Is it possible to dream dreams to order? How to order the sleep you need. Formation of full-fledged structures in a lucid dream

Is it possible to learn to control your dreams - to determine what you will dream about next night and whether what you see will be a prophecy? How to become the lord of dreams? How to gain power over this ephemeral, elusive matter? It turns out that this is possible, you just need to know which nights are most favorable for establishing your “sleeping routine” (as a rule, these are the nights on the eve of great church holidays) and what words you need to pronounce as a spell in order to invite the desired revelation into your sleep.

On Holy Day all vanities sleep

Everyone has different interests in life. It is important for a girl to find out when her betrothed will come. A married lady is interested in a thousand other issues - from household issues to those related to the fate of her children and loved ones. The Eve of the Annunciation is very favorable for prophetic dreams of girls and women (night from April 6 to 7). To get an answer in a dream, you need to mentally ask Higher powers: “What new will happen in my life?” What if they show you about love?.. That would be great!

And on the eve of another church holiday- Signs Holy Mother of God (December 10)- before going to bed, just pray for the sending of prophetic signs of fate. The Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is a harbinger of God's favor to the entire human race. If on the night of Introduction (from December 3 to 4) you dreamed that you were entering a house, try to remember all the details of what happened. Because the next morning you will have to decipher the hints of Lady Fate. If you dream of a house, then this is the house of your betrothed!

“Ringed” ladies on the eve of the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 14) can calmly enjoy a night's rest without worrying about managing dreams. But for those who “can’t bear to get married,” it would be good to go to bed early, not forgetting to put on a hat. Only in this case will the future spouse appear in a dream. To bring the day of the solemn wedding closer, spend the holiday itself with breadth, daring and scope - after all, in Rus' there has always been such a sign: “If you spend the Pokrov having fun, you will find a sweet groom.”

At night from 26 to 27 June The patron saint of sleep himself, Saint Samson, helps the curious to see their future. He gives lordly gifts in the form of prophetic dreams even to those who have never seen them before.

You can also try to see the mysterious and beautiful far away in a dream at night from 9 to 10 December, from 20 to 21 March, from 1 to 2 August. These days, dreams will turn out to be not just clues, they will be a sign!

I'm going to bed on Monday...

You can discern your destiny not only on major holidays, but also on other nights. You just need to determine who needs to ask what on what day. The night from Sunday to Monday is good for unmarried ladies - after performing a certain ritual before going to bed, they can see their betrothed in a dream. When going to bed, you need to put it under your pillow spruce branch or a spruce broom and say the following words: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, dream about someone who thinks about me.” . On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, ladies with a stamp in their passport may see a lover in a dream. Anything can happen in life... And to find out, for example, whether your beloved will guess about your amorous adventures, write a note on Tuesday evening with this (or some other) question and put it under your pillow. The next morning, try to remember everything you dreamed about, because these were the answers to your painful thoughts. And most importantly, the piece of paper with the question must certainly be destroyed later.

The night from Friday to Saturday is again for women who have not yet found their soul mate. Before going to bed, comb your hair with a comb, then place it under your pillow with the words: “Friday, Friday, whoever loves will dream” . Friday didn’t show, but the night from Saturday to Sunday will help. Before going to bed, say three times “ magic formula»: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday, what dream will I have? Let me, God, see someone with whom I can live forever.” .

If you don’t want to be “attached” to a specific day (night) of the week, use a proven method: go to bed in a new place or at a party. Before closing your eyelids and falling asleep, say: “I lie down in a new place so that the bridegroom dreams about the bride (the groom dreams about the bride)” .

Husband, husband, jump out of a dream...

In a dream, the betrothed can not only show his appearance, but also do something heroic. You just need to ask him nicely about it...

If you are a brave girl, you can try this experiment. When going to bed, pull on right leg snow-white sock and say: “My betrothed, mummer, come and take off my shoes at night” . Must be a dream future groom and take off the sock. Just keep in mind: dreams are associated with such manipulations horror stories. So, some said that at night the so-called “suitors” appeared to them, and they clung to their leg so much that it hurt for a long time.

There are girls “in Russian villages” who risk entering into “virtual” contact with their future spouse in the following way. On the night from Thursday to Friday, spread your fur coat on the floor in the bathroom (put a mattress under it - for softness), for this night it is your “royal bed”. Fill the sink with water to the brim and at exactly midnight, peering into the water, say in a whisper: “Husband, husband, jump into my dream, come from my dream and take it from home.” . And immediately lie down comfortably (if possible), fall asleep and see who appears in your dream!

And one more sleepy fortune-telling “for the groom.” Weave a bridge from thin twigs (twigs) and place the product, naturally, under the pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge” . If you're lucky, the future groom will appear in your dream and, like a noble knight, will take you across this bridge over the ghostly river.

