Acne on the penis (white, red, purulent): causes and treatment. Acne on the head and foreskin: causes, treatment and prevention

every man has- they are sebaceous glands. In most cases, they are clearly visible at the base of the organ.

In some, they are expressed quite strongly, while in others they are barely distinguishable. It depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the skin.

In contact with

In some cases, these formations can vary significantly. Sometimes, new, but similar formations appear on the skin.

White bumps on the penis as a variant of the norm

There are sebaceous glands in the human skin. At the end of puberty in a teenager, such small bumps on the penis also end their development in the penis area. At the same time, they become like small whitish seals, and sometimes have a yellowish color.

Such formed white bumps on the penis are called.

They reach several millimeters in diameter and can be felt by touch. In order to get a good look at the base of the penis, need to tighten the skin On him.

Bumps on the penis: treatment methods

Consider options for what to do and how to get rid of bumps on the penis... Therapy for penile masses depends on the disease that caused them:

  1. The process of treating inflamed Fordyce granules is very successful at home... This does not require additional effort. It is necessary to wash the phallus with warm water several times a day using tar, or better, laundry soap. Disinfect the pimples with an antiseptic available in the home medicine cabinet - iodine, brilliant green or peroxide... Do not squeeze bumps on your penis. If they break through on their own, perform additional processing. Also, a decoction from the collection of herbs (St. John's wort, calamus root and chamomile flowers), with which the granules are washed several times during the day, has a good effect. Essential oils of tea tree and fir are used as an antiseptic. In case of burning sensation after treatment, it is recommended to apply an additional thin layer of mustard oil.
  2. In the treatment of neurodermatitis it is necessary to reduce the manifestation of neurotic reactions. Both psychotropic and sedative drugs are used, as well as antidepressants and tranquilizers.
  3. Herpes is completely incurable... However, in the fight against it with the next exacerbation, the drug Acyclovir helps.
  4. An effective means of combating scabies mites is 5% Permethrin in the form of a lotion, ointment or gel. The product is rubbed into the skin and scalp of the entire body, but not into the head of the penis. After absorption, it is not washed off from 8 to 14 hours. It can be repeated after 6 days for best results.

Preventive measures

Performing hygienic washings of the penis at least once a day is an elementary necessity for a healthy lifestyle.

This action must be performed even if there is no way to take a shower. After having sex washing should be a mandatory procedure.

Carrying out a hygienic measure, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • pubic hair, skin of the inner thighs, scrotum and lower abdomen, wash with soap;
  • wash the skin of the penis and the part covering the head especially carefully;
  • expose the head and wash the folds of the mucous membrane with running water.

Frequent use of soap to hygiene the head can lead to excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.


Independently inexperienced person to determine what disease caused the appearance of pimples pretty hard... In addition, one must be able to distinguish an infectious disease from a harmless manifestation. Because of this independently engage in diagnostics, and even more so, treatment should not be... There is a specialist for these tasks - dermatovenerologist... It is necessary to contact him if growths that are suspicious in appearance have formed on the penis.

If a man has red pimples on his head, then this is the first alarm bell that immunity is not in order. Having an active sex life and reducing the body's resistance can cause the appearance of many sexually transmitted diseases. Their nature can be not only venereal, but also fungal. Even small red acne on the head of the penis in a man is a sufficient reason to visit a dermatovenerologist. And if their appearance is complicated by additional symptoms and subjective sensations, then it is better not to delay a visit to a specialist, since advanced stages of sexually transmitted diseases are treated for a long time and expensive!


Possible diseases

If red pimples on the head appear during puberty, then this can be explained by hormonal changes. It is recommended to monitor him and, if additional symptoms appear, seek medical attention to exclude the following diseases:

