Deep cough without fever. How to treat a severe, dry throat cough in an adult? Laryngeal cough

What does throat cough mean? This is not an independent disease, but a symptom indicating the presence of any pathology. It is often accompanied by tickling and discomfort. This cough can be dry and moist, that is, with sputum production. Depending on what additional signs it is accompanied by, a diagnosis is performed, and on its basis the doctor prescribes treatment.

Causes of the development of throat cough

Laryngeal cough can appear due to infectious diseases, and for reasons not associated with such pathologies.

Dry throat cough can be caused by:

Discomfort and throat cough can be caused by infectious diseases, namely:

    ARVI, which often occur against the background of a cold. In such cases, the immune defense is greatly reduced, and the infection penetrates into the lower parts of the respiratory system, into the bronchi. Therefore, most often such a cough is strong from the very beginning, but unproductive.

    Pharyngitis in the chronic stage. In its acute form, pharyngitis also causes a cough, but of a different type. In this case, inflammatory processes develop in the lymphoid node of the pharynx, while the mucous membranes are damaged, and a dry laryngeal cough occurs.

    Whooping cough, which is similar in symptoms to bronchial asthma.

    Laryngitis and tracheitis are inflammatory processes in which both the larynx and the trachea become inflamed at the same time. Children in such situations may even have asthma attacks.

Bronchial asthma as a cause of throat cough

Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that can be caused by both immunological and non-immunological mechanisms. Its characteristic feature is asthma attacks.

Bronchial asthma is provoked by various external factors, which include:

    various allergens (pollen, dust, both domestic and industrial, allergens produced by ticks, pets, etc.);

    microorganisms that provoke infectious diseases (bacteria, fungi, yeast);

    mechanical and chemical irritants (for example, dust caused by wastes from the wood, cotton, silicate industry);

    meteorological factors (these are temperature differences, air humidity, and some experts even believe that fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field);

    stressful situations, nervous tension.

With bronchial asthma, treatment is carried out in two directions at once. In the first case, it is necessary to eliminate the factors causing asthma, and in the second, to stop the attack if necessary. For this, drugs such as adrenaline and ephedrine are used. Non-drug therapies are very important, some of which are aimed at relieving stress.

Treatment of throat cough for infectious diseases

A laryngeal cough can indicate a wide variety of diseases. The choice of remedy depends on the nature of the disease that caused the coughing fits. But there are tools that are suitable for any situation.

These include:

    drugs that suppress the process itself (for example, bitiodine and codeine, and the second must be taken with extreme caution, since it can be addictive);

    mucolytics are agents that thin phlegm and help remove it faster. Many syrups and tablets also fall into this category.

These are, for example, bromhexine and ambroskol. these drugs should not be confused with mucoregulatory agents like lysic acid. The latter are aimed at increasing the amount of secret production.

All of these products can be taken for allergies. Only in this case, they are supplemented with antihistamines (the latter, among other things, relieve puffiness), which returns a comfortable sensation in the throat.

Pharyngitis and laryngitis are treated at home. But whooping cough can only be cured in a hospital setting, since it is very important to ensure normal ventilation and humidification of the air, as well as wet room towels that are used at home. The treatment of children requires a special approach, since any irritants can cause a severe attack of coughing.

But, for example, for whooping cough, a specific gammaglobulin is used (this drug requires intramuscular injection).

At the same time, the aforementioned antitussives and sedatives, which are designed to suppress coughs, are considered not only ineffective but also harmful. For severe forms of the disease associated with a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

At the same time, methods such as mustard plasters or banks are completely contraindicated; in severe cases, doctors mechanically cleanse the throat from mucus and even carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

When choosing a method of treatment, you need to consider all the main characteristics of a cough. Treatment should always be directed to the elimination of inflammation and throat hoarseness. In this case, it is important to take into account the duration of the cough and the time at which it intensifies.

What should be done to cough up the cough faster?

In addition to medication, other measures need to be taken. They mainly relate to dry throat cough, although they can be effective in other forms as well. For example, if the temperature is not elevated, then you need to take a hot shower or bath with the addition of sea salt and medicinal essential oils. You can stay in the bath for no longer than 15 minutes, and after that it is important to avoid hypothermia.

In the absence of contraindications, steam inhalation is carried out with the addition of baking soda, sea salt, and various medicinal herbs. Contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, a tendency to nosebleeds. At high temperatures, inhalations are not carried out.

You need to consume as much liquid as possible. It is best to drink warm tea with raspberries, adding a drop of honey (if you are not allergic to it). But you can also drink cranberry juice or even cranberry jelly, which envelops the mucous membranes and eliminates irritation on them.

You can gargle with broth of sage or medicinal chamomile. This is done at least 5 times a day. Infections also require treatment of the throat with antiseptic drugs, including those based on chlorhexidine or miramistin.

It is important to create conditions in the house in which a patient with similar diseases will feel more comfortable. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the rooms and do wet cleaning in them, maintain the air humidity at the desired level.

How to treat a throat cough in children?

The methods listed above are relevant mainly for adults. But how can children be treated? The answer to the question depends on the nature of the cough. A viral cough requires one approach to the disease, a bacterial cough another.

Often, doctors prescribe Biseptol for children with a bacterial cough. However, it should be remembered that this drug is an allergen and quite strong. It is better to replace it with new generation antibiotics, and which ones will be prescribed by the doctor.

If your throat hurts badly, you do not need to endure. In such situations, a drug is used that is both an antipyretic and anesthetic - children's Nurofen or Panadol. The dosage must be indicated by your doctor. And, of course, children are also allowed to rinse with salt or inhalation with hot steam.

Thus, a throat cough requires an individual approach to treatment, due to the very nature of the disease. Subject to all the rules, it can be cured in a couple of weeks.

