How to trim a Spitz at home. Features of professional and home Spitz haircuts When to cut a small German Spitz

If you are the owner of an adorable Pomeranian, your goal is to keep your dog's coat in excellent condition. To do this, you need to feed the dog properly and care for its coat thoroughly. A cut Pomeranian can look different, depending on what it is done for.

It is better to entrust an exhibition haircut to a dog hairdresser - groomer. And other types of haircuts can be done at home. Today we will look at the features of wool, haircuts, and their varieties. You will learn when it is better to cut your hair, what tools are useful for cutting and combing, and what subtleties professionals adhere to in their work.

Features of the coat

When the puppy is still small, the color of its coat is radically different from the main shade, and by the quality of the coat you can say that the dog in front of you is a fluffy dog. Because the dog has no guard hair - only fluff. It is gentle and soft, there is no need to cut it, but up to 3 months the dog needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week.

This way you will sort out the tangles in a timely manner or prevent their appearance, establish a connection with the animal, and teach him to stand still when the puppy is being cared for. And, of course, blood flow increases, while the skin “breathes”, hair growth accelerates.

Then, after this time, the dog sheds, the guard hair breaks through - hard. This is where the need for a haircut arises. What it will be like depends on the owner. If you want to take your dog to an exhibition as soon as possible, it is better to go to a professional groomer. He knows all the features of salon procedures for oranges.

If your goal is a neat look, a fashionable haircut pomeranian and a stylish look, you can master any haircut yourself, but more on that later. Now let’s find out what types of “hairstyles” there are, and which one is necessary for the exhibition, and also learn the most necessary haircut for all occasions.

Types of haircuts and their necessity

It should be noted that Pomeranian Spitz, whose haircuts are carried out with a clipper, slowly grows hair, and the hairs may grow unevenly. For any variety, cutting with thinning scissors is recommended in order to form a beautiful and well-groomed coat without touching the undercoat.

And the undercoat is simply combed out, and the excess hair remains on the brush. But now we will talk about other types of haircuts. If you need to stand out from the crowd, be always on trend and make caring for your dog easier, why not use one of the hairstyles listed below.

As you understand, with such a hairstyle you will not be accepted to the exhibition, but a cropped Pomeranian Spitz will be able to appear in all its glory in front of your friends, acquaintances and simply show off on the street.

Dwarf Spitz haircuts:

  1. The most popular today is the lion haircut. This is a hairstyle where the dog is cut to the length of fur that the owner desires, leaving only the hair on the head, parts of the neck and a tuft on the tail.
  2. “Bear” Boo – this hairstyle became popular after a Spitz of the same name appeared on the Internet. To give the head of the “bear cub” a ball, experience is required. Therefore, we advise you to contact a professional groomer.
  3. “Little Fox” - making the fur neat and similar to a fox. Professionals even tint the fur for maximum effect.
  4. Haircut using the clipper-werk technique - under a clipper (not bald!). Suitable for hot summer.
  5. The same haircut is only done with a clipper and scissors - flatwork.
  6. A show haircut is a refusal to experiment with the appearance of a dog. At the exhibition, the Spitz proudly stands out with a voluminous collar, a fluffy tail that lies beautifully on its back and neatly trimmed paws.

Subtleties of exhibition haircuts

The coat for exhibition should look as if the Pomeranian had never been cut at all. But at the same time it looks neat. This “effect” is achieved when the Spitz is cut 2-6 months before important event- Exhibitions.

Each groomer begins his work at a certain point. Most often, they begin to trim carefully from the head and ears, or comb the undercoat from the back. The fur is always combed against the growth of the hairs. This is done with a special brush with metal fine teeth. There is no need to cut anything at this stage; all the excess fur - soft - will remain on the surface of the brush.

Thus, they go through the entire undercoat, leaving only living hair, and the dead hair is removed by itself. The dog does not feel pain and if it is already accustomed to frequent brushing at home, there should be no problems with the dog’s whims. Next, the wool is shaped using special tools – thinning scissors. All that remains is living wool - thick and beautiful.

Professionals note that it is impossible to cut the hair too short with a clipper - this will affect the growth and thickness of the coat. There have been cases where the hair did not grow back in some places at all after being clipped, leaving bald patches. And this in no way suits such a purebred fluffy dog. The purpose of a neat trim is to give shape, and this is possible by cutting off any protruding hairs with scissors and combing out dead hair from the undercoat.