  1. ... A very common fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes, which occurs in men aged 20-45 years. The causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida. You can get infected sexually from a girl suffering from thrush or through personal hygiene products (washcloths, towels, etc.). Long-term use of antibiotics, a sharp decrease in immunity, or severe hypothermia can provoke exacerbations. Characteristic differences are inflammatory processes on the head of the penis and foreskin, which can manifest itself in the form of pimples, severe itching, unpleasant odor and pain when pressed. Separately, you need to pay attention to the fact that candidal balanoposthitis can be asymptomatic. He is also characterized by a spontaneous subside of all symptoms, which leads the patient into the delusion of complete recovery.
  2. Contact irritable dermatitis. A very common reason for the appearance of red pimples on the head in men at any age. An allergic reaction can provoke not only the appearance, but also cause swelling and redness, which will be accompanied by moderate itching. If you do not exclude the allergen from everyday life, then the situation will only get worse. It is recommended to carefully consider the selection of personal hygiene products (washcloth, soap, shower gel), linen (complete rejection of synthetics), condoms (may be allergic to latex), lubricants (may be allergic to the substance included in the composition). Mild allergic reactions go away on their own within 2-3 days, otherwise it is recommended to seek help from a dermatovenerologist.
  3. Genital warts. In most cases, these formations are localized along the entire length of the penis. At the initial stage, they can appear in the form of small red pimples on the head and foreskin. The characteristic differences are the absence of itching and pain. They are very often confused with, although their origin is due to the viral infection of HPV, which is sexually transmitted.
  4. Pearlescent papules. They are found in every fourth man aged 20-35 years, localized in the region of the glans penis and on its surface. The color is flesh-colored or dark brown. In the case when the papules are located directly on the head of the, it may seem that they are red in color. Absolutely harmless formations that are not considered a pathology. The number of papules on average ranges from 5 to 15 pieces. Size from 1-2 mm to 4-5 mm.
  5. Venereal diseases. Today, medicine knows many sexually transmitted diseases, one of the symptoms of which is the appearance of pimples on the glans of the penis in men. It can be secondary syphilis and gonorrhea or chlamydia. However, it should be noted that all of these diseases are almost always accompanied by cramps, burning sensation and pain during urination and other characteristic clinical symptoms that are uncommon for fungal infections or allergic reactions.

Also, red pimples on the head in men can be caused by an inflammatory process or an infection that has penetrated as a result of mechanical damage or injury.

Red pimples on the head photo

Diagnostics and treatment

On a note! You should be careful, as it is very often asymptomatic or with periodic exacerbations, which may seem, at first glance, harmless. But, even they should be alarming and, when adding additional symptoms, be a weighty reason for making an appointment with a dermatovenerologist.

At the initial stage, candidiasis balanoposthitis responds well to treatment and you can completely get rid of it in a few days. To make a diagnosis during an exacerbation, smears and scrapings are taken from the lesions, white plaque, if present, for microscopic examination. After identifying the pathogen, antifungal drugs are prescribed, to which it is sensitive. Most often, they resort to the following means:

  • Clotrimazole (topically up to 3 times a day for 7-10 days);
  • Pimafukort (2 times a day for a week with a thin layer on the lesions);
  • Itraconazole (1 tablet (100 mg) per day for 10 days);
  • Miramistin;
  • Lamisil;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Triderm.

Also, before applying any drug, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the glans penis, then treat with chlorhexidine solution and dry thoroughly. As a preventive measure, increased personal hygiene, protected sexual intercourse and increased immunity are used.

Genital warts must be removed using one of the modern methods, from laser to cauterization with nitrogen. After removal, all formations must be submitted for histological examination to determine the likelihood of degeneration into a malignant tumor. It is not recommended to remove pearlescent papules, since they are not a pathology and do not pose any danger to a man's health. Many clinics still carry out the procedure for removing papules using a laser and electrocoagulation. However, the patient should be informed that even the complete removal of formations from the surface of the penis does not give any guarantees that they will not appear again over time.

Sexually transmitted diseases should be treated under the strict supervision of a urologist, since not completely cured gonorrhea or syphilis can lead to serious complications that will affect not only the quality of sexual life, but also reproductive functions.

Acne on the head may be abnormal or normal. So, translucent small pimples in large numbers located around the head, having a pale pink tint and a slightly pointed head, which are present during puberty, do not indicate anything at all, except for puberty. By and large, they are not acne, but pearlescent glands that have increased in size under the influence of sex hormones. In small quantities, they remain in all men throughout their lives.

Only acne, clearly indicative of inflammation, should cause concern: painful on pressure and at rest, itching. Pimples may become swollen and lymph nodes in the groin area may become enlarged.

