Do doctors allow Anaferon to be taken while breastfeeding and how does the drug affect lactation? Anaferon during breastfeeding "Genferon": rectal and vaginal suppositories

The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases, such as SARS and influenza during seasonal epidemics. He is advised to drink with complex therapy:

  • herpesvirus infections (chickenpox, genital and labial herpes);
  • rotavirus (intestinal flu) and enterovirus infections;
    viral respiratory diseases;
  • bacterial infections and their complications (adeno- and coronaviruses);
    tick-borne encephalitis.

It is believed that taking Anaferon allows you to reduce the doses of other drugs that are prescribed for viral diseases - antipyretics and painkillers. The drug has no contraindications, no side effects have been identified and it is impossible to overdose. It is prescribed to children from the age of one month, it is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosing regimen

The tablets are placed under the tongue and sucked. Reception does not depend on food intake, they are taken at any time of the day, but not with food. (For children, "Anaferon® for children" is produced with a reduced dosage.)

You need to start treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of SARS, flu or intestinal infection:

  • in the first 2 hours - one tablet is taken every 30 minutes, in total 5 tablets are obtained in two hours;
    before the end of the day, take 3 more tablets at regular intervals;
  • on the second day of treatment, drink one tablet three times a day until recovery (for influenza and SARS - 5-7 days, for other diseases, the duration of the course is indicated by the doctor).

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman's immunity weakens, and her chronic diseases, including viral ones, may worsen. With exacerbation of genital herpes in 1-3 days, take one tablet up to eight times a day; the next three weeks - one tablet four times a day.

The drug does not interact with other drugs, it can be combined with any other symptomatic antiviral drugs. For the prevention of influenza and colds, Anaferon® begins to be drunk a month or two before the seasonal epidemic: one tablet once a day, every day. To prevent exacerbation of herpes infection, the course can last up to six months.

Medicine, homeopathy or dietary supplement?

Despite his popularity, discussions around Anaferon have not subsided for many years. Some doctors prescribe it for any viral infection, others call it not a medicine, but a dietary supplement (BAA) or homeopathy and argue that the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies cannot be proven. Still others even consider the drug to be a "dummy" - a placebo - and say that it helps "only those who believe in it."

Formally, Anaferon® is not a dietary supplement and not a homeopathic remedy. It is registered as a drug for the prevention and treatment of viral infections and is a "water-alcohol mixture of purified antibodies to human interferon gamma". It is united with homeopathic remedies by manufacturing technology (multiple sequential dilution of the medicinal base) and, accordingly, an ultra-small amount of active ingredient in the finished product:

  • at the first stage, rabbits are immunized with recombinant human γ-interferon. Antibodies are formed in the blood of animals;
  • a solution of antibodies isolated from rabbit blood serum to human γ-interferon is diluted many times: in a liquid drug base, 99 parts of a water-alcohol solvent are 1 part of the antibody solution;
  • the resulting base is mixed with excipients-fillers (lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate) and a syrup is made or tablets are pressed.

With such a strong dilution, one healing molecule accounts for more than one single dose of the drug. Simply put, it gets into every tenth, or even a hundredth tablet! But even if you set out to find a “winning lottery ticket”, it is impossible to do this. Modern laboratory studies are not able to detect such a meager presence of a substance not only in a single tablet, but also in the base, which is impregnated with a filler. True, they do not allow to claim that he is not there.

The second controversial point that skeptics pay attention to is the very mechanism of action of the drug, assuming that it does work. When viral pathogens enter the body, the immune system begins to produce a protective protein - interferon. And the declared drug contains antibodies to interferon, that is, substances that inactivate it ... Nevertheless, it helps some people! And not only for adults, who can convince themselves that it has become easier for them, but also for small children.

Without going into the details of medical discussions, we can say that neither the supporters of Anaferon could prove its effectiveness, nor its opponents - its uselessness. So, should Anaferon® be taken for colds during lactation? It won’t help, so nothing terrible will happen - the viral infection will sooner or later go away on its own. If only he did not harm the baby on breastfeeding!

Is it possible to take with HB?

This homeopathic remedy is able to effectively deal with certain types of harmful microbes and enhance the protective functions of the body. The components included in the composition activate the production of interferon, prevent re-infection, thereby reducing the risk of complications.

The attitude of physicians to this remedy is ambiguous, since the mechanism of its action is not fully understood. However, this medicine consists of antibodies to human interferon gamma, stearic acid, magnesium salt, milk sugar and microcrystalline cellulose, which are safe for a nursing mother and her baby.