The final stage is hygienic

Dog hygiene includes keeping the ears and fur around them, paws and claws in excellent condition, as well as the areas around the anus and genitals. This is the final stage of any Pomeranian haircut or a necessity before the exhibition. And also in any other case when the dog needs to look attractive. In addition, trimming the hair between the paws creates a correct arch, which is beneficial for health, as is plucking the hair inside the ears.

If you rarely go to the salon, then keep an eye on this at home, not forgetting to carefully edge important areas skin. For the procedure, be sure to have scissors with blunt ends. It is important to take a few steps and your beauty will look luxurious:

  • Use hairdressing scissors to carefully trim the hair between the dog's toe pads - this is necessary to form and maintain proper walking and remove microbes that often gather there. It is advisable to cut off a lot of wool.
  • Stray hair on the ears is neatly trimmed. The process gives it a slightly rounded shape. The hairs inside are plucked out - this also prevents germs and gives your dog a beautiful appearance.
  • Trim the fur around the anus as carefully as possible, moving the scissors from the center in different directions. Special attention V in this case You need to pay attention to the area under the tail. Trim the tail so that it lies beautifully on the back - this is what people pay attention to at exhibitions, and in Everyday life There's no need for extra wool either.

Grooming the dog yourself

If in your plans for keeping a dog you consider yourself as a personal hairdresser, you should take care in advance about the tools necessary for the work. And also train the dog to stand on the table. If these conditions are met, you can start cutting. Just first bathe the dog, apply light combing products and stretch the fur along its entire length using a hairdryer.

Tools needed for home haircuts:

  • Slicker comb;
  • Comb with metal teeth;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Comfortable scissors with long blades;
  • Scissors with blunt ends;
  • Hair clipper.

Nature has rewarded the friendly, lovable Pomeranian Spitz with luxurious silky hair and a bushy tail. In order for a cute dog to become a sleek and well-groomed dog that the whole family adores, he must be periodically given to the experienced hands of an animal hairdresser - groomer.

Caring procedures

Grooming involves such caring procedures as combing, cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails, and preventative hairstyles. They can be carried out both at home and in specialized salons.

You don’t need to brush your pet too often; a few times a week will be enough. Frequent brushing causes loss of the undercoat, and with it the fluffiness may also disappear. It is best to comb your hair with a soft brush that does not tear the hairs, but gently massages the skin without causing scratches. Combing can go in any direction, the main thing is that the comb moves against the fur. This method helps to straighten the guard hair. Particular attention is paid to the ears, armpits and groin. There the wool is especially soft and therefore gets matted. You can also get rid of them using small scissors.

What are the risks of a trimmed Spitz?

Before we write briefly, we need to take into account some points. Dogs do not have sweat glands, so short haircut will not protect the Spitz from overheating in the summer, or from the cold in the winter. Skin unprotected by fur is susceptible to burns, itching or dermatitis. And on a walk he might be bitten by midges or mosquitoes.

After a haircut, the hair may not grow back, so it is recommended to cut your Pomeranian Spitz no shorter than a few centimeters.

Spitz haircut

There are several types of hairstyles for this breed:

Traditional haircut

The Spitz is first washed, then dried with a hairdryer, and then proceed directly to the haircut.

First, the ears are processed and freed from excess hair. They turn out round and neat.

Then the “collar” is leveled and the “pants” are trimmed. Overgrown hair between the toes and under the tail is carefully removed. At the very end, the ponytail is trimmed - all excess from the top is cut off.

Exhibition haircut

On the eve of the exhibition, the dog must be washed so that the judge does not notice that the animal has been washed. All undercoat must be retained. Therefore, it is not trimmed, but slightly straightened.

The hairstyle of a trimmed pet should take on a shape that is completely... At the same time, it is necessary to hide imperfections and emphasize the dog’s advantages.

Pomeranian Spitz Grooming

In addition to classic haircuts, the orange can be cut as follows:

Light edging line

This option achieves a light cosmetic effect. The wool is trimmed to a minimum - the ears and the perimeter of the “fur coat”. The groomer's job is to complete the dog's appearance.

Maximum edging

In this case, the undercoat is removed from the entire body. This hairstyle will make it much easier for the owner to care for his trimmed pet, and will not disturb the breed silhouette of the animal.
If the dog is not planned to be exhibited in competitions, then you can simulate haircuts in an unlimited number. Here everything will depend on the imagination of the owner and the experience of the specialist.

Bear haircut

Boo (Boo) is the name of the Spitz puppy, who became famous on social networks for his haircut called “”. What is this? The dog's head is cut into an even ball with small, neat ears. The hair on the body and paws is almost completely absent. At the end of the procedure, a small teddy bear with a round head and a naked body appears before us.

