The name Laki meaning for a cat. How to choose a beautiful and rare name for a cat? Nicknames are suitable for a red-haired pet

“Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail!” These words apply not only to swimming equipment. It is known that the name has a huge influence on the character and fate of not only a person, but also a pet. Getting started in the house furry pet, and when choosing what to name a girl cat, you should think carefully - after all given name will determine her life and behavior.

Cat and name

Things to consider when choosing a cat name:

  1. It doesn’t matter to a cat exactly what it is called, as long as it is regularly called to the refrigerator and bowl. But scientists have long found out that for cats the first 3-4 sounds pronounced in the name are important: it is these that the animal hears well and recognizes as its nickname. Therefore, when determining what to call a cat girl, you should not invent long, intricate nicknames. Let polysyllabic nicknames for purebred animals remain in passports; a loving owner for a cat will find a homely, short and convenient name.
  2. Cats hear and perceive whistling and hissing sounds perfectly well, if they are present in the name, this is wonderful.
  3. It takes about a month for any feline to get used to a nickname. The consolidation of its name in the pet’s mind will happen faster if each time you pronounce the name, you give something tasty or caress it.
  4. Of course, the owner should like the nickname, because he will have to pronounce it often. Also, it is better for the cat owner not to give in to the momentary impulse to make a joke by naming his pet pretentiously or maliciously, because the joke will get boring, and the animal will get used to the name and it will be difficult to retrain it.
  5. It is not customary to give human names to cats - a woman with the same name can come to visit or become a relative. The exception is old Russian names that have fallen out of use (Adelaide, Aglaya, Praskovya) or foreign ones (Geraldine, Flora, Jessica, Sybil).

It happens that a cat stubbornly refuses to respond to the nickname chosen by the owner. Then it is better to give in to the animal and try to find a different name for it. But you shouldn’t get carried away with renaming a cat - in 2-3 attempts you can determine a suitable nickname.

Name and behavior

Attention! When choosing a name for a cat, many owners base it on the kitten’s behavior.

Kittens, like people, are all different and behave differently too. When buying or adopting an animal, you need to take a closer look: some pets run and make noise, others sit quietly and modestly in a basket near their mother, others are curious and omnipresent, others wipe themselves around the bowl in hope once again have a snack.

When purchasing a kitten in a nursery or at the market, or taking a stray one into your home, before giving it a name, it is worth observing it for a while. What is the cat doing? How is he behaving? Is she brave or a coward? Active and mobile, or prefers to sleep on the sofa? Playful or food lover?

Having studied the character of the new pet a little, the owner understands what name a girl cat can be called, based on associations:

  • Murka is a traditional Russian nickname, suitable for a cheerful cat without lordly manners;
  • Anfisa is inquisitive and keeps up everywhere;
  • Bagheera – calm, a little lazy;
  • Busya, Basya, Kusya - a small active cat;
  • Dusya, Punya, Pyshka are lovers of food.

Many cat owners, without thinking twice, call the new family member a derivative of the word “cat,” and there are many of them: Kat, Katie, Kusya, Kutya, Kysya, Katsy, Kisa, Kitty, and also Pusya. “Meowing” names are in demand: Musya, Myauushka, Myatka, Musien, Missy, Murchella.

Appearance determines the choice of nickname

The appearance of cats is very diverse, there are cats for every taste - these are hairless sphinxes, fluffy Angoras and Persians, huge Maine Coons and graceful Siamese, fold-eared and straight-eared, tailless and tailed.

Attention! The color of cat fur is also varied and suggests different shapes names

What can you call a white female cat? The following nicknames are suitable: Belka, Blonda, or Blonde, Jasmine, Marshmallow, Christie, or Crystal, Lily, Luna, Celine, Snezhka - all words where they appear indirectly or directly White color. Foreign designations are great for cat nicknames white color:

  • Blanca - in French;
  • Bianca - in Italian;
  • White - in English.

You can remember the famous blonde actresses and borrow their names for your favorite: Catherine, Monroe, Sharon, Scarlett.