Today it will be:

Deep dry cough- These are periodic or persistent coughing attacks without sputum production that occur when the lower respiratory system is irritated. They develop with infectious or non-infectious lesions of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura, pathological processes in the mediastinum. To establish the causes of the symptom, a survey chest x-ray or fluorography, serological methods, a tuberculin test, bronchography, bronchoscopy, ultrasound of the mediastinum and pleura are recommended. To alleviate the condition, before the diagnosis is made, humidification of the air, abundant warm drinks, and rest with the limitation of external stimuli are shown.

Causes of a deep dry cough

Whooping cough

A debilitating attack of deep, convulsive cough is a characteristic symptom of whooping cough. Paroxysm is provoked by any external stimuli: conversation, laughter, pain, touch, etc. The attack consists of 2-15 series of short cough jerks, continuously following each other. After each series, the child abruptly inhales air, which with a whistle passes through the narrowed glottis. After the end of the attack, a small amount of clear, viscous sputum, reminiscent of thick mucus, is separated. Sometimes reflex vomiting occurs after a deep cough. Pertussis cough is called "one-hundred-day" - it persists for three months, the intensity and frequency of attacks decreases gradually.

With paroxysm, the child is agitated. His face turns red, his eyes are bloodshot, the swelling of the neck veins is noticeable. Due to the protrusion of the tongue, a tear or rupture of the frenum is possible. Muscle tension is accompanied by damage to the capillaries, the formation of many small hemorrhages on the sclera and skin of the face. In severe cases, an attack provokes tonic and clonic seizures, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest (apnea), involuntary excretion of urine, feces. There are moderate catarrhal symptoms, intoxication. Less pronounced similar manifestations with para whooping cough.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

The onset of a deep, which persists for more than three weeks, is accompanied by a temperature of up to 37.5-38 ° C and sweating, intensifies in the second half of the night, disrupting sleep, - a good reason for excluding tuberculosis. An unproductive cough is one of the symptoms of focal and infiltrative variants of pulmonary tuberculosis infection, observed in the initial period of acute disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and without exacerbation in cirrhotic form of the disease. With tumorous tuberculosis, the symptom is manifested by bitonal seizures.

Tracheitis and bronchitis

Attacks of a deep, unproductive cough, which eventually turns into a wet one, is combined with soreness, pain behind the sternum or in the chest area, often indicate an inflammatory lesion of the tracheobronchial tree. In the acute process, the cough is accompanied by malaise, catarrhal symptoms, fever. Frequent intense coughing attacks provoke overstrain of the respiratory muscles and abdominal muscles, causing significant muscle discomfort.

With laryngotracheitis, hoarseness and discomfort in the larynx are additionally noted, and a reactive enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes is possible. The spread of inflammation to the bronchi (tracheobronchitis,) is also evidenced by wheezing, characteristic of bronchial obstruction. A dry, deep cough is quickly replaced by an unproductive cough, and then wet with mucous or mucopurulent sputum. Recurrent or persistent unproductive coughing attacks with pain with deep breathing, episodes of hemoptysis are typical of atrophic bronchitis.

Other diseases of the bronchi and trachea

Dry tracheobronchial or bronchial coughs can be caused by non-inflammatory causes. In these cases, its occurrence is due to irritation of the receptor apparatus of the bronchi and bifurcation of the trachea due to a violation of the drainage function or obstruction of the airways. The symptom is revealed in the clinical picture of diseases such as:

  • Williams-Campbell Syndrome... The underdevelopment of cartilage tissue contributes to a decrease in the tone and dyskinesia of the bronchial wall. Lack of drainage function predisposes to frequent bronchitis. The cough is accompanied by noisy wheezing (stridor) breathing, severe shortness of breath, blue nasolabial triangle. Pathology is usually detected in early childhood.
  • Broncho-obstructive syndrome... Organic or functional impairment of bronchial patency, in addition to a deep unproductive or unproductive cough, is manifested by noisy breathing with prolonged exhalation, attacks of suffocation. The auxiliary muscles are involved in breathing: the sternocleidomastoid muscles of the neck are strained, the intercostal spaces are drawn in. Apnea attacks are possible in children.
  • Stenosis of the trachea and bronchi... For congenital and acquired narrowing of the trachea, cough-fainting syndrome is typical, in which, at the height of an attack of dry barking cough, suffocation with dizziness, loss of consciousness, discharge of viscous mucus after an attack is observed. Cough with stenosis of large bronchi is painful, paroxysmal, combined with stridor breathing with difficulty exhaling.
  • Foreign body of the bronchus... If foreign objects accidentally enter the respiratory tract, a protective reflex is triggered, triggering a paroxysmal whooping cough. The patient suffers from suffocation, the face turns blue, the voice disappears, vomiting and hemoptysis are possible. A similar mechanism for the development of dry cough is typical for bronchial adenoma, however, the symptoms are not so acute, shortness of breath and stridorous breathing prevail.

Lung disease

Unproductive is characteristic of some atypical pneumonia (chlamydial inflammation, respiratory mycoplasmosis, legionellosis), fungal and protozoal processes (candidiasis, cryptococcosis, pneumocystosis), the period of abscess formation during lung abscess. The intensity of a deep cough, the presence and severity of concomitant symptoms (shortness of breath, choking, fever, intoxication) depend on the factor that caused the inflammation. From non-inflammatory pathologies with coughing attacks proceed:

