Essay about smoking in English. The Problem of Smoking - The problem of smoking, oral topic in English with translation. Topic. Text translation: The Problem of Smoking - The problem of smoking

The Problem of Smoking

Smoking is the best way to bad health. Today half the men and a quarter of the women in the world smoke on the average.

Some people think that there is not much sense in refraining from smoking, since the inhabitants of many cities and even villages breathe air contaminated with industrial and automobile wastes. They are very wrong. Vehicle exhaust gases are harmful in themselves, but a smoking driver is subject to something far more dangerous.

Take another example: according to WHO (World Health Organization) figures, the sick rate is higher among smoking workers of the heavy engineering, chemical, ceramic, mining, building, cement and rubber industries.

The harm of tobacco smoke on women should be especially emphasized. In particular, smoking may affect the course of pregnancy. Smoking women may bring into the world crippled or abnormal children.

The evidence that exposure to other people's smoke is dangerous to health is now incontrovertible. The exposure to secondhand smoke is a serious health risk to non-smokers, increasing their chance of contracting lung cancer and heart disease. The degree of risk depends on the extent and duration of exposure.Particularly there is a high risk among workers in the hospitality industries (bar staff, casino workers and other employees in workplaces where smoking is routine). It is estimated that secondhand smoke causes one premature death a week.

In the past few years some measures have been taken to reduce smoking. There has been a growing awareness of the dangers of smoking throughout the world. The anti-smoking campaigns launched in a number of countries have brought about extensive public censorship of this harmful habit and a decrease in the number of smokers among some groups of the population.

In our country the campaign to beat the cigarette habit has acquired a purposeful nature. Special legislative, medical and educational measures are being worked out.

Instructions forbid smoking among schoolchildren. Lessons on the harm of smoking have been included in courses of the anatomy, physiology and hygiene, the sale of cigarettes to minors is prohibited. Warnings against the harm of smoking are printed on packets of cigarette brands.

The ministries of railways, civil aviation, merchant marine and culture have worked out and now implement measures for regulating, limiting and restricting smoking in long-distance and suburban trains, planes, on sea vessels, in theaters, clubs, etc.

Smoking problem

Smoking is the best way to ruin your health. Today, on average, half of all men and a quarter of all women smoke worldwide.

Some people think that there is little point in abstaining from smoking, since residents of many cities and even villages breathe air polluted by industrial waste and exhaust fumes. They are very wrong. Car exhaust fumes are very harmful in themselves, but a smoking driver is at even greater risk.

To take another example, according to the World Health Organization, workers in the heavy, chemical, ceramics, coal, construction, cement and rubber industries who smoke have higher rates of illness.

Particularly noteworthy is the negative impact of tobacco smoke on women. Smoking in particular can affect the pregnancy process. There is a risk that women who smoke may give birth to disabled or defective children.

Today there is no need to prove that exposure to tobacco smoke on other people is dangerous to health. Exposure to secondhand smoke poses serious health risks to nonsmokers, increasing the chances of developing lung cancer or heart disease. The degree of risk depends on the radius and duration of such exposure. The risk is especially high among people working in the service industry (bar workers, casino workers and other employees), where smoking is common. According to calculations, passive smoking causes one premature death per week.

IN Lately Certain measures are being taken to reduce the number of smokers. Over the past few years, awareness that smoking is harmful has increased throughout the world. Campaigns against smoking in a number of countries have led to public disapproval of this bad habit and have contributed to a decrease in the number of smokers among some segments of the population.

In our country, the anti-smoking campaign has become targeted. Special legislative, medical and educational measures are being developed.

According to the rules j smoking among schoolchildren is prohibited. Lectures on the dangers of smoking were included in courses on anatomy, physiology and hygiene. The sale of cigarettes to minors is prohibited. Warnings about the dangers of smoking are printed on cigarette packs.

The Ministries of Railways, Civil Aviation, Merchant Marine and Culture have developed measures that are currently being implemented. These regulations limit and reduce smoking on long-distance and suburban trains, on airplanes, sea ​​vessels, in theaters, clubs, etc.


