Severomorsk Central Bank offers costume parties! Archive of the magazine “Primary school plus before and after Developmental education article in the magazine primary school

The journal “Science, Education and Culture” is published monthly on the 29th (to be confirmed monthly). The next issue of the journal No. 09(43), November 2019. Will be published on November 29, 2019. Articles will be accepted until November 24, 2019.

If you want to be published in the next issue, do not delay sending your application. Take one minute fill out and send the application to the Editorial Office.


Koval K.V., Shapovalova T.I., Meshkova M.B., Klimovskaya T.I., Kobeleva L.A., Rusakova N.S.

Koval Klara Viktorovna – head;

Shapovalova Tatyana Ivanovna - senior teacher;

Meshkova Maria Borisovna – teacher;

Klimovskaya Tatyana Ivanovna – teacher;

Kobeleva Larisa Anatolyevna – teacher;

Rusakova Natalya Sergeevna - music director,

Municipal preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 27,

Razumnoye village, Belgorod district, Belgorod region

Annotation: This article is about the pedagogical system of M. Montessori, which creates great opportunities for nurturing children's will. Her “Lessons in Silence” are separate independent exercises that have a great practical impact on discipline and self-regulation of behavior in preschoolers. The purpose of these exercises is relaxation, at the same time internal concentration, introspection, and self-control. In all activities, the child first develops and then strengthens his will. Such exercises help create a calm environment in the group of children. In addition, they contribute to expanding children’s ideas about the world around them, contribute to the overall development of the child, teach the child self-control, develop observation, hearing, and patience, which will help them subsequently overcome the difficulties of the school period.

Keywords: M. Montessori, lesson of silence, will, self-regulation, organization of volitional behavior, self-management of behavior, relaxation, self-control, preschoolers, first grader.


  1. Makarenko A.S. Collected works. M., p. 85.
  2. Montessori M. “Children's House. Method of scientific pedagogy" M.: Astrel: AST, 2006. p. 269.
  3. Fausek Yu.I. Pedagogy of Maria Montessori. M.: Genesis 2007. p. 368.


Serebrennikova N.A., Shagan V.P.

Serebrennikova Nikoletta Aleksandrovna – senior teacher;

Shagan Victoria Pavlovna – teacher,

Department of Theory and Methodology of Volleyball and Basketball,

Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism,


Annotation: the psycho-emotional state of a person is recognized as a phenomenon of psychology due to the integrative nature of the processes of the emotional state, psychological properties and socio-psychological attitude of the individual. The study of aggression in the sports field is of interest for psychological research - we note that due to its goal - competition, it is impossible to imagine without the desire to limit the opponent’s opportunities on the path to victory. The presented aspect of psycho-emotional states and psychological properties of the individual is relevant in the practical activities of team sports. The main content of the work is the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, on the basis of which a questionnaire was developed to study the issues of psychological preparation of athletes in team sports.

Keywords: psychological preparation, aggressive behavior, emotional burnout, psychological and pedagogical work, prevention, regulation, athlete.


  1. Ampleeva V.V. Psychology of communication in sports. Educational and methodological manual. Togliatti: PVGUS, 2012. 132 p.
  2. Hasanpour M.G. The influence of sports activity on the degree of aggressiveness of an athlete // Vector of science of the Togliatti State University. un-ta. Ser. Pedagogy. Psychology, 2011. No. 4. pp. 70-72.
  3. Ilyin E.P. Psychology of sports. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. 352 p.
  4. Kolomeytsev Yu.A. Social psychology of sport. Educational and methodological manual. Minsk: BSPU, 2014. 292 p.
  5. Serebrennikova N.A., Bikmukhametov R.K. Opinion of leading coaches of the Republic of Tatarstan in team sports on the influence of various factors causing aggression and emotional burnout in team sports // In the collection: Physiological and biochemical foundations and pedagogical technologies of adaptation to physical loads of varying magnitude, materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Biol. Sciences, Professor A.S. Chinkina. (Kazan, November 23–24, 2017). Kazan: Publishing house of the Volga region state academy of physical culture of sports and tourism, 2017. pp. 226-229.