  • Diffuse pneumosclerosis... Compaction of the parenchyma due to the proliferation of connective tissue disrupts the normal gas exchange in the lungs. Therefore, in addition to dry cough and thoracic pain with pneumosclerosis, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, and fatigue are detected.
  • Malignant lung tumors... Cough with hemoptysis and shortness of breath is an early symptom of central lung cancer. With Pancost's disease, a rough cough occurs against a background of hoarseness, Horner's syndrome, pain in the arm and shoulder, paresthesias in the hand on the side of the lesion, and compression of the superior vena cava.
  • Acute lung atelectasis... The appearance of a deep cough is preceded by a sharp pain in the affected half of the chest. Increasing shortness of breath, cutaneous cyanosis is detected. The patient's blood pressure rises and falls. Lagging half of the chest in breathing is typical.
  • Lung damage... Harsh deep cough with weakness, fever, expiratory dyspnea develops with radiation pneumonitis, complicating radiotherapy of oncopathology. The symptom first bothers occasionally during exercise, then constantly and at rest.
  • Antisynthetase syndrome... The main pulmonary manifestations of fibrosing alveolitis in dermatomyositis are deep cough and shortness of breath. Most patients are characterized by a combination of symptoms with fever and Raynaud's phenomenon (pallor and cyanoticity of the fingers).
  • Histiocytosis X... A feature of dry cough in people suffering from pulmonary eosinophilic granuloma is its persistent, hacking character. The patient is also worried about thoracic pain, shortness of breath. Possible damage to the skin, liver, spleen, lymphadenopathy.

A cough without phlegm may precede acute conditions and may be the initial sign of certain lung diseases. The symptom is observed in the prodrome of pulmonary edema, combined with rapid breathing, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness. The periodic appearance of a deep dry cough, shortness of breath with exertion is characteristic of the first stage of pulmonary cystic fibrosis, which can last up to 10 years.

Pleural lesions

Some of the receptors that initiate the cough reflex are located in the pleura. Therefore, pathological processes involving the serous membrane of the lungs, as a rule, proceed with an unproductive cough. The symptom is often combined with chest pains that worsen during breathing, shortness of breath, cyanotic skin and mucous membranes, fever, and intoxication. The appearance of a deep cough without phlegm is typical for dry and serous pleurisy, including tuberculous origin. The onset of a symptom is also facilitated by:

  • Benign pleural tumors... The growth of volumetric neoplasms is accompanied by dry cough, shortness of breath, thoracic pain, subfebrile fever, exudation into the pleural cavity. Intercostal neuralgia is possible.
  • Malignant pleural neoplasias... This symptomatology progresses more quickly with pleural metastases and pleural cancer. The pains are excruciating, radiating to the scapula, shoulder girdle. Horner's syndrome is detected early, the superior vena cava is compressed.
  • Pneumothorax... Activation of the cough reflex occurs during traumatic excitation of the pleural receptors in patients with pneumothorax. In addition to a cough attack, there is a sharp thoracic pain, shortness of breath, cyanosis or paleness of the face, panic fear of death.

Sometimes the cause of an unproductive deep cough is the reactive excitation of pleural receptors during inflammatory and volumetric processes that occur in the abdominal organs adjacent to the diaphragm. The symptom is described in the clinic of a subphrenic abscess, spleen cysts, although other signs of the listed pathologies are leading in such cases.

Diseases of the esophagus

Excitation of receptors of the tracheobronchial tree is observed due to their compression in patients suffering from epibronchial diverticula of the esophagus. With large protrusions, nocturnal coughing is complemented by dysphagia, belching of undigested food and air, nausea, and bad breath. Esophageal cancer is characterized by a combination of progressive dysphagia, dry cough, pain and lump behind the breastbone, and wasting due to malnutrition.

Volumetric formations of the mediastinum

Compression of the bronchi, provoking coughing, occurs with lymphoma and other mediastinal tumors, mediastinal cysts, aortic aneurysms. After a stage of asymptomatic course, such diseases are manifested by thoracic pain of varying intensity, signs of compression of other organs of the chest - attacks of deep coughing, dysphagia, shortness of breath. It is also possible due to a violation of the venous outflow from the head with the pressure of the volumetric formation on the superior vena cava.

Heart diseases

In dilated cardiomyopathy and pericardial coelomic cysts, the leading cause of dry chest cough is the reaction of the compressed bronchi. Diseases occur with the presence of discomfort, pain in the precordial region, palpitations, interruptions, shortness of breath, against which it periodically appears. In pericarditis and postinfarction syndrome, the pleural reaction plays a key role in the implementation of the cough reflex. Coughing appears against a background of shortness of breath, moderate or severe retrosternal or thoracic pain.

Occupational diseases

An unproductive cough manifests itself in a number of occupational diseases in which the bronchi and lungs are affected - silicosis, silicatoses, beryllium. At the onset of the disease, dry coughing is usually noted, which is gradually replaced by a growing cough and is aggravated by shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid fatigue, and signs of respiratory failure. Occupational pathology develops in patients who inhale dust with silicon dioxide and silicates, beryllium vapor, smoke with its compounds for a long time. In the latter case, a severe acute course with conjunctivitis and hyperthermia is possible.


The causes of a deep paroxysmal cough in allergic lesions of the bronchi and lungs are bronchospasm, edema and hypersecretion of the mucous membrane when allergens to which the body is sensitized. A distinctive feature of a cough episode is the occurrence against a background of choking or shortness of breath. Often after the seizure is over, the patient coughs up a small amount of viscous mucous phlegm. The development of a deep allergic cough is noted in such pathological conditions as:

The diagnosis of the causes of a deep dry cough is usually done by a general practitioner or family doctor. According to the indications, consultations of specialized specialists are appointed. Initial examination is aimed at assessing the condition of the lower respiratory tract, in the defeat of which the symptom is most often determined. The primary recommended survey methods are:

  • ... Usually, as a screening, fluorography or plain X-ray of the lungs is performed. X-ray diagnostics can detect inflammatory changes, malformations, signs of systemic processes, volumetric formations in the mediastinum, chest.
  • Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis... It is prescribed for prolonged unreasonable cough, information about contacts with patients with tuberculosis infection, patient belonging to the contingent of risk. Shown is a tuberculin test or a molecular genetic test.
  • Serological tests... Due to the absence or scanty volume of expectorated sputum, microbiological culture is usually ineffective. Therefore, to exclude a possible infectious process, RIF, ELISA, PCR diagnostics are more often performed.

