Sea buckthorn hair mask homemade. Sea buckthorn berry hair masks are a godsend for problem hair. Simple rules for using sea buckthorn for hair

Both women and men dream of boasting thick and healthy hair. If a suitable shampoo is not found, then a recipe for beautiful hair is sought in folk remedies. You can bring the skin and hair in order if you use the exceptional composition of sea buckthorn berries for treatment. Knowing information about how, under what conditions to apply and to whom sea buckthorn is suitable for hair will help you figure it out and choose your method.

Medicinal properties of golden fruits

  • Strengthening the roots of weakened hair.
  • Active growth of new strands and restoration of old ones.
  • Healing wounds, scratches and providing nutrients to the scalp.
  • Elimination of problems associated with the appearance of dandruff.
  • Positive effect on the appearance of hair.

The benefits of sea buckthorn for hair

Women who take care of their health use valuable fruits of garden culture in home cosmetology. The concentration of tartaric, oxalic, malic and pyruvic acids in sea buckthorn is an order of magnitude higher than in other plants and products. The high content of fructose and carotenoids explains the fact that sea buckthorn tea is so effective in helping to heal hair. To get healthy curls, you need to nourish the scalp with B vitamins, fatty acids and minerals of natural origin. The fruits of sea buckthorn contain all the necessary substances. If the problem of hair loss, weak curls, dryness of the scalp is relevant for a woman, then with regular application of the sea buckthorn mask, the hair will become healthy and well-groomed again.

Before the initial use of products in which the main component is the berries of a healing culture, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction of the hair on the head to sea buckthorn. Applying a few simple recommendations, you should definitely check whether sea buckthorn is suitable for hair in a particular case.

  • Girls with normal, mixed, oily or dry hair types can use such natural remedies, but ground berries should be added to the mask only after they have been frozen and then treated with boiling water. After such actions, there will be no surprise in the form of red curls. But blondes better play it safe and first try the mask on a few inconspicuous strands.
  • If there are cuts or wounds on the scalp, then sea buckthorn masks cannot be used, in this case, you must first heal the cuts by lubricating them with a small amount of oil.
  • A medicinal product with herbal ingredients is distributed on unwashed hair, comb the strands, cover the hair with a towel and wait half an hour. The procedure should be carried out twice in seven days, but in total the general course should be no more than ten sessions.

Options for the use of sea buckthorn products

  • Sea buckthorn oil. The heated liquid can be applied to combed hair or rubbed into the weakened roots of curls for several hours before washing the head. Sea buckthorn oil for hair is the basis of a firming mask. A simple recipe for the remedy includes two tablespoons of olive and natural sea buckthorn oils, egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. The mixture with thoroughly mixed ingredients is distributed on the hair and left to achieve the desired effect for half an hour, not forgetting to cover the hair with a warm towel during the procedure. It is important to remember that olive or vegetable oil should be added to prepare the mask, otherwise the concentrated sea buckthorn hair oil can harm the curls. As an additional filler, for the preparation of the mask, argan, linseed, burdock oils, and mustard powder, and oatmeal, and carrot puree are used. But the key component of the mask is sea buckthorn oil, which is a natural healer for hair.
  • Sea buckthorn decoction. This miracle cure is suitable not only for those who want to strengthen and nourish their hair with useful elements, but also for those who are at risk of baldness. Brewed berries and leaves of valuable culture insist in a thermos for four hours. Rub the decoction into the roots of falling hair and leave overnight. As a preventive measure, the usual rinse is replaced with such a berry decoction, which gives a shiny and beautiful look to the hair.

Folk sea buckthorn remedies

In folk medicine, there are many cosmetic recipes with a golden berry for hair and scalp. Plants from the garden, forests and ingredients that are in every home are used. It remains to choose your suitable recipe.

