Frequent nosebleeds in a 6-year-old child. Are nosebleeds dangerous in children and what is their cause? How to stop nosebleeds

"Questions of blood are the most difficult questions in the world," declared the character of the novel "The Master and Margarita". Hematologists are certainly ready to agree with him, but parents often ignore dangerous symptoms associated, for example, with children's bleeding, they say, it will pass by itself.

Should you be afraid of non-healing scratches, how to decipher the tests, what do parents need to know about the blood of their blood? Olga SANEEVA, candidate of medical sciences, hematologist-hemostasiologist of the Blood Clinic, spoke about this and not only the project “How to keep a schoolchildren healthy”.

Nose bleeding can be dangerous

The problem of nosebleeds in children is not uncommon. And, believe me, this is not the norm, as for some reason it is commonly believed. Unfortunately, many parents write off everything for the transition period and prefer to think that with age, everything will disappear by itself. Or, in general, they independently diagnose "vessels are located close to the surface of the nasal mucosa." Let's remember once and for all - only a specialist can make a diagnosis! To do this, you will first need to pass a general blood test to determine the level of platelets, the duration of bleeding and the clotting time. Then you need to show the child to the ENT doctor to exclude diseases of the nasal mucosa.

In the absence of ENT pathology and the presence of changes in the general blood test, consultation with a hematologist is mandatory!

There can be many reasons for bleeding, for example, insufficient quantity or quality of platelets - the cells responsible for the integrity of the blood vessel wall. The quality of platelets can improve with age (then the problem will be solved by itself), or the situation is corrected by a hematologist.
Only a specialist can decide whether the body will cope on its own.

Nosebleeds can turn out to be a serious "bell", a signal of the child's body. If they occur in a child "out of the blue", for example, at night, at rest, while watching a favorite movie, you should immediately conduct a mandatory study of the blood coagulation system - hemostasis, and with the results come to a full-time consultation with a doctor as soon as possible.

Swollen lymph nodes - an alarming signal

Periodically, all children have enlarged lymph nodes. Most often this is the body's natural immune defense, the so-called reactive lymphadenopathy. If a child often catches a cold, acute respiratory infections occur with fever, lymph nodes can also enlarge, acting as a barrier that prevents infection from entering the lower respiratory tract. And in this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes, and also take a swab from the throat and nose for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity.

If, according to the results of ultrasound, a pathology of the lymph nodes is revealed, an urgent consultation with a hematologist is necessary.

"Thick" and "thin" blood. And what is your child's?

If the kid's peers are jumping in the yard, attaching a leaf of plantain to the scratched knee, and your child cannot stop the bleeding; if the combs after mosquito bites bleed for a long time, and strange bruises appear on the arms and legs, this is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is advisable to take a general blood test before taking it to determine the level of platelets, the duration of bleeding and the clotting time. After that, a consultation with a hematologist is required.

At the other extreme, taking a blood test from your child's vein is a problem. And the point is not in his fears or, for example, fainting, but in the fact that the blood “goes hard”: thick and immediately curdles. In this case, it is imperative to pass an analysis for plasma and platelet hemostasis.

It is also necessary to conduct a genetic study for mutations in hemostasis genes. You can also conduct a special study - thrombodynamics, to exclude increased thrombus formation. The doctor will determine the required list of tests, the main thing is that you tell him about your suspicions.

Educational program on analyzes

Platelets. A lot does not mean good

The normal platelet count for a child is from 150,000 to 500,000. It can rise against a background of high temperature, due to blood clots. That is why it is necessary for a feverish child to drink as much as possible.

An increase in platelet levels may be related to their quality, and this is often the case in children. This goes away with age, but in some cases, the intervention of a doctor is required.

Usually, an increased level of platelets is observed in frequently ill children, who need an immunologist's consultation to exclude an immunodeficiency state.

Insidious hemoglobin

An increase in hemoglobin levels is a common situation for a teenager. In adolescence, all systems of the body are activated, including the hematopoietic. Therefore, an increase in the level of hemoglobin is a normal physiological process and you should not panic.

But parents should pay attention to the decrease in the level of hemoglobin! Low hemoglobin levels need to be dealt with by measuring serum iron and ferritin levels.

