The puppy is sticking out of the butt. Is it possible to prevent itching in the anal area. Treatment of rectal prolapse in a dog, colonopexy, prevention

The process of digesting food is the most important part of the life of any animal. Actually, like the process of evacuation of the remaining unprocessed residues from their body. Together with feces, many harmful substances are released into the external environment, which can have a negative impact on the health of your pet. Many diseases of the excretory system, such as inflammation of the anus in a dog, give animals a lot of problems that can lead to serious pathological changes and cause serious harm to the health of your pet.

Proctitis(this is the scientific name for inflammation of the anus) is a pathology that develops when the rectum of a pet is inflamed at its final segment. This is very bad, since any mechanical action, including the act of defecation, gives the dog the greatest suffering and pain. The dog cannot relieve itself normally, because of which his health suffers greatly, and the quality of life decreases. The disease can develop under the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment. Since the symptoms of proctitis are similar to other digestive disorders, the veterinarian will need to perform various tests to confirm or deny the diagnosis.

Read also: Diarrhea and vomiting in a puppy: causes, diagnosis, treatment

You should also not forget about the various poisonings. Even relatively harmless substances commonly used at home have very serious consequences if swallowed. So, various detergents in the form of powders and gels often end up in the body of a dog living at home. If swallowed once, it usually ends up with a simple digestive upset, but chronic colitis can develop if this happens several times.

(photo above, a tumor in a Dalmatian) in the colon can also have a similar effect. It should be noted that the inflammatory reaction is caused not only by malignant, but also by benign neoplasms. In this case, the life of the animal depends on the speed of diagnosis, since if you delay, the pet will almost certainly die. So the conclusion is simple - if any oddities in your pet's behavior appear, if you notice that the act of defecation gives your pet serious suffering, you must urgently show it to the doctor. It is possible that in this way you will save his life.

Also proctitis can be the result of autoimmune, genetically determined diseases. Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous and practically unpredictable reasons. As a rule, such pathologies develop over many months or even years. The pet's health deteriorates very gradually, and when severe symptoms appear, it is too late.

Clinical picture, diagnosis

As we already mentioned, the clinical picture of anal inflammation is very diverse, but the most characteristic signs include:

  • The dog tenses when defecating.
  • In feces, it is almost constantly found blood(moreover, saturated, red).
  • The dog often licks the anus.
  • During a bowel movement, the dog begins to whine, howl, wheeze from pain.

Your veterinarian will perform a routine physical exam on the animal, focusing on the anal area. Additional diagnostic techniques such as complete, urinalysis and stool analysis are the most valuable techniques in terms of the value of the information obtained. To rule out the presence of tumors, the veterinarian will perform an x-ray and examination of the abdomen. In doubtful and difficult cases, a biopsy is recommended - this is the only way to find out whether the detected neoplasm is malignant, or it is benign. This is important if surgery is planned.

In cases where there is a risk of developing secondary infections, they are prescribed antibiotics a wide range. Their use is justified in the postoperative period, since at this time the animal's body is greatly weakened, and cannot protect itself from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. During the period of treatment, the appointment of fortifying drugs and drugs will be useful, since their use has a good effect on the nonspecific resistance of the body.

Lumps and lumps on the body of our four-legged friends are a common problem faced by pet owners. They can occur anywhere. Often, a neoplasm occurs at the base of the tail or under it. Usually, such a pathology is the result of mechanical damage, a reaction to an insect bite or a focus of infection. But there are also tumors.

In any case, if the neoplasm does not go away, but only grows or changes color, contact the veterinary clinic for a diagnosis and effective treatment. Several types of seals are known in dogs under the tail. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when treating. Consider common pathologies, the reasons for their appearance and the main symptoms.

Papillomas and warts

Such bumps under the tail of a dog are harmless until they begin to change color and size. They are painless, do not cause itching or discomfort. Such growths usually appear in animals with weak immunity:

  • old pets;
  • puppies;
  • having chronic ailments;
  • individuals who have undergone complex operations, stress.

Warts and causes papillomavirus, which is transmitted by close contact. The animal's body does not fight the causative agent of the disease, so the dog cannot cope with the problem on its own. The main task is to eliminate neoplasms in time, to prevent their mass appearance. When the dog sits down, such bumps can be injured, and over time become malignant. Treatment methods:

  1. Medication (novocaine injections).
  2. Surgical followed by drug therapy.
  3. Freezing with liquid nitrogen (carefully a few drops on the wart).
  4. Folk (garlic juice, celandine, apple cider vinegar, burning with iodine).