1. How many people do smoke in the world today?
2. Why do people think that there is not much sense in refraining from smoking?
3. Why are they wrong?
4. What are the industries where the sick rate among smoking workers is higher?
5. How may smoking affect the course of pregnancy?
6. Why is the exposure to secondhand smoke a serious health risk to non-smokers?
7. What does the degree of risk depend on?
8. Where is the risk among workers exposed to secondhand smoking particularly high?
9. What measures have been taken to reduce smoking in the past few years?
10. What has been done to prevent smoking among schoolchildren?


health - health
half - half, one half
quarter - quarter, fourth part
on the average - on average
to refrain - to refrain
inhabitant - resident
to breathe - breathe
to contaminate - to dirty, to pollute
wastes - garbage, waste
exhaust gas - exhaust gas
harmful - harmful, harmful, destructive; noxious (to)
to subject - to expose (to influence, influence, etc.; to)
according to - in accordance with, according to, according to
rate - proportion, ratio; coefficient; degree; percentage, share
heavy engineering - heavy engineering
mining - coal
harm - harm; loss, damage, damage (in; to)
to emphasize - to give special meaning; emphasize; emphasize
in particular - in particular, in particular
to affect - to subject to physical influence, pressure; to cause harm, to cause damage
pregnancy - pregnancy
cripple - disabled
abnormal - abnormal, incorrect; abnormal; abnormal
evidence - proof* confirmation; certificate
exposure - exposure to something. influence
dangerous - dangerous; risky
incontrovertible - indisputable, irrefutable, indisputable, indisputable, undoubted
secondhand smoke - passive smoking
to increase - increase, increase; grow; intensify)
to contract - honey get infected, get sick
lung cancer - lung cancer
heart disease - heart disease; heart disease
degree - degree, level
to depend - to depend, to be dependent (on someone/something - on, upon)
extent - space, extent, distance, extent
duration - length, duration, duration
to estimate - to estimate; approximate
to cause - to serve as a reason/reason for something; motivate smth.
premature death - untimely death
to take measures - take measures
to reduce - weaken, lower, reduce, decrease
awareness - awareness, awareness
to launch - launch, start (something, some action)
throughout the world - all over the world
censure - disapproval, condemnation, censure
decrease - decrease, decrease, reduction; decrease; decline, decline, decline
campaign - campaign
to beat (past tense - beat; parable past tense - beaten) - win, beat
to acquire - receive, acquire
purposeful - purposeful; having intention; goal-oriented
legislative - legislative
to work out - develop (plan); draw up (document)
to forbid (past tense - forbad, forbade; parable past tense - forbidden) - to prohibit; do not allow
to include - to contain, to include, to contain
to prohibit - prohibit
brand - Trademark, brand
railway - railway; railway track
civil aviation - civil Aviation
merchant marine - merchant fleet
to implement - perform, carry out; enforce, carry out
to restrict - limit

Please discuss these questions in groups and answer( Distributes questionnaires With questions)

Please discuss these questions within the group and answer them.

    Discussion of the groups' answers to questions, further construction of the collage.

1. What is your attitude to smoking?(What is your attitude towards smoking?)

2. Who has the right to smoke? Why do you thing so?(Who has a greater right to smoke? Why do you think so?)

3. Doyouknowalotabouttheharmofsmoking? (Do you talk a lot about the dangers of smoking to your health?)

What diseases are caused with smoking? How smoking influences on people’s appearance. Smoking is the cause of… and makes...(What diseases does smoking cause? How does it affect a person’s appearance? Smoking causes... and makes...)

4. Whatisthereasonofteenagerssmoking? (What are the reasons teenage smoking?)

5. Doyourparentssmoke? (Do your parents smoke?)

6. Why do you think grown-ups smoke?(In your opinion, why do adults smoke?)

7. Do you hate smoking people? The smoking of people affect(s)…(How do you feel about people who smoke? Smoking affects people...)

    Reading texts. Discussion.

- Do you know what measures take againstsmokingin Britain, in Russia, In Yakutia? Let's read about it. The first group will read about Britain, the second group – about Russia. Try to find out the measures are taken against smoking. I'll give you 3 minutes.

Do you know what measures are being taken against smoking in the UK, Russia, Yakutia? Let's read about it. The first group will read about Great Britain, the second - about Russia. Try to find measures that are being taken against smoking. I give you 3 minutes.