Tabby cat will become Sailor, the black one will respond to Chernavka.

It’s easy to decide what you can name a gray cat-girl by choosing one of the appropriate “colored” names: Haze, Mouse, Gray, Mote of Dust, Sapphire (Sappho), Grisette (this is the name for gray thin fabric in French), Veilette, Pearl.

The ginger cat will respond with pleasure to Murli, which is the name of the cat - the heroine of a popular children's book. Ryzhka, Liska (Alice), Sonya, Sunny, Paprika, Aurora, Caramel, Apricot, Asterisk, Ogonyok, Smoothie, Sheila - that’s just small part suitable nicknames.

Eye color is of no small importance when choosing a name. Sometimes it's enough to look at cat's eyes to understand what the cat’s real name is: Businka, Turquoise, Malvina, Toffee, Zlata, Whiskey, Blackberry, Nochka, Svetik, Carmen, Izyumka.

Pedigree name

Attention! With an excellent pedigree, cats usually receive a long, three-syllable name written on their passport.

But owners most often shorten such sophisticated nicknames to the familiar Musek, Jenny, Lyalya, Mimi. However, the name must correspond to the breed, so fancy names that sound like music are great for long-haired cats: Annabelle, Sabrina, Henrietta, Jennifer, Dulcinea, Josephine, Georgette, Cordelia, Lucretia, Meredith, Michelle, Primula, Rosalind, Felicia, Monica, Eleanor. Such nicknames correspond to the rich appearance of the breeds.

AND british cats can be called in English, these names suit them like no other, approaching their aristocratic appearance: Agatha, Clarence, Gloria, Matilda, Lady Di, Britty, Victoria, Fanny, Olivia, June, Fifi, Roxy, Princess, Elizabeth or Betty, Mary.

Suitable for Thais, Bengals and Orientals eastern names: Percy, Darcy, Gulchatai, Zulfiya. You can use the Japanese words Kasumi, Masuru, Michiko, Nami, Sakura, Natsumi, Haiko, Harumi - they all denote beautiful natural phenomena.

Large heavy breeds (Maine Coons, Bobtails, Chatreuse, Norwegian Forest, Siberian, Russian Blue) need significant weighty names taken from Scandinavian or Slavic mythology: Malusha, Zabava, Darina, Lada, Ulita, Freya, Brunnhilde, Holle.

Memorable day as a nickname

If there are no options for how to name a female cat, then as a name you can take the name of the month when she was born, or when she entered into new house:

  • summer names - Juna, Yuna, Julia, Augustina;
  • autumn - Oktyabrina, Noyabrina, a derivative of them - Rina;
  • winter - Christie, Ice, Snow;
  • spring - Martha, Maya, April, Spring, Freckle.

Funny names

How else can you call a girl cat a beautiful name? Often, owners of cute cats name them in honor of ancient goddesses and famous women: Bast, Demeter, Aphrodite, Flora, Venus, Cassia, Iris, Daphne, Athena, Nike, Vesta, Penelope, Cleopatra, Dulcinea, Isolde, Juliet. Looking at a cat with a sonorous name, you involuntarily remember history and literature.

The name of the sunken country - Atlantis - is suitable for a smart and wayward cat.

The cute cat faces beg to be called Mitten, or Waffle, Fanya, or Chunya, Drying, or Pusya, Matryoshka, Blot, Chocolate, Button, Meowser.

Sometimes owners mislead guests by calling cats with such names: Mouse, Lynx, Owl, Herring, Shusha (from chinchilla), Mink.

Attention! Charming cats are called by ancient Slavic names, including those borrowed and translated from Greek, Latin or other languages.

Names such as Agnessa, Bozena, Vlasta, Glafira, Zara, Krasa, Milana, Rada, Agrafena are perfectly suitable nicknames for cats.

What will help you find an unusual name for your pet?

It can be:

In the latter case, you need to be prepared that a cat named Lolita, Madonna or Zemfira will behave like a celebrity, capricious and insisting on its own.