Therefore, some experts claim that to speed up the healing process, you can take Anaferon tablets during lactation.

IMPORTANT: Before taking the drug, it is best for a woman to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no allergy to its components.


The tool fights against herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, entero-, rhino- and coronaviruses. It is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as for:

  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • labial and genital herpes;
  • chickenpox;
  • secondary immunodeficiency states.

As part of complex therapy, Anaferon tablets are prescribed in case of diagnosing diseases caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, pneumonia and sinusitis. The drug removes from the body:

  1. toxins;
  2. eliminates headache;
  3. relieves cough;
  4. improves nasal breathing and normalizes body temperature.

To reduce the dosage of antipyretics and painkillers, as well as to shorten the period of treatment, it is recommended to take them together with Anaferon.

In most cases, patients tolerate this drug well, but it is not recommended to take it in the following cases:

Since the drug contains lactose, it is not prescribed for people with congenital lactose deficiency, glucose malabsorption syndrome and galactosemia. With caution, tablets should be drunk during the period of gestation, with arterial hypertension, heart failure, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, and children under 1 month of age are not allowed to give them at all.

While taking Anaferon, no side effects were detected, but in cases of overdose, the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted. This is manifested in difficult digestion, pain in the stomach and increased gas formation.

ATTENTION: In case of a negative reaction, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

How does it affect lactation and the baby when breastfeeding?

Experts have not yet been able to resolve the dispute and come to a consensus regarding the effect of Anaferon on the human body. Some prescribe it to younger patients and nursing mothers, while others consider the drug to be ineffective.

Opponents of this remedy are sure that Anaferon's work is based on the placebo principle - it contributes to a speedy recovery due to faith in the effectiveness of the remedy. However, it actually helps adult patients, as well as children who are not aware of such an effect.

In the meantime, it is known that the antibodies that make up the drug enter the milk of a nursing mother unchanged. Consequently, the baby also receives them, and this becomes for him the prevention and treatment of colds.

In any case, women should not worry if the doctor prescribed Anaferon, because it does not reduce lactation and does not harm the health of the child.

Anaferon: mechanism of action, active substance

Anaferon is an interferon inducer. Interferon inductors are substances of various nature, such as viruses and chemical elements. Inducers stimulate the production of a number of specific protein compounds in the body. These compounds enhance the resistance of cells to viruses.

The active substance of Anaferon are antibodies to gamma human interferon. The manufacturer of the drug in the official instructions indicates the immunomodulatory and antiviral effect of this drug. Anaferon is reported to be effective against the following viruses:

  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • herpes simplex types 1 and 2;
  • enterovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • coronavirus.

Anaferon has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects

Application history

The manufacturer of Anaferon is the research and production company Materia Medica, which is one of the five largest Russian pharmaceutical companies. "Materia Medica" was founded in 1993 and specialized in the production of homeopathic medicines. A distinctive feature of the company is the fundamental study of drugs in which the active substances are in ultra-low doses.

Anaferon began to be produced in 2002 and at first was positioned as a homeopathic remedy. But today it is already presented as a drug. This information can be found in the instructions, on the packaging, in medical reference books. Moreover, from 2010 to 2012, Anaferon was on the list of vital drugs approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2012 and 2013, this drug became the winner of the People's Brand competition in the antiviral category. Many pediatricians call Anaferon the drug of choice for the treatment of influenza and SARS in children.

Taking Anaferon while breastfeeding and the effect on the child

The official instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used when breastfeeding by a nursing mother only as directed by a doctor and if the potential benefit outweighs the possible risk from its use. Safety studies of Anaferon during lactation have not been conducted. There is no information in popular foreign reference books on this issue. Therefore, it is not known how much the components of the drug pass into breast milk. The drug is mainly used in Russia and neighboring countries. When considering the compatibility of Anaferon with breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that this medicine is available in children's form and is allowed for use from the age of one month.

Anaferon for children can be used to treat children from the age of one month

Indications for use, effectiveness of action

Doctors prescribe an immunomodulator to a nursing mother both for treatment and as a preventive measure. Most often it is used as an adjuvant in complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • chicken pox;
  • complications in the form of a bacterial infection.

Despite the high level of sales of Anaferon in Russia, its use is subject to serious criticism from authoritative experts. This group of doctors classifies the medicine as a homeopathic remedy with unproven effectiveness. The argument in favor of this opinion is the presence of active ingredients in the preparation in an ultra-low concentration, which is typical for homeopathic medicines. It is also indicated that large-scale placebo-controlled studies of Anaferon in an independent organization have not been conducted. These doctors emphasize that neither in America nor in Western Europe, medical institutions are interested in the Russian antiviral agent.