    Exchange of information. Further construction of the collage.

What measures have you found in the text?Which measures are taken againstsmokingin Britain, in Russia?( Completing the collage ) Thank youyou! And what about the measures are taken against smoking in Yakutia? Do you know any of them?

What measures did you find in the text?

What measures have been taken against smoking in Britain and Russia? Thank you! What about the measures taken against smoking in Yakutia? Do you know some of them?

As you know, in our republic smoking is also a very big problem, especially among teenagers. Many measures against smoking are spent in our Republic. For example, the Ministry of Education of The Republic of Sacha Yakutia spends mass preventive work among pupils of the seventh up to the tenth classes.( Distributes position O republican competition) Many schools take part in the republican competition "Classes, free from smoking" The aim of this project is to help teenagers to see the advantages of non-smoking. This project is very popular all over the Russian Federation. It is held since 2002. In your opinion, are such projects useful?

As you know, smoking in our republic is a big problem, especially among teenagers. Many anti-smoking activities are carried out. An example of this is that the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia is conducting mass preventive work among students in the seventh to tenth grades. He holds a national competition "Smoking-free classrooms". Target of this project: Help students see the benefits of not smoking. This project is popular throughout Russia. It has been held since 2002. In your opinion, do you think such projects are useful?

about the dangers of smoking in English and received the best answer

Answer from Andrey Pystogov[expert]
Tobacco smoking is considered a typical risk factor: it brings short-term relaxation, but in the long-term harmful effects of the heart, circulatory system, causing a first myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. It is many times increases the risk of various cancers, including larynx and lungs, can cause duodenal ulcers and chronic bronchitis. The worst thing in these severe illnesses that they tend to evolve over time and only gradually becomes clear their true scale.

Tobacco addiction is not less than heroin, revered the most powerful drug. When this fact according to leading U.S. surgeon Everett Koop, it struck a storm of ridicule and harassment raised by leading U.S. tobacco companies, and countless numbers of their followers.

Motives to regular smoking may be quite different. This desire and better "relax" and to cope with uncertainty when dealing with other people, and create an image emansipirovannosti. If today a lot of people smoke despite the obvious risk to his health, especially for mental reasons, to overcome that they do not have enough strength.
In Russian

Tobacco smoking is considered a typical risk factor: it brings short-term relaxation, but in the long term it harms the heart and circulatory system, primarily causing myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. It greatly increases the risk of various cancers, in particular of the larynx and lungs, and can cause duodenal ulcers and chronic bronchitis. The worst thing about these serious diseases is that they usually develop over a long time and only gradually their true extent becomes clear.

Tobacco is no less addictive than heroin, which is considered the most powerful drug. When leading US surgeon Everett Koop announced this fact, he was met with a storm of ridicule and ridicule from the leading American tobacco companies and countless of their consumer followers.

The reasons for regular smoking are completely different. This is a desire to “relax” better, and to overcome uncertainty when contacting other people, and to create an image of emancipation. If today many people smoke despite the obvious risk to their health, then first of all mental reasons, which they lack the strength to overcome.

Answer from Dima Lubka[active]
Do your friends or guests smoke in your room or office? Let them know that smoking in this room is not a good tradition.
No Smoking Screensaver is a free screen saver easy to install and use. No Smoking Screensaver shows a simple no smoking sign and a scrolling text at the bottom that can be user customized. This screensaver was first designed for use in a local computer fair. It was installed and used on a single computer on the fair main entrance...
No Smoking Screensaver is free and can be redistributed at no charge for commercial and non commercial use. However to activate the No Smoking Screensaver you have to subscribe to our GIBER newsletter. When you subscribe you will get the activation code by e-mail at no charge. We remember you that we need your e-mail just to notify you about our GIBER products.
Install/Uninstall feature supported.

Answer from Yergey Boggov[expert]
only if delivered to your home...

