The crocodile attacks the dream book. Why does a crocodile dream of a woman or a man: interpretation from various dream books

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing this animal in a dream means that soon you will be deceived by your closest friends. In addition, your enemies will find fault with you more than before. Walking on the back of a crocodile means that you are in danger of trouble, with which you will stubbornly fight, trying to extricate yourself from them. And you will succeed. Pay attention to this warning dream! Avoid being too frank with people.

See a crocodile in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The devourer symbolizes the need to go through death to a new life. A crocodile with an open mouth means movement against the current, liberation from the limitations of the world. Sometimes the crocodile is the guardian of the doors. With the ability to live both on land and in water, he symbolizes the dual nature of man. According to Pliny, the crocodile and the lizard symbolize silence, since they were believed to have no tongues. The crocodile is also identified with the fertility of the waters. To be swallowed by a crocodile is to descend into the underworld. The crocodile is the emblem of Set in its typhonic aspect, cruelty and evil. Sebek with a crocodile head personifies vicious passions, deception, betrayal, hypocrisy and secrecy. Having swallowed the moon, he cries. Hence the expression "crocodile tears". Dedicated to Apop, Serapis, Sebek and depicted at the feet of Pt.

Why is the crocodile dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(for a woman) a rich groom; success; if it attacks without harm to the sleeping person, an unexpected success.

Expert Answers


Hello. I dreamed of a desert and two crocodiles, the size of a large lizard. one crocodile chased me, when he caught up with me, he bit me on the right leg. I didn't feel pain, I didn't see blood. At this moment I woke up. a very strange and unpleasant dream. I'm worried. (Maximova, Olesya)

The desert in a dream symbolizes loneliness, and the crocodile symbolizes betrayal by loved ones and failure in personal life. According to the description of the dream, someone from your environment can do something that will unsettle you..


In a dream, I came to visit my mother (she died 10 years ago). A huge crocodile crawls out of the kitchen. Mom hides under the sheet on the couch and tells me that the crocodile doesn't see her like that. I wake up in horror. What is this dream for? (Mikhailova, Nadezhda)

The deceased mother in a dream warns against some kind of waking situation. Judging by the description of the dream, in real life you should be afraid of betrayal from someone close to you.

The crocodile has always been an outlandish animal for us. Therefore, interpreters of dreams attributed his appearance in a dream to a variety of reasons.

There is a version that seeing a crocodile in a dream and being happy is a sign that the girl will receive a lucrative marriage proposal.

In general, a crocodile is a formidable and dangerous animal. If that - will not spare.

Therefore, of course, to see him in a dream is a sign of the threat of a collision with a dangerous enemy that can cause you a lot of pain and trouble, or even take your life.

Sometimes such a dream means that close friends will betray you, after which you will stop believing people altogether.

Often such a dream serves as an indication that you made a mistake in your affairs, and your enemies will not hesitate to use it to grind you to powder.

Being in a dream dangerously close to a crocodile means that you will be drawn into an unpleasant story, fraught with bad consequences.

The peculiarity of such a dream is that in the situation in question, you will have to rely only on your own strength.

Seeing him at the zoo is a sign that soon you may find yourself in an unusual situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a long journey.

If you dream that a crocodile is going to attack you, then the enemies are going to laugh at you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation - Crocodile

A crocodile in a dream is a symbol of deceit on the part of the closest friends. Having seen this warning dream, avoid being too frank in communicating with people. Walking on the crocodile's back portends trouble with which you will fight hard and not unsuccessfully.

Interpretation of dreams from

This vivid representative of the animal world is the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. Why does a crocodile dream of a woman and a man, how does the dream book interpret this dream? A frightening view, a huge mouth and dexterity in movements will not leave a single person indifferent. According to almost every dream book, a crocodile in a dream 0 is a symbol of enemies who are hiding and waiting for the right moment to attack you. What to do if you dreamed about a crocodile? Decipher this dream down to the smallest detail so that you know what you should be prepared for.

Dream interpretation. Interpretation of a dream about a crocodile. If a woman or a man dreamed of a crocodile, what does this mean?

Dreams are a parallel reality through which we can influence our real life. They can be very strange, inexplicable and surprising, but this does not diminish their information content and usefulness. On the contrary, the more multifaceted and expressive the dream, the more voluminous, and therefore accurate, its interpretation will be. Why do women and men dream of crocodiles - you might not know this, but the interpretation of dreams for representatives of different sexes is often different.

If a crocodile appeared to you in a dream, try to remember all the details and nuances of the dream plot in order to get a truthful interpretation. The meaning of sleep is influenced, for example, by the number of crocodiles, their size, color, behavior, location. Our tips will help you not to miss a single important nuance and interpret your dream. So, if you dreamed about a crocodile - what is it for?

Who saw the dream: woman, man, child

A crocodile in a dream for a woman symbolizes a dangerous enemy or many problems.

If a man dreamed of crocodiles, the dream book warns: beware of meeting your enemy, as it will turn out to be deplorable. You may be subject to libel that can seriously damage your reputation. Chances are, even friends will turn their backs on you after the rumors spread. To renew relations with them or not, after everything is over, it is up to you to decide, but whoever gave it once, will do so for the rest of his life.

To join the battle with the crocodile and emerge victorious from it is to win in reality a victory in the confrontation. In general, it is believed that seeing a crocodile in a dream is a symbol of a hidden threat, and in order to avoid it, you should exercise the utmost vigilance, especially in the workplace. It is possible that the ill-wisher is hiding among your colleagues and is just waiting for you to make a mistake somewhere. Seeing a lot of dead reptiles - all the troubles are minutes of you, and the troubles will recede. Enjoy a period of peace and quiet.