Cover the treated part of the body with a clean bandage to prevent infection.


A swelling under the tail of a dog can form when a bacterial infection enters the body. Abscesses occur at bites, injections, and wounds. The inflammation is accompanied by high fever and pain. If untreated, such an abscess can increase several times in a short time. An abscess is a serious problem and requires specialist advice. The following methods are commonly used:

  • surgical (under local anesthesia, the abscess is opened, the affected cavity is cleaned);
  • medication (course of antibiotic therapy).

It is very difficult to cure a deep abscess on your own; it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor. Superficial abscesses open themselves, the wounds after them can be treated with hydrogen peroxide.


Lipoma (or wen) is a benign neoplasm. Appears alone or in groups. It occurs under the skin or in connective tissues. Small bumps do not bother the animals, but when they grow, discomfort arises.

You can get rid of lipoma only by surgery in a veterinary clinic. It turns into a malignant form very rarely.

Bumps under the tail of a dog photo

Inflammation of the anal glands

Two anal glands are located near the anus of the animal, which secrete a specific substance during bowel movements that helps in bowel movement. The liquid has an unpleasant odor. The older the dog, the greater the risk of inflammation of these glands.

The first signs indicating the overcrowding of the anal glands with a secret are fidgeting on the floor and. This is how the animal tries to cleanse the glands. After a while, a swelling appears under the tail.

If you are not very squeamish, try to help your pet yourself. In order to free the secretions from the glands, squeeze the area around the anus with your hands until fluid appears. Alternatively, insert one finger into the rectum, and press with the other from the outside, thus pushing out the liquid. The success of the procedure can be judged by the reduction in swelling.

The veterinarian, of course, will carry out these manipulations faster and better. If it is impossible to get rid of the secret manually, they resort to surgical intervention.


Often, a bump under the tail of a dog may turn out to be a tumor. Distinguish between benign (adenoma, cyst) and malignant.

Tumors are the most unpleasant thing that can happen to your pet. When they appear, immediately contact a specialized clinic to find out the type of pathology and take the necessary measures. Diagnostics consists in going through the following procedures:

  • a blood test for tumor markers;
  • biopsy (taking a sample of a substance to detect cancer cells);
  • smear;
  • CT (to determine the degree of damage to neighboring organs).

Benign tumors do not grow into adjacent tissues, and the animal is not particularly disturbed. There are two options for treatment:

  1. Surgical removal.
  2. Observation of compaction. If the bump continues to grow, it must be removed.

Having learned that the neoplasm is benign, do not let the disease take its course, because the risk of rebirth is high. Treatment of malignant tumors has its own specifics. It includes several methods:

  • surgical excision;
  • chemotherapy;
  • irradiation.

After passing all the medical procedures, long-term observation and rehabilitation therapy are shown in order to increase immunity.

If the dog rubs its butt on the floor, it is most likely an itching or aching pain. Of course, it is not very pleasant to watch how the animal wipes the remains of feces on clean carpets. However, it is worth scolding your pet for such behavior. You need to contact your veterinarian and find out why the dog rides the pope, because in rare cases, the cause of this behavior can be the development of cancer. You should not worry in advance, in most cases, funny behavior indicates only the animal's desire for purity. Some clean dogs prefer to clean the anal area not with the tongue, but by wiping the bottom on the floor.

To independently make a preliminary diagnosis, the owner must carefully examine the feces for white larvae and threads. If the primary diagnosis has confirmed helminthic invasion, then it is necessary to carry out deworming with the help of veterinary drugs. You should not experiment, and feed your pet with garlic, pumpkin seeds. Your veterinarian or professional pharmacist will find safe but effective medicines.

If the dog rides on the priest, but there are no worms, then it is likely that the anal glands are clogged or inflamed. Small breeds especially often suffer from this problem. The anal glands are located on either side of the animal's anus and look like small sacs.