The betrothed may also appear in the form of a card hero. To do this, select four kings from the deck, give each of them a name and place the cards on the bedside table at the head of the head. When you go to bed, say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about him” . That same night, the only and beloved one should appear in a dream.

Here's another fortune telling for lovers thrills. At night, a girl needs to eat 5-6 pickled cucumbers. It’s difficult, but the desire to find out the truth is above all, right? Leave the last cucumber untouched and place it under your pillow. (And no plastic bags - keep the experiment pure!) As you fall asleep, turn to your imaginary lover: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me at night and give me some water to drink.” . You can put not only cucumbers, but also garlic under your pillow. At the same time say: “Garlic, garlic, you have forty legs, take me to where my destiny is, take him out onto the porch, show me your face.” .

And the last “edible” fortune telling. Before going to bed, bake a ladder from the dough; when you go to bed, place it at your head and say the following words: “My betrothed, mummer, come and wake me up” .

Well, if, for example, other skeptics ask, after eating pickles at night, will a girl see something in a dream that you won’t be able to look away from looking away?.. This is what folk wisdom replies that all sorts of nightmares occur only in cases where the bride is in this year won't get married.

If a girl or woman, no matter how great her desire, cannot see anything worthwhile in a dream, then fortune telling in a dream - alas and ah - is not for her. Unfortunately, the ability to see prophetic dreams It is not given to everyone.


Is it possible to order a sleep? In the east there is still a belief that real life happens in a dream, and our life is a dream. Who knows? The mysteries of dreams have not yet been solved.

Dreams are our subconscious, which knows everything about our past, present and future and can become a good adviser. Anyone can learn to use dreams to solve problems, situations, and clues. The secret is that the subconscious always hears us, regardless of our desire. If you address it consciously, the desired answer will not keep you waiting.

Probably everyone has had a situation when, thinking about a problem all day, we see it in a dream. This subconscious is trying to solve your problem. Let him help you - order the right sleep, or ask a question that interests you. You can order a dream about a person you are interested in, or a place where you would like to visit.

Dream ordering technology

  • Before going to bed, you need to clearly formulate your request: decide what exactly you want to see, solve or understand. The more precise the formulation, the easier it is for the subconscious to show us the corresponding dream. Sometimes what you want doesn’t happen right away. Especially if you have never addressed your subconscious directly before. Give him time.
  • Think about your request while falling asleep (in the borderline state between sleep and reality). For example, you want to have . Imagine him and the time spent with him in as much detail as possible.
  • Often (if your request was some kind of solution), the answer comes not in a dream, but in the morning. For example, if you order to remember something, then the necessary memories will most likely come in the morning soon after waking up.

Don't get hung up on the process. Let it happen at the rhythm it needs, and sooner or later you will be able to order sleep.

The dreams we dream have meaning for us great importance, even if we don't believe in them. Sometimes the mood for the whole day depends on the dream we had, sometimes it seems to us that all this happened to us in reality. The places we dreamed of seem familiar to us, although we have never been there. And it’s no secret that sometimes dreams come true. Of course, given all these circumstances, understanding your dreams is a very tempting idea. And even more tempting is to program your consciousness for a certain dream. Is it possible?

What are we dreaming about?

First of all, you need to learn something about what sleep is, why sometimes we don’t see any dreams at all, and what it depends on. In fact, the “plot” of a dream, which seems quite long to us, in reality takes only a few seconds. During the night we may have several dreams, but we remember one, and here's why.

Sleep is usually divided into two phases – deep and superficial. Out of phase deep sleep it’s easier to get out, but in this case we cannot remember the dreams. Superficial sleep, on the contrary, is characterized by clear memorization of the “picture”, but waking up in this phase is more difficult. Most often, a person comes out of the superficial sleep phase under the influence of external irritant effect, such as an alarm clock, a sharp sound, muscle cramps etc. Having woken up, in the first seconds we are still in the “scenario” that we just saw. However, after a few minutes, some of the circumstances of what was seen are erased, and after a couple of hours, most of them are forgotten.

This is how human consciousness works. However, if you repeat mentally, and preferably also out loud, what you saw in a dream, you can remember the dream for a very long time. Some dreams amaze us so much that we remember them all our lives without any repetition. If you cannot remember what the dream was about, even immediately after waking up, you can evaluate your condition after it, thus determining whether it was at least bad or good. Listen to your mood, what do you feel? Joy? Or maybe anxiety, even horror?

The “plot” of our dreams is influenced by external factors, since everything seen is the fruit of our consciousness, which is part of ourselves. The following conditions play a role:

  • what you saw during the day; what our attention is focused on;
  • thoughts about upcoming or completed things that are important to us;
  • condition of the body, including pain, difficulty breathing, etc.;
  • comfortable or, conversely, uncomfortable body position;
  • indoor air (it is advisable to ventilate the room well);
  • our fears and anxieties, experienced worries, shocks;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • nutrition (both quality and quantity, as well as food intake);
  • sounds, smells and other phenomena that surround us while we sleep.

