What category of basin does Lake Onega belong to? Lake Onega area: general information, characteristics and location

Lake Onega can be attributed to the treasures of Karelia, which attracts thousands of tourists from different cities.

Lake Onega is the second largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its other name sounds like Onego, which is no coincidence. There are several opinions about the reasons for the appearance of the name. From the point of view of scientists, the reservoir got its name from the river flowing next to it. Another opinion is due to the fact that in the area where the reservoir is located, there are often fogs, and therefore, it received the name Onego - translated from the ancient Finnish, smoking lake. About 1000 rivers flow into Lake Onega, and only one flows out - the Svir.

Its area is approximately 9.9 thousand square meters. km. Depth varies in different areas. In the northern part, the depth is 127 m, and closer to the south it is only 20-30 m. In the spring, Lake Onega is characterized by a rise in water, which lasts for 1.5-2 months. Storms are frequent. The weather is unpredictable, calm can instantly change into a storm. In some parts of the lake, the water is so clear that it can be seen to a depth of 8 m. The water is of high quality.

Lake Onega is especially popular among fishermen. Which is not at all surprising, because it is famous for its fish wealth. Various fish live in it, including valuable commercial ones, such as trout, salmon. In total, 47 species of fish live in the reservoir. In addition, in the mouths of some tributaries of Lake Onega, there is a bivalve mollusk that forms pearls the size of a pea. In search of a precious ball, pearl divers come to the pond, but finding a pearl is not a small effort.

Lake Onega is very surprising with its shape, shore structure, complex bottom topography, water quality, picturesque bays, mesmerizing sunsets and dawns. Sunsets and sunrises are especially mesmerizing. The shores are mostly sandy, but there are also rocky and even swampy shores. In the middle of the lake there are a lot of islands, in total there are about 1500 islands, among which there are wild ones, covered with dense forests, some of the islands are inhabited by people.

Lake Onega is the second largest lake in Europe. In terms of an area equal to 9900 km 2, it ranks fourth among the large lakes of Russia. Its maximum depth does not exceed 120 m. The main tributaries of Lake Onega are Shuya, Suna and Vodla. River flows out of it. Svir.

Lake basin of tectonic origin; it was largely reshaped as a result of the activity of the glacier. The influence of the work of glaciers is especially noticeable in its northern part, which is distinguished by the indentation of the coastline: there are many narrow bays deeply protruding into the land, elongated from northwest to southeast, i.e. in the direction of movement of the glacier.

The relief of the lake bottom is characterized by a complex structure and extreme uneven distribution of depths. This Lake Onega, as well as Ladoga, stands out sharply from other large lakes in the world. Approximately along the line Petrozavodsk - the mouth of the Vodla, the lake basin is divided into two sharply different parts: northern and southern. Its southern part has a flat bottom topography and relatively shallow depths. Here, in turn, several morphologically distinct parts can be distinguished: 1) Svir Bay, 2) Svir Onego, 3) Southern Onego and 4) Central Onego.

The northern part of the lake basin is characterized by extremely sharp fluctuations in depth, the presence of numerous long and deep depressions or pits separated by elevated sections of the bottom. A large number of shoals, capes, islands and bays gives this part of the lake an skerry character. Separate parts of the lake have independent names: Big Onego, Petrozavodsk Bay, Kondopoga Bay, Lizhemskaya Bay, etc. The largest bay in the northern part of the lake is Povenetskaya, it has a length of about 100 km.

The northern shore is rocky, while the southern, eastern and western shores are mostly formed by a chain of sand dunes, reaching a height of 15-18 m in places, behind which swamps are sometimes located. The entire deep-water part of the lake basin is filled with light gray-green silts, and the shallow coastal parts of the lake are filled with wood, pebbles and boulders.

The amplitude of fluctuations in the lake level is small and amounts to 50-55 cm per year; its long-term values ​​are 1.8-19 m, depending on the nature of the weather in a given year, there is a different type of annual variation in the water level, however, for the most part, the course of the level corresponds to the type of regime with a distinct, albeit low, spring flood. In the secular course of the lake level, a certain cyclicity is observed, which is in good agreement with the course of atmospheric precipitation.