By the way, many famous people themselves came up with names for their cats, for example, John Lennon named the black and white cats he found Pepper and Salt. The English poet Samuel Coleridge, who lived in the mid-19th century, was also an inventor. He had Bona Fidelia, Madame Bianchi, Pulcheria and Herliberlibuss. Musician Freddie Mercury, who loved cats, called them Tiffany, Lilia, Delilah.

A small but important nuance! When choosing a foreign word as a name for a cat, the owner must understand what it means so that there is no confusion.

Cats are, for the most part, beautiful and graceful creatures. When a pet appears in the house, you want to give it an appropriate nickname, emphasizing its special qualities and independence.

Studying existing beautiful names for boys and girls cats, it is difficult to immediately decide on the best choice. However, nothing prevents you from using your imagination and coming up with a beautiful nickname yourself, based on any principles.

How to choose a beautiful nickname for your pet

It is believed that the name for a cat of any breed must contain hissing sounds, such as “k”, “s”, “sh”. But this only helps the kitten get used to it faster. It’s good if the nickname is short, consisting of 2–3 syllables.

If you still choose a long one, you can come up with an abbreviation to make it easier for your pet to remember it.

Of course, not everyone names a cat according to the rules. And at the same time, over time, the animal still adapts and begins to respond.

You can choose a beautiful nickname for a kitten based on different criteria:

  • in accordance with external characteristics cat;
  • by his character;
  • by food preferences;
  • according to the personal interests of the owner;
  • by behavior and any other factors.

The peculiarity of a particular cat may be a loud voice, an interesting color, for example, like a tiger or a leopard, a very calm or, conversely, overly energetic disposition, etc.

Any of these differences from other pets can serve as an excellent criterion when choosing.

Names for kittens based on external characteristics

When a purebred cat appears in the house, it often already has a passport, which contains a long, boring name. If you wish, you can come up with a beautiful or cool nickname, based on it. In any case, what is the best name for the kitten is decided by the owner himself.

Rare and beautiful names for white male cats:

  • Whitey;
  • Cloud;
  • Sun;
  • Lotus;
  • Ivory;
  • Blizzard;
  • Casper;
  • Cotton;
  • Frosty;
  • Edelweiss.

Rare names for black cats:

  • Blake;
  • Deimos;
  • Inferno;
  • Morpheus;
  • Knight;
  • Raven;
  • Tartarus;
  • Dusk;
  • Balthazar;
  • Lord.

Suitable nicknames for a red-haired pet:

  • Apollo;
  • Brian;
  • Burgundy;
  • Vincent;
  • Helios;
  • Goldie;
  • Lyon;
  • Mars;
  • Grow;
  • Radisson;
  • Fire;
  • Phoenix;
  • Amber.

Most of the nicknames listed are of foreign (particularly British) origin. And such words usually sound more beautiful and attract attention.

Choosing a name for a cat based on its character

It is not necessary to give your cat a nickname the first time you meet him. After waiting a few days, you can get to know your pet better, determine its character and habits. Then choosing a beautiful nickname will be a little easier, perhaps it will come to the owner’s mind.

Russian nicknames for active pets:

  • Ataman;
  • Baron;
  • Brawler;
  • Turn;
  • Thunder;
  • Daemon;
  • Pirate;
  • Tyrant;

Beautiful nicknames for boys cats with a calm character:

  • Boss;
  • Marquis;
  • Mister;
  • Modest;
  • Prince;
  • Sultan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Dandy.

In addition to temperament, there are many criteria for choosing a suitable original nickname. These could be addictions to certain foods, favorite toys, interesting habits, and more. For example, if a cat likes to listen to music, you can call him a music lover or by the name of some artist. For a lazy cat, you can choose the nickname Lazy or Dream. Any feature can be a reason to get creative.

However, when choosing according to temperament, sometimes it will be interesting to come up with a name in reverse.