A few words about eosionophils

Not all blood counts in the tests should immediately force the parents to run to the hematologist. For example, an increased level of eosinophils in the blood is the main symptom of a blood allergy. Their number depends on the severity of allergic manifestations, therefore, in this case, you need to contact not a hematologist, but an allergist.

Heredity. Not all the best for children ...

If your parents have problems, for example, you have a history of thrombosis, you definitely need to be examined yourself: exclude thrombophilia, track changes in the hemostatic system.

A child over 4 years old (at school age - it is obligatory) to do a study of the blood coagulation system - hemostasis, followed by a consultation with a hematologist. Forewarned means protected!

Prepared by Aglaya Karamzina

Many parents have experienced nosebleeds in their children, but not everyone knows why nosebleeds often flow in childhood, and also how to properly act with such a problem. Let's find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky and his advice for parents with nosebleeds in children.


The famous pediatrician calls the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal mucosa the main cause of frequent bleeding in children. It is they that cause the appearance of frequent bleeding in some children and the absence of such a problem in other babies. Among the most frequent provoking factors, Komarovsky calls the dry air in the room in which the child stays.

According to a popular doctor, the dry air causes the mucus in the child's nose to dry out and form crusts, and when the child picks them off, bleeding opens.

In this case, Komarovsky emphasizes, we are talking about bleeding that is not caused by injury (fall, blow), when the reason for the bleeding from the baby's nose is obvious. Excessively dry air becomes the cause of those bleeding that appears suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Increased production of mucus in a child's nose is caused by a viral infection, exposure to an allergen or bacteria, and drying out of mucus can be caused not only by dry air in the room, but also by taking certain medications (vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and others), prolonged increase in body temperature, inhalation of contaminated air.

The bleeding itself can begin not only when picking in the nose, but also when sneezing, while walking, inhaling, or while sleeping - in all cases when the pressure on the nasal septum increases.

However, the cause of a child's nosebleed can be much more serious, however, as Komarovsky notes, problems with blood coagulation, liver, blood pressure and other serious illnesses will never manifest itself only with nosebleeds. If your baby has any of these conditions, he or she will have other symptoms, such as a rash on the skin, frequent bruising, headaches, or dizziness.

Urgent care

When a child has nosebleeds, Komarovsky recommends doing this:

  1. To seat the baby with the body tilted forward. The child's head should be straight or slightly tilted forward.
  2. The baby's nostrils should be pinched with fingers and held for about 10 minutes. The mother or the child himself can squeeze the nose. While waiting, the child must breathe through the mouth.

According to the popular doctor, the rate of cessation of blood flow is primarily influenced by the diameter of the damaged vessel. Also, the duration of bleeding will be determined by the state of the blood coagulation system and the intake of certain medications. In most cases, ten minutes will be enough for normal nosebleeds to stop.

To speed up the stop of bleeding, a popular doctor recommends a cold, but only if the child can pinch his nose on his own (while the mother runs to the kitchen for something cold). Komarovsky advises using ice by placing it on the bridge of the nose. You can also give your child ice cream or a cold drink through a straw, as the cold in the mouth also helps to stop the bleeding in the nose more quickly.

In addition, so that 10 minutes of waiting for the blood to stop flowing does not become too long for the child, parents can do something to entertain him, for example, play a cartoon for the child, read to the child or tell him a story.

The famous pediatrician calls the main mistakes of parents when helping a child with nosebleeds:

  1. Throwing the child's head back. With this action, the blood will drain into the pharynx, so it will be difficult to understand how severe the damage to the vessels is, when the bleeding stopped and whether it ended at all. In addition, flowing blood can provoke a gag reflex.
  2. Introduction of cotton swabs into the nasal passages. After removing the cotton wool from the nose, the crust formed at the site of vascular damage is removed, which causes repeated bleeding.
  3. Putting the child to bed. Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that a child with nosebleeds should not be in a horizontal position.
  4. Let go of the baby's nostrils earlier, checking to see if blood is still flowing. This will only interfere with the cessation of bleeding.

Also, the child during bleeding should not:

  • Blow your nose.
  • Cough.
  • Talk.
  • Swallow blood.
  • Move actively.