It is interesting to note that in 1854 engineer Stabrovsky recorded seiches on Lake Onega for the first time in Russia. This was done many years before the seiches of Lake Geneva were studied by Trout.

The water balance of Lake Onega on average over a long period (1887-1939) according to calculations made by 3.A. Vikulina; characterized by the following data (Table 1).

Table 1. Water balance of Lake Onega

The transparency of the lake water is relatively low, less than in Lake Ladoga. The white disk, lowered into the water, usually ceases to be visible at a depth of 4 m. The water of the lake in the mass has a slightly brownish color due to the large influx of swamp waters; its mineralization is very weak and amounts to 30-40 mg / l, and its hardness is not more than 1 German degree. The highest values ​​(17°) the water temperature reaches in August; in the bottom layers, even in the hottest periods, the temperature is not higher than 4 °. In the warm part of the year, the shock layer is well expressed and is located at a depth of 20–25 m.

The process of freezing of Lake Onega begins from the coastal shallow parts and gradually captures the central deep-water areas, which are covered with ice much later due to the large supply of heat in the water and waves; this process lasts about 1.5-2 months - from mid-November to the end of January. Clearing the lake of ice begins in the southern part of the reservoir in mid or late April. Most of the lake is opened in the first decade of May, and the central part - in the middle of this month. Lake Onega is part of the White Sea-Baltic waterway and is the regulator of the Svir flow, the water energy of which is used for hydroelectric purposes.

Powerful and majestic, with long coastlines and many tributaries, Lake Onega is located in Karelia.

The lake is located in the European part of Russia and is considered the second largest freshwater reservoir, after Ladoga. Most of the lake went to the Republic of Karelia, about 80% of the entire reservoir was located there, and the remaining 20% ​​went to the Leningrad and Vologda regions. Lake Onega belongs to the basin of the Baltic Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean.

Characteristics of Lake Onega

lake area

The reservoir has a coastline of 1542 kilometers, a total area of ​​9720 km². The maximum depth is 127 meters, although the average depth for the lake is about 30 meters.

The length from south to north is 245 kilometers, and the largest width of the coastal zone is 92 meters.

(Map and scheme of Lake Onega)

Lake water temperature

The water temperature in Lake Onega during the warm periods of the year (starting from May) varies from +5 to +13 degrees. In August, if the summer turned out to be extremely successful and warm, then in shallow water the water temperature will be about +17 degrees. However, above +22, the water in Lake Onega has not yet heated up.

During the cold periods of the year, starting from September, the lake cools down. After a hot summer, the temperature slowly drops, in October and November it reaches +2 degrees. And with the onset of frost, it decreases to 0 or -2.

(Air temperature on Lake Onega in winter and summer)

The air temperature here does not warm up above +30 degrees, even if the weather is sunny for a long time. The highest temperature mark recorded on the territory of the lake is +35 degrees. The warmest period is July, when the air warms up to +17 degrees.

In the winter months, the average air temperature varies from -7 to -13 degrees. The absolute minimum recorded in this area was -42 degrees.

Svir river

The Svir River connected two large Lakes Onega with Ladoga with a water thread, 224 km long. The river begins its movement from the Onega and changes in its channel from 100 m in the narrowest places and up to 12 km in width of the Ivinsky spill, then the river flows in the lowlands, occupied in the past by glaciers and flows into Lake Ladoga. In the Ivinsky spill, the river passes through the created Verkhnesvirsky reservoir, with an area of ​​183 sq. km with a hydroelectric dam. The river contains 30 islands, in the same place in the Leningrad region along the banks of the river there is the Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve.

Nature of Lake Onega

Lake Onega is characterized by low shores. Therefore, there are areas of terrain in the coastal zone that are completely swampy. However, such conditions do not prevent the development of flora and fauna, which is abundant both in the reservoir itself and around it.