A general blood test is performed to detect acute bacterial inflammation, in which, it is noted, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, as well as allergic processes occurring with eosinophilia. At the next stages of diagnosis, additional pulmonological examination methods are often prescribed (bronchography, bronchoscopy, examination of the function of external respiration, ultrasound of the pleura and mediastinum, tomography of organs located in the chest, etc.), allergy tests.

Symptomatic therapy

The periodic appearance of attacks of deep dry cough or its persistence for 5-7 days, especially in combination with low-grade or high fever, other breathing disorders (shortness of breath, suffocation), thoracic pain is a serious reason for seeking qualified medical help. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable. The patient is advised to limit physical activity, and in case of fever and poor health, observe bed rest.

And other types of coughs. In this article, we'll take a look at all types of deep coughs.

Types of deep cough

Deep chest cough

The cough may be pectoral or non-pectoral. It depends on whether the cough is due to problems in the airways or outside of them.

A chest cough is distinguished by the presence of mucus. He can be productive or unproductive.

If a person has a productive cough, they can freely cough up phlegm. If the cough is unproductive, then due to the viscosity of the sputum and excess mucus, it is difficult to cough up. An unproductive cough often occurs during a cold or flu. Smoking and asthma can also be the cause.

It is important to be able to cough correctly and be able to control the cough. To do this, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • take a deep breath to fill your lungs as much as possible;
  • you should feel the contact between the diaphragm and the upper abdominal muscles;
  • cough so that, pushing out the air, the upper abdominal muscles contract;
  • do this several times until the mucus is gone

Sometimes a deep chest cough can be a symptom of a serious medical condition:

  • bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis or pulmonary emphysema;
  • sinusitis

In case of persistent, prolonged cough, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Dry, deep cough

A deep, dry cough or tracheitis causes inflammation of the tracheal lining. This manifests as a dry and painful cough, especially at night. The mucous membrane of the trachea becomes inflamed as a result of the ingress of bacteria and viruses. Tracheitis can sometimes be caused by tobacco smoke, chemicals or dust. The body, trying to get rid of these irritants, begins to produce phlegm. At first, the sputum is very viscous and leaves with difficulty, so at the very beginning of the disease, the cough is painful and dry.

Tracheitis can be combined with rhinitis and pharyngitis against the background of a cold. Provokes tracheitis and cold air. In the case of acute tracheitis, ulcers may develop on the swollen lining of the trachea. During an attack of a deep dry cough, a person feels a burning sensation and a sore throat. Tracheitis can be accompanied by headache, fever, and weakness.

Violent deep cough

The cough can be physiological and pathological in nature. A physiological cough is a natural phenomenon that periodically removes phlegm from the body.

A pathological cough manifests itself against the background of respiratory tract diseases. For the correct diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to establish the characteristics of a pathological cough. Depending on the symptoms and their duration, the characteristics of the cough are distinguished:

  • an acute cough that lasts no more than two weeks;
  • prolonged cough, can last up to a month;
  • subacute, lasts from one month to two;
  • a chronic cough can last for more than two months

A strong or acute cough occurs against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection. Its main characteristics are:

  • gradual development over several days or hours;
  • the presence of fever, runny nose, general weakness;
  • transition of dry cough to wet

Deep cough without fever

A deep cough without fever is one of the most common processes in respiratory diseases. It may indicate that there is a small infection in the body or it may be the cause of a serious illness. The exact cause of the cough can only be called by a doctor after the necessary examination.

The human body is designed in such a way that when an infection, allergens or dust enters the respiratory tract, the receptors are irritated, and a cough occurs. Thus, the bronchi are cleared of various kinds of secretions.

A cough without fever can be a sign of heart failure, stress, thyroid disease, cancer, tuberculosis, or bowel disease.

Deep cough in a child

Acute cough in children occurs against the background of acute respiratory diseases, as well as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia.

With pharyngitis, the cough is accompanied by a sore throat, which gives the child discomfort. There is a sensation of a lump in the throat.

With laryngitis, the cough is barking, dry, and accompanied by hoarseness. Against the background of the disease, the child's larynx may narrow, which is very dangerous.

A child's cough with tracheitis is deep and is accompanied by pain behind the sternum. With tracheitis, simultaneous inflammation of the larynx and trachea is possible.

During bronchitis, the cough is chest and loud, but it does not cause pain. Much phlegm is exuded. In the lungs, wheezing is dried. Against the background of ARVI, a child may develop obstructive bronchitis. The child begins to cough painfully, while wheezing and wheezing are heard and breathing is difficult.

During the illness of chlamydial pneumonia, children have attacks with a ringing and dry cough, and the temperature rises.

With pleurisy, the cough is painful and without phlegm. With a deep breath, the cough worsens. With a large accumulation of pleural fluid, shortness of breath may appear.

If a child falls ill with measles, then on the second or third day of the disease, the cough becomes rough and rashes appear on the skin.

Cough during whooping cough is accompanied by attacks of suffocation and may result in vomiting with sputum discharge.

The cough with parapertussis is the same as with whooping cough, but the disease is easier.

If a child becomes ill with ascariasis, then the cough occurs during the migration of the larvae. Dry cough, worse at night. The temperature rises and blood may appear in the sputum.

In young children, coughing can be a sign of adenoids, rhinitis, or sinusitis.

Another cause of coughing can be gastrointestinal reflux. At the same time, the cough is dry and painful, accompanied by a small discharge of sputum.

Deep breath cough

When coughing, chest pressure increases, which leads to muscle contraction and squeezing out of mucus and phlegm. In a healthy person, when cleansing the bronchi, air comes out at a speed of 250 m / s.

A deep breath cough can be dry and moist. This cough is very painful. The pain can be sharp and strong or weak and pulling.

