Presentation on theme: "A dog is man's best friend." "A dog is man's true friend." Presentation on the theme of a dog is man's best friend

Relevance of the topic. The friendship between man and dog is
millennium. How did this friendship come about?
Now we can only guess, but no doubt
one thing - from the earliest times the dog serves faithfully
to a person. The dog in the house is hourly
minute-to-minute association with the devotee and the faithful
friend. The sincerity of dog feelings, as well as
the sincerity of a child is always amazing.
The relevance of my topic is due to the fact that I
believe that the dog is really a friend
person. Since this is the most common type
animals on earth, which has
exceptional propensity to live among people.
Therefore, an in-depth study of dogs will help me
prove that a dog is a man's best friend.


prove that the dog
can rightfully
be called a friend
- find out when and where the dog came from;
- to study breeds and character of dogs;
- find out how dogs help people in
Everyday life;
- conduct a survey among peers;
- investigate and analyze the behavior and
habits of your pet

Object of study:

gretta dog


If I learn more
literature, summarize my
observations, I can prove that
dog is man's best friend
give another definition
"A dog is..."

Research methods:

The study of literature about animals.
Working with Internet resources.

2.1 The history of the appearance of the dog

dog first animal
tamed by man
the period when people
did not know agriculture and
livestock and basic
people were hunted.
Ancestors of all households
animals, including dogs,
were wild animals.
In ancient Egyptian
monuments of the І І І-ІV millennia
BC. depicted dogs
different breeds. Most of
they look like greyhounds.

Who was the ancestor of dogs is not clear to this day. Some consider the Asian wolf to be the ancestor of dogs. Other Australian Dingo Dog,

In ancient slaveholding
states the dog was trained to fight.
On specially trained. strong and
vicious animals put on
protective shells with sharp
metal spikes and let on
There were dogs in ancient Rome
Who was the ancestor of dogs is not clear and
this day. Some consider the ancestor of dogs
Asian wolf. Other Australian
Dingo dog, and still others believe that dogs
descended from now extinct
member of the canine family.

2.2 Dog breeds

The Hungarian Greyhound is a rather ancient breed.
For about a thousand years, dogs of this breed have lived on
territory of Hungary. Usually Hungarian
Greyhounds are used to hunt hares.
Obedience is characteristic of Hungarian greyhounds.
These dogs are intelligent, quiet at home and
calmly, and on the hunt they show excitement and speed.
Great for being a pet
with his family, the greyhound is gentle. Towards
strangers are distrustful, ready for
defense and not nearly as defenseless as it can
appear at first glance.
Doberman is the most unsurpassed
It can protect you from any attack. In
including from an armed man. doberman
has excellent stamina and strength.
This breed of dog also has a strong nervous
system and desperate fearlessness. Highly
mobile and energetic in nature.
Innate intelligence, keen sense and
the extraordinary intelligence of these animals
make training much easier.

Collies - very well trained, differing
intelligence, intelligence.
This is a kind, affectionate, friendly dog,
adoring their owners, caring for
attitude towards children. distrust of strangers
people is reflected in her ostentatious indifference to
person, but not in aggressive behavior.
Collies are herding dogs by nature.
security guard. Having fallen in love with this dog and provided her
proper care - you will gain in her face
real friend.
The German Shepherd is a true friend
which is reliable
and devotion to his master. Extraordinarily
developed mind, insight, ability
easy to grasp new skills and abilities. Yes
still highly developed natural qualities:
sense of smell, sense of smell, memory, sight. Sheepdog very
loves his home, gets used to everything
household members, but her attachment to the owner
especially high. This is a great bodyguard
watchman, guide, shepherd, rescuer.

2.3 Facts about the benefits of dogs

Dogs against depression.
Why are dogs valued? First of all, for her dedication. She is
loves his master simply for what he is, regardless of
his material well-being, social status,
appearance. It is this loyalty and unconditional love that creates
for a person the world in which he is comfortable and in which he does not
Thanks to dogs, people feel that someone is in them.
needs, someone admires them and loves them. it
an effective cure for depression.

Dogs for mental disorders

According to American scientists, dogs are able to noticeably
improve the condition of children with autism. They are like
return from another world to the real one.
For people with disabilities or suffering from
mental illness increases self-esteem, goes
a state of loneliness, there is faith in the solution of internal
It is not uncommon for four-legged pets to save their owners
from a possible suicide. No matter how gloomy the state is,
the sight of a pet charges them with positive energy, returning to

Dogs for children.