The highest form of vegetation is the least common on the territory of Onega, it can be found only in protected secluded corners in the northern part. But here reeds and reeds, growing in an even line along the coastal zone, feel good. In some places you can find water lilies, sedge, pondweeds, egg capsules, horsetails. Also, coastal areas are rich in dense taiga forests.

The fauna located on the territory of the Onega reservoir does not suffer from the conditions either. In total, more than 350 different forms and species live on its territory. Starting from the simplest forms, aquatic insects, crustaceans, mollusks and sea sponges, and ending with seals.

If we talk about feathered friends, then waterfowl nest on the lake - geese, gulls, ducks and swans. Often on migration there are such species as cranes, eagle owls, short-eared owls, herbalists, grebes, terns, shepherds.

Fish of Lake Onega: 1) Lake salmon; 2) Trout; 3) Paliya; 4) Vendace

Also, there are more than 45 species of fish that belong to 13 families. The species that can turn up for a fisherman are: salmon, lake and river trout, catfish, eel, ruff, pike perch, dace, crucian carp, sabrefish, rudd, smelt, roach, pike, silver bream, loach, sterlet, vendace, palia, whitefish, ide, perch and grayling. The most common of them are perch, bream, pike perch, smelt, pike, vendace and ruff, and the least common are whitefish, grayling, palia, catfish and dace.

Cities on Lake Onega

The coastal strip of Lake Onega is densely populated, although it does not have million-plus cities on the shore. The entire coastal zone is dotted with small villages and settlements. Most of the villages are located in the southern and western parts of the lake.

The largest of the populations are the cities: Petrozavodsk, Medvezhyegorsk, Vytegra and Kondopoga, and if we take into account the urban settlement, then the list can be supplemented by the villages of Povenets, Voznesenye, Shalsky and Pindushi.

If you are traveling through the territory of the Onega reservoir, be sure to visit Petrozavodsk. The capital of the Republic of Karelia has a large number of architectural monuments, for example, the building of the old men's provincial gymnasium or the Round Square ensemble. Do not forget to visit Kizhi Island as well. Its main attraction is the historical, architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve.

Climate and seasons of Lake Onega

(Winter rotunda on the embankment of Lake Onega, Petrozavodsk)

In general, winter on Lake Onega is mild, air and water temperatures are acceptable even for desperate bathers who want to harden themselves. However, it is often too windy on the territory of the reservoir, the cold subarctic climate carries an abundance of air masses. In winter, this results in long blizzards and snowstorms, and in summer - in a storm.

When continental anticyclones come from the south and east, dry and hot weather sets in in the spring-summer period, and sunny and clear days in winter.

Summer on Lake Onega is distinguished by picturesque places. Almost the entire coastal strip in Karelia looks like a colorful picture that has come to life, and under the warm rays of the sun, the landscape seems completely fabulous. However, during the summer season, there are often precipitations on Onega, most of the norm (about 70%) falls precisely from May to August.

Lake Onega is the second largest freshwater reservoir in Europe. Its area is impressive, in terms of its size this reservoir is second only to the lake. The lake is located in the Republic of Karelia, as well as in the Leningrad and Vologda regions. But most of the lake is still located in the Republic of Karelia (80%), the other two regions account for only 20% of the area of ​​this reservoir.

Lake Onega: depth and area

To talk about this reservoir in more detail, you must first say about its size. The area of ​​Lake Onega is 9600 square kilometers, more precisely - 9690 square kilometers. km. This is an impressive number. And I must say that this area is taken without taking into account the islands. If we take into account the islands, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Onega in sq. km will reach the figure 9720. To better understand the scale of the lake, let's say that its area is equal to the area of ​​​​Cyprus, and this is not at all a small republic.

The average depth of Onega is about 30 meters, and the greatest depth is 127 meters. Note that these are very impressive numbers for lakes. About 50 different rivers (and about 1000 different watercourses) flow into Lake Onega, and only one river flows out of the lake - the Svir.

Dimensions of Lake Onega: length and width

The length of the reservoir from north to south reaches 245 kilometers. The largest width of the lake is 92 kilometers. There are three Karelian cities on the banks (Petrozavodsk, which is also Medvezhyegorsk and Kondopoga).