Cough when inhaling deeply causes

A dry cough when inhaling can indicate bronchial disease and inflammation of the mucous membrane in the trachea.

If a wet cough occurs during a deep entry, then this is a symptom of bronchitis. Bronchitis is accompanied by excruciating and debilitating coughing fits.

The causes of coughing when taking a deep breath can be asthma attacks, as well as allergic sensitivity of the lungs.

If foamy sputum is released during coughing, then this may indicate a disorder of the swallowing process.

Deep cough treatment

To treat a deep cough in a child, you need to follow the rules:

  1. The room should be warm and comfortable, with an air temperature of about twenty-two degrees.
  2. Avoid contact of the child with tobacco smoke, dust and cleaning chemicals.
  3. Take a hot foot bath.
  4. Do herbal inhalation.
  5. Give your child more warm fluids. It can be teas, juices, milk, still mineral water.
  6. Include liquid milk porridge in your diet.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the cough, which is only a symptom of some disease.

Drug treatment, in both adults and children, involves the use of antitussive drugs, which will block the cough reflex at the receptor level.

  1. Antitussives are used that act on the receptors of the respiratory tract.
  2. Combined drugs are used to treat cough.
  3. Herbal medicines help well.
  4. Breast preparations, which include oregano, mother - and - stepmother, marshmallow are a good expectorant.
  5. Breast collection with anise, licorice, fennel, pine buds, marshmallow is also a very effective remedy.
  6. To get rid of a cough, tablets with mint and eucalyptus are prescribed.
  7. Folk remedies for coughs are available and effective.
  8. Black radish juice is an excellent cough suppressant. Cut the center into a radish and put honey inside. After two to three hours, juice will be collected in the radish, which you need to drink and put honey again. Do this several times.
  9. Eucalyptus tincture should be taken twenty drops in a quarter glass of water three times a day.
  10. Add mineral water in equal proportions to hot milk.
  11. For a child's cough, figs are added to hot milk.
  12. Lingonberry juice with sugar syrup and honey will help in coughing up phlegm.
  13. Boil ten onions and a head of garlic in milk. Add honey and mint juice. An hour after a coughing fit, take a tablespoon.

Select a heading Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Traditional methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for rhinitis Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Otitis treatment Cough drugs Sinusitis Treatments for cough Treatments for the common cold Symptoms of sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Cold treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Moist cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of sinusitis
    • Treatments from Sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Many people believe that a deep cough that appears is a serious illness that must be treated with all possible means. Of course, it is necessary to get rid of the coughing attacks that torment day and night. You just need to understand clearly for yourself that a cough, in any of its manifestations, is only a symptom of a certain disease. You will have to look for the nature of the disease, and only then make a decision on how to remove the cough syndrome.

Determining the cause of the appearance of a cough, doctors pay attention to its manifestation and form: dry, wet, barking, wheezing, deep. Right on a deep cough, we will stop.

  1. A deep cough can be pectoral or non-pectoral. It is the chest form of cough that passes with discharge. If the nature of the cough is productive, the release of sputum passes quickly and painlessly. An unproductive cough entails complications, since the sputum is very viscous, collects in the chest cavity and does not cough up. The reasons for such a complex form can be a common cold or a dangerous infection (flu, SARS), smoking, asthmatic attacks. Often debilitating coughing attacks are a consequence of serious inflammatory processes: bronchitis or pneumonia, sinusitis, pulmonary emphysema, etc.
  2. If the cough is deep but dry, it accompanies inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis). The attacks are so severe that they prevent the person from sleeping at night. Tracheitis is caused by bacteria or viruses. Sometimes the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane is caused by foreign particles entering from the outside. The inflamed mucous membrane immediately accumulates protective phlegm, which cannot be coughing up. This leads to the fact that at first a dry cough appears, eventually turning into a chronic one. Things are much more complicated if tracheitis coincides with a disease caused by a virus such as strep throat. If tracheitis is not treated in time, ulcers even appear on the mucous membrane, causing discomfort and pain.
  3. A strong, deep cough is not always worth fearing. It can fulfill a natural physiological role, removing phlegm from the lungs and bronchi. But it can also be caused by pathological changes in the respiratory tract. When making a diagnosis, it is very important to determine the period of onset of symptoms. A deep cough can have an acute (up to 2 weeks), prolonged (up to 1 month), subacute (up to 2 months), chronic (more than 2 months) form. Most likely, ARVI can lead to strong cough reflexes. The development of attacks occurs literally in a matter of hours, while other symptoms of a cold are superimposed (fever, nasal congestion, chills).
  4. If the disease is caused by a viral infection, an accompanying symptom is a deep cough without fever. This symptom is possible as a consequence of another disease, the cause of which can be determined after passing a diagnostic examination.

The reasons for this can be the ingress of any external irritants into the bronchi: dust, allergens, even cold air. The respiratory organ immediately responds by coughing up. Coughing without fever can be the result of heart problems, nervous strain, thyroid disease, cancer, tuberculosis, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Regardless of the reasons causing the symptom of a deep chest cough, it is necessary to listen to a doctor and be fully examined. With children, you need to contact the doctors immediately, without complicating the situation.

Typical symptoms

In children, coughs most often begin with acute and violent attacks. The baby suffers greatly from constant urge, which causes pain and discomfort. A deep cough in a child is the main symptom reflecting diseases of the upper respiratory tract of colds and infectious origin.

Simultaneously with a cough (dry and deep), everything is aggravated by the appearance of other symptoms. Sore throat, dryness of the mucous membrane, leading to coughing are the first signs of pharyngitis. Laryngitis, after a dry, deep cough, is aggravated by hoarseness, spasms appear in the airways, and the child begins to choke on the cough. Tracheitis, in addition to dry, ringing coughing fits, is manifested by painful spasms in the chest.