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Serebrennikova N.A., Shagan V.P. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDYING ISSUES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF ATHLETES IN GAME SPORTS // Science, education and culture - No. 6(40), 2019 ( see magazine)

Official documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Materials for the experiment on updating the content and structure of primary education Federal state educational standard. New educational result Educational environment of the school. Developing educational environment Personally oriented education Organization of work on the Educational system “School 2100” Announcements, information Activity approach in education. Organization of educational activities of junior schoolchildren Work in elementary school in different educational systems The problem of continuity and continuity of education Development of general educational skills Sanenko N.I. Information technologies and the formation of the ability to learn in younger schoolchildren Age characteristics of younger schoolchildren Adaptation of first-graders to school education Play in the educational activities of younger schoolchildren Working with gifted children Development of personal qualities of schoolchildren Preserving and strengthening the health of children and teachers. Healthy lifestyle Preschool and pre-school education Literacy training Teaching the Russian language, rhetoric, development of speech and communication skills Difficult issues of working with text in Russian language lessons (selection of materials): Literary reading lessons and development of reading skills Children's reading. Articles about writers Rhetoric in preschool educational institutions and schools Celebration lesson on rhetoric for 4th grade History in elementary school Teaching mathematics Computer science and ICT Lessons from the world around us (science and social studies). Environmental education Integrated extracurricular activities in 3rd grade Physical development and health of children. Physical education lessons Aesthetic education, upbringing and development Foreign language in primary school Art lessons Technology lessons Various forms of lesson organization. Integrated lessons Development of creative abilities of children Gymnasium education Problems of development and education of students Work with parents Materials to help the administration of educational institutions Monitoring, control and evaluation of educational results Extracurricular work Local history in primary school Holiday scenarios From the history of national education (pedagogical heritage) Scientific and practical conferences Conference materials School of dialogue of cultures Gender approach in education Personality of the teacher, professional growth and self-development Training of the future teacher New textbooks Our congratulations Teacher's fate Primary school abroad Psychologist and psychology at school Poets for children Work in an extended day group, extracurricular activities Work on the OS "School 2100" in primary and high school Problem-dialogical technology Literary creativity of our readers Project activities Educational research activities of students Review of the works of outstanding psychologists Classes in the classes of educational institutions Pedagogical diagnostics Let's discuss Teaching economics in elementary school Educational technologies Rural small school Olympics, intellectual marathon Answers to letters Articles of the laureates of the 1st All-Russian competition of student works on problems of development of the OS “School 2100”

Application of the modeling method in correcting the lexico-grammatical structure of speech of children with general speech underdevelopment

Target audience: children 6-7 years old (school preparatory group)

Annotation: This article presents visual graphic models of parts of speech. When developing the models, geometric shapes familiar to children (squares, rectangles, triangles and ovals) of different colors, sizes and locations on the plane were used. The use of such models, it seems to me, makes the rather complex process of correcting the lexical and grammatical structure of the speech of children with severe speech impairment more interesting, accessible, i.e. optimizes the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher in a mass kindergarten and makes it most effective.

Formation of students' skills in educational and research activities

Target audience: geography teachers

Annotation: I use the formation of students’ skills in educational and research work when preparing teams for regional competitions dedicated to International Earth Day: an intellectual game based on the novel by Daniel Defoe “Robinson Crusoe; brain ring “Bonistics in Geography”; UIR competition dedicated to naturalists who lived and worked in our city. By systematizing the actions of students using the example of specific work, we give them experience that they can use in other academic subjects and, more importantly, on their own. Using the example of preparation for the regional brain ring, I propose to trace the main stages and methods of educational and research work with students.

Formation of UDL in younger schoolchildren in the process of research activities

Target audience: primary school teacher

Annotation: The Federal State Educational Standard, based on its methodology, assumes a system-activity approach to the training and education of schoolchildren. The principle of the system-activity approach is that the formation of a student’s personality and his advancement in development is carried out not when he perceives knowledge in a ready-made form, but in the process of his own activity aimed at “discovering new knowledge.”

Personality-oriented education of children with disabilities in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard

Target audience: teachers of correctional schools, boarding schools

Annotation: The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES) imposes new requirements for educational outcomes. The second generation Federal State Educational Standard is based, firstly, on an activity-based approach, which assumes: “...a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activities..."