All these symptoms indicate that acne is just a mild consequence of a serious illness, which must be diagnosed and cured by a urologist.

Pimples on the head, and not under or near the head, clearly indicate an STD, while pimples around the head of the penis often indicate a disease of a non-specific nature, such as dermatitis or balanoposthitis.

White pimples on the head of the penis, as well as red pimples, indicate the presence of an infection, which can only be determined with the help of laboratory tests.

Watery pimples on the head means that you are most likely infected with the herpes virus. Unfortunately, it is not completely cured (like the papillomavirus, which also causes the appearance of a rash), but you can get rid of acne by using ointments and solutions, as well as tablets inside.

Causes of acne on the head

Infection can occur through:

  • Unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the disease.
  • General bedding and hygiene items.
  • Unwashed hands.
  • Herpes and paraherpes viruses are transmitted through kissing, including “on the cheek” - not necessarily an intimate one.

In addition, often the infection does not come from the outside, but from inside the body, the so-called descending route. Since the male genitals are also organs of urination, then everything that is in the kidneys and bladder undoubtedly ends up in the genital tract. Often, infections are caused by the spread of opportunistic microflora, which is normally present in the body in small quantities, and only with reduced immunity causes problems. Such diseases include, for example, thrush.

Balanoposthitis and dermatitis are non-infectious diseases, and can also affect the skin of the genitals. Also, problems with rashes on the head can be caused by psoriasis or cancer. In some men, the sebaceous glands are enlarged and protrude above the surface of the skin, and on the initial non-professional examination resemble pimples. Obviously, this phenomenon does not require treatment and is an anatomical feature of the individual. For young men, enlargement of the sebaceous glands is the norm and arises in connection with hormonal changes.

Acne on the head requires a visit to a doctor if:

  1. Against the background of the rash, itching and burning are observed
  2. The mucous membrane of the penis is swollen and looks inflamed
  3. Pimples are not dry, but filled with liquid, regardless of its color
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area
  5. Fever present or persistent low-grade fever
  6. Pimples burst, ulcers form in their place

Do not try to self-diagnose and self-medicate with these symptoms! This is dangerous for your health and can be bad for your genitals and general well-being. The listed symptoms are a reason to suspect the following diseases:

  • Candidiasis, or thrush. Rashes appear on the head, a white bloom is observed under the foreskin - first creamy and not numerous, then curdled, drying on the head and covering it in the form of "flakes". Thrush is caused by a conditionally pathogenic fungus that is activated by stress, lack of sleep, climate change, frequent partner changes or decreased immunity. The disease is dangerous because it is imperceptible right away, and in its neglected form it is quite difficult to get rid of it.
  • Trichophytosis, also a fungal disease, sexually and household transmitted. It manifests itself as red itchy pimples in the groin, scrotum and penis.
  • Genital herpes, or herpes of the second type. This is a viral disease that manifests itself as watery pimples on the penis. The rash gradually bursts and forms sores that dry out and become extremely painful. It is transmitted sexually and through kissing. You can only get infected from a person who is currently sick, that is, his herpes is in an exacerbation stage. From a carrier without exacerbation, infection is extremely unlikely (only in the case of very low immunity). Rarely, herpes of the second type is congenital, since the birth canal is also a route of infection.
  • Human papillomavirus. It manifests itself in the form of small warts on the surface of the penis - genital warts. They resemble cauliflower in appearance and can reach several centimeters. You can get the HPV vaccine. There is good news: after 24 years, a person develops immunity to the virus, and if you are older and not a carrier, you are unlikely to become one.
  • Pediculosis, or "in everyday life" - lice. The route of infection is household and sexual contact.
  • Syphilis. It manifests itself in the form of the so-called chancre - a dense and hard pimple, which in its appearance can resemble genital warts. Chancre disappears after a while, seemingly without consequences. However, such harmlessness is deceiving - syphilis is one of the most dangerous diseases that affects all body systems and, if treatment is delayed, is fatal.