Prophylactic intake of Anaferon in the pre- and post-vaccination period increases the immunological efficacy of vaccination, provides non-specific prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza at the time of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, and prevents the development of intercurrent diseases in the post-vaccination period.

S.A. Tarasov, M.V. Kachanova

"Anaferon is an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of infectious diseases"

In response to critics, the manufacturer and other part of domestic doctors cite the results of numerous studies both in relation to adults and children. Although these studies do not fully meet Western standards, the study of Anaferon continues, and the results obtained prove the effectiveness of the drug.

For example, one of the studies was conducted in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region from September 2013 to March 2014. Two hundred participants were divided into two equal groups. The experimental group took Anaferon for forty days from September 25th. Then all patients were regularly observed for six months. In the control group, eighteen people fell ill, and the duration of recovery averaged 4–12 days. In the experimental group, only two people fell ill, and the duration of the illness was three and four days, respectively.

In one of the review articles published under the auspices of the Moscow University. Pirogov, an analysis of 27 comparative studies on the use of Anaferon in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children aged from one month to fifteen years is given. The use of the drug as a prophylactic agent halved the incidence of infection. In cases where Anaferon was used in the complex treatment of flu and colds, the duration of the main symptoms decreased by one to two days.

The effectiveness of Anaferon for children in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections has been proven in blind placebo-controlled studies.

Rules for taking Anaferon

For adults, Anaferon is available in the form of white lozenges. The children's form of the drug is offered in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Anaferon is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But a nursing mother is not recommended to use any medication without a doctor's prescription. Only the doctor will select the appropriate form of release of the drug, the required dosage and the desired duration of treatment.

According to the instructions, it is necessary to use Anaferon between meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. The drug can be safely combined with other medications. The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved if Anaferon begins to be used in the first two days of the onset of ARVI symptoms. If after three days of treatment there is no therapeutic effect, then you need to visit the doctor again.


The standard dosage of Anaferon is one tablet per dose. The daily dose depends on the type of infection and the severity of the disease. If the drug is used as a prophylactic during epidemics, then a nursing mother may be recommended to take one tablet per day for one to three months.

According to the instructions, at the first sign of infection, you need to take a tablet every thirty minutes for two hours. Then on the first day you need to carry out three more doses of the drug at regular intervals. Then you should take one tablet a day until the final recovery.

Contraindications and side effects during lactation

Since the active substances are in the preparation in ultra-low doses, they cannot cause any adverse reactions from both the body of the mother and the child. But Anaferon contains the following excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. These substances can cause an allergic reaction. Mothers who are lactose intolerant should be especially careful. In this case, taking Anaferon can provoke dyspeptic disorders.

Also, a nursing mother needs to monitor the reaction of the child. If the latter develops an allergy in the form of skin rashes or disorders of the digestive tract, then the medication should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Anaferon has only one contraindication. It can not be used with individual intolerance to the components.

Drug analogues

There are several drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market that are similar to Anaferon in their therapeutic properties, method of exposure and safety. The doctor can choose a suitable therapeutic and prophylactic agent for a nursing mother from the following list:

But if the first two drugs, like Anaferon, stimulate the production of interferon, then the second two are popular homeopathic remedies, the mechanism of action of which is unknown.

Table: comparative analysis of Anaferon and its analogues

Active substanceAntibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • antibodies to human interferon gamma;
  • antibodies to histamine.
  • gentian;
  • aconite;
  • bryony;
  • iron phosphate;
  • lactic acid.
  • anas barbarium;
  • hepatik et cordis extractum.
Release form
  • lozenges;
  • drops for oral administration.
  • sublingual tablets;
  • drops for oral administration.
Breastfeeding CompatibilityUsed as directed by a physician.Due to the lack of necessary studies, it is not recommended to take during lactation.If necessary, the appointment should take into account the risk/benefit ratio.Used as directed by a doctor.Permitted by doctor's prescription.
Indications for use
  • SARS;
  • intestinal infections;
  • herpes.
  • SARS;
  • herpes infection.
  • SARS;
  • herpes;
  • meningitis;
  • acute intestinal infections.
  • SARS;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints.
Influenza and colds.
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • lactose intolerance.
  • hypersensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • lactose intolerance.
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.Hypersensitivity of drug components.Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.
Adverse reactionsVery rarely: allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders.Allergic reactions are possible.Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug.Were not observed.Not fixed. Allergic reactions are possible.
ManufacturerNearmedic Plus LLC (Russia).NPF "Materia Medica" (Russia).Company "Richard Bittner" (Austria).Laboratory "Boiron" (France).
price, rub.From 240 for 20 tablets.From 245 for 10 tablets.From 340 for 20 tablets.From 490 for 24 tablets.From 390 for 6 doses of granules.