  • A chest cough with wheezing appears with different types of bronchitis. Cough attacks do not cause pain, but sputum is coughing up, and wheezing is heard in the lungs. If an infection is superimposed, the baby begins to suffer from shortness of breath, the development of obstructive bronchitis is expected.
  • In the event that the bacterium chlamydia enters the lungs, the child, in addition to a loud deep cough, develops weakness and high fever.
  • With pleurisy cough, everything is complicated by severe pain in the bronchi. The cause of the ailment lies in the fact that a lot of mucus collects in the cavity of the sternum, but it does not cough up. The consequence of this is severe shortness of breath.
  • A viral disease like measles is often diagnosed with a deep chest cough, and only after a couple of days a rash appears on the skin.
  • A common disease of viral origin is whooping cough, which causes prolonged attacks with a strong release of phlegm and even vomiting. With para whooping cough, the urge to cough up is not so strong.
  • The cause of the appearance of a sharp dry cough at night in children is infection with helminthiases. They begin to move in internal organs and cause a protective reaction of the body, which manifests itself in an elevated temperature and even the appearance of bloody discharge during expectoration.
  • For very young children, severe coughing fits can be due to inflamed adenoids, throat and nose with rhinitis or sinusitis.
  • Reflux of the gastric mucosa often causes a violent reaction of the cough receptors without obvious cold or infectious symptoms.

Read also - What causes coughs and rashes and how to treat them?

A deep cough, as a sign of a certain disease, should be the first signal. You need to see a doctor immediately for a diagnosis. Delaying consultation will lead to unknown consequences.

Than a dangerous deep cough

A sharp urge to cough is caused by a deep breath, leading to severe pain in the chest. The pain changes in character: from sharp spasmodic to weak aching. Deep inhalation of air often leads to bronchospasm, which ends in attacks of suffocation.

If the strong urge to cough with the accumulation of fluid in the pleura does not help to remove excess mucus, asphyxiation is possible.

For newborn babies, deep attacks of whooping cough, cough with bronchitis, pneumonia are very dangerous. They cause a lack of oxygen, vomiting and flooding of phlegm that separates from the mucous membrane. It is very important to use the right medication so as not to cause sudden sputum rejection.

A debilitating cough that torments a child for a long time is the result of congenital diseases:

  • bronchiectasis, accompanied by deformation of the bronchi and the accumulation of fluid;
  • cystic fibrosis, which affects the endocrine glands with a buildup of fluid in the lungs.

A choking, harsh cough leading to suffocation is not always correctly diagnosed. Therefore, the child needs to undergo a comprehensive examination.

What treatment can a doctor prescribe

Establishing an accurate diagnosis allows doctors to prescribe a course of treatment aimed at removing the main source of inflammation in the body while using antitussives. In adults and children, drug treatment is carried out with drugs that block the cough reflex. Medications are prescribed taking into account whether the cough is deep or dry. In the event that a cough with phlegm, expectoration, mucus can independently separate from the inflamed mucosa, without additional liquefaction, drugs ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexin, etc. are suitable.

For the treatment of dry deep cough, antibiotic treatment is often used, which suppress the inflammatory process, eliminating all the side symptoms. Means that help soften phlegm and remove them outside are also suitable: Codeine, Oksiladin, Butamirat, etc.

Doctors often recommend treating dry cough with folk methods. There are many recipes for traditional medicine. They cannot be carried away when the correct diagnosis has not been established. If therapy has already been prescribed, then under the supervision of a doctor you can carry out:

  • Inhalation on a special apparatus (nebulizer) or simply "breathe" over boiled potatoes, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage);
  • Gargling with a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula;
  • Drink decoctions and teas. Select breast fees, taking into account the nature of the cough;
  • Apply compresses (for example, from equal parts of honey, vegetable oil, mustard, vodka) and rub with tinctures and ointments that do not cause allergies;
  • Take healing honey: with milk, black radish juice, tea, lingonberry juice.

Starting the treatment of any disease that causes a deep cough, you need to surround the patient with care and attention, create the most comfortable conditions for him that meet sanitary and hygienic standards. This is the only way to support the body and speed up the healing process:

  • Systematically ventilate the room, combining with wet cleaning;
  • Monitor the temperature regime in the room, avoiding high and too low temperatures;
  • Exclude smokers and any sources of allergies near the patient;
  • Carry out several inhalations with chamomile or sage;
  • Double the amount of fluids you drink, starting with warm water, tea, etc.

Do not ignore the visit to the doctor, even if the violent coughing attacks subside for a while. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, which is accompanied by a deep cough, as soon as possible.

Cough is a symptom of the disease. It often appears, at first glance, for no reason, although this is not at all the case. It interferes with sleeping peacefully, working, spending time with loved ones. If you suffer from a throat cough for a week, you need to seek help from a doctor, do not "pass" by such a serious signal from the body.

Dry throat cough: symptoms

Everyone knows how this problem proceeds, but how to distinguish one type of disease from another? With the help of symptoms, of course.

In this case, they are:

Depending on the cause of the onset of the disease, these symptoms are complemented by others:

  • chills;
  • runny nose;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • tearing;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat.

Of course, this is not the whole list. The most common symptoms accompanying the pathology are listed here. To calculate the cause of the disease, you need to add two or three symptoms like a puzzle and get the result. This is done by the therapist, who at the reception will certainly listen to the lungs, examine the throat, and prescribe tests.

Causes of the disease

Most likely, the therapist will find the infection. The infection is caused by a virus or bacteria. Both are treated quickly and without consequences, subject to the correct therapy and regimen.

Infection does not mean that you will be treated the same in both cases, on the contrary, the therapy will be different.

Dry laryngeal wheezing may have a different basis:

  • smoking;
  • allergy;
  • nervous overexcitement.

Smoking is also accompanied by shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Allergies, in addition to coughing, are accompanied by a runny nose, tearing, itching. A nervous state, for example, on the eve of an important event, can cause respiratory tract spasms.