A special secret is collected in the skin sacs, which is used to mark the territory, to attract females. In a healthy animal, the fluid accumulated in the glands is released during bowel movements. But sometimes the secret accumulates inside the sacs for a long time and begins to press on the surrounding tissues, which leads to certain discomfort. As a result, the dog tries to cleanse the glands by pressing them against a hard surface (particularly the floor). But sometimes the animal can rub its booty against corners and walls.

The true causes of the blockage of the glands are not known for certain. But most often the problem occurs after prolonged diarrhea. Additionally, the animal may begin to lick the area under the tail, whine during bowel movements. If the owner noticed small symmetrical swellings near the anus, then the first thing to do is to gently press on them. You can also wash your pet with warm soapy water. If after a few hours the tumors do not subside, then you need to contact your veterinarian. After all, ignoring the deviation will lead to infection of the fluid in the glands. Ultimately, the surgeon will have to remove them completely.

Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse is diagnosed when the outermost portion of the colon protrudes from the anus. A similar illness can develop after a dog has suffered from severe diarrhea or constipation for a long time. The animal will feel constant pressure in the anus, so it will instinctively try to correct the protruding intestine. But it is impossible to help a pet with such a serious problem on your own. Be sure to contact your veterinarian who:

  1. straightens the bowel and sutures the sphincter muscles to prevent recurrence;
  2. Pick up a wet diet or medication to soften the stool (this will help relieve stress);
  3. will perform an operation to excision the lower part of the intestine, in the event that a relapse does occur.

If it is clearly visible that a bump has appeared under the dog's tail or the skin near the anus itself is swollen, it is strictly forbidden to use any alternative methods of treatment. There is a small chance that cancer has developed.

How to independently identify the cause of the deviation

You should not make an appointment with the veterinarian immediately after the animal has once "rode" on the pope on the floor. It is likely that the pet is simply cleaning up the feces stuck in the fur. First of all, you need to try to independently identify the reasons why the dog rides on the priest.

It is necessary to wear clean rubber gloves, and carefully examine the pet's rectal area. The anus and fur around it should be clean and free of sticky areas. Sometimes a dog scratches its bottom only because the feces have firmly blinded the fur, which is why a pulling pain is constantly felt. You also need to carefully examine and feel the paraanal glands. Any neoplasms, subcutaneous tumors should be alerted. You also need to pay attention to whether there is an unpleasant odor from under the tail. A persistent putrid odor, which persists even after washing the dog, indicates that an infection has entered the secretory fluid.

Only a veterinarian can determine the exact reason that a dog is riding a pope, and only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment. At the very first appointment, the specialist will assess the general condition of the animal, conduct a thorough rectal examination. Sometimes palpation alone will be enough, but in advanced cases, a specialist can conduct a colonoscopy. If it is clearly visible that the paraanal glands are swollen, then the specialist will take a small amount of fluid for cytological examination. If subcutaneous neoplasms of an unspecified nature are detected under the tail, then a biopsy, ultrasound and computed tomography are performed. A full range of studies will allow to confirm or exclude oncological diseases at the earliest stage.

Can itching in the anal area be prevented?

Despite the fact that discomfort under the tail is not always a sign of any serious pet illness, it is necessary to pay enough attention to preventive procedures. Firstly, owners of long-haired dog breeds need to regularly monitor that feces do not get entangled in the animal's fur. You can go to a groomer to cut the excess. You also need to regularly carry out deworming, flush the paraanal glands, especially those dogs that previously suffered from inflammation. The simplest hygiene procedures will prevent many unpleasant diseases and complications.

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What are some of the most common excretory system problems that pet owners face? Constipation, recurrent cases of diarrhea - that's all. Moreover, in most cases, such troubles happen with puppies, whose digestive and excretory systems simply did not have time to develop to the proper extent. But rectal prolapse in a dog is a much more serious problem, fraught with even necrosis and septic phenomena.

This is the name of a pathology in which some part of the rectum turns outward, as it were, protruding from the anus of the animal. This phenomenon not only does not shine with beauty from an aesthetic point of view, but is also extremely dangerous from the point of view of injuries and bleeding. In addition, in an animal with such a pathology, for quite natural reasons, the act of defecation is disturbed, which also does not add to the health of the dog.

There are many reasons why this disease develops. This includes both diseases of the gastrointestinal tract itself, and pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems. In principle, dogs of all ages and breeds are at risk of the disease, but rectal prolapse is more common in puppies, as well as in those animals that suffer from infectious diseases of the digestive system. The danger is especially high in cases of helminthiasis and coprostasis.