Secondly, the new standard is aimed at strengthening educational work. In these conditions, personality-oriented education is becoming increasingly important. Personality-oriented education is an educational system where the child is the highest value and is placed at the center of the educational process. Personality-oriented education plays a special role in teaching children with disabilities. The article gives a brief description of the personality of such children and the features of working with them in the modern educational environment, and suggests that teachers have enough opportunities in their hands to make a child with disabilities a full-fledged personality and simply a happy person. The attitude towards such a child can be expressed by the formula: “If you are not like others, this does not mean that you are worse.”

Enriching the experience of emotional and moral attitudes towards the world and oneself in mathematics lessons

Target audience: mathematics teachers

Annotation: This article is about differentiation of the learning process, which is the best condition for preserving the health of students, identifying inclinations, developing interests and abilities, and ensuring effectiveness. The meaning of differentiation is to adapt the educational process to the cognitive capabilities of each student, to present requirements, methods and forms of training that are appropriate to the level of his development. The main purpose of the article was to describe the organization of the learning process through multi-level differentiation and individualization based on an emotional and moral attitude towards the world and oneself.

Differentiated approach in the educational process in physical education lessons

Target audience: physical education teachers

Annotation: The problem of the health of the younger generation is one of the main ones in modern pedagogy. The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. No matter what medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health! Strengthening the health of those involved is included among the main functions assigned to physical education. It is believed that to perform this function it is carried out by systematically involving students in the motor activity of all students.

It's fun to walk together! Association "DOMiNO" (Voluntary Association of Youth and Independent Organizers)

Target audience: teachers and high school students

Annotation: Today, trying to implement the democratic basis of youth education, we believe that, in its essence and content, a public youth association is a sphere favorable for the implementation of these goals.
The creation of an association is not an end in itself, but an organizational means of solving current problems. The main thing in the activities of the association is its daily work, the implementation of programs and projects.
The program of the DOMiNO circle is a leadership one. It unites young people with a common cause and gives them confidence in the opportunity to influence both their own destiny and the destiny of society. The leadership program provides teenagers with useful and necessary skills in behavior, communication and teamwork.

The problem of “blocism” when teaching spelling and punctuation in the middle school level

Annotation: This article presents the development of some forms of working with “blocks” when studying individual topics of the Russian language at secondary level. The concept of “large blocks” has long been introduced into the school curriculum. This is a combination of the material being studied, which is based on a common idea, a single basis for their combination and connection. And here there are two ways to present the study of material as a set of interconnected parts of the whole:

1) a one-time presentation of the material in the form of rules and their system,

2) generalization and systematization of the material as it progresses, leading to its perception as the final stage of study.

Approaches to generalization may vary depending on the topic and depending on the class in which the teacher works. In strong classes, students are happy to summarize the material themselves and make adjustments together during lessons. This allows you to use all types of memory when perceiving and assimilating material.

The described ways and means of studying, generalizing and systematizing spelling and punctuation rules ensure awareness of the parts as a whole, mastery of the basics of spelling and contribute to the formation of skills.

Personality-oriented approach to the student through the use of portfolio technology in educational work

Target audience: teachers, educators, parents

Annotation: The article may be useful to teachers, educators and parents, as it talks about how to use a portfolio as a stimulator of creative activity in schoolchildren. The most important component of the pedagogical process is the personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and students.

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) are understood not only as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that form the instrumental basis of a student’s competencies, but also as a process of personal development, the formation of spiritual, moral, social and family culture. The problem is that in order to realize the personal achievements of students, contact with them is required not only in the lessons of general education and special education, but also communication during extracurricular activities. Main task: To reveal the abilities of each student, to educate an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education and upbringing should promote personal growth so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and be able to respond to different life situations.

The main goal of the educational work of the school is to create a social and pedagogical environment that promotes the preservation of the natural mechanisms of development of adolescents, in which their needs for self-development and self-realization are formed.

Organization of the educational process using information and communication technologies and digital educational resources in English lessons

Target audience: for any audience

Annotation: Modern technical means are not only a new approach to the learning process, but also new forms of teaching. The organization of the educational process using ICT and digital learning is expressed in the educational and personal achievements of students, since it is aimed not at simply memorizing information, but at the active intellectual activity of students. The use of digital educational resources contributes to maximum immersion of the student in the language environment and helps practical mastery of a foreign language. In addition, the use of information technologies allows students to show their creative activity and develop a desire for cognitive activity. Individualization and differentiation of the educational process becomes easier when using various educational digital resources.