If 10 minutes have passed, mom has released her nostrils, and the bleeding is still continuing, all actions should be repeated for another 10 minutes. If after twenty minutes from the beginning of the nosebleeds it has not stopped yet, the child should be seen by the doctor.

Komarovsky also advises not to hesitate in seeking medical help if:

  • Blood in a child is released from two nostrils at once.
  • The child still has bleeding from another part of the body, for example, from the ear.
  • Bleeds from the nose are repeated very often.

In the following video, the doctor gives detailed recommendations for helping with nosebleeds in a child, and also talks about the frequent mistakes of parents in such situations.

The breastfeeding period is characterized by the active development of your baby's body. If we consider the nose separately, then the newborn has a small one. The cavities, in other words the sinuses, which perform the function of warming the air, are still completely undeveloped. And the nasal passages are quite narrow, only 1 mm in diameter (we do not confuse the nasal passage with the vestibule of the nasal cavity, which protrudes on the face and is popularly called the "nose").

The sinuses are completed only by the adolescent period. In infants, the mucous membrane in the nose is abundantly supplied with blood, there are many arteries (capillaries) and veins, which are intertwined in a "glomerulus". The coating is very delicate and fragile, especially in the antero-inferior part of the nasal septum. In this place there is the largest accumulation of blood vessels that receive blood from the most important arteries in the body of your crumbs - the sleepy ones. Therefore, as soon as this place is traumatized, profuse bleeding of bright scarlet blood occurs.

Remember, nosebleeds can come from a variety of influences. Do not panic!

Why does the child have nosebleeds?

The reasons can be divided into those that are directly related to the nose, and those that are associated with other diseases of the body.

Local causes

  1. Injury. It occurs as a result of "picking" in the nose, pushing foreign objects (small parts of toys, cotton swabs) and with strong blows. Most often, babies hit the corners of furniture and when they fall.Important! If the blood after an injury does not stop for a long time (more than 10-15 minutes) and you notice swelling in the nose or any deformation, immediately seek help from the clinic.
  2. Dry, "hot" air in the room where your baby spends most of the time. Do not place your baby's crib close to heaters or radiators.
  3. General overwork of the child. Overactive toddler can cause excessive bleeding. Try not to engage in active games before bedtime, when the body is already physiologically preparing for rest.
  4. With strong and tearful crying or with prolonged coughing, blood may also appear. This process is based on an increase in pressure in the vessels and their increased fragility.
  5. Differences in atmospheric pressure and changes in the climatic zone. Most often this happens when traveling to the sea, to mountainous areas, when flying by air. In the process of growing up, as a result of full development, such bleeding will go away without intervention.
  6. Rhinitis is either allergic or caused by viruses. The rupture of the vessel wall with a cold occurs due to thinning and swelling of the mucous layer.
  7. Chronic diseases of the nose, adenoid growths.

Common Causes

A child's nosebleeds and common causes are diseases that may be accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Infections: acute respiratory infections, flu, measles and others. It occurs due to an increase in body temperature.
  2. Non-infectious conditions in which blood pressure rises - sunstroke, unusual physical activity, overheating.
  3. , long-term use of drugs that affect blood clotting.
  4. Leukemia.
  5. Disorders in the liver and kidneys. These are both congenital anomalies and acquired ones - cirrhosis, nephritis.
  6. Long-term use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs - Aspirin and Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  7. Decongestants (Xylometazoline, Tetrizolin) are drugs that are used to treat a cold. They constrict blood vessels so that there is no rhinorrhea (discharge of mucus from the nose). Frequent instillation of such a drug will lead to dryness in the nose, and then to mucosal atrophy and frequent bleeding.
  8. Arterial hypertension as an independent disease in a child.
  9. Diseases of the oral cavity. The focus of chronic infection can be a carious tooth.
  10. "Hormonal maturation". Most often in girls, during an important period of the formation of the menstrual cycle.

Most often, nosebleeds in children under one year old appear as a result of mucosal trauma. In the nose during this period, the submucosa is completely undeveloped, namely its cavernous part.

How to stop a child's nose bleeding?

What to do if your child suddenly has a nosebleed?

What is the right thing to do, and what can you do on your own?

Initially, you do not need to panic, it is scary not only for you, but also for your baby.

Take the baby in your arms. If he is bleeding, he can sit on his own with his back resting on the back of an armchair or sofa. Tilt your head forward.

