Putting a person to sleep. Falling asleep. the way to fall into healthy sleep is to fall in love with the routine

The beginning of sleep, as always, resembled a patchwork quilt. Only the location of the events was preserved - a one-room apartment in my hometown, where I grew up. At first the main characters were my mother and grandmother. Simple everyday scenes from the past: conversations, quarrels, laughter, etc. Both behaved a little strangely, but it was a dream. During one of the altercations, my mother threw some kind of toy out the window. She was caught by the wind and carried to the wires, in which she became entangled and stuck. It all started with my question “about time”. From that moment on, sleep became linear and continuous.

What time is it now? - I asked.

Look for yourself,” someone from the circle answered me. My grandmother was lying on the sofa as usual, and her faceless childhood friend was nearby. It seemed that there was someone else in the room, but his presence was not evident in anything.

“It’s probably already 6-7 o’clock,” I thought and took the watch.

"What nonsense? Are they broken?" - the clock showed only 3 o’clock, - “It’s already so dark, now it simply cannot be only 3 o’clock!”

“We have to go,” I turned to my friend. A second later we were already in the yard. A second later, on the main street.

Wait, we need to look - opposite us, across the road, there was a weather center building. There was also a board with an electronic clock on the building.

"3:17. Are they kidding me?!" I took out my phone. The time on it was hard to see, but I clearly saw the first two digits - 19.

"What the hell is going on here?" - I looked around, but my friend was no longer in sight. “I need to go back and get ready. I’m already late,” - where I was late in the dream was not clear. But, usually at 19.00 I go to work, when I have night shift. I walked through the arch and returned to my home yard.

“Oh, well, yes. I’m dreaming” - in order to consolidate awareness and gain power over what was happening around me, I looked at my hands. Happened. At that very second I took off and made the rest of the way to the apartment by air. As I approached the apartment I noticed that plastic window, opened through horizontal sash, closes slowly. It slammed right in front of my nose.

"What the hell is going on here?" - With this thought, I was about to break the window. I imagined hitting it with my fist and it shattering into pieces. The first thing that really surprised me was that the window didn't break. Instead, it began to pull away from the frame at the edges. I pushed the glass in and entered. The room was already empty. Someone was in the toilet. The door was open, the light was on and the sound of flowing water could be heard. In the toilet I saw some kind of black man, or just a very dirty man, and a woman who was sitting on the toilet as if on a chair. Both were wearing some kind of gray-brown rags. I couldn't see their faces, but I'm sure I've never met them before. The black man was playing with the shower, the girl was meditating on the wall, and I stood in the aisle and didn’t know what to do next.

What's going on here? - I finally gathered my thoughts.

And what is wrong? - the black man immediately asked and seemed to smile.

Then, for some reason, I thought that these people were not just a figment of my imagination.

This is my dream after all. There’s something wrong with him,” I said something similar.

“Two chips got one doll,” the black man answered, also smiling.

What? What chips? What is he talking about anyway? Although for a second, I think I’m starting to understand. Two chips... he called the soul a chip. And the doll is the body.

Who? Who is this doll?

Don't know. But until the situation is resolved, you will remain in this dream,” the black man lost interest in me and began to water the walls of the toilet from the shower.

What doll got two owners at the same time? Mother? She was definitely acting strange. But what should I do?

What if I kill a doll with two chips?

If the extra chip has already left the dream, then everything will return to normal. If not, one of the chips will remain here forever.

The image of a mother lying in a coma flashed before her eyes. What to do? There must be something that will correct the situation with a guaranteed happy ending. I left the toilet and went to the window. The room was empty, and the eternal snowstorm had stopped outside. Huge drifts of snow. In the middle of the yard is a strange little American-style trailer, the wires hanging almost to the ground. I remembered the passage with that rag doll that my mother threw out of the window somewhere at the beginning of the dream. Without realizing further, I decided to find this doll and began to look for it among the web of tangled wires on the street. She was nowhere to be found. At that very second, a strange despair came over me and I fell... into sleep?

I woke up in the same trailer that suddenly appeared in the middle of my yard. He was lying on some boards covered with a thin rag. It looked more like a homeless shelter than a home. There was absolutely nothing to do inside, so I went outside. It was a sunny day. There were huge drifts of snow all around. Children were playing in the yard, I heard their joyful laughter. A couple of gloomy passers-by, wrapped in their sheepskin coats, were hurrying somewhere. A pack of strange dogs was moving from hill to hill. Very strange. Big, shaggy. Various colors. From the outside it seemed that they were endowed with intelligence. “How can children play so calmly when such a woman is wandering around here? Wolf Pack? And even these... oh God, what is this?" - at a distance from the flock, two huge gray dogs, or wolf. They were so huge... at least three meters high. Each had a chain around their neck that hung like a necklace on their chest.