Animals can be great teachers for children. Even
kids learn to observe, draw conclusions, anticipate
effects. This can be understood by observing the communication
child with a dog. Without saying anything, they understand each other and
are friends. Dogs teach children kindness and responsiveness. They can
instill in the child a respectful attitude towards others.
In adolescents, a tailed friend reduces the manifestation of aggression,
develops a sense of responsibility, tolerance, kindness,
independence. This is a devoted, understanding companion.

Dogs for the heart and immunity

Dog lovers suffer less from hypertension. It's believed that
creating contact with the pet, stroking his coat, a person
improves heart rate, respiration, pressure. Except
In addition, dog saliva contains the enzyme lysozyme,
destroying pathogenic microbes.
Scientists from universities in Finland and Germany have found that
that children who come into contact with dogs are 50% less likely to suffer
eczema, dermatitis, asthma.
A few words about dog hair. Warm mittens from such
wool protects well from frost, and belts and scarves
help in the treatment of sciatica

Dogs for family preservation Dog for sports.

Observations in the USA on family
couples showed that those who keep
dogs, easier to pass through
troubles and quickly resolved
conflicts than "dogless" couples.
One explanation for this phenomenon is
that pets bring the family together,
create common interests.
Having a dog willy-nilly
forced to walk her every day,
and in any weather. And this is good
sport. Some pets make
their masters to walk at a brisk pace or
even run. Walking distances reach
from 1 to 10 km. Agree, no dog
it's hard to force yourself to walk.
It turns out that dogs, helping their
owners to exercise,
prevent the development of obesity
reduce the opportunity
cardiovascular disease,
myocardial infarction, prolong life.

2.4 The value of the dog in human life

2.4 The importance of a dog in life
Today, there are over 400 dog breeds worldwide. breeds
subdivided into: hunting, service, decorative.
Who does not know border dogs. Day and night they help guard
frontiers of our country.
The role of draft dogs or as they are called - sled dogs is great. How many
they helped the polar explorers to master the hard-to-reach areas of the Extreme
The dog facilitates the hard work of the shepherds. Shepherds sheep, guards and protects them
from predators.
For a person who has lost his sight, the dog, as it were, replaces the eyes, leads to
work and home, protects him on the way.

During the Great Patriotic War, some armies did not
porters were getting sick and therefore they used sledges
dog teams for the removal of the wounded, especially in difficult
Dogs blew up bridges, trains. Over two thousand
reports and combat documents were delivered by dogs during the war years, when
there was no other connection. In addition, signal dogs stretched 8000 km
telephone cable.
In space exploration, dogs also played
big role. Before man penetrated into space, for reconnaissance to
dogs rose to the stars: Laika, Belka and Strelka.
It is difficult to do without a s.bak and when protecting public order, when
fight against criminals. It not only helps to find the robber,
persecution, but can also smell belonging to him

3.1 Observations and conclusions

Observation #1: Dami, the owner of the dog, invited me
visit to meet your favorite.
The dog greeted me friendly. The owner explained
that Gretta liked me, she feels good about good
and kind people. There were times when she barked and
greeted Damir's guests with a growl, thinking that they
pose a threat to its owner. With this behavior, Greta
protecting Damir.
Conclusion: The dog benefits people, it is ready
sacrifice your life for your master
Observation No. 2: Damir went to the store, but everyone
It is known that entry with dogs is prohibited. What did she do
Greta? She patiently waited for the owner on the street.
Once there was such a case: Damir was forced to leave for
business trip, so Gretta began to yearn for the owner. She is
refused to eat and constantly whined, looking at the gate
Conclusion: The dog is attached to his master, yearns for
him, ready to wait for hours, days, nights, thereby
proving his loyalty and devotion to him.

Observation #3: Damir proposed to me
treat Gretta with a bone. The dog came
sniffed, but did not eat from my hands. Then
the owner offered the same bone to the animal.
So the dog immediately began to gnaw on it.
Conclusion: The dog does not accept food from strangers.
hands, she is faithful to a loved one.
Observation #4: Damir acts like he's upset about something. Gretta immediately ran up to him,
began to whine and climb to the owner's face to
lick. So she supported Damir.
Conclusion: The dog will support in difficult times. Her
you can trust any secrets and she does not
will tell. Soft, warm, fluffy she is always

Observation #5: Gretta loves
take a ride with Damir in a car and
constantly spinning around the car. gretta
playful because she is still young. She loves
play with your master, swim in the river,
sing dog songs.
Conclusion: Dogs can be fun
free time.
Observation #6: Damir scolded Gretta for
that she tried to knock me to the ground.
The dog, with its tail between its legs, went to its place. But
as soon as the owner called her, Gretta gladly
ran up to him and began to rub against his legs.
Conclusion: No matter how the owner offended his
pet, he is ready to forgive him all insults.