Answer from Svetlana vishnevskaya[guru]
smoking is one of the best habits nowadays. some people start it at a very young age - as a way way of showing off or trying to make an impression on somebody. Or maybe just to demonstrate how mature and independent they are, i don"t know exactly why. i suppose everyone has his or her own way of seeking this bad habit. At first they don"t realize that it can last till the end of their lives with a lot of difficulties trying to get rid of it. They believe they can give up at any moment, how naive they are! the idea that it"s time to give up comes up to their minds only when they become aware that they have got some health problems. At this point they begin to understand that giving up smoking is not so easy as they used to think it is .They turn to different methods, however they help not so often as you could suppose. To my mind, only your strong will and desire can help. Of course, the person willing to give it up should switch on some activities that would help him or she to forget about it: try backpacking, trekking, cycling or what-not. And the support of their nearest and dearest is the main factor? in my opinion.

Answer from Yergey Zavodunov[newbie]
The problem of smoking is very acute in modern society. You can see lots of men, women and even teenagers smoking in the streets. It is, of course, the shortest way to bad health. There are many other harmful waste gases in the air nowadays. They come from industrial or automobile manufacturing. However, smoking is the worst of all fumes. Even if we don’t smoke ourselves but simply inhale these fumes from other smokers’ cigarettes, it is harmful. Those who don’t smoke but sit next to smoking people are called passive smokers. In the past few years, measures have been taken to reduce smoking. In a number of countries the anti-smoking campaigns were launched. As a result smoking was banned in public places in some cities. Our country is also on its way to struggling with smoking. Not a long time ago a new law was introduced that all restaurants should have separate areas for non-smokers. Many schools run a series of lectures on the harm of smoking and it has a positive effect on children. Modern teenagers are told about the sad outcomes of smoking. Apart from breathing problems and bad smell, smoking leads to heart attacks and strokes at an early age. Other than that many people suffered from cancer because of smoking. Appearance also suffers: the teeth become yellow, the skin and hair look unhealthy and pale, the immune system become weak. The harm of cigarettes for women should be especially highlighted. They give birth to children and it’s difficult to have a healthy child being a smoker. Above all, cigarettes are costly and they worsen the personal budget. As you can see, there are no advantages of smoking at all, only harm and danger.
The problem of smoking is very acute in modern society. On the streets you can see many men, women and even teenagers smoking. This is, of course, the shortest path to poor health. Currently, there are many other harmful gas emissions in the air. This is waste from industrial or automotive production. However, smoking is the worst of all gases. Even if we do not smoke ourselves, but simply inhale fumes from the cigarettes of other smokers, this is harmful. Those who do not smoke but sit next to people who smoke are called passive smokers. Over the past few years, measures have been taken to reduce smoking. Anti-smoking campaigns have been launched in a number of countries. As a result, some cities banned smoking in public places. Our country is also on the way to combat smoking. Recently introduced new law that all restaurants must have separate non-smoking areas. Many schools have launched a series of lectures on the dangers of smoking, and this has a positive impact on children. Today's teenagers are told about the sad results of smoking. In addition to breathing problems and bad odor, smoking leads to heart attacks and strokes at an early age. In addition, many people suffer from cancer due to smoking. Appearance also suffers: teeth become yellow, skin and hair look unhealthy and pale, the immune system weakens. It is necessary to especially highlight the harm from cigarettes for women. They give birth to children and it's hard to have healthy child, being a smoker. In addition, cigarettes are expensive and worsen your personal budget. As you can see, there are no benefits from smoking at all, only harm and danger.

We all have habits, good or bad. Some of them are a bit strange: reading magazines back to front, for instance. Others can be annoying: like biting your nails or being always late. You are lucky if you have only good and healthy habits: jogging every morning or brushing your teeth after meals. Unfortunately many people have bad habits which mainly cause serious health problems. The most common habits are smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. They usually come out as a result of some stress, anger or boredom. Some teenagers start smoking because they believe that it’s cool. Bad habits are dangerous and expensive. What is more, for many people they are addictive. It means that it’ll be very hard to quit them once you have started.

Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs can ruin someone’s life. For example, smoking damages lungs and causes cancer. By the way it is the number one killer in many countries today. About 90% of lung cancer patients developed their disease because of smoking. Chain smokers are also susceptible to heart diseases and strokes. Passive smoking is very harmful for surrounding people as well, especially for children and pregnant women. As for drinking alcohol, it can ruin your liver and kidney. Besides, very drunk people and drug addicts become aggressive and violent. They can easily commit a crime under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drunk driving is the main reason for car accident deaths in our world. Most bad habits have a great impact on people’s social life and their jobs.