A trimmed Spitz in the hands of professionals

Professional grooming includes haircuts, bathing, and nail trimming. An experienced groomer will take care of hiding all exterior flaws with the right haircut. A show dog's coat is trimmed to a minimum and in a strictly defined shape. Only a groomer can handle this, but in other cases hygienic care will do.

Before cutting, the wool is moistened with a special spray to make combing easier. A parting is formed at the head, and then combing of the hair begins, dividing it into strands. The client is then bathed using shampoo. Next comes drying the wool with a hairdryer. It will be more convenient to dry if the hair dryer is mounted on a stand. In this position, the master’s hands remain free. It is strictly forbidden to leave your Pomeranian to dry on its own. His coat is thick and it will take a long time to dry. Therefore, there is a risk of catching a cold, and undried hairs will become tangled again.

How to trim a Pomeranian at home?

To do this, you must strictly follow a number of rules so as not to harm your little four-legged friend:

Be especially careful when treating the tail, ears, throat and inner surface paw

  • It is better to use scissors; it will be quite difficult to straighten the hairline with a machine.
  • You can't cut your Pomeranian's head; as a result, the lost length of hair may never grow back as before.

Grooming for hygiene purposes involves combing out the undercoat. This is especially true during shedding, when the dog develops tangles. Grooming for easy grooming involves trimming the fur at the base of the tail, around the pads of the feet, and on the ears.

Before you start creating a work of art at home, you need to select the necessary tools:

  • Claw clippers.
  • Straight scissors, small, large and thinning.
  • Potassium permanganate in case of a cut.

Rules for creating a haircut:

  • So that you can get a haircut according to all the rules, Pomeranian.
  • First, the Spitz's claws are trimmed.
  • To shorten the fur on the paws, use small scissors with straight ends.
  • Then long, straight scissors are used to trim the hair on the legs so that they look like columns.
  • Then the hair on the body is fluffed up and combed vertically upward.

How are ears trimmed?

To get small and neat ears on a Pomeranian Spitz, you will need some skill:

  • The auricle is grabbed with two folded fingers.
  • The movement with scissors begins from the bottom up, at the same time it is necessary to scrupulously palpate the skin so as not to injure the Spitz.
  • The upper end of the ear is cut round.

If scissors are difficult to handle, you can use an electric clipper with the largest attachment. The whole process will take much less time, and the result will be the same.

How much does a bear haircut cost for a Pomeranian?

A haircut in a salon will cost from 1900 to 2300 rubles. And care for a full program will cost 3,000 rubles.

A renewed and “rejuvenated” Spitz will leave the salon bathed, with well-groomed claws, irrigated with conditioner and blow-dried. It will be important for a Spitz to walk with its paws like a cat’s and move its rounded ears.

It is important to remember that you need to groom your dog regularly. Many owners of this breed do not consider it necessary to spend time and money on care. Completely in vain - with a spitz hairstyle it looks simple

Have you adopted a Spitz and want to learn more about caring for the coat of this cute and attractive breed? Indeed, your pet’s furry coat needs a haircut, but regularly contacting a professional groomer is quite expensive. From this article you will learn the most common haircuts for Spitz, a list of necessary tools and some secrets of grooming Spitz at home. You will know the characteristics of the coat of this breed and will be able to maintain the beautiful and neat appearance of the dog on your own.

What problems might you encounter?

Spitz puppies at the age of the first two months are covered only with fluff. The outer hair of these dogs begins to grow at 3 months and is quite rigid. In this regard, cutting a Pomeranian Spitz is done only with a special clipper - “human” models cannot cope with dog hair.

During the hot season, do not shave your dog under any circumstances. Hair removed in this way may not grow back.

If your Pomeranian is being exhibited, it is best to trim it a few months before the exhibition. This rule is dictated by the breed standard - the dog’s coat in the ring should look natural, without signs of grooming.

What do you need to have on hand?

If you have a Pomeranian, the haircut is performed using the following tools:

  • professional machine with a nozzle from 3 mm,
  • thinning scissors (single-sided)
  • scissors with rounded tips,
  • metal combs with frequent and rare pitch of teeth,
  • massage comb with long teeth.

Spitz haircut: options

Procedure for cutting a Pomeranian Spitz. What needs to be done before the main dog grooming. Trimming the fur around the anus. What tool is used.