With the latest diseases, the dog constantly strains and strains strongly, which can contribute to the "descent" of the rectum from its natural place. In old animals, diseases of a tumor nature can lead to a similar outcome, since they also cause (not always) signs of constipation and strong attempts. Bitches often suffer from prolapse "on load" to pyometra. This disease can also cause constant, convulsive attempts, which can also lead to problems with the rectum.

It is extremely important for the veterinarian to immediately determine the causes of rectal prolapse, since if this is not done, a relapse of the disease is possible.

Read also: Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Important! Dogs do not have hemorrhoids, so for any suspicious "effects" you observe in the area of ​​your pet's rear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Most likely, these signs indicate something serious enough.

Clinical signs

In principle, the clinical manifestations of the disease are quite characteristic, it is difficult to confuse them with other pathologies. To begin with, a lump falls out of the anus or some kind of "bump" starts to stick out. The color of this foreign object varies from pinkish (in the first few minutes), but then, when hyperemia develops, the piece becomes red, bluish, somewhat burgundy.

If nothing is done, the organ dries up quickly, deep cracks, abrasions, and foci of necrosis may appear on its surface. Since there are a lot of blood vessels in the rectum, serious bleeding is possible at the slightest damage to it. Again, if the animal is not provided with any medical care, all this will end extremely sadly.

Important! As a rule, rectal prolapse (the second name of the pathology) does not develop “suddenly and now,” but after a rather significant period of time.

From this it follows that the primary signs of pathology appear gradually, you need to look for them at the moment when the dog goes to the toilet "in big". At this time, a small "lump", that is, a small piece of the rectum, can protrude from the anus.

Attention! Keep in mind that not only it can protrude ... Much more dangerous is the loss of a part of the small intestine. How do you determine what exactly you are dealing with? Take a regular medical thermometer, lubricate its end with sterile vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, and then try to gently set the fallen section of the intestine back.

If you feel that under the end of the thermometer there is some kind of dense, "sinewy" mass that stubbornly does not want to adjust, then most likely it is the rectum. In the case when a segment of an organ is thinner, and it can be easily pushed back, there is a reason to be wary. Most likely, your pet has lost part of the thin section, which is already fraught with intussusceptions and volvulus. As it is extremely dangerous, take him to the vet immediately!

Read also: Thromboembolism in dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


If the rectum has already decided to loudly declare its existence to the whole world, and its tip protrudes from the anus, then everything is clear. In those cases where the presence of pathology is doubtful, it is necessary to perform a complete physical examination of your dog, including a complete blood count. Of course, it is difficult to judge prolapse based on the results of blood tests, but they will help to detect concomitant and predisposing diseases (if any). If we are talking only about a loss, there will (most likely) no deviations from the norm in the blood test, although there may be increased levels of leukocytes. But even this is only relevant for advanced, chronic cases. It is also very important to check the feces, through which you can determine the presence or absence of helminths.

Radiography and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity must be performed, with the help of which it is possible to detect a sharply enlarged, inflamed prostate in males, an enlarged and filled uterus in bitches, foreign bodies, thickening of the walls of the bladder or kidney stones.

The veterinarian will also palpate the affected organ. Sometimes (in doubtful cases) a diagnostic biopsy is practiced. It is performed to determine the prospects of the prolapsed intestine: if its tissues are alive, you can simply correct it. Otherwise, an urgent operation will be required.

Therapeutic approaches

If your dog is diagnosed with a parallel bacterial or viral infection, or helminthic invasion, then you will first need to eliminate these pathologies, since it is pointless to eliminate the prolapse without their treatment. Along the way, the task of the veterinarian is to stop the inflammatory process and swelling of the fallen out piece of the rectum, after which it is set.

This is done with the help of a gentle, gentle massage of the affected area, followed by the application of anesthetic compounds. In the not so distant past, the prolapsed rectum was coated with ... sugar syrup. Sugar pulled away excess fluid, returning the affected organ to its normal volume. Generally, epidural anesthesia should be used for pain relief purposes. However, the methods depend on the size of your pet, as well as on its physiological condition.