Unlike the "male" interpretation, a crocodile in a dream for a woman does not contain such a gloomy meaning. On the contrary, for an unmarried girl, such a dream, in which a crocodile did not cause anxiety and fear, promises a quick meeting with a representative of the opposite sex and subsequent marriage. The chosen one will turn out to be a strong or even influential person, with whom it will not be easy, but safe.

  • Running away from the crocodile is a good sign. You can solve all the problems that have fallen on your head, get rid of rivals and envious people, due to which your self-esteem and self-confidence will grow.
  • Catching an alligator is also very good. This dream promises you a victory over spiteful critics.
  • But to see a lot of crocodiles in a dream - to gossip and slander in your direction. In the near future you can learn a lot of unpleasant things about yourself. Moreover, finding out who is spreading dirty rumors will not work right away, or it will not work at all.
  • Why do crocodiles dream in water - expect a trick from someone from whom you did not expect. The enemy is in your environment and is about to show their true colors.

A dream in which a woman bothered to observe a cruel confrontation between two large crocodiles speaks of a serious family conflict. In no case do not try to intervene in such a quarrel, because you will find yourself at the extreme, and the conflict situation will become even more tense from this.

In a young dreamer, such a dream can cause real horror, and, unfortunately, not unreasonably. Apparently, your child's relationship with peers is not developing in the best way, and there is someone who sets up a team against your child. It may be time for the parents to intervene.

If in a dream a crocodile attacked you and there was a fight

What is the dream of a crocodile trying to bite? Naturally, such a dream does not bode well. According to the dream book, the crocodile attacks - this means an open conflict, the initiator of which will not be you. The outcome of the situation in reality will depend on who won the victory over whom in a dream. If you are the winner, and you managed to kill a crocodile in a dream, get ready for a triumph in reality. But if suddenly a predator has bitten or tore you to pieces, this means that luck, alas, will change you, and hard times lie ahead. You can lose a lot as a result of your loss.

Most importantly, don't despair. Sometimes taking a step back is giving yourself the opportunity to fly higher. Plus, your opponent will finally leave you alone and you can start life from scratch.

If in a dream you were attacked by a crocodile, get ready for a conflict in reality.

The impending problems of a personal nature portend a dream in which you run away from a vicious predator. These problems can be associated with misunderstandings in married life, disagreements in the team and similar situations.

The main point in the interpretation is whether you were able to hide from the crocodile's paws, whether you managed to escape. If the chase was crowned with the victory of the crocodile, then you cannot escape the coming hardships, but if you managed to remain safe and sound, the problems will most likely bypass you.

A dream in which you had to make the crocodile die during a fierce battle will tell you that a serious competition for spheres of influence in life is expected in the near future. You will be the winner in such a difficult competition.

Seeing a dead crocodile in a dream, you can not worry, because this dream promises a calm and carefree life. All possible problems and adversities will pass you by.

Pulling the skin from a crocodile in a dream means disclosing information about your personal life, and information of an extremely personal nature. A new step in the career ladder awaits the one who feasted on crocodile meat in a dream. The crocodile's head, separate from the body, will tell you about the treacherous designs of your friends. Be careful and be prepared for the fact that one of them will soon start to put sticks in your wheels.

What other actions did you do in the dream?

  • If in a dream you happened to feed and pet a predator, this suggests that the moment of reconciliation with your enemy will come. However, you should not lose your vigilance, because this reconciliation is another calculation of your enemy, calculated for a sudden strike at the moment when you do not expect it at all.
  • A dream in which you walk on the back of a crocodile suggests that in the near future you will face huge troubles, in the fight against which you should not expect help. However, with all your efforts, competently distributing your capabilities, you will be able to solve all the issues in your favor.
  • Seeing in a dream a crocodile raging in an aquatic environment, with splashes of a bloody hue, will tell you that in the near future you will witness a heartbreaking event or betray a person in a mean way before your eyes. However, it is worth considering that it is not worth interfering in this situation, because nothing depends on you, and once again getting under attack is not a pleasant thing.

Have you seen a large or small predator?

According to the dream book, a large crocodile symbolizes a serious ill-wisher. Most likely, a quarrel is approaching, during which some of your friends will appear in their true guises. However, do not worry, because dreams of this kind serve as clues to help meet the upcoming adversity. It is worth being vigilant when meeting new people, carefully assessing their motives and possible motives for meeting you.

And why do small crocodiles dream? Soon, dangerous adventures await you, getting involved in which not only you, but also members of the family circle will suffer. Further life, you should plan in such a way that your emotional state has the appearance of a constructively adjusted machine for making informed decisions. You should not get involved in adventurous situations, as well as dubious projects related to monetary investments.

Where exactly did you see the dangerous reptile?

Dreamed of a crocodile in the water - pay attention to the problems in the professional sphere

Why is a crocodile dreaming in water? The modern structure of society, in which we have the honor to dwell, often presupposes a slave-like scheme for the implementation of labor activity. Superiors, bosses and directors, unfortunately, in most cases do not possess the ability to loyally interact with subordinates.

Seeing a crocodile in the water in a dream will indicate your problems in the field of professional activity, namely, in the boss's prejudiced attitude towards your person. In this case, you need to sensibly assess your capabilities, further life is not related to this work. Think if there are other perspectives open to you as a professional.

A dream in which you happened to observe a crocodile within the walls of your house suggests that in the near future a person will enter your life, relations with whom, to put it mildly, will not work out. Constant scandals amid emotional misunderstandings will lead to endless war. In such a situation, it is worth limiting yourself as much as possible in communicating with a person, thereby preventing future quarrels. The second interpretation of what a crocodile dreams of for a woman in the house is the approach of health problems of one of your family members.

If you dreamed about them in large numbers

Having just woken up, you may ask yourself what many crocodiles dream about. This dream speaks of possible problems in the family hearth, as well as the illness of one of the relatives. However, you should not take this picture to heart, let the crocodiles in a dream become an occasion to show more care and affection for their loved ones. Increase the number of visits to all your relatives, spend more time together and help those who are already in old age.