If you call a cat that is too quiet and calm Buran, this may make him a little more active. And to a robber who destroys everything around him, the nickname Marquis will give him solidity and calm his lively temper a little. It is not without reason that they say that a name makes significant changes in character, and not only in people, but also in animals.

Nicknames for celebrities

Names and nicknames of many famous people(especially foreign ones) are pleasant to the ear and can be suitable as a nickname, including for cats. If the pet owner has an idol, then this A good reason become a little closer to him by naming your pet the same.

Nicknames for cats based on the names of popular people:

  • Arnold;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bismarck;
  • Voltaire;
  • Newton;
  • Magellan;
  • King;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Picasso;
  • Einstein;
  • Churchill;
  • Gandhi;
  • Sigmund;
  • Nietzsche.

This list can be continued endlessly. But the choice of the most beautiful nickname for his cat can only be made by his owner, based on his preferences and, possibly, on the external or internal similarity of the pet (indirectly, of course) with the chosen person.

Names of famous cats

Interesting and The corresponding character can give the pet a beautiful nickname from a cartoon, fairy tale or other work. Appearance can also play a role here, if the kitten looks like one of the famous representatives felines.

Beautiful names of famous cats:

  • Garfield;
  • Basilio;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Simba;
  • Felix;
  • Gribo;
  • Jonesy;
  • Sylvester;
  • Shere Khan.

Besides literary heroes, there is a tendency to name cats the same as the names of celebrity pets. Apparently, their imagination is usually well developed, and rare beautiful nicknames are given more easily than to “mere mortals.”

Nicknames of celebrity cats:

  • Barry (John Travolta);
  • Vinny (Whoopi Goldberg);
  • Sox (Bill Clinton);
  • Alistair (Dita Von Teese);
  • Lewis (Nicolas Cage);
  • Gucci (Alexey Chumakov);
  • Philosopher (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan);
  • Georges (Anastasia Volochkova);
  • Schumacher (Victoria Bonya);
  • Kasper (Irina Dubtsova).

You can always choose for your own fluffy pet something interesting and memorable.

And it doesn't have to be an already existing name. The lists may prompt the owner to come up with an even brighter and more beautiful option.

Nicknames based on the owner's interests

By associating a cat's name with a topic close to the owner, you can emphasize your affection for him and add new character traits. The choice can fall on any hobby or passion if it helps you choose a rare and beautiful name.

Examples of nicknames based on interests:

  • Ancient Greek characters: Spartacus, Prometheus, Hercules, Hercules.
  • Names of planets: Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  • Sports: Champion, Chelsea, Finish, Basket, Messi.
  • Automotive: Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus, Ford, Dodge, Turbo.
  • Geographical: Zanzibar, Sydney, Baikal, Tibet, Amur.
  • Names from films: Terminator, Tutankhamun, Gandalf, Frodo, Dexter.

Of course, the list can be extended, but there are many such categories, and everyone has their own hobbies. You can build on this by coming up with a completely new, unusual nickname for your pet.

Just beautiful names

It is important to name the kitten correctly, and at the same time sonorously and effectively. There are many rare and beautiful names that may suit a kitten. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • August;
  • Adonis;
  • Allegro;
  • Amaris;
  • Archibald;
  • Diamond;
  • Boomerang;
  • Bourbon;
  • Daniel;
  • Jared;
  • Jingo;
  • Jardon;
  • Emperor;
  • Inferno;
  • Caligula;
  • Crystal;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lucius;
  • Mirage;
  • Morpheus;
  • Onyx;
  • Othello;
  • Pacifist;
  • Sapphire;
  • Scorpio;
  • Tabasco;
  • Centaurus.

Having chosen a long name for a kitten, it is better to immediately figure out how to shorten it. After all, he is unlikely to be able to remember a complex combination of letters. It is believed that cats are able to distinguish only the first syllable, therefore, the shorter the name and the more sibilants it contains, the faster the pet will learn to distinguish it from other words.

When acquiring a small, furry friend, new owners are faced with the question: “What to name the cat.” Some want original, refined and fashionable name. Others are cute and funny. But most people don’t know what name to choose for a kitten. This article will help answer this question.