3.2 Habits

1 Gives a paw
Expresses friendliness
2 pokes his nose
He asks to pet her
3 Ears and tail relaxed
The dog is calm
4 Ears flattened, tail between paws, dog This is fear. She is scared.
clings to the ground
5 Ears flattened, back together with tail walks out A manifestation of great joy.
side to side, mouth in a "smile", jumping.
Tries to lick.
6 growls
Feels the danger
7 Long and low howl
Hungry or in pain.
8 If the tail is turned to the right
In a good mood
9 If the tail is turned to the left
Sign of anxiety, anxiety
10 froze in place
I sensed danger
11Taked the pose of the letter "C"
Ready for fun and games

3.3 Questionnaire

Do you agree that dogs are man's best friend?
Have there been times in your life when a dog helped you in some way or saved your life?
you or your loved ones?
Have you ever been beaten by a dog biting you or your loved ones?
Do you agree with the opinion that an aggressive person has an aggressive dog?
Do you agree that improper training of certain breeds of dogs can lead to
tragic consequences?
Having studied the questionnaire, I saw that most children agree with the opinion that a dog is a man’s best friend.
There were slightly more cases when a dog bit people (60%) than those who were rescued (50%).
Most children think that a dog looks like its owner (80%)
All respondents agree that it is very important to properly educate a dog (100%). After all
there are quite a few cases where the wrong upbringing of a dog led to tragic
Histogram 1
dog friend
dog bites
dog rescue
dog looks like owner
dog needs to be trained
100 If you get a pet, remember that it is not a toy. He needs
meticulous care.
Do not feed your dog sweets, as it will hurt his ears and may
worms will appear.
Dogs need frequent walks.
Keep track of your dog's health. Visit the vet more often. Do it on time
all necessary vaccinations.
Feed your pet special dog food, just like regular
food from the table is not always absorbed by his body.
Keep track of your pet's teeth and don't forget them
periodically clean with special means.
Remember that the dog should have its own place where it can rest.
It needs to be spacious.
And finally, do not forget that your pet must be loved, as he
needs your love, affection and care.


So I did a little research on the topic: "Dog
- friend of human". Learned a lot of new and interesting things. I am in it
told about the most interesting breeds of dogs, what benefits they
bring to the person. Communication with dogs has a beneficial effect on
health, improves mood, makes us kinder, stronger,
more carefully.
In general, we can say that the dog is really a friend
person. So get a dog, take care of it, love it and
she will thank you generously for this, I am sure of it.
In conclusion, I would like to recall the statement of the writer Antoine de
Saint Exupery, whose words I used in my motto: “We are in
answer for those who have been tamed." If you got yourself a little friend,
don't betray him when he gets big and not so cute and
playful as you would like. Do not throw away, this creature
who believed and attached himself to you with all his soul.

slide 2

Relevance of the topic

  • The friendship between man and dog goes back thousands of years. How this friendship arose can now only be guessed, but one thing is indisputable - from the earliest times the dog has faithfully served man. A dog in the house is an hourly, every minute communication with a devoted and faithful friend. The sincerity of a dog's feelings, like the sincerity of a child, is always amazing.
  • The relevance of my topic is due to the fact that I believe that a dog is really a friend of a person. Since this is the most common animal species on earth, which has an exceptional tendency to live among people. Therefore, an in-depth study of dogs will help me prove that a dog is a friend of man.
  • slide 3


    • Prove that a dog can rightly be called a friend of man.
    • find out when and where the dog came from;
    • study the breed and character of dogs;
    • find out how dogs help people in everyday life;
    • conduct a survey among peers;
    • research and analyze the behavior and habits of your pet
  • slide 4

    Object of study

    Greta the dog

    slide 5


    If I study additional literature, generalize my observations, I can prove that a dog is a friend of man, or I will formulate another definition of “A dog is…”.