The key to a long and happy life of a family clan is constant support and care for each other.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Crocodiles are very ancient creatures that appeared on our planet as much as 83.5 million years ago. At the moment, they live in all countries where the tropical climate prevails. Everyone knows that these animals are very dangerous, including for humans. Their bite is considered the most powerful in the world. It is unlikely that anyone would seriously want to spend at least a few minutes with this reptile in reality. But what if a terrible beast came to us in a dream. How to deal with such a vision and what to expect? Let's figure it out, and the most famous dream books will help us with this

Miller's dream book - expect a major conflict

If a crocodile is dreaming, this is a warning of an impending danger. After all, this animal is a symbol of anger, aggression, lies and bitterness. Those who have seen such a dream should be careful not to tell something unnecessary about themselves, not to rush to trust secrets even to the closest friends. The probability is too high that you will be betrayed and everything said, subsequently, will turn against you.

A crocodile in a dream warns you of an impending danger.

  • A dangerous animal crawling into the house will bring negativity and quarrels with it to your family. You may be unpleasantly surprised to learn that the closest person is lying to you, and possibly has repeatedly betrayed you.
  • To step on a crocodile is, through your own fault, to get into an unpleasant situation, which will be extremely difficult to get out of, since its consequences will haunt you for a long time. Try to be extremely discreet in your actions and words.
  • If small little crocodiles are crawling next to you, expect squabbles, gossip and a showdown. This scandal cannot be called global, but what will be unpleasant for you is a fact.
  • If there was a crocodile fight in a dream, then in real life you will witness a tough conflict. It is advisable not to be drawn into the dialogue by irritable people for a while.
  • If you see a crocodile in the process of eating food, then you may be present when someone commits a bad deed, but you will not have the opportunity to interfere with the intruder.

Dream interpretation of Wangi - take care of your health

If you see a dangerous reptile - beware for yourself and your health. You have a very insidious enemy capable of causing you serious harm, including physical. It is possible that an accident could happen to you. Most importantly, stay alert. The meaning of sleep changes radically if you defeat the crocodile by killing him. In this case, as it is not difficult to guess, the trouble will bypass you.

But a predator sitting behind bars is a sign of hidden internal aggression. Something or someone makes you very angry and annoying. Either your thirst for power has crossed all boundaries, and in order to achieve what you want, you are ready to take the most unseemly actions. The beast released from the cage is the best confirmation of this, it seems that you are ready for any vileness. Good or bad, it's up to you, but will such a step make you happy?

  • To swim away from a crocodile chasing you is to communicate with an extremely unpleasant person. As much as you would like, but you can't get away from it.
  • In a dream, saw a broken egg from which a small crocodile fell? Your plans will be ruined.

If in a dream you hunted a crocodile, and you managed to defeat him, while remaining unharmed, in reality you will defeat those who oppose you, no matter how cunning, strong and resourceful they are. And if you are fleeing from a predator in the water, then beware of intrigues from enemies. The sooner you figure out their plans, the easier it will be for you to become the winner in the confrontation.

Freud's dream book - your life will change dramatically

But the psychoanalyst Freud interpreted dreams involving reptiles not so gloomily. For example, this dream indicates that either you or one of your family members are leading a two-faced life, but this fact will soon be revealed. A man can be threatened with a sexually transmitted disease, which he will be rewarded with by another casual partner. A woman should also be afraid that there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy and, again, diseases.

Seeing a toothy crocodile's head sticking out of the water means that soon you will be forced to say goodbye to your past life. Moreover, the changes in your destiny will turn out to be extremely radical. It will be either a sudden change of job and leaving for a completely new area for you, or a change of place of residence or starting a family. There is nothing bad here, but at some point you will be afraid of such rapid changes.

Modern dream book - hard work ahead

If you are crossing a body of water, walking on the backs of crocodiles, then you will have hard, painstaking work that will certainly bring good results. Saw a reptile in your house - expect an angry and envious person who is inclined to spread bad rumors to visit. This is exactly what he will do by visiting you.

But stroking a crocodile and trying to caress him means that soon, unexpectedly for yourself, you will be carried away by an outwardly unattractive person. It is difficult to say what will lead you, but if in a dream this animal tries to bite you, it means that the future passion will also be with a bad character.

Did you also dream about snakes with the crocodile? This promises you work in a very quarrelsome and difficult team. There is a possibility. that you will not get accustomed to it, but you definitely should not be upset because of this.

Each dream book interprets a crocodile in different ways, but in general this is a negative sign.

American dream book - meeting with a rich sponsor

A live crocodile swims in the water - a rich sponsor, patron of the arts. Perhaps you will receive financial support from outside in your affairs. The crocodile hunts, kills the animal - a powerful rich man you should be afraid of.

Love dream book - you have an insidious enemy

You suspect that you have a strong and insidious enemy who has not yet shown himself - and these fears are justified, so do not trust new acquaintances who are trying to gain your affection and trust.

Dream interpretation of yogis - you yourself want a conflict

The crocodile is hidden in the water - a desire to clarify the situation in the conflict. You see how he approaches you - you will be offered a promotion. You cannot determine whether this is a crocodile replacement of work partners, the business will not bring the desired effect.

Islamic dream book - beware of deception and intrigue

This dream book warns: after seeing a crocodile in a dream, be careful with those who want to have your friendship and support, and do not listen to requests for help from a person you do not trust. Perhaps a trap awaits you - such is the warning hidden in this vision.

Women's dream book - refrain from revelations

The image of a crocodile personifies insidious relatives and friends. Try to be less outspoken when meeting with them. If you are walking on a crocodile back, a stubborn but effective fight against troubles awaits you.