Two brown dog from the pack turned their head towards me. I was noticed. I'm done. I was still standing near the trailer, so I decided to take refuge in it. I pulled the door open, jumped inside and, as the door was already closing, I saw a flock rushing towards me. The door in the trailer opened like doors in a subway car, i.e. moved apart. Plus, they were also flimsy wooden improvisations. The first dog reached the trailer and slammed his muzzle into the door, so much so that it caved in and I saw his black nose. Without hesitation, I charged with all my strength with my fist. The nose has disappeared. The next dog broke through the door even harder, this time sticking his entire muzzle inside and widening the passage slightly. After a punch to the nose, he also retreated, giving me a split second to straighten the door. This happened five times. The pack stormed my “gate” more and more. When the first dog got in, I thought I was done for. He jumped and grabbed my hand and threw me onto the couch. I tried to fight him off with sluggish blows to the face, but that didn’t stop him. The rest of the dogs burst into the trailer and covered me with their shaggy bodies. “Well, at least there’s no room left for those huge ones,” I thought at the last second.

Suddenly, the dogs disappeared. I got up from my bed and went outside. The trailer moved into a neighboring yard. Directly in front of me is a kindergarten, with a fenced playground. Now I saw the children. They ran around in groups inside and played with the very dogs that had recently tried to kill me. Or didn't you try? Doesn't matter. For some reason, I decided that I would find the answers I needed at my old school. The weather was still the same sunny and warm. I knew this area very well, having lived here for 15 years. The journey to school was choppy. In one of the courtyards to the left of the snowy path, a huge black dog was sitting and looking at me. “Damn it again,” I thought.

Sorry buddy, I don't have time to play with you. - I muttered out loud, trying to give myself confidence, and ran past. The dog didn't pay attention to me. That's good. I needed to go around the house and go on the other side. And there it’s already a stone’s throw to school. In the neighboring yard, something happened that should not have happened in an ordinary dream. What I'm trying to say is that I know my dreams. I know how they react to what is happening around my bed in reality. But here was something new. A sharp noise, like the sound of a bell, only distorted by interference. For a second, the view of the yard disappeared before my eyes and I saw a strange animated mosaic of squares. I think my legs gave way and I fell on my side. Got up. It was already deep night, it became colder and the wind rose. I still didn’t understand what it was, but I decided to get to school no matter what. I ran to the entrance. It was dark inside, but crowded. From the general crowd, I noticed a girl about 12 years old. It seems that we knew each other. I saw only her, everyone else turned into a jumble of black outlines.

“You’ve finally come,” the girl said as I came closer. She stood with her back turned and packed some things into her school bag. Then she threw it behind her back and went to the central staircase. I followed.

Something strange happened to me on the way here. I saw the dog. Then squares, a hum... - I began to explain confusingly.

Oh, you apparently walked past one of “those” stones. If you get close to them, you will become an “angel”.

“An angel,” I repeated to myself. It seems that angels here mean the same dogs that I saw before.

Are you saying I was one of those dogs? - I decided to confirm my guess.

Yes. Sometimes when we get bored, we turn into angels to play.

Okay, now none of this matters anymore.

You're here for answers, aren't you? - She stopped on the stairs and turned to face me. Thanks to the steps, she became equal to me in height and our eyes met. She had a very... indifferent look.

Yes. How do I get out of here?

She started to say something, but I only heard a hum. A strange weakness came over me, it seemed that the reality around was being torn to pieces.

Wait? You're not going to wake up, are you? You can not! You can't leave this dream! - the last thing I heard from that girl. She leaned over me and examined my face with curiosity. Then the world slowly went dark.

I woke up again in that trailer, which had already become familiar to me. It was day outside. There were no dogs, no children either. By the way, there was no snow either. A dense layer of very short grass covered the ground. I leaned over to feel it. Tough, prickly. The sensations from the touch were so vivid that I even said out loud:

Just like in reality.

Of course in reality, but where else?

I turned around. In front of me stood a strange creature that vaguely resembled a human. It looked more like some kind of alien from Star Wars, rather than per person. There were two more standing behind him. They were all very different from each other.

You gradually fall asleep. It becomes reality for you. - the voice was female, but I’m not sure that the creature in front of me looked like a normal woman. She was wearing full body armor and a helmet. The material was dark red and plastic-like.

“I need to go to school,” I pointed in her direction.

To the Academy of Martial Arts? Hm. Of course, we will accompany you,” said the “woman” and walked ahead.

I followed her, and two other creatures brought up the rear.

Listen, maybe we can take him with us? “If you sponsor him, he’ll be an excellent fighter,” I heard behind me.

Let’s also give him a chip, he’ll be like a fireman,” I didn’t even try to understand what he meant by these words. But these were not concepts familiar to us, that’s for sure.