  • slide 6

    Research methods

    • The study of literature about animals.
    • Working with Internet resources.
    • observation.
    • Experiences.
    • Questioning.
  • Slide 7

    The history of the appearance of the dog

    • The dog was the first animal tamed by man at a time when people did not yet know agriculture and cattle breeding, and hunting was the main means of subsistence for people.
    • The ancestors of all domestic animals, including dogs, were wild animals.
    • On the ancient Egyptian monuments of the III-IV millennium BC. depicted dogs of different breeds. Most of them look like greyhounds.
  • Slide 8

    • Who was the ancestor of dogs is not clear to this day. Some consider the Asian wolf to be the ancestor of dogs. Others consider the Australian Dingo, and still others believe that dogs are descended from a now-extinct member of the canine family.
    • In the ancient slave states, the dog was trained to fight. On specially trained. Strong and vicious animals were put on protective shells with sharp metal spikes and let them attack the enemy.
    • In ancient Rome, there were dogs similar to mastiffs.
  • Slide 9

    Dog breeds

    • The Hungarian Greyhound is a rather ancient breed. For about a thousand years, dogs of this breed have lived in Hungary. As a rule, the Hungarian Greyhound is used for hunting hares.
    • Obedience is characteristic of Hungarian greyhounds. These dogs are intelligent, at home they behave quietly and calmly, and on the hunt they show excitement and speed. Perfect for the role of a pet, the greyhound is gentle with his family. In relation to strangers, they show distrust, are ready for defense and are far from being as defenseless as it might seem at first glance.
    • Doberman is the most unsurpassed bodyguard
    • It can protect you from any attack. Including from an armed man. The Doberman has excellent endurance and strength. This dog breed also has a strong nervous system and desperate fearlessness. Very mobile and energetic by nature. The innate intelligence, keen senses and extraordinary quick wit of these animals greatly facilitate training.
  • Slide 10


    • Collies are very well trained, distinguished by their intelligence and quick wit.
    • This is a kind, affectionate, friendly dog, adoring his owners, caring towards children. Distrust of strangers is reflected in her ostentatious indifference to a person, but not in aggressive behavior. Collie, by nature, is a herding dog, a guard. Having fallen in love with this dog and providing it with proper care, you will acquire a true friend in her person.
    • The German Shepherd is a true friend who is distinguished by reliability and devotion to his master. An unusually developed mind, insight, the ability to easily grasp new skills and abilities. Moreover, natural qualities are highly developed: smell, intuition, memory, vision. The shepherd loves his home very much, gets used to all household members, but her affection for the owner is especially high. This is an excellent bodyguard, watchman, guide, shepherd, rescuer.
  • slide 11

    Facts about the benefits of dogs

    • Dogs against depression.
    • Why are dogs valued? First of all, for her dedication. She loves her master simply for what he is, regardless of his material well-being, social status, appearance. It is this fidelity and unconditional love that creates a world for a person in which he is comfortable and in which he is not alone.
    • Thanks to dogs, people feel that someone needs them, someone admires them and loves them. It is an effective cure for depression.
  • slide 12

    Dogs for mental disorders

    • According to American scientists, dogs can significantly improve the condition of children with autism. They seem to be returning from another world to the real one.
    • In people with disabilities or suffering from mental illness, self-esteem increases, the state of loneliness disappears, and faith appears in solving internal problems.
    • It is not uncommon for four-legged pets to save their owners from possible suicide. No matter how gloomy the state is, the sight of a pet charges them with positive energy, bringing them back to life.
  • slide 13

    Dogs for children

    • Animals can be great teachers for children. Even toddlers learn to observe, draw conclusions, and anticipate consequences. This can be understood by observing the communication of a child with a dog. Without saying anything, they understand each other and are friends. Dogs teach children kindness and responsiveness. They can instill in the child a respectful attitude towards others.
    • In adolescents, a tailed friend reduces the manifestation of aggression, develops a sense of responsibility, tolerance, kindness, and independence. This is a devoted, understanding companion.
  • Slide 14

    Dogs for the heart and immunity

    • Dog lovers suffer less from hypertension. It is believed that by creating contact with a pet, stroking its fur, a person improves heart rate, breathing, and pressure. In addition, dog saliva contains the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys pathogenic microbes.
    • Scientists from universities in Finland and Germany found that children in contact with dogs are 50% less likely to suffer from eczema, dermatitis, and asthma.
    • A few words about dog hair. Warm mittens made of such wool protect well from frost, and belts and scarves help in the treatment of sciatica.
  • slide 15