Do not throw your child's head back! You need to know when the blood will stop and how much blood your baby will lose. Also, options with laying the child on their back are not suitable.

If it bleeds outside, it is better to take the child to the shade or to a cool place.

Talk to your baby. He is scared, he does not understand what happened to him and why he started bleeding. Try to explain that nothing terrible happened.

You can play a game: I inhale air through my nose and exhale through my mouth. Such breathing will help the baby to calm down and, under the influence of the air flow, the blood will coagulate faster and stop flowing.

Place a cold object on the bridge of the nose.

If you took out anything from the freezer, ALWAYS wrap it in a cloth (towel, napkins). Otherwise, your baby will also get local frostbite!

Keep a cold object for no more than 5 minutes.

If, after a cold compress, the blood does not want to stop in any way within fifteen minutes, contact an ambulance.

If a child often has nosebleeds?

Be aware that in case of recurring episodes, it is imperative to consult your child with a doctor. If the baby often has nosebleeds, this is a serious reason to be on the alert.

You should contact an otorhinolaryngologist to exclude diseases of ENT organs, as well as a pediatrician. He will explain to you what examinations will need to be done to exclude serious diseases:

  • hemophilia. The indications of thrombin and prothrombin tests are taken into account;
  • liver disease - you should take a biochemical blood test, pay attention to the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), bilirubin (both direct and total), creatinine, alkaline phosphatase;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system. To help diagnose - electrocardiogram, ultrasound examination of the heart. If there are changes, Holter monitoring is additionally used;
  • kidney disease can lead to an increase, and damage to the adrenal glands affects the vascular wall. It is necessary to pass a general urinalysis, urine analysis according to Nicheporenko, if there are changes, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys is shown;
  • a blood test for hormones, especially in adolescent children;
  • leukemia is a serious blood disease that must be ruled out in case of frequent and persistent bleeding from the nose of a child.

How to avoid nosebleeds?

  1. Indoor air is very important. First, ventilate your child's room at least twice a day.Second, avoid dry and hot air. Do not put your baby's sleeping place near heating areas.Thirdly, it should be used if you live on the upper floors of an apartment building (from the fourth and higher), especially on the sunny side, especially in the cold season when the heating is on.
  2. Avoid injury. Secure the area where the child is most of the time. Furniture without corners or with protection, carpets on the floor should not cling to the baby's legs, and all objects that the baby is able to pull onto its head should be removed.A child should never be left unattended by an adult.
  3. Get involved in strengthening the immune system. Start small - devote about an hour to walks every day, just walk in the fresh air. It is not necessary to "feed" your baby with immunostimulating drugs, you can use decoctions of wild rose and hawthorn, give tea with lemon or ginger.
  4. If your baby is allergic, it is worth protecting him from allergens. D Wet cleaning of the room, replacement of bedding (pillow and blanket made of synthetic fabrics, as well as a mattress, not a feather bed). Unfortunately, pets can cause allergic rhinitis.
  5. Do not overload your child. A correct and rational day is the key to the successful development of your baby. Children should wake up and go to bed at the same time. We get up both on weekdays and on weekends, for example, at seven in the morning, and go to bed no later than nine in the evening. Leave active and emotional games for the daytime.
  6. If the child is sick, then be sure to heal him. Do not rush to send him to kindergarten or school immediately after the temperature returns to normal. Give your baby at least seven days. During this time, the cold will pass, and the immune system will begin to work.

The mucous membrane of the nose in children is much softer and thinner than in adults. Small capillaries located in the Kisselbach zone sometimes cannot cope with the load. Weak walls burst and bleeding occurs. In 90% of cases, it can be stopped at home. A single bloody nasal discharge should not cause panic or suspicion. But if they are repeated too often, you must definitely contact your pediatrician and find out the reason.

The main factors

Parents of young children are advised to monitor the behavior of the young patient. Perhaps the child likes to stick foreign objects in his nose: pencils, pens, small toys, or his own fingers. Sharp and hard accessories damage the thin mucous membrane and the anterior part of the nose, which contains most of the capillaries.

Bleeding in infants occurs due to too dry air. If parents constantly turn on additional sources of heating and do not place humidifiers or bowls of water next to the baby's bed, the nasal mucosa will lose moisture. The capillaries become brittle. When a child screams, coughs, or sneezes, the thinned walls burst.