The most common haircuts for Pomeranians are teddy bear, fox, and dragon haircuts. If you just want to give your pet a well-groomed look, master the classic haircut technique, which is also used for dog hygiene purposes. To do this, use safety scissors to shorten the hair near the anus and on the ears. The fur between the fingertips is carefully trimmed to prevent matting. The cover on the body is evenly trimmed with a machine. The length of the hair on the tail should reach the line of the head. On the paws we remove a little hair from the front (up to knee joint) and behind (to the hock), moving around the paw.

More complex haircuts, of course, are best done in grooming salons. But now you know how to enhance the beauty and beauty of your furry pet by trimming it at home.

The Pomeranian is a small decorative dog with very long hair that needs care. Many owners resort to grooming; this not only simplifies coat care, but also makes the pet unusual and even more beautiful. In this article we have collected different variants Spitz haircuts, photos of which can be seen below.

Spitz haircuts - before and after photos

Let us immediately note that only real craftsmen can make a beautiful haircut at home. If you have never done anything like this before, it is better to contact a specialized grooming salon.

All the photos below are the work of specialists from the Begemot grooming salon. His address and contacts can be found just below, after the photo.

Pomeranian Spitz before and after haircut, photo from grooming salon “Begemot” (

Before and after a haircut, photo of a dog named Peka.

In this photo there is a dog named Kokosik.

Photos before and after cutting a Pomeranian named Fantik. It turned out very beautiful)

A fox haircut for a Spitz (isn't it very similar?), in the photo there is a dog named Kimi.

A very beautiful haircut, in the photo there is a dog named Chilly.

Where to trim a Spitz in Moscow

If you like the Spitz haircuts in the photos above, you can contact the same salon where they were done.

Grooming salon "Behemoth":

  • Address: Moscow, Stoletova street, building 15
  • Phone: 8-929-988-37-53
  • Opening hours: every day from 10:00-21:00

More details can be found on the official website of the salon, its Internet address is

Judging by its face, the dog was happy after the haircut)

A dog named Monica also managed to get dirty before the haircut, but she was successfully “washed” and cut))

Before and after a haircut, a dog named Jean.

Photo of a Spitz haircut for the summer, the dog's name is Hera.

Photo of a dog named Teddy (this is the name of the famous bear cub, after the haircut he even looks a little like him).

Do you need to trim your Pomeranian?

This is up to the pet owner to decide, but usually I cut dogs according to the following reasons:

  1. For the sake of beauty - in most cases, after a haircut, the dog will look much more beautiful, which is often very important for owners of decorative breeds.
  2. For the summer - long-haired dogs can get very hot in the summer, and to help the pet tolerate the heat, it is cut short.
  3. For exhibitions, it is a common practice to resort to grooming before an exhibition, but here only a spitz breed cut is suitable (for a fox cub, bear cub, etc. it is not possible).

Some haircut options also make caring for your pet's fur much easier.

Video with examples of spitz haircuts

Regular haircut for pets:

Bear haircut:

The second video is an example of how you can cut a pet's hair so that it looks more like a plush toy rather than a dog. However, even in this case, we must not forget that the dog is not a toy, he needs care and care.

These videos show that the grooming process takes a lot of time, hence the relatively high prices. For example, in Moscow salons, cutting a Pomeranian Spitz will cost about two thousand rubles.

That's all, we hope our selection of photos of Spitz dogs before and after a haircut was useful! Don’t forget to share your experience in the comments below, you can also share a photo of your pets there (just paste a link to the photo, and we will transfer it to the comment).

Grooming a Spitz at home is a procedure necessary when keeping dogs of this breed. Many owners are concerned about the question of how to properly cut their Spitz haircut. There is a lot of advice, however, not all of them are correct. Some methods of cutting a Pomeranian can simply harm the dog.

When to start skincare procedures?

There are those who are sure that it is impossible to cut a Spitz in puppyhood. However, cutting and combing a Pomeranian puppy must begin with early age so that in the future the animal reacts normally to procedures.

At about 3-4 months, this is easy to do, since the fur is still very soft, more like fluff.

After a year, it becomes much tougher, and the dog has a thick undercoat. At the same time, the first haircuts should be as simple as possible, otherwise the puppy will develop a dislike for the long and tedious event.

How often should you cut your dog's hair?

Grooming is necessary not only for beauty at exhibitions, but also for the health of the animal. Some owners don't know how often it is necessary to carry out grooming procedures for their dog's coat. A Pomeranian needs to be cut at least once every 2-3 months. You can experiment with haircuts as you like, but why can’t you cut your hair short? Improper grooming of dogs can result in the animals' normal coat growth being disrupted. Such consequences result from the removal of undercoat during shaving.

