How to read the ring and the water. Truthful divination on a wedding ring with a thread: how to find out the number and gender of future children

Fortune telling on the ring is an old method of learning about future events. It allows you to achieve truthful answers to various relevant questions for you. An obvious plus of this ritual is that there is no need for special training to perform it, it will be within the power of even inexperienced magicians.

Ornaments with a rounded shape were first used by the ancient Egyptians about 5 thousand years ago. Lovers put them on each other's fingers as a symbol of eternal love and devotion.

Then the ring personified infinity and eternity, and its inner space acted as a kind of portal that separates the known from the secret, intimate.

Initially, the jewelry did not last long and was rather rough, since leather, glass and wood carriers, as well as ivory, served as the material for their creation.

When metallurgy began to develop actively, iron was used to make rings, and then gold and silver. To improve the appearance of jewelry, they came up with the idea of ​​inserting various natural minerals.

For the first time the concept of "wedding ring" arose in the Middle Ages in Italy. Then the lovers began to bring this jewelry as a gift on the day of the engagement.

And the fashion for gold wedding rings arose already in the 18th century with the spread of the so-called "Italian idea". It consisted in the fact that instead of silver rings, they began to use more expensive and wear-resistant gold rings at the wedding.

Fortune telling rules on the ring

In order for your fortune telling on the ring to be successful, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules that contribute to getting more reliable answers.

The method of fortune telling on a ring and a string

With its help, you will receive answers to any question that interests you. Stock up for this with a ring, woolen thread and a piece of paper with a pen.

The paper is split into two halves. At the top, write the word "yes" and at the bottom, "no."

After that, the ring is hung on a string about thirty centimeters long. Candles are lit, you are tuning in to the fortune-telling procedure.

You should first think over your questions, take care of their maximum accuracy and specifics. Ask only questions to which the answer is "yes" or "no."

Then the ring on the thread rises and lingers for a moment above the paper in the central part of the sheet. Freeze so that your hand does not make any movements. Say your question again and watch in which direction the ring tilts. The answer will be either positive or negative, there are no other options in this fortune-telling.

For one fortune-telling, ask no more than 5 questions.

Check out another powerful relationship divination from the following video.

Divination by the ring by a thread

For this fortune-telling, a glass is taken, into which two-thirds of water is poured. The ring is hung by a thread from your head, the ends are squeezed with your fingers so that they are not visible.

It turned out to be a kind of pendulum, which should be brought to a glass and lowered into the water for a couple of moments. Remove and place on the edge of the glass. It is important that the elbows are firmly on the table and the hands are free to move.

Now you can start asking questions that are clearly and correctly formulated. The answers will be interpreted as follows:

  • when the ring moves in a circle - a positive answer;
  • staggers from side to side - negative answer;
  • stands still - until the Higher Forces can accurately answer the question you raised.

You can ask questions on any topic that interests you - about the future, about your personal life, about a career, and so on. The main thing is to formulate questions clearly and concentrate on them as much as possible when doing fortune telling.

Divination on the ring for marriage

Thanks to the next sacrament, you will be able to see the face of your future spouse. But you can only resort to this method during the Christmas week.

Time of the event - night. Pour about one third of the water into a glass with smooth sides. A very important point so that there are no facets on it, because this way it will be much easier for you to consider the features of your future husband.

Place the jewelry on the bottom. Wait for the water to calm down and say the following words over it:

"My betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me!"

And after that, start peering into the central part of the ring - it is in it that the face of your betrothed will appear. It is likely that you will need to wait for this, the image may not appear immediately, so please be patient.

If you are destined to get married soon, over time, at first, muddy features will appear, gradually acquiring more and more clarity. In some cases, the image even begins to move and makes some signs regarding the material status or occupation of the future spouse.

Use an easy and interesting fortune-telling on a ring with a thread to find out about upcoming events. But do not break the rules for its implementation, so that the answers from the Higher Forces are only true!