In children 2 to 10 years old, nosebleeds can cause excessive physical or mental stress. For example, when parents are forced to go to sports clubs, visit tutors and bring only A's from school. The child, due to constant stressful situations, has problems with pressure. It rises or falls sharply, so the nasal capillaries cannot withstand, and bleeding occurs.

In adolescents, similar symptoms are observed due to hormonal changes. Spotting is often accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. Some patients have migraines. Girls suffer more from nosebleeds. Boys' bodies develop more slowly, so their bodies have time to adapt to hormonal changes.

If the discharge from the nasal cavity is intense and profuse, lasts more than 15 minutes, accompanied by loss of consciousness or vomiting, parents should sound the alarm. Suspicious symptoms may indicate serious pathology:

  • staphylococcal rhinitis;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • brain injury and concussion;
  • cysts or polyps;
  • genetic anomalies of blood vessels;
  • malignant tumors in the nasal cavity or brain;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane;
  • hemorrhagic disease;
  • hemophilia.

The most harmless factor that causes nosebleeds is a lack of ascorbic acid, calcium or vitamin K. But you can find out about the real reasons only after consulting a doctor and a thorough examination. Until the child is diagnosed correctly, parents are advised not to self-medicate, because the wrong medicines and folk remedies will only worsen the health of the young patient.

First aid

You shouldn't panic at the sight of blood. The child, noticing the excitement of mom and dad, also begins to be afraid. Fear increases heart rate and nosebleeds. If a baby's vessel has burst, you need to calm him down and say that nothing dangerous has happened. He will lie down for a while now, and everything will surely pass.

The child is laid on his back, placing several pillows or a blanket roller under the back of his head. The chin should touch the ribcage. It is forbidden to throw the head back, otherwise the blood will enter the larynx and esophagus, and then you will have to fight with suffocation or vomiting.

Parents should ask the child not to blow his nose. Bloody discharge remains in the nose and forms a clot that will close the damaged capillary walls. A piece of meat from the freezer or ice is applied to the bridge of the nose. The compress is wrapped with cling film and a thin towel so as not to freeze the baby's skin. Cold lotion constricts blood vessels and capillaries, reducing the amount of secretions.

If blood gets into the mouth, it must not be swallowed. The child is given a bowl or cup into which he spits out saliva. And also a napkin to wipe your face. The wings of the nose are pressed against the septum with the index fingers for several minutes. You need to breathe through your mouth.

If the manipulations do not help, prepare turundas from sterile cotton wool and bandage. The blanks are impregnated with 3% peroxide and inserted into the nasal passages. Leave for 6-12 minutes. If the intensity of the discharge does not decrease, call an ambulance.

You will need a doctor's consultation if a young patient:

  • injured the head or the bridge of the nose;
  • took aspirin or antipyretics such as Ibuprofen or Nurofen 20-30 minutes before bleeding;
  • has diabetes or hemophilia;
  • complains of nausea or dizziness;
  • fainted.

Foaming blood indicates lung damage. And vomiting with red streaks and clots warns of stomach problems. In such cases, the child will be saved only by hospitalization, so you do not need to wait 15 minutes, but immediately call an ambulance.

Order and climate

Malignant tumors, cysts and polyps require surgical or medical treatment. If the child just has weak blood vessels, pressure drops due to depletion of the body or a lack of trace elements, and the doctor did not prescribe strengthening pills, then you can use alternative methods.

First, the parents reduce the workload. They make sure that the young patient rests more often and does not sit at the computer and textbooks around the clock. The child is taught to do exercises every morning, take a contrast shower and sleep for at least 8-9 hours.

To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, a humidifier is installed in the room. They monitor the temperature in the room so that it does not rise above 25 degrees. They also open windows regularly to increase the oxygen concentration. In winter, you can do without a window, so that the child does not freeze, because the capillaries in the Kisselbach zone are weakened due to colds, viral diseases, fever and abuse of vasoconstrictor drops.

Also, if the vessels are fragile, it is recommended to regularly rinse the nasal passages with salted water or a special saline solution. Clean mucous membrane is moistened with natural oils: sea buckthorn, olive or sunflower. They not only prevent drying out, but also have regenerating properties.