“Okay, I’m in,” the first one responded enthusiastically.

We never made it to school. Halfway there, the situation changed and the four of us were already storming some complex. Inside were the same variety of creatures, all dressed in yellow armor. My comrades and I, who were all made up of the same creatures, were dressed in red. I was shooting from some kind of laser weapon, not understanding at all why I was doing it. Then we split up, I ended up in a group with that “woman”. We both moved silently and tried to go deeper into the complex. A security guard noticed us. We took refuge in a utility room and tried to find a way out. The woman pointed to the ventilation hatch. I opened it, but gestured that it was too narrow for me. The guard was already very close. The door opened and I had no choice but to fire a silent burst of three red laser bullets at his head. The guard fell dead.

What a waste of resources,” the woman said.

In terms of? He is dead. Quiet and without alarm. What else does? - I asked, not understanding her claims.

The helmet was damaged, but it’s almost new,” she answered and took it off the dead soldier, “Oh, look, it’s poisonous.”

The soldier's head looked like a spider's head, only with skin. Instead of a mouth there were mandibles like those of an insect. Two green dots were visible under the mandibles - containers with poison. I took the helmet from my partner and put it back on the dead guard.

As soon as I said this, the world began to go dark again. Reality was torn into shreds. I think I fell on my back. A woman loomed over me, or rather, her silhouette in a red helmet.

Hey? What happened to you? You're not going to wake up, are you? You can't leave this dream!

But I woke up. He suddenly opened his eyes. At first, the familiar room from the real world seemed like a deception, but after a second the obsession passed. I took my cell phone and looked at the time: 16:20. I slept for two hours. And it feels like several days. Current rating: 59/100 (Based on 6 opinions)

1. When going to bed, take the most comfortable position.

2. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for your psyche to relax.

4. For 3-5 minutes, concentrate on your natural breathing, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

5. Start putting yourself into sleep as deeply as possible, trying to avoid unnecessary mental stress.

6. Having realized that you have reached the maximum depth of immersion, stay at this level for several minutes.

7. Begin the reverse process, trying to fully awaken from sleep. To do this, concentrate on awareness of your physical body and, after waiting until it is completely stabilized in your perception, open your eyes.

Keep your eyes open until you are fully awake from sleep, becoming very aware of your bedroom environment.

8. Close your eyes again and repeat what was described in paragraphs 5 and 6, trying to purposefully immerse yourself in a dream state as deeply as possible.

9. Repeat the steps described in point 7, forcing yourself to fully awaken.

10. Repeat steps 5–7 8 to 10 times.

During the exercise, your body should be motionless. Only the eyes move, opening when you wake yourself and closing when you fall asleep. Try to avoid harsh pressure on yourself

go yourself. Find the most natural way for you to fall asleep and wake up.

This exercise relates to direct path methods. It will take some time before you really learn how to fall asleep and wake up at will, Anytime. But with systematic training, this will definitely work out.

By teaching yourself to fall asleep and wake up at will, you will gain internal self-control, which will allow you to independently determine the depth of your sleep depending on your internal goals and the environment. So in this case, the time spent on training will not be wasted.

Exercise Double control method

It is best to begin mastering this exercise while lying on your back.

1. When going to bed, lie on your back on a flat, hard surface so that your head, torso and legs are at the same level.

Place your legs straight at the knees, shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms freely along your body, palms up.

2. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for your psyche to relax.

3. If possible, relax your entire body.

4. Focus on your natural breathing for a while, passively observing it and not interfering with it.

5. Concentrate on the tips of the little fingers of both hands.

6. Try to distribute your attention evenly between both little fingers so that they are felt equally clearly.

7. Move your little fingers from time to time.

8. The goal is for you to be able to purposefully move your little fingers throughout your sleep. That is why, throughout sleep, from time to time, at will, move your little fingers, making sure that you really maintain conscious control over them.

8. While sleeping, turning on your side, control the little finger of the hand that lies on your upper side, moving it from time to time to make sure of the reality of my own control over it.

Do not be upset if for some time you are unable to maintain conscious control over your little fingers throughout your sleep. Over time this skill will come.

In addition, at the initial stage, this practice may prevent you from falling asleep deeply, which occurs due to overstrain of attention. Over time, with regular training, you will learn to dream and at the same time fully control your little fingers.

As a result of high-quality mastery of the above exercise, you will be able to achieve several global goals at once:

To dream and at the same time be fully aware that you are dreaming;

Divide your attention, simultaneously being aware of both the dream and your physical body, just like wild animals. That is why this exercise was called “Double Control”.

By being aware of both the dream and the physical body at the same time, you are able to choose at will whether to completely immerse yourself in sleep, forgetting about the physical body, or return completely to your physical body, awakening in everyday reality.