Dream interpretation of the writer Aesop - do not interfere in someone else's quarrel

If you fed the crocodile with your own hands or tried to tame it, then you will finally find a common language with a person who is not very pleasant to you, but only for a short time, because his next meanness will be the last straw. In case you survived the attack of a crocodile in a dream, you will face a collision with your fake friend, who will show his true self. After that, you will develop suspicion and distrust in communicating with real friends, and you run the risk of offending them.

To see a crocodile's meal is to witness an unpleasant situation, but not be able to help with something. If the crocodiles are fighting, a fierce struggle will occur next to you, in which you better, if possible, not interfere, otherwise you will suffer very significantly. If you saw a picture of a crocodile applied to something, then they will try to drag you into a dubious enterprise. Be cool, only this approach will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream interpretation of Juno - take care of your nerves, stress is possible

The crocodile warns of danger, stress and conflict. But if you ate the meat of this predator, this is an auspicious sign. You have every chance of getting a high position and significant material wealth.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century - keep your independence

Such a vision warns of the onset of unfavorable times, perhaps you will become dependent on someone. A crocodile attacking you means that you will have to become the object of ridicule from the people around you. But if you meet a crocodile on the ground, and not in the water, you will be able to solve lingering problems, turn events in the right direction, especially if you escaped safely in a dream - you hid or ran away from a formidable predator.

Dream interpretation of Zoroastrian - there is a struggle with difficulties

You will be deceived by your closest friends, and you will have to endure nagging and poking from enemies more than usual. If you walked on the back of a crocodile, you will strenuously struggle with some difficulties, and this, in the end, will bring results. Another dream is a warning that now excess frankness will only harm you.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea - perhaps you are too stubborn

If you saw a crocodile in a dream, this may mean that you are too stubborn, irresponsible and uncooperative. You will have to trust whoever you consider your enemy to avoid the threat that hangs over you.

And other dream books - interpretations to choose from

  • The dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov claims that seeing a crocodile in a dream portends the acquisition of a rich groom;
  • In the Muslim dream book, a crocodile is the personification of your enemy, and how strong he is in a dream - just as dangerous is your enemy in real life;
  • Dream interpretation of medium Hasse - you are surrounded by unkind people, the author of this dream book claims;
  • Persian dream book Taflisi - you have an enemy or an ill-wisher. And the level of his strength or weakness directly corresponds to the same characteristics of a crocodile in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite - such a dream means that at the moment you are surrounded by people who are not well-disposed towards you;
  • Russian dream book - a crocodile symbolizes someone who belongs to your environment, who pretends and is hypocritical. Details may indicate a change in the relationship.
  • In a gypsy dream book, such a dream means misfortune and persecution from hidden enemies.


Summing up, we can say that crocodiles who appeared in a dream symbolize such negative qualities of our society as deceit, gloating, betrayal, envy, and anger. Dreams with a crocodile are often forced to wake up ahead of time, because they are overly cocky and filled with a huge amount of fear. However, do not forget that all our dreams carry clues on how to act correctly in a given situation. Therefore, having seen a similar nightmare, you should not immediately try to forget it, no matter how unpleasant it may be for you. Try to immediately remember all the details and begin to interpret it correctly. Perhaps this will be the basis for your future happy life.

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Site Visitor Comments

    I look at the photo of crocodiles and I'm already terribly scared, but what would I experience if I saw them in a dream - I can't even imagine! Crocodiles never dreamed of, but snakes often dream, large, small, and do not bite, but there are a lot of them around. Also not pleasant enough, I can tell you. They write that to envious people, to trouble. Has anyone parsed this topic? Looking for detailed interpretations?

    I dreamed about 3 crocodiles. Some girl walked on the backs of crocodiles across the river and called me, but I was afraid.

    On this site I found about snakes, they also do not bring anything good. Today I had a dream with crocodiles. I saw them being butchered on the farm. Not a pleasant sight. I am now looking for the interpretation of this dream. Maybe I will do the same with the ill-wishers that have appeared)

    “Seeing a dead crocodile in a dream, you can not worry, because this dream promises the sleeping person, his further calm and carefree life. All possible problems and hardships will pass by, without realizing their insidious plan. "
    It's good that I read the interpretation, because yesterday I had a dream such that I was walking in the zoo, and there the crocodile died. I was afraid that such inanimateness in a dream leads to bad things. But now I'm calm)

    I dreamed that I moved to the other side along the back of a crocodile lying in the river. I immediately went looking for the meaning, found it here, and was very happy. By interpretation, it means that difficulties await ahead, but we must not give up and then I will achieve a result. Right now, a difficult period at work and sometimes they just give up and want to quit. But I won't, now I definitely believe that I will achieve what I want.

    “If you saw a picture of a crocodile applied to something, then they will try to drag you into a dubious enterprise. Be cool, only this approach will help you avoid unpleasant consequences. "
    I had a dream that on the hand of a friend I saw a tattoo with the image of a crocodile. I believe that this value is true, because for several weeks now a distant acquaintance wants to involve me in business, offers to invest money and assures that everything will pay off very quickly, but subconsciously I don’t trust him, even though it sounds financially and tempting. Thank you, I will draw the correct conclusions after interpreting this dream.

    As a child, I was in the zoo and was very scared of this animal, then I watched programs on discovery several times and realized that of all mammals I am most afraid of crocodiles ... And then I had a dream yesterday, woke up sweating from fear and hostility. But I read the meaning, and everything seems to be good. Hopefully my nightly stress is compensated for by positive points in the long run.

    I had a dream in which three crocodiles were slowly crawling towards the river. Here I found a relevant interpretation of this dream for myself: “If you saw a crocodile in a dream, it may mean that you are too stubborn, irresponsible and uncooperative. You will have to trust whoever you consider your enemy to avoid the threat that hangs over you. " For the last week, a school friend has been actively asking me to communicate, with whom they quarreled strongly at the same time and did not communicate after that. Probably not without reason and I will try to give our friendship a chance again.