Treatment of all of the above diseases is carried out under the supervision of a physician and according to his prescription. In no case do not self-medicate, the disease in its neglected form can turn into a chronic form. HPV and herpes, in principle, cannot be cured to the end, the same applies to thrush that once appeared - it is extremely prone to relapse. It is better to prevent diseases than to cure them. To do this, have one constant partner, use barrier contraception during sexual intercourse with a new partner, monitor the state of immunity - do not tolerate colds on your feet, treat kidney and bladder diseases in time, play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

If a man has red pimples on his head that do not hurt or itch, then the reason may lie in an allergic reaction. But, given the fact that many venereal and fungal diseases can be asymptomatic or with minimal manifestations, it is recommended to visit a dermatovenerologist and pass the necessary tests. This is especially true for those who are sexually active or neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

5 common causes of red acne on the head in men

Red pimples on the head in men appear even in cases where there is no active sexual activity or sexual intercourse is protected. The skin of the glans penis is a kind of indicator that immediately reacts to external stimuli and shows the presence of infections in the body. Most often, men are faced with the following diseases:

  1. Candidiasis. In most cases, with minimal symptoms or no symptoms at all. But, there are a number of signs that are characteristic of a candidal infection. The appearance of red pimples on the head is one of them. You may also experience swelling, sour odor, and itching of varying intensity. During the period of exacerbation, pain may even be felt during urination. You can become infected with candidiasis sexually or through the use of personal hygiene items of the patient (towel, washcloth, etc.). For many years, the disease can be asymptomatic. Exacerbations can be triggered by a sharp decrease in immunity or taking antibiotics.
  2. Contact dermatitis. The second most common reason for the appearance of red pimples of various sizes on the head in men. But, an allergic reaction, in contrast to venereal and fungal diseases, always proceeds acutely with many accompanying symptoms. Most often it is severe itching, swelling, redness and burning in the area of ​​the lesion. All of these symptoms can appear within a few minutes after contact with the allergen. The most common allergens that cause severe irritation to the genitals in men are synthetic underwear, condoms, lubricants, and personal care products. Characteristic differences are acute onset, characteristic and absence of pain when urinating.
  3. Genital herpes. At the initial stage, it can manifest itself in the form of small red pimples on the head, extreme raft and along the entire length of the penis. Primary eruptions do not exceed a size of 1-2 mm, over the course of the process they transform into, which, after opening, turn into erosion. GH is characterized by an acute course, the presence of a patient with a number of rashes and other clinical symptoms (burning, pain, swollen lymph nodes, fever). It is transmitted sexually (even through oral sex if the woman is a carrier of HSV) or through personal hygiene products. The primary manifestations of genital herpes are usually caused by HSV-1 (about 30% of cases), the recurrent course is more often caused by HSV-2.
  4. Gonorrhea. A common infectious disease that is sexually transmitted in 90% of cases. Less commonly, you can get infected through personal hygiene items, a shared bed or toilet. In men, gonorrhea may appear as small pimples on the head closer to the urethra. But, the main symptoms are considered: swelling, purulent discharge, spontaneous erection, pain and cramps during and after urination, burning and severe itching. It is considered a very dangerous disease, as it can lead to numerous complications, including infertility.
  5. Chlamydia A common sexually transmitted disease that occurs 3 times more often than gonorrhea and 6 times more often than syphilis. The routes of transmission are the same as for gonorrhea. Chlamydia itself is almost always asymptomatic or with minimal manifestations. Its main feature is its course along with other infections with gonococci, gardnerella, ureaplasma and HSV (1-2). That is why the appearance of red pimples on a man's head may not be caused by chlamydia itself, but be the result of a complication of concomitant infections. In every third case, the patient comes to a dermatovenerologist with complaints of complications that are not symptoms of chlamydia.

We deliberately did not include such a disease as syphilis in the list, so as not to frighten people once again. However, it is worth remembering that in some cases this disease can provoke the appearance of a rash on the genitals in the form of small red pimples.

Red pimples on the head in men photo

Diagnostics and treatment

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the appearance of even small red acne on the head is already a sufficient reason for contacting a dermatovenerologist. And what can we say about situations when there is a bright symptomatology in the form of burning, pain or purulent discharge. Even if you have contact dermatitis, your doctor can help you identify the allergen to help prevent future rashes.