In general, it must be said that the Republic is a large part of the lake, characterized by a large number of rocks. The shores of the lake are really rocky, sometimes it is very difficult to approach the reservoir precisely because of the rocks.

The meaning of the lake

Almost every local resident will always answer your question about the area of ​​Lake Onega, will be happy to tell you some stories about the reservoir or its sights. For the local population, the reservoir is pride. Dimensions of Lake Onega really impressive. The locals have a lot to be proud of. As we have already said, the area Lake Onega in km 2 equivalent to entire countries! Let's get to know him in more detail.


The total number of islands in Onega is 1650, but not all of them are large. The total area of ​​all islands of the lake is 224 square kilometers. The most famous island is Kizhi. It houses a unique museum-reserve of the same name, in which wooden temples of the 18th century have been preserved and restored. Some of them are built without the use of nails or other metal fastening materials.

But Kizhi is not the largest island of the lake, the largest in Lake Onega is Bolshoi Klimenetsky, its area is 147 square kilometers (more than half the area of ​​all lakes in Lake Onega). Bolshoy Klimenetsky Island has its own settlement, there is even a school here.

If you call other large islands, then you need to mention Bolshoi Lelikovsky, as well as the island of Suisar and South Oleniy. The nature on all the islands is very colorful, bright and special in its own way, like the entire Republic of Karelia, where most of the lake is located (we have already said this).

Flora and fauna of the island

Some shores of Lake Onega are very rocky, but most of the shores of the lake are low and often swampy. They also often flood when the water level in the lake rises. This can explain the fact that there are only three cities on the lake.

Along the banks of Onega, as well as on almost all of its islands, ducks, geese, swans and other water birds often nest in reeds and reed beds. Almost the entire coastal area of ​​the lake is occupied by dense coniferous forests, some of which are still untouched by human hands and are in a virgin state.

There is evidence that seals are sometimes observed in Lake Onega. In general, it must be said that fish, as well as various invertebrates, are represented in the lake in a wide variety. We emphasize that among the invertebrates there are a significant number of relics of the ancient ice age.

Returning to the fish of the lake, we note that they are found here:

  • sterlet;
  • lake salmon;
  • trout (lake and stream);
  • palia (ludnaya and pit);
  • zander;
  • Pike;
  • perch;
  • vendace (including vendace-kilets);
  • grayling;
  • smelt;
  • roach;
  • lamprey (river and stream).

And that's not all, because in the lake there are no less than 47 species and varieties of freshwater fish, which belong to 13 families. Fishing on the Onega is a special chic and a way to find inner harmony with nature. Moreover, fishing is possible on the lake at any time of the year.


In today's world with outdated wastewater treatment systems, nothing good can be expected in terms of ecology. In the last decade, the impact on the lake ecosystem has only increased. Particular damage is done to the northwestern and northern parts of the lake. Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Medvezhyegorsk industrial centers are located in this area. It should also be said that about 80% of the population lives in this area, the industrial potential of the basin here generally reaches 90%.

But recently there has been a tendency to modernize treatment facilities and invest serious investments in this business (both from the local budget and from federal funds). I would like to believe that this unique lake will not be left to the mercy of fate and will not become the center of man's negligent attitude towards nature.

Economic importance

The lake is navigable, and it is a large part of the waterway, which is included in the Volga-Baltic waterway, as well as the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Also, the lake is a link for the basins of the Baltic, Caspian and northern seas.

The system of channels and rivers allows you to send any cargo from the capital of the republic (the city of Petrozavodsk) to any countries located in the coastal sea zone. These are countries from Germany to Iran. We also mention that there is an artificially dug canal, which is located along the southern bank of the Onega (from the Svir River to the river called Vytegra).

There are two ports on the shores of Lake Onega (Petrozavodsk capital port and the city of Medvezhyegorsk), in addition, there are five marinas and several small stopping points for ships.