Photo gallery: analogues of Anaferon

Kagocel causes the formation of so-called late interferons in the body
Ergoferon is an enhanced version of Anaferon
There are no side effects from taking Aflubin
The active substance of Oscillococcinum is an extract from the liver and heart of the Barbary duck

Quite aggressive advertising of medicines, which are based on the homeopathic principle of the opposite effect of ultra-low doses, can be found in all media. Anaferon refers specifically to such drugs. Our family is no exception, it is also exposed to information influence. When deciding to use any medicine, I always have a great distrust of homeopathic medicines, the mechanism of action of which cannot be explained from the standpoint of modern medical science.

But the wife thinks differently. That is why both she and the children, bypassing my opinion, tried on themselves the effect of drugs such as Anaferon, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum in the treatment of colds. Moreover, as it turned out later, these drugs were recommended by one relative, who is the leading doctor in his city. All my arguments and questions about how homeopathy can even work, broke down into a simple answer that some of the above drugs really help with SARS. The wife also cited the experience of her friends and acquaintances as an example. But she noted that there was often such a situation when, during the first use, these drugs acted much better than during subsequent ones.

Video: consideration of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs at the XVIII Congress of Russian Pediatricians in 2016

Short description

Anaferon is effective against many harmful microorganisms. It enhances the protective function of the body, thanks to the action of its components, endogenous interferon is produced. Thus, the reaction of the immune system to the penetration of viruses is enhanced.

According to doctors, the drug can be used during lactation to speed up recovery. The drug prevents re-infection, thanks to it there are no complications.

Main components: antibodies to human interferon gamma. Additional substances: magnesium salt of stearic acid, microscopic cellulose, milk sugar.

The drug is available in the form of lozenges.

The components of the drug are effective against pathogens: influenza, parainfluenza, herpes viruses. This list can be supplemented with enteroviruses, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, etc.

As a result of the action of the drug, the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the cells of the affected organs decreases. Gamma interferon and endogenous interferon are formed, due to which the immune system responds faster and more efficiently to infection. Anaferon accelerates recovery from influenza, acute respiratory infections, cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates the symptoms of infectious diseases. The headache disappears, the temperature normalizes, coughing is relieved, nasal breathing improves. Read about other drugs that help cure colds here.

The drug is used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • herpetic infections;
  • bacterial infections;
  • Secondary immunodeficiency states.

The drug helps prevent infectious diseases caused by the following harmful microorganisms: herpes virus, rotavirus, enetrovirus, coronavirus and encephalitic tick virus.

The drug is used in conjunction with painkillers and antipyretics to reduce the dosage of the latter.

In fact, Anaferon is a water-alcohol mixture of purified antibodies.

Contraindications and side effects

Anaferon has only 2 contraindications:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation, take the drug with caution, especially if you have an individual intolerance to the components of Anaferon.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients, there are no side effects if you follow the doctor's recommendations for use. In isolated cases, especially during lactation and pregnancy, an allergy to individual components of the drug occurs. In this case, stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

In case of an overdose, the normal activity of the stomach is disrupted, digestion becomes difficult, painful sensations appear. This is due to the presence of nutritional supplements in the tablets.

With lactose deficiency, low absorption of glucose-galactase, it is not recommended to take the drug, since it contains milk sugar.

Breastfeeding patients use the medication only after the appointment of the attending physician!

Treatment regimen for a nursing mother

Method of application - sublingual, put the tablet under the tongue and dissolve. The drug is taken regardless of the meal (not together) at any time of the day.

If a woman during lactation noticed signs of an acute respiratory disease, influenza or intestinal infectious disease, then she should be treated according to the following scheme:

  • For the first 2 hours after identifying signs of illness, take 1 tablet every half hour. As a result, a breastfeeding woman takes 5 pieces in 2 hours.
  • Then during the day, dissolves another 3 tablets every 2-3 hours.
  • The next day, take 3 tablets 24 hours apart at equal intervals. Maintain this dosage until the end of the course of treatment.

For breastfeeding patients, the doctor determines the course of treatment in each case individually.

