs:

  • Weakness, dizziness;
  • Sleep disturbance, tinnitus;
  • Headache (possibly throbbing);
  • Increasing pain during physical exertion;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, heart;
  • Decreased hearing and / or vision;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Difficulty turning, tilting the head;
  • Weakness of the muscles.


To make the correct diagnosis, the patient needs to meet with a neurologist.
After the examination, the doctor will most likely prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

  • blood test (from a finger and from a vein). It is necessary to identify the inflammatory process in the body, if any;
  • radiography. With the help of X-rays, you can consider deforming processes, the presence of osteochondrosis;
  • computed tomography or MRI. These are the most informative research methods that allow a detailed picture of the course of cervicothoracic dorsopathy to be drawn up.

Modern diagnostic methods are very informative

Read more about hardware methods for diagnosing joint pathologies.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: treatment

Dorsopathy treatment can take quite a long period of time. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to use medical and conservative methods of treatment. In advanced cases with the threat of disability, surgical intervention is possible.
Drug treatment involves the patient taking the following drugs:

  • analgesics;
  • (in the form of tablets or injections, as well as in the form of ointments, gels);
  • corticosteroids;
  • (to suspend degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue);
  • neuroprotectors (to protect and better nourish nerve cells);
  • vasodilators (to improve blood circulation);
  • (to relieve muscle tension).

Conservative treatment includes a number of procedures:

  • (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound);
  • massage;
  • spinal traction.

Physiotherapy is an excellent aid in the treatment of dorsopathy.

I must say that the treatment is adjusted depending on the stage of cervical dorsopathy and the patient's condition. So, with an exacerbation of the disease, bed rest is recommended in combination with wearing.

Exercises for dorsopathy of the cervical spine

After the pain syndrome is removed and the stage of exacerbation is over, you can start performing special exercises under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor. It will be a good addition to the treatment of cervical dorsopathy.

The purpose of the exercises is to restore mobility, flexibility of the vertebrae, as well as the muscles of the spine.

Basic exercises:

  • Exercise 1. In a standing or sitting position, relax your arms by lowering them along the body. Slowly turn your head alternately in one direction, then in the other. Repeat 6 times. With regular exercise, the exercise will return the mobility of the cervical vertebrae;
  • Exercise 2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Now you need to tilt your head down, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Repeat - 6 times. Exercise improves the flexibility of the shop, stretches the neck muscles. With cervical dorsopathy with muscle-tonic syndrome, the implementation of these simple movements will give a visible result;
  • Exercise 3. In a sitting or standing position, slowly tilt your head back. This exercise is useful for everyone, especially people who have a sedentary job at the computer or while driving.

What exercises can you use to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine - see the video:


In order for an ailment such as dorsopathy not to touch you, the following measures must be observed:

  • monitor weight;
  • eat properly;
  • moderately load yourself physically (avoid hypodynamia);
  • do simple gymnastic exercises to stretch and strengthen your neck muscles.

Be attentive to yourself, to your well-being.

If you notice symptoms of dorsopathy, it is better to play it safe and see your doctor early.

Indeed, only with a timely diagnosis is it possible to cope with the disease effectively and in a short time.

Many different pathologies are associated with the neck. All inflammatory, degenerative diseases of the vertebral bodies, discs, muscle tissues, blood vessels and nerve fibers occurring in this area can be combined with a single general term - cervical dorsopathy. Unlike other departments, where a similar phenomenon is more often associated with age-related changes, neck dorsopathy can be observed relatively early - literally from school.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes and treatment

- a disease of the technogenic era, caused now rather not by senile destruction in the bones, but by a hypodynamic lifestyle, in which preference is given not to movement, but to static tense postures.

Diseases of the transitional areas of the spine, in particular the cervicothoracic, are more often noted.