    And in my dream a crocodile crawled into my apartment! The article says “in the near future, a person will enter your life, relations with whom, to put it mildly, will not work out. Constant scandals, against the background of emotional misunderstanding, will lead to an endless war of two fires. " And I'm getting married soon (This is not the mother-in-law? I am already afraid, this dream

    And why is it not written why a man is dreaming of a crocodile? Is there any difference? I had a dream that I was walking in the park and a crocodile was crawling towards me. And I walk and do not realize that it is a crocodile and I need to move away from him. He did not bite me, I just came closer and got very scared. What does this mean?

    I dreamed of a small lake and not far from the shore, where I was sitting on the grass, I saw that something was moving in the water. I looked closer and saw a crocodile, the water around it turned purple. I read in the article that in the near future the dreamer will witness a heartbreaking event or, in front of her eyes, will betray a person in a mean way. And also that it is not worth interfering, but I know for sure that I cannot. I hate injustice.

    It seems to me that for a woman, that for a man, the interpretation of sleep is the same. You must take into account the feelings that you experience in a dream. All the same, when you wake up, you feel good whether there was a dream or not. Already proceeding from this, it is necessary to look at all the other details. And you shouldn't take it so seriously.

    Yesterday my wife talked about her dream, and today I saw this article ... although yesterday I did not attach much importance to her story. She dreamed that we went to the dacha with her, and there someone threw a hefty egg to us, from which a small gray alligator hatched. And my wife and I ran in fear that his parent would come, who is much more dangerous. what does this mean?

    Soon the daughter of a cousin is moving to my city, she found a job here and is going to get a job, she will stay with me, since there is no one else. I'm not particularly happy with this fact, but there are relatives, what can you do. So now I realized a strange dream the day before ... "A dream in which you bothered to observe a crocodile, within the walls of your house, suggests that in the near future a person will enter your life, relations with whom, to put it mildly, will not work out." I really dreamed of a crocodile in my kitchen recently! and now what to do? do not refuse her, I'm afraid, soon she will not want to go home at all ...

    I had a dream in which I was walking around the zoo, a tiger appeared more and longer in the dream, but I also noticed a crocodile in the water, but I just walked by, there were no actions ... very interesting, what if this could mean something? I understand that the article is for women, but maybe you can find out what a crocodile in a dream means for a man?

    And what does crocodile tears mean? There seems to be such an expression, but I dreamed that the little crocodile was crying. In general, I know that tears in a dream have a good meaning, but here it is precisely that not a person, but an animal was crying .. in the park, without water, I saw a crocodile in a dream

    I had a very strange dream in which I went to the market and bought a crocodile fillet! And when she came home, she began to make minced meat from it for cutlets. A TV set was working in the kitchen, crocodiles flashed on it too! But I didn't take crocodile cutlets for food, that is, I just cooked ... What does this mean? some wild dream (

    Very rarely I remember dreams, but today I remember, after it I was a little uncomfortable. I dreamed that I was coming home, and there was not my pug, but a small crocodile waiting for me. I got scared and ran out the door, ran to the neighbors for help, climbed through the windows, looked into the apartment, followed him. Here meanings only about large crocodiles are written, but what about small ones?

    The other day I was watching a discovery about aligators and blood-takers, apparently, my brain remembered this information well, absorbed it and gave me such a dream: I find myself in some kind of computer game and walk through the jungle, dodging multiple crocodiles. There are several “lives” in reserve, some of which I lose, but I renew and go through again. Crocodiles, of course, attack me and want to torture me in their mouths ..

    I dream of a lot of things, but to dream of crocodiles is the first time. And the dream was clearly remembered. I dreamed about two large, well-fed crocodiles. They appeared in the store I usually go to for groceries. While I was choosing something on the shelves, I saw them at the end of another department and people began to scatter, in all directions. The panic began. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what happened next. So that's it. What is such a dream about?

    but I actually had some kind of hard dream. like I went to the sea, come to the beach, throw a towel and all my personal belongings with me, go into the sea, swim, turn to look at the shore - and there crocodiles are crawling along the entire shore! people scattered, one of the crocodiles chews my things calmly .. And I begin to swim to the horizon, because I'm afraid that they will climb after me .. hard

    Here above they wrote about what I dreamed about how a crocodile hatched from a huge egg .. So, I also dreamed of something similar! Only at the zoo. how are crocodiles born? They are reptiles, right? I think such a dream is like a sign of something new in life, something is added, brought in. And this must be accepted and admitted.

    Crocodile - to deception ?? (((Damn. I clearly dreamed of a crocodile, although he was so cute in my dream, almost tame. I took him along the street on a leash like a dog. I attach great importance to dreams, I think and think that they send signs and signals to be careful and what to expect from the future.

    Do you know there are such beaches on which there are many, many tiny turtles running around? so in my dream I dreamed of such a beach, only with little crocodiles. They bit my hands, but not as hard as kittens. But the whole coast was teeming with them just ... What is the dream in which the little crocodile is seen?

    I dreamed about a talking crocodile in a hotel in Turkey. There, usually in the evenings in good hotels, all sorts of entertainment programs are held for vacationers. And from my dream I clearly remember that they brought the crocodile out, and he began to tell some kind of stand-up)) and then I crossed paths with him behind the curtains of the amphitheater, and sat chatting with him, telling him that he travels to hotels with a program. And, by the way, he walked on the back two, almost like a man ..

    And I have a crocodile - it's like my talisman) I think if there was a zodiac sign or an eastern horoscope like this, then I would definitely be a crocodile) several times, even on the eve of my birthday, I dreamed about them, but the dreams were not terrible, the animals did not bite, did not wanted to eat me. they were just present in my dreams, allowed themselves to be stroked, fed. Nothing bad happened after the crocodiles in a dream, so I think this is a good sign)

    I am also inclined to believe that crocodiles dream for a good or neutral dream. I remember one of my dreams, so vivid and emotional, how my friend and I came to the program "who wants to become a millionaire", and it was led by crocodile Gena))) Well, he’s a crocodile)) yes, a very unrealistic dream, but after him there was a happy white streak in life.