A lactating woman often gets sick because she has a weakened immune system. Lactation exacerbates chronic diseases. If a nursing mother has exacerbated genital herpes, then she should take Anaferon 1 tablet more often 7 times a day for 3 days. Then take 4 tablets per day with an equal interval between doses for 3 weeks.

For prophylactic purposes against influenza and acute respiratory infections, the drug is taken a couple of months before the outbreak of the epidemic: 1 tablet once every day. To prevent recurrence of chronic herpes, tablets are taken for about 6 months.



During breastfeeding, a woman is very vulnerable to various viruses. Acute respiratory diseases and colds are rarely bypassed. In order not to harm the baby, the mother tries to use the safest drugs. Is it possible to use Anaferon for a nursing mother? After all, he is able to support the body and help it fight the disease.

Some doctors consider it ineffective, attribute to it a placebo effect. Others appreciate it as a very effective and at the same time safe drug. After all, it really helps a lot of people. Anaferon with HS is often successfully used by mothers.

Anaferon is a well-known antiviral drug that stimulates the immune system. It is taken in the treatment and preventive measures of acute respiratory infections, influenza, herpetic, bacterial infections, etc. It is not a dietary supplement or a homeopathic remedy. In fact, it is a water-alcohol solution with antibodies to human interferon-gamma.

  • when the first signs of the disease appear during the first 1.5-2 hours, it is necessary to take 1 pc. every half an hour (5 pieces in 2 hours);
  • further during the day - 3 more pcs. every 2-3 hours;
  • the next day - 3 pcs. at approximately the same time intervals;
  • until the end of the course (5-7 days) adhere to the dosage of 3 pcs. per day.

Tablets are placed under the tongue and gradually dissolve. Reception at any time of the day, before or after meals. The drug can be used in combination with any other drugs.

So, we conclude that it is appropriate to use Anaferon during breastfeeding, but in the absence of an individual adverse reaction, a woman's hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The decision on the advisability of taking it should always be made by a doctor based on the overall clinical picture.

A nursing mother is not immune from a cold, but when taking treatment, first of all, you need to think about the safety of the baby, because some medicines can harm the child. Is Anaferon allowed to be taken while breastfeeding, or is it better to choose another remedy for the treatment of the disease?

The composition of Anaferon is represented by a water-alcohol solution of the active substance: antibodies to human gamma interferon, as well as ballast components and sweeteners. The release form is presented in the form of white lozenges for resorption.

The manufacturer claims that the drug is an immunomodulator and antiviral agent. Effective in the treatment of various types of viral infections: influenza, herpes, chickenpox. It also fights coronaviruses, enteroviruses and rotaviruses, tick-borne encephalitis. Anaferon reduces the number of viral cells in the affected area, stimulates the formation of early interferons and the immune response to the introduction of pathogenic flora. The drug increases the production of antibodies to fight the disease and increases the resistance of cells responsible for the immune response, removes toxins, reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Taking Anaferon in complex treatment can significantly reduce the dosage of painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

Tablets are prescribed with other medicines for the treatment of:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • herpesvirus infections;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies.

The drug is used to prevent the recurrence of herpes and prevent influenza infection during the epidemic period. It is prescribed in combination with antibiotics for bacterial infection to prevent complications.

Lactation and Anaferon

The therapeutic effect of Anaferon is controversial in medical circles: some experts use the medicine in their practice and use it to treat children and women who are breastfeeding. Others, consider it ineffective, attribute it to dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies and claim that recovery occurs due to the placebo effect. The mechanism of action of the active substance is doubtful, since science cannot explain the positive effect of antibodies to interferon on recovery and immunity.

Formally, Anaferon is not a dietary supplement, because the drug is registered as a drug. It is united with homeopathy by a meager dose of the active ingredient, which is achieved by repeated dilution in a water-alcohol solution. After scrupulous calculations, it turns out that there is not even one molecule of antibodies per tablet. And modern research methods are not yet able to detect a low concentration of a substance, so no one can yet prove or disprove its presence.
But, nevertheless, the medicine is prescribed to adult patients and infants from one month old, and it has a therapeutic effect. If the placebo effect is understandable in adults, the question arises, why does the drug work in cases with young patients?

For breastfeeding women, Anaferon is approved for use in the absence of contraindications. But studies of the effect of the drug on nursing mothers have not been conducted, therefore, the decision on the advisability of taking pills is made only by the doctor.