Types of cervical dorsopathy

In total, four types of cervicothoracic dorsopathy can be distinguished:

  • Deforming, without destruction in the discs and severe neurological symptoms
    These include:
    • Osteochondrosis of the first-second degree
    • Scoliosis
    • Kyphosis
    • in the early stages
    • vertebrae
    • Deformities caused by bone resorption ()
  • Discogenic dorsopathies leading to destruction in the intervertebral discs and accompanied by severe neurological and autonomic symptoms, not only local, but also distant:
    • , occiput, shoulder-scapular and upper-thoracic region
    • Paresthesia (symptoms of tingling, creeping creeps, etc.)
    • Loss of sensitivity in the limbs, neck-occipital regions

    Discogenic dorsopathy includes:

    • Protrusion in the neck
    • with disc offsets
  • Degenerative-inflammatory, caused by late degenerative processes, as well as inflammation of vertebral tissues of various etiologies:
    • Deforming spondylarthrosis 3-4 degrees
    • cervical canal
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Tumors
    • Infectious myositis
  • Other types of dorsopathy
    These include, for example, myofascial syndrome (muscle pain tension), the causes of which are:
    • Persistent poor posture, sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow
    • Overstrain of the cervical muscles due to inadequate muscle loading
    • Hypothermia of the neck

Factors contributing to the development of cervical dorsopathy

Dorsopathy is not a separate disease for which prescriptions are already known. This is a number of diseases, the causes of which are both congenital and acquired.

The development of such pathologies can be facilitated by:

  • Genetic inherent disorders of metabolic intracellular processes, leading to a lack of important building blocks of cartilage:
    collagen, chondroitin sulfates, mucopolysaccharides etc
  • Poor nutrition
  • Neck injuries
  • Anomalies of the cervical vertebrae
  • Constant drafts, high air humidity, etc.

Complications of cervical dorsopathy

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can lead to complications:

  • Vertebral artery syndrome
  • Myelopathic syndrome
  • Vegetovascular dystonia

Vertebral artery synodrome - a spasm of the cervical artery, leading to impaired blood supply, cerebral ischemia, and even stroke

Often a similar phenomenon occurs on the basis of uncovertebral arthrosis.

The main symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome:

  • Shooting headaches
  • with possible short-term loss of consciousness
  • Visual and auditory disorders
  • Decreased performance, memory, etc.

Myeolopathic syndrome is a set of phenomena accompanying spinal cord compression:

  • Limb paralysis
  • Loss of sensation below the area of ​​compression of the brain
  • Dysfunction of the urinary organs and intestines and other phenomena, etc.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is symptoms of impaired regulation of the peripheral nervous system, which is responsible for the work of internal organs.

This manifests itself in:

  • Differential pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Choking attacks
  • Increased nervous excitability:
    • irritability
    • unreasonable feeling of anxiety
  • Thermoregulation disorders:
    • excessive sweating even at low ambient temperatures
    • sensations of chilliness or heat in the body
    • cold feet and hands

Treatment of cervical dorsopathy

Treatment of cervical dorsopathy is carried out sequentially in several directions, depending on the causes of its origin and clinical symptoms:

  • Removal of acute pain syndrome
  • Reducing muscle tension
  • Elimination of ischemic symptoms
  • Restoration of destroyed bone structures and neuromuscular regulation
  • Strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine

Accordingly, with this scheme, the following are assigned:

  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal pain medications:
    • Ketoprofen
    • Movalis, etc.
  • Therapeutic local blockade based on lidocaine or novocaine
  • Corticosteroids
  • External remedies:
    • Diclofenac - gel,
  • Muscle relaxants:
    • midocalm, sirdalud, baclofen
  • Additional measures for pain:
    • Immobilizing (Shants collar)
    • Manual therapy
    • Post-isometric relaxation
  • If the nerve roots are pinched by a hernia,:
  • In some cases, they resort to surgery.:
    • For severe injuries
    • Spinal cord compression
    • Unstable spondylolisthesis
  • Simple subluxations of the cervical vertebrae are successfully eliminated by manual therapy
  • To improve blood circulation and brain activity, nootropic drugs and angioprotectors are used:
    • Pentoxifylline
    • Euphyllin
    • Piracetam
    • Actovegin
  • For the regeneration of the cartilage layer, courses of admission are prescribed:
    Alflutop, Dona, Structum
  • To restore nervous activity, improve metabolism in tissues, slow down oxidative processes in them, are taken:
    • Milgamma (vitamin B complex)
    • A nicotinic acid
    • Vitamins A, E and C
  • In order to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the neck, exercise therapy is prescribed

The remedies given are just a list of what can be used. The choice of the path of treatment is strictly individual and is determined by the vertebrologist or orthopedist after the examination.