    I'm afraid of crocodiles more than mice, rats, snakes, spiders, cockroaches (what else are girls usually afraid of there?). Therefore, zoos, circuses and everything else where you can meet this animal are closed to me. I never dreamed of them (God forbid, at all, it will be a nightmare), but for me in any case it will be a bad meaning, regardless of what interpretation this site gives.

    I don’t remember the crocodile in my dreams), but I dreamed of watching a scientific and educational program (Discovery or BBC), and there was a topic about animals and just crocodiles flashed. I can’t compare this dream with the interpretation of the crocodile, because he didn’t have the main role there) But there was nothing bad either after the dream

    I dreamed that the crocodile was lying calmly, and I decided to walk on it. I thought it was something unreal, but then I found the meaning that there would be difficulties / troubles ahead. But it is also written that by making every effort to cope with them, I will turn the results in my favor. Well, I hope frivolous troubles are waiting for me, I'm ready, if anything.

    In a dream, I saw the eyes of a crocodile in the water, well, how they usually look out, sticking themselves out of the water a little bit: the eyes first, then they are slightly higher, even higher, and then he swoops down on the prey. I did not find such a meaning, therefore I want to ask for an answer, what does it mean to see exactly the eyes of a crocodile from a reservoir?

    And I have never dreamed of crocodiles, and indeed dreams with animals or birds are extremely rare. But interestingly, I went in and looked at the interpretation. How they differ depending on the country and origin, you can pick up for every taste. If you want a positive result, look at different dream books and you will find

    I have always associated the crocodile with some kind of threat, and it is. There is a bad person among your entourage. It's good that in dreams with crocodiles, I managed to emerge victorious, I believe that dreams set in the right mood and warn that there is a danger, but everything will be decided in my favor

    I usually listen to the results according to Vanga's dream book. Here it is, a health warning. So it was, I was examined and the doctors found some abnormalities in the body, and before that I had dreams with crocodiles. Probably the subconscious mind warned in advance and prepared for such an event.

Night dreams are capable of not only delighting, but also frightening people, as well as perplexing them. Why do crocodiles dream? The dream book will definitely help you find the answer to this question. So, does the green predator promise happy or sad events?

Crocodiles: Miller's dream book

What does Gustave Miller say about all this? What interpretation does his dream book offer? Crocodiles symbolize resentment, betrayal. In reality, the sleeping person will be stabbed in the back by people whom he considers close friends. This will come as a complete surprise to him. A person needs to take a closer look at their surroundings before it is too late.

Dreaming with crocodiles, according to Miller, can also lead to problems with leadership. A person is threatened with an official check, which will reveal certain violations. The sleeper should be careful, trust colleagues less.

What else can the appearance of crocodiles in night dreams warn about? Miller's dream book also considers such an option as walking on the backs of predators. Hard trials await a person. It will be possible to overcome them without outside help if the dreamer shows due persistence. Such a plot can also warn against excessive frankness in conversations.

Interpretation of Wanga

This dream book also offers an interesting interpretation. Crocodiles, which the sleeper breeds on the farm, symbolize the desire for victory. The dreamer confidently moves towards the goal, expects to make a profit.

If a person runs away from reptiles in his dreams, in reality he should expect bad things. Dangerous enemies are plotting behind him. Green predators in a cage dream of someone who is overcome by a lust for power. The sleeper should be more modest in his desires, learn to set achievable goals. To catch a crocodile is a plot that predicts victory. In the near future, a person will be able to defeat a cunning and dodgy enemy.

In water

What other options are there? Crocodile in water is a dream, the meaning of which depends on the details.

  • If, in night dreams, a green predator splashes in a dark and dirty river, in reality you should not expect anything good. A person constantly tries to intervene in the lives of other people, suffers from a feeling of uncertainty and discomfort.
  • If a reptile swims in clear and clean water, then the dreamer has no reason to worry. Now the sleeper is in a difficult situation, but soon all his problems will be successfully resolved.
  • If in a dream a large number of crocodiles swim in a pond, in real life a person has dangerous enemies. In the near future, one should not be allowed to be drawn into conflicts, since it will not be possible to win.
  • If only the eyes of a reptile peep out of the water, this indicates that the sleeping person underestimates the real danger. In the near future, a person must be collected and careful.

The reptile tries to bite

The crocodile attacks - a dream that cannot be called good. Such a plot promises trouble for the sleeper. A person will not be able to get out of a difficult situation on his own; he will have to use the help of relatives and friends.

Was the reptile able to bite the dreamer? In reality, the enemy will strike, but victory will remain with the sleeper. If the green predator pursues the sleeping one, but cannot catch him, one can count on a favorable completion of the work begun.

If a crocodile bite makes the dreamer experience severe pain, in reality he should be wary of someone else's influence. It cannot be ruled out that the sleeper was under the control of a person who does not wish him well. If the dreamer runs away from the predator that bit him, in reality he communicates with the enemy, who pretends to be a close friend.

Kill the reptile

If a person tries to catch a crocodile in a dream, hunts him, then in real life wealth awaits him. Night dreams, in which the sleeper manages to kill a green predator, promise victory. The dreamer will be able to defeat a powerful enemy, leave competitors behind and be the first to reach the goal.

The dead crocodile symbolizes the peaceful course of life. Calmness and stability await a person, but you should not count on great luck. Also, a dream with a dead predator can predict an improvement in financial situation. We can talk about moving up the career ladder, raising salaries, starting your own business. An option such as inheritance is not excluded.