Name for a cat based on external characteristics

Choosing a name for a cat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The easiest way is to start from the appearance of the animal, its color, spots, length of fur, eyes, etc. This method Nickname selection is the most popular. Most owners name the animal precisely by this characteristic. Don’t think that it will turn out uninteresting or unoriginal. The main thing is that the nickname suits the cat.

Naming a white cat a girl is quite simple. The owners just need to think about what they associate the color white with.

It can be something of your own or common, for example: Snow, Squirrel, Snowflake, Winter, Snezhana, Umka, Snow, Lady. Very original nicknames for cats: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic.

And the boy can be called Snowball, Ice, Orbit, Sugar, Tick-Tock, Belok, Weiss.

A black cat is a symbol of elegance and grace. From a small tousled kitten grows a real panther, whose fur shimmers in the light, and every step is filled with elegance. This is what you need to start from when giving a nickname to an animal. The black cat can be called Bagheera, Bastet in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Athena or Perseus. You can give a simpler name, for example: Nochka, Klyaksa, Pepsi, Poppy, Basta, Mukha, Betty.

Suitable nicknames for a boy are Chernysh, Coal, Smaug, Smog, Smokey.

Nice name for a cat gray– simple, because her color is already inspiring. Names such as Sapphira, Serena, Sonya, Sam, Sema, Mouse, Gray, Grace, Aqua, Dove, Smokey or Dymka, Melon are perfect.

A ginger cat can be called by the most optimistic, playful and graceful names. For example: Alice, Fox, Liska, Lisa, Perseus, Stella, Venus, Mars, Marcia, Orange, Mandarin. Simple names such as Peach, Redhead, Redhead, Peach, Sweetie, Freckle, Speck, Ray, Sunshine are also good.

Among boy kittens, the popular nicknames are: Ryzhik, Chubaisik, Luchik, Yantar.

Name calico cat it can be done in different ways. A good imagination will come in very handy, since a colorful animal may find the most suitable different names. For example: Rainbow, Rainbow, Wrapper, Flower, Color, Fortune, Christmas Tree, Fun, Kiss, Spot, Watercolor, Watercolor, Tube, Paint, Esmeralda and Spiral. Some of the listed nicknames are also suitable for boys.

Name depending on character

Cats, like people, each have their own character, mood and temperament. When choosing a nickname for cats, it is very important to pay attention to this point, since the name should reflect inner world pet.

A cat distinguished by affection and love can be given the nickname Lyuba, Nyusya, Asya, Mura, Murka, Lova, Musya, Masya, Nyashka, Nyasha, Yummy, Mylyshka, Malya, Manya, Bonya, Masyanya, Nyusha. It should be soft, light and cute, just like the animal itself. The names Bayun and Relax are suitable for boys.

But not all pets are good-natured. Very many cats have a firm, lively, masterly character. They don't like to be touched, stroked or tried to play with. Nicknames suitable for such important persons are: Margot, Tonya, Bomba, Chili, Merlin, Lauren, Gioconda, Jolie, Saltpeter, Sulfur.

There are representatives feline kind with a playful character. Such cats are always on the move, they need to go everywhere and do everything. Nicknames such as Bullet, Strelka, Belka, Zvezdochka, Flashka, Puma, Headlight, Mouse, Shakira, Besya, Penka, Fish, Shark, Kashtanka, Ocher, Zorka, Sailor, Fury, Simka, Sirena, Anfisa are suitable for cute kids.

Cool nicknames for cats

If the owners have a sense of humor, then you can choose a funny name for the pet. Usually, funny nicknames are born from the appearance or habits of an animal. It's cool to name a cat based on its taste preferences, for example: Sausage, Sausage, Cutlet, Pie, Waffle, Sausage, Yummy, Stew, Charlotte.

It is fashionable to give a cunning and resourceful cat the nickname Spy, Radio Operator, Kat, Trinity, Tricky, Shpan, Zaslanka, Intelligence, Mrs. Smith, Lariska, Kozyavka.