    Dogs to save the family

    • Observations in the United States of married couples have shown that those who keep dogs went through troubles more easily and resolved conflicts faster than "dogless" couples. One of the explanations for this phenomenon is that pets bring families together and create common interests.
    • Those who have a dog, willy-nilly, are forced to walk it every day, and in any weather. And it's a good sport. Some pets force their owners to walk briskly or even run. Walking distances reach from 1 to 10 km. Agree, without a dog it is difficult to force yourself to take a walk.
    • It turns out that dogs, helping their owners to engage in physical education, prevent the development of obesity, reduce the possibility of cardiovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, and prolong life.
  • slide 16

    The value of a dog in human life

    • Today, there are over 400 dog breeds worldwide. Breeds are divided into: hunting, service, decorative.
    • Who does not know border dogs. Day and night they help to protect the borders of our Motherland.
    • The role of draft dogs or as they are called - sled dogs is great. How many heroes polar explorers they helped to master hard-to-reach areas of the Far North.
    • The dog facilitates the hard work of the shepherds. Herds sheep, guards and protects them from predators.
    • For a person who has lost his sight, the dog, as it were, replaces the eyes, brings him to work and home, protects him on the way.
  • Slide 17

    • During the Great Patriotic War, some armies did not have enough orderlies and porters and therefore used sled dog teams to take out the wounded, especially in difficult places.
    • Dogs blew up bridges, trains. More than two thousand reports and combat documents were delivered by dogs during the war years, when there was no other connection. In addition, signal dogs stretched 8,000 km of telephone cable.
    • Dogs also played a big role in space exploration. Before a man penetrated into space, dogs climbed to the stars for reconnaissance: Laika, Belka and Strelka.
    • It is difficult to do without a s.bak in the protection of public order, in the fight against criminals. She not only helps to find the robber, when pursued, but can also identify the things belonging to him by smell.
  • Slide 18

    Observations and Conclusions

    • Observation No. 1: Dami, the owner of the dog, invited me to visit to introduce his pet. The dog greeted me friendly. The owner explained that Gretta liked me, she feels good and kind people well. There were times when she greeted Damir's guests with barking and growling, thinking that they were a threat to her master. With this behavior, Gretta protects Damir.
    • Conclusion: The dog benefits people, she is ready to sacrifice her life for the sake of her master.
    • Observation No. 2: Damir went to the store, but everyone knows that dogs are not allowed there. What did Greta do? She patiently waited for the owner on the street.
    • Once there was such a case: Damir was forced to leave on a business trip, so Gretta began to yearn for the owner. She refused to eat and constantly whined, looking at the gate.
    • Conclusion: The dog is attached to its owner, yearns without him, is ready to wait for hours, days, nights, thereby proving his loyalty and devotion to him.
  • Slide 19

    • Observation #3: Damir suggested that I give Gretta a bone. The dog came up, sniffed, but did not eat from my hands. Then the owner offered the same bone to the animal. So the dog immediately began to gnaw on it.
    • Conclusion: The dog does not accept food from other people's hands, it is faithful to a loved one.
    • Observation No. 4: Damir acts as if he is upset about something. Gretta immediately ran up to him, began to whine and climb to the face of the owner to lick. So she supported Damir.
    • Conclusion: The dog will support in difficult times. She can be trusted with any secrets and she will not tell anyone. Soft, warm, fluffy, she always loves you
  • Slide 20

    • Observation #5: Gretta loves to drive with Damir and hangs around the car all the time. Gretta is playful because she is still young. She loves to play with her master, swim in the river, sing dog songs.
    • Conclusion: With a dog, you can have fun in your free time.
    • Observation #6: Damir scolded Gretta for trying to knock me to the ground. The dog, with its tail between its legs, went to its place. But as soon as the owner called her, Gretta happily ran up to him and began to rub against his legs.
    • Conclusion: No matter how the owner offends his pet, he is ready to forgive him all the insults.
  • slide 21