  • For oily hair. Finely chopped dry burdock roots in the amount of one tablespoon boil in one glass of water. After cooling, pour five tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil into the resulting broth. Shake the oily liquid, rub it into the hair roots in need of treatment and keep your head warm for an hour and a half.
  • For rinsing hair. Dilute 0.2 liters of sea buckthorn juice with filtered water. Cut the burning nettle leaves and add to the liquid mixture. Leave the future hair product for 45 minutes on low heat. When the broth has cooled, strain it and pour into a glass jar. Before application, dilute the vegetable rinse with water at the rate of one glass per liter of clean water.
  • A universal recipe for all types of hair. Make a puree from the washed fruits of a valuable crop. Add a spoonful of honey and castor oil to the berry mixture. If possible, drop a little cinnamon essential oil into the product. Lubricate the scalp and hair with a nourishing composition. To achieve the result, leave the mask for forty-five minutes.

It is possible to feel and be surprised by healthy and shiny curls with proper hair care. High-quality shampoos, proper shampooing and sea buckthorn for hair are the best gift. The valuable fruits of a common horticultural crop contain useful and important elements, a rich combination of which is not found in other plants. The effect of sea buckthorn products, decoctions, oils, rinses is so amazing that along with strengthened and beautiful hair, self-confidence is acquired and individuality is emphasized.

How useful sea buckthorn for hair can be judged by the numerous folk recipes that have come down to our times.

Golden berries have been used as a medicinal product for a long time. It is saturated with useful elements: B vitamins, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, omega, magnesium - you can’t list everything! About 190 substances useful for humans are collected in a suitable proportion for our body.

sea ​​buckthorn berries

A lot can be said about the benefits of sea buckthorn for the whole body, but let's pay attention to the beauty of hair. A survey of men about what they evaluate when meeting a woman showed that not only eyes, lips, and skin are important.

The condition of the hair is important: if they are healthy, well-groomed, soft, shiny, then the man subconsciously (or maybe consciously) notes that such a woman will give birth to healthy children. And many women pay attention to their hair no less than facial care.

Golden fruits can give hair that shine and luxury that many dream of. Bush berry oil is ideal for dry and fine hair. They will quickly bring them back to life and give strength. If the hair quickly becomes oily, then a decoction of sea buckthorn juice is suitable. For prevention and strengthening, make a decoction of the bark and leaves of sea buckthorn.

From falling out

Sea buckthorn oil for hair is ideal for dry and thin hair. They will quickly help bring them back to life and give strength. If the hair quickly becomes oily, then a decoction of sea buckthorn juice is suitable. For prevention and strengthening, make a decoction of the bark and leaves of sea buckthorn.

How to apply a mask or sea buckthorn oil on your hair:

Apply or soak your fingers in oil (it would be better if you add egg yolk or honey to the oil), and then apply it to the hair roots, gently massaging the scalp. The longer you do this, the more benefits it brings: blood flows to the head and nourishes the hair follicles, and the oil gives away its nutrients. Wash your hair with warm water and a good shampoo afterwards.

You can also apply a product (for example, oil with honey) to the roots of the hair and a little to the tips. Wrap in a hat or towel and leave for 40 minutes or an hour. Then rinse with shampoo and warm water. No sea buckthorn, replace it with or a mask.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn hair

Sea buckthorn fights hair loss, dandruff. It has a strengthening and preventive effect, makes hair thicker and gives shine, as it accelerates their growth, gives a “start” to new hair and nourishes the bulbs. Using sea buckthorn masks, the skin is saturated with vitamins and other elements. The tool has a regenerating effect. It also contains carotene, an essential element in the structure of the hair.

However, in everything you need to remember the measure. Sea buckthorn is a strong medicinal plant, its overabundance can be harmful. Therefore, it is better not to use the oil in its pure form: dilute it with other oils, and in this way the bad effect can be reduced. Be sure to check if you have an allergic reaction before use: to do this, put a little mixture on your wrist, hold for a few minutes, rinse with water. If there is no itching or redness, feel free to use the gifts of sea buckthorn. But don't forget to be careful with the quantity!