Large predators

A large crocodile may appear in night dreams. A dream in which a large green predator appears should be taken as a warning. Enemies of man are trying to acquire allies, and they are looking for them in the circle of his closest friends.

A dream in which a large crocodile attacks a sleeping person and leaves traces on his body promises a friend's insincerity. Soon a person will be betrayed by the one whom he used to completely trust. This event will make the dreamer suffer, he will lose his trust in people for a long time.

Little predators

A small green crocodile is a dream that promises danger. She will come from the side from which the person least expects her. Fortunately, the troubles are small and easy to overcome.

What else can the appearance of small reptiles in night dreams warn about? The interpretation directly depends on the details.

  • If a small predator attacks the dreamer, he should prepare for problems. A black streak has come in life, and this situation will remain for a long time.
  • Seeing himself in a dream next to can the one whom they are trying to drag into a dubious scam in reality. It is better not to enter into agreements with people in the near future, in whose sincerity there is reason to doubt.
  • A small reptile in a zoo is dreaming for good. Soon, the sleeper will be drawn into a whirlpool of adventure with a favorable outcome. It is also possible that a person will be able to make a journey that he has long dreamed of.
  • Walking on the backs of small predators - overcome obstacles on the way to your goal. Soon, the person will gain complete control over the situation and will be able to get the most out of it.

Reptile in the house

Green predators in the house do not dream for good. Some ill-wishers are making every effort to destroy the sleeping man's family happiness. You cannot allow strangers to interfere in your life, this is the only way to protect yourself from danger.

If a reptile finds himself in the house of a single man in his night dreams, troubles await the sleeping man. The most likely to blame for this will be a close friend, on whom the dreamer is used to relying completely.

If a representative of the fair sex sees a crocodile in her house, such a dream warns her of envy from others. Even close friends who may try to destroy the life of the sleeping person are worth fearing. You will be able to prevent a threat if you pay more attention to the actions of your environment.

Esoteric dream book

What is the dream of a crocodile for? The interpretation of dreams, in which a green predator appears, directly depends on the details. The dreamed alligator can call the sleeping person to be vigilant. A person tends to underestimate his enemies, because of this, he risks being seriously hurt.

To tame a reptile in a dream is easy to adapt to a new place. If a person changes jobs in the near future, he will quickly be able to establish relations with the new team. A change of residence will also be a boon for the dreamer, whether it is about moving to another house or city.

To receive an alligator as a gift - such a plot predicts communication with a two-faced person. The dreamer will not immediately be able to understand that he is being deceived. When he guesses this, it will be too late to fix anything. If the sleeping person himself gives someone a crocodile in his dreams, then in reality it is he who is trying to deceive someone.

Aesop's interpretation

To see a crocodile in a dream is to find a hypocritical person in your environment. Trying to train or feed a predator means getting closer to the enemy. The dreamer decides to keep the enemy close to him in order to know about all his actions. Unfortunately, such "friendship" will not lead to good, since the enemy will still be able to do harm.

A reptile attack dreams of revealing secrets. The secret that the fake friend is hiding from the sleeping person will come true. The dreamer will find out what the true face of the person he used to trust is. Frustration will lead to the fact that he will become distrustful of everyone around him. This behavior can alienate real friends from him, the dreamer risks being left alone.

If in a dream a predator torments and torments its prey, in reality a person will have to witness someone else's insidious act. He will not be able to change anything, so he will only have to close his eyes to all this. If in night dreams two huge crocodiles fight each other, in reality the dreamer will find himself at the epicenter of the struggle between two powerful opponents. It is better for a person to stay away from this conflict, otherwise he will be drawn into hard-hitting affairs.

Medea's prediction

Medea's dream book claims that a person who dreamed of a green predator is mired in stubbornness and distrust. This does not allow him to soberly assess the current situation, to make the right choice. The sleeper does not want to obey anyone, he seeks to independently establish the rules and observe only them.

A dream in which a crocodile appears warns that a person will still have to give in. If he does not obey some strong person, he will find himself in a dangerous situation. Troubles can fall not only on the dreamer himself, but also on people who are dear to him. Now is a bad time to be stubborn.

Reptile dreams of a lady

What does a crocodile mean in a dream for a woman? The options are listed below.

  • If a representative of the fair sex sees a large alligator in her dreams, this predicts her a conflict with a close friend. This lady has long been jealous of the dreamer's successes, dreams of ruining her life. Soon the sleeping woman will see the true face of her "friend".
  • If a girl dreams that two crocodiles are trying to kill each other, in reality she may find herself in the epicenter of a conflict. A quarrel is most likely to happen in someone else's family. Each participant in the conflict will try to attract the dreamer to his side.
  • The image of a reptile is dreaming of danger. Trouble can fall not only on the sleeping woman herself, but also on her family members.
  • If in night dreams a large crocodile swims in the water, in reality one should beware of conflict with the leadership. The boss has long been biased towards the dreamer, which does not allow her to count on career advancement, an increase in wages. Now is the right time to seriously consider changing jobs.
  • What does a crocodile mean in a dream for a woman if it splashes in a spray of the color of blood? In reality, the lady will face treason. However, they will not betray the dreamer herself, but the person who is important to her.
  • A large number of reptiles are a dream that predicts family problems. It is possible that there are reasons to worry about the health of a loved one.
  • To see a predator in your home is to meet an unpleasant face. The dreamer's relationship with this person will be very tense.
  • If a girl in her dreams tries to escape from the alligator, in reality she will be able to avoid problems.

A crocodile can also be dreamed of by a woman who is preparing to become a mother. Such dreams warn that her relationship with her husband's relatives will deteriorate.

Various plots

What does it mean to swim with crocodiles in a dream? Such dreams warn that friends will turn their backs on a person, behave dishonestly towards him.