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

A ring is a circle, a figure that does not have sharp corners and roughness, a symbol that means peace and good, excluding wars and misunderstandings. The wedding rings are exchanged by a couple who decided to join together two hoops, two hearts, two souls, which from now on will be together to the end, as a single being.

The ring also symbolizes infinity, eternity of faithful feelings, constancy, stability, naturalness of current life, inextinguishability and prosperity of forces, passions and love in the union of a wife and. The sun and the moon also have a circle shape, giving us warmth, light and beauty, like these luminaries, the relationship of lovers should be bright, light, iridescent and hot.

Knowing these invaluable properties of a wedding ring, try a fortune telling on it to learn about love and the future. In order to conduct fortune-telling, take your mother's wedding ring, or a close relative, if you trust them, they can participate in this process. As a last resort, if you cannot get a wedding ring, you can use an ordinary gold ring as a fortune-telling attribute, preferably without stones and other inserts.

Divination technique with a wedding ring

So, how to carry out divination with a wedding ring and? Next, take a crystal glass, or a narrow glass of clinking glass and fill it up to half with clean water. Then pull a string of thread the length of your elbow through the ring. Now focus, think about your loved one, ask yourself what awaits you in the future and start fortune telling.

The ring will act as an assistant in answering questions that you will ask, formulate them so that the answer is numerical, for example: "How many children will I have?", "How many years will I get married?", "When will my first child be born?" etc. Now take a string with a ring in one hand, a glass of water in the other, and lower the ring suspended by a thread into the glass closer to the water and the wall of the vessel so that the vibrations created by the hand and body allow the ring to knock on the wall of the glass. That is why it is important that the glass, glass, glass are narrow, and made of such a material that you can hear the melodic ringing that is heard from the sound of the ring on the glass. For example, you ask the question: "How many children will I have?"

If everything is clear with the numerical questions, you can also guess according to this plan: ask the ringlet how strong such and such a guy's feelings for you are. If the ring knocks once - he likes you, but no more, if two or more times - his feelings are strong, strong affection for you. Similarly, according to your inner conviction, you yourself can draw up a fortune telling scheme, for example, find out if he is thinking about you now. If the ring quickly and loudly knocks on the glass, and the water trembles, and the sound is ringing, then all his thoughts are about you. Conversely, if the ring just hangs

If you want the ring to be with you frankly, guess on the night before Christmas, Epiphany or Christmas week. Those who do not want to wait for the approach of these holidays can try to find out their fate on other days. It is better to do this on Friday, on Monday you should not guess with the ring. Perform the ritual after sunset - in the evening or at night.

There should be no stones, designs or engravings on the ring. An engagement wedding is perfect. If you don't have one yet, you can ask a friend or relative for a while. If that fails, take a regular silver or gold that meets the above requirements.

The girl herself must prepare for the sacrament. Hair must be loosened, it is necessary to remove a belt or belt, other rings, jewelry, a cross, a watch. Turn off your phone, retire (if you are guessing without a girlfriend). You should not be distracted by anything.

Put out the light, light the candle, concentrate on the question you want to ask. After that, you can start fortune telling on the ring.

How to find out the numbers of interest

If you want the ring to tell how many years you will get married, tell about the number and answer other "digital" questions, use this method of divination.

Cut 20 cm from the black thread, tie a ring to it. Ideally, it should be tied to your cut hair. That is how they used to guess in the old days. If the witch has curls, she can do so, but hair extensions, of course, will not work.

Take this pendulum by the top of it with your right hand. With your left, hold a glass that is a quarter full of water. It's great if it is holy water. If it is not there, plain unboiled will do.

Raise your hand above the vessel, lower the lower part of the pendulum into it so that the ring does not touch the surface of the water. Ask out loud the question that interests you. The ring will swing and hit the glass walls. Count how many times it will do it. The number of touches will be the answer to the innermost question.