Another reason why oranges should not be cut short is that they are thin and sensitive skin dogs.

Thick and long wool serves as a natural defense for the animal against various mechanical damage, insect bites and exposure to wind and cold. Therefore, if the temperature outside drops sharply, your pet can easily catch a cold. Owners who cut their Spitz short should purchase special overalls for their animals that protect the dog from bad weather.

Do pets need to be groomed before shows? Animals with formal hairstyles are not accepted for competitions; it is believed that dogs should look natural. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out grooming at least 6 months before the exhibition.

Where to get a haircut?

Where is the best place to go for grooming? Every owner knows how much it costs to cut a orange tree from an experienced professional with a good reputation. On average, the price varies from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Many owners do not know whether it is possible to cut a Pomeranian haircut at home. It is possible, however, for this the owner will need sharp professional grooming scissors, a lot of patience and various tasty and healthy rewards for the animals.

You can order dog grooming equipment online; scissors, trimmers and clippers are also often sold in specialized pet salons.

Haircut features

For the Pomeranian Spitz, haircuts and their patterns are limited only by the imagination of the dog owner. However, it is recommended to trim orange blossoms at home according to the simplest scheme, so as not to tire either the owner or the animal.

How to start cutting a Pomeranian at home? The Pomeranian must be bought from special shampoo, and don’t forget about balm to make the fur softer and not tangled. Then dry thoroughly. Can naturally, or you can use a hairdryer if the dog is not afraid of it.

If this is your first time cutting, it is better not to resort to it, because this will create unnecessary stress for your Spitz.

Next, be sure to comb the dog with a special comb. You need to comb it for at least half an hour to remove dead hair and excess undercoat. However, there is no need to overdo it so as not to injure your pet’s thin skin. And only after that you can start cutting the haircut itself.

Carrying out a haircut

For owners who have no experience in grooming and do not know how to trim a Spitz correctly, a special dog clipper will help. This device usually comes with various attachments that make it easy to style your hair. pet desired shape. Clippers should not be used on people.

The animal's haircut looks like this:

  1. You need to start from hard-to-reach areas. First you need to get your paws in order. Particular attention is paid to the hair between the toes, because it gets very dirty during walks, sand and small stones get stuck in it, which prevents the dog from moving normally and causes discomfort. It is better to do this with thin scissors.
  2. Next, you can trim the so-called panties on the paws. They can be quickly processed with a machine by running it down the hair growth line.
  3. After this, you can move on to the hair at the base of the tail. The tail itself is voluminous, so it is difficult for a beginner not to spoil it during the first haircut. If you have never groomed before, just try to carefully trim the fur.
  4. Then it is recommended to treat the ears. They need to be cut especially carefully, because the hair there is very short, and if you move awkwardly, you can injure the dog. If the owner is afraid that he will not be able to handle the haircut alone, then it is better to invite an assistant who will hold the animal during the procedure.
  5. After the ears, treatment of the area around the anus is mandatory. Here you are allowed to cut the hair short. This must be done not so much for beauty, but for hygiene purposes, because particles of waste products remain here and infections develop that can cause inflammation. Any feces left on the fur can then be removed with wet wipes. However, it is not recommended to bathe dogs frequently.

Grooming a Spitz at home usually takes the owner more time than a professional in a salon, however, it causes less anxiety for the animal. However, try not to carry out the procedure for too long. Even the most patient Spitz will not be able to stay in one position for several hours.

After the haircut, you should carefully comb your pet again to even out the fur, remove the cut hair, and again look from the outside to see if there are any defects left.

If you are going to show your animal at a show, let the groomer know in advance. The master will help you choose the most suitable hairstyle for Spitz that meets the standards.

Choosing a Groomer

As for the choice of grooming specialists, today it is great. Almost every city has at least one master. Each person has their own price for the service. It depends on the experience of the master, on the place of his work, on the tools and means he uses. For example, a professional haircut at home may cost less than in a salon, but this does not mean that it is worse. Be sure to read reviews and look at photos of works, so that later you don’t have to regret the money spent and the damage appearance Pomeranian

Many dog ​​owners love not only to cut their hair, but also to decorate their pets. Rhinestones are glued to the tips of the ears and sparkles are applied. It is harmless to the dog and looks beautiful, but does not last long. When contacting the salon, you can choose the designs that are most attractive to you or ask the master to create a pattern based on your own design.