If the child is prone to allergic rhinitis, the room is cleaned four times a week. They not only mop up dust, but also wash floors and wash stuffed animals. Long pile carpets are contraindicated. Better to cover the floor with a coating that does not accumulate dust.

Diet for bleeding

In autumn and spring, it is useful for children to take vitamin complexes, which contain ascorbic acid, calcium and iron. During the rest of the year, parents should monitor the diet of the young patient. For the prevention of nosebleeds, the following is introduced into the diet:

  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower and Brussels sprouts;
  • papaya and kiwi;
  • citruses and strawberries;
  • beets and pomegranates;
  • Brown rice;
  • bran bread;
  • pork or beef liver;
  • raisins and prunes;
  • chicken or quail eggs, especially yolks;
  • oysters and mussels;
  • green onions and white cabbage;
  • rapeseed oil;

Useful cereals, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt. With such a diet, the child's body receives both iron and vitamins C, K and E. Elements tone and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also normalize blood circulation and pressure. They have a positive effect on hormonal levels.


If the pediatrician does not mind, homemade infusions and decoctions can be used to prevent nosebleeds. The fragility of the capillaries is removed with fresh aloe. You will need a three-year-old plant from which the largest and fleshy leaf is cut. Store the healing blank in the refrigerator. Every day, before breakfast, the child is given a small teaspoon-sized piece of aloe. The plant can be ground and mixed with honey to remove the bitter taste.

It is useful to inject freshly squeezed yarrow juice into the nasal passages. 1-2 drops in the morning or evening. The workpiece strengthens and disinfects the mucous membrane, protecting against infectious diseases. Instead of juice, green leaves of yarrow are also introduced. Only they are washed under the tap and kneaded with your fingers so that the juice comes out, and they are kept for no longer than 20 minutes. The second method will not work for children under the age of 6.

Herbal preparations help with nosebleeds. Suitable for children:

  • plantain leaves;
  • stinging nettle;
  • horsetail;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • calamus roots;
  • yarrow.

Each plant is discussed with a pediatrician, because what suits one child is dangerous for the second. Natural preforms are combined in equal proportions and ground to obtain a homogeneous brew. Take 15–20 g of herbs for a cup of boiling water. It is better to insist the strengthening drink in a water bath, but you can simply wrap the container with a towel or pour the ingredients into a thermos.

Decoctions usually have a bitter taste, so a little honey is added to the medicine. The sweet component improves the taste and supports the baby's immunity.

Helps with frequent bleeding viburnum bark. Pour 60 g of a dry piece into a saucepan with a thick bottom and add a cup of distilled water. The composition should simmer for 30-40 minutes, until about half of the liquid has evaporated. Viburnum tea is removed from the stove and, after straining, is diluted with clean water. Take 100-120 ml. The broth is given to the child three times a day. 35-40 ml before the main meal. I also saturate turundas with viburnum tea and insert them into the nasal passages for bleeding.

If the mucous membrane constantly dries up, it is smeared with a mixture of a decoction of nettle and petroleum jelly. The components are stirred until smooth, soaked in cotton swabs and applied to the inside of the nose after rinsing.

Strengthens fragile capillaries and ointment based on interior fat. In addition to the main component, you will need:

  • viburnum leaves;
  • mountaineer pepper;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • shepherd's bag.

30 g of each herb for 50-60 g of lard. Melt and simmer for 40 minutes in a water bath, so that the base is saturated with essential components. Be sure to strain so that particles of leaves and stems do not fall on the mucous membrane and do not injure it. Rub after rinsing the nasal passages with water and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Brittle capillaries and blood vessels can be strengthened with vegetables and fruits, herbal decoctions and ointments. The main thing is to make sure that nosebleeds are caused by a lack of vitamins or stressful situations. And the child does not have malignant tumors, genetic abnormalities, diseases of the cardiovascular system or the brain.

Video: nosebleeds in children

Bleeding from a baby's nose always scares parents. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and, of course, in such a situation, the baby needs help. So that parents can provide it to their child, they need to familiarize themselves with the relevant information about the varieties, features and methods of treating such pathologies.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

There are a lot of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Epistaxis (epistaxis) from one or both nostrils is much more common in children than in adults. It can be at any age (both in one-year-olds and in children of preschool and primary school age up to 10 years old) and less often in adolescents. Thus, almost every child knows from personal experience what nosebleeds are.