How to apply

If the doctor has prescribed Anaferon, the tablets are taken orally, dissolving under the tongue. For nursing mothers, the dose is prescribed depending on the purpose of use. When symptoms of influenza, SARS, herpes appear, it is important to start treatment at an early stage of the disease. The drug is used according to the scheme:

  • first take the pills after 30 minutes for 2 hours;
  • on the same day, you need to take 3 more tablets, distributing them in time at equal intervals;
  • from the next day onwards, the reception is carried out 3 times until recovery.

If there is no improvement within three days, you should consult a doctor to prescribe another medication.

In acute manifestations of genital herpes, the medicine is taken:

  • the first 3 days a day at regular intervals dissolve 8 tablets;
  • then the dose is reduced to 4 tablets;

The drug therapy is carried out for 21 days.

As a preventive measure, Anaferon is prescribed during the season of epidemics of colds, as well as to prevent the development of immunodeficiency states and relapses of herpes on a tablet daily. Take from three months to six months.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications to taking Anaferon, but because of the lactose in its composition, nursing mothers should not take it if she or the child has:

  • intolerance to one of the substances of the composition;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • congenital galactosemia;
  • glucose malabsorption.

In other cases, the doctor prescribes the remedy, taking into account the risks and benefits of treatment.

As a rule, there are no adverse reactions when Anaferon is taken by the mother, but the woman must strictly observe the dosage. Otherwise, due to excipients, digestive problems (dyspepsia) are possible. Also, the medicine is allowed to be taken in combination with other symptomatic, antibacterial and antiviral agents.

Taking Anaferon will not harm the mother and baby during lactation in the absence of contraindications. During the period of treatment with tablets, do not forget about additional measures. Tea with honey, lemon and raspberries, infusion of linden and rose hips will help to alleviate the condition with a cold if the child does not have allergies.

The use of Anaferon during breastfeeding

According to medical statistics, breastfeeding women are more at risk of getting the flu and acute respiratory infections (ARVI). This is mainly due to chronic fatigue and reduced immunity. Mass vaccination remains the main way to prevent influenza. At the same time, Russian scientists have developed over the past decades a number of immunomodulatory antiviral drugs that are safe for both children and lactating women. One of them is Anaferon.

Anaferon: mechanism of action, active substance

Anaferon is an interferon inducer. Interferon inductors are substances of various nature, such as viruses and chemical elements. Inducers stimulate the production of a number of specific protein compounds in the body. These compounds enhance the resistance of cells to viruses.

The active substance of Anaferon are antibodies to gamma human interferon. The manufacturer of the drug in the official instructions indicates the immunomodulatory and antiviral effect of this drug. Anaferon is reported to be effective against the following viruses:

  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • herpes simplex types 1 and 2;
  • enterovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • coronavirus.

Anaferon has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects

Application history

The manufacturer of Anaferon is the research and production company Materia Medica, which is one of the five largest Russian pharmaceutical companies. "Materia Medica" was founded in 1993 and specialized in the production of homeopathic medicines. A distinctive feature of the company is the fundamental study of drugs in which the active substances are in ultra-low doses.

Anaferon began to be produced in 2002 and at first was positioned as a homeopathic remedy. But today it is already presented as a drug. This information can be found in the instructions, on the packaging, in medical reference books. Moreover, from 2010 to 2012, Anaferon was on the list of vital drugs approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2012 and 2013, this drug became the winner of the People's Brand competition in the antiviral category. Many pediatricians call Anaferon the drug of choice for the treatment of influenza and SARS in children.

Taking Anaferon while breastfeeding and the effect on the child

The official instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used when breastfeeding by a nursing mother only as directed by a doctor and if the potential benefit outweighs the possible risk from its use. Safety studies of Anaferon during lactation have not been conducted. There is no information in popular foreign reference books on this issue. Therefore, it is not known how much the components of the drug pass into breast milk. The drug is mainly used in Russia and neighboring countries. When considering the compatibility of Anaferon with breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that this medicine is available in children's form and is allowed for use from the age of one month.

Anaferon for children can be used to treat children from the age of one month

Indications for use, effectiveness of action

Doctors prescribe an immunomodulator to a nursing mother both for treatment and as a preventive measure. Most often it is used as an adjuvant in complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • chicken pox;
  • complications in the form of a bacterial infection.

Despite the high level of sales of Anaferon in Russia, its use is subject to serious criticism from authoritative experts. This group of doctors classifies the medicine as a homeopathic remedy with unproven effectiveness. The argument in favor of this opinion is the presence of active ingredients in the preparation in an ultra-low concentration, which is typical for homeopathic medicines. It is also indicated that large-scale placebo-controlled studies of Anaferon in an independent organization have not been conducted. These doctors emphasize that neither in America nor in Western Europe, medical institutions are interested in the Russian antiviral agent.