So, we can conclude that the benefits of sea buckthorn for our body are undeniable. Hair is no exception. Try it and you will be convinced of it. The gifts of nature are the best for your health, use them wisely. May your hair always be healthy!

Sea buckthorn oil has a number of medicinal properties that allow it to be used to improve hair:





As a result, sea buckthorn oil helps fight dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, increases hair density, restores structure, and normalizes sebum secretion. All these properties are achieved due to the unique composition. It contains:

    Carotenoids(vitamin A)- have a wound healing and disinfecting effect, participate in the synthesis of collagen and keratin.

    Vitamin E- has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, protects the hair from harmful effects.

    Vitamin C- has an antioxidant effect, nourishes and saturates the hair with oxygen.

    B vitamins- improve the general condition of the hair.

    Fatty acid- nourish and revitalize the scalp,

The use of sea buckthorn oil will be useful for owners of all types of hair. Remarkable results are obtained by sea buckthorn oil in the fight against alopecia, helps to relieve headaches.

Rules for the use of sea buckthorn oil for hair

Sea buckthorn hair oil is used in different ways - massages and wraps are done with it, masks, creams and conditioners are made. To achieve a sustainable result, you need to use the oil regularly, preferably twice a week, for some time. Since it has a cumulative effect, when the procedures are terminated or interrupted, the course will need to be started again.

    It is better to use not pure oil, but with the addition of other ingredients.

    Before applying the oil should be heated in a water bath.

    Prepare formulations based on sea buckthorn oil before use.

    For more convenient application, you can use a syringe without a needle or an empty bottle with a dispenser, brush or sponge.

    After completing the procedure, rinse your hair with water with the addition of lemon juice or herbal decoction.

In some cases, sea buckthorn oil can cause burning and various allergic reactions. People with particularly sensitive skin should first test the oil on a small area on the elbow or on the back of the head.

Owners of blond hair should remember - sea buckthorn oil can make them a little darker, give a reddish tint. After the termination of the procedures, this effect will disappear literally after 2-3 shampoos.

TOP 5 recipes for hair masks with sea buckthorn oil

There are dozens of ways to use sea buckthorn oil for hair on the Internet, but most of them are variations on several of the most well-established ones. You can use any of the ready-made options found, or create your own, suitable for you. Below is a selection of those recipes that deserve the best reviews.

A simple sea buckthorn mask recipe for all hair types

Sea buckthorn oil mask is suitable for owners of any hair, it will accelerate their growth and reduce hair loss. For her you need:

    2 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oils,

    1 tbsp base oil (burdock, castor, almond or argan).

Sea buckthorn oil should be mixed with the base oil or their mixture and heated. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots, you can gently massage. Then we put on a waterproof cap or wrap our head with cling film and wrap it with a towel. After 40 minutes - an hour, wash your hair with shampoo, you can rinse them with chamomile infusion.

Dimexide and sea buckthorn oil for hair growth

Sea buckthorn oil mask with dimexide will significantly accelerate hair growth - up to 5 centimeters per month. But it is not suitable for owners of very oily hair. For her, you need to prepare:

    Liquid dimexide (sold in pharmacies) - 1 tsp,

    Sea buckthorn oil - 2 tsp,

    Water - 2 tablespoons,

    Base oil - 2 tbsp.

Mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply to the hair roots. Keep the composition for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or water with a small amount of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to conduct a course of 10-15 procedures 2 times a week.

Treatment mask with vitamins and sea buckthorn for dry hair

A mask of sea buckthorn oil with the addition of vitamins will restore split ends. The composition of the mask:

    1 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oils,

    1 tbsp a spoonful of burdock oil,

    1 tbsp castor oil,

    2-3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E (can be bought at a pharmacy).

Recipe for a nourishing hair mask with sea buckthorn oil and honey

A mask of sea buckthorn oil and honey is great for removing excess oil from the hair and reducing its release in the future. To prepare such a mask you will need:

    1 tbsp brandy,

    1 tbsp honey,

    1 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oils,

    1 tbsp lemon juice.