For an athlete cat who is in a hurry to be on time everywhere, the names Bazooka, Cannon, Jump Rope, Hooligan, Troy, Pandora, Pirate, Goonie, Whistle are suitable.

Interesting nicknames for cats in alphabetical order

Name interesting name Every housewife wants a cat so that her pet will stand out from the rest and be the best. There are many good and interesting names for cats. They can be old Russian, foreign and any others.

List of the best cat names:

  • A: Avdotya, Akulina, Aurelia, Agatha, Agnia, Azalea, Aida, Angela, Anita, Apollinaria, Ariadne, Arsenia, Artemia, Astrid;
  • B: Bella, Blackie, Lingonberry, Barbara, Betty, Berta, Bazhena, Bambi;
  • In: Varna, Vandochka, Vasilisa or Vasilek (abbreviated Vasya), Venus, Viola, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • G: Glafira (abbreviated as Glasha), Hera, Grettel, Glafira, Gloria, Gertrude, Golub;
  • D: Diodora, Gina, Juliet, Deutsche, Dekabrina, Dunka, Domna;
  • E: Eva, Evdokinia, Elizaveta (Lisanka), Euphrosyne;
  • F: Zhanna, Julia, Georgelitta;
  • Z: Zlata, Zimka, Zarina, Zvenislavochka;
  • And: Ivanna, Isabella, Joanna, Jonah, Isolde, Hippolyta, Isidora Duncan, Irma, Sparkle;
  • K: Capitolina (abbreviated Kappa), Coco (Chanel), Carolina, Clarice, Constance, Cleopatra, Xunya;
  • L: Leniana, Lina, Louise, Lenina, Leontia, Lucretia, Lesya, Lulu, Livia, Lina, Liliana, Lilia, Lumiya;
  • M: Mavra, Maruska, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margarita, Martochka, Marfusha, Matilda, Matryoshka, Milana, Millya, Mimimishka, Mia, Molly, Muse;
  • N: Nana, Nessie, Nelly or Neonila, Nefertiti, Ninel, Novella, Nora, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha;
  • A: Octavia, Oktyabrina, Olympiada, Olympia;
  • P: Pavlina, Panna, Paulina, Pandora, Praskovya, Panochka, Penny;
  • R: Rada, Rimma, Rosochka;
  • With: Solomeya, Svoboda, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Sophia, Susanna, Suzanna, Susan, Stepanida (Styopa);
  • T: Tyra, Tasha, Tisha, Trisha, Taira, Tamila, Tess;
  • U: Ulyana, Ustinya, Ulya;
  • F: Faina, Fina, Frau, Felicia, Philadelphia, Flora, Florence, Floriana;
  • E: Eureka, Elelnora, Elsa, Emma, ​​Erica;
  • Yu: Juno, Yuta, Yuna.

Signs associated with cat names

A cat can become not only a person’s friend, but also his talisman. A correctly chosen nickname will attract everything dearly desired to the owner of the animal. Therefore, if there is not enough love, money or health in life, then you need to carefully choose the nickname of a new household member.

If in Lately luck has turned away from the owners and they lack a little bit of luck, then perhaps they should get a cat. Call her Rainbow, Luck, Piece of Happiness, Lucky or Rada.

If you have a desire that seems impossible, then you need to get a cat with the name Zlata, Lamp, Rybka, Gina, Star, Lotyreyka, Sorceress, Fairy Tale, Coupon.

If the owner dreams of great love, a man who will become her soul mate for the rest of her life. Then you can get a girl kitten and name her Venus, Lyubov, Lova or another name meaning love.

Finance is what many people lack to achieve complete happiness. To attract them, you can call the fluffy talisman Dollar, and also suitable nicknames are Coin, Ruble, Kopeyka, Denga, Zolotka, Cent, Peso, Mark, Euro, etc.

If there are quarrels, swearing, and lack of peace and harmony in the house, then the cat can be called Harmony or Peace. Also suitable nicknames are Relax, Euphoria, Friendship, Accordion, Balance.