  • Certain medications (such as corticosteroids) are used for severe pain
  • It is impossible to use painkillers for a long time without protection of the gastrointestinal tract, as they can cause an ulcer
  • You also need to deliberately treat the seemingly harmless neck collars, and not wear them literally for every occasion.

Video: When to wear a Shants collar with cervical dorsopathy

Dorsopathy- a group of diseases based on degenerative changes in the spine, manifested by pain, impaired innervation, as well as impaired blood supply to organs and tissues.

  • When C1-C7 vertebrae are involved in the pathological process, this is dorsopathy of the cervical spine.
  • When localized in Th1-Th12 vertebrae - dorsopathy of the thoracic spine. This type is less common, since these vertebrae are characterized by active participation in the act of breathing, which minimizes the risk of compression.
  • If a patient complains of severe, dull pain in the lumbar region radiating to the sacrum, thighs, lower legs, and in some cases to the pelvic organs, then most likely this is dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine.
  • But what then is dorsopathy of the lumbar spine and how to differentiate it? First of all, pain when walking, involving the gluteal region, a twisted posture of the patient, to relieve the lumbar spine is characteristic. This symptomatology is typical for dorsopathy of the lumbar spine.

The reasons for the frequent localization of this process in the neck

  1. At first, the cervical vertebrae are small, but the functional load on them is colossal - the provision of head movements. This explains the rapid wear of the intervertebral discs and compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine, clinically manifested by myelopathic syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a violation of the sensitivity of the hands, neck, tongue, decreased muscle tone up to paralysis. From time to time, the patient may be disturbed by the feeling of "cold snap" and tingling.
  2. Secondly, the most powerful vessel, the vertebral artery, which supplies the brain with blood, passes in the canal formed by the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the cervical spine. This leads to the fact that the osteophytes formed during deformations squeeze the artery. As a result - malnutrition of the brain and the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The clinical course of VSD is variable and is more often represented by fluctuations in blood pressure, headache, decreased performance and memory, insomnia, tinnitus, tachycardia. In most cases, patients do not associate this manifestation with damage to the spine and later seek medical attention.
  3. Pain is the leading symptom ... The pain can be sharp, “shooting”, developing suddenly, or build up gradually. Pain sensations can spread to the scapular region, upper back. The pain intensifies more often with physical exertion, sudden movements and even during coughing, which reduces the patient's quality of life.

Development pathogenesis

There are three types of dorsopathies, depending on which mechanism is leading in the pathogenesis of the disease:

  1. Deforming - as a result of a change in the configuration of the vertebrae, they are displaced in relation to each other, which leads to various types of curvature. For example, scoliosis.
  2. Discogenic - damage to the fibro-cartilaginous structures of the intervertebral disc leads to changes in its elasticity and strength, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of protrusion, hernias.
  3. Vertebrogenic - dystrophic signs of the spine are detected as a result of injuries, peculiarities of working conditions, age. In addition, a genetic predisposition or metabolic disorders may be the cause.