The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair for 20-30 minutes. After the set time, we wash the hair without using shampoo.

Sea buckthorn fruit mask with yolk and aloe juice

  • 2 tbsp aloe juice,

    2 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn juice,

    1 tbsp honey.

All components are thoroughly mixed, the composition is applied to clean hair. After 40 minutes - an hour, the mask should be washed off, you do not need to use shampoo for this.

Sea buckthorn oil for hair beauty can be used both externally and ingested - it will replenish the supply of vitamins, support immunity and make the skin more susceptible to sunburn. And not only oil is suitable as a cosmetic product - on the basis of its berries, you can prepare decoctions and infusions, use juice.

Do you use homemade hair care products? What hair masks and oils do you prefer? Share your experience in the comments!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


No matter how many new cosmetics for maintaining female beauty appear in stores, this does not make the demand for natural formulations lower. Sea buckthorn oil for hair in its effectiveness will easily leave behind any "chemistry", no matter how expensive it may be. What are the unique properties of this product and how to use it correctly?

Benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hair

The active use of this tool in traditional medicine cosmetology is primarily due to its powerful regenerative property. Burns, open wounds, abrasions, other skin lesions - all this can easily be negated by a drop of golden-orange liquid. However, the benefits for hair are not just the ability to heal the scalp. The rich chemical composition, where fatty acids, tocopherols, phospholipids are present with a whole list of trace elements and vitamins, makes this product a salvation for any problem - from dryness to loss.

The main properties of oil from the fruits and seeds of sea buckthorn:

  • soften;
  • facilitate combing;
  • eliminate pathogenic microorganisms;
  • remove itchy skin;
  • strengthen;
  • help metabolic processes in the bulbs;
  • stimulate growth.


The rich range of positive qualities of this product in the field of cosmetology alone has led to the fact that both folk and traditional medicine have recognized its use as appropriate. Strengthen the roots, soften dry ends, prevent them from splitting, stop hair loss, increase density, eliminate excess fat content - you can achieve any of your goals if you use a natural remedy correctly and regularly. However, each situation has its own caveats.

For hair growth

Experts remind that no cosmetic product will affect the capabilities of the body originally laid down by nature, so nothing will provoke a sudden increase in length by 5-6 cm per week. The principles of work with hair are different: the oil will positively affect the vital activity of the bulbs, which will lead to an increase in their activity and the awakening of those that are at rest. Regular use will help achieve healthy hair and increase their density.

However, when aiming at accelerating their growth, several nuances must be observed:

  • Be sure to warm your head with a towel or, if possible, warm it with a hairdryer.
  • Sea buckthorn hair mask, used to accelerate their growth, should include locally irritating ingredients: pepper tincture, cinnamon, citrus essential oils, mustard, etc.
  • The duration of exposure without local irritants should be 6-8 hours, so a hair mask with sea buckthorn oil is done mainly at night.
  • Follow the measure: after a monthly course, take a break for 30-45 days before repeating the scheme. Or use oil only once a week.

From falling out

The ability of this product to influence the metabolic processes occurring inside the bulbs led to the fact that it began to be used for active hair loss (but not baldness!) in traditional medicine. An important condition under which the product will work - the prerequisites for this problem should not be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic failures;
  • hereditary factors.

With alopecia of the cicatricial type, i.e. proceeding with the destruction of the bulbs, inflammatory and / or atrophic process, sea buckthorn oil is absolutely powerless. For non-scarring, you need to find out the exact reason in order to say how it will work. Mostly, doctors recommend using sea buckthorn oil for hair loss caused by:

  • stressful conditions;
  • blood circulation disorders;
  • taking certain groups of drugs;
  • beriberi;
  • chemical and thermal effects.