There is currently no regular year-round passenger service on the lake. But there is a regular service several times a day during navigation between Petrozavodsk and Kizhi Island, as well as between Petrozavodsk and the Great Bay. Tourist boats and the so-called "meteors" are involved here. Also, according to the latest information, there is a connection between Petrozavodsk and Shala.

Of some interesting events of the lake, we note that since the distant 1972 Lake Onega annually (in summer, in July) hosts the country's largest Onega Sailing Regatta. This is an open national sailing championship among yachts (cruising). There are no other organized competitions, although the area of ​​Lake Onega allows it. This is explained by the weak development of tourism in the region.

Kizhi Island

The main attraction of Lake Onega is Kizhi Island, more precisely, the museum-reserve of the same name, which is located here. On the territory of the museum island, there are currently almost 90 monuments of wooden architecture from the 15th-20th centuries.

The center of Kizhi Island is architecture (built in the 18th century), it is a 20-domed Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as well as a 9-domed Church of the Intercession of the Virgin and a bell tower. In 1990, Kizhi Island was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is the pride of our entire country!

Onega petroglyphs

Rock carvings, which are called Onega petroglyphs, are located on the eastern shores of Lake Onega. Scientists believe that their age is in the range of 4-2 thousand years BC. Petroglyphs are arranged in groups. In total, they occupy a stretch of coast approximately 21 km long or even more. Their total number is approximately 1200 different figures and signs. Petroglyphs have not been fully studied and from time to time new rock paintings are discovered. It seems that many more secrets are hidden by the shores of Lake Onega. Its area allows it to do so.

To understand the scale of Lake Onega, you need to see it with your own eyes. Come fishing in Karelia or just relax here from the hustle and bustle of megacities, breathe in the clean northern air. You will fall in love with these places forever, and you will come back here again and again. Lake Onega will captivate and enchant. Photographers will also like Karelia. Here are incredibly beautiful landscapes that will impress a creative person. Tourists will also appreciate the lake, especially those who love beautiful open spaces. Rest in Karelia is also a great pastime, clean air, beautiful nature.

In the wonderful northern region of Karelia, among the rocks, forests and swamps, there is a large Lake Onega, which is often called the younger brother of Ladoga. Maybe because it is the second largest lake in Europe, or maybe also because they were formed almost simultaneously, after the retreat of the last glaciers. And although Lake Onega is almost two times smaller and much shallower than Lake Ladoga (average depth is 30 meters), the water here is of very high quality, it is considered much cleaner than Ladoga.

The lake has long been called Onego, and there are still disputes about the origin of its name. Many believe that the reservoir got its name from the ancient Finnish language, and means “smoking lake”, since strong fogs have become a frequent occurrence in this place. According to another version, Onego is a noisy lake, according to a third version, the name means "big, significant." There is also a version that the lake got its name from one of the 50 rivers that flow into it. But most likely, this river got its name from the lake. Curious is the fact that only one river flows out of Onega - the Svir, which carries its waters to the great Ladoga.

Lake Onega is rich in islands, there are more than 1500 of them. The shores of the islands are indented with bays and bays, they give Onega a peculiar charm and picturesqueness. And a number of rocky capes, polished by the glacier and the Onega wave, became the sheets of a stone book, on which an ancient man kept a chronicle of his life more than four thousand years ago. The petroglyphs of Lake Onega, depicting men, birds, lizards, tools, boats, deer, swans, fish and some mysterious signs, in the form of mysterious circles and lines, are mostly located on the east coast.

The ichthyofauna of Lake Onega is very diverse, there are more than 47 species of fish here: from bream and crucian carp to trout and salmon. Therefore, fishing has become one of the main types of recreation in the Onega region. Lake Onega is also very popular among yachtsmen. The festival of wooden ships "Blue Onego" and the All-Russian sailing regatta of cruising yachts "Onego" are held here.

See video: Fishing trips - fishing on Lake Onega. part 1

Part 2

The main attraction of the lake is Kizhi Island, where the State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve is located. And the Kizhi churchyard, consisting of the twenty-two-domed Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the nine-domed Church of the Intercession of the Virgin and the hipped bell tower, has long been the hallmark of Karelia.

See where Onega is located on the map:

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