  • slide 22


    1. Do you agree that dogs are man's best friend?
    2. Have there been times in your life when a dog helped you in some way or saved the life of you or your loved ones?
    3. Have you ever been beaten by a dog biting you or your loved ones?
    4. Do you agree with the opinion that an aggressive person has an aggressive dog?
    5. Do you agree that improper upbringing of certain breeds of dogs can lead to tragic consequences?
    6. Having studied the questionnaire, I saw that the majority of children agree with the opinion that a dog is a man’s best friend (90%)
    7. There were slightly more cases when a dog bit people (60%) than those who were rescued (50%).
    8. Most children think that a dog looks like its owner (80%)
    9. All respondents agree that it is very important to properly educate a dog (100%). After all, there are quite a few cases when the wrong upbringing of a dog led to tragic consequences.
  • slide 23

    • If you are getting a pet, remember that this is not a toy. He needs careful care.
    • You can not feed your dog sweets, as his ears will hurt and worms may appear.
    • Dogs need frequent walks.
    • Keep track of your dog's health. Visit the vet more often. Keep all necessary vaccinations up to date.
    • Feed your pet special dog food, as regular table food is not always absorbed by his body.
    • Monitor the condition of your pet's teeth and do not forget to clean them periodically with special products.
    • Remember that the dog should have its own place where it can rest. It needs to be spacious.
    • And finally, do not forget that your pet must be loved, as he needs your love, affection and care.
  • slide 24


    • So I did a little research on the topic: "A dog is a man's best friend." Learned a lot of new and interesting things. In it, I talked about the most interesting breeds of dogs, what benefits they bring to humans. Communication with dogs has a beneficial effect on health, improves mood, makes us kinder, stronger, more attentive.
    • In general, we can say that the dog is really a friend of man. Therefore, get a dog, take care of it, love it and it will generously thank you for it, I'm sure of it.
    • In conclusion, I would like to recall the statement of the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose words I used in my motto: “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed.” If you've got yourself a little friend, don't betray him when he gets big and not as cute and playful as you'd like. Do not throw it away, this is a creature that believed and attached itself to you with all its soul.
  • View all slides

    Probably ten times a day

    Three hundred times every month

    More than a thousand times a year

    In the alley and in the garden

    At the station, in the yard,

    On the bridge, in the wasteland,

    On the boulevard, on the avenue

    You have met these animals.

    Maybe you even saw

    On the collar of a medal?

    Tell me, do you know

    Their courage, intelligence and honesty?

    That's about it now

    And we will have a story.


    • Any dog's child


    • And what kind of dog is walking next to the old woman? Is the old woman walking slowly? Shavings walk next to her. Yes, a bunch of black shavings, Only it's just outside. Shavings - tail,

    Top of the head - shavings ... And try to touch the old woman: That's when people will know What's inside is a dog ...

    st bernard

    • You are calm in your guise, Indecently kind with children, In addition, you are large and charming. Your gait is attractive With its slow impressiveness, But you will not repel with importance! There is a gift of good nature in you, your patron ...


    • You are good-natured, but brave. Anyone should think twice, To fight on a par with you, After all, you need twice the strength! Playful, they say, until old age, But you are not disposed to pranks. Cool temperament, sharp tooth, Ready for battle, like ...


    • And your character is immediately visible, And the appearance is pleasing to the eye! You need space: a garden and a house, To go around them all around. They are loved by people and society, In their works they are tireless. Well, we hide the cards for how long? After all, anyone here will know ...

    "Barry, who saved forty people and killed forty-first"

    • The most famous monument is installed in Paris, on the river. Seine. This is a monument to St. Bernard Barry - a statue of a dog with a child clinging to it. The inscription reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and was killed forty-first." Saint Bernard Barry served in one of the Alpine monasteries and saved people from under the snow, he saved forty people. Forty-first was a child. He got lost in the mountains and lost consciousness. Barry found him, warmed him up, tried to take him to the monastery, but the child was so weak that he could not walk. Then he grabbed the neck of the dog with his hands and climbed onto the back of the St. Bernard, and was taken to the monastery. And Barry died at the age of twelve.


    • A statue of Bolto stands in Central Park in New York. In 1925, an epidemic of a dangerous disease among children began in Alaska. Only dogs could deliver medicine. 650 miles in a storm and fifty degrees of frost, the dogs ran without rest, trying to overtake death. Many of them died. The hero of the relay was a dog named Bolto, the leader of the team that overcame the most difficult and dangerous section of the path, and did it with phenomenal speed.

    • A monument to guide dogs is installed on the territory of the Berlin Zoo in Germany. "To German Guide Dogs from Blind Berliners".