The symptom can be the cause of a serious illness:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

Therefore, it is so important to visit the clinic and be examined by a doctor.

Bronchitis is characterized by a strong cough, while pneumonia has a mild symptom, but it is determined by fever and heavy breathing. Bacteria are the cause of these troubles. In this case, you cannot do without antibiotics. The signs of tuberculosis are also known, and many public service announcements have been published about it. This is a low temperature, persistent cough, weakness, weight loss.

Dry laryngeal cough: treatment

Before treating a symptom, you need to get rid of the underlying cause.

Throat cough with viral infection: treatment

If the throat wheezing is caused by an infection, that is, you have been diagnosed with a common cold, then the treatment here will need a simple one.

You cannot get rid of a viral disease with the help of drugs, the body fights the problem on its own. For this there is an immune system, which is so important to maintain one hundred percent during the exacerbation of epidemics with the help of good nutrition and vitamins.

If the infection could not be avoided, then the ailment should be treated.

For a dry cough to go away faster, you need:

  • maintain a cool room temperature;
  • do wet cleaning of the room twice a day;
  • to drink a lot of water.

Doctors have long found out that the disease quickly passes in such conditions without complications. Cool, humidified air keeps mucus from drying out, which prevents viruses from reaching new habitats. Drinking plenty of fluids thins, it helps to cough up, that is, a dry cough turns into a wet one. Also, drinking helps to remove toxins from the body.

Pharmacy drugs against dry cough: how to treat

There are also many medicines that can thin mucus and treat ailments. Some of them are made on the basis of natural components, while others are made synthetically. Both are effective against the disease, they allow you to quickly get rid of the problem and get back on your feet. If you trust more synthetic drugs, then turn your attention to drugs containing ambroxol. Depending on the dosage, they can be drunk by both adults and children.

Their price is low and quite affordable, given the good result.

Ambroxol is produced in tablets and syrups. For children, of course, it is better to give the medicine in the form of a syrup. However, carefully read the instructions for use, since there are syrups for adults, they contain twice the active substance. The instruction is also important for an accurate understanding of the dosage. Different manufacturers produce different forms of medicine with their own concentration.

To correctly calculate the required amount of medicine, it is convenient to use the following formula: for one kilogram, you need 30 mg per day, divided into four doses. If your weight is 80 kg, then 240 mg of the medicine should be taken per day or 60 mg four times a day.

If you trust medicines based on natural ingredients, then medicines such as Pertusin, Mukaltin, licorice syrup or marshmallow have not lost their popularity in our time, not to mention the effectiveness of treatment. These drugs can be given to young children, drunk by women who are expecting a baby, and during lactation. Like any medicine, it can cause an allergic reaction.

Considering that we eat and breathe through the same opening - the mouth, it is remarkable how we manage to send food and drinks to the esophagus, and air to the respiratory tract. The body's ability to do this is largely due to the fact that the throat is made up of extremely sensitive tissues that can detect solids and fluids and channel them in the right direction. This protective reflex is important and sensitive. But sometimes it is the source of throat problems - due to overstimulation of the mucous membrane, inflammation occurs.

Dry throat cough

A throat cough is a dry, unproductive cough. It is not beneficial, but only irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The cause may be viral diseases and the resulting inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) or the back wall of the larynx (pharyngitis).

Throat cough in a child

You can’t take it easy when you hear a cough from your child’s room over and over again. But the good news is, a throat cough usually sounds much worse than it actually is.

As in adults, the cause of throat cough in children is viral infections - pharyngitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis. Laryngotracheitis (croup), a contagious viral infection that causes swelling and swelling of the throat and trachea, is severe. These organs, due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics, are already narrow. Most often affects children from 6 months to three years.

Deterioration in the condition occurs at night, there is stridor breathing, which can lead to asphyxia. Therefore, you should consult a doctor in time and start treatment in a timely manner.

The cough is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as tickling, tickling, and sore throat. However, it is not harmful by itself. Thus, the human body cleans the respiratory system from microbes and excess secretions. However, an unproductive, throat cough only irritates the mucous membranes and can be quite dangerous, especially in young children.

The most common causes of throat cough

Obsessive throat cough is always very unpleasant, it interferes with proper sleep and eating. It cannot be ignored, because the longer it lasts, the more the mucous throat suffers and the pain increases. A dry, unproductive cough is often a symptom of the following conditions:

  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI);
  • allergic reaction;
  • whooping cough (more often in children under 3 years of age);
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;

Let's consider all the options in more detail:

Throat cough with ARVI. Such a cough is one of the first symptoms of a viral infection entering the body. Pathogenic bacteria begin to actively multiply on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which causes severe perspiration and sore throat. SARS is often accompanied by fever, runny nose and general weakness. Sometimes intestinal disorders can occur (with rotavirus infection).

Throat cough with allergies. Very often, a dry obsessive cough occurs with an allergic reaction to dust or seasonal blooms. If with allergies there is also a runny nose, then the cough may be a reaction to the snot flowing down the back of the throat. In especially difficult situations, severe laryngeal edema may occur, which is very dangerous.

Throat cough with whooping cough. This disease is characterized by paroxysmal, barking cough. Symptoms such as fever, sweating, and fatigue are common. Attacks do not subside either day or night, and improvement occurs only after 3 weeks.

Throat cough with laryngitis and pharyngitis. Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) or its back wall (pharyngitis) most often occurs with a complication of a respiratory illness. A distinctive feature of such a cough is a strong hoarseness of the voice and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat; children may vomit. The attacks tend to get worse at night.

How to treat?

Of course, the throat cough itself cannot be cured, it is only a symptom of the disease. Therefore, the right decision will be a timely visit to a doctor and the delivery of all the necessary tests. However, there are methods that can help relieve symptoms and relieve an attack. Knowing them is especially important if there are children in the house, because the question of how to treat a throat cough in a child usually arises at night, when all hospitals are closed.