Breaking the bad habits is the hardest thing to do. So it’s better not to start or try them at all. Scientists and doctors state that the way you treat your body in the first half of your life will affect how healthy you are in the second half of it. That’s why we should have only good and healthy habits. Our world would be a better place without cigarettes and drugs.


We all have habits, good or bad. Some of them are a little strange: for example, reading a magazine starting from the last page. Others can be annoying, such as nail biting or being constantly late. You are lucky if you only have good and healthy habits: running in the morning or brushing your teeth after eating. Unfortunately, many people have bad habits that mostly lead to serious health problems. The most common habits are smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. They usually appear as a result of some kind of stress, anger or boredom. Some teenagers start smoking because they think it's cool. Bad habits are dangerous and costly. Moreover, for many people they form an addiction. This means that it will be very difficult to get rid of them once you start.

Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy a person's life. For example, smoking damages the lungs and leads to cancer. By the way, today in many countries it is the number one killer. About 90% of lung cancer patients have this disease due to smoking. Heavy smokers are also susceptible to heart disease and stroke. Second-hand smoke is also very harmful to others, especially children and pregnant women. As for drinking alcohol, it can damage your liver and kidneys. In addition, heavily drunk people and drug addicts become aggressive and violent. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can easily commit a crime. Drunk driving is the leading cause of death in car accidents. Most bad habits have a big impact on social life and human work.

Getting rid of bad habits is a very difficult task. Therefore, it is better not to start or try at all. Scientists and doctors say that how you treat your body in the first half of your life will affect how healthy you will be in the second half. Therefore, we only need good and healthy habits. Our world will become a better place without cigarettes and drugs.

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The Problem of Smoking

Smoking is the best way to bad health. Today half the men and a quarter of the women in the world smoke on the average.
Some people think that there is not much sense in refraining from smoking, since the inhabitants of many cities and even villages breathe air contaminated with industrial and automobile wastes. They are very wrong. Vehicle exhaust gases are harmful in themselves, but a smoking driver is subject to something far more dangerous.
Take another example: according to WHO (World Health Organization) figures, the sick rate is higher among smoking workers of the heavy engineering, chemical, ceramic, mining, building, cement and rubber industries.
The harm of tobacco smoke on women should be especially emphasized. In particular, smoking may affect the course of pregnancy. Smoking women may bring into the world crippled or abnormal children.
The evidence that exposure to other people's smoke is dangerous to health is now incontrovertible. The exposure to secondhand smoke is a serious health risk to non-smokers, increasing their chance of contracting lung cancer and heart disease. The degree of risk depends on the extent and duration of exposure. Particularly there is a high risk among workers in the hospitality industries (bar staff, casino workers and other employees in workplaces where smoking is routine). It is estimated that secondhand smoke causes one premature death a week.
In the past few years some measures have been taken to reduce smoking. There has been a growing awareness of the dangers of smoking throughout the world. The anti-smoking campaigns launched in a number of countries have brought about extensive public censorship of this harmful habit and a decrease in the number of smokers among some groups of the population.
In our country the campaign to beat the cigarette habit has acquired a purposeful nature. Special legislative, medical and educational measures are being worked out.
Instructions forbid smoking among schoolchildren. Lessons on the harm of smoking have been included in courses of the anatomy, physiology and hygiene, the sale of cigarettes to minors is prohibited. Warnings against the harm of smoking are printed on packets of cigarette brands.
The ministries of railways, civil aviation, merchant marine and culture have worked out and now implement measures for regulating, limiting and restricting smoking in long-distance and suburban trains, planes, on sea vessels, in theaters, clubs, etc.