Any form of candidiasis should be treated under the guidance of the attending physician, who identifies the causative fungus using microscopic examination and selects a drug that effectively fights against it. Most often, the following funds are prescribed:

  • Pimafukort;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Triderm;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Diflucan;
  • Orungal;
  • Nystatin.

The average course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, depending on the form and course of candidal infection. Systemic therapy is indicated only in chronic and recurrent cases.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are diagnosed on the basis of clinical examination and cultural and genetic methods (at the discretion of the doctor). In acute chlamydia, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  1. azithromycin;
  2. pyrogenal;
  3. taktivin;
  4. thymalin;

Much attention is paid to the treatment of gonorrhea, which includes not only the selection of effective drugs, but also prevention. If the patient does not reconsider his views on the conduct of a promiscuous sex life, then all treatment will go down the drain.

For genital herpes, there are a number of classic drugs that have a positive effect for many years:

  • acyclovir;
  • valacyclovir;
  • famciclovir;
  • herpferon;
  • viferon;
  • cycloferon.

Particular importance in the treatment and prevention of all of these diseases is given to enhanced personal hygiene, adequate sexual activity and increased immunity. In conclusion, I would like to recommend not delaying a visit to the doctor, since at the initial stage, any of the listed infections can be cured in 1-2 weeks. In advanced cases, treatment can last for years and ultimately lead to severe complications in the form of prostatitis or infertility.

Small pimples on the head in men can cause real panic, bordering on despair. Such symptoms make the stronger sex think about the occurrence of a terrible disease that can deprive them of their ability to have sex. In part, these experiences are well founded. But in most cases, pimples on the head of the penis do not pose any danger to men's health. However, one should not take such a phenomenon lightly. The male organ is very sensitive to various kinds of influences from the outside and from the inside. To understand where acne on the head comes from, you need to consider the possible prerequisites for the occurrence of this extremely unpleasant pathology.

What to do?

A similar problem can occur at any age. If there is a qualified doctor nearby, you need to contact him for a recommendation.

If acne appears on the head of the penis, then the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Stop having sex. It is better not to tell your wife about red pimples on the head of the penis until the reason for their appearance becomes clear.
  2. Thoroughly wash the penis with soap and wipe it dry. Repeat this procedure 5-6 times a day for 2-3 days. In addition, it is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures after each urination.
  3. Create an optimal temperature regime for the penis. It must not be overheated or cooled too much.
  4. Go for underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics. Linen should be loose and provide adequate ventilation.
  5. Exclude from the diet semi-finished products and foods that may contain artificial fillers and additives. Refuse alcoholic beverages in any form.

After taking priority measures, you need to observe for 3-5 days how the appeared red pimples on the head behave. If the situation does not improve, a doctor should be consulted. You should not risk your health and self-medicate. Each drug is designed for a specific disease. Experimenting with drugs can have serious consequences. The specialist will be able to determine the cause of the occurrence and prescribe the correct treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

Pathological rashes on the head can appear under the influence of internal and external factors. They can be of a household or infectious nature.

Small, red and painful pimples occur for the following reasons:

If the rash does not cause significant discomfort, then there is no cause for alarm. But when it is accompanied by itching and pain when urinating, then you should not hesitate. An urgent need to contact a urologist.


Any disease is much easier to cure at its earliest stages. A neglected disease may be incurable.

First of all, the urologist conducts an external examination and interview of the patient. A smear is made from the organ affected by pimples. Then, tests are taken and a consultation with specialized specialists is carried out. Based on the examination, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

It is carried out by such methods:

  1. Allergy. An allergen is detected by testing. The patient needs to optimize his nutrition and introduce certain restrictions in his lifestyle. Antihistamines are prescribed.
  2. Herpes. It is almost impossible to cure this disease, since the virus is very firmly held in the body. Various ointments and tablets help to get rid of inflammation. To reduce the activity of the virus, drugs that strengthen the immune system are prescribed.
  3. Candidiasis. The patient is recommended to use antifungal drugs in the form of ointments and tablets. Lotions are made with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Papilloma. First, antibiotics are used in the form of ointments, tablets, and injections. If such treatment does not bring the desired result, then the growths are removed surgically. They are cut, burned or frozen. The operation is performed under local anesthesia in the clinic.

In most cases, acne goes away on its own when the patient begins to maintain personal hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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