And that's not yet full list factors that shape our dreams. As for “prophetic” dreams, this question has not yet been studied and, perhaps, will never be studied. However, some scientists explain the effect of déjà vu precisely by the fact that the circumstances that happen to us in reality for the first time in our lives seem familiar to us precisely because we once saw them in a dream and simply forgot about it. But then you will have to agree that prophetic dreams really exist.

Festive video recipe:

Is it possible to “program” a dream?

It would be simply amazing if we could “order” ourselves a dream for the coming night. However, unfortunately, we are not given the ability to control our consciousness to such an extent. You can, of course, try to tune in to a certain mood, thinking, for example, about warm countries or a fun holiday. But this does not mean at all that this is exactly what we will dream about. Moreover, if, during our sleep, construction equipment is working outside the window, say (and by some miracle we do not wake up), we may dream of military operations. Or the smell of burnt food coming from somewhere is quite capable of giving us dreams of a fire, etc.

However, we can still do something. It is in our power to influence that dreams are at least not bad or scary, but pleasant or, according to at least, neutral, not spoiling the mood for the whole next day. To do this, you need to follow some tips, namely:

  • Do not drink tonic drinks such as black tea or coffee before bed. Green tea It is also better not to drink it, since it has a diuretic effect. It's better to drink milk or chamomile tea with cinnamon - it calms.
  • Don't overeat before bed, especially hard-to-digest foods. But you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach either. Have a light snack.
  • Do not analyze the past day before going to bed and do not plan the next day. Better dream about something pleasant.
  • Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. During sleep, the body should be completely relaxed.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed. It should be fresh, but not cold; ventilation of the room will avoid not only bad dreams, but also headaches.
  • If you have been nervous, worried, or generally in a state of permanent stress during the day, first of all, help calm down your nervous system. In this state, you will not dream of anything good.

If you dream scary dreams, do not rush to believe them. Even if you dreamed of someone close to you under difficult circumstances, perhaps you just need to communicate with this person, do something for him, and sometimes just see each other. After all, dreams project our reality, so the only way to influence their “quality” is to bring order to your life and feelings.

Sleep makes up a third of a person's life. If a person wants to use a dream for some purpose, for example, to receive a question or see a person or himself in a desired situation, then he can achieve this by influencing the course of the dream by:

1) Self-hypnosis
2) Concentration
3) Association of ideas connected with irritation of the senses.

Let's look at these three main methods.

1) Self-hypnosis is the most the best remedy. Before you begin any of the three methods, follow the following rule: lying on the bed, completely relax, make sure that there are no extraneous thoughts left in your head. At this moment - at the stage of inhibition of consciousness - calmly but clearly formulate the problem that your brain must solve in a dream. Inspire yourself: “I will see this and that in a dream, and I will keep it all in my memory.” If you have learned to do self-hypnosis, then this is enough, if not, then you need to resort to other techniques.

2) Concentration is no less important than self-hypnosis. Before going to bed, focus your attention on what you want to see. Conjure up an image of this person or object, area, etc. It is usually possible to achieve, in this way, certain dreams that are directly related to what is planned.

3) Association of ideas. Everyone knows the law of association. Namely: one idea causes another, similar to it; one idea causes another, its opposite; and, finally, one idea causes another, which followed it immediately in time or space. The use of these laws is based on the arbitrary invocation of certain dreams. The last law is mainly important for you. That is, the ability of any idea, sensation, etc. evoke the existing relationships of ideas and images. For example, a man took a book and remembered his friend who gave it to him. The smell of perfume evokes a memory of someone you know who loves that smell. You can influence a dream through the senses in this way: you need to surround yourself with influences that would be in connection with the desired dreams.

With all these methods, you need to protect yourself from the possibility of extraneous influences that can cause a completely different course of dreams. For example, the noise of an object falling may cause the appearance of a gunshot; rain - drumming; creaking doors - groans, etc. All these extraneous imaginations can interfere with the desired dream. Therefore, you need to choose a quiet room, close the window and generally take all measures. To eliminate the possibility of such dreams

In our dreams, we are all geniuses, says psychologist L. Azarov, and it is a pity that these are unique abilities. We use what nature gives us so irrationally. It is a well-known fact - D.I. Mendeleev saw all the " periodic table"in a dream, and Einstein was sleeping, and the idea of ​​the theory of relativity came to him. In dreams, even very ordinary people sometimes show genius abilities; you just need to learn how to control your dreams.

Try it and you will see that you are much smarter than you think about yourself.