Smoking problem

Smoking is the best way to ruin your health. Today, on average, half of all men and a quarter of all women smoke worldwide.
Some people think that there is little point in abstaining from smoking, since residents of many cities and even villages breathe air polluted by industrial waste and exhaust fumes. They are very wrong. Car exhaust fumes are very harmful in themselves, but a smoking driver is at even greater risk.
To take another example, according to the World Health Organization, workers in the heavy, chemical, ceramics, coal, construction, cement and rubber industries who smoke have higher rates of illness.
Particularly noteworthy is the negative impact of tobacco smoke on women. Smoking in particular can affect the pregnancy process. There is a risk that women who smoke may give birth to disabled or defective children.
Today there is no need to prove that exposure to tobacco smoke on other people is dangerous to health. Exposure to secondhand smoke poses serious health risks to nonsmokers, increasing the chances of developing lung cancer or heart disease. The degree of risk depends on the radius and duration of such exposure. The risk is especially high among people working in the service industry (bar workers, casino workers and other employees), where smoking is common. It is estimated that secondhand smoke causes one premature death per week.
Recently, certain measures have been taken to reduce the number of smokers. Over the past few years, awareness that smoking is harmful has increased throughout the world. Campaigns against smoking in a number of countries have led to public disapproval of this bad habit and have contributed to a decrease in the number of smokers among some segments of the population.
In our country, the anti-smoking campaign has become targeted. Special legislative, medical and educational measures are being developed.
According to the rules j smoking among schoolchildren is prohibited. Lectures on the dangers of smoking were included in courses on anatomy, physiology and hygiene. The sale of cigarettes to minors is prohibited. Warnings about the dangers of smoking are printed on cigarette packs.
The Ministries of Railways, Civil Aviation, Merchant Marine and Culture have developed measures that are currently being implemented. These regulations limit and reduce smoking on long-distance and suburban trains, on airplanes, on ships, in theaters, clubs, etc.


1. How many people do smoke in the world today?
2. Why do people think that there is not much sense in refraining from smoking?
3. Why are they wrong?
4. What are the industries where the sick rate among smoking workers is higher?
5. How may smoking affect the course of pregnancy?
6. Why is the exposure to secondhand smoke a serious health risk to non-smokers?
7. What does the degree of risk depend on?
8. Where is the risk among workers exposed to secondhand smoking particularly high?
9. What measures have been taken to reduce smoking in the past few years?
10. What has been done to prevent smoking among schoolchildren?


health - health
half - half, one half
quarter - quarter, fourth part
on the average - on average
to refrain - to refrain
inhabitant - resident
to breathe - breathe
to contaminate - to dirty, to pollute
wastes - garbage, waste
exhaust gas - exhaust gas
harmful - harmful, harmful, destructive; noxious (to)
to subject - to expose (to influence, influence, etc.; to)
according to - in accordance with, according to, according to
rate - proportion, ratio; coefficient; degree; percentage, share
heavy engineering - heavy engineering
mining - coal
harm - harm; loss, damage, damage (in; to)
to emphasize - to give special meaning; emphasize; emphasize
in particular - in particular, in particular
to affect - to subject to physical influence, pressure; to cause harm, to cause damage
pregnancy - pregnancy
cripple - disabled
abnormal - abnormal, incorrect; abnormal; abnormal
evidence - proof* confirmation; certificate
exposure - exposure to something. influence
dangerous - dangerous; risky
incontrovertible - indisputable, irrefutable, indisputable, indisputable, undoubted
secondhand smoke - passive smoking
to increase - increase, increase; grow; intensify)
to contract - honey get infected, get sick
lung cancer - lung cancer
heart disease - heart disease; heart disease
degree - degree, level
to depend - to depend, to be dependent (on someone/something - on, upon)
extent - space, extent, distance, extent
duration - length, duration, duration
to estimate - to estimate; approximate
to cause - to serve as a reason/reason for something; motivate smth.
premature death - untimely death
to take measures - take measures
to reduce - weaken, lower, reduce, decrease
awareness - awareness, awareness
to launch - launch, start (something, some action)
throughout the world - all over the world
censure - disapproval, condemnation, censure
decrease - decrease, decrease, reduction; decrease; decline, decline, decline
campaign - campaign
to beat (past tense - beat; parable past tense - beaten) - win, beat
to acquire - receive, acquire
purposeful - purposeful; having intention; goal-oriented
legislative - legislative
to work out - develop (plan); draw up (document)
to forbid (past tense - forbad, forbade; parable past tense - forbidden) - to prohibit; do not allow
to include - to contain, to include, to contain
to prohibit - prohibit
brand - Trademark, brand
railway - railway; railway track
civil aviation - civil aviation
merchant marine - merchant fleet
to implement - perform, carry out; enforce, carry out
to restrict - limit