In addition, there are risk factors that contribute to the onset of dorsopathy:

  1. Physical inactivity, that is, a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient development of the muscular frame.
  2. Non-observance of sanitary and hygienic standards of work: prolonged stay in one position.
  3. Occupational hazards, for example, the operation of hand-held vibrating devices.
  4. The presence of bad habits: alcoholism, tobacco smoking, drug addiction.
  5. Spine injury.
  6. Frequent SARS

Instrumental and physical diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of cervical dorsopathy is reduced to the detection of the underlying disease. It is necessary to determine the level of damage to the spine. Based on this, the types of dorsopathies should be distinguished. For example, if the L4-S1 vertebrae are involved (one of the most common variants), then dorsopathy localized in the lumbosacral spine should be borne in mind. If the process is localized only in L1-L5 vertebrae, without spreading to the sacral, then this is dorsopathy of the lumbar spine.

Methods for making a diagnosis:

  • Anamnesis data - patient complaints.
  • On palpation, there is a tension in the muscles of the cervical spine.
  • X-ray examination reveals curvature of the spine, osteophytes, narrowing of the spinal canal, the degree of displacement of the vertebrae.
  • The results of MRI studies, computed tomography - flattening of the intervertebral distance, degenerative changes in discs, the presence of tumor neoplasms, hernias. Allows you to diagnose changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs of the cervical vertebrae, as well as ligaments, vessels.
  • Doppler ultrasound is used to locate obstructions that interfere with blood flow. These can be blood clots, neoplasms.


The main tactic of treatment is a conservative method. And the primary task is to eliminate the pain syndrome. At low intensity, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. This group lowers the level of prostaglandins, which in turn increases the level of pain sensitivity. However, side effects cause patients to refuse these drugs. For example, damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum with the development of ulcers and bleeding.

If there is an increase in muscle tone, it is advisable to prescribe a group of muscle relaxants. Their simultaneous use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs allows you to reduce the dose of the latter, which solves the problem of complications.

With compression syndrome, preference should be given to vascular drugs that improve blood supply and venous outflow. These drugs include a group of calcium channel blockers.

At the same time, local treatment of the cervical region is carried out. Warming ointments improve blood flow, thereby reducing edema, normalizing tissue trophism, which is necessary for rapid regeneration. To improve tissue metabolism, chondroprotectors are used containing chondroitin sulfate, which gives strength and elasticity to the tissue. This component is reduced during degenerative processes. B vitamins, such as B1, B6, B12, have a neurotropic effect and restore the nerve fibers of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

The main methods used are:

  • Ultraviolet radiation ... Usually on the 4th day after a decrease in the acute process, pain. Erythemal doses are used. The course includes 4-5 radiations with a break of one day.
  • Massage... It is necessary to start with stroking and not strong rubbing, which subsequently intensify and improve the blood supply to muscles and bone structures, eliminate spasm.
  • Magnetotherapy - under the influence of a low-frequency magnetic field, the trophism of the muscles improves and the pain syndrome decreases in dorsopathy of the cervical spine. The best result is achieved with the simultaneous passage of a course of lazarotherapy, which triggers biostimulation. In this case, the process of regeneration of connective tissue is doubled.
  • Physiotherapy , including water procedures - strengthens the muscular frame of the cervical spine, preventing the occurrence of relapses.
  • Traction traction of the cervical spine ... An increase in the intervertebral foramen is achieved and conditions for compression of the spinal cord are eliminated. Plus, the ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine is strengthened.
  • Reflexology represents a course of acupuncture, which has the above properties, and also promotes the production of cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone, and endogenous opiates, natural pain relievers.
  • Darsonvalization is carried out along the spine and along the irradiation of pain. High-frequency currents, acting on the skin, have similar effects.

These physical methods give good treatment results for other types of dorsopathies, for example, of the thoracic spine, as well as for dorsopathy involving the lumbosacral spine. In the presence of compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine, as well as pain that cannot be relieved by conservative therapy, surgical treatment should be used. The method is selected according to the diagnosis. Now they use minimally invasive approaches, followed by the appointment of local cryotherapy and electrophoresis of fibrinolytic agents in the area of ​​the postoperative scar.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is considered a real "disease of civilization". Constant loads on this area of ​​the spinal column inevitably lead to changes of a dystrophic nature in the intervertebral cartilage and discs. The result is a spasm of the arteries, and blood flow directly into the brain itself slows down. This article provides information on the topic "Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: treatment, patient reviews and the main symptoms of the disease."