Prophylactic intake of Anaferon in the pre- and post-vaccination period increases the immunological efficacy of vaccination, provides non-specific prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza at the time of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, and prevents the development of intercurrent diseases in the post-vaccination period.

S.A. Tarasov, M.V. Kachanova

"Anaferon is an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of infectious diseases"

In response to critics, the manufacturer and other part of domestic doctors cite the results of numerous studies both in relation to adults and children. Although these studies do not fully meet Western standards, the study of Anaferon continues, and the results obtained prove the effectiveness of the drug.

The effectiveness of Anaferon for children in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections has been proven in blind placebo-controlled studies.

Rules for taking Anaferon

For adults, Anaferon is available in the form of white lozenges. The children's form of the drug is offered in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Anaferon is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But a nursing mother is not recommended to use any medication without a doctor's prescription. Only the doctor will select the appropriate form of release of the drug, the required dosage and the desired duration of treatment.

According to the instructions, it is necessary to use Anaferon between meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. The drug can be safely combined with other medications. The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved if Anaferon begins to be used in the first two days of the onset of ARVI symptoms. If after three days of treatment there is no therapeutic effect, then you need to visit the doctor again.


The standard dosage of Anaferon is one tablet per dose. The daily dose depends on the type of infection and the severity of the disease. If the drug is used as a prophylactic during epidemics, then a nursing mother may be recommended to take one tablet per day for one to three months.

According to the instructions, at the first sign of infection, you need to take a tablet every thirty minutes for two hours. Then on the first day you need to carry out three more doses of the drug at regular intervals. Then you should take one tablet a day until the final recovery.

Contraindications and side effects during lactation

Since the active substances are in the preparation in ultra-low doses, they cannot cause any adverse reactions from both the body of the mother and the child. But Anaferon contains the following excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. These substances can cause an allergic reaction. Mothers who are lactose intolerant should be especially careful. In this case, taking Anaferon can provoke dyspeptic disorders.

Also, a nursing mother needs to monitor the reaction of the child. If the latter develops an allergy in the form of skin rashes or disorders of the digestive tract, then the medication should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Anaferon has only one contraindication. It can not be used with individual intolerance to the components.

Drug analogues

There are several drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market that are similar to Anaferon in their therapeutic properties, method of exposure and safety. The doctor can choose a suitable therapeutic and prophylactic agent for a nursing mother from the following list:

  • Ergoferon;

But if the first two drugs, like Anaferon, stimulate the production of interferon, then the second two are popular homeopathic remedies, the mechanism of action of which is unknown.

Table: comparative analysis of Anaferon and its analogues

Active substanceAntibodies to human interferon gamma.Kagocel.
  • antibodies to human interferon gamma;
  • antibodies to histamine.
  • gentian;
  • aconite;
  • bryony;
  • iron phosphate;
  • lactic acid.
  • anas barbarium;
  • hepatik et cordis extractum.
Release form
  • lozenges;
  • drops for oral administration.
  • sublingual tablets;
  • drops for oral administration.
Breastfeeding CompatibilityUsed as directed by a physician.Due to the lack of necessary studies, it is not recommended to take during lactation.If necessary, the appointment should take into account the risk/benefit ratio.Used as directed by a doctor.Permitted by doctor's prescription.
Indications for use
  • SARS;
  • intestinal infections;
  • herpes.
  • SARS;
  • herpes infection.
  • SARS;
  • herpes;
  • meningitis;
  • acute intestinal infections.
  • SARS;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints.
Influenza and colds.
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • lactose intolerance.
  • hypersensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • lactose intolerance.
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.Hypersensitivity of drug components.Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.
Adverse reactionsVery rarely: allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders.Allergic reactions are possible.Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug.Were not observed.Not fixed. Allergic reactions are possible.
ManufacturerNearmedic Plus LLC (Russia).NPF "Materia Medica" (Russia).Company "Richard Bittner" (Austria).Laboratory "Boiron" (France).
price, rub.From 240 for 20 tablets.From 245 for 10 tablets.From 340 for 20 tablets.From 490 for 24 tablets.From 390 for 6 doses of granules.