The use of modern pedagogical technologies in extracurricular activities when studying grammatical material (for example, rhymes and poems) with gifted children

Target audience: primary school

Annotation: The problem of working with gifted students is extremely relevant for modern Russian society. High demands are placed on schools today. In a good school, the child’s personality is respected; he is taught not only in the classroom, but also in the additional education system. That is why it is so important to determine the main tasks and directions of work with gifted children in the additional education system. The teacher needs to organize the activities of students in such a way that a capable, gifted student develops not only his abilities, but also his erudition, memory, intelligence, speech culture, hard work, discipline, responsibility, which are indispensable companions for creating a situation of success for students.
To do this, it is necessary to use techniques for working on grammatical material that allow you to avoid monotonous, mechanical training in the lesson. One of these techniques is the use of creative tasks with poetic and musical works.

From the experience of teaching chess in elementary school

Target audience: additional education teachers, parents, primary school teachers

Annotation: The article may be useful to primary school teachers and parents, as it talks about how to use chess as a stimulator of creative activity in schoolchildren. The chess game has a beneficial effect on the formation of universal educational actions. Additional education teachers will also be interested in the colleague’s experience.

Target audience: deputy school principals

Annotation: Preparing a teachers' council is painstaking work to create a creative, free environment for a comprehensive discussion of the issue. The effectiveness and efficiency of the teachers' council is directly proportional to how well the preparation work is planned: the stages are identified, their deadlines are specified, the purpose of each stage, the planned result, the role of each of the participants, as well as those responsible are clearly presented.

Extracurricular activities of the teacher aimed at developing the research competence of students

Target audience: teachers

Annotation: The article examines the extracurricular activities of the teacher, aimed at developing the research activities of students. It is shown that students' research activities play an important role in teaching English. The main task of the teacher is to teach students to independently obtain and process information through research activities. This task requires the targeted development of schoolchildren’s research competence, which helps strengthen their need for cognition. Thus, research activity inherently presupposes an active cognitive position.

About parental authority

Target audience: class teachers and parents

Annotation: Raising a child, undoubtedly, begins in the family; it is the family that plays the leading role in this matter. The article examines one of the important components of raising children in a family - parental authority, on which the success of upbringing depends. Several types of parental authority are presented to your attention, discussed using specific examples of upbringing.

Independent work as a means of developing students’ abilities

Target audience: 8th grade

Annotation: In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the formation of universal learning activities (UAL), it is necessary to develop such personal qualities as activity, initiative, and independence. These qualities can be developed in the process of independent learning activities in the classroom, so in my work I consider it important to develop students’ independence and organize their cooperation in the learning process.

Using a sensory room to preserve children's psychological health

Target audience: preschool teachers, parents

Annotation: In our fast-paced times, not only the intellectual stress increases, but also the stress on the emotional sphere of children. In these conditions, it is very important to preserve the psychological health of children, therefore the need for high-quality psychological support for participants in the educational process is growing. This article presents the tasks of a preschool educational institution to preserve the psychological health of children with the help of a sensory room, and also identifies the categories of children who most need to visit it.

Problems of modern education in Russia in the sociocultural context

Target audience: teachers and school administration

Annotation: Education plays a very important role in the life of an individual and society. Thanks to education, socialization occurs in the life of an individual. This is why solving educational problems is so urgent. We are increasingly faced with a discrepancy between the existing school education system and emerging social needs. Education is a process on which the future of a nation depends. That is why it is especially important to solve these problems associated with this area of ​​public life.

Formation of communicative UUD in Russian language lessons

Annotation: In my work I want to present a system of tasks and exercises that, with a systematic approach, will allow the formation of communicative universal educational actions. I will give examples of practical tasks that are not only interesting in form and content, but also aimed at developing communicative competence. Various exercises help me organize work in lessons on the basis of cooperation, instill in schoolchildren attention to words, and teach them to correctly and accurately use means of lexical expression in speech.

Intellectual games in literature lessons

Target audience: teachers of Russian language and literature

Annotation: Play is the most favorite, most natural and useful activity for children, because it gives them a wider experience of communication than stories and books, and at the same time it spares where life would not be spared. Unfortunately, children now gravitate more towards TV and computer games. But only intellectual group play will truly help them develop their abilities, prepare for life, for communicating with people. If a teacher does not want to cram in knowledge with various tricks, but learn to organize independent work of students, then he needs to start with a game.
The article discusses various types of intellectual games: “Literary Hockey”, “Literary Court”, “Own Game”, “Erudition”. The second part of the article provides a script for a literary game based on the works of A.P. Chekhov for 7th grade students.