In magic this state called the “third point”, the “point of free choice”. After all, only someone who is simultaneously aware of both opposites (in this case, the dream is the physical body) can make a conscious choice between them.

By controlling the tips of your little fingers, you harmonize the work of the heart meridian and small intestine and this contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system. Maintaining attention on the tips of both little fingers at the same time helps to stop the internal dialogue, since the internal dialogue subsides with the purposeful splitting of one's own attention.

1. Sleep and falling asleep

The normal process of falling asleep occurs when consciousness leaves the senses: the mind becomes lost in distraction, blurring with mental images and thoughts until it fades into darkness. Then there is an unconscious period, after which dreams arise. From the alternation of unconscious periods and dreams, an ordinary night's sleep is formed.

For us, sleep is darkness because in it we lose consciousness. It appears to be devoid of experience because we identify ourselves with the gross mind, which ceases to function during sleep. The period when our personality disappears is what we call “sleep.” In a dream we are conscious because the moving mind is active and gives rise to the dream ego with which we identify ourselves. In a dream, the subjective “I” does not arise.

Although we call sleep an unconscious state, darkness and lack of experience are not its essence. For pure awareness, which is our basis, there is no sleep. When the moving mind is unaffected by obscurations, dreams or thoughts, it merges into the nature of mind. Then it is not the sleep of ignorance that arises, but clarity, tranquility and bliss. Once we develop the ability to remain in such awareness, we find that sleep is full of light. This luminosity is Clear Light, our true nature.

As I have already explained in previous chapters, dreams arise from karmic traces. I compared this process to showing a film, where they use light and film footage. Frames on film are karmic traces, light is the awareness that illuminates them, and dreams are projected onto the basis (kunji*). Dream yoga develops awareness of dream images. However, in sleep yoga there is no film or projection. There are no images in sleep yoga. This practice consists of directly realizing awareness by awareness - the light illuminates itself. This is luminosity without any images. Later, when the practitioner gains stability in the Clear Light, even the images of dreams do not distract him and the dream period is also present in the Clear Light. These dreams are then called Clear Light dreams, which are different from lucidity dreams. In Clear Light dreams, there is an unclouded Clear Light.

As soon as we conceptualize the Clear Light or try to imagine it, true meaning it is lost. In the Clear Light there is neither subject nor object. It is impossible to enter the Clear Light if there is at least some identification with the subject. In fact, nothing “enters” the Clear Light: the Clear Light is the ground recognizing itself. There is neither “you” nor “him”. Using dualistic language to describe non-duality inevitably leads to paradox. The only way to know the Clear Light is to know it directly.

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“Sleep is the best medicine” and it’s true, the quality of your life depends on the quality of your sleep. How more comfortable sleep, the less time you need to rest and the more efficiently you will work during the day.

How to improve sleep? It's simple, add meditation. For some, it will be enough to simply lie down and relax, while others will need a special practice of “sleep meditation.” You will notice that your sleep will become more restful and your awakenings will be better.

The first step is to get rid of the emotions accumulated during the day. These can be not only negative emotions, it also happens that positive emotions don't let you relax. To avoid this, take a notepad and write down your thoughts, describe what happened that day. Such a diary will take over your energy impulses. It is no coincidence that this ancient tradition of journaling was so popular. If a situation occurred during the day that you were unable to resolve, then write down in your diary a plan for possible further actions. Thanks to this, you will reduce your worries, and thanks to visual stimulation, the solution can come from the depths of the subconscious while you sleep. After this, proceed to the meditation itself:

1. Lie down, put your hands on your stomach, feel your breath, how the air fills and leaves you.
2. Create in your imagination a place where you feel absolutely calm and comfortable.
3. Feel how your body relaxes. Make every part of your body relax, starting from your head to your feet. Try to relieve every part of your body from tension. If your body seems relaxed, inhale and exhale and relax some more.
4. Start dreaming. Yes, yes, you heard right, try to create in your imagination a pleasant, restful sleep. Start from where you feel comfortable being. How your sleep will develop is in your control, try to create the most relaxed state, fill your sleep with the most pleasant events. Remember that a meditative dream should be joyful, but calm; do not fill it with strong emotions and experiences, even good ones. Once you have decided where you want to start, don't hesitate and move on. Follow the voice of your intuition, look at what is happening around you, but do not strive for analysis, avoid thoughts. Achieve purity of consciousness through detachment from thoughts. It is important to suppress, and subsequently eliminate, rational analysis of what is happening in meditative sleep. Meditative sleep is a way not only recharge with energy, but also get new information. By maintaining this calm, purified state, you will discover the unknown. Do not try to remember what is happening in a meditative dream, because it is much more important to get to the new level. This will not only give you energy for action, but will also fill you with inner light.