    • This is Munch Satan, the most famous Hungarian search and rescue dog.
    • Munch, along with the rescue team, traveled all over the world, where there were some catastrophes, earthquakes, mudflows, collapses of buildings, that is, wherever people got into trouble and needed help. Munch and his owner took part in several rescue missions, including in 2001 after the earthquakes in El Salvador and India.


    • Yes, dogs can forgive, but they cannot forget, and there are many examples of this. A resident of the Italian town of Borgo San Lorenzo Carlo Sormani found a puppy in a gutter, adopted him and named him Faithful. And the dog fully lived up to its name. After the death of the owner, for several years he met him every day from work.

    "Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all"

    • The Greyfriars Bobby Skye Terrier rose to prominence in the 19th century after guarding the grave of his deceased owner in Edinburgh, Scotland for fourteen years until his own death on January 14, 1872.


    The monument stands near the subway station in the Shibuya area. Legend has it that Hachiko liked to meet his master, Professor Ueno, on the station platform and return home with him. The elderly professor passed away in 1923. Until his death, for nine years, Hachiko waited for the owner on the platform.

    The dog who taught us love and devotion

    • In Tolyatti, for seven years, a German Shepherd, whose owners died in a car accident, was waiting for them on the side of the road. After the death of the dog, the townspeople immediately put up a shield by the road with the inscription: "To the dog who taught us love and devotion."

    • Two years after the death of the dog, a bronze pedestal appeared at the intersection of roads, where only two words were written: "Monument of devotion."

    astronaut dog

    In Izhevsk, a monument to the dog-cosmonaut, a husky named Zvezdochka, was unveiled

    The asterisk is famous for the fact that it was after her flight, which took place on March 25, 1961, that it was decided to send a man into space for the first time.

    During the experiment, the husky climbed to a height of about 250 kilometers, spent two hours in orbit and returned safely to Earth. A monument to her was erected on the site where the runway of the Izhevsk airfield used to be and where the capsule with her landed 45 years ago.

    • An unusual monument to a dog, the heroine of I. Turgenev's story "Mumu", has recently been erected in St. Petersburg. The boots of Gerasim and the sad Mumu are immortalized. A cast-iron sculptural composition with a lop-eared mongrel is located at the entrance to the club-cafe "Mumu" on Turgenev Square.

    • . A monument to a stray dog ​​was unveiled in the lobby of the Mendeleevskaya metro station in Moscow. The bronze dog, which lies on a pedestal, scratching its ear with its back paw, is designed to remind people that in this world they are responsible for all living beings, and especially for those who are weaker and dependent on them.

    • If there is not enough heat From human hands It is unlikely that it will be replaced by an entrance or a warm hatch.
    • Do not pass by Dog's sad eyes! It is unacceptable! Throw those who love us.

    "A dog is a man's best friend"

    Supervisor: Kurina E. V., teacher of the beginning classes

    MOU secondary school №13, Zheleznogorsk


    • Study the literature on the topic;
    • Show the importance of dogs in human life;
    • Ask classmates to write short essays about their dogs


    Explain the role of dogs in human life

    Where did dogs come from?

    The dog's progenitors are:



    The original types of dogs

    • Peat dog
    • northern wolfdog
    • Sheepdog
    • Dogoobraznaya
    • Dingo dog

    The relationship between dogs and humans

    All this increased the chances of survival.

















    This monument stands in Moscow.

    It was Laika who entered

    in history as the first

    earth dweller,

    ascended into space




    In Italy - a monument to a dog named Faithful. The owner died in the war, but the faithful dog came to the stop to meet him for many years.

    This monument was erected in Novosibirsk to a dog named Jack.

    Being wounded, she excellently proved herself in the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

    This monument

    delivered to the dog

    named Barry

    in Bern which

    saved 40 people

    and died saving 41.


    1. Last name first name

    2. Age

    3. Do you have a dog (if so, what is her name and what breed is she)

    4. Do you know why your dog was bred?

    5. What role does your dog play in your family's life?

    6. Your attitude towards dogs in general

    As a result of the work done, I found out:

    • The dog brings enormous benefits to the mental health of its owner
    • The dog brightens up our loneliness
    • The dog brings up responsibility, patience, kindness
    • Dogs protect from the evil eye, take on bad energy
    • dog guarding the house

    • Before you bring a dog into the house, you need to think carefully about everything. Do not forget that this creature will have to take care of all his life.
    • The dog needs to be given a lot of time, it must move a lot, so it will have to be taken outside several times a day, even in bad weather.
    • Financial issue: keeping a dog is not cheap, this includes the cost of food, veterinarian care.