For tips

Compared to other types of base oils, sea buckthorn seed oil is considered non-greasy by experts, so it can be used as a leave-in on wet hair. This is mainly done to prevent cross-section, eliminate dryness, facilitate styling of strands that are knocked out of the hairstyle, protection from the sun and other UV radiation. An important nuance is that only a couple of drops are applied. For the ends of the hair, you can also use it according to a more traditional scheme, treating the entire length with it before washing your hair for a couple of hours.

From dandruff

The regenerative and soothing effect on the epidermis and the presence of carotenoids with vitamin E have made sea buckthorn oil useful in dermatology to eliminate dandruff, seborrhea and pruritus. For this purpose, it is not necessary to apply the product along the entire length: it should only get on the skin and may affect the roots. Sea buckthorn oil for dandruff is used according to 3 schemes:

  • Daily, with evening massage, which is carried out for 3 minutes with your fingertips (a couple of drops are needed).
  • When washing your hair by adding to the used portion of shampoo.
  • An hour before the visit to the shower 2-3 times a week, as a mask (a couple of spoons), which is rubbed into the roots.

How to use

The use of this product is possible both in pure form and through combination with other natural products (eggs, herbal decoctions, honey), including base oils. The mixture with Dimexide is also popular, which acts as a reliable conductor for all valuable trace elements and additionally relieves inflammation. Keep in mind that even a low degree of fat content requires the use of therapeutic agents mainly before washing your hair.

A few general tips:

  • If the skin produces a large amount of sebum, you need to add acid to the mixture: lemon juice, etc. Components.
  • Before use, it is advisable to heat the oil in a water bath, but only up to 40 degrees. If you need a few drops, you can pour them into a spoon and hold it over a candle.
  • For owners of blond hair, sea buckthorn can give a warm shade, so it is advisable for them to reduce the exposure time of mixtures based on it.


The simplest example of such a cosmetic product is a mixture of castor and sea buckthorn oils, which should be applied to the length while warm. They keep it for about an hour, which helps to restore brittle hair, their general compaction, shine, and elasticity. However, this is not the only recipe for a useful homemade mask: you can use any natural ingredients and even some pharmacy products.

The most effective sea buckthorn oil hair masks:

  • If you dry your hair with frequent use of thermal appliances or dyeing, make a decoction of burdock root (1 tablespoon of herbs is poured with half a glass of boiling water), and after cooling, add sea buckthorn oil. It will take about 15 ml. This mask is kept for half an hour, repeating the procedure weekly.
  • To normalize the fat content of the scalp, sea buckthorn oil (1 tablespoon) is whipped with egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of chamomile decoction. The mixture should be rubbed into the roots, keep for about an hour.
  • For dandruff, experts recommend mixing olive oil (1: 3) with sea buckthorn oil, and, heating this thick liquid, apply it to the scalp 20 minutes before washing.
  • In order to activate the hair follicles, you can prepare a mask of cognac with sea buckthorn oil (1: 5). A warm mixture is used, applied to the roots. Exposure time - 25 minutes. Repeat every other day.

Mask with Dimexide

For any recipe, a solution of dimexide sulfoxide must be prepared in advance by diluting 1:8 with water. The easiest way to use: Dimexide and sea buckthorn oil, combined as 1: 4, are applied warm to the skin in zones and aged for 20 minutes. You will need to wash your hair without shampoo, but rinse the roots very well under running water. You can repeat the procedure after 3-4 days. The course is no longer than 7 weeks.

Precautionary measures:

  • Since the composition is applied to the scalp, it is prohibited for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, especially those who have had a heart attack, stroke, etc.
  • The use of Dimexide is also unacceptable for kidney problems, the presence of glaucoma.
  • Pregnant women should also not make such a mask.
  • The mixture for each procedure must be prepared anew - do not store.

Oil Natura Siberica

This product needs a separate study, since it is a whole complex of various useful oils. The manufacturer promises that the hair after it will shine, stop breaking and tangling, splitting, and will become easy to style. Sea buckthorn hair oil Natura Siberica supposedly even plays the role of thermal protection. The composition is not completely natural, but in addition to sea buckthorn, there are:

  • argan;
  • Nanai lemongrass;
  • Siberian flax;
  • cedar.