Why is this happening? Let's list the main reasons:

  1. trauma to the nose;
  2. diseases of the ENT organs;
  3. pathology of internal organs and systems;
  4. frequent tamponade of the nasal cavity;
  5. external factors.

Injury to the nose

Toddlers love to play with small objects. Parents are not always able to keep track of them, and the child will easily stick some small toy (for example, a construction kit part) into his nose. This is typical for children 3-4 years old. As a result, the baby will injure the nasal mucosa, and bleeding begins. A similar injury can be obtained by simply picking your nose with your finger. If possible, it is necessary to wean the child from such habits.

ENT diseases

In the cool season, children often suffer from colds (we recommend reading :). This is due to the not yet formed immunity. From the frequent discharge of liquid secretion from the nose, the vessels in it become inflamed. When a child sneezes or coughs, weak and inflamed blood vessels can bleed from exertion.

Diseases of other organs and systems

Bleeding is also explained by the presence of pathologies, which are characterized by a violation of hemocoagulation (blood clotting). With these conditions, the blood vessels become very vulnerable, and even mild bleeding is difficult to stop. Such diseases include:

  • hepatitis;
  • anemia;
  • leukemia, etc.

In adolescents, nosebleeds often run during hormonal changes. This is not a pathology, but simply age-related features.

The use of nasal drugs

During colds, parents often instill vasoconstrictor drugs into the child's nose. In some cases, their use is necessary, since they facilitate the course of the disease, but too long use makes the vessels vulnerable, the mucous membrane becomes thinner and becomes vulnerable, which provokes the occurrence of bleeding.

Too long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops can be complicated by vasospasm and blood discharge

Frequent tamponade of the nasal cavity

If the crumbs flow of blood from the nose is a frequent occurrence, then cotton swabs are injected into the nasal passages (they look like flagella about 3 cm long and no more than 1 cm thick). Such tampons block the blood flow and, with frequent use, cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Because of this, the problem is not solved, but only aggravated.

External factors

Sometimes nosebleeds are caused by external factors. For example, if the baby overheats in the sun and gets sun or heatstroke (more in the article:). Dry air destroys the elasticity of the blood vessels in the nose, making them fragile and brittle. Such air can be both outside in frost or heat, and indoors.

Varieties of nosebleeds

For the diagnosis, it matters at what time of the day there is a discharge of blood from the nose, it happens periodically or happened once. Most often, bleeding occurs at night, in the morning, or with rhinitis.

At night

Nocturnal nosebleeds are the biggest concern and anxiety for parents. The most unexpected factors can provoke the phenomenon.

If the parents are sure that the baby had no nose injuries, then bleeding may have been provoked by:

  • long-term or uncontrolled treatment with vasoconstrictor drops;
  • strong drying out of the mucous membrane of the baby's nose - this is especially true during the heating season, when the air in the apartment is dry;
  • allergies to dust, household chemicals, pets, etc .;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

In the morning

If the baby has bleeding in the morning, they may be due to the following factors:

  • in a dream, the child lay on its side or stomach all night, which could put pressure on the vessels and cause bleeding;
  • the presence of polyps in the nose also leads to blood loss precisely in the morning;
  • as in the case of night phenomena, the reason for the morning can be too dry air in the room;
  • increased emotional and physical stress (typical for school age from 8 to 11 years old), lack of sleep for good rest, and many others. dr.

Nose bleeding can occur due to overexcitement and excitement.

Rhinitis with blood

It happens that small bloody discharge from the nose is accompanied by rhinitis. This is especially noticeable when blowing the nose. What could be the reason for this phenomenon:

  • the child, due to inability, blows his nose too actively, therefore, it injures the mucous membrane and promotes the appearance of blood (we recommend reading:);
  • trying to pick off dried crusts, the baby scratches the delicate mucous membrane;
  • the frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs affects;
  • complications after diseases of the ENT organs.

These are just some of the possible causes of blood in the nasal cavity. To accurately establish the nature of the pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist. This is most important with regular bleeding.