The rectum and anus, like the end portion of the large intestine, are designed to remove feces from the intestines to the outside. Rectal prolapse(also known as anal (rectal) prolapse) is a condition where one layer of the rectum (or multiple layers) is displaced outward through the anus (falls out). A similar condition can be caused by various factors, including a disorder of the digestive, reproductive, urinary systems.

Although dogs of any breed, age and sex can be affected by this pathology, animals with acute or chronic viral infection or helminthic infestation are, first of all, at risk. Recent studies and statistics show that dogs small breeds (Yorkshire Terriers, lapdogs, Pekingese, Japanese Chins), young and elderly animals suffer from rectal prolapse 30-40% more often than middle-aged animals. This is quite understandable, first of all, by the fact that the connective tissue and the suspension apparatus in the anal area in risk group dogs are looser and more prone to stretching.

Symptoms, types of rectal prolapse in a dog

Anal prolapse occurs when all layers of the rectal tissue and rectum of a dog protrude out of the anus. Such a protrusion can be different in intensity and is called anal prolapse.

Usually a dog with prerequisites rectal prolapse demonstrates persistent painful tension during the movement of feces and the act of defecation itself. With incomplete anal prolapse, a small part of the dog's rectal mucosa may come out during a bowel movement, and then gradually come back. With complete prolapse, the masses of tissues protruding from the anus do not return to their anatomical boundaries and, with prolonged (chronic) infringement, acquire a bluish or even black tint due to venous stasis in them.

Causes of rectal prolapse in dogs

In dogs, the main root cause of anal prolapse is relaxation of the sphincter of the anus and weakening of its tone due to prolonged constipation and diarrhea. The stressful movement of feces, and especially its movement into the lower sections of the large intestine of the dog, is also a contributing factor. The grounds for these conditions may be:

Abdominal X-ray and ultrasound can help detect possible pathologies of an enlarged prostate, thickening of the bladder walls or kidney stones, which may well be the cause rectal prolapse.

It is imperative to conduct a rectal study to determine the degree of displacement of tissue masses. The most informative research method is colonoscopy, which helps to identify the underlying cause of the disease and its possible relapse. With prolonged infringement rectum biopsy and histological examination of the mucosa may be required. If the tissues are edematous and hyperemic, and with a small incision, bright blood appears, then their nutrition has not yet been disturbed, however, if the tissues have acquired a dark purple or black tint, and when the incision does not produce blood, and the incision itself is bluish, it means that there is necrotic lesion. In this case, excision of the affected tissue will be required, after which part of the dog's rectum should be removed.

Treatment of rectal prolapse in a dog, colonopexy, prevention

First and foremost, you need to focus on identifying the root cause prolapse... If the animal is susceptible to helminthic invasion, bacterial or viral infection, then treatment should be focused on eliminating them. At the same time, the swelling is reduced as soon as possible and the wall of the fallen out rectum in a dog... Reduction of puffiness can be achieved by spraying with liquids with increased osmotic pressure and contributing to narrowing of blood vessels and reducing swelling, for example, 50% dextrose solution, vizine or sugar water (one part sugar and two parts water). Reduction is carried out using antibacterial ointments Ultraproct, Relief Advance, Proctosan, etc., which can partially prevent the inflammatory process. All these actions are carried out carefully and slowly.

Quite often, for additional fixation and prevention of repeated rectal prolapse around anus a loose purse-string suture is applied, which allows the introduction of suppositories and does not interfere with the emptying of the dog. The suture is applied for 3-5 days or more, while a fermented milk diet and the introduction of antihemorrhoidal suppositories with extracts of sea buckthorn, ichthyol or belladonna are recommended up to 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. The use of potato candles is possible. A course of antibiotics, hormonal anti-inflammatory, decongestants and probiotics is mandatory.

With relapses prolapse of the dog's rectum the use of operative surgical methods is permissible - excision of a prolapsed area or colonopexy. Excision, although acceptable, most often leads to recurrence of the disease.

Colonopexy consists in suturing the serous and muscular membranes of the intestine directly to the peritoneum by imposing from 6 to 10 sutures. It is the most reliable fixation method and is performed both by laparotomy and by laparoscopy.

Prophylaxis rectal prolapse consists in constant monitoring of possible relapses, especially if the underlying cause has not been eliminated, since none of the treatment options guarantees a 100% result.

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