This impressive list is complemented by tocopherol and retinol. The manufacturer suggests using the product only as a leave-in agent, i. Apply a few drops rubbed between the palms/fingers to the ends and up the lengths, which is especially useful for preventing frizz and curls. However, to enhance the effect, you can also make classic masks with it, distributing the product along the length and waiting an hour before washing your hair.


The exact cost of this natural remedy depends on the volume, manufacturer, place of purchase:

  • If you purchase a product for external use at a pharmacy, the price for 50 ml is 50-70 rubles.
  • The product used inside can also be bought for hair care, but for 130-500 rubles.
  • The price from the Natura Siberica trademark is significantly higher - 100 ml for 340-450 rubles.
  • You can order a large volume from the catalog of organic cosmetics for 600-700 rubles.

Sea buckthorn has long been famous for its valuable qualities, its pulp and oil can cure many diseases. The berry is successfully used in folk healing, the culinary field, and cosmetology. Today we will talk about the effects of sea buckthorn on hair, its benefits for hair and the rules for use. So, let's begin.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn for hair

  • eliminates damage (dryness, brittleness);
  • protects hair from the action of ultraviolet radiation and thermal devices;
  • moisturizes the split ends and helps to eliminate them;
  • fights dandruff and all types of seborrhea;
  • heals microcracks on the scalp;
  • strengthens and nourishes follicles;
  • accelerates growth;
  • prevents massive hair loss;
  • gives strands softness, makes them elastic and strong;
  • returns natural pigmentation;
  • restores shine after coloring.

The listed useful qualities do not make up the entire list, because the value of sea buckthorn is difficult to specify. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the hair and scalp. One thing is clear for sure - you will only benefit from using the berry.

Rules for the use of sea buckthorn for hair

  1. Do not use fresh, just picked berries. Before the main manipulations, put the sea buckthorn in the freezer for 2 days, then defrost, douse with hot water and grind into porridge. In this simple way, you will protect your hair from possible redness, as well as the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  2. Sea buckthorn masks are suitable for use by girls who have dark hair. On light strands, an ugly yellow tint may appear. Before applying the composition, make sure that it suits you. To do this, distribute the product in an inconspicuous area and leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off, if there is no color change, start the procedure.
  3. If your scalp has serious damage in the form of scratches, abrasions, burns, refuse the procedure. Otherwise, you will irritate the wound even more, it will take longer to heal. When it comes to minor microcracks, the application is acceptable.
  4. The mask is distributed on dirty hair, sebum will provide an additional barrier. Use a fine comb for even application. The ends of the hair can be separately lubricated with sea buckthorn oil to moisturize and combat split ends.
  5. To make the effect appear faster, after application, insulate your head with polyethylene and a warm scarf. This recommendation is suitable for girls with dry hair. For oily scalp, it is not worth warming up, so as not to provoke an increased work of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Since sea buckthorn oil is used in many masks, it must be washed off first with shampoo without water (first stage), then with water and detergent. At the end, always apply conditioner, taking into account your hair type.
  7. Usually, the course for the restoration and strengthening of the strands lasts 12 sessions, taking into account the distribution of funds 1-2 times a week. After the specified time, be sure to take a break for a month, resume the procedure if necessary.