Description of the disease

Dorsopathy is a chronic pathology of a degenerative nature, which is based on a progressive change in the shape and early wear of the intervertebral disc, followed by deformation of the joints and ligaments in this area. The disease often becomes the main cause of disorders of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, blood circulation in the brain. Neurological signs of dorsopathy often provoke permanent loss of normal working capacity.

The cervical segment of the spine has some anatomical features that make it vulnerable. The vertebral bodies are not massive, they carry out a supporting function for the head, make possible the mobility of the cervical spine. In the latter, the vertebral artery passes, which is directly involved in the blood supply to the brain.

Stable destruction of the vertebrae entails the formation of bone adhesions (osteophytes). They compress the vertebral artery, thereby impairing the nutrition of the brain. Excessive mobility of this segment of the neck leads to rapid wear of the intervertebral discs. Such disorders cause inflammation, vasospasm and compression of the spinal cord.

What is dorsopathy syndrome

The pains arising from this disease are variable in nature. Based on the defeat of which structures provoked their appearance, the following forms of syndromes are distinguished:

The main causes of the disease

Scientists have proven that the final formation of the spine is completed by the age of 23. After this threshold, the process of its gradual wear and even aging begins. The dynamics of such changes in all people varies and depends directly on the state of the immune system, the person's lifestyle, his diet and living environment. Many people manage to maintain the health of the spinal column until a "solid" age, while others already have the first symptoms of the disease by the age of 30.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine develops for the following reasons:

  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Exposure to low temperatures.
  • The presence of foci of infection in the body.
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position (driving, working at the computer).
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Injury and mechanical damage to the spine.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Stress and overweight.

It is obvious that in most cases the person himself is the culprit. Not everyone listens to the prescriptions of doctors and begins to sound the alarm only when extremely unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear.

How signs indicate dorsopathy

With this disease, patients usually notice the appearance of discomfort in the neck, arms, anterior chest. The pain is burning, aching in nature. Sometimes patients confuse this symptom with the manifestation of angina pectoris.

With the defeat of the cervical segment of the spine, difficulties arise when moving the head, including when turning and bending. Some patients, due to severe pain at night, cannot fully sleep.

In the case of cervical dorsopathy, when the head is tilted to the "sick" side, there is often discomfort in the innervation zone of the nerve root, which, in turn, is compressed in the intervertebral foramen.

Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine is characterized by weakness in the arms, hypotrophy of the corresponding muscles and numbness of the skin. Depending on the severity of the lesion, some patients experience limitation of movement, pain in the shoulder joint.

In the region of the cervical roots, a violation of sensitivity occurs, which manifests itself in the form of hyperesthesia. In almost all patients, doctors diagnose vegetative-vascular disorders (numbness of the hands, swelling, pallor of the skin).

All of the above changes are due to constant compression of the nerve roots by bone growths or secondary changes in tissues.

Diagnostic measures

When the primary symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist or traumatologist. The examination usually begins with interviewing the patient, identifying any complaints and examining a complete history.

This is followed by a physical examination. The spinal column is usually examined in all positions: sitting, lying and standing. Usually, in patients, doctors identify protrusions of the processes, curvature of the axial line, and an insignificant displacement of the shoulder blades. The maximum range of motion is also determined directly in the cervical segment.

To confirm the diagnosis of cervical spine dorsopathy, an additional radiograph and MRI results may be required. After determining the nature of the clinical picture, the doctor prescribes treatment on an individual basis.

Drug therapy

The treatment program for this ailment is developed taking into account the severity of the pathological process and the physiological characteristics of the patient. Usually they seek help with an acute form of dorsopathy. In this case, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. To relieve discomfort in the neck, it is usually prescribed:

  • Analgesics ("Baralgin").
  • Chondroprotectors are prescribed in long courses to prevent subsequent deformation of the cartilage tissue ("Structum").
  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs for pain relief (Diclofenac, Nurofen, Voltaren). Prescribed in the form of ointments, injections or tablets.
  • Vitamins and muscle relaxants ("Midocalm"). The latter are necessary to eliminate pathological muscle spasm.