At the end of the article, it is safe to say that there are a million names for cats. But it is important to remember the main thing: you need to love your pet and pronounce its name with affection. Then, regardless of the name, she will answer her owner in kind. will become true friend and a caring pet.


Many people love cats and cats, so these cute pets can be found in many homes. However, some are just thinking about getting themselves a small or large feline. And if the choice of a cat is already over, then the question arises: what can you name the new resident?

  • As a rule, there are no problems with choosing a name. In fact, you can name your pet anything and any word that most often comes to mind in association with a cat. You can base it on character, color, breed and much more. But in any case, you need to approach the selection of a nickname responsibly. A cat gets used to a certain word, and then it is almost impossible to retrain it to react to another.
  • Should or should not be named human name- it's up to you to decide. However, it is still desirable that the nickname be a cat's. This will make it possible not to confuse possible guests or family members who have the same name.
  • You should avoid nicknames that do not at all correlate with the appearance and character of the cat and are of a negative nature. Still, the nickname for a pet is given once and for all. You can give beautiful and pet names, which would completely convey all the respect and love of the owner for the pet.
  • It is advisable to choose a consonant short name with two or three syllables, so that you can immediately and quickly call your pet to you. Often in pursuit of original name owners choose nicknames that are too complex, thereby complicating pronunciation and losing simplicity. Fortunately, beautiful sound does not interfere with simplicity. So many beautiful words, which have only two or three syllables.
  • Before you give unusual name, which is a word from another language, it is better to check the meaning. For example, you can take a lot of foreign names or words that mean a beautiful word in translation.
  • A nickname will be very appropriate and convenient if it contains whistling and hissing sounds, because cats react very well to such sounds. For example, Kusya, Dusya. It is very good when the sounds “k” and “s” are combined in the name (Kisa, Xeon, Scarly). And it is also very undesirable to have only dull sounds, because in this way the word loses its sonority.
  • After a kitten appears at home, you should immediately think about a nickname and soon start calling it that, so that the kitten gets used to its name once and for all and calls itself in the future.

So, What is a beautiful name for a cat?

The most common beautiful names for cats

  • For boys: Murzik, Peach, Barsik, Marquis, Kuzya, Vaska, Zhorik, Tosha, Toshka.
  • For girls: Bonya, Dusya, Murka, Marusya, Matilda (Motya), Bonya, Manya, Sima, Dymka, Nezhenka, Zhuzha, Glasha.

Unusual names for cats depending on coat and color

Original names for cats

You can also give a cat an original name or come up with it yourself. Examples of the most unusual names:

  • « Delicious names: Pie, Cabbage, Loaf, Curd, Sugar, Apricot, Pate, Biscuit, Milk, Sprat, Belyash, Persimmon, Shawarma, Kefir, Sweets, Baguette.
  • Nicknames from other countries are also gaining popularity these days. There are a lot of beautiful cat names that are distinguished by their unusual sound. For example, Japanese nicknames: Aimi, Aiko (beloved), Akira (bright), Asa (dawn), Izumi (stream), Kasumi (fog, for girls), Kohana (flower), Kokoro (heart), Nariko, Natsumi, Oki, Sake , Sakura, Takara, Haru, Michiko, Hikari, Hoshi, Yuri.
  • Names of felines: Lioness, Tigress, Puma, Lynx, Lynx Cub, Lion, Leo, Leopard, Bagheera, Leva.
  • In honor of cartoon characters, legends, films or books: Sherlock, Ariel, Rapunzel, Alice, Hamlet, Zeus, Hercules.
  • You may notice that a lot of cat names are derivatives of the famous cat purring and meowing (Murka, Murzik), but they are often found very unusual words: Murlin Murlo, Meow, Meow.
  • Depending on the character: Sissy, Weasel, Dobrysh, Scratchy, Pussy, Lady, Mila, Nyasha, Sonya, Kusya, Bestia, Grace.