A small crocodile hatching from an egg indicates the stress that threatens the sleeper. In the near future, it is worth avoiding any situations that may cause him. If a person dreamed that he himself was turning into a reptile, in reality he was engaged in self-destruction. It's time for the owner of such dreams to reconsider their lifestyle, give up bad habits. A flying green predator can dream of someone who in reality is preparing to make the right decision, but has doubts about his choice.

If someone else kills a crocodile in night dreams, in reality someone will agree to shoulder the sleeping problem on their own shoulders. Games with a reptile dream of a successful way out of an unpleasant situation. All problems will be resolved by themselves, a person does not have to make any efforts for this.

More to you than before.

Walk on the back of a crocodile- means that you are in danger of trouble with which you will stubbornly fight, trying to extricate yourself from them. And you will succeed. Pay attention to this warning dream! Avoid being too frank with people.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Crocodile- symbolizes the dreamer's increased stubbornness, his intractability, personal irresponsibility.

If you see a crocodile in a dream- you have to obey the enemy. Otherwise, there is a threat to your life.

Dream interpretation of lovers

Crocodile dream- means that your beloved will betray you.

If you walk the back of a crocodile- such a dream warns you against excessive frankness with your beloved, from whom you can expect betrayal.

Aesop's dream book

Crocodile in a dream- is a symbol of a person from your environment.

According to the famous expression "crocodile tears"- feigned remorse, hypocrisy, insincerity, you can form an opinion about what kind of person you are communicating with. Dream details can predict new turns in your relationship.

Feed the crocodile from your hands, tame him in a dream- you will be able to get along with a person who is unpleasant for you, but this will not be for long, because you cannot forgive him for his next meanness.

If a crocodile attacked you- then wait for a skirmish with your imaginary friend, finally you will see his true face, after which you will become distrustful and wary of everyone that offends your true and loyal friends.

See a crocodile gnawing at prey- in reality, become a witness of a dishonest act, but not be able to change the situation.

Fighting crocodiles- a terrible symbol predicting a struggle between two cruel people in your environment, try not to interfere, otherwise you will seriously suffer.

See the image of a crocodile on some sign, label- a harbinger that you are in danger from your imaginary friend who will try to drag you into a dirty business, do not fall for the arguments of your feelings, only your mind will tell you the right decision.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Crocodile seen in a dream is a sign of unforeseen danger. Perhaps the person who humiliates himself in front of you or whom you yourself do not put into anything has prepared a dangerous trap for you.

Children's dream book

Crocodile- do not trust someone who will seek your friendship and ask for your help and support in the near future, if this person has never inspired you to trust. They will soon try to lure you into a trap, be careful.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Crocodile- the need to pay attention to the latent danger.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Crocodile- unkind people surround you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream of this bloodthirsty predator in captivity- a sign that a person has appeared in your environment who should be feared. Find yourself in a river teeming with crocodiles- means that friends will act dishonestly towards you and at the same time accuse you of being unfair to you.

If in a dream in front of your eyes crocodiles are tearing a living person apart- in reality you are in danger of trouble, which is impossible to cope with alone; you will have to overcome your pride and seek help from the person with whom you broke off the relationship.

Female dream book

Crocodile in a dream- a symbol of insidiousness on the part of the closest friends. Having seen this warning dream, avoid being too frank in communicating with people.

Walk on the back of a crocodile- portends troubles with which you will fight hard and not unsuccessfully.

General dream book

If you dreamed about a crocodile- in the near future you will meet with a rich admirer (adorer).

Hunt crocodiles- to great trouble.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

In ancient Egypt, a crocodile- symbolized two different concepts. On the one hand, he was the embodiment of malice and deceit. However, crocodiles have always appeared on hieroglyphs, which said that the dead are transformed into these animals, thus, they also symbolized strength and wisdom.

Crocodile- may portend danger or concern lurking under the surface. This danger can come both from yourself and from someone else. Don't be content with the superficial side of things, look inward.

Crocodile tears- a metaphor for insincere feelings and hypocrisy.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

See a crocodile in a dream- warning: not the most favorable times for you, you can become dependent on someone.

If he attacks you- it means that reproaches and ridicule of others await you.

A dream in which a crocodile or alligator chases you on land is considered good.- especially if you managed to escape or hide from him. Such a dream promises a turn of things for the better, a solution to problems that until recently seemed insoluble to you.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

In your dreams a crocodile- it is always a symbol of an enemy or ill-wisher; and the strength or weakness of your enemy will be in strict accordance with how great and powerful the crocodile seen in a dream is.

Islamic dream book

Crocodile- the enemy, and the strength or weakness of the enemy will be in accordance with the strength of the seen crocodile.

Dream interpretation Dashka

Crocodile- a symbol of a person from your environment, the expression "crocodile tears"- feigned remorse, hypocrisy, insincerity. The details of a dream can predict new turns in a relationship.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

Crocodile seen in a dream- means misfortune and persecution from hidden enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Crocodile- chief, suitor.

Modern universal dream book

If in a dream you saw a crocodile- perhaps you are trying to prolong your youth.

Perhaps the crocodile is for you- a symbol of patience: after all, looking at him, it seems that these animals are definitely in no hurry.

Are you an amphibian in a dream? Is someone stalking you or hunting you? If in a dream you are attacked or are about to attack - perhaps in life, someone is ready to betray you in cold blood. One woman told me that she constantly had a dream of baby crocodile crawling out of her filing cabinet at work. She soon learned that they had decided to get rid of her.

If a crocodile swims in a dream in dark waters- you may have a bad feeling about it. Perhaps it's time to become Sherlock Holmes and find out who is the cause of this discomfort.

If in a dream you yourself are a crocodile- this means that you need to stop engaging in self-destruction. Perhaps the time has come for yourself to begin to answer for your shortcomings and misdeeds.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Crocodile- an accident will happen to you, try to avoid enemies.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Crocodile- danger to life / the need to endure the enemy and obey him.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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