While taking medications in a severe course of the disease, bed rest is recommended, as well as permanent fixation of this segment of the spine with a special orthopedic collar.

Non-drug therapy

After the elimination of acute pain syndrome, which is usually accompanied by dorsopathy of the cervical spine, the treatment is modified. Rehabilitation therapy with the use of physiotherapeutic procedures is recommended for patients:

  • Ultrasound and electrophoresis with novocaine help to reduce the inflammatory process.
  • Acupuncture allows you to restore normal mobility in the affected areas of the neck and shoulder joints. Treatment courses must be taken several times a year to prevent the progression of the disease.
  • The massage allows you to correct the mobility of the spine. In addition to manual techniques, apparatus massage (vacuum, oscillatory) has been actively used in recent decades.
  • In some cases, they resort to traction. These are special stretching procedures on the cervical spine, during which the muscles are relaxed and the pinched nerve endings are released. For many patients, the pain goes away immediately.

Without fail, all patients are prescribed a special diet, dosing of physical activity. For moderate pain, it is best to limit your usual activity for a few days.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: exercises to restore muscle plasticity

Patients with such a diagnosis are advised to pay special attention to exercise therapy. All exercises must be performed under the supervision of an instructor and only after elimination of the pain syndrome. Their main goal is to improve the flexibility of the vertebrae in the cervical segment.

  • First exercise. Starting position lying, lower your arms along the body. It is necessary to slowly turn your head to the left and then to the right. The exercise can be repeated several times.
  • Second exercise. In the same position, you must smoothly lower your head down, while trying to press your chin to your chest. Repeat about 5-6 times.
  • Third exercise. Slowly and smoothly tilt your head back. This exercise is especially recommended for office workers.

Gymnastics is one of the primary therapeutic measures. Dosed physical activity improves blood circulation and nutrition of the spine.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can cause extremely unpleasant conditions such as mood swings, decreased mental performance, increased or decreased blood pressure, etc. In addition, there is an almost constant pain in the neck and collar area. For the development of an attack, even a short-term muscle tension in this area is sufficient. This symptom makes it almost impossible to habitually work at a computer and perform some other professional duties.

Vertebral dorsopathy of the cervical spine includes the entire spectrum of degenerative diseases of the cartilage, bone and nerve tissue of the spinal column. The cause of this pathology can be both the destruction of the cartilaginous intervertebral disc and the pathology of the facet intervertebral joints. Pain syndrome is often caused by weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, insufficient development of muscle groups, curvature of the spine, the formation of bone growths in the form of salt deposits on the bodies and spinous processes of the vertebrae.

Depending on the patient's age, neck dorsopathy can be acute or chronic, recurrent permanent or transient, associated with a certain action of provocative factors. Regardless of this, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out a full-fledged effective treatment. Otherwise, surgery may be required. Also, in advanced cases, cervical dorsopathy is fraught with the development of vertebral artery syndrome, arterial hypertension, panic attacks, neuroses and depression, strokes of spinal etiology and many other dangerous diseases.

Causes of cervical dorsopathy

Vertebral dorsopathy of the cervical spine never appears suddenly and without a previous pathogenetic effect. There are typical causes of this condition and they can include the following aspects:

  • overweight against the background of alimentary and hypodynamic obesity;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle against the background of sedentary work and a complete absence of physical exertion on the muscles of the neck and collar zone;
  • traumatic effects on this area, including sprains and blows, dislocations and subluxations, compression displacements of the vertebrae when falling from a height, etc.;
  • violation of the rules of ergonomics when organizing a working and sleeping place;
  • wearing clothing that squeezes soft tissues and disrupts natural capillary blood flow;
  • chronic inflammation, infections and tumors.