Photo gallery: analogues of Anaferon

Ergoferon is an enhanced version of Anaferon. There are no side effects from taking Aflubin
The active substance of Oscillococcinum is an extract from the liver and heart of the Barbary duck

Quite aggressive advertising of medicines, which are based on the homeopathic principle of the opposite effect of ultra-low doses, can be found in all media. Anaferon refers specifically to such drugs. Our family is no exception, it is also exposed to information influence. When deciding to use any medicine, I always have a great distrust of homeopathic medicines, the mechanism of action of which cannot be explained from the standpoint of modern medical science.

But the wife thinks differently. That is why both she and the children, bypassing my opinion, tried on themselves the effect of drugs such as Anaferon, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum in the treatment of colds. Moreover, as it turned out later, these drugs were recommended by one relative, who is the leading doctor in his city. All my arguments and questions about how homeopathy can even work, broke down into a simple answer that some of the above drugs really help with SARS. The wife also cited the experience of her friends and acquaintances as an example. But she noted that there was often such a situation when, during the first use, these drugs acted much better than during subsequent ones.

Video: consideration of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs at the XVIII Congress of Russian Pediatricians in 2016

This homeopathic remedy is able to effectively deal with certain types of harmful microbes and enhance the protective functions of the body. The components included in the composition activate the production of interferon, prevent re-infection thereby reducing the risk of complications.

The attitude of physicians to this remedy is ambiguous, since the mechanism of its action is not fully understood. However, this medicine consists of antibodies to human interferon gamma, stearic acid, magnesium salt, milk sugar and microcrystalline cellulose, which are safe for a nursing mother and her baby.

Therefore, some experts claim that to speed up the healing process, you can take Anaferon tablets during lactation.

IMPORTANT: Before taking the drug, it is best for a woman to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no allergy to its components.


The tool fights herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, entero-, rhino- and coronaviruses viruses. It is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as for:

  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • labial and genital herpes;
  • chickenpox;
  • secondary immunodeficiency states.

As part of complex therapy, Anaferon tablets are prescribed in case of diagnosing diseases caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, pneumonia and sinusitis. The drug removes from the body:

  1. toxins;
  2. eliminates headache;
  3. relieves cough;
  4. improves nasal breathing and normalizes body temperature.

To reduce the dosage of antipyretics and painkillers, as well as to shorten the period of treatment, it is recommended to take them together with Anaferon.

Contraindications and side effects

In most cases, patients tolerate this drug well., however, it is not recommended to take it in the following cases:

Since the drug contains lactose, it is not prescribed for people with congenital lactose deficiency, glucose malabsorption syndrome and galactosemia. With caution, tablets should be drunk during the period of gestation, with arterial hypertension, heart failure, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, and children under 1 month of age are not allowed to give them at all.

During the reception of Anaferon, no side effects were detected., but in cases of overdose, the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted. This is manifested in difficult digestion, pain in the stomach and increased gas formation.

ATTENTION: In the event of a negative reaction, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

How does it affect lactation and the baby when breastfeeding?

Experts have not yet been able to resolve the dispute and come to a consensus regarding the effect of Anaferon on the human body. Some prescribe it to younger patients and nursing mothers, while others consider the drug to be ineffective.

Opponents of this tool are sure that Anaferon's work is based on the placebo principle.- contributes to a speedy recovery due to faith in the effectiveness of the remedy. However, it actually helps adult patients, as well as children who are not aware of such an effect.

In the meantime, it is known that the antibodies that make up the drug enter the milk of a nursing mother unchanged. Consequently, the baby also receives them, and this becomes for him the prevention and treatment of colds.

In any case, women should not worry if the doctor prescribed Anaferon, because it does not reduce lactation and does not harm the health of the child.

Anaferon is available as sublingual tablets.(intended for resorption). It is taken orally at least one hour before a meal or 30 minutes after.

REFERENCE: If necessary, Anaferon can be dissolved in a small amount of water.

Treatment regimen

In case of symptoms of influenza, acute respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases, Anaferon is taken according to the following scheme:

  • at the beginning of treatment - 1 tablet every 30 minutes during the first 2 hours (4 pieces for the specified period);
  • then, for 24 hours, dissolve 3 more tablets with an interval of 2-3 hours;
  • in the future, take 3 tablets within 24 hours with an equal interval;
  • if there are signs of improvement in the condition, the drug is taken 1 time per day for 8-10 days.

If on the 3rd day after taking Anaferon the symptoms of influenza and SARS increase, you need to seek medical help.

During lactation, chronic diseases may worsen in women, incl. and genital herpes. In this case, the homeopathic remedy is taken like this.