Use of computer technologies in extracurricular activities

Target audience: the material will be interesting and useful to teachers and parents

Annotation: Nowadays, a computer is not uncommon; most information resources on the Internet can be used not only in lessons in subjects, but also in extracurricular activities. In many types of extracurricular activities, such Internet services as broadcasting, search, interactive and information are closely intertwined. By comprehensively using the capabilities of a computer network, truly excellent results can be achieved.
Psychological readiness for life in the information society, basic computer literacy, and a culture of using a personal computer are now necessary for every person, regardless of profession. All this places qualitatively new demands on general education, the purpose of which is to lay the potential for enriched personal development, to educate a generation ready to live in a modern information society, saturated with the means of new information technologies, able to work with the computing and information systems necessary in everyday life.

Practical application of the new pedagogical technology “Development of critical thinking”

Target audience: English teachers

Annotation: This article discusses the new pedagogical technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing.” Its practical application in English lessons using the strategies “Reading with stops” and “Technique of asking questions.” The article discusses two techniques developed by these strategies. A practical lesson with their use on the topic “Bad Habits” is offered.
In my work, I use elements of research in English lessons according to the methodology developed by I.O. Zagashev.
While studying the topic “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing,” I realized that the “Reading with Stops” strategy is convenient to combine with another “Technique of asking questions” according to B. Bloom’s system.
Today I would like to focus on two techniques. These are “Tree of Predictions” and “Bloom’s Chamomile”.

The role of additional education institutions in the socialization of children and adolescents

Target audience: preschool teachers

Annotation: The author of this article examines the influence of additional education on the self-determination of schoolchildren in the context of their transition to pre-professional and specialized education. He believes that a developed network of institutions for additional education for children helps a child find himself in an interesting activity, in creative communication with peers and adults, and helps a young person become literate, fully developed, and socially useful.

Pages: 1

Abstract to the article by N.V. Shmeleva “Use information and communication technologies in teaching schoolchildren the subject “the world around us.” // Primary school-2010. No. 3.- p.11-13. Section: teacher's library.

The relevance of the topic of this article is that modern educational technologies are unthinkable without the widespread use of information and communication technologies, which are increasingly becoming part of our lives. The author managed to quite fully reveal the role of ICT in primary education, especially in the lessons of the surrounding world. The use of ICT in these lessons helps to reveal the practical significance of the material being studied, show originality, ask questions and propose their own solutions. Children can see those animals or those plants that are common in other natural areas, and can hear the sounds made by animals. The inclusion of ICT in the educational process allows the teacher to organize various forms of educational and cognitive activities in the classroom, and to make the independent work of primary school students active and focused. The use of ICT in the educational process makes it possible to improve the quality of educational material and enhance educational effects, develop students’ ability to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world, master practical ways of working with information, develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means, enhance students’ cognitive activity, conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level, approach the student individually, using multi-level tasks, which is proven by examples from the author of this article.

I was especially interested in the example with modeling when studying the topic: “Houseplants are our friends.” I want to use it in my lessons - this is new to me.

The use of information technology helps stimulate the creative activity of students. The results of children's creative activity can be used by teachers as illustrative, visual material for lessons, which is proven by the author of the article with some examples In this matter, I fully support the author and the use of ICT also helps me a lot in my work, especially in lessons about the outside world.

I can give many examples from my practice and my colleagues, but I will note that students in both first and fourth grades love lessons using ICT, especially working with projects on various topics of lessons about the world around them. The author describes in some detail the work on projects using ICT.

Recently, modern learning is unthinkable without the use of Internet resources. This article by the author is very relevant and significant in modern education. Perhaps, I can only add one thing - a teacher who creates or uses information technology is forced to pay great attention to the logic of presenting educational material, which has a positive effect on the level of knowledge of students and then the children’s attitude towards the PC changes. The guys are beginning to perceive it as a universal tool for working in any area of ​​human activity, and not as a tool for games.