Divination for marriage

For the next divination, you will need an assistant, 4 pieces of dark cloth and the same number of deep plates. You need to leave the room, and during this time, let your friend put the ring in one of the bowls, cover it with a cloth. Now you can go in and try to guess where she hid the jewelry. If you managed to do this on the first try, then in the near future you are going to get married. A second try will make this pleasant event a little longer. The third will tell you that marriage is not expected in the foreseeable future, and it may not come at all. But this does not mean that you will not meet a worthy person. And you can simply not believe in the unhappy results of fortune-telling on the ring.

Since ancient times, girls have worn rings as jewelry. Fragile female fingers looked great in graceful gold or silver rings. However, the rings are not only an element of the image, but also a tool for fortune telling. Fortune telling on a ring with a thread is one of the most common ways to find out your fate among women, especially during the Christmas time (the time for fortune telling after January 7).

In this thread:

Such fortune-telling will help answer a lot of questions: will the wish come true, will there be a narrowed one, will there be a child, if so, a boy or a girl, will a marriage happen in the coming year, and so on. You can guess, both in splendid isolation, and in a group - it all depends on the chosen method.

Basic requirements for conducting fortune telling on a ring and a string

  1. The ring must be silver or gold. Metals are capable of conducting the energy needed to perform the ritual.
  2. The ring must belong to the fortuneteller or her close relative (for example, mother). The exception is fortune telling in a group for a narrowed one.
  3. Before the ceremony, the metal is eliminated from bad energy with the help of holy water. The decoration is placed in a glass of water from the church for three days, after which no one can touch it except the fortuneteller.
  4. After the ceremony with the mother's ring, it must be immediately returned to the owner and made sure that she puts it on and does not take it off for a week.

The most popular divination on Christmastide on the ring

In the first case, they are guessing at the fulfillment of desires. You will need a ring, a thread of red or black color, a glass of water three-quarters full. Above the glass, you need to hang a ring on a string and ask a question to which you know the answer for sure. For example: "I am 20 years old"? The question should be clear, specific and the answer to it should be "yes" or "no". Then ask a second question with the opposite answer. For example: "Am I a man?" Trace how the ring reacts in the first case and how in the second.

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If the amplitude of movement of the thread for each answer is different, then remember it, since then you will have to compare the answers to the questions of interest with how the pendulum swung when you asked the elementary ones. If the ring will move in the same way, and on the first question, and on the second, or will stand still, postpone the fortune-telling for five days. Once all the preparatory activities are completed, proceed with the ritual.

Ask your question, bring the string ring to the glass and fix your hand. As soon as the rocking begins, remember how the thread reacted to the question with a knowingly positive answer, and how - with a negative one. This will be the answer.

The second type of fortune telling is for a child. You will also need a glass of water, a ring on a red thread or on your own hair. Bring the ring to the glass and fix so that it does not touch the water surface. Consider the gender of the baby. If the ring starts swinging from one side to the other, then there will be a boy, if it rotates in a circle, then a girl. If it freezes in place, repeat everything in 5 days.

Do not leave grain and water after the ritual at home, and do not throw them in an urn. It is necessary to pour or throw everything on the street, not at the intersection of three roads. Rites on the wedding ring rarely collect reviews, since the technique itself is passed down from generation to generation, from children to grandchildren and great-grandchildren from time immemorial.

An engagement ring is the main and iconic decoration in the life of every person. This decoration has magical powers and has been used in fortune telling for a long time.

Many centuries ago, girls used rings to look into the future and find out if they would get married. In some countries of that time, magic rituals with rings were used in the adoption of important state issues (when choosing a ruler, in deciding to start a war).

Even inexperienced magicians can perform a ceremony using a wedding ring.

This ancient method is very popular among the fair sex. With the help of a wedding ring, you can get answers to many questions. Unlike many other divination techniques, this ritual does not require special training. Even inexperienced magicians will be able to find out the truth and get answers to their questions.

Divination rules on a wedding ring

The success and accuracy of the answers depends on whether the fortune-telling on the wedding ring was carried out in compliance with all the rules.

Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Concentration. During fortune-telling, all thoughts should be focused on magical action. In order to put your thoughts in order, calm down and tune in to fortune-telling, you need to look closely at the candle flame for some time.
  2. Silence. A person should be alone with himself. Therefore, there should be no pets in the fortune-telling room. In addition, it is recommended to turn off your cell phone, turn off the lights and the TV.
  3. Correct thread color. For fortune telling, you can use only black, white or red threads.
  4. Candles. For divination, you need to use wax (non-church) candles.
  5. Ask a question only once. Even if the answer to the question asked was not received, then you should not ask it again.
  6. Correct days. It is best to conduct fortune-telling on a ring with a thread on Friday, on the night of Ivan Kupala, on any day during the Christmas week and at midnight of each full moon.
  7. The best time to conduct fortune telling on the gold ring is 12 o'clock at night.

To conduct an effective fortune-telling, it is necessary not only to know how to guess, but also to prepare. Before the ceremony, the fortuneteller must take off all jewelry (including icons and crosses).

For the ceremony, it is best to choose clothes made from simple materials, without metal parts, ties and fasteners. Hair must be loose in order to release feminine power. The ring used for fortune telling must necessarily belong to a close relative or girlfriend who is happily married. After the fortune-telling, the ring must be given to the mistress as soon as possible.

To obtain the most accurate information, before fortune-telling, the ring must be cleared of the information accumulated on it. The easiest way to get rid of negativity is to place it in a container of water and leave it under the moonlight overnight.

To clean the ring, you need to place it in a glass of water and leave it overnight under the moonlight.

In the event that there is no time for such a purification, you can clean the ring by calcining it over a candle flame. For fortune telling, you can only use melted water. It is worth preparing in advance a list of questions (no more than five) to which you can give clear answers "no" or "yes".

Divination technique on the ring

This method of fortune telling can be used to get answers to any questions about your career, personal life, health. The main thing is to clearly formulate questions and fully concentrate on them.

The ring is suspended on a thread, about 40 cm long, and lowered into a container of water. For the ritual, it is not necessary to use threads; you can also carry out fortune telling on the ring on the hair. At this time, they ask themselves a question.

By the ring, or more precisely, by its movements, you can find out the answer to the question asked:

  1. Circular motion. The answer to the question asked is negative, and in determining the sex of the unborn child, it predicts the birth of a girl.
  2. Pendulum movements. In the near future, everything conceived will come true, and regarding the gender of the baby, it portends the birth of a boy.
  3. The ring does not move. In this case, the answer is ambiguous and you need to rephrase the question. With regard to children, this position of the ring suggests that no replenishment in the family is expected in the near future.

The ring does not move - a harbinger of the fact that there will be no children in the near future

You can also lower the ring into an empty glass. If it hits the right wall, then the answer is positive and the wish will come true, and if it hits the left wall, the answer is negative and the wish will not come true.

Divination by the betrothed

Every girl dreams of meeting her betrothed. Many women, even on the eve of the wedding, doubt whether they have chosen their life partner correctly or not. Therefore, divination for marriage is the most popular among all predictions. Divination is carried out with a ring on the betrothed on Christmas night.

There is no difference between the usual getting answers to questions and this fortune-telling. If you listen closely, you can hear how the ring taps the name of the chosen one against the walls of the dishes. And you can also count the number of strokes, and find out after so many years the girl will get married.


For such fortune telling, it is necessary to write in a circle in a chaotic order all the letters of the alphabet. A ring with a hair (or thread) is swung over the alphabet and the letters it points to are remembered. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can spell your future. And also girls can find out the name of their betrothed.

Regardless of the chosen method of fortune-telling and the questions that are asked, you need to be very careful. Because a ring with a thread works like a pendulum, which in inept hands can attract trouble.

Before telling a friend to tell fortunes, you need to remember how important it is to respect magic rituals, to approach them responsibly, and only then you can get answers to your questions without negative consequences.

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