How to stop nosebleeds?

There are quite simple steps to stop nosebleeds. Of course, the cause of the pathology plays an essential role. If the blood flow does not stop for more than 15-25 minutes, then an ambulance must be called urgently. Also, the intervention of specialists is mandatory if there was a head injury, vomiting is present, the child loses consciousness or suffers from poor blood clotting (hemophilia).

Providing first aid to a child

At home, it is important to provide first aid to the baby in a timely manner. It should be not only physical, but also psychological.

Thus, the injured part is pinched and the blood stops.

Children themselves are very afraid of sudden bleeding, so it is necessary to calm the child right away. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, simple actions will help:

  1. Sit your baby in a chair and tilt his head forward.
  2. Pinch your nostrils and apply ice to the bridge of your nose. After 6-7 minutes, cotton swabs soaked in vasoconstrictor drugs (Vibrocil, Naphthyzin) can be gently inserted into the nasal passages.
  3. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the flagella and lubricate the mucous membrane with petroleum jelly or Neomycin ointment, which accelerate healing and soothe inflammation.

The most common mistakes that are easy to avoid

Many parents, trying to help a child, unknowingly can harm him. Improper first aid measures are fraught with increased bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. In order to avoid mistakes and not aggravate the situation, you need to know what things absolutely cannot be done:

  1. During bleeding, put the baby to bed and raise his legs. This will increase blood loss.
  2. Tilt your head back, because this is a violation of the outflow of blood through the cervical veins and the release of blood increases. It also makes your throat feel numb, causing spasms and vomiting.
  3. Immediately after stopping the blood, give the child drinks and food, especially hot. The high temperature causes vasodilation and renewed bleeding.

Also, after stopping the flow of blood, the child should be protected from sports and heavy physical exertion. This can provoke a relapse.

When is it necessary to see a specialist?

An ENT doctor should be consulted after the bleeding stops. A specialist consultation is needed to establish the cause and prevent recurrence. The doctor examines the sinuses using special mirrors (this method is called rhinoscopy). If necessary, the damaged vessels are cauterized. Also, consultations of other specialists (endocrinologist, hematologist, etc.) can be appointed and analyzes are carried out.

Treatment of nosebleeds

With a single nosebleed, no specific treatment is required because relapse is unlikely and parents have nothing to worry about. It will be enough to comply with basic preventive measures. Systematic bleeding is subject to treatment, as well as those caused by severe injuries, kidney disease, impaired blood clotting. If relapses occur, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.


Drug therapy is primarily aimed at reducing capillary fragility and permeability. Here are used:

  • Askorutin (for more details in the article:);
  • Rutin;
  • Vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid reduces the permeability of the vascular wall

In addition, for the prevention and acceleration of stopping bleeding, the following are prescribed:

  • Vikasol;
  • Dicinon;
  • intravenously: Calcium chloride, Aminocaproic acid (we recommend reading :).

For bleeding caused by trauma, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Trasilol;
  • Contrikal.

Traditional medicine

There are many effective remedies among folk recipes. Their additional advantages are affordability, environmental friendliness and budget. Among these funds, there are both local and those that are taken internally:

  • well improve blood clotting teas with sea buckthorn, plantain, chamomile;
  • a piece of aloe leaf eaten on an empty stomach can help with frequent bleeding;
  • to quickly stop bleeding, you can soak a cotton swab in the juice of fresh nettle or plantain and insert into the sore nostril.

For nosebleeds, the child is advised to drink chamomile teas

These guidelines can be helpful, but parents shouldn't get involved in self-medication, especially if the cause of the bleeding is uncertain. Before using traditional medicine, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent nosebleeds, parents need to follow some rules. They consist in close attention to the health of their baby, preventing injuries, and providing a healthy and balanced diet. The following measures will help to strengthen the blood vessels of the crumbs:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room and humidification of the air in the apartment during the heating season.
  2. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes for children, especially in the off-season, when the child's immunity is weakened.
  3. Eating fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, fish, dairy products.

Blood from the nose is in itself not a dangerous phenomenon, but it is better to prevent this pathology in order to maintain peace of mind in the family and not expose the child to unnecessary stress. Observance of simple precautions will help the baby to be healthy and cheerful and delight parents with their success and good mood.

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