    • From my work, I concluded that a person owes a lot in his life to a dog, just as a dog owes a lot to a person. I realized from my friends' questionnaires, essays and drawings that many children love dogs and dogs play an important role in their lives, as a dog is man's best and most devoted friend. The facts stated in the work and essays are a confirmation of the hypothesis.

    And most importantly, remember the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery:


    • 1. Children's encyclopedia ROSMEN "Dogs".
    • 2. Programs about dogs on TV channels. .
    • 3. Oral stories of cynologists about the upbringing of dogs in the kennel.

    slide 2

    Research objectives:

    • Find out why dogs are needed in our life;
    • Find out more interesting things about the life of dogs;
    • Get to know the breeds of dogs.
  • slide 3


    Grumbled a living castle,

    Lie across the door.

    Two medals on the chest -

    Better not come into the house.

    slide 4

    Questionnaire "Why do we need dogs?"

    Answer "yes" or "no" to the questions:

    1. Do you like dogs?

    2. Do you have a dog?

    3. Is a dog a man's best friend?

    4. Is the dog the watchman of the house?

    5. Is a dog a toy for children?

    slide 5

    The results of the questionnaire conducted in grade 1A:

    • 24 students were interviewed.
    • Love dogs - 22 people.
    • 14 of them have a dog at home or in the yard.
    • All the guys consider dogs to be friends of man and guards at home.
    • Only 1 person thinks that a dog is a toy.
  • slide 6

    What I learned about dogs

    The dog is descended from the wolf. Man domesticated the dog a long time ago. Now in the world there are about 400 breeds of dogs.

    The science of dogs is called cynology. A person who trains a dog is a cynologist.

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    In Egypt, the dog was deified. In connection with the death of a dog, mourning was declared in Egyptian houses, and the owner of the house shaved off his hair.

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    In ancient Greece and Rome, dogs played an important role. Fighting dogs, powerful and fearless, were in special demand. In the army of Alexander the Great, they occupied a place of honor.

    In Rome, fighting dogs began to act as gladiators, alone they fought bulls, lions, elephants, bears.

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    In Russia, since the mid-19th century, dogs have guarded the borders. They are used in military and police service.

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    In the 20th century, dogs are used by customs officers, they are trained to be guides to the blind, to help the disabled.

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    Proverbs about dogs

    • Without a cat there is no house, without a dog there is no yard.
    • You can't catch a hare without a dog.
    • Yermoshka is rich - there is a dog and a cat.
    • They live like cats and dogs.
    • And the dog does not bark at the one whose bread he eats.
  • slide 12

    Aphorisms about dogs

    • Dogs laugh too, only they laugh with their tails. (M. Eastman)
    • Buy a puppy and you will get the most devoted love in the world. (Kipling)
    • If there were no dog, a person would feel lonely. (Maeterlinck)
    • By your attitude towards the dog, I find out what kind of person you are. (A. Bosse)
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    Dog breeds:

    The breed is indoor-decorative. The coat of poodles does not shed, but requires constant care. Once every six months they are sheared. Well trained, obedient and friendly.

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    They belong to the service dog breed. Used for shepherd, guard, search and other services. Very smart, well trained.

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    Translated from English - "dog-bull." Bulldog ancestors participated in military campaigns, bull-baiting and dog fights.

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    Small longhaired toy dog. Bred in Bologna in Italy in the 18th century. In the 1970s, a colored lapdog, not recognized in other countries, was bred in Russia.

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    By now, greyhounds are rare everywhere. They are known as sporting and decorative dogs. In many countries of Europe and America, greyhounds participate in sports races for an artificial hare.

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    The Rottweiler is a calm, balanced dog, devoted to its owner, distinguished by courage and endurance. Bred in many countries for guard and search services.

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    Saint Bernard

    St. Bernards are loyal and very obedient dogs. They love people, and children are treated very carefully and carefully. The most famous St. Bernard was Barry, who between 1800 and 1812 saved the lives of forty people buried under avalanches.

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    The Dolmatian is a strong, muscular and lively dog. She is very agile and resilient. This is a family dog, easily trained for various services.

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    Chow - chow

    The Chow Chow is an ancient all-purpose breed originating from northern China and has been used for a variety of purposes: for hunting, guarding livestock and at home. Although today the Chow is predominantly a companion dog.

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