So, the most effective methods to relieve dry paroxysmal cough:

But antitussive drugs that remove cough by acting on the central nervous system (based on codeine, etc.) are highly discouraged without a doctor's recommendation. In addition, mucolytics (Ambroxol, Herbion, Lazolvan) should also not be consumed on their own if you are not sure that the cough is caused by ARVI.

Frequent coughing is a symptom of the onset of the disease. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor before treating a throat cough in a child or adult. Only after the examination can you choose the most effective treatment.

A common throat cough causes itching, sore throat, and sore throat. Throat cough belongs to the dry cough group as it causes discomfort and irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

It's time to quit smoking before the cough turns into complications

The main reasons why a dry throat cough appears is the influence of respiratory diseases, smoking, asthma and allergies.

  • When a respiratory disease appears, the larynx becomes inflamed, and if a person has a weakened immune system, then various infections and bacteria entering the bronchi begin to multiply and after a while a cough begins to appear. Treating a throat cough is very difficult.
  • A person who smokes a lot is irritated by nicotine resins of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Exacerbation of throat cough in smokers is observed in the autumn and winter periods. Quitting smoking in a smoker will reduce throat cough, and treatment with a specialist will generally help get rid of it.
  • With chronic pharyngitis, there is a rapid irritation of the throat and the appearance of perspiration with prolonged conversation or in a dry room.
  • Due to bronchial asthma or whooping cough, laryngeal cough mainly occurs at night.
  • Allergies can cause irritation in a wide variety of areas of the respiratory tract. Basically, the cough that appears due to allergies is seasonal.

How to cure a cough in an adult

A throat cough should be treated depending on the cause of its occurrence. To treat a dry throat cough should be started as soon as it appears, otherwise it can provoke some serious complication. The most important thing is to find out exactly the cause of the cough, because the irritant can be fungal, bacterial or viral microorganisms, which means that you need to treat the cough with antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral drugs. Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you can take expectorant and mucolytic drugs.
Nystatin or Thermic is usually prescribed as antifungal drugs. In case of a viral infection, Summamed, Azithromycin or Zatrolide are prescribed. With the help of these drugs, phlegm is formed which is excreted through the respiratory tract. Such drugs as Azz, Mukaltin, Flavamed, Lazolvan facilitate the general condition of the body, and also accelerate the healing process. For allergies, mucolytic drugs are usually prescribed in combination with antihistamines such as Suprastin, Claritin, Loratadin. It should be borne in mind that with incorrect and ineffective treatment, complications such as asthma, pneumonia, and lung abscess may develop. You can use folk methods and recipes for the treatment of throat cough, for example, you can do steam inhalations, drink hot milk and tea, use special lozenges, gargle with herbal decoctions and saline solutions.

How to cure a child's dry cough

The emerging throat cough in a child gives him even more discomfort than an adult. Since the body in children is not yet quite strong, they need to be given more gentle medications. Only in exceptional cases, children are prescribed drugs the same as for adults. Before you start treating a dry throat cough in a child, you need to find out the cause of its appearance. This is best done by a pediatrician, he also knows how to treat a dry throat cough.
Usually, if a child has a throat cough, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs such as Doctor MOM syrup or Lazolvan syrup. If the doctor finds out that bacteria are the cause of the laryngeal cough, then he prescribes antibacterial agents such as Biseptol. If a child has a sore throat during a cough, then Panadol or Nurofen are additionally prescribed. When prescribing antibiotics, the doctor immediately prescribes probiotics such as Cefodox or Summamed, with the help of which the intestinal flora is restored.

Everyone understands how much trouble and discomfort a throat cough causes, which is always accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as pain, perspiration and itching. The most common cause of a throat cough is a cold or contact with irritants (smoke or dust).

Dry throat cough

Most of the throat cough is dry. Naturally, it does not bring any benefit, but only irritates the already sensitive mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The most common cause of an unproductive dry throat cough is a viral disease that occurs against a background of inflammation of the pharynx (laryngitis) or the back wall of the larynx (pharyngitis).

Throat cough in a child

Every parent cannot but be bothered by a dry, obsessive cough in a child. But with this type of cough, everything just looks (and can be heard) much worse than it actually is. The reasons for the manifestation of such a cough are the same as in adults. For the most part, these are diseases such as laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Laryngotracheitis is rightfully considered the most dangerous disease, it is an extremely contagious infection. With laryngotracheitis, swelling and swelling of the trachea and throat occurs. But these organs in their anatomical and physiological characteristics are already extremely narrow, so edema can lead to unpleasant consequences. That is why, if your child has a dry throat cough, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. The main thing here is to start treatment.

If you are worried about a paroxysmal dry cough, there are several popular ways to stop it. These include hot steam showers and steam inhalation. Hot tea (you can even use just hot water) with a lot of honey and lemon, as well as lozenges and lozenges with eucalyptus or menthol, also help to soothe a cough. Do not forget about gargling with salt water.

Medicines can also be used. The most commonly prescribed antitussives are libexin, dextromethorphan, and codeine. But there are times when a dry cough is caused by an allergy, it is advisable to take antihistamines here.

How to treat a child's throat cough

Treatment, especially for a child, must be prescribed by the attending physician. Most often, rinses, steam inhalation using fir oil are recommended, in rare cases, preparations from a number of antibiotics. To get rid of a dry cough, many doctors recommend inhalations with a remedy such as Lazolvan and be sure to prescribe an antiseptic for the oral cavity (for example, lysobact). But it is worth considering one point, the intake of these drugs depends on the age of the child.

In addition, it is not necessary to use medications for treatment. You can also use the advice of traditional medicine. For example, you can get rid of a child's cough by rinsing with calendula or chamomile infusion. Also, to stop throat cough, it is recommended to drink warm milk with one spoonful of honey or tea with linden blossom and raspberry jam. These remedies soften the throat and relieve swelling.

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