  1. Dimexide and castor oil. Warm up 40 ml. castor oil to 30 degrees, pour in 10 ml. pharmaceutical preparation "Dimexide" and 20 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oils. Dilute this composition with water, observing an equal ratio. Rub into the root area and the middle of the length, but treat the ends separately with oil. Keep warm for 20 minutes. Rinse off with an organic shampoo and finish with a rinse.
  2. Glycerin with lemon. To prepare the product, you need at least 15 gr. sea ​​buckthorn leaves (dried). Brew it in 200 ml. boiling water and leave for an hour. After this time, stir in 30 ml. lemon juice, 3 ml. glycerin. Rinse your hair, wring out a little so that the product does not drain. Leave for half an hour, carry out the usual washing procedure.
  3. Onion with sea buckthorn ether. You can buy sea buckthorn essential oil in a specialized shop or pharmacy. Measure 8 drops, combine with 200 ml. onion decoction (can be replaced with gruel from one onion). Apply to hair, rub into the roots, wait a third of an hour. After these steps, rinse your hair with lemon water.
  4. Olive oil and sea buckthorn. A mixture of oils will solve many problems associated with the scalp. The composition is excellent for dandruff. Combine in a cup 35 ml. olive oil and 10 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oils. Keep in mind that the product is applied exclusively to the root area. Warm up, wait 40 minutes, rinse.
  5. Argan and sea buckthorn oils. Together, vegetable oils effectively fight hair loss. Warm up on a steam bath 30 ml. argan oil. Enter 15 ml to it. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Rub the product into the scalp with massaging movements. Wrap with foil and cloth. Remove the mask after 30 minutes.
  6. Egg yolk and sea buckthorn. Such a mixture prevents increased greasiness. Therapeutic components normalize the activity of the glands. Whisk 1 egg yolk in a bowl. Take 25 sea buckthorn berries and scald them with boiling water. Turn the fruits into a puree and mix into the egg mass. Apply, wait half an hour. Finish by rinsing with vinegar water.
  7. Sour cream and olive oil. Herbal ingredients resist dry hair and split ends. Warm up in a water bath 30 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oil, add 20 ml to it. olive, 3 quail eggs and 25 gr. rustic sour cream Achieve uniformity. Spread the mixture with massaging movements. Saturate your hair. Get warm in the classic way. Remove the mask after 2 hours.
  8. Carrots and castor oil. To stimulate hair follicles and increase growth, use a simple recipe. Take 100 ml. sea ​​buckthorn fresh, 45 gr. carrot puree and 25 ml. castor oil. Mix the ingredients and apply on the head. Warm up and wait 2 hours.
  9. Rowan and sour cream. Components fight dandruff. Combine in a cup of 25 gr. frozen sea buckthorn and rowan berries. Pour boiling water over the products, then turn the composition into a puree. Stir in gruel 35 gr. homemade sour cream. Distribute the mask. Wrap your hair with cling film and a scarf. Wash off after 1.5 hours. Finish off by rinsing with lemon water.
  10. Wheat and burdock oil. The composition restores the hair structure and prevents hair loss. Take 25 gr. sea ​​buckthorn gruel, mix with 12 ml. burdock oil and 10 gr. ground wheat germ. Distribute the mask over the root area, and do further manipulations using the above technologies.

The preparation of the rinse will allow you to carry out restorative procedures in combination with masks. The air conditioner is used according to conventional technology after folk remedies. Use one of the recipes below.

  1. Sea buckthorn juice and nettle. This option is ideal for removing fat. Filter 2 liters. water, mix with it 200 ml. sea ​​buckthorn juice, 100 gr. chopped nettle leaves. Put the contents on the stove and cook for 40 minutes. Strain, let stand until cool. Before use, dilute the conditioner with water in equal proportions.
  2. Sea buckthorn fruits and juice. First, freeze the berries for 2 days, then defrost, scald with boiling water and turn into gruel. You should get 2 tablespoons of raw material. Now chop the harvest of sea buckthorn leaves, add to the fruits and pour 300 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid, let stand 3 hours. Filter, apply several times a week to strengthen and restore hair.
  3. Sea buckthorn berries. Pour 250 ml into a saucepan. water, pour a handful of frozen berries, send to boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for a third of an hour. Don't forget to strain the product before use. It is better to use it for girls with naturally dry hair.

Sea buckthorn is undoubtedly valuable for hair. Masks based on it are a real find for modern young ladies. But in order to get only one benefit from the procedures, carefully study all the important aspects. Freeze fruits first before any use. Remember that fair-haired young ladies are not recommended to use folk remedies with berries.

Video: sea buckthorn hair oil