The experience of organizing the educational process according to the described models of using ICT in primary school in lessons, especially the surrounding world, allows us to speak about a high degree of effectiveness of the combination of the use of modern information technologies and manuals that involve knowledge through activity. This is a long and continuous process of changing the content, methods and organizational forms of training for schoolchildren, who will have to live and work in conditions of unlimited access to information.

The implementation of the possibilities of using new information technologies creates the prerequisites for the formation of an information culture of educational activities, increases the motivation of learning due to the possibility of independent choice of forms and methods of teaching, and contributes to the comprehensive development of the student’s personality.

The author of the article proves that it is in the lessons of the surrounding world with the use of information and communication technologies in teaching that all the “Requirements for meta-subject learning outcomes” outlined in the Federal State Educational Institution are solved.

Using information technology in primary school lessons is one of the most modern means of developing the personality of a junior school student; it increases the level of development of the educational system and the formation of its information culture.

In accordance with modern requirements, it seems impossible to use ICT at all stages of the lesson at once; this will lead to information and educational overload, and is also physiologically unjustified for primary school students.

A teacher who uses new information technologies in his lessons must take into account the requirements of modern sanitary legislation (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization”).

For classes with children, it is permissible to use only computer equipment that has a sanitary and epidemiological certificate on safety for children’s health. An important indicator of the effectiveness of a lesson using ICT is the mode of training sessions. For children 6 years old, the norm should not exceed 10 minutes, and for children 7-10 years old - 15 minutes. The number of lessons using ICT is no more than 3-4 lessons per week.

The mode of training sessions using computer tools is presented in Table 3 (by).

Table 3


3.3. Analysis of articles in the magazines “Primary School” and “Primary School Plus Before and After” for 2006-2010.

An analysis of articles in the magazine “Primary School” and “Primary School Plus Before and After” over the past five years showed that primary school teachers use information and communication technologies in Russian language and literature lessons in the following way.

In his article “First Place for the Computer,” he talks about how the use of new information technologies can transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, rationalizing child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly, arousing children’s interest in learning. In Russian language lessons, the teacher uses a variety of games; the computer solves the problem of a lack of mobile visualization.

For example, the game “Throw the ball into the net”

shares his experience of how you can quickly teach children to independently work with large texts, using the ability to highlight key words and phrases on the computer. Thus, in Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin’s story “Conversation of Trees,” children are asked to highlight figurative words and expressions in red. When getting acquainted with the work of K. Paustovsky “Badger’s Nose”, it is proposed to select and move to the right side the words that can describe the changing mood of the little badger.

According to the author, the computer is a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited ones. On the screen, you can quickly transform distorted text, turning disparate sentences into a coherent story. Children do not need to write; it is enough to work with a keyboard and mouse, which means that the fear of writing is removed.

Game “You are the editor”.

Replace the highlighted nouns with pronouns.

There is a bad reputation about the fox, as if fox carries chickens. But in reality it is rare fox it succeeds. More often fox hunts for mice. U foxes sensitive hearing. As soon as the mouse squeaks, the fox is already right there.

she has

Teachers A and in the article “Use of new information technologies in lessons in elementary school” offer developments in text restoration.

Teachers tried to use information technology to slightly change the approach to text work. Based on the integration of traditional lessons and computer science lessons, the boundaries of active and conscious activity of students are significantly expanded. In a Russian language lesson in 3rd grade, children are offered a text about a bear, presented in the Microsoft Word text editor, which was studied in computer science lessons in 2nd grade. The word "bear" is missing from the text. After reading the text, children are asked to determine the genre of the work, the theme of the text, then the children try to insert the word bear into the text and come to the conclusion that the text turned out to be ugly, unliterary, since the word “bear” is often repeated. Children offer their own versions of words that can replace this word and type them on the computer in the document after the text. In a similar way, children come up with and design a series of headings for the text. After the work has been done, using the compiled list and the “Copy” operation, they paste their options into the text. By building a lesson in this way, the authors solve several problems:

Implement the ability to collect material for a statement and save it (using it not only for this particular lesson, but also in subsequent forms of work);

– while maintaining a creative approach to creating text, they practice the ability to repeatedly improve what they have written, correcting the grammatical structure of the sentence and the style of the text;

– pay attention specifically to the construction of each sentence, and not to mechanically copying it into a notebook.