Often in children and adolescents, cervical dorsopathy develops against the background of curvature of the spinal column. It can be scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, lateral deviations. The formation of this cause can also be influenced by incorrect positioning of the foot. But more often this is facilitated by the improper organization of the place for study, the choice of a backpack without taking into account the requirements of orthopedic safety, etc.

The exclusion of all probable causes of dorsopathy is a sine qua non for successful and effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our doctor. The doctor will tell you how to organize your daily routine, work and sleeping space, how to distribute physical activity in order to forget about neck pain forever.

Symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Recognizing the symptoms of cervical dorsopathy will not be difficult even for a person without medical education. First of all, it is pain in the neck and collar area. Pain occurs after prolonged or even short-term static stress in this area, for example, when working at a computer. The pain is tearing, shooting, drawing sharp. After rest, the pain goes away, but only in the initial stages. As degenerative processes develop, it becomes possible to get rid of the pain syndrome only with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The severity of clinical manifestations gradually increases. In the extended phase of the course, the symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical spine may include the following manifestations:

  • pain syndrome extends to the upper limbs, scalp and back;
  • there is numbness of the hands, fingers, neck, scalp, tongue, lips, face, etc.;
  • hyperesthesia appears - tingling, creeping sensation;
  • difficulties appear when making habitual hand movements (for example, it is difficult to lift them up in front of you or to the side);
  • severe headaches develop associated with disruption of normal blood supply and oxygen supply;
  • dizziness may appear (often orthostatic - the head begins to spin after a person tries to stand up from a sitting or squatting position);
  • mental performance decreases, a suppressed "bad" mood appears;
  • there is constant weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of loss of strength.

In advanced cases of cervical dorsopathy, depression and panic attacks can develop. The likelihood of developing transient ischemic stroke of spinal etiology in the posterior cerebral structures increases. A stroke in the brain stem often leads to its dislocation and the death of the patient. Therefore, we recommend that you strongly think about the severity of a disease such as cervical dorsopathy. Don't wait for the condition to get worse. If there is pain of unclear etiology in the cervical spine and collar area, seek immediate medical attention. Do this in our manual therapy clinic. Here you will be guaranteed an initial free consultation.

Treatment of dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Before starting treatment for cervical dorsopathy, it is necessary, if possible, to identify all the probable causes of this disease. It is important to carry out differential diagnostics and find out which pathological change causes pain and other unpleasant symptoms. At least a cervical spine x-ray is recommended. MRI and CT examinations will not be superfluous. All of them allow you to accurately diagnose, and, accordingly, the treatment is carried out locally and pointwise.

Effective treatment of cervical spine dorsopathy is currently possible only with the use of manual therapy techniques. Official medicine can offer the patient only symptomatic therapy measures. They really do have a positive effect. But it consists only in a short-term elimination of unpleasant symptoms. They have no effect at all on the cause of dorsopathy.

It should be understood that degenerative processes in the spine lead to total destruction of its tissues. This leads to subsidence of intervertebral discs, salt deposition, the development of arthrosis and a number of other unpleasant conditions. In order to eliminate all these pathologies, it is required to remove the cause of degeneration - a violation of diffuse nutrition. Official medicine today does not have a pharmacological agent capable of starting the process of repairing damaged tissues in the human spinal column.

Meanwhile, manual therapy copes with this task very quickly and easily. There are special techniques that allow literally in 2-3 sessions to completely eliminate the pain syndrome and stiffness of movements. These are traction therapy and osteopathy. Their effect is aimed at normalizing the position of the vertebral bodies. The compression of the radicular nerves is eliminated, the blood supply to the brain structures is improved. Patients experience a surge of energy, an improvement in their condition, an increase in efficiency, etc.

After the restoration of the normal anatomical shape of the spinal column, other techniques are also applied. These are reflexology, kinesitherapy, massage, remedial gymnastics, etc. In the course of treatment, the patient receives comprehensive information on how to organize his work and sleeping place, normalize the diet, ensure a sufficient amount of physical activity, etc.

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